PAGM S BKNI BULLKTIN, BKNW. ORBGON, THURHDAY, MAY IB, 11 NA TON'S PINE IS GOING FAST lmo.Yi) rnooiuM to htkm tidk OK DKSTItUOTIOX IS CALLK1) FOK BY CK1KF FOKKSTKB OV UNlTi:i STATES. (From Tuosday'a Dallr.) (Ily UnltoJ Vrtoa to The fond Uulttttn.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 13. Branding tlio lack of a national forest policy ns ono of tho greatest dangors facing tho country today, Col. Honry 8, Graves, chief forester of tho Unttod States and a rlco president of tho American Forestry association, called for a broad program that Includes prlrato ns well as public forests. "Wo havo hardly begun to atom tho tldo of forest destruction," says Colonel Graves la calling attention I J to these tacts. ! Tho bulk of tho original supplies ' of yellow plno in tlfb south will be exhausted in 10 years. Within tho next flvo to seven years more than 3000 lumber, manufactur ing plants In tho south will go out of existence. Douglas fir Is now being shipped from tho Pacific coast statos to New England, onco self-supporting In lumber. Tho forests of tho battle areas in Franco and -Belgium havo been de stroyed. In England about 450,000 acres of forest woro cut down for war-tlmo noods. Tho American Forestry association has provided a fund for helping England roforcst this area and is calling upon tho people of this country to aid In re foresting France, Dclglum nnd Italy. Thoso cquntries, tho American For estry association pointed out, should be a great lesson to tho United States. Tho American need of forest con servation Is great and tho future welfare of many Industries depends on it. INGRAM IYS $5 FOR BREAKING SPEED LAW Sheepman Admlta Ho Was Exceeding Limit Whon Arretted by Night Officer Frank L. Kalp. f (From Tuesday's Dally.) J Arrested by Officer Frank L. Kulp, vGuy Ingram, wealthy Central Oregon sheepman appeared In police court this morning and pleaded guilty to a charge pt driving his auto boyond tho speed limit. Ho was not cor Uin how fast he had been going but was willing to tako Officer Kulp's word that bis speed was excessive. Ho paid a flno of $G, expressed his gratitude to tho court for the light fine, and doparted. PHOTOGRAPHS" SHOW SCENIC BEAUTIES As n demonstration of what can be dono in tho way of stimulating travel through Bend by means of outside tourist agencies, W. C. Bird sail, manager of tho Pilot Butto Inn, has assembled a series of typical Cen tral Oregon scenes, 16 In number. Similar views will bo sent to Salt Lako City, If It is decided by tho Commercial club to establish a tour ist agency there. PONT OVERLOOK YOUR F The First National Bank of Bend Bend, ::::::; Oregon t K.C.T0 WIDEN SCOPE OF WORK EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FOK HIS CHAHOKI) SOLDIERS, SAILORS AM) MAKlNKSTIiANNKl) NEW MEMBERS JOIN COUNCIL. (From Tuesday's Dally.) That an omploytnont sorvlco will bo started In 110ml In tho near fu ture under tho direction of tho Itnfghts of Columbus, as n develop ment of tho Avar work of that organi zation, was tho announcement today of John F,. Arnold, secretary of tho Bend council. Tho employment sorv lco will bo for nil mon returning from tho army, navy and marine corps. Twenty-nino now members woro added to tho local organlAitlon Sun day, whon Initiation in tho first throo degrees was held under tho direc tion of F. J. Lonorgan, state deputy. Among other visiting mombors woro Pat Bacon, grand knight, of tho Portland council; John Murphy nnd Stanley Bacon, both jot Portland, and J. J. Donovan, past district doputy of Washington. Tho initiates wore as follows: C. C. Burns, Con Breen, Gus Chlsholm, Blalno Devers, L. J. Do Carufol, Michael Daly, George Hughes, C. G. 'Meagher, Archlo McDonald, Philip Schmidt, J. Whltakor, John Cronln, John Driscoll, Dan Hourlgnn, Dave Kolly, Joe La Marsh, Henry Llnster, John T. Meyer, Pat Mogan, Jorry D. O'Conncll, Louis Rosengart, John Stolnkemp. G. R. Pauly, M. It. Sulli van, Fred A. Woclflcn, Bnrnoy Tc kempa, Jlorman Tekcmpa, Jamci Tlorney, J. P. O'Callaghan. ALL IS READY'FOR TRI-COUNTY MEET (From Tuesday's Dally.) MADRAS. May 13. Tho annual Central Oregon school day of Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties will bo held May 17 at Madras. Tho usual contests havo been arranged for, and a largo attendanco Is ex pected. Tho opening ovent will be a tennis