The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 15, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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IK ;
No. 11
ANimttily Cheer When Hchddemnnn
HlHtiUn of 1'rmrn Offer n "Villi
.Munlcr Plot" Demount-
(Ioiin Through""! Hcrlln.
Ily John Grnudrnz.
(Unit! l'rcw Staff CorrMpoiuUnl)
RERUN, May 14. Fifteen thous
.nnd majority soclullitH yoatorday
staged ft street demonstration In
front of (ho hotel Aillon, Amurlcan
headquarter In thin city, crying:
"Down with Wilson; down with thu
Americans," Tho tumult grow In
front of thn U. H. headquarlcni until
CO nolillcrw arrived nud elenrod tho
Tho crowd first gathered for n
demonstration uRnlimt tha terms
laid down In tho poaco treaty mossing
.In front of tho Reichstag building.
Itlchnrd Fischer, In un address to tho
people due In red that tholr confldonco
In President 'Wilson had boon ahaniot
fully abused, and that tho covorn
" irknt would not permit tho signing
of tho treaty.
Tho rioter then surged toward tha
Hotol Adlon, hooting, Joorlng and
shouting "robbers." Tho tumult-
uuuc scene lasted for half, an hour.
' ; .WiBlKht-VrtyT - "
"Wo will fight to tho utmost
against tho separation by vlolonco of
nny aorman torrltoHcn,"1 Chancellor
Hchctdomann declared today in a
proclamation forwarded to Danzig.
AccordltiR to tho torma of tho poaco
term, Danzlx becomes a treo city
administered under tho direction of
thu tMiRtia of nations.
Chancellor Bcholdomunn, War Mln-
I latur Noako, Huo Hnaso, and Kon-
Mtnntlno Fuhrcnbnch, prenldetit of tho
imtlonul assembly, itddrossod that
body today.
Tho doputluii atood and cheered
for several minutes at tho chancel.
lor'a worda: "Take away that vllo
murder plot," uttored an ha pointed
toward a copy of tho proposed treaty.
Demonstrations against thu poaco
terms continued In novoral parts of
tho city.
-! --
.. Dy l-Yed H. 1VrKUon,
(IMU4 Trwa SUIT rcrrlflt)
PAXHS, May 14.- The "Dig Four"
todayTjacelved three nojes from Ger
man, 'delegates relative to the peace
terms ft? wa Imtfaed, -Tha contents
of tho communications havo not been
Confidence In expressed In high
quarters that notwithstanding tho
present flood of communications from
tho rjormanti thoy will comptoto' tholr
objections to tho poaco torma well
within tho 1G day period, and that
thu allien will make their reply with-
In another ten days.
Report Received by First Nutlonnl
Indlrnto llljr. Romnnil for Clips
of Western State.
(From Wednaduv'B Dally.)
What promlsod to be n bIubrIbIi
boason has developed tho most uctlvo
wool murkot for aovoral yoarn. Ad
vlco rccolvod by tho First National
Mnk xtutoa that three Montana clips
roallzod GO conts, tho common bid
for wool In that B(nto being 66 conts,
Tho Wool Livestock company of
Idaho contracted Its ontlro clip to an
onfltorn concarn nt 584 cents. This
is ono of tho principal woatorn cIIpb,
grading from coarse to flue staple.'
Seventy-five per cent', of the Utah
lip W changed hands at prleea
ranging from 40 to 66 bents.. The
pHlk ot Nevada wool sold around ,40
.teHa cmU, ' " '
MhoriAKo iff Lalxir, JnNtrmd of Kv
peeled HiirplUN, One 6ff Chief
Argument of Opposition
Plan Vlgortin CotnpalKii.
flpUI to Th Bulletin.)'' ' '
8ALEM, Mny 16. Unios A do
elded chanRO of sentiment Is mani
fested during tho next lljreo wooks,
tha S,000,000 reconstruction bond
Issuo Is almost certain to f4 dafnated
nt the special election on Juno ,1y
This prophecy is bascd'onrcports
which havo reached Hnlom duriitR
tho past two weeks. Thoyjcomn from
men prominent in publo llfo' in
avory part of thu state; I from state
officials who travol Into fall sections
of tho commonwealth, atid from
others who rnuko It a business to
koup posted un tho RonoraT (rhd ot
public opinion. 'j,,ti
Those in charRo of thffirecnMruc
tlon bond campalRn hnvoseus'od this
adverse sontlment, and heroic meas
ures nro to bo adopted atonco In an
erfort to savo this Important moasuro
from tho scrap heap. Aylcorous
campaku is to ho wnRcd throuRhtho
puhllo pross and by public .speakers.
