The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 15, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    lW-l l
. .
Central Oregon
POWELL BUTTE, May 13. Miss
Hnzol Unyno arrived homo Saturday
nlghl from San Francisco, whore
nho has boon omploycd In tho Red
Cross headquarters during tho war.
Miss Bayno will visit with her par
cnts Until tho first ot July, when she
leaves to outer Mt. Zton's hospital
to train as a nurso.
Qrandma'Brown is recovering from
her recent operation for cancer ot
tho lip.
Mrs. Carl Llndqulst has been
quite 111 tho post week.
Arthur Wurswcllen and E. II.
Stuart went to Prinovlllo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Drlscoll attend
ed scrricos and visited with friends
In Bend Sunday.
Tho program given by tho Red
mond high school students -nt tho
social last week was ot high order
nnd very much appreciated by thoso
present. Tho young peoplo gave
their sorvleos freo and tho Powell
Butlo Sorosla club desires to express
Its thanks for their kindnes and gen
crofilty Frank Foster ad family wcro In
Prinovlllo Sunday.
Mrs. Arba WHeoxen camo'up from
her home in Portland and made
Powell Butlo a brief visit ono day
last week, going on to Bend and re
turning to Portland.
Quite a largo class from Wilson
school is taking tho eighth grade
examination this week.
The- frequent frosts In this sec
tion are retarding tho growth of
gardens and so forth.
Gcorgo Bailey, well known in this
community, but now a resident ot
Portland, has recently returned
from ovorsca3, woll and glad to be
in tho V. S., according to letters re
ceived by friends in Powell Dutto last
George Hobbs, J. F. Rico. E. H.
Stewart, Roy Roberts, Henry Hansen,
and C. L. Worrell were among the
Knights of Pythias who returned
from attending tho convention in
PrinovJIIe last week. They report
having a fine time and being royally
entertained by tho Prinovlllo knights.
Professor and Mrs. E. E. Evans and
children, Anna and Donald, with
Mrs. Evans parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Noble, ot Quincy, Michigan, were
visitors at tUo home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Brlx recently.
Dan Hourlgan has returned from
a business visit to Portland.
J- F. Rico is confined to his homo
with an attack of la grippe.
Tut it la "THE BULLETIN."
Mario Helsler, Freeport. Ill
writes: "I had jnoro or less ot a
cough for 10 years and I hnvo taken
luito a number of medicines. None
of them takes hold and helps like
Foley's Honoy and Tar." This old,
rcliablo couzu syrup promptly helps
roughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Contains no opiates. Sold
everywhere Adv.
MILLICAN', May 13. The reason
for Miss Mao CaseUeer'a refusal to
return to school duties next fall has
become apparent, for sho was re
cently united in marriage to Merrill
Knot. Her mother came to Join her
In Bond.
A large crowd enjoyed a danco at
the former Conaway houso Satur
day, May 3.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Holland and
daughter Mary were Sunday guests
at the Leo Rooney home. Mr.
Rooney's mother from Portland is
visiting nt tho Rooney homo.
tLco Keller and son Harold called
at tho R. II. Keller homo Sunday.
Seth Stookey called on bis nephew,
W. W. GrlnBtoad, one day this week.
Thero are quite a few riders In
this neighborhood now rounding up
Mrs. L. A. Shaffer called at tho
J, J. Holland homo Monday.
Mary and Joseph Hollnnd accom
panied Mrs. L. A. Shutter to Bend
Tlie P. B. Johnson family was out
this way Sunday.
Roy Keller was fclck several days
this week, but Is going to school
again. ,
Miss E. Lomas made a business
call at tho R. R. Keller homo Satur-
Tom Golnp relied ut tho Holland
liome Tuesday.
Leo KIKr expects to make final
p-oof May 15, and J. J. Holland
Way 20.
