HHNI) mihtimS, ife'WI), ofiBOOK, THURSDAY, MAY H, iftiO PAGK7 - CHURCH PLANS ARE ACCEPTED CATHEDRAL WILL DISTINCTIVE. BE Leo A. Tlioinim Completer) Arrniw- mt'itlH for New Cnltinllc Church IMIflrn Will Bo Olio of Ori'K""'" Fine!. (From Thtirnday'n Daily,) Pimm for Ihu now Catholic church to bo built In Ilonil by tho local imrlnh hnvo buon completed by Leo A. Tlionmn nnd occupied by tho coin inlttuo of tho lloiul church compoitoil of Father Liiko A. fihoohnn, J, P. Jlonncflfioy and W. L. O'Donnell. Mr. Tliomnit returned thin mornltiK from Portland anil Seattle, whnra ho ban Jiwi In continuation with nonin of tho loading iircliltoctM of thn two cltlwt with tha vlow to obtaining crltlclitm on tho pjiini which ho bun perfected. HiilldliiK 1711111111. In tho opinion of tho leatUrvjc nrchl tcctit of thn ntatn tho now church In to bo ono of tho dlitlnctlvo bulldlngi of Oregon. In typo It will bo a com l)lnutlon of tho French nml Kwclliih Kothlo architecture, with Kit hkh pinnacle nml olaborato ntoua trim inlnRH. Tho front vlavallou tiro unntn n fitrlkliiK nppoiirtinco from any ntifjlo, with Ita uiiormouH rono or wheel window, It foot In dlninutor. ik ono of tha big feature or tho - front. Till beautiful tenturo will bo of Ntono with citlhcdrnl kIahh. Do iwcon two twin itplroM, which will rise approximately 100 foot from tha Kround, U tho main Knblo upon which wUI bo n hur.o crowt Identical to tho one which will mount tho two Hplron.. Tho entrance portal Ik lUxnirti'd In ovcry particular with It plnnackul trimming. Tha ontranca motif lit 30 trot wldo and projoclit nIx foot In front of tho main building. Tho doom will bo of heavy oak, to Nwlnit outward form tho center and will bo flnUhml In bronxo. In delKnlnB tho featured of tho front nlavatlon Mr. Thomait has de voted mora than two months of study by way of comparison with no mo of Iho country's mom inuRtiinilent rath edrnls, Tho structuro will bo 48 feet wldo ii lid 108 feet In depth. From tho r tloor to tho rldKo tho holKhth will bo 55 feet. Tho building will bo of local prewied brick with itroy stono trimming, all of which will hnr iiinnlxn with Ihu trimming which havo been selected. Tho windows, of which thoro uro a largo number, will bo six foot wldo and 12 feet In holghth, of stono and cathedral gin. Tho sills will bo about IS foot above tho floor. Tho now cdlflco will havo n seal ItiK capacity of approximately 500 parsons. Tho plans as to tho In ferior finishing nml arrangement havo not boon fully decided upon, but thoy provldo that tho Interior will hnrmonUo In every particular with tho exterior, which will bo com spieled ontlro. As to tho upproxlmato ditto of bo ginning coiiHlruclUm, Mr. Thomas wits uuablo to stale. It will depend largely upon tho labor and material conditions. Mr. Thomas hopes that construction may begin onrly In tho s ii tumor. Tho church will sit upon tho pros out silo of tho Cathollo parish house' on Franklin street, east of Hontl street. Tho grounds will bo raded and hnrmonUo with tho stylo of structuro. Mr. Thomas will soon havo an Illustration of tho trout elavntlon for publication. Put It In "THE BULLETIN." FRED RAY STARTS CHICKEN RANCH (From Saturday's Dally.' t About two months ago Fred Hay purchusod llvo ncres of ground In WolHtorla. Ho ciuno to Hontl with nbout 300 laying liana. Today Mr. Hay lint- this number of lnylng lions, to which havo boon added more than 400 chicks this year's Increase. Mr, Ituy Is Improving UIh recently acquired nenfago und Iioh In mind making It ono of tho lluust poultry ranches In this section. OAlll'FKI. STARTS HOUSE. Thomas Citrufol Ih becoming nn outhuuliiBtlo homo builder, Mr. Carufol recently sold his homo In Deschutes addition. Immudlutoly upon soiling ho purchased property from Tho Hqnil Company and bogaii it now' modern roHldonco, That Iioubo Is now well undor construction. Mr, Carufol luiH tttnrtcd tho oroctlon of another modern four-room rosldonco In Mill addition. Tut It In "THM BULLETIN." POSTOFFICE IN NEW LOCATION WALL STREET LEASE IS TAKEN. O'Donnell Ill-others' Offer Accepted Will Krcrt Now RullilliiR Costing About 20,000 I'oitofflco to Jto on Orouiiil Floor. (From Thursday's Dally.) Tho Hood