FA4MC msb mvumn, mam, oahqon, thuimdav, may is, iit mi mmmm4 BOND ISSUE IS OF IMPORTANCE COUNTY WOULD $125,000. USE Five Mnln Highways Would Como 1'roRrnni To Voto Juno 3. (From Saturday's Dally.) Ot mora than ordinary importune to this county la tho special bond election called or Deschutes county to bo hold Juno 3, when tho voters will decldo whether they will bond tho county for 1125,000 for good roads. Tho bond election, Is largely the result of a meeting held somo weeks Bgo at Redmond when tho matter ot road Improvement was fully dis cussed and a general agreement reached as to tho apportionment of tho funds that would bo raised by bond issuo. Tho $126,000 is distributed over flvo roads ot tho county. On tho Bisters-Redmond highway $20,000 would bo spont, covering a dlstanco ot approximately 25 miles. Tho work would begin at tho Crook county lino cast of Redmond, extend ing west by way ot Redmond and Cllno Falls to the southwest corner ot section 4, township 15 south rango 10. For tho Lower Bridge Terrebonne highway $5000 has been allotted, corering a distance ot eight and a halt miles. For seven and a half miles on tho Bend-Grange Hall road an apportionment of $5000 has been made. Tho largest slnglo item on tho road program Is $60,000, which has been allotted to Improve ment of Tho Dalles-California high way from tho northern boundary ot Deschutes county via Redmond and Bend and ending at the point ot intersection of The Dalles-Caltrornla highway.' The distance to be covered by this improvement. Op tho Bend-Lano county road through Sisters and the Bend-Burns highway, a distance of 110 miles, $35,000 would' be expended. This road begins 'at a point on the De schutes county-Lane county lino at the intersection with the road con necting tho Willametto valley with Eastern Oregon by way ot MacKcn zio river, MacKcnzie pass to Bend, through Sisters, Tumnlo and Bend to Burns to a point of intersection ot said road with the Deschutes- Harney county line. FIRST NATIONAL TO START PIG CLUBS "Will Finance Purchase of Anlmalw and Prize Will Be Given to Chil dren Getting Best Result. (From Monday's Dally.) Commercial hog growing In Cen tral Oregon lias not been a profitable business owing to the prevailing high price ot grain feeds. This had re sulted in the pondulum of popular opinion swinging so far the other way that many ranches In tho De schutes valley which should have ono or two pigs on them have none, whllo farmers aro paying 50 cents a pound for bacon. As result of an investigation ex tending over two years, R. A. Wnrd ot the First National bank believes there aro but few ranches that can not afford to support at least one pic. Every ranch should raise its own pork, ho says, but this should not bo construed as recommending that any one tako up the hog busi ness, for ho concedes that it Is prob able that hog raising on a largo scale may never bo a profitable business in this county. It is urged, howover, that there be one hog on overy 40-acro ranch. FoodB that can bo profitably fed to hogs under Central Oregon condi tions and that can be produced on tho home ranch are barley, wheat, cull potatoes, alfalfa pasturo, skim milk, turnips, field peas and garbage BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS : NONE iucTih BEND Vlhsorder to Interest tho boya and girls in livestock farming nnd tho kooplng of farm accounts, tho First National Bank ot Bend hns docldod to start a pis club it enough children sign up for membership. Tho bank will supply tho pIrs to tho children nnd tako their notes for nix months nt G per cent. Each member agrees to torco his pig along for market by fall, In tho fall n club pig show will bo held nt Bend, nt which tho pigs will bo Judged and prlxcs given for tho best hogs, most profitably raised hogs, etc. Tho pigs wilt then bo shipped to market in a" pig club shipment. It Is posslblo some ot them will bo shown nt tho Pacific International Livestock show, Tho children aro urged to save what money they mako on their pigs tor tho purpose ot putting into another livestock club ot a different nature, which tho -bank proposes to start next year. In order that tho parents may tako an actlvo intorcst in the child's progress, no member will bo accepted unless tho parent signs up with the child and promises to help with tho work, further particulars may bo had by Inquiring of Mr. Ward at tho bank. SUSPECT DROPS FLASK ON ROCK SECOND ltOTTLK IH HKIZKI) BY OFFICERS, HOWEVER, BEFORE LOUIS COLVIN CAN DESTROY ALL THE "EVIDENCE." (From Monday's Dally.) Halt of tho "evidence" which