Tho campalRn committee Is deter
mined to put forth lu best efforts
to proyall upon tho voters to ap
prove ot this reconstruction pro
Rram, Whether or not tho meosuro
will be defeated depends ontlroly
upon tho ability of tho campaign
commtttoo to chango tho sentiment
which la now strongly aRalnst tho
Labor Hliorlngo Notol.
Tho 16,000,000 reconstruction
bond program was tentatively
adopted by tho legislature aa tho only
solution for what appeared, ecrly
this year to bo an Impending jabor
crisis lu Oregon after tho homo troops
had returned' from ovurseas. The
prlmo object ot voting this vast
amount of money for public build
Iiirs and other public works was to
provldo suitable employment for tho
thousands of Oregon men whon thoy
returned from tholr victorious on
slaught against tho Hun,
Itut with a majority o tho stato
trooptt back home, tho labor situa
tion Is Just tho revorao from what
had boon tlzpocted. Thorn Is at tho
present time n serious shortage of
labor. In tho road work, for In
stance contractors say thoy aro find
ing It almost Impossible to find n
sufficient number ot men for tho
various road projects about tho
stato, and ono largo paving concern
Is now contemplating Importing
laborers Into tha stato from Mon
tana It tho prcsont labor shortage
IVond.t Aro Oppotrt!.
Farmers, llkowlso, aro finding
thomselvos hard put to procure it
(Continued on I.nst Pago.)
Plead Oullty and ANkn for fQ VIm
but $100 Penalty In Imposed
on Uijuor Chance
Fifty days In Jail, at the rato of
2 a day, -will Just work, oft (ho lino
which Police Judgo People Imposod
on Louis Colvln yesterday, Afternoon,
whon Colvln pleaded guliiy to tho
chargo ot having liquor in hfs poa
oesBlon. Tho dofondattt' bffeVod to
pay cash If tho court wr6u'Id ciiit tho
lino In half, and whon thtuua not
dono, doelarod that ho wu'ld nerve
out tho full 60 days rather thun pay
n cent Into tho etty tron'aury;
Colvln was captured' IfBt , Satur
day night by Shorlft B.'V' Uoborta
and Night Offlcor Frank L. ifulp In
DuBohutoH addition.
(From Wednesday's Daily,)
Students ot tho llond lilglt Jchpol
llaUned to an oxcollont add row given
yesterday at the Bchopl, auditorium,
by Jaqk Horton, grating eiRiiilner of
theTDesGhutea National forest! on the
flMtvlite ot Central Oregon.
City Klniuicfl QurxtJon Introduced,
but N'o I)Im)(IIJoii to Itccoimldcr
Is Hhown Iloail Burrejs Itc-
pirtI U,lUs VroKTCHnlng.
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
Plans for a fitting observance of
Momorla! day In Dend this year
woro discussed this noon at tho reg
ular session of tho Commercial club
ns tho chlof order of business coming
before tho organization. A tontatlvo
outllno ot tho program for tho day,
which had previously boon suggested,
will bo changed so that tho recep
tion and danco for returned soldiers,
sailors and marines will not bo glvon
on tho ovonlng of Decoration day, but
on tho ovenlng following. Other de
tails, including services at tho Dend
Amateur Athletic club on tho morn
ln ot May 30, and a dinner to bo
glvon by tho Commercial club In
honor ot men returned from tha serv
ice, will bo loft In tho hands of a
special coramlttoo to bo appointed by
Vlco President If. A. Miller.
Tho matter ot a Momorlal day pro
gram was Introduced by D, O. Mc
Phornon, a veteran ot tho Spanish
American war, and before tho club
rrud officially endorsed tho plan, D.
L. McKay, who as a boy of 16 years
fought for tho Union In tho Civil
war, was called on for remarks. Mr.