tournament at 9 a. m., and tho high school declamatory contest at 8 p. m. will close tho day. Track events promise to be especially Interesting this year. Gold medals will bo awarded as first prizes. Tho Prlnevlllo high school band will be in attendance, and tho Glee club of tho Bend high school will furnish soveral numbers for each Indoor program. A moving plcturo show will bo a leaturo of tho after noon. POOR SANITATION ALLEGED IN CASE (From Friday's Dally.) Charged with violation of tho dis orderly conduct ordinance by allow ing drainago water to run back under a houso on Hawthorno avenuo for which ho is agent, J. M. Lawrence appeared beforo Police Judge Peoples yestorday evening nnd entered a plea of not guilty. Ho said that tho placo had been cleaned up and was now in good condition. The cage was continued pending further Investigation. VERYONE seems ready to admit that Cen tral Oregon is not a hog country. This statement is more or less true. But is that a good reason why many of our farmers , are paying bUc a pound for their bacon? There is a place on every forty acre farm for at least one hog, Dont misconstrue this to mean ten, but every farmer should raise enough pork for his family. Consult your neighbor who raised his own , pork last year, or consult us. THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE WANTS TRUCKS FOR DESCHUTES W. C. lllUDSAl.1i URGES THAT AC TIOX RE TAKEN WITH HIGH. AVAY COMMISSION TO SECURE SHARE OF EQUIPMENT. (From Tuesday's Dally,) Anxious that Deschutes county shall promptly rccolvn'tts full shnrn of tho war department nuto trucks nnd trailers which nro to bo turned over to tho slates for road work, W. C. lltrdsall of this city urged to day that recommendations ho mado at onco to tho stato highway commis sion lo Insuro tho proper amount of equipment of this kind being sent hero. At tho last session of tho Oregon legislature Mr. Blrdsall suggested, and was largoly responsible tor, the passage ot Memorial Bill No. 1C, which suggested tho division ot government trucks among the vari ous states to stimulate highway con struction and Improvement. THREE ARIES TO HONOR DEAD . A. R., SPANISH WAR VETERANS AND MEN WHO SERVED IN" WORLD WAR TO ATTEND ME MOHIAL DAY SERVICES. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Whlto haired members ot tho Grand Army ot tho Ropubllc, who woro tho bluo In tho Civil war, mlddlo aged men who served In tho war with Spain, nnd youthful veter ans ot tho world war will sit togothor. representing America's oldest and youngest armies, when Memorial day service's are held la Bend on tho morning ot MayWjjgrhe Decora tion day program will be held at the Bend Amateur Athletic club gym nasium, and will bo largoly in chargo of tho churches of Bend. . EARLY SETTLER SAW NO CHANCE FOR CITY C. E. Parker, Land Owner Were Up to 10OJ, Foresaw No Development for Half a Century. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Although onco, tho owner ot tho land on which a part of Bond now stands, C. E. Parker had no Idoa that a city would tako tho placo ot his ranch tor CO years nt least, ho told Fred Lockley, special writer for tho Orogon Journal, according to a Btory appearing In tho Portland pub lication. "I used to own tho land on which Bend Is now situated," Mr. Parker said. "On Octobor 23, 1904, I was married, and so far as I know this was tho first marrlago that took placo on tho alto ot tho present city ot Bend. I sold my placo becauso I didn't Imagine that thero would bo a city thoro for CO years, but I was mistaken." FRIEND PIG CITY RECEIVES ELLIS' CHECK FlNAIiv AUDITING OK BOOKS SHOWS NO ASSETS REMAINING IN FAVOll OF FORMER IMC CORNER, AND PAYMENT MADE. (Front Thuradny'a Dally.) Following u final exporting ot tho hooka ot former City Recorder II. 0. Kills, n chock for $380.25, tho amount still duo tho city, was1 drawn by Mr, Kills nnd handed to Max Cran dall, accountant, on whoso financial roport was baBod tho ordor mado by tho city council Monday night for an Investigation ot Mr. Kills' ac counts. Tho ways and moans com mlttoo ot tho council, with City At torney C. 8. Benson, Is expected to audit tho formor recorder's book tonight. On April 1C ot tho present year, I3C04.31 was turned In by Mr. Kills, nnd as to tho balanco ot f 380.26 still owed tho city, ho deferred payment, ho explains, bocause