The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 22, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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13 i
Money Now Available mm Bond Pur-
chased by Lumbermen's Trust
Co. Plry nntl Sanitation
Ordinances Accepted.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
City business was rapiuiy trans- conference.
acted' by tho Bond council In regular
meeting last night. "Wi tho excep
tion ot tho report by the ways and
moans -committee, based on tho ex
pertlns ot tho city's accounts by
Cramlnll & Roberts, and on tho In
vcstlgatlon of charges made at nn
earlier meeting that the accounts of
former City Recorder H. C. Ellis bad
not-been properly handled. Tho re
port showed that Mr. Ellis had com
pletely discharged his obligation,
running to nlmost $3000. but de
clared that tho sentiment of tho
council Is against tho paying of such
, obligations In city warrants by nn
official or using city funds for per
sonal gain.
The report also favored tho can
celling of a $1200 warrant Issued to
Louis Bennett at the time ho was a
- member ot tho council. Tho warrant
A-"wns for purchase ot flro equipment,
but was never used. It was noted
j that another warrant, raado out
originally to Chlel ot Police Nixon,
duo to some error had boen placed
in clrculaUoatwlce betoro being re-
tired, and' tho $109.10 loss caused
by this was clunked to tho
- ' Salaries to lto liaised.
' A supplementary report adopted by
tho council provided that hereafter
the city recorder shall recelvo $6
a day for Jury trial cases, and that
the council' stenographic work shall
be transferred to bis office. It was
recommended that tho fire chief's
.Balary bo raised to $140 a month.
and that the city attorney receive
$1 for every ordinance drawn up,
$10 a day for representing tho city
In court and customary legal fees
for circuit court work. Both re
, ports were adopted.
As the outcome of tho recent
" dance ordinance. Mayor J. A. Eastes
'fsfated that Mrs. Myrtlo McCo'mb. In
spector of piibllo dances, had been
refused payment for her services at
a Saturday night affair. The matter
Was referred to the police committee.
Imprmrnirnts llcslrcd.
Petitions for lights at both ends
of tho footbridge over tho Deschutes,
for Improvement of Ogdcn avenue,
and for a sower lateral on Louisiana
between Lava Iload and Bond, were
referred to tho streets committee,
and similar action was taken In re
gard to a request for construction
. of sowero laterals 44, 45 and 46.
Chairman J. C. Ixodes ot the streets,
committee reported that the county
and city would cooperate In rebuild
ing the bridge across tho Deschutes
at the foot ot Turoalo.
Bids for street sprinkling, left over
from a previous meeting, were
briefly discussed and the contract
for .tho summer awarded to L. B,
"Kennedy -at $7.25 per team per day.
J-'Jro Ordinances
Thai money Is now avallablo on
street Improvement bonds recently
contracted for by tho Lumbermen's
Trust Co. of- Portland, was an
nounced. Bids for the work will be
advertised for lu tho near future.
Numerous flro ordinances 'were
read for tho second time and passed,
and un ordinance providing for tho
" safo of $1 453.72 In C por cent, bonds
for sewer lateral 43 was adoptea
under an emergency clause.
An 'ordinance suggested by tho
health committee, providing for tho
screening of toilets and forbidding
scattering ot animal or vegetable
Vefuso matter, was read for tho first
Tho council took action to con
demn a nuniber of frame structures
on tho alley running from Minnesota
to Oregon, botween Bond and Wall
.treets. Complaint that cattlo nro
frequenting tho city camp grounds,
to tho annoyance of tho campers,
Were referred to tho poundmaster.
ztntmil. Mnv 21. The interna
tional congress ot women In session
bore has voted unanimously to call
n world wide strlko ot women, In
caRo another war should bo declared.
Pruuloln ltortxka, delegate from
Vienna rondo tho proposnl, which was
carrred after tho addition -of un
amendment providing that tho strlko
bo called", oven If tho war Is snno
tlonod by tho League of Nations.
The conference decided to semi
a delegation to tho meeting ot tliu,onJnnto , varlotw ngoncloH for
international socialist executive .com
mlttoo ut'Lucornc. in August, to ask
that all socialists rofuso military
service In. tho event of a now war. A
delegation was also selected to sub
mit these resolutions to the peuoo
T CltmKo Decried,
Tho president advises against any
revision of Import duties, but coun
sels protection for tho now Ameri
can dye, indnnlry.