McKay spoko favorably of tho pro
gram outlined, but advised strongly
against a danco or ball game on
Decoration day. "It's too much llko
going to a funorcl to havo a good
tlmo," ho declared.
Ovcrturf to lto Delegate.
In connection -with tho danco which
Is to bo held on tha evening ot Sat
urday, May-31,1fTrMagge8te4 that
tho local Red Cross chapter assist In
sorvlr3f"'i0tfcaMcon luncheon.
In rcsponso to a lottor from Tha
Dalles Chambor ot Commcrco ask
ing that a dolegato from tho Dond
Commercial club bo present at tho
meeting ot secretaries ot civic or
ganizations to bo hold In "Wasco
county scat on May 22 'and 23 to
tako up road matters, II. J. Overturt
was selected as tho club's rcpro-
On tho motion of It, A. Ward, tho
club wont on record ns endorsing tho
Koosovelt highway to sccuro sup
port of tho WlllamoUo valley coun
ties for tho. $2,500,000 Irrigation
bond moasuro.
Itonds Kail to Interest.
Mayor J. A. Eastes again brought
up tho matter of bonds vs. tax for
wiping out tho city's dobt, stating
that tho city council, In special moot
ing this ovonintr, would sot tho dnto
for a bond oloctlon. Ho naked for
an expression ot opinion by tho club,
but tho members showed no Inclina
tion to reconsider tho action taken
at a formor mooting, In which thoy
oudorsod tho tax mothod ot ratalng
tho' monoy needed.
Tourist lloutliMr Made.
W. C. Ulrdsnll roportcd that tho
California Automobile association Is
routing all tourists going north
through Central Oregon, and on his
motion It was decldod to send 1000
road maps to tho California asso
ciation, 'and to urgo tho Klamath
Falls Chamber nt Commcrco to post
road signs for tho guldauco ot tour
ists, It. S. Hamilton roported on tho
mooting ot tho stato highway com
mission In Portland, and stated that
County Survoyor It. U. dould now
has two survoylng partlos working
on road location In response to ro
quoBtfl tor Immodlato action from tho
Tho First National bank of Dond
has Just rocolvod Its third shipment
of U, S, blacklog vaccine, totaling
300 doBoa. This is kqpt on hand for
tho convenience of customers. Mr,
Ward also hnu ono ot tha latest
blucklog hypodermic syringes, which
is loanod to thoso doelrln to vnccln
ato, This Borylco has been well ro
colved by tha stockmen ot Central
Oregon, aa lias boon shown by tho
fact fti&t 800 dooa have already been
distributed and used bImqo March 1.
Z- z. w .
Kxjttaiuitinn Olvcn O. lf.llakcr .Vo
Explanation nt All, Hay Dend
ComtnjwNloncr Unifonn Unci!
to fxuro Dill's Passage.
Members of tho Oregon land settle
ment commission, with whom O. H.
Uakerof this city met Monday night
in Portland, aro keenly allvo to tho
noeds of (ho returned soldier. They
are sincerely sorry for tho men who
wore supposed to bo given an oppor
tunity, under tho land settlement
commission act, to acqulro farm
homes. Jiut sympathy Is about as
far goes, for tho majority of
tho members Of tho commission stand
pat on their former decision to limit
their activities, to tho establishment
and salo of model farms, at n price
which' Is far beyond tho means of
tho average returned scrvlco man.
Mr. Daker, member of tha commis
sion from this section, was given a
decidedly cold reception when he
arrived In Portland, for nows ot his
Intention to ask a thorough explana
tion of the cut and dried plans which
forget the returned soldier bad pre
ceded him. Mr. Daker refused to bo
Ignored, howover, and refused to bo
tnlked down, with tho result that
ho kept Whitney L. Dotsa of Portland
busy explaining until after midnight.
"It was an explanation which failed
to explain," Mr. Daker stated on his
return to Dend, declaring that tho
soldlor, sailor and marine clauso In
the, legktfailvo act was nothing mora
nor less than using tho uniform to
Insure tho passage ot tho bill.
Law Sfttht Not Interfere.
