Si - 1. IKN1) nUIiLNTIN, 1IHNI). OMKGON, THUIliUiAY, MAY !M, 110. rAOR 8 -- 4 Central Oregon Neighborhood News 0--- 4 EXAMS GIVEN AT MILLICAN SCHOOL MI1..UCAN, May ID. Mrs. Hol land Is conducting tho eighth grado examinations nt tho West End school house. Bonny Qrnffonborgor, Mary M. Holland nnd Thomas E. Going arc taking tho exams, E. Ouornoy is now carrying Iho mall on Mr. Coffey's route. Mrs. Going and son Tom called at the Holland homo Thursday. Mrs. Fleming and grandchildren. Virginia and Edith Rosin, wcro out to visit with their daughter nnd mother. Mrs. Mary Rosin, returning to Demi Thursday. Mrs. I.. A. Chaffer and Mary Hol land mndo a business trip to Qcnd Monday. Guy Shaffer was a Bend visitor "Wednesday, Virgil and Bertha Spencer nnd Melba nnd .Mervln Henklo called nt the Holland homo Sunday. Benny Qraffenberger and Tom Going -wore Sunday callers at tho Holland homo, also It. II. Keller and , -sons Walter and Hoy. Mrs. Morgan spent several days In Bend tho past week. Quite a fow from hero attended Iho dance nt Brothora Saturday night. Leo Keller and son Harold went to Bend Sunday, having finished putting in his crop and fencing 40 acres. Mrs. Morgan was on tho sick list one day this week. Mrs. J. J. Holland and son Joseph visited nt tho It. II. Keller homo Tuesday. Mrs. Holland was employed at the T. E. Going homo Wednesday. -- PLEASANT RIDGE MAN WEDS IN CORVALLIS PLEASANT ItlDOE. May 20. Mrs. O. E. Andorson conducted tho eighth grado examination nt tho Pleasant ltldgo school this week . Word was recoied hero of tho mnr rlngo of Wilfred B. Hutchlna and Miss Everta Roberts, nt Corvnllls, Oregon, on May 12, 1919. Mr. Hutchtns recently bought n form In this neighborhood nnd will bring his bride here. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Mahaffcy nndJ IL M. Slovens of Bend, accompanied by Mr. Sanders of Portland -wcro call ers nt tho Anderson home Tuesday evening. School closed In this district on Friday, May 9. A picnic was hold on tho river by the pupils and their teacher, Miss Ruth Kasemeycr. Mrs. O. E. Andorson was In Red mond on business Friday morning. Dr. A. Potty of Portland was a guest at tho Gray home several days this week. Mr. Whlto was In Bend on busi ness Tuesday. . C. P. Bcckor of Turaalo. deputy county assessor, was In thlb neigh borhood Wednesday. Mrs. E. D. Swalley and her mother Mrs. Jones were Bend visitors on Tuesday. W. H. Gray installed a telephone in his homo this week 1V1LAT ONE MOTHER DOES. Mrs. P. Bennett. 7 Wawayanda Place. MIddlelown, N. Y., writes: "I have given Foley's Honey and Tor to my little boy, and cannot recommend It too highly as I think it is the only medicine for coughs and colds." Fino for croup 'and whooping cough, as well as coughs and colds. Contains no opiates. Sold everywhere. Adv in Bend shopping Anton Ahlstrom wus In Redmond on business Tuesday . Madison Holton. Willie Peterson and Lcsllo Houghtnllng wcro in Bend Saturday evening . Mr and Mrs. E. 11. Stewart of Powell Buttcs spent Sunday on the river near tho Gray planco. It Is reported that John W. Gray ant Mlso Esther Ramey of Bond wero married on Wednesday evening May 14, at Bend. Fred Seeling of Bend was a caller at the W. H. Gray home Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs snent Sunday on the river near Tumnlo, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T. Mlkkolsou nnd son Alfred wcro. tho, guests of Mr, and Mrs. Olo Hanson nt Deschutes Sunday. Miss Ruth Knsomyor, having com pleted hor term of school In tho Pleasant rldgo district left for her homo near Bond Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. 