Louis Colvln had In his possession was dis posed ot with llghtnlng-llko rapidity at tho moment he was arrested by Sheriff S. E. Roberts and Officer Frank L. Kulp Saturday night, but the remaining quart was taken from him Jn timo to prevent his smashing it on a rock. Colvln's hearing in Justlco court on tho charge ot having liquor in his possession was sched uled to bo held this afternoon. information against colvln was received Saturday evening by Sheriff Roberts, and, accompanied by the night officer, ho hid himself In a barn In Deschutes addition at a point whero it was understood that Colvln would pass. At 9:30 the man appeared with n companion. Reach ing out from the door, tho sheriff seized him by tho wrist, whllo Col vln's companion took' to his heels. With his free hand Colvln dashed one bottlo to fragments on a nearby rock, and only the intervention of tho night officer saved tho second bottlo from a similar fate. Colvln was immediately lodged In the county Jail. Tho fact that ho mado no attempt to escape was ex plained when it was noted that ho wears an artificial leg. He claims California as his most recent resi dence. BEND COUPLE, OVER 60, WEDDED HERE Robert C. Johnson nnd Mrs. Margaret r J. Urniuloii Aro Married at tho I'resbytcrinn Parsonage. (From Monday's Dally.) Robert C. Johnson, aged CO, and Mrs. Margaret J. Brandon, CI years of age, wero united in marriage at noon today at tho Presbyterian parsonage by Rov. II. C. Hnrtranft. Roth aro residents of Rend und will continuo to mako their homo hero. Another recent marrlago was that of Leslie McDanlel and Miss Freda Clark of Rend at the homo of W. D, Clark at Tumalo. Mr, Hartranft was the officiating minister. "Spring Fever" nnd Common Sense. (Instead of giving up and saying you havo "spring fover," it is raoro sensible to tako a good, wholcsomo physic. Biliousness, sick headache, sour stomach, 'bloating, coated tonguo all aro banished by Foley Cathartic Tablet. B. B. Haward, Unadllla, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tab lets glvo quick relief." Sold every where. Adv. OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 BRICK & LUMBER CO. BEND TO KEEP MEMORIAL DAY PLANS A"RE MADE FOR FITTING PROGRAM. Morning Services, Luncheon (liven by Commercial Club for Service Men, Halt Homo nnd Military Ball Aro Announced. (From Monday's Dally.) Plans which aro being formulated by tho Commercial club, tho Bond Amatour Athletic club nnd tho churches ot Bond for n Memorial day aro well under way, nnd nn out lino ot tho program which Is being worked out was mado pubjlc today. All returned soldiers, sailors and marines In Deschutes county, whether from overscan service or not, aro requested to bo In uniform on May 20 as tho guests of tho organi zations which are planning n fitting commemoration of tho dny. Appropriate momorlnl services will bo hold nt tho Bend Amatour Ath letic club gymunslum on Decoration day morning, probably about 10 o'clock, and at noon tho Deschutes county sorvico mon will bo guests ot tho Commercial' club nt.n luncheon to bo given at tho Pilot Butto Inn. In tho afternoon a baseball game at tho grounds near tho depot will bo played by teams chosen from local players as tho chief entertainment fenturo. A military ball for all soldiers, sailors and marines will bo hold in tho orcntng nt tho gymnasium, form ally closing tho day. Further details will bo given out later by tho commlttco In charge. LOGGED OFF LANDS TO BECOME RANGE Second Hcrlc of Experiment to Ho Conducted AVI 1 1 Rcqulro Fenc ing nnd Heeding. (From Saturday's Dally.' With tho intention ot converting logged-off lands Into valuable range, R. A. Ward is starting a second scries of experiments which avIU havo as their main features fencing to pro tect from over-grazing: and seeding to aid tho natural forago vegetation. Cooperating with tho Rrooks-Bconlon 4tXX4t Sharpless Cream Separator Call nnd sec the NEW MODEL SHARPLESS F. DEMENT &CO. WALL ST, Brand Directory FRANK PERCIVALL Mllllcun, Oregon. adv.89p Right sldo; right ear crop pod; wattlo right hind leg. It. L. TONE, Winters, Ore. adVilOOe '. ,"3 A Lumber Co,, Mr. Ward conducted; similar oxporiinoutn on cut-over lands at tho timo ho wan county agri culturist. SYjiot clover, orchard grass and other forngo plant seeds wore sown, but tho summer which followed wan ono1 ot tho dryest In tho history ot Central Oregon, and no conclusive results woro obtained. Communications received from 10. N, Knvnnngh, ot iho district forest er's office, Portland, in regard to similar work carried on in tho Crater national forest ntnto that tho bent results have been shown nfter supplementing tho nntlvdvvegetntlou with English rye grass, sheep flscuu, orchard igrass, tall oat grass nnd mosquito. Theso plants, ho writes, have established themselves perma nently. STATE TO GET MOTORTRUCKS in,000,000 IH VALUE OF NEW AM) PARTLY USED VEHICLES TO HE TURNED OVER TO HIGH WAY DEPARTMENTS. (From Monday's Dally.