The other members ot the com
mlwilon admitted that this clause ex
isted, aud that it ralKht bavo some
Blgnlfldl5eaoth':geTiertI' ftuMlc,
but It really had nothing to do with
tho work of tho land settlement com
mission, they told Mr. Daker. All
that had apparently been thoroughly
taken care of before tho Dend com
missioner was appointed, oven before
tho passago ot tho legislatlvo act,
and If tho law Interfered with tho
preconcoived plan for modol farms
bo much tho worso for tho law, was
tho Intimation conveyed to Mr. Daker
Monday night.
To Continue Fight.
"I haven't any objection to tho
modol farm plan," tho Dend commis
sioner stated today. "In fact. I
think It Is to be commended. Dut
soldiers, Bailors and marines, who
nro supposed to bo provided for, are
being ontlroly passed up, and that's
tho basis of a very real objection."
Mr. Daker will continue to work
to socuro the fulfillment ot tho
promises roado In tho legislative act,
and promises a real surprlso for tho
other membors ot tho commission
when ho makes his noxt move.
Tho land settlement act is, In tho
main, tho child ot 'Whltnoy L. Dolso
ot Portland, who has developed the
Idoa In cooperation with Professor
H. L. Scuddor ot tho Oregon Agri
cultural college. Originally planned,
ns Indicated by tho namo, for tho
purpoao ot bringing settlors onto tho
land, tho idea was enlurged, In Its
nppcaranco boforo the legislature,
and the feature ot bringing soldiers
to tho land added, Just aa bo many
othor ot tho so-called "reconstruc
tion" measures woro based on tho
need ot caring tor tho roturncd sol
dier. Soldier Aid Ignored.
This soldier foaturo appears In
section 1 ot tho act, providing that
it may bo known as tho soldiers'
land settlement act; In section 2,
where tho object Is Btatcd as tho
provision ot "usoful employment and
tho opportunity to acqulro farm
homes with profitable livelihood on
tho land tor soldiers," and others,
mid finally, In tho last section, whero
It Is doelarod that tho dlachargo ot
largo numbors ot Oregon soldlors
with no adequato provision for tholr
material wolfaro has causod an
At tho first mooting ot tho commis
sion tho roturned soldier vus baroly
montlonqd, Immediately nttor or
ganization, Professor Scuddor was
Introduced to present a plan for tho
establishment ot a model farm near
Independence, Inquiry on Mr.
Daker'a part dovolopod tho fact that
(Cwlaued on Page 4,)
(1000 SIRE IS
? jd-j:D2r;jtKKui4iiTiipHN' vow
.jLucnnitM y: seine; tuialo
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Following out Its policy ot build
ing up tho herds ot Deschutes county
tho Centrnl Oregon bank has pur
chased a 4-year old milking Short
horn bull from Cook & Cook ot Inde
pendence, Iora, for tho ranchers ot
the Tumalo section, who recently
bought tho Foster Shorthorns
through tho bank. Tho animal,
which, Including shipping expenses,
cost over $1,100 is now at tho Aune
Regarding tho now slro P. D.
Saunders, Inspector for tho Cattlo
Loan company, declared today that
"Olcnsdale Dairyman" Is tho best
bull that ho has ever seen In Oregon.
Members of the senior class ot
tho Dend high school aro preparing
for the ' most elaborate commence
ment In .tho history of tho school, for
an entlro week will be given for the
graduation exerciser and for tho so
cial activities which will precede
them. Class honors are now fairly
well Indicated, but will not bo def
initely determined until tho very
end of the somester. These, with tha
detailed program for commence
ment week, will be glvon out later.
Tho following aro raembers-of tho
senior class who will probably bo
graduated at tho end ot tho school
year: Fern M. Allen, Cora C. Dates,
Stanley N. Dond, Paul D. Drooklngs,
Lorota Cook, Eyolf F. L. Cornelius
sen, Marion L. Coyner, Ida D. Dahlo,
Harry M. Ilayden, Robert E. Mc
Neoly, Emmett Molltor, Jennio T.
Noreno, Janleco Simpson, Lcla Stuts
man and Ethel L, Vincent.
Carrier, Escaping from Forest Service
Loft Hero Six Weeks Ago, Finds
Homo of Former Owner.
(From Friday's Dally.)