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
"I do -heavy work, and that Is a
Btraln on a man's kidneys," writes
Bert Dawson, Canton, 111., "My
trouble storied with severe, sharp
pains over my back. I bought a
bottle of Foloy Kidney Pills, and be
fore it was gone, ray pains had en
tirely left me," They banish rliou
raatio pains, backache, soreness, stiff
new. Sold everywhere, Adv.
Put It In "l'HK BULLETIN."
SISTERS. May 13. School closes
Friday, tho 16th, with conduct ot
tho eighth grade examination. Tho
sixth grado writes In philology, tho
seventh In geography nnd George
Davis writes In arithmetic.
F. W. Weber has accepted a po
sition In tho Bend postotuco tor tho
sumtnor vacation,
F. Wobor has accoptcd tho
prlnctpnlshlp ot tho La Pino school
nt a salary ot 11450 tor ulno months'
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Allen, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. L. GIbI. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Arnold. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Graham,
Jesso Scott, Van Wilson, Inox Mc
Klnnoy, Allco Kapphahn, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Kline. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dort
Hodson. Percy Mead, Storllo Fry
roar. Mary Fryrear. and Holon Manny
nttonded tho dunce nt tho Holslng
summer resort Saturdny evening.
Refreshments wore served and ovory
ono had a good time.
C. L. Gist, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Schonck and Alice Kapphahn were
at Bend Saturday.
Mrs. Earl Updlko hns secured a
teacher to fill out tho rest ot tho
torm, which ends tho 13th ot Juno.
Gcorgo Altkcn was at Prinovlllo
Wednesday to attend n meeting of
tho Knights of Pythias. Twenty-ono
members took tho third degrco initia
tion. Rod Foster ot Easlo Creek valley
was In town Sunday.
Frank Zumwnlt ot tho Alllngham
station on tho Motollus wont to Bend
Sunday and returned with his daugh
ter Nellie, who has been at tho Bend
Surgical hospital.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. E. Parborry, Frank
Arnold, Dert Hodson. Tom Arnold.
Mrs. Long nnd Mrs. Harrison, all ot
Clovcrdale, were shopping at Sisters
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roach, Mrs.
J. W. Donnls and children left for
Kcnnewlck, Wash., Monday for n
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graham nnd
children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Arnold of Clovcrdale wero fishing on
tho Mctolius Sundny.
Ed Spoo hauled a load of wheat
to Bend Monday nnd returned with
a load of brick.
Mrs. Madson purchased 'the Up
dike ranch on tho Metolius.
E. Parks has sold his ranch on
tho Metolius.
George Tonkin, stato game warden,
ot Pendleton, was at Sisters Satur
day. Mrs. C. W. Allen has returned
from Vlda, Ore., and is getting ready
to move to Vlda permanently. Her
household goods aro for sale.
County Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson visited the school Friday.
F. W. Weber and J. Alton Thomp
son made a flying trip to Lower
Bridge, .Terrebonne, Redmond and
Tumalo after school on Friday.
District Attorney Arthur J. Moore,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Abbott and Architect
Leo A. Thomas, all of Bond, wero at
Sisters Sunday on their way to Black
Vern Skelton made a record catch
of fish on tho Motollus Sunday.
Nowt Cobb was In from tho sheep
camp at Lower Bridgo Sundny.
Vern Kief has completed tho first
semester's work in bookkeeping.
Cut This Out It' Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, cncloso with Cc to Foloy & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foloy's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foloy Kid
ney Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tablets.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
mooting held at tho school Iioubo
Tuesday evening in tho Interests of
tho Victory loun campaign was
fairly well attended, although thero
woro a great many farmers who
should have been thoro that wero
tint Alinnt tor.fl wiiu Hiiliscrlbcd In
bonds by thoso present. Chad Irvln
of Redmond wus present ana spoko
on tho Victory loan.
W. II. Gray sow ma sawing mn
chlno to BUI McCormlck of De
schutes. Those attending tho .social at tno
school houHe at Deschutes Friday
ovoning from thlB neighborhood
wcro: Mr. and Mrs. Ed 8walloy,
Grandma Swalley, Mrs. Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. Whlto, Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Anderson und Mr. and Mm. John
Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Baugh
man and Mlsa Ruth Kasomoyor.