Ho urges revision ot tuxes so that
the income tax, excess profits tax and
tho estate tax can bo mado to yield
constant and adoqunto returns, "and
yet not constitute too igrlovous a
burden upon tho tax payor."
410 urges ropoul ot many minor
taxes, Including tho oxclso upon var
ious manufacturers and taxes upon
relall sales. ,
'Tax provision should ho made only
after a jnost carofill study ot tho
whole problom. ho says.
lteditiuutioit Mrnttoued.
-Tho president would maintain the
United Stales employment service, co
meridian, and the timber thorooh
under tho urovlsloiis ot tho act tit
known niTlhe "Timber and Slohty," tu hucii vuiuo an migtu no
fixed by appraisement, ami thai pur
suant to nuch application, the laud
and timber thereon havo boon ap
praised $1020, tho timber estimated
500.000 board foot at $2.00 pur M,
and tho laud $20: that said applicant
will offer final proof In support ot
ot Ills application and sworn statu
intuit on life 2nd day (ft AugUHt, 1010,
buforo. II. C. Ellis, U. fl. Commissioner
at Bond, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purohanu bcroro entry, or init
iate u contest at any time lioforq
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit lu this, office, alleging
facts which wduld.dufeut tho entry.
12-lCo Register.
French Professor Asserts That Wil
liam Stanley, Earl of Derby, Real
ly Was "Shakespeare."
To those who take argumentative
pleasure In tho conviction that Bacon
wrote Shakespeare, tho Introduction
at yet anclher candldato for that dis
tinction must bo rather annoying. Wll;
Ham Stanley, sixth cnrl of Derby.. Is
the latest "real Shakespeare," discov
ered and produced by Prof. Abel Lo
Frank, a French scholar, who claims
that only an Englishman who had lived
In Franco could havo written "Love's
Labor Lost," and that William Stanley
was the only contemporary English
man who fits the bill; tilso that there
was nn Instinct for the theater In the
Stanley family, and that William Is,
known to have written poetry. The
argument seems to be about as com
pieto as that of the person who, found
a passage In a letter from Sir Philip
Sidney which mentions "Will, my
Lord of Leicester's Jester," ajid. not
being nblo to Gcd Jut Just where
Shakespeare was, and what he was do
ing at tho time, decided that he was
probably "my Lord of Leicester's
Jester" himself. Christian Science
Largest Tunnel In the World.
Notwithstanding the war, tho largest
tunnel In the world Is well under
course of construction In France. lAs
object being to give Marseilles connec
tion with Paris and the Interior of
the country In general by rail and wa
ter. The canal will provide ample wa
terway for barges. Tho new barbor
nnd the cutting of n ship canal, actual
ly tunneled through solid rock for five
long miles. Joining the old harbor and
the Mediterranean to he River Rhone.
The Rhone's upper stretches are placid
and nlready are used extensively tor
barge navigation, but near Marseilles
the stream Is far too turbulent for
commerce. A range of hills had pre
vented the construction of a cnuul In
days gone by. Now, with Prance en
ergized by the war and with the neces
sity for thp canal emphasised there
by, the tunnel Is being cut and the
canal will soon be opened. The work
was begun In 1011-12. and has been
continued through the war. By this
canal and links already avullable.
barges can be sent from the Mediter
ranean to the English channel.
conciliation and adjustment, crcato
n now agency to act us it clearing
house for Ideas to Improvo Industrial
conditions and Improvo western lauds
lu help out tho guueral pro
gram of making things better for
thoso working and wanting work.
The president did 'not touch upon
his work lu Paris except to say that
It would bo prematura to discuss It
until ho could presently lay tho en
tire matter bororo congress In com
ploto form. Ills nolo reference to
tho league ot nnltoun In tho messagu
was to say ttat undor Its agencies
ot International council and sugges
tion nn Industrial problem had been
created and It would bo advisable
to havo a national body to do such
work for Amorlcan Industry and
workers alono.
Produce Merchant
Gains 30 Bounds
Department ot tho Interior, United
StutoH Laud Ottlro, at Lnkuvluw,
Oregon, May 17, 1810.
To. C P. llagon, ot unknown ad
drcsH, contcsteo;
You cro horoby notified that Joo
N. lluckmnsler, who gives euro of
C. S. lleusou, Bend, Oregon, an his
post office address, did on April 25,
1910, filo In this office his duly cor
roborated application lo contest and
secure tho cancellation of your
homestead entry No. . serial No.
05690, mndo May 15, 1012, for tho
8ft ot section 24. township 21 south
range 18 east Willamette morldluu,
and as grounds tor his contest he al
leges that you novor established or
maintained -residence upon said tract
nor cultivated or Improved tho samo
us required by law, but havo wholly
abandoned Uio samo, that tho said
C. P. llagon, Is not at tho present
time, nor has ho over been n the
military or naval service of tho
United States or any branch or do
purtmcut thereof.
You are. therefor, further notified
Hint tho said allegations will bo taken
ns confessed and yoursaid entry will
bo cancelled without further right
to ho heard, either before this offico
or on appeal, It you fall to filo lu this
offico within 20 days after tho
vntTUTIl nubllcntlon of this notice,
ns shown bolow, your answer, "under
Quality and Style
in inese
Blouses at
$$.95 -$6.50
Tliij'ii one of tlie late irinf
mint remarkable Ulotue offering
of Ii3avy quality Georjette Crepe.
Fancy moJelt and tailored! effects,
in all the new iprintf iliadci- -
AIm, ,1II of l.-u.iNmjr.;iinllir respond. to these
Through Taking- Coup.e
Of Titular.
"I not only.galnod thirty pounds
on n few bottles ot Tnnlac. but can
U0 more work than I havo been able
to do o.t any tlmo In the last ten
years," said C. H. Gwlnn, a well
known produce merchant of Amory,
"Por a long tlmo my system was
debilitated, and my digestion out ot
order so I coujd hardly cat' a thing.
I suffered from awful headaches, my
nerves wore on a strain and my mus
cles felt like they woro.tled Into
knots with rheumatism. I lost lu
weight nnd ot weaker ovory day ,
"I -was induced to try Tanlac by
a friend and it Is making a new man
ot mo. I now cat and sleep bettor
than I-havo In years, my rheumatism
Is all gone, and 1 feel atroiiKor and
better than I havo in a long lime."
Tanlnc Is sold In Bend by ,tho Owl
Pharmacy, In Sisters by Ocorge P.
Altken. and In Bend by tho Horton
Drug Co. Adv.
Cause of Oil Rashes.
Oil rashes In ustts of cutting lubri
cants and cooling liquids are found by
the British department of scientific
and InduHtrial research to be generally
due either to plugging of the small
glands at the roots of the hairs of
arms and legs, or to mechanical abra
sion of the skin by sunpcnilcd mctnl
particles In the cutting oil. Suppura
tion or abscesses may result. Pre
ventives are dusting tho skin wlih
starch and zinc oslde powder before
touching the oil, abundant nfter-uso
of soup and hot water, sterilizing of
oil by heating to 300 degrees Puhren
helt and frequent change to clean cut
ting olh
allegations of contest, together with
due pwor mui you. nave surruu
copy of your answer on tho said con
testant, oltlter in porson, or uy reg
istered mull
You should state lu your answer
tho nnnio of tho post office to which
you deslro further notices to bo sent
Date ot first publication, May
22,' 18 ft'?""
Dato of second publication, May
2D. 1910.
Dato ot third publication, Juno
Date of fourth publication Juno
12. 1910. 12-15c
Nut Mtl IjiiuIm
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Office, at Ukovlow,
Oregon, May 1C, 1919.
Notice Is heroby given that Lucy
8prlngstubn, of Lu Pine. Oregon, who
on April 1. 1916 mado homestead
entry. No. 091C7, for tho 8V4HWU.
A Between Season Disposal
of Capes and Dolmans
Garments of itrikinif beauty, such a any
well droned woman will he proud to wear.
Our cheaper tfarmcnti are entirely olJ out,
and on account of tho preient strike i'n New
York, we are unahle to fct order filled, to
we'll forget our regular profit and offer our
bt DOLMANS and CAPES at Greatly
Reduced Price.
Separate Silk and Silk Poplin
Skirts at $4.25 to $19.50
Stunning New Modeli in Solid Colore and Plaid
YV" if'
described, boforo E. L. Clark. U. H
commissioner, nl La Pine, Oregon on
tho 2Cth day of Juno 1919.
Claimant nutms us witnesses:
Lloyd Llnuvlllo, John N. Mastcn, Ren
C. 8cott, and Claude II. Clow, nil of
U Pine, Oregon
12lCc Register.
, r-. A MnTirTO SW SB', section 17, lownsnip s.
LEGAL NO 1 ICLo'Houth. range 9 oast. Willamette ir-
Department of tho Interior, United
States Lund Offico. at Lakevlow,
Orogon, May 17, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Alfred
Thomas Stlmson of La Pino, Oregon,
who on November 2. 1915. mado
homestead entry No. 08917 for NWVi
SE. NEtf 8Wl, Sfc SWU sec,
tlon S. N NE4. Ei NWV, Heel
tlon 17, township 27 south range 10
cast Wlllamctto meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to muko final
three-year proof to establish "claim
to tho land abovo described, boforo
E. L. Clark, United 8tates commis
sioner, at Im Pino. Oregon, on the
2nd duy of July, 1919.
Claimant numos as witnesses;
Prank Tomes, Prank Wallace, George
T. Sly und Harry Cuvuuuugh all of
La Pino, Oregon
12-1 Cc Register.
Sho Find Herself Much Better.
, Lama back, rhoumatlo pains, stlff
ti ' and soreness in muscles and
joints can, be quickly relieved. Mrs
h. Wavue. 2736 3rd St., Ocean Park,
Cal., writes: "I used to have pains
Ih my right hip. I could hardly turn
lHibed.M'Now X find I am much better
byi-UBlnK Jfoleykidnoy Pills. Like
wise, VaiHs In my Uack left." Sold
verywiierej. Adv,
Elephant to Have Shoes.
An Interesting experiment was re
cently tried out In New York city on
Do Wolf Hopper's hippodrome ele
phant, Unu, says tho Christian Scl
ence'Monltor. A huge shoe, presum
ably mndo of coarso leather or cow
hide, with stout laces of the same ma
terial, wus tried on the elephant's foot.
To put It more correctly, four shoes
were tried on the elephant's four feet,
In tho hope that they will keep Lena's
feet warm during tho cold. weather.
Certainly Lena will look very funny,
walking about with these huge shoes
to make final three-year proof to es
tablish claim to tho land above 'de
scribed before E. L. Clark, U S.
commissioner, at I.n Pltie, Oregon,
on the 2Cth day of June, 1919.
Claimant immos as witnesses:
Mrs. Isaac Zlerolf, Ben C Scott, John
N. Mastcn and Carl E. Wise, all of
La Pine, Oregon,
12-lCc Register.
Not Coal luud
Department of I tin Interior, United
States Land Office, nl Ukuvluw,
Oregon. May 1C, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Prank
:. Shaw of Crescent, Oregon, who on
May lo, I Dili, maiio iiomesieaii en
try No, 08063, for tho northeast
quarter of section 27, township 2-1
south range 8 vast Willamette mur
Idtuu, has filed notlco or Intention to
make final three-year proof to estab
lish claim to the land above described
buforo E. L. Clark, United States
commissioner, at La'Plhe. Oregon,
on the 21st day of June, 1919.
Clnlmant names ns witnesses:
E. V. Houghton, W. C. Shaw, E. O.
Raiirko und Thomas llrackeu, nil of
Crescent. Oregon.
12-lCo Register.
(Continued from Pao 1.)
to appeal or amend tho wartlmo pro
hibition act. -
By this action tho president passes
over to tho republicans tho burden
of upholding or rejecting tho war
prohibition question. settled In favor
of the drys by a democratic congress,
Demobilization ot the army, the
prosldont uliys, has reached a point
whero thg ban on Intoxicants can be
removed, Insofar at least, us St per'
tains to wines mid beer. .
Dopartment of the Interior, Unltcrfl
States Lund Offico, ut LaKOViow,
Orogon, May 1C, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Edward
T. Garrlsh, whoso postofllco uddress
Is Bend, Oregon, did on the first day
ot August, 1918, filo lu this offico
sworn statumuut und application, No,
02002C. to purchase tho W4NWV4.
