The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
Eat Roast Lamb
SHEEP raising is one of Central Oregon's leading indus
tries. It bruits millions of dollars annually into the stiite yet tho New
England states consumes 80 per cent of the lamb .eaten in the United States.
Time is here.
Think of that
CLOVERDALE, June 5. Sor-
gcant 8. E. Kllno nrrlved from Tn
conta Sunday morons whoro lio was
granted his dlschnrgo from tho army,
lie nrrlved nt tho camp last week,
after n year's scrvlco overseas, vlth
tho 28th division. His brother Hnr
old R. Kllno accompanied him from
Gcorgo Burnsldc rodo for cattlo on 1
Wednesday .
Ed. Spoo hauled n truck load of
dressed lumber arid silo hoops to bo
used lu erecting tho silos on tho Par
borry ranch Saturday. Arthur Hoi
lengrcn and W. A. Jacobs, of tho
Miller Lumbor Company aro super
intending tho hauling and construe
tlon. J. L. Parbcrry was a' Bend visitor
on Saturday.
George Cyrus mado a trip to Bend
W. A. Jacobson and Arthur Hollln
gcr were guests at the Parberry
ranch Sunday avenng.
A. E. Poterson and Gcorgo Cyrus
took their cattlo to tho rcscrvo on
J. J. Doakin spent a few days of
last week in Redmond where ho has
been seeking medical attention.
Partln Brothers are shearing sheep
for Newt Coblo at Sisters.
Mrs. A. E. Peterson Is on tho sick
Sterile Fryrear attended tho danco
at Bend Saturday night.
J.' S. Parberry mado a trip to the.
Cloverdalo ditch headgates last
O. E. Anderson served on the elec
tion board at Deschutes Tuesday.
Mr. and "Mrs. H. B. Hutchlns went
to Bend on business Monday.
Madison Ilolton, Willie Peterson,
and Mrs. Peterson left by auto for
Los Angeles Wednesday morning
after spending -several weeks at tho
home of Mrs. Petersou's son, J. W.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rcdfleld of Des
chutes to Bend on Thursday .
Jake Peterson, WIHIo Peterson and
Madison Ilolton were lh Bend last
Wednesday .
J.r. and Mrs. Frank Rlcbhoff of
Redmond were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Hutchlns Wednesday.
Anton Ahlstrorn and A. J. San-
ford wero In Redmond on Saturday.
Anton Ahlstrorn and Miss Hilma
Nelson wero Bend visitors on last
Wednesday .
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Anderson spent
Sunday nt Suttle lake.
Wilfred Hutchlns made a business
trip to Redmond Saturday evenng.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wero
In Bend on business Wednesday .
F. B. Baughmau was a Redmond
visitor Sautrday .
Mr. and Mrs.' John W. Gray of
Bend accompanied by somo friends
camo out Sunday and spent the day
picnicking on tho river.
Rasmua Peterson, J. W. Peterson,
JL T. Mikkolsen and W. H. Gray
went up Tumalo creek Sunday to cut
some hay poles.
T"red G, Seeling of Bend visited In
this neighborhood Sunday.
Lesllo Houghtntlng wont to Dend
Saturday night to get his car.
Gust Nelson camo down from
Bend Sunday to visit his sister, Miss
Hilma Nelson.
Mrs. Lolthousor loft Saturday for
Portland whoro ho will visit with
her son for a short tlmo.
Olat Anderson mid wlfo and Mr.
Rcdfleld of Deschutes wero to tho
lakes this week.
A. M. Prlnglo and family of Bond
wero at tho Mctollus ths week.
Vorno Skclton and Lynn Wilson
wero calling nt Holslng'3 Saturday
Gcorgo Scott and Mrs. Honncgor
of Grand view wero hauling lumber
from the old Dockctt snwmll this
week. Thoy report tho crops badly
damaged by tho recent troozo.
It. Harriot of Geneva was' In town
Saturday .
Mrs. Mamlo Gist and Tommy arriv
ed Sunday morning from Albany
whoro thoy havo been visiting for tho
past peverul months.
H. E. Vincent and wife, and J. 11.
Vincent of Bend wero in Slstors last
Tuesday. Mr. Vincent continued his
Journey to Grandvlow, but Mrs. Vin
cent "remained in Sisters, spending
tho day with Mrs. H. K. Allen.
Fred. Atkinson of Redmond was
In Sisters this week.
Arthur Wurzweller nnd wlfo of
Powell Butto spent part of Saturday
In Sisters, spendng tho night nt tho
Swamp ranch and Sunday at tho Mc
tollus fishing.
Olof Anderson of Powell Butto
had tho mlsfortuno to break an nxle
of his car and had to bo hauled Into
the Allen gnrago for repairs.
Vern Skclton returned from tho
Mctollus Sunday morning.
