The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 08, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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t'ouiily Cdiihh, WoiIiIiik tilth Hlnlc
lll(huiiy ('(iiiiiiiInnIiiii, Would
llitvo Conlml of Survey iiml
'oni(riiclloii In Ori'ipm,
(From Hnturdny's Dally,
In llui pamphlet rucmitly received
In IImiiiI from tliu officii ilf tliu socru
lury of Htntu, containing ilmondmunts
iiml iiiuiiHiiri'H to bo voted upon at
tliu apodal election to bu liulil Juno
H la Oregon, In oiio inonHiiro of much
Importance, TIiIh I.i tliu inurkut
roiulH tax lill.
Tho uiuasuro provides Unit tliuru
shall bo Includud In tliu luvy of tuxnt
"each your it one-tntll lovy of tliu totul
valuation of all taxahln property of
tint statu. Tliu amouiit derived will
ho apporllonod In tliu manner of
otliur ntato taxes, and will bucotuu
a part of tliu purmanonl hlKliway
fund of Oregon. This fund will liu
at tho disposal of tho ntato liltliwny
commission, Tliu fund imcli year
will bo apportioned between tho
counties In such a maimer that each
county will receive an amount ul
leant equivalent to Itn contribution
to tho appropriation heroin provided
.for. No county hIiiiII, howuvur, ro
culvu In excess of 10 pur cunt, of tliu
total amount raised In any your. In
event any county nhould fall to arnll
Itself of tho fund tho highway com
mission will distribute It among tho
counties availing thumsclvu of tliu
provisions of tho act.
County Courts HtiKTtNc.
lindur tnu tonus of tho act, iiiurkot
roads shall ho constructed only lindur
tho supervision and control of tho
county court of tho counties. Tho
Htato highway commliiBloii lit to fur
nUh tliu plaint and specifications for
tliu coimtructlou of any market road,
It will alno supervise tliu surveys
and establish grades.
Thu county court of any county
desiring to avail ItMiilf of thy provi
sions and bouunta of thin act Khali
provldo by uniform luvy on nil tax
ublo proporty of tho county, for thu
Mpiiclflo purpose of unirkiit road con
struction, Niich nn amount an will bo
equivalent to tho amount apportioned
to mild county by thu ittnlo highway
Ixhiio In HupM)rtril.
In taking tho afllrmatlvo sldo of
tho Undo, Walter M, 1'lurco, I. L.
Patterson, W. II, Dennis, J ami 8..
Htewurl and Loyal M. Qrahani, mom
hunt of tho ntato luKlNlaturu, nay, In
"Oregon him 45,000 ml I on or pub
lic roads. A groatur part of thin
Immonso mileage Ih used comitanily
liy tho people o'f thu atato for market
ing tholr products.
"Tho procuods from tho 17,100,.
000 of ntato road bandit provldud by
thu Htatf, auKinoutud by ovur fi,000,
000 from tho natlounl government,
will only be sufficient to construct
t tho main trunk and post roads.
' "Wo all ugruu thul It will bu an
ImmuiiHo accomplishment to liavo a
paved road front thu California lino
to Idaho, by way of Portland. It
will bo a greater accomplishment,
.yv, to linvu good roniln ovur which
tho farmer may haul hln products to
tmtrkut during any huiihoii of thu
"TIiIh bill provides for a 1 mill
tax, 'which will rnlso, approximately,
1,000,000 annually to bo dlstrlb
utod to tho countlon by 'thu Htato
hlKhway commission. Multnomah
county will pay Into thin fund ap
proximately MCG.000. Under tho
provlnloii or thu bill no county can
rucolvo to oxcuud 10 per cent, of tho
umount iinnually rained; .therefore,
20C,000 of tho amount to bo rained
"Men are sure,
getting wise to
tobacco ouatitv. "
says the tobacconist
"Any kind of plu
'used to bo good
CllOUgll for mOSt Of
tlinm rVJOWfldaVS
nearly everybody is
- Ti . --.
beginning to learn
about tho realto
baeco satisfaction
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in-pouch.
by thin bill In Multnomah county will
bo for 'apportionment In tho vnrloun
conation of thin ntato that tako nil
vnnlugu of tho provlnlomi of thin act,
CoiinflfN MohI Help,
"Any county desiring to tako nd
vantage of tho provisions or thin act
mtiHt ralMo mi amount equal to tho
amount appropriated to tho county
by tho ntato hlithwny couiuilHHlon.
Under tho provlttliuin or tho hill no
county or tho.Htnto can rucolvo Ionh
than tho amount they pay Into tho
ntato market road appropriation, ox
copt Multnomah county, provided tho
county takoH advantage or tho net.
