BEND mil.1.KTIN ltRNI), OHKOON, THURSDAY, JUNK H, IOIB FAGK 4 The Bend Bulletin (Weekly IWUIon) Published By TIIK 1112ND llUIililCTIN (Incorporated) DF.ND, OREGON Kstnbllshcd 11102. nOUKRT W. SAWYER Edltor-Managor. An Indopomlont nowspnper stand ing for tho square dcnl, clean bust nees, cloan politics nnd tho boat In terests of llend and Central Orogon. Ono Yea r...... .....? -GO Blx MonthB 1.00 Throo Months ... 50 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1919. THE CHAUTAUQUA. Last July some 35 cltltens ot Bend nnd Tumnlo contracted with tho EM-son-Whlto Chautauqua system to pay for conducting n Chautauqua hero this Bummer. Tho arrangement Is tho same as that under which chau- tauquas have been held hero for soy oral years past. Tho local contract ors, or (guarantors, arc to sell Bca son tickets to a certain guaranteed amount, which sum goes to tho Elll-son-Whlto company. Season tickets ndvnnco In price after tho opening day nnd preceding that day only so many as will mako up tho guaranty -will bo sold. In addition to tho guaranty thoso who signed tho contract bound them selves to care for various expenses Incident to tho affair, a provision of tho contract allowing them 25 per cent, ot tho slnglo ndmlsslon receipts for this purpose. If any money re mains after expenses are paid It must be used for the continuance ot the local Chautauqua. In short, tho local guarantors have jnado themselves responsible for a number ot things nnd havo no chanco at any personal profit what ever. They simply Insure fthat tho program will be given for the pleas ure of nil who wish to attend. If tho thing is not financially success ful they make up tho shortage; If It is successful they have the satisfac tion ot knowing that they have no shortage to make up, and that is all. A good many people do enjoy the Chautauqua. That Is proved by the number who attend and by their ap proving comment afterward. This Is written as a plea to all such who are not guarantors but who take pleasuro In having the Chautauqua here to come forward to purchase the season tickets now being placed on sale, and by that much to lessen the work and responsibility of the guarantors. Do not make a few carry the whole load when they have 'done what they have for the benefit of all. AGAUs'ST FIItE CRACKERS. of the later appointed committee, When tho proposal was mado at the Commercial club luncheon that Bend celebrate tho Fourth of July this year In good, old fashioned style, someone suggested that one ot the old fashioned features bo "fire crackers and everything." Tho sug gestion was not discussed and we do not know If It meets with the favor hut If thero Is any plan under con sideration for the removal ot the city ban on the use of fire crackers Jn tho coming celebration we ven ture to protest, and to urge that -public sentiment make Itself known In opposition to tho plan. Tho fire cracker, as a means of celebrating tho Fourth of July, la a relic of the past. City after city, all over the country has forbidden its use, and for Bend to return to this Chinese devil driving plan would be a great pity. Statistics gathered for many years show that tho uso ot firo crackers on the Fourth has been responsiblo for hundreds of fifes and for scores of serious accidents, especially to children. Many a child has lost an eye or u finger or a hand when han dling explosive crackers on the Fourth. Many a parent has seen the day come with fear, has lived through it with agony and has seen It pass with rojolclng when bis child has come through unscathed. There are jplenty of good, whole somo ways of celebrating the Fourth of July without putting life or prop erty In jeopardy. Old fashioned ways may be good In somo respects, but when ft comes to the use of fire crackers' on that day the new fash ioned prohibition is tho best. "Sorgeant Alvln C, York, 'the greatest hero of the war, who killed 20 Germans, captured 36 machine gun neaisand captured 236 officers and men all Jn one day,. lutB taken unto himself a bride. Sooners or later ull martini hqroes meet their Waterloo." Jpurnal. That Is, tho martial hero becomes a ina'rlfal .victim. , Congratulations, to fl S.. Hudson of the First National bank ononis ejection" as president bf'tlio OrefebH State Bankers'- association.. A, yell SERVICE AND