Clyde Gist and family of Bund
spent Saturday night with C. L.
Gist nnd spont Sunday nt tho Suttlo
lako resort.
Gcorgo E. Aitkcn. Fred and Herb
McKlnney were fishing at Squaw lako
two tho finest product of tho world's
best watch fnotorlct nnd nro sold by
us only nftor mostorltlcnl test. lYleos:
$5.00 to $50.00
UATE wo liavo present that will
bo cherished through tho lontf years
iu fond memory of tho glvor.
May wo ask you to look otour beau
tlful nrrny before buying?
"The Sign of the Clock"
Our country consumes
per capita annually:
(1 pounds of Lamb,
77 pounds of Pork.
80 pounds of Beef.
Resolve today to eat more of this healthful appetizing meat
The First National Bank of Bend
a co.
lio Throw Away Ills Crutches.
"Six years ago I had rheumatism
bo bad I was going on crutches,"
writes August Strandcll, Sister Hay,
Wisconsin. "I tried sevoral medi
cines and doctors and got no relief.
Three bottles of Foley's kidney pills
cured mo. I throw away my
crutches." Havo uo equal for weak,
rore. aching back, muscles or Joints.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
SISTERS. Juno 10. While motor
ing In tho Mctollus section Van Wil
son, Herbert McKlnnoy and two girls
who woro in tho car, narrowly es
caped serious injuries when their ma
chine, swerving from tho road, was
brought to a sudden stop by a large
pine tree. Only minor bruises and
cuts, resulting from a broken wind
shield, wero sustained, while the car
was badly damaged.
Mary Taylor, Misa Mary Fryrear,
nnd Mrs. William Fryrear of Plain
view Wero in Sisters Tuesday .
MILICAN. Juno 0. Mary Holland
was In Bond this week to have somo
dental work done. She accompanied
Mrs. Mary Rosin "arid daughter
W. Kd Mooro and It. It. Keller
made a business trip to Uond last
William Ream called at tho R. R.
Keller and C. aruffenberger homes
on school business Wednesday.
School election will bo hold at tho
west end school house Juno 10, to
vote for two directors. R. R. Kellor's
torm expires and Vernon Clevonger
has sent in his resignation.
Miss Mary Holland and Mr. A. F.
La n fear were guests at the R. R.
Koller home Thursday.
Dr. Rosin is expected back next
Joe Holland made n business call
at the R. R .Keller homo today.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Reamcs. of California, together with
her children, has armed and ox
pects to spend tho summer at the
home of her parents.
Graffenbergera aro busy putting
up a throc-wJro fenco around tholr
William A. Rahn looked after tho
storo whllo W. Ed. Mooro was In
Rend last Wednesday.
R. R. Keller made a business trip
to Rend Saturday.
A largo crowd enjoyed tho dunca
at the former Conaway place.
1)111 Spencer was an over-Sunday
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
EII Spencer. '
Mr. and Mrs. L, P. Rooney and sou
Mitchell and his mother, Mrs. Mary
Rooney, wero Sunday guests at tho
Holland homo. Mrs. Mary Roonoy
stayed until Thursday when Mrs.
Holland took her back to tho L. P,
Rooney place.
Mrs. C, II. Oraffonberger accom
panied II. R. Keller to Rend on u
business trip Tuesday.
Kisslor Is quite 111 with "flu."
Tho family of J. J. Chapman aro
alt ill with tho Influenza. Mrs Chap
man was to lmvo entertained the
Sorts la club Wednesday but tho
meeting was postponed on account
of her Illness.
John Wallport of Powell llutto
and" Vcrnn Urowno of Olympia wore
married in Tacoma recently. They
will reside nt Powell Llutte.
Itcl II. Powell, son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Oliver Powell of Prlnuvllla and Miss
Paulina Trucsdalo, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Trucsdalo, woro
marrlod Saturday in Prinovlllo, by
tho Rov. Vnn Nuys. Immediately
after tho coromony tho happy couple
and a few of tholr friends camo out
to tho homo of tho bride's parouts.
where a wedding dinner was served.
Tho tablo was beautifully decorated
with roses and tho favors woro small
knots of roses and lllllcs of tho val
ley After tho dlnnor tho brldo nnd
Groom left for Rend, whero they will
spend a brief honeymoon. They will
rcsldo at tho road camp on tho
Oclioco. where tho groom Is employ
ed as commissary and tlmo keeper.
Thos.a present .at tho dlnnerwero:
Mr and Mrs. Oliver Powell, Mr. nnd
Mrs. P Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo.
Truosdalc, and daughters Dorothy
and Catherine, Mrs. Stella Scars and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rei Powell.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Mllnor,
arrived last wcok to spaud the sum
mer with licr parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Bayne.
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Stownrt wont
to Dend Saturday where they sold n
dressed veal nnd somo flue hens.