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 12. Moro than $4G,000,000 worth of motor trucks aro about to bo dis tributed by tho secretnry of agri culture through tho bureau of public roads to tho statu highway depart ments. The trucks havo been do clarcd surplus by tho war depart ment and aro being distributed to tho vnrlous states under tho provisions ot section 7 of tho post offlco appropri ation bill. They must bo used by tho states In road construction In whole or In part by federal aid, for which J200.000.000 in addition to tho for mer appropriation wnu given to tho states under tho samo bill. All thnt tho states must do to acqulro tho uso of theso 20,000, which rungo In ca pacity from two to flvo tons, Is to pay the freight and loading expenses. Of tho 20,000 motor vehicles to ho acquired practically free by tho states, 11,000 aro now and 9,000 are used, but nil aro declared to bo In serviceable condition. Tho motors will be apportioned to states only up on request of tho stnto highway de partments, on tho basis of tho re quests rccelvod from tho respcctlvo states, und In accordance with tho apportionment provided In tho feder al aid law approved In 10 IC. The requirements ot tho law aro such that tho bureau ot public roads can not dlstributo nny ot tho trucks to counties or individuals. $100 FINE PAID BY DRY LAW VIOLATOR Roy Cnnlno Plead (Jullty In City Court After Quantity of Liquor Is Found in Ills Home. (From Monday's Dally.) Charged with violation of tho pro hibition law by having liquor In his possession, Roy Cnnlno, filer at tho Rrooks-Scanlon mill, appeared in pollco court this morning, entered a plea ot guilty and paid a fine of $100 imposed by City Judge I). II. Pooplos. Tho caso was tho outcome ot n search conducted by Chlof of Pollco Nixon, accompanied by Sheriff 8. E. Roborts, of Canine's homo in Do schutcs addition. When six quarts ot whiskey wero found, Mrs. Cnnlno fainted. Uceauso of tho serious con dition of hln wlfo, Canlno was allowed to go on his own rccognlzanco until tho hour sot for trial this morning. FRIDAY NIGHT SET FOR DANCE AT CLUB (From Monday's Dally.) To raise funds for tho purchaso of equipment for tho Ilond Amatour Athletic club baseball teum, a danco will bo given In tho gymnasium on tho pvcnlnrf ot Friday, May IC, Tho attendance will not bo limited to club members, It In announced. lZU.'-i-7- w VwjrjJ6. tiie RJJSSCLL TRACTOR GUILT IN ALU SIZC3 Kit Y&1 FWtii ENGINES n EmLI E boilers M B b0ifi I SAWMILLS 1 yl I I THRESHERS BEAN AMD PEA THRESHERS CLOVER HULLERS CALL OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS fxi.ii"' rrx.-wr BUCJSHECHT ARMY Tho Shoe thnt give you "ex tra Service every itep-7 Comfort every minute." For practical, everyday wear for lasting coin fort for the aort of lervlcc you have tight to expectlook to the Huckhiciit Army Shoe, It will give you J new leiue of ihoe-comfort t new undemanding of ihoc-cconomy. Made on the famous Munion Lait from top-gradc material! by top-notch workmen. Worn by thouiaudi of men In ill walki of life, Get a pair today I At plnclftt ilnlm on I In Pacific Cotit, If jour JrjUr U not tupplM, nnlr IItrt from M.nuUclurcr. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT S.n Frtnotaee REDMOND HOPES REST ON TUCK VICTORY OF ONE-MAN TEAM AT EUGENE INDICATES PHOIIAHLH HKHUIT OF THI-COUNTY MEIM' IN MADRAS MAY 17. (From Monday's Dally.) Following tho showing -made by Arthur Tuck ot Redmond at tho stnto interschalnstlc track meet at tho University ot Orogou Saturday, other high dchools ot Central Oregon will havo only second placo to con test for when tho trl-county meet is held In Madras May 17. Tuck, who Is only 17 year old, took tho stato moot slnglo' handed from tho pick ot tho prop school athletes of tho stato, winning sovou firsts, ono second and smnshlng three records, Ills points totnlod 38. Now records which Tuck estab lished woro in tho 100-ynrd dash, which ho ran In 10 seconds, ho Jav elin throw, measured nt 174 fpet 8 Inches, nnd tho discus throw, 123 foot 10 Inches. Tho 220-yard dash, shot put, 120-yard high hurdles nnd high Jump wero his other firsts, whllo In tho broad Jump ho pulled down a second place. WHAT