postofflca will occupy now quarters on Wall streot an soon as a building can ba eroded for tho purposo. This fact became known this morning wlion Acting I'ost mnster W. II, Hudson received word that tho offer of W. L. and T. M. O'Donnell to provlda a room for tho postofftca had been accepted. Under tho terms of tho loniio tho building (h to bo ready for occupancy on or bufora August 1C, Anpaco20,C feet wlda by 100 long it to bo as sured, but tho depth will probably bo 124 feet. , In anticipation of tho removal of tho postofflco to tho now slto, which Is Just ndjolnlng tho location of tho office prior tp Its removal to tho Hphlor building, plans for n building havo boon proparod by Architect Leo Thomas. It Is now Mr. O'Dounoll's Intention to proceed with tho con structlon ns rapidly as possible, Tho building will bo of brick and with tho lot will represent an ox pendlturo of approximately $20,000, Tho postofflco will occupy tho ontlro ground floor. Tha second floor will bo divided Into six apartments of thrco rooms each, and ench tinting a bath and modern plumbing. Fallura of tho owners to provldo nocessary fixtures, as called for In tho leaso of tho present postofflco, caused tho department to cancel tha contract and seek n now location. MUSIC INSTITUTE . TO OPEN IN BEND Bond Is to havo a long felt want fulfilled a modorn and thoroughly equipped Institute of music, whero tho highest class Instruction can bo obtained. Tho same opportunities will bo offered students hero as nro given In tha largest cities, Tho West Const Institute of Music, with hoadsuartors on tho fifth floor of tho Hilars Music building, 287 Washington St., Portland, Ore., und branches In other cities, will further extend Its Institutes by opening up it thoroughly equipped branch In Ilond for adult students nml children. Tho people of Ilond nro to bo congrat ulated on having nn Institution of such merit coma to this city, as It will fill it long felt want, and Its sue cess will dopend upon the encourage ment It receives from tha pcoplo of Ilond. Departments will bo Installed for voice culture, piano, violin, theory, harmony and technique, whero per sonal Instruction will bo given. A special method for bogliiuers will bo Introduced for tha first time In Ilond. which tins been endorsed b soma of tho foremost leudlng mu sicians in the country, and which bus proven a complete success, Thoro will bo dopartmonts tor those who wish to tuko up teaching ns it profession, as we'll an for ad vanced students und beginners. During tho courses, recitals, "at homos" will bo given for tho purposo of preparing pupils for concort and platform work. The main InslltuUt at Portland hns nn enrollment of over throo hundred pupils, which makos It tho largest of nny muHlcnl Instltuto on tho western coast. Tho strongest proof of tho real value of any course of Instruc tion Is tho personal opinion of thouo who havo lvon It u thorough test, Tho reports from tho Portland pu pils nro to tho effect that they aro making wonderful progress with their studies, Thoso of courso uro only a few of tho many strong en dorsements (hat have beau given out. To organtxo und get started In Ilond without loss of tlmo, a special scholarship rnto will bo offered to a limited number of pupils who enroll. Tho rogular 75 Bcliolarnhlp, consist ing of soven months' tuition, will bo given for $40 payable on a tlmo basis covorlng u period of half a year. , , It will bohoovo thoso who aro In terested to net quickly and tnko ad vantage of nn opportunity to recolvo a musical education ut such it nom Inul cost. Tho rogular prlco of tui tion will go Into offoct it little later on. Until beginners and ndvancod pupils will bo accepted, with Bpoclul departments for chlldron. Ilepro sontittlvcH of tho Institute, nro now In tho city, and tho enrolling of pupils will begin tit onco. Touching In all dopartmonts will begin on or nbout May 20th. Applications will bo received by K. l. lUlte, y Hotel, Thoso wishing to tako ntlvnntngu of tho apodal low prlco of tuition which Is nearly halt tho rogular price, nro kindly requested to mako tholr iippllcatloim nl once.dv.125a Klio Finds llerseir Much Hotter. Liirno back, rhoumatlo pains, Btlff nons nml Horonoss in muscles and Joints can bo quickly rollovcjl. Mrs. I,. Wuvuo, 2720 3rd St., Ocean Park, Cal writes; "I lined to havo pains in my right hip. I could hnrdly turn lu bed. Now I find 1 am much bottor by using Foloy Kidney Pills. Llku wlso, pnlnu in my back lqft." Bold ovorywhoro, Adv. BUILD HOMES ON JOHNSON RANCH (From Saturdays Dally.' 