Anton Ahlstrom, accompanied by
Mrs. Catharine Johansen, Miss Hllraa
Nelson and Mrs. O, E. Anderson, was
in Dend Wednesday.
P. C. Hardy of Bend nought some
seed oats from RaHinus Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wero
In Redmond on business Friday after
noon. . . T, I
Anton Ahlstrom went to Bond
Thursday to have sorao repair work
done on his automobile.
Rasmuii Peterson is putting up a
now woven wire fence around his
yard and garden.
Hans Mikkolsen loat a flno heifer
this week from bloat.
Rasmus Peterson has the lumber
on tho ground to build a now flume
on bin plnco.
Judgo W. D. Barnes ot Bond was
out hero Wednesday to got somo
shrubbery along tho river,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wont
to llond Saturday night to honr Billy
Sundny speak nt tho llond Athlotto
'club tor tho Victory lonn.
linns Mikkolsen nnd son Alfred
wero Rodmond visitors Saturday,
J. W. Potursnu wns In llond on
business Saturday.
John Gray, accompanied by somo
friends from Bend, visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Gray, Sun
day. Anton Ahlstrom was In Redmond
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson, ac
companied by Lesllo Houghtnllug, at
tended tho show In Bond Sunday
ovoning. ,
Mr. Philips of Deschutes wns n
visitor nt tho Anderson homo Sunday.
Mrs. P.' Dennett. 7 Wawnanda
Placo, Mlddlotowh, N. Y., writes: "I
hnvo given Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar to
my Uttlo boy, nnd cannot recommend
It too highly as I think It Is tho only
modlclno tor coughs nnd colds." Flno
tor croup and whooping cough, as
welt as coughs and colds. Contains
no oplntcs. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
CLOVERDALE. May 14. Rev.
Prlnco, who Is taking Rev. Mc
Vicker's tplaco as minister lot tho
Presbyterian church ot Redmond,
preached his Initial sermon nt tho
school houso on Sunday afternoon.
A good crowd was In attondanco.
Misses Leona and Tholma Gooding
ot Rodmond accompanied him.
Mrs. F. J. Burllns, Mrs. I. C. Par
berry and Jonnctto Hurnsldo wore
Sisters visitors an Saturday.
J. J. Donken was on tho sick list
a fow days last wcok.
Tho 15,000 bond election held at
tho Dean Van Mntro ranch on Satur
day for tho purposo ot building n
now dam bolow tho present. site for
tho Squaw Creek Irrigation company
carried, 1C to 1.
R. O. Andrus was n cnllor at tho
Long home on Snturday.
J. J. Doaken was a Bend business
visitor on Monday.
H. O. Wilson and D. 1J. Long nro
shearing shocp this week at tho
Andrus ranch.
R. O. Andrus was a business cnllor
at tho Parborry ranch Friday aftor
noon. Viola Miller, who has been staying
nt tho Ilurnslde homo, relumed homo
on Saturday.
Vorno Skolton and Earlo and Ivan
Millor woro Ashing on tha Metolius
over tho week end.
Viola Miller, Lloyd Rougher, Lynn
Wilson and Jesse Scott spent Sun
dny evening visiting at tho Parborry
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilson woro
Redmond visitors on Thursday.
Miss Raxio Morris was called to
her homo fn Culver on account of
tho serious illness ot hor brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold, Mr,
and Mrs. II. Kline. Mr. and Mrs. J. B,
Hodson, Mary and 8torllo Fryrear
attended tho danco nt Helslng'H on
the Metolius on Saturday evening.
Warren Edmonds received tho
news ot tho Illness nnd (tenth ot his
brother In Manchester, Iowa, on
Mrs. H. C Millor and son Earlo
mado a trip to Dend on Friday.