After making Its cscapo from tbo
forest service loft in this city six
wooks ago, a carrier pigeon secured
recently by William' Sproat, ot tho
local office, has been located In Port
land, according to advices received
this morning by Mr. Sproat. The
bird, which had had no previous
training aa a homer, made Its way to
tho loft maintained by its former
owner, and was traced by means ot
tho aluminum registry band which
onclrclod ono ot Its logs.
Tho plcgon had beon In Dend only
two weeks, an Insufficient tlmo to
establish a now reBldonco, and when
a door was Inadvertantly left opon
took tho opportunity to return to
Portland, For an untrained bird
the (light is considered remarkable.
Mr. Sproat was advised that tho
bird will bo returned to Dend at
(From Wednesday's Dally, 1
Decauao tho illness ot Mrs. Orpha
Riley, complaining witness in tho
non-support &.t.o brought agaimtt
II, R. Riley yesterday, provonted her
from appearing in court to testify
against her husband, hearing was
continued Indefinitely, The deiend
ant was allowed to go on his v own
V tf
Mills Important Factor In Over-Sab-
Mciiptlon of Donda County Went
Over Top More Quickly
Than Had Does Expected.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Deschutes county Is over the top
In tho Victory loan drive.
This was tho announcement this
morning ot County Chairman C. S.
Hudson after A compilation ot re
turns given In report, from City
Chairman II. J. Overturt, Redmond
and tho First National and Central
Oregon banks ot Dend. As a matter
of fact, tho county' probably met Its
quota several days ago, but the slow
ness with which reports havo como
in prevented an official announce
ment that the goal had been reached.
In tho original apportionment of
quotas, $173,476 was set as the
amount for Deschutes county to
raise, but the total struck this morn
ing was 1183,000. A number ot the
rural districts are still to be heard
from, and subscriptions aro still be
ing taken in Dend, bo that It IB esti
mated that another 110,000 may be
secured before the county chairman
makes his final report to stato head
quarters. Milk Far Over Top.
Figures so far available show that
tho two big mills in Bend were Im
portant factoln In causing the couaty
so far exceed' to exeeed Its quota.
They were first to go over the top,
and since that time bavo continued,
steadily o 04 ttrihiUBWer1tlwM,v.--
piling up a large surplus. Boad
purchases through the city were by
no means so satisfactory, many who
had been expected to mako substan
tial subscriptions doing nothing.
Mr. Hudson expressed hlmsolt aa
being surprised that tho county bad
gono over as quickly as It has. Tho
lack ot war time enthusiasm, which
played so important a part In former
drives, was the chief causo ot the
campaign taking so much longer
than was necessary to float tho other
Issues, he belioves.
Dank Makca Report.
Tho following list ot subscriptions.
In addition' to thoso already pub
lished, was furnished today by the
Central Oregon bank:
A. A. Richmond, 950; Standard
Oil Co., 600; Mrs. S. C. Caldwell.
950; Mildred Mersdorf, 950; Anna
D. WorustafT, 960; Ole Eng, 950;
J. D. Jleyburn, 950; Charles H.'and
Ida M. Lane, 9100; George A. Pad
dock, 950; Brookn-Scanlon. 92600;
J. J. Klotn, 9100; Dend Company,
Resignations of Teachers Accepted
. by Board Kenwood Kvcava-
Uew Contract Let,
Three more Instructors for the
Dend schools will havo to bo engaged
for the coming year, tor at the spe
cial meeting ot the, BChool board last
night resignations woro hauded In by,
Miss Doatrlce Qhman, Mlsa Maybelle.
Wagnor and Mrs. Hazel Stovens.
Tho Instructors' withdrawals were ac
cepted. Tho board authorized tho letting
ot tho contract for excavation for tho
now .Kenwood school to Tom Murphy.
(From, Wednesday's Dally.)
A two-tou G. M. C. truck and an
other ot three-quarters ot a ton
capacity wpre received here today by
the Dend Garage. Tho larger Ma
chine was1 purchased by A. Gebhanl
of Fort Rock', the other, hvlMrffcJN
ordered tor the. Miller LuwWer Cu' A
feature at1 the1 new truck H U tart
that It to Equipped "with mmglbi .
tires. Theee are '40 by rfrjftftfrta
the'rear and 38 by Inoim tOHf'
treat wttMtcet, tke larger MaatolN.
V l
L ':