ACCOMMODATION. IA. T. Stewart was ono ot tho first gro4 American tub'rehnnts. In his day his '"Now York store was tiro leader in merchandising mothods, nnd It Is not too much to say tlmt most of tho baste Ideas ot the modern department store originated ' with him. In the Mlcmlnlsconces" ot Raphael Fumpelly, n famous American geol ogist, who hns written ono of tho most Interesting autobiographies ot recent yonrs, occurs . n paragraph which suggests ono ot tho reasons for Mr. Stewart's success. Tho store keeper ot today may study tho Inci dent related with considerable profit to himself. Mr. Pumpolly, then n young boy, was In Now' York with his mother. Sho took him with her to do somo shopping, ho says,-"and stopped to buy somo Inco at n llt(lo shop which had recently been opened by A. T. Stownrt and was, I bolloVe, tho bo ginning of his career. I think ho hnd no clerks. After selecting what sho wanted, my mother, putting her hand into her pocket, found only n mass of small pieces ot paper. Sho had started away with n $50 bill loose In her pocket, and during tho long walk had been absent-mindedly tearing it to pieces. Handing back tho parcel, sho turned to leave, but Mr. Stewart Insisted most polltoly that she should sit down nnd he would make It all right. Then guthcrlng the fragments togethor, ho spont nearly an hour In matching nnd pasting them on paper, and handed the change to my mother. From that tlmo to his death, and later during tho exlstcnco ot thu house under his namo, practically all of tho shopping of our family wns done at Stewart's." THE KENWOOD CONTRACT. Wo hold no brlof for Catholics, or Bnptlsts, or Methodists, or the mem bers ot any religious sect, but when we hear, as wo did yesterday, that the award, of the contract tor -the Kenwood school to E. F. Brostcr hous, a Catholic, showed tho tend ency ot tho school board to (avor persons of that religion we wcro In clined to be soro. Tho Kenwood contract was given to the lowest bidder after due ad vertisement and notlco that bids wero to bo received. There wero other bids besides that of Mr. Bros tcrhous, but his was tho lowest. Therefore he was given tho contract. His religion did not enter Into the matter. People who start such talk arc little "bettor than knaves, and people who repeat It aro pretty nearly plain fools. If our old friend Villa, or any other Mexican roughneck, wants to start something and get a good run for his money he cannot pick a better tlmo than the present. Gen eral Pershing has seen quite a bit of fighting slnco ho went Into Mexico after the bandits n few years ago. A C. O. I. Co. settler, living near Redmond, advertises for a Canadian railway stating that long time Joans will be made to settlers on Its Irri gated lands. It seems to us that a local farmer who will try to Induce others to leavo this section ought to be the first ono to depart himself. For the tlmo being conditions favor California as a destination for tourists, but after July 1 the states will all bo rn tho samo footing, un less those on the border may be said to hav) tho edge on tho others. SERVICE MEN TO ORGANIZE IMUUUHATIONH 11KINO MADE TO HKCUHE CIIAUTKK FOR l'OHT OF THE AMERICAN MttllOX FOR DKSUHUTKH COUNTY. ' I, t"- " (From vTuesday's Dallv.l As thu result ot gonoral fooling nmong men In Deschutes county re turned from sorvlco In tho army. navy and -mtirlno corps In favor qf tho organisation ot an Amurlcnn Legion post In Demi, tentative ar rangements nro being mado for a meeting of service men Thursday night. In preparation for -.this, n wlro was sent to Pprflnnd this morn ing asking that Stnto Chairman Ivors ot tho Amorican Legion bo prosont to direct tho tomporary or ganization. Later, when the mem bership Is more truly roprcscutatlvo of tho sorvlco . men of tho entire county, permanent officers will bo elected, application mado for a charter and tho namo ot the post selected. All men from any branch ot thu sorvlco who wcro honorably dis charged aro eligible for member ship, nnd tho number ot members necessary to organize, n post Is set at 20. The American Legion Is pri marily for enlisted men, nnd rank hold while In nctlvo service receives no recognition. Thu first convention ot tho legion will bo held In Minneapolis Novem ber 10, 11 nnd 12, tho gnthorlug taking tho form of an Armistice