13, Anderson at tended tho party nt tho .Deschutes hotel Saturday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilfred II. Hutchlna arrived from Oregon City on Satur day morning, Thoy will move Into tho Williams houso tor tho summer. Anton Ahlstrom and Miss llllmn Nelson wero trading in Bond Satur day evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lnndlugham nnd Grandmu Swalley nt Bund wore, callers nt tho Ed Swnltoy homo Sun day. . Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns ac companied Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Rleb holt ot Redmond to Gruy Buttcs Sun day. , t Miss Joyce Wood, who Is intend ing high school In Bond, spent iho wook-end with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. I. Wood. . Mr. nnd Mrs. John W Gray of Bond visited Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Gray Suuduy. She Kinds llerself.Much Better. Lama back, rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness in. muscles and Joints can be quickly relieved. Mrs. U Wnvue, 272G 3rd St.. Ocean Park, Cal., writes: "I used to have pains In my right hip. I could hardly turn In bed. Now I find I nm much bettor by using Foley Kidney Pills. Llko wlso. pains In my back loft." Sold everywhere. Adv. CLOVERDALE, SOLDIER BACK FROM OVERSEAS CLOVBRDALB. May 21. Private Robert Burling nrrlved In Tncoma on Wednesday after service overseas with the 42nd division for over 14 months. Ho' nnd his wife will visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Burling of Cloverdnln in the near future Mrs. O. E. Andorson spent Tuesday L In In Pnrborry, Jcsso Scott, Cal Burnsldo nnd several others from Clovcrdalo nnd Lower 'Bridge nro working on tho fence at 'tho Dry Creek cattlo rango station this wedk. preparatory to turning tho cattlo on tho reserve. Verno Skolton took Mr. nnd Mrs. Hillcnry to Klamath Falls on Satur day. Mrs. Black Is on tho sick list this week. F. J. Burling was a business caller at the E. 7. Peck ranch on Sunday morning. A. B. Peterson and Schubcl were O. E. Anderson callers nt the Burnsldo homo Sunday the river near evening. THIS IS Pig Club Week . x IN OENTRAL OREGON The banks of the United States have heeil llio chief hackers of the Bdys nnd Girls Pir, Sheep nnd Cnlf Clubs nnd luiVo advanced the money for their operation FOR the purpoia of encouraging1 and siaiitinii the uoy and tflrli on tlia farm to en tfatfo jn intelligent and toientifio itoek rat'iintf, andat the Mine time teaching them the principles of buiinei and thrift, we ore starting the ( Pint Notional Hank of Bend PIG CLUB and will lupnly the piV to thoie children filling out thii coupon and mailing it to the Pint National Bank of Bendt I HEREBY APPLY for Mmnborshlp In tho FIRST NATIONAL HANK PIU CLUIL I-nth years old nnd tny address Is ... I agree lo glvo my nolo for tho cost of tho pig 1 gut, payable six mouths after date with Interest nt six per cent, per annum. I agree to take good care of my pig, keep careful records ot his fond cost, and I agree to exhibit him at tho First National Hunk Pig; Hhow In lU'ittl, In tho fall ot 1919. I will sell my pig in the fall, when tho Bank makes the Pig Club shipment: and whatever profit there Is over tho amount of tuts note ami Inturest Is to ho my ovwi. Signature of applicant I ngrco to sign tho nolo, nn per your plan, and to assist tho child In his work, Signature of P,nreul or Guardian. 1 THE HANK OF SlM'EHfolt Ml'ltVIC'E THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND Bend, Oregon Van Wilson, Inox McKlnnoy nnd Bert Chaunco wore calling on (llndys Parborry Wednesday evening. Frank Arnold has purchased a now Ford. U Bonn Cyrus spent tho week-end nt homo. H. O, Wilson and family motored to Bond on Sunday evening. Frank Beard was n caller nt tho Long homo on Sunday. I). II. Long mndo n trip to the high desert hist week. J.'H. Hudson and family and Frank Arnold and family wore fishing on Squaw creok Sunday. Frank Arnold mndo a record catch. Roxlo