ARE YOU ROINU7 You talk ot your breed of cattlo And plnn for n higher strain; You double tho food ot tho pasturo, You heap up tho measure of rnln'; LYou drnw on tho wits of the nation, To better tho barn and tho pen, Rut what are you doing, my brothers, To better tho breed of men? You boast of your Morgans und Hero- fords, Ot tho worth of n calf ora colt, And scoff nt tho scrub und tho mon- grol As worthy a fool or a dolt; You mention thu' points ot your roadster, With many a "whereforo" and "when," Rut, oh, uro you counting, my brothers, Tho worth of tho children ot men? You talk ot your roan-coiorcd filly, Your liolfor so shapely and sleek. No placo shall bo filled In your stan chions Ry stock unworthy or weak. Rut what of tho stock of your house hold? Havo they wandered boyond your kon? O, what Is rovealcd In tho round-up That brands thu daughters of men? And what of your boy? Havo you moasured His needs for a growing year? Does your mark as his slro, In his features, Mean less than your brand on n steer? Thorobred that is your watchword For stable and pasturo and pon; Dut what Is your word for tho homo stead? Answer, you brooders of mon. Roso M, Trumbull, Scottsdale, Ariz. CARROLL LEAVING TIIE ATHLETIC CLUB (From Saturday's Dally.) To tako chargo of tho Y. M. C. A, campaign In flhormnn, Wuhco, Jef ferson, Crook and Deschutes coun ties, L, C, Carroll, for iiovoral months 8ocrotnry"ut tho Hond Amuteur Ath lotto club, will leuvo his prcflont po sition Monday, ha announced today. HIh work as campaign manniger will last until Juno 10, but aftur that timo ho will bo pormunontly connected with 'tho Y. M, O. A, of this stato Athlotlo Director I.uckoy of tho club will tako ovor Mr. Car roll 'n duties as secretary for tho tlma bolng. J? SHOE Sold In Black Gunmotal or Mahogany Calf or In dian Tan Calf. $612 $8:52 BEND LOSES IN FINAL DEBATE JUIHJEH (11VIJ TWO TO ONE VOTK FOR EUOENE LAHT NK1IIT IN CONTEKT 11)11 HTATE INTER HCHOLAHTIO CHAMPIONSHIP. (From Friday's Dally.) EUOENK, May 0. At tho close of n hard fought contest with tho Eugono high school debaters hero last night thu Rend high school team lost tho decision by n baro margin of ono- voto. Tho Judges' choice de termines tho stnto Interschalnstlc champions. The question used throughout tho stato by tho high school teams was tho International pollco phaso ot tho lcaguoof nations, and In Instjilglit's contest tho Ilond debaters, William Williams nnd George Curtis, wero scheduled to uphold thu negative. Under thu training ot High Hchool Principal Jounson, they had already boon given two unanimous doclsloim against Franklin high school of Port land and against Ashland, and tho Judges' voto given lust night appar ently gives little choice between winners and losers. ASSESSMENTS MAY BE IN BY JUNE Murli Quicker Work Than l,nl Year i:txvtiil by W. T. Mullnrky Deputy riiilxlic nt Redmond. (From Friday's Dally.) That tho work of deputy assosiorn throughout the county will he com pleted by June JG Is tho prediction mado todny by County Assessor W. T. Mullnrky. A month longer was taken last year, but this was duo, Mr. Mullarky bolto'vcs, to thu fact that shortngn of farm help, becnuso of the war, rendered It Impossible for deputies to devoto tholr ontln time to tho county's work. Redmond holds tltu honor thin year of being tho first town In tho county whero the assessment work bus been completed. SEED DISTRIBUTION TO FARMERS STARTS (From Saturday's bally.1 Alfalfa seed ordered by tho First National hank for ranchers Is be ing rapidly distributed, shipments having been sent out this wcuk to Redmond and Tumulo. Tho totul amount socurcd for distribution In 34,304 pounds. Nitrogen bacteria' Inoculation is being furnished at cost by tho Oregon Agricultural college, CO bottles having been sent to Tum alo, whllo the romulndor ot tho order, 00 bottles, will ho received hero shortly. CHILDREN AT CAMP KEEP MOTHERS' DAY (From Monday's Dally,) A mothor'B duy program was glvon Frlduy ovoiiIiir by tho pupils of tho Ilrooks-Scuulon camp school and was gram wuh ono uct comedy which An amusing feature of tho urn- greatly enjoyed, had boon wrltton by tho chlldron, ontltlod,: "Tho Jlggn Family nt tho Movies." Tho chlldron presented their mothers with curnatlons. After tho program refreshments woro served. HUDHON i:.l-.HOI.(l. Work wus begun this week by H. P. IlroBtorhouii on tho romodollng and enlarging of tho rouldonco of C S. Hudson, Tho chnnges will In volvo tho addition of four rooms, tWo bedrooms, llvlnir rnn.ii iv in....- ing porches, two flroplucos nud butli- ruuui,