ot a $221 Itom tor salo of cemetery lots In 1017, which ho was not certain hnd boon Included in 4I10 accountant's report. Yestorday afternoon ho was In formed by Mr. Crandall that this amount was already Included In' tho roport submitted to tho council, nnd tho paymont of tho $380.25 followed. FEAR IS FELT FOR 5 MILLION BONDS (Continued from Pagq 1.) sufficient numbor of men to harvest tho crops, according to reports roach Ing Salem. With thesa conditions gonoral about tho stato, tho ponplo aro go ing to hesltato n long tlmo beforo thoy vota to spend $5,000,000 on publle buildings, especially whon thoy know that tho main purpose in spondlng this money Is to provide employment for returning sorvlco men. It is true that tho labor market will be soriously depleted this fall It tho impending shutdown of Port land shipyards becomes a realty, but unless thoro Is a markod change In conditions gcnornlly tho volent ot Oregon may defeat tho reconstruc tion program. To Make Whirlwind Campaign In tho whirlwind campaign they Intend prosecuting between bow and June 3, tho reconstruction commit too .will point out that labor condi tions aro certain tobocomo serious within tho next tow months, and thoy will appeal -to tho voters to provide n solution to a serious prob lom which Is certain to arlso. If theso arguments aro driven homo with sufficient forco, tho bond meas ure may bo saved from defeat. Tho ono referendum measure which appears to bo cortuln ot adop tion by tho peoplo on Juno 3 Is tho market road bill, which provides a 1-mlll tax levy for ninrkot roads ex clusively. The rural communities, naturally, aro unanimously In favor of this bills, as It will provldo farmers with hotter roads to tho markets. And urban business Intorosts also favor Its passage becauso It means TWO FEAR IS FELT Increased prosperity for everybody to provldo good roads for tho farmers. Hurley Kill Fnrorrd. 1110 Hurloy bill to guaruntoo In torost by tho stato .on Irrigation dis trict bonds nlsp.appeqrs to meet with general favor and undoubtedly will bo approved by n heavy majority. Tho fato of tho Koosovolt high way bond issuo probably Will not be determined until the last vote Is counted. ' Tho coast counties are making a sweeping campaign In all parts of the stato In an effort to havo tho bill approved, but they aro meet ing with strenuous opp6sltlon in a numbor of Eastern Oregon counties and In othor sections of tho stato, Too many persons feel that It Is nothing more than a highway for automobllo tourists and will havo no commercial valuo, OIcoU-Hoff Cnso Up. Mombors of tho stato supreme court returned this woek from their Homl-nnnunl session ut Pendleton, and thoy aro now turning their at tentions to tho OlcotMIoff mandamus proceedings, which are to determine Oovornor Olcott's right to roslgn as, secretary of stato and appoint his successor to that offlco. This case has attracted mora (n torost than any other case coming beforo the stuto's highest tribunal 'or many years, and a numbor of thq stato's foremost constitutional law yors havo tiled briefs as frlonds of the court. It Is expected that the court will band down Its decision, the latter part of this month, Put it la "THS BUlLBTIN, . r -i Extra Values in Shirts ! We have had a tremendous business in Men s Dress and Work Shirts. Theres a reason one glance at our window will convince you that we have the real Values. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS in fibre .silk and nil the new materials. Can give you soft or laundered culls. 11 big assortment to choose from, QO i GA QO MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS in n big assortment of stripes Call the new things) at prices that will mean .dollars to you. Can give you the 7Q fn CQ QC plain or military collar, at 3C U yo.UO MEN'S HEAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS, 7Qr A Real Value. All sizes, at 'L J. C. Penney Co. SfcrU New 11)7 BUSY CUulAvd adrrttin fhr rr ! 