v nRND mifiUexitr, bknp, okkon, thuiOway, hU.nn b,moi rAOE 4 ll I The Bend Bulletin (Weekly KtUtlon) PuWInhed Dy THE I1EX1) lJULliHTIN f ' (Incorjoratcl) , ! ' pF.ND, OREGON Established 1002. ROIJKRT W. SAWYER f Etiltor-Managor. .. An lndcpondont newspaper stand ing for 'tlio square deal, cloan bual aens, cldah politics and iho bost In terests of Ilcnd and Central Oregon. Six Months - ,... 1.00 Thrco Months....... . ....... .60 THURSDAY, JUNE C, 1919. RETURN THE WIRES. Tho papxemo court decision that Secretary Burleson may ilx tele phono and telegraph rates without regard to atato public sorvlco com missions Is merely another reason why tho war emergency legislation, on which tho decision Is based should bb' repealed by Congress as Boon as possible. Tho function of tho public service commission Is to stand between. tho-pcoplo and tho public utility. To ono It assures proper servico; Jastand equal rates, impartiality" arid "correct business methods; to tho other a fair return on its investment. Probably It was necessary for the government to take over tho different classes of land wire service, as nuth orlied by tho war-tlmo legislation, nnd if, as a result, tho ordinary func tions of tho public service commis sions wore suspended, wo would not complain. Dut now that tho war is over and tho emergency passed wo can and do complain if tho needs of a war tlmo situation aro to bo carried over Into times of peaco and efforts made by tho autocratic' Burleson to take advantage of tho Supremo court decision merely to carry out his own unreasonable will. Tho way to avoid this Is to return tho wires tp tho operating companies. who have- said that thoy "rend ovory nnmo.' Somo BUggost thnt tho list was pubilshod by us in malice, bocuuso wo expected thnt to mnko It public would cull so troublo for tho.su whoso nnmos wore Included. That is not so, nor did tho publication mean troublo thnt would not hnvo como had tho list not been published. Tho recall petition, duly fllod In tho of fice At tho clerk of tho school board, was a mutter of public record, open to tho Inspection of anyone, nnd available to any who wished "to mnko troublo" for those whoso names woro on it. However, thnt Is not tho important thing which has been brought out by tho publication of tho list. The Important thing Is tho fact that a largo number of those who signed tho petition aro now explaining why they did so, nnd tho explanation in every caso amounts to this: that they did ntt know just what they woro signing. Somo say that thoy woro misled. Others signed "to please someone" And it Is these peoplo who, seeing their nnmos in print as desirous of recalling Mr. Johnson, feel aggrieved bvenuso, as a matter of fnot, they did not sign with thnt deslro. Lot us repeat that tho list was published as news, and for no other purpose Tho publication has brought out again, howovcr, tho fact that peoplo sign petitions when they really have no Interest in them nnd when they do not know what they are signing. If they really meant what their signatures indicated they could not object to tho publication of their names; if thoy did not mean it they should not havo signed. Put It in "THE HUl.Mmjf." Put it In "THE ItUIiMCTIN." CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISEMENTS ClAiuilltal mWcrthiniv flmrm lr iu SO crnU for SO vwriU.oi' Icm. On nt rr wont fr ll ovtr 8(V AH clMilnrtl mlverlUIn ttrlctlr ta In iulvnc.. , 10U SALE. FOR SALE 1 CO acres at Lower liridgo on county road, all under good fonco. 80 cleared nnd In crop. Prlco$3,00Q...f 1,000 cash, balance five years" at 8 por cunt. For particulars, address Adolph Kotzmnn, Uontl, Oregon, R. F. 1). No. 1. Phono 10:F-13, 14-1C FOR SALK VlvoroolL Jackson hay fork. In tgood! condition. .Phono 4-F-25. P. C'.UurL 23-13-Hc FOR SALE Two "room houso nnd ono of bc'st garden lots In city of llenil. Soil deep nnd well turtll Ixod. Worth $460 but will sacri fice for $326, $125 down, balanco terms. Address box 726, Do nil, for appointment. II WANTED. WANTED Man to work on ranch. $60 por month with board, Tolo phono 4-F-25 mornings or ovon Ings. C7-7tfc WANTED Wo will cnll anywhere, any place, any tlmo, to look at your used furniture. Lot us know what you havo. Wo pay cash. Tho Standard Furnltnro Co. 9749ttc LOST. THAT LIST OF NAMES. From