day celebration. New Tanlac Plant Is Now Completed Magnificent New laboratory Hat Dully Oipuclty of 1111,1)01) Hot lies. PLAN FOR LIBRARY DELAYING COUNCIL (From Friday's Dally.) Waiting for moro doflnlto informa tion as to tho length ot tlmo for which maintenance must lie guaran teed In securing n Cnrncglo library, tho Bond city council .will not meet until some tlmo next week to set the date' for a special city election on tho 1920 budgot, Mayor J. A. Eastes announced this morning. Tut It In "THE IlUlJiETIN." Whnt Is snld to bo ono of tho largest pharmaceutical laboratories In tho United States hns been com pleted at Dnytnu, Ohio, for tho man ufacturo of Tanlac, tho well nown medicine, which, according to recent ruports, Is now having tho largest sale nt any medlcluu of Its kind In tho world. Tho urocllon of tho now plant wns made nocessary by tho rapid growth or tho business, us thu olijcr plant was found tn wholly Inadequate to supply tho over Increasing demand which at tho present rate of sain will amount to more than II vo million buttles tor tho present yonr nlone, By tho erection of this plant tho mnuufacturorrt of Tanlac nro giving to tho world Just ono moro uvldnnco of tho rumarknbtu growth and ex pansion of thulr business and of (hell nhsoluto confidence In lis future. This announcement wllL bo rend with Interest, not only by thu many thousuud ot Tanluq.ugouts, scattured throughout every statu ot tho union nnd throughout Canada, but to thu millions who havo used It bunellclally ns well. Tho now building occuplcH 60,000 square feet of floor space. It Is six stories In hulght, practically fire proof throughout, and Is nt striking architectural design. It also has private railway facilities, This beautiful now structure now stands In striking contrast beside thu old building whuro Tanluc wns first made. Visitors to tho laboratories are strongly Impressed with tho cxtrotnu ly modern character of tho equip ment. Everything Is provided and is splendidly arranged tn promoto sys tematic and rapid production. Thu very Intest mnchluory nnd dovlces known to Invention nnd pharma ceutical scleuco aro used. Tho Interior throughout Is finished In spotless white, nnd all of thu largo forco ot employes woar white uni forms, which they nro required to change dally, Tho niiiln offices on tho first floor nro nil finished in Cararn mnrblo und mahogany. Tho entire process of manufacture Is conducted under absolutely snnl tnry conditions. Even the bottles, mado. expressly to 'contain Tanlac, aro washed nnd storlllzod electric ally by tho ultra violet ray process. Thoy aro then filled by automatic machinery and the finished product Is thoretoro ncvor touched by human hands. When Tanlac was Introduced Into Cnnada, history repeated Itself, nnd tho demand which had boon created In tho United 8tatcs was quickly dup- Talk about grand and glorious toolings. The two men who landed In Ireland yesterday morning, 16 hours out from Newfoundland, must havo had them to the highest degreo. If President Wilson carries out his threat to go to tho pcoplo -with the league of nations proposal, It ought to bo a very enjoyablo summer. Wo no -fooncr get a tourjst camp ground established than It appears that to he up to date wo must also havo an airplane landing field. "Try not tho pass" for tlio present. That story about passengers going to Eugeno by way of the McKenzlo Is apparently Just a story. In spite of nil that has happened wo still havo faith Jn tho Central Oregon cllmato. It may seem flcklo just now, but It will change. Taking tho suggestion from near silk and near-beer, let's add a new sea'ion ncar-sumraon Plainly the pcoplo do not want politics in the schools and they are to be congratulated on tho decision-. Tho German peaco delegates find the treaty Hun-ondurablo. n Newfoundland Is getting to be qulto.a -hop field. 'Vti Women's Summer Wash Dresses at $3.95 to $14.75 Made, of various materials, such as voiles and ginghams,' in a , good variety of colors and designs. There is a style here to-please every woman's prefer-, ence. m .