1 Thoro Is nn "ownyour own homo" campaign going on fii n small way out on tho former Johnson ranch, now on tho market by J, II, Minor. Now owners of ncronr,c thoro aro beginning to put up residences for occupancy. Homo of these struc tures nro only temporary, but tha Innd ownars expoct to, do bigger things soon, Thoso who nro building or oxpeel to build homes nro, Angow brothers, Archlo Free, W. K. Polkor, C. C, Young, J. C, Jncquot, A, K, Benson. Of tho .total of 1280 ncres approxi mately 700 acres havo been sold, according to J, II, Minor. Tho now resldonts aro harrowing their ground and will soon sot In trees. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, United Wales Land offlco, Lnkcviov, Oregon, April 22, 1010. To William It. Chlpp of Head, Ore gon, contested You nro horoby notified that Charles F. Whltmoro, who eglves Ilond, Oregon, as his postofflca ad dress, did on February 24, 1019, file In this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and secure can cellation of your homestead entry, No, , serial No, 0864 G, mado April 5, 1D1S, for tho 8V4SEU. sec. 2; NB4. NE4NW, NH, 8E, Section 11, township 22 south, rnugo 18 east, Willametto meridian, and as for grounds for his contest ha alleges that I nm Informed and bollcva and thoreforo stato that tho said William It. Chlpp resided on said land only nbout three months and not longer than four months after ho filed on it, and thon abandoned tho land nnd never returned; that he novor mada nny Improvements or cultivation on said land, excopt tho building of a houso which ho sold nnd had had re moved from tha land, when ho left sumo as abovo stated, and docs not now over Intend to return to tho land.. That his abandonment of the laud wns ifot, and Is ndt duo to his employment or servlca In nny ca pacity In tho United States, nor to his service with tho United States In any capacity on account of nny war in which tho Unltod 8tntcs has boon or may now be engaged In. You nro thoreforo further notified that tho said allegations will be tnkon as confessed, and your said entry will ba cancollod without fur ther right to bo heard, either beforo this offlco or on "appeal, It you fall to fllo In this offlco within twenty days after tho FOUHTH publication of this notlco, as shown bolow, your nnswer. under onth. specifically re sponding to the.no allegations ot con test, together with duo proof that you havo sorved a copy of your nns wer on tho said contcstnnt either In porson, or by registered mall. You should stato In your answer tho name of tho pott office to which you dt'slro future notices to bo fec'nt to you, JAS. F. nUKdKSS, Register. Date of first publication May 1. Ditto or second publication May 8. Duto of third publication May 15. Date of fourth publication May 22. notici: to riii:iiTO!ts to puk- HK.NT CLAIMS. In the County Court of tho Stato .of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter ot tho Bstato ot Sarah L. B. Fonton, Deceased. Tho undersigned having been ap pointed ob administrator of tho abovo entitled cstnto, notlco is hereby given to all parsons having claims against tho deceased nnd nil claims ngnlnst tho said osttttu to present sumo duly verified within six months from tho ditto ot this notice to tho undersigned ut the offlco ot II. C. Bills In Ilond, Oregon. Duted this 1st day ot May, 1919. (Slgne.d) PKTBR O. RKMPBL, Administrator of tho Bstato ot Sarah L. B. Fonton, Deceased. II. C. ELLIS. ' 9-13c Attorney for tho Administrator. NOTION OF HHKHIFF'8 BALK. Hy virtue of nn oxocutlon Ui fore closure, duly Issued by tha clerk of lha circuit court of tho county of Deschutes, stato of Oregon, dated tho 22nd day of April, 1919, In n cor tain action In tho circuit court for said county and state, whoroln Frank L. Watt, guardian, ns plaintiff, re covered