Harriet Wllcoxon came up tlthjier
uncle, Reeves Wllcoxon, for a visit j Franco.
PLAINVIEW. Juno 11. A num
ber of peoplu from PInlnvlow spout
Sunday at Suttlo lako on a fishing
trip and picnic. Four Plalnvluw
boys who havo returned from sorvlca
woro In tho party Ray Armstrong,
Roy and Edgar Heartt nnd Lloyd
Powers. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. W.
Knickerbocker nnd family of Rend
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Scarth of tho Pino
Trco mill woro In tho pnrty.
Mrs. Frunk Col felt and children
woro guests nt tho Armstrong home
on Sunday.
Nelllo V. Scoggln spent tho week
at homo aftor spending somo time In
Twonty-sovon votes woro cast at
tho Plalnvlow school houso for tho
special election last Tuesday.
Perry Dawson returned homo
Wednesday nftor n short visit In
Rend with Emmctt Molvin Knicker
bocker. ,
Roy Van Tassel was sick with a
light attack of tho "flu" last week,
but Is much bettor.
J. W. Griffin of Tumalo was mak
ing ditch cstlmntes in PInlnvlow on
Wednesday. .
II. A. Scoggln was a Rend caller
A. W. Armstrong mado a business
trip to Rend Thursday.
Mrs. II. T. Hartley spont soveral
days In Rend at the Knickerbocker
homo tho past wouk.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Dawson nnd
family wero llcnd callers Wcdnosdny
Lloyd Powers returned homo from
the service last Saturday, Mont of
his tinfe has boen spont oversea, lio
having returned but recently from
Ml. U.S. WAT. OF.
The Shoe that
gives you "ex
tra Service
every step
Comfort every
Sold in Black
Gunmetal or
Calf r In
dian Tan Calf.
For practical, "everyday wear for lajting comfort for the lort of service you
have a right to expect look to the Buckiikcht Army Shoe, It will give you a
new sense of shoe-comfort a new undemanding of shoe-economy.
Made on the famoui Munson Last from top-grade materials by top-notch
workmen. Worn by thousands of men in all walk of life. Get a pair today!
At principal dealer on the Pacific Coatt. If
, jour dealer U not supplied, order direct from
Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Fraadaca
$6.50 to $10.00. At all dealers
with her father, Allen Wllcoxon
Miss Kay Uussctt, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Uort Reynolds, motored
to Portland whoro thoy will attend
tho' rose festival. Miss Hussctt will
also visit with friends In Seattle be
foro returning. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wourzwellor
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Stewart, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Itoy Roberts nil went- fishing on
tho Mctollus Sunday. They report a
good catch.
1 LOWER URIDGB, Juno 11. Tho
school board met nt tho school houso
Tuesday to tako caro of outstanding
Margaret Walter was u!to 111 tho
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ccorga Heels and
son arrived Sunday from Fort Hock
with their housohold -goods.
Mr. Harper held services nt tho
school houso Tuesday evening.
Mrs. C. F. Hosklns, Kern Walter
and Marlon and Omar Hosklns -ut-teuded
church In Iledmoud Sunday.
Misses Viola und P. A. urosz
kreuger spent tho past week visiting
with Mrs. A, J. Fuller.
Marlon Hosklns was a Bond visitor
on Wednesday.
(Jeorgo Roberts was down from
Dend on Sunday.
Mrs. Hronson has been HI tho past
A. F. JIausor was In Redmond
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Kidder wero
shopping in Redmond Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Towno nnd
daughters wero callers at tho Wul
ters homo Saturday evening.
Mrs. A. S. Holmes visited with
Mrs. Ifoskius Tuesday afternoon.
JL J x T a j Ju Ll If Xxll J, Ju
i,..u -.i.vv j- --. -- '. . .
We "will buy or 'handle for you on a
brokerage or commission basis any
quantity of potatoes in carload lots.
Or if you send us a sample by parcel
post will make you price on same.
We also handle all kinds of dr4d
meats and guarantee Journal prices
on meats.
Miss Luolhi Uurgcss, who has bscn
nursing In Horn! for several weeks,
came to Plalnvlow Saturday to cure
for tho sick at tho Van Tassel homo.
Henry Col foil and Albert und
Louis Nyrschl wero llshlug on tho
Mctollus Sunday,
Mrs. M, W. Knickerbocker und
daughters of Uond wero visiting
frlonds In Plalnvlow Saturday.
Mrs. Phil Smith and Mrs. Louzotta
Pulllum wero callers In Tumalo on
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Uonnett nnd
fumlly of Sllvor Lnkd vlsltfd nt tho
J. A. W, Scoggln homo Sunday nnd
II. T. Hartley wan iu Ilond Friday
on business.