It will bu it strong lucentlvo to lu
ll uco every outlying county to Im
prove market roadH, It muann tho
oxpondlturo or 12,000,000 each year,
In addition to uniouutn already pro
vided for, In Improvement or theso
varloiiHuiiRontlal nrterleH or trndo,
In live yearn thin act will radio
more money for market roadH than
hnn been provided by tho 10,000,000
bond Ihhuo panned by thu lant lugls
laturu. "Thu taxen provided under thin
net will hardly bo felt by tho ordi
nary taxpayor. If assessed for f 10,
000 by tho county assessor, tho
amount to hoNtmld Into tho ntato
market road fund will only bu $10.
and an additional 10 to bo lovied
by tho county court, No one with
10,000 or taxable property nhould
object to paying 20 annually, In
addition to what In now being paid,
for tho Improvement of market roadn
In thin ntato. Nothing will add moru
to tho material Improvement or
Portland nnd other cltlen, an well an
tho entire statu, than it comprehens
ive nyiitem or markut roads,
"Thin appropriation will bo con
tinuous from year to year. If there
uro tiny defects dlscovored In tho ad
ministration or thin act they can bo
amended by thu legislature In tho
1921 session.
(From Saturday's Dally.'
That tho coming Irrigation season
will see an ubuudtincii of water In
tho rlvern nnd creeks or Central
Oregon Is thu prophecy made by P.
F. Henshaw of thu water resources
brunch of tho United Htntc geolog
ical survey, here on business this
week. "In thu past two years thu
water has been pretty scanty." Mr.
Ilunshnw said, "but this year there
should bo it groat abundance."
In connection with tho expected
abundance of wntur, Mr. llcnshuw
salt! that Hllvor lako, which has been
dry for several months, In now till
ing with water again nnd many of
thu homestead cabins placed on thu
lake bed recently nro now surrounded
by wntur. Tho lako bed was tempor
arily dry In one other year, 1889,
but wilt not bo permanently dry un
til thu reservoirs wuro built on Sil
ver crook.
Mr. Heiinbuw hnn visited this sec
tion frequently In, thu pust'ruw years
for thu purpose of measuring thu
tlow of tho various streums and Is
thoroughly couvursnnt with wntor
conditions. Ills usslstuntn, It. C,
llrlggn and J. plrsulultls, who have
been working In Ijiku and Harney
countliu, uro to join him hero and
begin making local measurements tit
. Forced to souk n lower altitude
hecausu or hln health Ituv. W. C.
Stewart of thu MothotlUtt church left
last night for Monmouth whoro his
Superintendent Pombertou or Thu
Dallea Is now lit town to make ar
rangements for carrying on tho
church work.
1'ut It lit Till': lIUIiLKTINV
of genuine Gravely
Good Intto, smaller chew.
longer mo is wnnimuKesuen'
ulno Gravely cont leu to chew
than ordinary tobneco,
WtUt to:
fur toolltt an (htwlnf plug.
I'ubllo Health Advancement lo He
Undertaken C'liilpter Consilient
Activity Wlilrh May letter
Ho Taken lly County,
(From Friday's Dolly.)
I'lnnu for public health nursing
activity wuro considered by tho ex
ecutive committee of tho Hod Cross
at thu monthly meeting last night
and n voto passed to tho effect that
tho committee considered thin ono or
tho most Important pieces or work
now to bo undertaken by tho
Am outlined by Hcd Cross head
quarters tho plan Is to have tho local
chapter' start this work In ouch
county and by demonstrating lis
value make It posslblo to obtain pub
lic aid to carry It on. This point wan
brought out by Mrs. II, M. Horton,
ono of tho Ilund delegates to tho
rccont Hcd Cross conference In Bo
uttlo, In her report on tho meeting.
Tho ultimate achievements for tho
public health nursing service In a
community uro, Mrs. Horton said, tho
"That ovory nick person desiring
tho service ot n nurse shall liavo It
on a visit basis.
"That pro-natal Instruction and
advlca bo given In ovory caso whoro
"That overy now bora baby bo In
spected, and tho mother, whoro nec
essary, bu Instructed In itn care.
"That overy child or less than
school ago bo examlnod at least onco
a year and an nttompt made to havo
each child requiring special atten
tion treated by a physician or a
"That ovory school child shall un
dergo it physical examination at
least onco a year.
"That all cases or tuborculosls bo
dlscovured and glvun nursing care."
Other matters discussed at last
night's meeting weru thu peaco tlmo
work or tho Junior Hod Cross and
thu activity of tho Homo Service
i:.V(;im:i:u ctitkk mkkt to
(From Saturday's Dally.
As a result or n conference hold
this week between State Knglneer
Cupper and tho directors or tho Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation district, an
effort will bo made shortly to obtain
patents for nomo 10,000 acres of
laud in tho C. O. I. segregation for
which patents havo hitherto been de
nied by tho gonural land office.