Jesso Scott of Lowor H rid go was
n business cnllor In Cloverdalo on
crow of men has been working bov
oral days on n now flu mo on tho
Swalley ditch near Rasmus Peter
Mr, nnd Mrs. Ole -Hanson nnd
Hans Hunson of Deschutes spent
Sunday nt tho Mlkkelsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson and
Leslie Houghtallng attended tho
movies in Bend Sunday night.
Earl Wood uttonded tho.IC. or P.
lodge celebration In Prinovlllo Wed
nesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Andorson woro
Bond visitors Saturday evening.
Reginald Bayloy of Tumalo was In
this neighborhood Sunday.
Mndlson Holton and WIlllo Po tor-
son nttended thu danco at tho Hippo
drome In Bend Saturday night.
J, F. Young, tho Swalley ditch
ridor, took dinner ut the Anderson
homo Monday,
J. W. Peterson went to Rend Sat
urday. Mrs, Hans MlkkelHon and son Al
fred, accompanied by Mrs. Cathnrino
helps them to grow into big, strong, healthy bird's.
Q A dean, vrholetoma, nttural food no dust no watte.
Keep tho chlclu healthy and makes them grow fatt.
jyLec for tut Nam anJ TnJ Ma'k on Evtty Original Patk'l
OUR 1919
Of "Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing
everything nccciury for the profitable production of poultry
nuulM ire on request.
"BUCKEYE" Incubator and COLONY Brooder Stoves
ia,000 KIX)TAT1()N TO AID IN
(From .Thursdny'u Dally.)
Responding to n putltlan hearing
130 names, tho Deschutes county
court today authorized n county elec
tion on Juno 3, ut which tlmo n
$125,000 road band Issuo will bo
voted on. Ot tho total amount which
It Is expected to rnlso by this means,
G0,000 will bo used to co-oporntn
with tho stato In tho construction
ot Tho Dnllen-Callfornln highway,
tho romalnd'or to go for tho Improve,
tnent ot various socallod niarkut
Tho bonds, It Is stipulated, shall
draw not mora than GH por cent.
Interest, nnd will bu norlnl In char
acter after tho fourth year, final re
tirement of the county's securities
to bo tundo at tho end ot 10 yearn.
Johansen, wcro Redmond visitors
Anton Ahlstrom mado n business
trip to Rodmond Saturdny afternoon.
Mrs. O. E. Andorson was In Rod
mond on business Thursday morning.
Fred Soollng enmo down from
Ilond Sundny morning nnd spent tho
day nt tho Gray homo.
J. W. Peterson, accompanied by
his wife nnd children nnd his mother,
visttod nt Mrs. Carrie Johnson's
ranch, nenr Tumalo, Sunday.
Miss Hllma .Nelson entertained
Mrs. J. W. Potorson, Mrs. Peterson,
sr , nnd Mrs. O. E. Andorson Wednes
day afternoon.
J. W. Potorson has built n new
ignrago this week.
Hans Mlkkelsn butchered n hog,
which ho delivered In Ilond Friday.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson was u Tumnlo
visitor Tuesday nftornoon.
PINBHURST, Mny 14. Charles A.
Howell, Albort Grahnm and Durwnrd
Howell found a coyoto den Saturday
with flvo young coyotes In It. They
had somo real sport getting them out
without killing them.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Smith wcro Sun
day visitors nt W. E. 8enrcy'a.
Mrs. G. M. Couch, who Is in llond
for medical treatment, In seriously
F. V. 8wlshor was transacting busi
ness In Rend Monday,
On Inst Thursday ovoning nt tho
school houso n declnmatory contest
was hold Tho participants wero
Rozolln Pholps nnd Resnlo Snyder,
both of tho seventh grade. Tho first
recited "Tho Return of Rogulus,"
tho second, "Tho Pnrtlng of Mnrmlnn
Und Douglas." Both selections woro
given exceptionally well, and tho
judges, who wero Mrs. W. B. Searcy,
Miss Frances Thompson nnd Roy M
Wolls, xnvo tholr decision In favor
of tho first speaker, Rozolln Phelps.