judgment nnd decreo against W. S. Hodman nnd Draco Ti. Rodman, his wife; Marlon Chamborlaln nnd Minn Chnmborlnln, his wife; Ooorgo W. Cnrpontor und Ula CnrpontoY, his wlfo; John M. Cnrpontor and Golda Cnrpontor, his wlfo, nnd tho Dank ot Doming, a corporation, dotoiulants, for thu sum of Forty-Threo Hundred nml nolOOth Dollars and costs and disbursements taxed nt Fltty-Nluo nnd 20ruQth Dollars, und nttornoy's foes In tho, sum ot Two Hundred Sovonty-Flvo nnd nolOOth Dollars, nnd tho further sum ot Forty-Throo und 75100th Dollars tuxes, on the 22nd day ot April, 1919. Notlco Is hereby given that I will on tho 24th day of May, .1919, at 'tho front door of tho court IioiIbo In Ilond. In snld county, at 2 o'clock In tho utternooii ot suid day, soil nt MBN WANTBD For Paper Mill work. No oxporlonco nocos Bitry, 8 hours work 42a por hour, "Oppor tunity for advance ment. SlhglQ mon pro forrod. Splendid now hotel, meals 35c, rooms 35o. Apply Crown Wlllamotte Paper Co., Canmo, Wash. public auction to tho highest blddor, for cash, tho following described property, to-wlt: Tho north half (N4) of flection Fourtoon (Sec. 14) In Township 10, H, of Ilnngo 10 E. W. M. In Deschutes county, tnkon and levied upon an thn property of tho mild defendants, or ns much thereof in) may bo necessary to satisfy tha said Judgment In favor of tho plain tiff against said defendants, with In terest thoreon, together with nil costs and disbursements that havo or may accrue, H. K. HOHKHTS, Sheriff. Dated nt Hand, Oregon, April 23rd, 1010, 8-12C NOTICE I-Olt IMHILICATION. Not Coal liitnils. Department of tho Interior, U. S, Land Office at Lnkcvlew, Oregon, April 24, 11)19, Notlco Is hereby given that Charles Thomas of Lit Pine, Oregon, who on October 14, 1914, mado homestead entry No. 08122 for SKVi. Section 1, Township 23 S. Itango 10 K. Wil lametto meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to mako final three-year proof to establish claim to the land abovo described beforo B. L. Clark, U. S. commlsnloner, nt La Pino, Ore gon, on tho 30th day of May, 1919. Claimant names an witnesses: Frank M. Johnson, Claudo H. Clow, Heury Cavanaugh, all of La Pino, Oregon. 9-13C JAS. F. DUHGESS, , neglster. 07.171070.10 NOTICK nm PUBLICATION. Not Conl IamlM. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Lakevlew,' Orpgon, April 15, 1919. Notlco Is heroby glvon that Arthur W. Hill of Ilcnd, Oregon, who on March 17. 1914 and Juno 10, 1914. mado homestead and additional homestead entries Nos. 07371 and 07C3C. for EW 8WU SB. NW BK'A SEii.S SBU SB U. Sec. 12; NE NE, E KWU WE 14, NE BV4 NE4. N 8E4 NE4. Sec. 13, T. 22 8. It. 8 E.; NV' 8W NWV1. 8WU NWV.NW14. Sec, 18, T. 22 8. It. 9 E. Wlllnmctto meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described be foro II. C. Ellis, U. 8. commissioner. nt Hond, Oregon, on the 23rd day ot May, 1919. Claimant names ns witnesses: Joseph C. Drown, of Hand. Oregon. Robert Gathcrgood, Robert E. Eaton, Ooorgo E. Oraft, all ot Ln Pino, Oregon. 7-1 lc JAS. J3URGESS, Register. 07720 NOTICE IX)H PUBLICATION. Not Conl Lands. Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Lakevlew, Oregon, April 15. 1919. Notlco Is hereby lvcn that Arthur D. Olacn ot Camp Lewis, Washington, who on Juno 11th, 1914 mado home stead entry No. 07720. for northwest qunrter. Section 15, Township 21 S. Itango 10 E. Willametto morldlan, has filed notice ot Intention to mako final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo dcscrlbod bofora his commanding officer pur suant to tho Act of Oct. C, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses who will glvo their testimony before II. C. Ellis, U. S. commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on Muy 23, 1919: Wnf. E. Boguo. John It. Sutllef, J. F. Boguc, C. II. Clow, all of La Pine, Oregon. 7-1 lc JAS. BURGESS, Register. 080 IK NOTICK VOll PUBLICATION. Not Coul ItniLs. Department ot tha Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Lakevlew. Oregon, April 15, 1919. Notlco Is hereby given that James O. Hoffman of La Pino, Orogon, who on August 2Sth. 1914, mado homo stond entry No. 08018 for E NEU, XH SBU. Section 19, Township 22 S. Rnngo 10 E. Willametto morldlan, hns filed notlco of Intention to mako flnnl thrufl-ycar proof to establish claim to tho land above described bo foro 11. C. Ellis, U. S. commissioner, nt Bond, Onlgon, on tho 24th day ot May, 1019. Claimant names ns witnesses: Wllllum II. Holllnshend, William 13. Boesloy, William E. Boguo, David II. Wood, nil ot La Pino. Oregon. 