According to n chargo which has
been made, tho patents havo been
refused In tho pnst because of tho
objection or it few of tho settlors who
liuvo wantetl to avoid taxation by
keeping tholr proporty off tho tax
rolls. This workH nn Injustice It is
pointed out, not only on tho county,
but on the small holder who wishes
to borrow on hta laud but cannot
do so becauso ho linn no patent.
Olio plan for dealing with tho sit
uation la to obtain tho cancellation
or patents nit all unsold land, mid
nthor stops will also bu taken.
It Is understood that Air. Cupper
has offered to cooperate with tho di
rectors of. tho district iir trying to ob-
tain tho putonu desired and will visit
lloiul again in tho- next fow weeks
for n furthor consultation.
A. Q. I'otvoll and K. P. Hrostor
Iiouh have begun tho construction ot
modern liousos In Klvor Terrace.
Mr. Powoll la building it neat five
room houso. Mr, Urostorhous is
building two residences, ono of
which ho will occupy nnd tho othor
will bo for rout.
vM. -w mi,
AA T.ur for CIII.Cnit3.TItR
Oold tactitlla boxes, tetled with Bluet
lUbtxin. nil no otni. bwvttiw
....l.t mmi .k A.- OHI.OHKS.TCUd
BUUUNB HHANU ril.LH, for twcnlT-fira
yer regarded Ueit.Bafett, Alwyi Reliable.
TJUKD Ul I -;WiiE.iib. TtiSTKU
HlirlliiK Midi Itinv Iiml, M. XV.
Jdilckcrhocker Had Ono of Ilett
KKI-Acio lUtnches In Cen
tral Oregon.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
In tho sale of tho M. W. Knicker
bocker ranch, located on tho Ilcnd
Sisters road, this week comes ono
of tho best examples ot successful
farming In Central Oregon.
Mr. Knickerbocker has been con
sidered ono of Deschutes county's
successful ranchers. Starting In with
little outlay anil capital, Mr. Knicker
bocker sat to work to muko his ranch,
comprising 1C0 acres, an example.
Tho ranch ho purchased somo 11
years ago was practically raw land.
At tho tlmo ho sold his holdings to
O. K. Gray of Iiroadvluw, Montana,
Mr. Knickerbocker had approximate
ly C6 acres In alfalfa and ran on his
placo between 100 nnd 300 head of
stock. This winter ho shipped threo
cant of cattle to tho Portland market.
Tho Knlckcrbockor ranch brought
$7C an aero, or approximately 13,
000 for property, teams and machin
ery. It Is Mr. amy's Intention to farm
his newly acquired holdings along
llrvps similar to Mr. Knickerbocker.
Mr. Knickerbocker will bring his
family to Ilend to reside.
Central Oregon j
Neighborhood... 1
News.... '
(Continued from l'ago 2.)
shopping In Kcdmond Saturday after
noon. Tho water In tho Squaw Creek
canal, which was turmii ntr tnr n
week to clean tho canal,- was turned .
on ngujn sunuay. i
Garden dirt Is tho best Pay Dirt.
Don't be n quitter, but plant a
garden again this year.
Why not shade your back porch
with n screen of Lima beans? Tho
crop may surprlso you.
If you think tho homo garden
doesn't pay, Just try going to market
with less than 15 In your pocket.
What's becomo of thu old-tlmo gar
dener who planted his potatoes In
tho Moon? Plant yours In tho Earth.
There aro plenty ot garden seeds,
but tho supply of extra good onea la
always small. Order early and get
the best.
Every member of tho family will
require nearly eleven hundred. meals
this year. How many ot these aro
coming from the homo garden?
m &. ti-4.-ii.!iijJ!
Agriculture has made great ad
vances In modern times, but tho nil
Vice of Pliny tho Kltlur, who lived
nearly twenty centuries ago, Is still
good for gardeners: "Dig deop,
manure woll, work often."
Tho bean finally ! tin old friend
of man Tfio nucleut Human family
uamo Fabiua is derived from it word
meaning bean. Adopt it Fabian pol
icy and plant beans. No other vege
table Ih moro auro to givo returns.
TWO cnbbngo heads aro bettor than
ono, and twenty uro bettor still, A
warm, rich soil Is needed .for early
cabbages. They nut t uro In tlmo to
leavo tho igrouml freo for warm
weather crops Ilka beans, tomatoes
and so on.
Less than $2 worth ot soods nro
required to plant a small back yard
or vacant lot gardou, Several ot tho
seed houses aro offering special col
lection) ot sootla thut aro adnpted for
planting In tholr trudu territory.
(From Tuesday's Dolly.)'
