liilNl) llUIiliKTINrHNI OnKflON, TJltfltHDAY, MAY 22, Ifllrf i'i I II mi I VT)UR DRUG STORE Begin Early Swat Thejly Fly Swatters and C. & W. Insect Powder at Just Remember Magiil & Erskine O'KANH IUII UMNO - Our J'rfti!(ion DrptMinrM ! Complete In Uvny DcUil. P 0411 YOUR DRUGSTORE gW'ff11"! Iioml Of tKf Bisters school (or dm past your.'wlll Bpontl tlio Htirnmur In Ilond. mi nn omployo of tho lucnt jiontnl Hurvlco, fltntiloy Hinllh wfio tinrT houn tlio guest nt tlio homo of, It, H. If nmlltuii fur (lio hint fuw days loft lurit iiIkIiL for rortliiml. MrSmltli wh j;Ivon u Hiiniplo of (Joiitrul Oregon nolilnc ycntorday, Mm, J, I), Ilowmnu and nlillilrnn loft Hutttrdny moriiliiK for Wulln Wallu, Washington iiihI Kruowutor, Orogon, wlforo tliuy will spoiid tlio noxt th reo, weeks visiting with rela tive mid friend. Clyilo McKay mid Jonopli 0. Mc Kay, with their fa milled, motored to tlio IIololtiK ranch yontonlaft Intend ing to return to Ilond Hunifuy, The Plonoor (Inrngo company thin week dnllvorod to J. 0, Ilhodos a now Vollo Hlx louring car, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Dully.) T. L. Collier loft thin mornliiK for Klamath Fulls. Dan Hulling Is vlilllng In llvlid from hl ranch on tliuTMutollui, IMwnrd I). Litnih In spending tlio day nt Ilund from IiIh homo nt Ilrothor. Mm. L. It. Hclunorl and Mrs.C. L Kvnn wuro among thoxu coming In to Ilond from .Mllllcnn today. Henry M. Ornnt, formerly principal of tlio Ilond IiIkIi school In In tint city today on business front Portland. Mlid Ornco Wnru formerly n resi dent of ,110ml, In hero from Portland vr and Ih upending n fuw dnyii vliltlng with friends. Word wo received today by friends In Ilond Hint Wlllnrd IIuhIoii, formerly of thin city, hnn returned to New York from overseas Kurvlco ,xnnd In now on hU way to Camp Lewis far discharge. (From Tuoiday'i Dally.) Mr. nnd Mm. Henry (Merman of Walla Walla, aro In Ilund visiting nt tlio hnmu of Mr. nnd Mrn. Ilerniird '' li. Ostortnun of this city. Dlntrlcl Onmo Warden (leorge Tonkin left HiIh morning for Portland nftor a itay of several day In this ' vicinity. "J I.jjullo II lllrchflold and party were In Ilund thin morula jm their w) to (Jlilloiiuln from Ynklma. Francis and Mnry Thomiwou, th daughters of Comity Huperlntundunt J. Alton Thompson are coufinfld In their homo In this elty with the , iiyimpH. The. caito brought ugnlnil A. I). Kstobomit, In police- court, on n charge of violation of tlio prohibi tion law, wiih postponed thlu morning until tomorrow. Mrn. M. M. Stownrl of Linden, Washington, Is In town visiting for it fow months wllh her dtuiKlitn, Mrs. ' P. F. Illodol nnd MIms Dalny Stownrl (From Bnturday'a Dally.) II, F. Axtell wit In town today from IiIh homo on Fnll Itlvor. K. L. Clark of La Pino arrived In Ilelid Imit-nlghU J. L. Illock of Hampton Im a btinl- noss visitor In the city. ' W. P. Myorn nnd family left thin morning for u short visit In Madras. Dan HoIaIuk I" In Ilond today on business from IiIh ranch on the Mo tollui, J, Alton Thompson left thin moru la it for Mndrun to attend tlio Trl County track meet. Bhurlrr John Combs of Prluovlllc wan In Mend last night on official business. August Anderson took tlio train thin morning for Itcdmond where ho Is looklnK after business Interests today. liyron Ollson left Thursday morn ing for Heattlo whero ho lins a posi tion In the Hhlpynrdn. Ho expects to remain during the summer months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Cleveland nnd Mr. nnd Mm. Hurry Hhoults nnd daUKhler left Thursday tilKht for Oold Ilvnch to spend the nummer. W. T, ShoultM, formerly employed nt tlio It. If. Ixiven Htoro In this city will leave thin owning for Portland whero Iiq will maku his homo. fFrom Friday's Dally.) J. C. Johnson of Torrabonno In In tho city today. 0. II. Johnson, of Prliievllto, was n business visitor In tho city tQday. Kenneth Thompson nrrlvcd In Ilond last Inght from IiIh homo nt Hampton, T. II. Foley returned thin morning from n business trip of novoral days to Portland nnd Halom. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church will hold a market at tho maiiso Saturday, May 23, , A. J. McNeil of Columbia City ar rived In' Ilund today on his way to Pino mountain, where ho will take up his residence on his homestead. Clinton (1. Hmlth, forest Inspector, arrived In Ilond thin morning with Assistant District Forester Thornton T. .Mungcr to confer with Supervisor N. 0. Jncolisoii nnd to Inspect tho lllg rlvor tlmbor unit. A marriage license wan Issued thin week from tho office of tho county clerk to John W. Gray and Miss Esther Itnlnoy, both of thin city. " Thoro will be n meeting of tho directors of the Itcd Cross chapter at 7:30 sharp .tonight at tho Pilot Dutto Inn to hear Miss Cameron from northwentorn headquarters. (From Thursday's Dally.) II. F. Dlyjiel In In tho city today from hi homo In Madras. Ocorgo A. Thiol of Fort Hock In transacting business In Hand today. K. Williams of Fremont wan In tho city today on business. C, II Fox, navy recruiting officer. hnfl established offices' In tho Hathor building. "' Mr. nnd Mrn, F. C. Klckmoydr of Prlnovlllo arrived In tho city Inst night. C. h. Webbor of Ilurnn arrived In Ilond last night and In remaining ov'or (oday. K, M. Thompnon returned to Ucnd lant night from u business trip to La Pino. Tho Indies of tho Catholic church will hold n dinner nnd nala In tho old Tliornthwalto storo room on Bnt urdny, the 17th. Tho monibors of tho Kplscopal church will meet tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock In tho city rent room to dlscusn Important business maltcrn. All aro urged to bo present. TT " ! Ever "Catch a Tartarr "Cntctiltig a Tartar" does not refr to the Tartars around Itussla, or rath er It does not mean that n Tnrlnr U m w-ry hard to cntch. The rxprpssloti originated n century ago, when the Itusslnnn and Tartarn wero having i' little war. A Itusslati soldier called to his captain that he had caught a Tartar. "IJrlng him along," replied Hie cnptnln. The soldier called back: "Yes. but he won't let tne." It ennio out that the Tartar had caught tho Ilusshin notdlor, and so to thin day when n man tries to cntch norne hody else and himself getn caught be Is wild to hnvo "caught n Tartar." Be Ready for Advancement. There nre men who labor for dee nden without advancing. They aro good workmen, but they know nothing beyond tho narrow confines of the work they are doing. They hnvo no Interest In the problems of their work, no dei I re to Improve production through tho discovery of better meth ods. And they wonder why. others pass them on the upward climb. It In no mystery. Prepare for the morrow, If you hope that the morrow will bo mora rosy than todny. Preparation In the open sexnmo to advancement. Kxchnnge. (From Monday's Dally.) .-MlhH Myrtle Duller returned to Hodmond nftor npundlngk tho wuek end In Hand. Austin Harbor wan n wok ond vis itor In tho city from hlu homo In Alfalfa. Forest Supervisor V- - Jnoobnon loft (oday on n trip to Odqll Inko on ofllcjul bunluesH. ' Lloyd Mnglll has boon conflncillo his homo tho laHt fuw dnya with lllllCHH, ; t'V- C. W. Thornthwnllo leflBntur day night fur u short biiBlnOim trip to Portland'. ' J. T, Ilutuloy nnd IiIh brother Curltn riimo In Saturday on tholr way to vhilt tholr purontu nt Lu Pino. ' A. M. Prlnglo who linn boon con fined to his homo tor tho hint two wookH loft fitHt night for Portland to 4',rocolvo medical attention. Matt Clnrk of Portland Ih In Uoiid today ttucurlng -Information concern Ing tlio HtnttiH of tho lumber IubIiiuh lu Central Oregon, , M.Ibh Vlolu Drown, dnughtor of Mr; nmf Mrn, 0. U, I)rown, ruturnod to Ilond 'Haturdny night from Portland wliuro hIiq Iiuh boon attending uehooh Mrn, Nottlo StovoiiHtm of tho Cozy HotoMuiB returned, to Ilond nftor il two wookH trp to Doadwbod, whero ho wns culled by tho donth i)f hur niQthor, P. W. Wobor, who hnu boon aX iho mmmmmmm KHSSKE' tliiWgiggiBUTBCTSpBt 2S UNDERWEAR That will keep you cool, comfortable untrer wenr that is pcrject, that will wear tlint is why everybody buys their underwear hdrc. Munsingweor for all the family. Ladies' Munsing union suits, all styles, priced at, $1.25, $1.05, $1.50, $1.05. Other makes in Ladies' union suits priced fr6m 5 cents and up. Men's Munsingwcar in all styles, priced at $2.00 and $13.00. Chalmer's Porosknit, Cooper Kenosha, $1.50 and up. Underwear for your boy nnd your girl, too. Supply Your Hosiery Wants Here A com plete stoclc-of quality hosiery more wear to the pair in the hosiery we sell. We have the particular brand of hose you are looking for: Phoenix, Black Cat, Burlington, Burson, Eiflel and Onyx. Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose, specially priced at 50 cents. Men's Fine Lisle Half Hose, extra value at 35 cents. Stop and Shop at MID-SEASON SALE OF MILLINERY SALE STARTS MONDAY, MAY 26 All Ladies' Trimmed and Tailored Hats go on Sole at These Prices : LOT l All lints, values to $4.00 nt $2.45 LOT 3 All lints, vnlues to $8.00 nt $4.95 -LOT 2 All lints, vnlues to $0.00 nt $3.95 LOT 4 All Hnts, vnlues up to $12.00 nt $5.95 THE SALE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Come Early and Get the Best Selection. The Are Sure to Go Fast. Oldest and Best. Established 191 1 SMALL SUMS WORTH SAVING Kra WE STRIVE TO PLEASE I The "Warner Company I B ( Mk Qfai(y w Merchandise at m Popular Ptlces jj How Amount That Seem Intlgnlflcant Pile Up Into FiQuret That Arc Impressive. A Rrcat French banker wns onco asked the secret of French thrift, nnd ho replied, "Compound Interest." Just ns constnnt wnste, even In little thln, inny chnnpo one's life from sue ecus to fnllurc, so tho steady saving ot money will eventually bring Independ ence. If not nctunl wcnlfh. Let us analyze tho statements made by tho Frenchman. There nro very few people who cnn not, without any Inconvenience what ever, lay nslile to cents n day. With .In ten yearn one's dally jsavlngs of thin Inttgnltlcaut amount will amount to KM5, In nililltlou to SSO-'W compound limrest, mnklnc n totnl of JI-'W to show for ono's saving Jtut 10 Omts o day for ten years. Ily snlng 15 cents a day for ten years, with Interest compounded at 4 per cent, one will hnvo the comfort nolo sum of ?0CS.1S; CO cents u duy will net $SD0.!W. Save 00 cents n dny for ten years nnd you will have $2. '7.Tn. A dollar n day will give you n total of $4,-155.74 for tho ten-year pe riod. All these, figures am. haed on the savings being put out at 4 per. cent compound Interest. Look back over the last ten yctirs of your life today. He honest with yourself! Look facts squarely In tho facet Could jou not have saved 50 cents a day, or n quarter u dny, vr pos tdbly n dollar n day? It might have plm-hcd you, now and then, to do so; It might hnvo meant tho surrender of a few good times n few luxuries or extravagances. Hut It would hnvo meant a xultstuntlnl Mini for you something that wou'd ndd Immeasurably to jour poise, JH'uco of mind mill eelf-contldejirc. S. V. Straus In Thrift Magazine. Any Duty, Mr. Hun? The Iloche customs otllcer or rath er the formrr Itoelio customs otltcvr at Mots probably will remember one of the final "declarations" he accepted. It was from tho correspondent of n I'arls paper, who reached Mots ahead of tho French troops. Tho Hermans still were In the town they had held ulnco 1870. but In view of tho armf htlco made no attempt to stop the cor respondent from entering the city. Writing to his paper of his experi ence tho correspondent told how no one hut tho customs otUcer stopped him, and continued; , "The otllcer nskeu If 1 had anything o declare, to which I responded thut what I had to declaro was: Vive la Franco T" Fine Compliment A great bishop not long ngo paid a high tribute to the work of tba fra ternal society. In fact, ho paid frn ternnls a compliment that wo ought to uppreclato: "I plend for the time when the tie of tho Christian church Rlmll be w binding on men as tho tie of the lodge. All honor to tho fraternity thht grips Its men mid makes- them imtont In good vorks for Immunity's uplift, Tho fraternities are putting shumo ta our. cheeks as church men, when wq think of their widely diverging lines of clal service." Modern Hrotherhood. Suffrage Cause Given Big Vote In Lower House (Br UMUd PrtM to-Th BnJ Bulktlo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 21. In keeping with predje- tlons made before the opening ' of tho present resnlon of con- press wns the rote taken today In tho house when the women's - suff rage- constitutional amend- ment wns passed, 304 to 88. WHAT OXK -iIOTIIKIlr DOF.S. Mrs. P. Bennett. 7 Wawayanda Place. MIddletown, N. Y . writes: "I havo given Foley's Honey and Tar to my llttlo boy, and cannot recommend It too highly as I think It Is tho only medicine for coughs and colds," FIno for croup and whooping cough, na well as coughs and colds. Contains no opiates. Sold everywhere Adr. Ladies Aid Scandinavian Lutheran Church Bazaar and Light Lunch i ," I - At Scandinavian , Monday ARernooh and Evening ; May 26 Everybody Welcome Midlnraridl THIS PAPER REPRESENTED fQR FOREIB,! ADVERTISING BY THE SESJEHAL Offset ,,, NEW YORK AND CHtCACO' BRANCHES IN ALU THE PRINCIPAL CITIM Kf4(4f4(4Af(i4ti((44t)(4il1(-(