10 ttnU for 19 woriU or ). On rnl ft went tvr all otrrr 19. Alt (UualAol adnrlUIn Ulctlir cuh In ilriw FOR BALK. FOR SALE 1C0 acres of Rood land near Lowor Bridge, Oregon. Kor further particulars, address Wal ler B. Mooro, Terrebonne, Orogon. Box 144. DS-lOp FOR BAM-: 48 head ot cattle, Dur ham and whltufnce, 150 por hend. Georgo Monkennialor, Fremont, Ore. G3-10-12p FOR SAUK Ono Durham cow, mllk Ing, $70; ono Kcd Polo cow, $CS; one Jorsoy holfor, J3D; two red ateor calved, $G0, W. N, liny, Tumalo, Ore, ... CMO-llc tf6lt BALK Cholco Nottcd Oom ' need potatoes; also ono Joraoy jOuernBoy cow, frcnh I wo weeks. C. II. Hatch, Tumalo, Ore. 30-0-1 lp FOIl BALY: Bcod ryo, cleaned; de livered In Hend. Wrlto or phono I', A. Dovom & Son, Tumnto, Or. Gl-Stfc FOK SALE Tho heat buy In Contrnl Orogon. 120 acres, inllu Iron) heart of city of Hend. A. I), Morrill, Glutton, Ore. 5 1-8-1 lp FOR SALE Two room houso and ono ot best Rardon lotn In city nt IJand. Soil dcop und well fertil ized. Worth I4G0 hut will rnicrl flco for 32G, $126 down, balanco term. Add reus box 726, Hend, for appointment. II WANTKI. WANTED Man to work on ranch, $C0 per month with board. Tele phono 4-F-2D mornings or even ings. C7-7tfc WANTED Wo will call nnywhoro, any place, any tlmo, to look at your used furniture Lot us know what you havo. Wo pay cash, Tho Standard Kurnlturo Co. t7-49tfc LOHT. LOST One hay horso branded a on left Jaw, olght years old, weight about twolvo hundred, heavy mane lays on both sides ot neck, Is heavy 'honed, shows somo Clyde. Last hoard "of north ot Slstors, Ono brown maro about nlno yeara old and weight about 000 lbs,, lias abort tall; last hoard ot near Hend. Reward paid for roturn ot theso horsoa to II. T. Hartley, Tunmlo, Phono 104. 32-0-l2p BTRAYED to Caldwell's, G miles east of llond, 1 long 2-year-old black stallion; 1 black yeurllng (Illy, 1 brown two-year-old maro. Ownor may havo samo by paying dam ages and costs. T, C. Merchant. 18-0tfc LOST Rod cow, branded J lazy 8 on loft hip, crop In right ear and under slopo In right. Taken In to feed Noy. 1st, 1018, Owner notify II, A. Bcoggln, Tumalo. 11-0-llp STRAYED OR STOLEN ., Drown wart), uranueu oar ut on each shoulder; sorrel colt, white fore head, year eld, branded uamw, $10 reward, V, Dykstra, BeniL ( 93-Dp .' it k Means . Pillars lo Yea STORKS W. U. Supervisor States the Facts llnxik Hnyn Tnnlao I In Ovrrromn UN Trouble IcrU l.lkn n Sew Man. "My wlfo obtained such satisfac tory results from Tanlao that I tried It myself and I havo gained ton pounds nnd feel like n now man," said J, W. Brooks, traffic superin tendent for the Western Union Tele graph Co. at Dallas, Tex., and llvlm; at 1732 Hickory street, that city. "When I began taking Tanluc," ho continued, "I was suffering from n stubborn raso of stomach trouble, tho result of an attack ot acuta Indi gestion I had several years ago, I had an nwful pain across my back, nnd was so nervous und worried about my kidneys that I could hardly . sloop at all, I suffered from rheuma tism In my Ickh, my feel would swell and I was tired und languid all tho tlmo. I was badly run down, lost weight, strength and energy nnd noun of tho medicines I look did mo any good. "After using Tanlao for a short tlmo I bogan to pick up and kept Improving till now my rheumatism Is nil gono, tho pains havo disap peared from my back und my kid neys don't worry mo like thoy did, I hnvo u flno appetite nnd can eal anything I wnnt without suffering ut ul from Indigestion, my sleep Is sound nnd restful nnd I get up In tho morning feeling flno." Tanlao Is sold In Bend by tho Owl Drug Co., In Sinters by Cleo. F. Altkon, nnd In Bend by Hortoii Drug Co. Adv. REPORT HANK ROBBER IN CENTRAL OREGON Max Lmtls, Ono of Thrro Men Who l,ootMl Wushougu! Bank, May V Bo In Hiding Near Bend, (From Tuesday's Daily,) That Max Lewis, ono of tho three mon who recently looted tho Wash ougol, Washington, bank, may .bo In hiding In this section was tho Infor mation rocolvod today from Portland. No ulueH ot any kind In connection with tho caso had boon found up to lato this uftornoon by city or county authorities, DOSE OF BITTERS LASTS 36 HOURS (From Tuesday's Dally) " Thlrty-slx hours after taking two bottles ,of blttoru, Fred Kosbud, local tlo contractor, appeared beforo Pollco Judgo Pooplofl this morning and declarod Hint, hfeit much bol ter. Ho uIho paded igulity to a ohurgo of drunk)iBMLHni disorderly conduct nnd .was ImRhI $'0, double tho lost flno (mj)old on him on it similar charge. ' " f" FiMibad was allowed one' flay In whlalj to rulsohulf ot the 30 ,wW the1 stipulation that the remaining II t is to bo pajd Vy the end of tho mppth. A WJ. j M vl I'M ii rse. ts .MH'jraOVX "API hi' W 1 '