Picking ono of tho beauty spots of
tho county as thu sita for n city park
outside tho limits of Ilend, tho park
committee or tho city council will
glvo a preliminary roport tonight on
tho proposed acquisition of a. tract
above tho fish hatchery on tho Turn
nlo. The commltteo at first consid
ered only n small acreage, but Is
now known to bo In favor of securing
a quarter section. This will prob
ably bo recommended In case tho
proper arrangements can bo mado
with Tho Shevlln-lllxon Company for
Jerry Oroszkraugcr and George
and John Scott were at Sisters Satur
day to attend tho stockmen's assd
elation mooting.
Paul Ilrooklng was down from
Ilend over tho week end.
Tho tryout for tho declamatory
contest to bo held In Ilend on Satur
day, May 10 was held on Friday,
Those to represent I.ower Urldgo aro:
First division, Prldy Holmes; second
division, Morlo Jack; third division,
Dorothy Holmes; fourth division,
Ed a Towne
Paul Flnloy returned from Fort
Rock Monday with a band of horses
belonging to Mr. Jack.
A. J. Fuller was In Redmond
Thursday morning.
Mrs. Earl Updlko had her small
brother In Redmond Saturday to
have his tonsils and adenoids re
moved. Mr. Cathro, superintendent of tho
Northwestern DIatomlto company re
turned to Lower Brldgo after spend
ing threo months In Portland. Mr.
Hunt of Portland returned with him
look ovor tho plant at Lower Bridge.
They aro .going to Install new en
gines and other now machinery be
foro tho plant resumes work.
George Reels bought eight stands
of bees and expects to go Into tho
bco business quite extensively in the
Griffon, Slate Engineer P. E. Cupper,
George Cyrus and J. E. Aldrich made
a trip to tho proposed dam slto on
Tho stockholders of tho Squaw
Crcok Irrigation company held their
bond election at tho Dean Van Mat re
ranch on Saturday.
W. T. E. Wilson and family movsd I
on ino A. J. weston rancn on Jton
and Mrs. H. O. Wilson and
What Are You Doing
To Improve the Appearance
of Your Own Home?
Does the house need a coat of
Does the fence need repairing?
Are there windows broken?
Does the grass need cutting and
. Have you put in your garden?
Has your hose worn out?
Have you a hoe and rake?
Does the bath room need a coat
of enamel?
Are your hydrants leaking?
Was your sprinkler lost in the
Does your wife need kitchen uten
sils? These, and pet-haps many other things, need at
tention. Will you let us help you select your
materials for making these repairs? You can be
assured of our help always.
Bentl Hardware Company
tho purchaso of tho tract, which is
well timbered.
Four or flvo acres of tho proposed
park slto aro already cleared off,
providing excellent picnic or camp
ing grounds, and tho topography ot
tllo land is such that It Is bollovcd
nn artificial lako could bo mado with
only n nominal expense
. Another park proposition enter
tained by tho commltteo was In re
gard to securing n strip ot land along
tho Deschutes river, -within tho city,
near tho root bridge, but It Is prob
able that this tract will not bo con
sidered further as It Is not thought
to bo largo enough for park purposes,
family werp shopping In Sisters on
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hurling spent
Monday evening at tho J, L. Parborry
G. E. Stadlg of Lower Brldgo was
a business visitor at tho George
Cyrus homo on Tuesday.
Mrs. Jlelny Boyd was a visitor at
the J. B. Hodxon homo on Monday.
Mr.and Mrs. F. M. Lantz, Mrs. D.
If. Long and son Lavlno wero busi
ness callers at tho J. B. Fryrcar homo
on Tuesday.
A meeting was held at tbo school
houso by the stock holders of tho
Squaw Creek Irrigation company on
Wednesday evening.
"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold mo
tored to Redmond Thursday evening.
H. A. Miller of tho Miller Lumber
Co. of Bond and W. A. Jacobs wore
dinner guests at tho Parberry homo
Thursday evtmlng.
Mrs. Frank Burling was a caller
at the Burnslde homg on Thursday.
B. A. Kendall of Redmond and
R. A. Ward of Bend wero in Clover
dale on Thursday.
F. A. Arnold and son Bobby wero
in Redmond on Tuesday evening,
whero they took Bobby tor medical
W. F. Fryrcar and ton Sterling
wero riding for cattlo on Thursday.
Deacon Andrus was a caller at the
Long homo on Saturday.
Harold Kline's valuable saddlo
horse broko Its leg on Saturday and
had to bo shot.
Mr. and Airs. Ivan Miller, Viola
and Earlo Miller went to Bend Satur
day night to hear Billy Sunday lec
ture. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jaeobson ot
Bend wero Sunday ueats at tho
Lantz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Bailey, Mr.
and' Mrs. Chris Sorcnson and Mrs.
Vine Stidham were In Clovcrdale on
D. 11. Long returned from the
high dc&ert on Sunday, where ho has
been looking after business matters.