various quarters como re ports to Tho Bulletin that many of fVe-jfebplo who signed tho Johnson recall patition are aggrieved because their names were published In tho paper last "week. In fact, so much has been said that wo feel it proper to refer to tho matter here. In "the first place It should be understood that the names were pub lished in the paper strictly as a matter, of news. Tnnt ,s whnt a newspaper is always seeking news, "and that list of names was an ex tremely interesting piece of news, as Is indicated by tho great number When tho German delegates call the terms of tho peaco treaty Intol erable there comes to mind the pic ture of the Delglnn husband forced to stand by while his Wife was rav ished and then mndo to dig his own grave, or tho picture of tho little boy who saw his parents shot befoVo his eyes, tho women of Lille, ordered from their 'homes on n few hours' notice and deported to slavery, the countrysldo of Poland, strewn with the cradles of Infanta, abandoned by their parents, the wastes of Armqnla reddened with tho blood of the mar tyrs, the dead of tho Lusltania and the Laconla, Captain Fryatt and Edith Cnvell. But why go on? Is only Germany to say that war Is tolerable and peaco Intolorable? STRAYED to Caldwell's, C miles east of if end, 1 long 2-year-old black stallion; 1 black yearling filly, 1 brown two-year-old mare. Owner may hnvo same by paying tlam uges uud costs. T. C. Merchant. lS-Otfc L09T Chestnut sorrel horse, strip ped fnco, all whlto feet. Weight about 1150 pounds, Whlto spat on right Hide. Notify Pioneer Oar ago nnd receive roward. 14-15p Put it in "THE BULLETIN.' Say all you pleaso about French cooking, there are a wholo lot of follows who are discovering today that mother's has it beaten a mile. NOTICE FOR WDM Notlco Is hereby given that the Squaw Creek Irrigation District will receive scaled bids for $15,000.00 Improvement bonus of the Squaw Creek Irrigation District- authorized May 3, 1919. by an election duly hold within tho district; said bids will be opened at 2 o'clock p. m on tho 10th day of July, 1919, In tho office of the secretary of tho district In the O'Kano building, at Hand, Oregon. All bids must bo accompan ied by a certified check for 25 por cent of the umaunt of the bid Tho district reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Tho bond to bo Issued aro G por cent. 20-year or iut bonds to bo dated July 1, 1919. nids will be received to 2 O'clock, p. m. on said day. II. II. DE ARMOND. 14-lSc Secretary. Charming New Frocks 1 1 i i i I Hli T flj 't .r ?fiifppffipPP?PPPPIiij?FFg.gBi!'gP'iSISE3p!p)f for Misses and Women of Moderate Means IE CORSET X"E are glad of this opportunity to 6hov you the Burner Corset. We know that -there's an end to your corset problem once ypii examine the Bin n,er,n Like discrimi;. nating Women every where, you will be dctyhted with Us tnmlirv and suoerbfit. & There Smart Dretsef are example! of Style and Quality, at moderate B co$t. Organelles and Voile, white and figured. Dreaies which could be pied for almoit any "good time affair." Specialty Priced, $6. 75 -up isf. The Peoples St lv es otore ajfeSEjaajezE J 1 4Ur After you've bought THAT'S where the most important part of clothes service comes in. You can't always tell when you' buy tilings whether 'they're going to be right later on. You can here ; we make things right ; always'. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Men who know value appreciate Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes $? n $? .S S V jl I '' in xmmW it.. if i j . ' "" u x VAS V Jink ' ' TV j, n IV l ll 1 1 I I Mm m J I mi . i ' "' Mi f r - ft' a ... i . Copytlht 1919 Hltt Schaffner & Mint What About Shirts?. More and better shirts are what we have this v year. All colors, all styles you admire. Attractive values. $ Straw Hat Time Bright warm sun means a new straw hat. Have w you yours? Straws and Panamas now. . Very Attractive Summer Patterns in HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Clothes for men and young men, in wide variety of styles, and they're reasonable. SOME SUMMER SUGGESTipNS-Bnthjng Suits, Kh'nki Shirts and Pants, Summer Caps, Washable Collars and Ties. Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags. W M. P. YASHMAK BEND'S BIGGEST. CLOTHIER J. ft "r