Morris returned from Cul ver on Sundiiy, where she was called owing, lo tho Illness of hor brother. Mrs. Irvln E. Pnrborry nnd Mrs. Frank Burling were shopping In AUCTION SALE at WILLIAM HENDERSON'S RANCH ONE MILE WEST OF TUMALO BRIDGE Tues., May 27 10 A. M. SHARP The Following Will Be Sold M 1 Garden Seeder 1 160-Egg Incubator Lots of Harness 1 Horse Cultivator 1 Bay Horse, 9 years old 1 Black Mare, 5 years old 1 Black Colt, 2 years ojd 1 McCormack 7-ft. Binder 1 Packer and Roller 1 Blacksmith Outfit 1 Drill and Several Bits 1 Voven Wire Stretcher 1 Fannin?? Mill 2 Horse Hayrakes 1 Hay Fork and Rope 8 Good Horse Collars 6 Sets of Work Harness 2 Steer Calves 2 Milch Cows 1 Yearling Heifer 3 Farm AVagons 2 Hayracks . 1 Gang Plow 2 Walking PIows 1 Sulky Plow 2 Disc Harrows 1 Steel Drag 1 26-fl. Harrow 1 Potato Planter 1 Potato Digger 1 Light Wagon 1 Surrey 3 Potato Forks 1 Tank Pump 1 large Success Manure Sprerider 1 Bay Colt, gelding, 3 years old 1 Set Single Buggy Harness 1 Sorrel Horse, 12 years old 1 Bay Colt, mare, 1 year old 1 Family Grinder Mill 1 Cream Separator ' 1 Lady's Side Saddle 1 Sickle Grinder 1 Buggy 1 18 Double Disc Monitor Grain Drill 1 McCormack Mower 1 Champion Mower 1 Saddle and Bridle 1 Hand Truck Many other articles top numerous to mention. TERMS: All sums of $ 1 0 and under, cash. All amounts over $10 a credit of ten months on bankable paper at 1 0o interest; 5 o discount for cash. PINKIE RENNOLDS, Auctioneer R. H. PARSONS, Clerk Sisters on Monday. In Dona Cyrus spent Iho wook.cnd nt home. Hill Fryrcnr nnd Sterile rode for cattlo In tho Lower llrldge country thin weak. Lloyd Rougher spent Sunday at tho II, C. Mlllor residence. Mr. and Mrs. V. T llnrrlson wero calling nt tho Pnrburry mid Long homes on 8undny. POWELL BUTTE MAY ADD ' NINTH GRADE POWEM, IJl'TTE. May 20 The school hoard of Wilson school mot Sunday night nnd mado out tho hud gut for tho ensuing school year. Plan were discussed and laid looking. to wnrds n profitable school your. It Is hoped now that it will ho possible to and Mrs. E. A. lluiwott, Mr. and Mrs. Ross IiusNutt, nnd daughter .Margar et. I.oyd nnd Fay Russet I, Minn Crys tal Hturdcvnnt, Miss Mitt Hohbort, and Miss llnznl Ihtynu Minn Thatcher, daughter of Dr. Thatcher ot Portland, Is tho houso guest of Mrs. Joint Drlscnll. Mrs Martha Foster Is visiting with Iter brother, Jake Crultur lit Red mond. Miss Jessie Hartley was tho guest nt friends In Powell Hullo Sunday. Miss Hartley's school tit Alfalfa Is finished nnd sjto will go lo I.ns An- I gules for n visit before her term be glnn In the Wilson district early In September. Miss Crystal Hturdnvant, hits closed n successful term of school In the -8hephord district. She will Join her parents In Bpoknuo soon. mia lu (Icorgo Truest butchered sonm .i.i ..i...t. .. ... i... i..rH.. -I,,. lino iui nogs mis wiisk . i tier uru which ha. u?t taken the elgliH. grade l lo Ih. lle.Hnond jnnrke. young to to sent nwn irom nome. iin.ii TrtiMdulti nn m nt..... I aifWimtl i " ' " " .. ...- ------ ...- m.. ..ti.t Mm II. R ftlounrt. (' M. rr!('uy- Charlton and son Charles, Junior, were fishing on tho Deschutes last Sunday. They were on their way .to California and stopped over to visit with old neighbors. The Powell llutto Hnrosls club met nt tho homo ot Mrs. Iln)nn mi May -t, a mrrv t.uneli of nlcnlcers from"11 ,l"' "onto hi i,,r"- !""" j -. Wl iZul Uexplo?e,lPDryTk tti.dlA very pleasant time was spent In visited nt Dominie Murgcss' snoop enmp last Sunday They wero Mr (Continued on Pago 3 1 WRKLEYS The Flavor Lasts! the best buy for the price rrrrrt AtwaysJPHP mf The greatest R five-cents worth B of beneficial' H SMiedTiaht-KePtmaht refreshment bH'; ir-ZZCk P0SSlbIe H 'JrSrmA to get. ;IH .aS Lasts Jm- S2s mih' nw ' u WVf. . f 1? s A," ' JU : m m L turn tmta