Mrs. Hubert Armstrong of Cor
vnllls, Oregon, Is expected in Red
mond Tucsdny evening. Sho will
visit somo tlmo at tho A. W. Arm
strong home,
Nolllo Scoggln returned to llond
last Saturday.
A. K. Hobs nnd J. A. W. Scoggln
wero In 'Uond Saturday morning.
J. A. Olpson took a veal to town
Mr. und Mrs. Ted Scarth, from tho
Pbio Trea mill, wero guests at tho
Hartley homo Sunday.
Mrs. A. W, Armstrong spont last
Tuesday at tho IIox A ranch.
DK8CHUTES, Juno 11. Mrs.
Hrnndenburg la visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ollson, in Portland for
HQVonil wookH,
Mr, nnd Mrs. Park woro Rend vis
itors on Saturduy,
Mrs. Swalloy und Mrs. Johns woro
callers at tho Thurston homo Satur
day ufteruoon,
Mrs. Roy Thurston called on Mrs.
Nelson Monday afternoon,
Mr. Ilruln culled in this neighbor
hood Sunday.
Mrs. Swalloy und Mrs. Johns spont
Friday afternoon ut tho Dooblng
Harold Cook, who has boon .work
ing. In Hond for the last month,
spent Monday afternoon at tho De
schutes hotel,
Klzota Dooblng was shopping In
Tumalo Monday afternoon.
Anton Ahlstrorn and Mlos Nelson
culled on Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilolton Sun
day uftornoon,
nnd '.Mrs. Demi Van Mntrti enter
tained with u lawn party ut tholr
homo on Saturday evening in honor
of Enrjo Mlllor, Lloyd Uoughor dud
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Miller. Tho even
ing was ajiunt lu games on tho lawn
and at midnight lunch was nerved.
Those In attaiidiinco wero: Mr. und
Mrs. Ivan Miller nnd children, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Kllno, Mr, and Mm,
Frank Arnold and daughtor, Mrs,
J. II. Hodson nnd daughters, Sgt. S.
H. Kline, Inez and Hcsitorl Mc
Klnney. Klvln Van Matru, Ethel Vin
cent, Mary Fryrear, Kilrlo Miller,
Harold Alton, Gladys Parberry, La
Dona Cyrus, Hurt Chance, C. L. (lint,
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Miller and daugh
ter Fny.
Klvln Van Matro, who arrived re
cently from France, visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Dean iVau Matro Friday
Ilurnsldo Ilrps, shipped a carload
of prima hogs to Portland on Friday.
Mrs. II. O. Wilson nnd daughter
Arvllln und Frank Heard motored to
tho Mctollus on Thursday afternoon
and brought II. O. Wilson homo with
W. A. Jacobs nnd Arthur Hollon
grcn aro ut work erecting tho silos
nt tho J L. Parberry ranch.
MIkh Winifred Aldrlch has organ
ized n class of piano students. Thoan
taking IcsHOjin nro h'ttthor nnd Lu
Dona Cyrus, Gladys Parberry, Knth
urltifl Moling and Loulsu Audrtie.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kllno nud
Sam Klluu spoilt Friday evening at
th ii J. II. Hodson home.
F. M. Lniitz nnd son Waller nro fit
tho high desert this week oil busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Peck motored
to Iledmoud on Friday.
J. J. Dukklu wus a dinner guest
at thu Parberry ranch on .Monday.
Mr. Mny of Grnndvlow was n busi
ness caller ut tho Parberry homo on
Mm. J'nrio Updlku was n caller nt
tho Aldrlch homo on Friday.
Calvin Hurnsldu was n Itcdmond
business visitor on Friday,
Lynn Wilson und Varna Skelton
woro callers at tho Holding place on
tho Mototlus on Sunday owning.
Lynn Wilson tins accepted tho po
sition of forest lookout on Hlack
Was on i Torpedoed Hlilp,
Thomas A. llrcsllti, CIC Hrondwny
Albany, Now York., writes: "Having
boon on n torpedoed ship coming
from Kngland to this country, 1 had
n cold over sluco, I was ndvlscd by
n friend to tako Foley's Honey und
Tnr nnd before long -I was cured."
You can stop that cough or cold ihut
has boon lingering slnco spring. Sold
everywhere Adv,
four chairs at your service at thf
151 FfOHl St., Portland, Ore. Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr.
Ijl Look tor the ll
lrlrfili sealed package, but
BIBliSI havc an eye out If
li also for the name
HiiiiHI That name ,s your pro li
BlHiiiiii tectlon against Inferior
Miffiilll Imitations, Just as the j
flSlfflilli sealed package Is pro- jjj$
BliiifflilSI tectlon aalnst Impurity.
iffiilllilliS e Greatest Name
BliBBiii n Godi''Lan "" -vil
l nTQ Flavor '-csiicd tum Ml