7.1 lo JAS. BURGESS. Register. NOTICK OF BALK OF Tl.MHKlt ' liAND. Notlco Is hereby glvon by tho un dorelgned, the administrator ot tho estnto of John J. McGrnth, deconsed, that pursuant to nn ordor ot tho county coirt ot Crook county, Ore gon, made nnd entered on tho 5th day ot April, 1919, ho will sell ut public auction to tho highest blddor at the front door of tho county court house ln (Bond, Deschutes county, Oregon, on tho 19th day of Muy, 1919. nt 2 o'clock i). m all tho right, title nnd intoreat ot John J, McGrnth, deceased, or his es.tato ln tho follow ing described promises, towlt: SWtf SKU. section 1, S& NBVi, NWV4 NEU of section 12, township 20 south of rtinga 13 cast ot tho Willametto meridian, In Deschutes county, Orogon. Torms of sale, cash. 10 por cont to bo paid ou tha day ot salo and tho balance upon tho confirmation ot snlo by tho county court ot Crook county, Oregon. Dated this 17th tiny of April. 1919. M, H. ELLIOTT, ., Administrator of tho Estnto ot Jokn J. McGrnth, Duconsed. 7-llo 01J1177. NOTICK VOn PUBLICATION. United States Lnml Offlco nt Tho pallos Oregon, April 4th, 1919, Notlco is hereby given that Leo Kollor, of Milllcan, .Oregon, who, on May 11th, 1914, mado Homestead Entry No. 013177, for S& NEU. NBUSEU. Soq. 25, T. 10 S R. 15 E., lota 2-3, SWU NEU, SEU NWU. tiR'A BWli, Section 30. Township 19 South, Ilnngo 1C East Willametto Meridian, lias mod no tlco of Intention to mako final throa yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U, S, commissioner, at Hond, Oregon, on tho ICth day of May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Leo V. Itnonoy, John J. Holland, Reuben It. Koller, Arthur M. Mooro, nil of Mllllcnn, Oregon. C-lOp H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICK. This Is to certify that tho under signed hnvo, pursuant to tho provi sions of tho statutes of tho state ot Oregon, formed a limited partner ship. Tho name assumed by said partnership and under which Its business Is to bo conducted Is Red mond Oarage, J. O, Houk, proprietor; nnd tho principal place of business of said partnership shall bo nt Red mond, Oregon. Tho general naturo of tho business to ho transacted Is buying, soiling, storing, renting, re pairing and dealing generally In automobiles and automobllo supplies, ports and accessories. That J. O. Houk, of Redmond, Oregon, Is tho general partner and Clarcnco H. Gil bert of Portland, Oregon, Is tho apodal partner; that said special partnor has contributed the sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1500) Dollars as capital toward the common stock; that said partnership Is to commence on tho 6th day ot April, 1919, and Is to terminate In ten (10) years from said date. Dated this 6th diy of April, 1919, in duplicate. J. O. HOUK, CLARENCE II. OILDERT, Witnesses: FLORENCE SARGENT, WILSON T. HUME. State or Oregon, County .gf Mult nomah, ss. On this 6th day of April, 1919, porsonally appeared beforo mo tho undorslgncd, a notary public of tho state ot Orogon, J. O. Houk and Clar cnco II. Gilbert, who aro known to mo to bo the Identical Individuals described In and who executed the foregoing Instrument and acknowl edged to mo that they oxecuted tho samo freely and voluntarily. , CLARA W. BACKUS, Notary Public for Oregon. (Notarial Seal.) My commission expires January 24, 1922. 6-lOc SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for Deschutes county. Tho Miller Lumbor Company, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Lea McFcron and Orphla McFeron, his wlfo, defendants. To Lea McFeron and Orphla Mc Feron. defendants, above named: In tho namo ot tho state ot Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the abovo entitled Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, , Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOOjfs COMPLETE STOCK of StWrd Ska. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. Business and Professional Cards -sssaassssggBsa csaaMwaac: H Phone Black 1291 R. S. HAMILTON me a. thomab, a. a. ia. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Architect Rooms 13-1G First National 2' O'Kane Building- Bank Bldg. Tol. 611 BEND - - - OREGON tDr. Co' Konner Offle.) I' ' T ' "" TTTi - NI8WONGER, Bend, Ore, It. It. 8Armond Ch. Y. EruUne UNDERTAKER DCVrmond & Erskine Licensed Kmbalmer, FHneral I IAVYEIIB x Director. O'Knno Building. Bend, Oregon Phone Red 3L AMt y I il DR. R. D. STOWELL H. O. JC L LI 8 NapntpaUile Fbjrsldaa Attorncy-at-Law Over Logan Furniture Co. United States Commissioner Wall Street Hours 9 to S First National Bank Building Ph Bed 4M I BEND, OREGON I' q DR TTJRNER MISS B. OSTERMAN eye specialist PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Permanently Located In Bend Lnwronco Bldg., Room 3 with Now Equipment Phouo Rod 2251 Prlvato Offlco in Thorson'a Jowelry Store vl,Pr- Turn0r W,U liQ,!r Pr!?? riiicDJDtDBCDncchrpn FOR FOREIGH v,1, ovory flrat anA tltrtl Fri- flllS PAPER REPnEENrED FOR FOREIGN day; Jn Madraa Bocon( ADVERTISING UT THb nd fourth FriJny nml In Hol. GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE9 P Of) f til A flnccjfipf hA - ivcau me vriaooiiicu nuo. Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Comploto Abstrnot Plant in Central Oregon. Special Attention Glvon to Fedoral Loan Abstracts. Flrat National DunK bldg., BEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alley - case and causa on or beforo tho 16th day of May, 1910, which Is moro than six weoks aftor tho 3rd day ot April 1019, llio dnto of tlio first publi cation ot this summons, and It you ran to so appear and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tha rollof prayed for In tho complaint, towlt: for Judg ment nnd decreo agnlnst snld defend ants, nnd each of thorn, for tho sum of $1C5,78, with interest thoroon at tho rate ot eight per cent, per annum from and aftor May 10, 1918. until pnld, for tho further sum of $50.00 attorney's fees, nnd for costs and dis bursements of this suit, nnd for a furthor decreo foreclosing tho mort gage named in said complaint, anil tho solo of tho property thorein men tioned and described as lot 10, block 1C, Doulpvard addition to Hond, Den chutes county, Oregon, and for such othor nnd further relief as to tho court may appear Just nnd equitable Service ot this summons is mado upon you by publication thoreof In tho Hand Bulletin for six consocu tiro and successive weeks, undor and by virtue of an ordor made nnd en tered on tho 24th day of March, 1919, by tho Honorable T, K. J. Duffey, Judge ot tho abovo entitled court. Tho dato of tho first publication of this summons Is tho 3rd day ot April, 1919, and tho data of tho last publi cation Is the 8th day ot May, 1919. 5-1 0c E. O. STADTER, Bond, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. HUMMONH. In tho circuit court ot tho state ot Oregon, for Deschutes county. Johana Wlllsey, plaintiff, vs. Charles Willsey, defendant: To Charles Wllleey, defendant above named. In tho name ot tho stato ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tho above entitled case and cause, on or before thi 15th day of May, 1919, which Is more than six weeks after tho 3rd day of April, 1919, tho date of tho first publica tion of this summons and It you fail so to appear and answer, for want thoreof, the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for ln the complaint, towlt: For n decree ot this court dissolving the bonds ot matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such other and further relief as to tho court may appear Just and equitable. Service ot this summons Is made upon you by publication thereof In the Bond Bulletin for six consecu tive and successive weeks under and by virtue of an order made on the 31st day ot March, 1919, by the Honorablo T. E. J. Duffey, Judge ot the above entitled court. Tho date ot the first publication ot this summons Is the 3rd day ot April, 1919, and the dato of the last publi cation is the 8th day ot May. 1919. 5-lOc E. O. STADTER, Bend, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff.