WEEKLY EDITION .$.& jW,fwJ-Pi e" & The bend bulletin. .t y VOI. .XVII HHND, DKHOIIUTKB COUNT!', OREGON, TIIUIWDAY, MAY !- JfJU) So. 1st f.v . - MANY REQUESTS AR MADE ' IN PRESIDENTS MESSAGE TO ill CONGRESS "WILSON SENDS APPEAL ' FOR LABOR. T ASKS REPEALOF LAW Executive, in Europe, HcKTrtw Ho Knows no l.lllln or Amrrlriiii AN fair I'm! Dcinorrnr)' f Jliinlca mi IUu!llrmiN. President WINoii'h .MeMKii llrroiuinciiiU: Ilopcnl of HO'cnllod "luxury tnx. Repeal or amendment of tho wur 1 1 in i) prohibition act. In no fur iih It applies to wines or beers. Creation of it federal agency of nilvlcu Mild Information iw n clearing house for suggested lin- provcmonl In Industrial condl- tlonn. , Maintenance of tho United HtnU'H employment service. y Adoption of tho land-for-sol- (Horn bill sponsored by Hccro- tnry I.ano. Legislation to fncllllnto Amor- lean enterprise In foreign trade. Reconsideration ot fcdornl taxes to rellovo the, burdon, particularly on productive ro- -sources, making Incomes, cxceim profits nn l estimate tho main- stay of steady taxation. Agnlnsl general rovUlon of Import iJullM.tor proioc- Hon of tho American dyeing Industry. Adoption of tho suffrage - amendment. Itoturn of tho telegraph nnd telephone IIiioh to thulr ownum, 'miliar u moro coordinated' ays- turn. n mora uniform system. Ily Robert J. Homier (United I'rrM Hurt CorrnfomUnt) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 20 President Wilson today cnllod upon n ropubllcnn congress to legislate nlong lines for hotter' lUbor condi tions. Tho outstanding fenturopf his message, read to both housch of con Kress, wuh his appeal that thoso who do thu dally labor of tho world "ob- ! ttKitDMji JT,lrt (itinritviiitiniil lit tin JP llll ,11 lift UiJOl f V Mlt'IW!UIMVH TfctnMi1lilnit nf fliiilr litlinr. lift Hllliln L happier, and be nerved bolter by tho rominuHltlCH nnd tho -Industries which thulr labors sustain nnd ud vnnco." Tho now Interest between capttnl nnd labor, ha said, can ha mado opor- nllvo and manifest only In n now orgniiliullon of Industry nnd hu urges if. business nidi nnd workurs to "Hock and sincerely adopt n common pur- ' jioso" toward that end, Hit urn of Itondx Pledged. Regretting IiIh Inability to bo present nnd his luck ,of familiarity with domestic conditions, owing to "-i. tho "duty" which keeps hint at tho penco conference, tho prcsldont in , muklng his rucoimuoudatlons do ' clnred thoy must of nocoHslty bo "only In general terms. " Howovor, ho Hpoclflcally told congress that ho will return tho telegraph nnd tolo- phono Hues ns soon as tho transfer . can bo urrangod without confusion, and tho railroads, ho fiald, will bo handed ovor to tho ownors at tho ond of tho calendar your. . "It la clearly doslrablo lu tho ,1' puhllolntorostfl," ho said, ''that Bomo legislation should bo coirtldorod which may tend to ninko of thoso liidbipoiisabla ItiHtrumentalltitH) (wlro ,,'lliien'uud railroads) u uniform nnd 1 tcoordlnnted syHtom," that thoso who use thorn may bo insured certain liienus of country-wldo communlca. . tlou at uniform and Intelllglblo ratos, ' Wmilil Defer Drouth. i Tho recommondntloiiB,. howovor, ' i iiuii huon looked for. Tho promised ;:in.urprlHu of the prosldont's. mossugo ny in his recommendation to congress (Continued ou Pago, d,) INTEREST TAKEN IN CHILDREN'S ,CLUBS VounpttorM In Clovrnlnlo District lU'iidy to Join rniosr4l OrKiinlMilloii. 1' u.. (Krom Wednesday'! Dally.) ', Keen Interest in club work .Svns shown Inst night at Clo'vordal(ftA by tho boys and girls of that s'oc(lon when It. A. Word of tho' First .Vu tlonul bank "addressed the children. All evinced u desire in Join tho 'pro posed club, Following the ninntlng of tho youngsters, Mr. Ward x ad dressed tholr pnroutM,nn thu subject of puro bred bulls and sllot, CASH PAYMENT GOOD BUSINESS CITV DKUT MUHT I IK I'AU) KVK.V TUAM.V, AM) INTKUK8T CAN UK HAVKI) lV 1'AYlSa OFF AT O.NCK, HAVH C. A. WAItNKIt. (From Wednesday's Dally.) "I'm against if," wns tho comment of C. A, Warner, proprietor of two llend stores, when asked as to his attltudo concerning tho proposed city bond Issuo today. "We've got to pay this debt sooner or Inter, and tho -quicker- wo do lttheeaslcrU: wAl lie. We will snvo Interest by lorylnjr a special tux, nnd paying now," Mr. Warner believes (hat thin Is tho stand taken by thu average tax payor. "Wo will ull bo hotter orf and tho city will bo on a hotter finan cial basis if our debt is wiped nut In n buslnessltko way," ho said. MURDERREPORT IS ONLY RUMOR AUTIIOIUTIICH IIASTKN TO MI Mi AND 1'I.ND THAT HUITOSKI) KILLING IS DUK TO MIHSTATIN SIKNT OF OFKUATOU. (From Wodncsdny'a Dally.) Hoports df a murder at Tho Bhov-lln-Itlxon Company mill brought city and county officers to tho mill this morntng.'only to find that officials of tho company desired t luformntlun concerning a raid at tho Mountain View hotel tho night boforo, in which sovoral at (heir employ) woro said to bo Implicated, nnd that tho tele phone operator, In calling for Chief of'l'ollco Nixon, hud added (ho In formation that "alio jessed, it was n murder," - Tho roal caso growlngyou of the raid conducted by Hhorfft S. ll, Holi- orts, Chief Nlxo;i, Ofllcor' Frank I.. Kulp and Flra Chief, Cnrlon was partly disposed of in pollca court this morning, when Mrst Dolly Ward, formorly of Prluovlllo, plcadod guilty to a chargo of dlBordoj-ly conduct and wns lined 2G by City ludga I'ooplos, Another glrln' Miss How ard, who wns nlso tnkou la night, wns ho violently hystoflpal that Bho was not brought Intli' court this morning- jiv Tho arrest of Mrs, ward VnH no compllshod by Chief JN'lxon, who, concealed under, ix bed' In tliOhotol, hoard tho womnn demand money from a lodgor to bo UHcd'ln '''squar ing tho pollco," nnd saw (He man pnss pvor 10, which had provlously boon furnished hint tin marked bills by tho nuUiqrltlos. Tho' young lady was at first shocked boyond mqnsuro whpn a hand ronohod out from under tho bod and grasped hoc bicoauklo. Thou she rocoverod from horurprlso and said It was all n Joko. Ilvit this morning she ploadod guilty, COAST STRONG FOR IRRIGATION itosi:vKir IlKJIIWAV'HAC'KUItH, VIHITI.VO IJK.VD, IIKMKVK 1IOT1I MKAHUHKH W'lUt CAItHV I.V (UMINO HTATK HLKCriOS. (From Wednesday's Dally.) That Irrigation measureit which will bo on tho ballot at tho Juno 3 election, ' will rccolvu a good voto from tho coast counties, wus the dec laration today of I). F. Jones of Newport, father of tho Itoosevelt Highway hill, who, with statu Sena tor -Tom Hanloy of Tlilamook, ar rived in liend this morning on a tour of thu state in tho interest of high way and Irrigation. Mr. Jones bo- llovos that thcro Is but llttlo doubt now that both measures will carry, as ho has found a strong spirit of re ciprocation among tho people of both sections of thu state. v Forty years ago Mr. Jones rode tho rnngo In Central and Kastorn Ore gon, and Is now visiting tho Intorlor parr of tho state for thu first tlmo nluco ho moved to tho coast. "Con siderable work was needed In show ing tho voters west of tho mountains the need for Irrigation In Central Oregon," ho said, "but I think they rcirllzo now that tho heavy rainfall of tho coast counties docs not roach to that part of tho state cast of tho mountains. A trip through Central nnd Kastorn Oregon Is nil that Is ncc ossary to provn to any ono Just what Irrigation moans to tho peoplo out hero." , .Tho Iloosovclt highway advocates will complotn their tour of Kastorn Oregon boforo tho end of tho month. W.H.MAY IN CHARGE OF COUNTY ROADS (From Monday's Dally.) "Ah hls-flMt'Work In his position la charge of tho county's road Improve ment aystem, W. H. May this morn ing wont to Fall river to superintend brldgo construction over that stream. SURVEY SITES FOR HOMES NEAR LAKE (From Wednesday's Dally.) To survey summer homo sites near Odell lakd, Supervisor .V. O. Jacob sou nnd William Sprout have gone to thu lake to bo gone for several days. IRRIGATION LAW NOTED BY In preparation for tho Red Cross Important changes in the statutes rotating to irrigation, which will go Into effect on Thursday, May 29, nro pointed out 1' Stnto Engineer Percy A. Cupper In a resumo of alterations In tho statutes mudo , by tho last legislature. In his report oil new legislation, n grout part of which is Of great interest to tho peoplo of Central Oregon, Mr. Cupper anys: "Tho abolishment of tho ottlco of superintendent of water division No. 1 reduces thu stnto water board to two members, tho state engineer and tho Btnto water superintendent. The statu engineer wus given chargo of tho distribution of tho water of tho stuto, with authority of overseeing tho work of tho various water mas tors, which work has horetoforo boon undor tho direction of tho division superintendent. Tho superintendent of wntor division No. 2 wns given chargo of tho adjudication of wator rights in tho ontlro stnto and was given tho tltlo of Btato wator nupor Intondout. . "A constitutional amendment pro viding for tho guarantee of tho first flvo yours' interest on Irrigation and drnlungo bonds will bo submitted to tho peoplo at tho coming spoclal elec tion. On account of heavy discount on drainage nnd Irrigation bonds, this cIiibb of reclamation honds hits boon under a sovoro handicap, which, It 1b bollovod, will bo largely romovod If this umoudmout la piiBsod. "A statute was enacted providing that irrigation districts may nccopt n part of tho laud of nny landowner wlthlu tho district as nn pffsot against BOARD NAMES INSTRUCTORS FOR SCHOOLS 19 ENGAGED TO FILL VACANCIES. THIRTEEN FOR GRADES Contract for Construction of Ken- "Wood Hcliool (jofrf.'fo K. 1'. Ilros- lorlinuM Did Ii Above Amount Iti(lil by Itoud Issue. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Nineteen instructors to fill vacan cies left in tho local .teaching staff wero elected hero yesterday evening by tho Dt-nd school board in an ad journed meeting. Of tho tola! of those selected four aro for tho high school, two nro for special work, and tho remainder nro for-4ho grades. All excepting tho high school teach ers and tho specials aro engaged, sub ject to assignment. Tho matter of tho construction of tho Kenwood school, carried over from the meeting boforo was brought up and 1 I'. Urosterhous, whoso bid wns the lowest, was awarded tho contract. Tho board failed to find nny way in which the cost of tho school building, which will exceed tho money raised by bonding for this purpose by $2,000, could bo reduced. Instructors elected by the direct ors for the coming school year aro ns fojlows: High school. J. A . Straushun, San Francisco, California, manual training and athletics; Kstrier Mick elsonj Drain, Oregon, Junior high; Gladys Cartwrlght, Kelso, Washing ton, Kngllsh and biology; Dorothy Wriglrf, Portland, Oregon, domestic science Special. Ilesslo Darnlcott, Itay mon, Washington, music and art; Kathleen Turner, Kvanston, Illinois, Physical training for girls. Grades. Esther Allen, Portland, Oregon; Helen Do Dus, Knllspcl, Montana; Nellie Tift, Suntcx, Ore gon, Catherine Annsmann, Hurley, Idaho; Kvolyn Carlson, Milwaukee Wisconsin; Josephine Burgess. Conby Oregon; Vera Torbus, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin; Iluth Damon, Silver Lake, Oregon; Floroncu Foster, Eu gene, Oregon; Marcla SoIIock, Mnu pin, Oregon; Mildred Arnold, Plxley, California; Lillian Connolly, Powers, Oregon; .Ethel C. Johnson, Dcnd, Oregon. CHANGES STATE ENGINEER tho reclamation chargo on tho re mnlnder of his land. This will prob ably servo ns a very convenient method of cooperating with tho fed eral government. , "Tho provision of tho irrigation district' law rotating to tho validation of tho proccduro prior to tho Issu- nnco of bonds wns clarified by tho ro ennctmeut of this portion of tho irri gation district lnw. "Agricultural lands Included with in tho limits of u municipality may now bo Included in nn Irrigation dis trict. This amendment was deemed necessary on account of tho largo, area of agricultural land which is Included within tho limits of soma of tho municipalities within or nd Jncont to tho lrrl$uton districts". "Provision bus also been mado for tho reclamation of lauds in an irri gation district in units. Horetoforo It was necessary that ovory aero of Irrlgablo land In a district should bo nBsojsod tho aamo as ovory other Irrlgablo acrO. This brought about a tendency to excludo land from tho district, which Vould Increaso tho cast against tho main body of land notwithstanding tho fact that it might bo entirely feasible to Irrigate, thoso lauds at n higher cost. It will now bo possible to Include lands In an Irrigation district as u soparato unit, nijd ussess thorn according to tho cost of reclamation. "Undor tho Irrigation district law as onnxrod In 1917 tho district cquld not requlro. construction bonds In excosa of 25 per cent, of tho amount (Continued on Page 4.) CONFERENCE OF RED CROSS TO BE HELD HERE MAY 23 AND 24 SET FOR MEETING. SPEAKERS WILL COME Problem of Dcnd and Crook County Chapter to ilo DImcukkuI, and Pliiiu for Year' Work Hug gntcd by Official. (From Saturday's Daily.) .Joining In a conference with north west division officials of tho Itcd Cross, tho, Dcnd and Crook county chapters, with representations from all their branches and auxiliaries, will meet In, this city on May 23 nnd 24, it was announced today by the executive committee of the local or ganization. A large turnout Is do sired, as It l expected much of benefit to tho Central Oregon chap ters In conducting their work for the next year will bo derived from tho addrcsses and reports of tho north west officials. Local, problems will be studied with a view to determin ing the best solutions, and as a special feature of the, conferenco a series of moving plcturo films will bo shown, depleting the work of tho Red Cross In Europe and in homo service. Homo'ScrvIcc ImitortnttC Among topics which will bo em phasized will bo tho general futuro of the Red Cross, homo scrvlca work, which is bocoming mora and more Important as a phase of tho organi zation's endeavors, tho Junior Red Cross, and public health nursing ac tivities. Reports from tho chap ters will also bo given. Chief among northwest leaders In Red Cross activities who will be in attendance are: F, P. Folslc,- direc tor of civilian relief; Earl Kilpatrjck. assistant manager; Claud Adams, or ganizer; Miss Grittlnger, of tho bu reau of public nursing, . and Mr. Turner, accountant. Further details in regard to tho program to bo followed during tho conference woro being worked out this afternoon by tho executivo com mittee of the local chapter, and will bo announced later. BEATEN HUNS LOOK TO EAST TO GET HELP FOR REVENGE (Written for th UnltfJ Prcsi.) NEW YORK, May 21. Germany Is preparing to turn to tho oust for revenge. German statesmen, crafty, unscrupulous, and full of resontment against tho western democracies, are laying plans to break tho peace treaty after tho signatures have been forced from the defeated plenipoten tiaries at Versailles, Gormany Is looking to Russia, China nnd Japan for eventual help In creating a new league to overthrow tho western nations; control of tho world. Germany, Russia, China and Japan aro all disappointed at tho outcomo of tho peace negotiations. China believes sho has boon deserted by tho westoru powers; and tho Japanese, nro resentful because thoy have not boon recognized as tho racial equals of tho whlto peoplo of Amer ica and Great Britain. , Gormany, thoreforo, Is hopeful of making subtlo suggestions to China and Japan concerning tho advantages of a secret league to seek rovongo against tho