8E.'4NW4. section 11, township 19
south, range 11 cost, Wllhimotto
under tho provisions of tho act of
Juno 3, 1878', und acts amendatory,
Juno 1878, and ucts amendatory,
known as tho "Timber and Stone
Law," ot such vuluo aa might ly f"1'11
by upprulsumont, and thut, pursunut
to bucIi application, tho land and
timber thereon havo been appraised
$900.00, tho timber estimated 000,
000 board feet, ul $1.75 per M, und
the lund $25.00; that said applicant
will offer finnl proof In support 01
Jils application, and sworn statomont
on tho 2nd day 01 August, luiu, uo-
foro ill. C. Ellis, United States com
missioner at Bend, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchaso boforo entry, or In
itiate a contest at any tlmo before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit In this office, alloglng
fucts which would defeat tho entry,
12-1 Co Register,
Not Coal IiikIm
Dopartment of the Interior, Unltod
States Land Office, at Lakovlow,
. Orogon, May 1C, 1919,
Ndtlco Is horoby given that Lloyd
Llnvllle, of La Pino, Oregon, who
on Juno 1, 1916, mado homc-stond
ontry No. 08537, for EV48BU, SWU
SEW. 3EU8WV4. section 0, Town
ship 23, south, range 9 east, Wlllam
otto meridian, hns filed notlco of In
tention to mako final throo-ycar
proof to establish claim to the lund
above described, before E. L. Clark,
United States commission nt. La
Pine, Oregon, on tho 2Cth day of
Juno, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Merton O. Whlto, Ben C. Scott,, John
N. Muston, Carl Wise, all of La Pino,
12-lCc Rcgloloi".
Dopartment of tho Interior, .United
States Land Office, nt Lakovlow,
Oregon, May 10, 1919.
Notlco is horchy lvon that Chrlsslo
Blakoly, whoso postofflco address Is
Bond, Orogon, did, on tho 1st duy
of August, 1918, filo In this offico
aworn statomont and application,
No. 020025, to purchase (lie E'fe
SW'i, Boctlon 13, Township 19,
south, rango 11 east, Willamette
Not. Coal Lands
Dopartment ot tho Interior, United
States Land Ofco, at Uikovlow,
Orogon. Muy 10, '1919.
"Notlco Is hereby given that Evorott
V. BouKhten, of Crcscont, Orogon,
who on November 20, 1910, mado
homestead entry, No. 0957C, for tho
8 NEtf, NWtfNEtf , NEtfNWtf ,
section 21, township 24 south, range'
8 east, WJllamotto morldlan, has
filed notlco of Intention to mako com
mutation proof to establish claim to
tho land above described, boforo 13.
L. Clark. Unltod States commissioner
at La Pino, Orogon, on tho 21nt day
ot Juno. 1919,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Prank Shuw, Annlo Shaw, Edward
Rourko und Thomas Bracken, all of
Crcscont, Oregon,
12-lCe Jloglster.
Not Coal Iwiiuls
Dcnurtmont of tho Interior. United
Stales Laud Office, ul Lakevlow,
Orogon, May 17, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that Samuel
S. Taylor, no behalf of tho heirs of
Sydney P. Tuylor, deceased, of Red
mond, Oregon, who on October 24,
1914, made homestead entry No.
08202 for the N'V&NEU, section 24,
township 24 south, rango 9 oast,
Nt&NW'A, section 19, township 24,
south, run go 10 east, Willamette
meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to mako final three-year proof
to establish claim to tho land above
described buforo E. L. Clark, United
Stales commissioner, nt La I'lnu,
Orogon, on tho 20th day of Juno,
Claimant names us witnesses:
R. M. Doty, of Redmond, Oregon,
Gcorgu Curtain, of Bend, Orbgou,
P. B. Beat of La Pino, Oregon, and
John A, Knight, of Crescent, Orogon.
12-1 Cc - Register.
fled check will bo required of each
bidder us provided by law.
Tho court reserves the right to
reject any and nil bids and to call
for new bids.
County Judge.