Mrs. Alex. Howell spent several
days visiting nt C. W. Howell's.
W. E. Searcy has leased his farm
to Mr. Mlckols and sons and will
"movo to Hond In tho nenr future.
Miss Ivy Snyder enmo homo Sun
day after staying several wcoks In
Rend with Mrs. Prlnco.
Miss Ethol Snyder wns an nil
night guest of MIsh Ruth Ilayloy
Wednesday ovoning.
Raymond Wlmor has boon nbsent
from school tho nnst week on account
of a severe cold.
Georgo Clemens spent tho week
end at tho Mickels homo.
For Pupor Mill work.
No oxporlonco neces
sary. 8 hours work
42o per hour. Oppor
tunity for advance
ment. Slnglo men pre
ferred. Splendid now
hotel, meals 30c, roams
35c. Apply
Crown Willamette
Paper Co.,
Camas, Wash.
Ak lor Catalog Ma
and Egg
lANLAL The Owl Pharmacy
"Some Saving V9 says the
Good Judge
You men arc savin
every cent you can. You
ought to know that this
quality tobacco costs loss
to chewnot more !
You takea smaller
chew. It gives yau the
good tobacco tustc. It
lasts and lasts. You
don't need a fresh chew
so often.
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Minn A. F. Kldor. Mlim Hesslo
8nydor nnd Mm. O. W. Hnyilor wont
to llond Saturdny with Mm. j. i.
Dnvo MlckuU npont Sundny In
Mr. nnd Mm. O. II. Bpnugh nnd
family nnd Mr. nnd Mm. llnrry Mo
Oulro npont Saturdny ovenlng nt tho
Howell homo,
Misses Ivy nnd IMhoI 8nydor worn
entertained nt tho Uraham homo Hun
day. Minn Ilorlhu Hnssnlhurg, from
Kelso, Washington, enmo In on tho
train Friday morning to vltill hor
olHtor, Mm. F. V. Swlshor,
(From Saturday'! Dally.)
Sovoti llond candidates for tho trl
county dcclnmntlon content, May 17,
woro chosen Initl night and thin
monrlng nt tryoutn hold nt tho high
school hulldlng. County try outn
woro being hold tills afternoon. Sun
ccsnful compotltora itoloctod up to
thin noon woro: flmt dlVlnlon (flrol
nnd nocond grade), Marlon Huso;
nocond dlvUlon, (third nnd fourth
grades), Allco Oalen; third, dlvUlon,
(fifth nnd sixth grades),. Manila
Erlckson; Junior high school, Marlon
"&&&rt&Z fl aJ V.
WmfSZ. T hr-
if -m.
fM!!Sm If
rfifTmTjjtenffDnoisnnmiiLJt pi I'lTiffcrfo
Unto -rrrrJl'ffi TrJKyT'rf?""J -yi I
. 'MIT f?rT10rf;mninn-nriiTi m m W, d 111 111 t..K-A
rwnwii'wJii??r;lr"'ai K vZ' II m!EI
mmmAKm jo
Crum; senior high school, orator
leal division, titnnluy llond; senior
high school, dramatic division, Kmmn
I-on Myers; humoruun, Durlo llurton.
County tryoutn renal t ml In tho so
loctlon of Htnuloy Hhluglnr ot Hod
mond, Alien Union of Ilond, Noldn
Mohlor of Itodtnond und Harold Klluo
ot Hodmond In tint flmt, second, and
fourth divisions, respectively.
Mr. & Mrs. Rancher
to kcI your
from us.
We olway tfiv the biggest
value for the Dollar.
When in DenJ be sute you
come in anu ice u.
A to Z Grocery
McCuidoo h Joliruofl, I'mpi.
1 34 Orrgon Si. SI ui I Mw. MJg.
The longest
lasting benefit,
the greatest
satisfaction for
your sweet
in the sealed
Air-tight and