west. RuBsIa Is. a neces sary confederate tor such a conspir acy. Russia has bobn denounced by tho victorious 'allloa in Europo as an outcast nation. Franco, In particu lar, has forgotten her own revolution when two-thirds of tho French na tional dobt was repudiated and $400 In Kronen pa'por money sold for $1 In roal cash. Franco's refusal to cooporate with America nnd Great Britain In trying to help tho present Russian govern ment get on Its. feet has mado real assistance to Russia impossible, FOREST PARK IS SUGGESTED BY JACOBSON CITY COULD SAVE BY FOLLOWING ADVICE. PLANS TIMBER TRADE T. A. McCann of Tho Khcvlln-lllxon Company Evince WHUtiKnc to Exchange Tract on Turnnlo for National Forest Iind. (From Monday' Dally.) Whilo tho Bend city administra tion is considering tho purchaso of acrcago on the Turaalo, above the new fish hatchery, for a natural park, a plan has been worked out by N. O. Jacobson, supervisor of tho Deschutes national forest, by which tho land might bo raado avallablo nnd Its timber preserved as government property. Residents of city and county would bo offered tho samo benefits if the park woro created undor Mr. Jacobson's plan as It the tract were bought by tho city. Tho land which tho park commit tee of tho council has selected as tho most desirable of nny tract within Teach of Dcnd In now tho property of Tho Shevlln-Hixon Company, and enough timber ia contained on the acreage to mean a prlco of approxi mately $5000 If thoMand wero bought direct from the lumber company. Mr. Jacobson's suggestion Is that tho park site bo turned over to the Deschutes national forest In exchange for an equal value of national forest timber land. T. A. McCann of The Shevlln-Hixon Company will bo ready to cooperate fully with tho forest service In working out this plan, If the council Is desirous of having the matter handled In this way. , Council' Action Awaited. The question of securing land out side of . tho city for park purposes was brought HpTaTlbp 'ImV regular meeting of tho council, when it was stated that Mr. McCann would be ready to talk business with tho park commlttco on May 20. Whilo the matter of establishing a government owned park, at no expense to the city, has not been officially Intro duced, it is expected that this wilt bo brought up at the council meet ing tomorrow night. Mr. Jacobson, it Is understood, will tako no action in tho matter until he has been informed of tho city ad ministration's desire's. Russia, therefore. Is now unablo to couut on help from tho west. It the Germans can assist Russia to recover her balance, it will bd to Germany that tho Russians will naturally turn for futuro guidance. Germany's first step, therefore, In hei search for means to break tho peace treaty, is tb form un Intlmuto relationship with Russia. Alroady cfTorts aro being mado lu Berlin to this end. Gormau agents aro la Russia advocating tho mutual ad vantages of socret cooperation be tween tho wo nations. Onca this movomont shows bIkiis of progressing, Its spread into China and Japan will bo doftly sought, by Germany's loadors. Germany throat oned this very outcome to Ambassa dor Gerard when Amorica was pro paring to enter tho war. Tho ruth less brutality or tho Gormans dur ing tho war savors more of an ori ental race 'than a western nation. Tho Germans may thus claim racial relationship with tho orlont for tho purposo of urging cooperation. Tho situation Is certain to dovelon Into a serious menace unlcsii thu western diplomats quickly begin to counteract (ho now Qorman propa ganda, Russia Is tho key. With nuqsU hostile Jo Gormany's designs, the.Germaua will bo impotent. Thoy will tie geographically leolatod from, the far east and unablo to fm an effective oriental alliance. The jvisrt ern democracies, thorefore, Must ro visa their treatment of Jtwwte, V eeff Germany contlnuo as a AarQif plotter alust civilization's progress. 0