12'Mo' Commissioner
CtftMlflnl lvrtltliitf (hares per Imu 20
reiitJ for 20 wurit. or Irx, On. tnt lT
wr-l fur all tr 20. Alt clwulflnl ImtUln
Uklly rath In Imk '
Not Coal LuikIn
Dopartmont 6f tho Intorlor, Unltod
States Land Offico, at Lakovlow,
Orogon, May 10, 1019.
Notlco Is horoby given that Morton
Oregon Whlto, of La Pino, Oregon,
who, on March 8, 1910, mado homo
atoud ontry, No. 09110, for the north
oat quarter of section 13, township
23 south,, rango 9 oast, Wlllumotto
meridian, has filed notlco, of Inten
tton tomuke final three-year proof
Dopartmont of tho Interior, United
States Lnnd Office, ut Lakevlow,
Oregon, May 17, 1910,
Notlco Is hereby given that John
IL Sutlluf ot La Pino, Oregon, who
on Juno 11, 1914, madu homestead
entry No, 07706, for the northwest
quarter of section 22, township 2 1
south, range 10 oust, Wlllamottu
morldluu, has filed notlco of Intention
to make final three year proof to
establish claim to tho land above
described, before E, L, Clark, Unltod
States commissioner, ut La Pine,
Oregon, on the 20th day ot Juno,
Claimant names as wltuossos:
Will Bogiio, Arthur Olson, James
Black, and Jako P. Sutllof, all of
La Pno, Oregon,
12-lfio Itoglstor.
POR BALE Tymn. wagon and har-r.
nous; team weighs 3200; wagon
and hurtles practically new. In-
quire C. R. Ross, 1124 Newport.
Tel, Rid 2101. 38.12c
POR HALE 48 head ot cattle, Dur
ham nnd whlteface, $50 pur head
Gonrgo Munkonmulor, Premnnt,
Ore. 53-l0-12p
POR SALE A good cream sopav
ntor. Inquire Marie Todd, Revere
Avenue, Vultum'H torov 12-13p
POR BALE Two room houiie und
ono of best garden lots In city of
Bend. Boll deep nnd well fertil
ized, Worth $450 but will sncrl
lice for $325, $126 down, lmluncr
terms. Address box 720, Buud, for
afipolntment. H
Will leasu cheap, 480 acres for
slock, all ronrml, plenty of witter
Inquire 931 Ogden, or Box 420
Adv 12p
Sealed bids will bo received by tho
County Court ot Duschutus county
up to 10 u. m., on Prlduy, Juno Oth,
1910, for tho construction of a
hridgo iiorosH the Deschutes river on
Tumulo nvonuo, Plans and specifica
tions for mild brldgo aro now on filo
for the Information of prospective
bidders In the offlcq of the County
Clerk, Court houtni, Bond, Orogon,
deposit or live
WANTED Mini to work on ranch.
$00 pur month with board, Tele
phone 4-P-25 mornings or even-,
lugs. C7-7tfo
WANTED We will call nnywhore,
any place, any tlmo, to look at
your used furniture. Lot us know
what you have. Wo pay cash. The
Standard Purnlturo Co. 97-4 tfo
WANTED Man who understands Ir
rigation. Good wages to mun with
expurlence. Phono Rod 481, Guorgo
Jones, 129
WANTED Thirty head of cattle to
pasture during me Hummer, mvur
bottom meadow, twenty iuIIuh up
Deschutes river. Inquire 166
Adams Place. ll12p
A deposit of five por cunt, ot tho
tp establish claim to the land above amount of the bid In cash or cortj-
LOST Ono )my,horm) branded O on
loft Juw, eight yearn old, wiili;)1
about twelve hundred, heavy
in a n u lays on both sides of neck,
is heavy boned, uhows some Clyde,
Last heard of north ot .Ulsters.
One brown maro about nine years
old and wolgjit about 000 Ilia,, haa
short tail) luijt hoard, of near Bend
Reward paid for'm'Hru of theso
Jiowicb to II, T. Ilarlloy, Tumulo.
Phono 104, 32-0-12P
STRAYED to Caldwell's, 0 mllea cast
of Bond, t long 2-yenr.old black
Hlulllon; 1 black - yearling !y, l
brown iwo-your-old maro. OwiKi'
urn- iiuyu sumo
iiauH nnd contH,
may nuvo wuno by paying dam
T. O. Morewmi.
i '
1 1
U LiOtJ J X?, 3M