- ' - - RSHB?.I RsTV: il ' ik ft eS Ik Just Arrived from New York! Women 's Unusual Blouses for Summer Wear These are the newest models oj the season. Lingerie Blouses $1.25, $1.48, $1.68, $2.48 Crepe de Chine Blouses at $3.48 to $7.50 Georgette Blouses $4.95' to $15.00 Misses' and Girls Middies and Smocks $1,48 to $3.98 The PEOPLES Store Start Now to Get Ready For the Fourth of July JN sH--j riiW ' Let Your Clothes Do the Saving You don't ohject to suv injC money when you buy clothes; but don't save 011 the price; that's ex travagant. Pay Enough to get good Quality and let the clothes do the saving for you. Our clothes last ho long that your clothes expenditure is lowered; that's why men think of this store as an economy center. You will find our Sh oes values without compar ison in the city. Florsheim Shoes arc good shoes. That's why we like to recom mend them to all men. M. P. CASHMAN, BEND'S : MGGKST : AND : lll-ST : CLOTHIER Heated In tho Dominion provinces. Ah u result It wns recently found uecesHary to establish another Tan lac laboratory nt Windsor, Canada, which is on somuwhnt smaller sculo than thu plant nt Dayton, but In no less modernly equipped. Tho new facilities glvu a dally ca pacity or 30,000 bullion, but us Tan lac Is rapidly being Introduced Into foreign countries. It Is probably only u question of a few years bnforo oven larger facilities will become noces sary. Uniform quullty Is gunrantoed by a series ot careful Inspections by ex port jichenilsH from thu tlmo the rootarlierbs nnd harks aro received In their rough stnto from all parts of tho globe until their modlclnnl prop erties have been extracted by the moat approved processes. Tho fin ished medlcluo Is then bottled, lab elled and shipped out to tho tens of thousands' of druggists throughout thu United 8lntes and Cutiuda, to supply n demand novur before equal led for this or any oiuor mciiiciiiu. The oxocutlvo sales offices are lo cated in Atlanta, Meorgla, nnd occupy utmost an entire floor of the Fourth National Hank building of that city. Tanlac Is sold In llend by tho Owl Phnrmucy, In Sisters by Ooorgo V, Altken, nnd In llend by the Morton Drug Company - Adv. . COUNTY PLANS STATE EXHIBIT (Continued from Pago 1.) already provided for are a ball gatno between thu llend tcniit and Ihn (lat tery A. H7th field artillery, nine, competitive infantry drill nnd 11 speedy bout between two flghtoni who will bo brought In from Portland or Sau Francisco. Thu lots on both sides of Iloud street, between JCansas and Louisiana, will be used through courtesy of D. K. Hunter for Hut con cessions, and thu street will bo roped off during tho celebration. A. Whl nunt dwelt brlelly on thu arrange ments being made fur thu boxlnir Hinokur. HevlowliiK thu school eledllou held Monday, Carl A. Johnson nnd J. P. KoycH, two of thu members of 1110 board who wcro re-elected, took oc casion to express their thanks to tho people of Ilund for tho sptendld en dorsement nt thu directors' policies. HRST OFFERING OF TREASURY STOCK Roosevelt Divide Mining Company lOc A SHARE lOc Qno of our most successful financiers says: "Tho tlmu to get Into uny ontorprliie Is In Its early stages.", Tho history of tho properties of tho Dlvldo District Iiuh nlready proven tho wisdom of this. Stocks that sold for n few cents n sharu 30 to Go days ugo huvo since doubled and trebled, somo of them several times, ' 'f ThU is Your Opportunity to Join the Winners lloosovolt Dlvldo owns about 00 acres adjoining thp Runbonm and but n short dlstunco from tho Sutherland. Tile surface show ing of this property Is good, und tlmro Is ovory reason to expect It to becomu ono of tho hlg producers. Application will ho made (o list on tho San FrnucloccKxohaugo. Officers of tho Company: . " . - K. H. Ilerncy, President 1'ird Htt-uxHlH-rKi Vice President- , .Milton Detcli, Sucrutary Oca, A, Poster, Treasurer nnd Manager Mr. Homey Ih Statu Jtoprosontatlvo from Churchill County, arid Mayor of Fulton Fred Strusvborg Is u prominent business man of Churchill County, and until recently connected with tho Churchill County Hunk as Asslstunt Cashier. , Mr, Dutch Is one of thu uust known mining attorneys In Southern Novuda, Mr. .Foster, known ' as one of the llvcst wires In thu Stutu, hus been In thu mining business? tar over 30 years, und enjoys tho confidence of nil )vho havo' over had denllngH with him. Iro orders and make checks payable to Richardson & Foster, SSL Tonopah, Ney. AJltI-Jl-i'-2Li-y . '-- - '- ' J j -rf-' ' .1.. U 4 deserved Honor. ; Tut It in "THE BULLETIN." s