BRND BULLETIN. BKND. ORRGON. THIUUSDAY, MAY 1, 1010 PAOK 8 MHMHMMMMMNMv- t T" VICTORY LOAN RALLY ! " l " - - " "' ' - A iMMI fcfclT u iii I t I i - 1 t V. V ! it M ! l IhHhHHSHH Ml """ Mil 'HI BILLY J SUNDAY WILL SPEAK AT THE BEND AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 3 AT EIGHT O'CLOCK . SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4 AT NINE O'CLOCK EVERYBODY WELCOME NO ADMISSION FEE Come and hear this world renowned public speaker. ,. HE HAS A PATRIOTIC MESSAGE FOR YOU. LIBERTY VICTORY LOAN COMMITTEE. v I HI H ' COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Tho county court reconvened on March 13, 1919. 10 a. ra., there being, present Cotnmlsstonora C. II. Miller and Selh Stookoy. ' Claims. Tho matter of claims against tho county coming up (or consideration, alter duo examination -were continued until the next meet lag. Tho meeting was then adjourn ed until 1:30 p. m. o! this date, at which time tho court reconvened, all members being present. Vacation or Plafor Roslnnd. This matter again coming up lor consider' a'tlon It was ordered that tho petition for tho plat or Ilosland be granted. I. O. O. P. Cemetery, Tcrrobonno, Oregon. This matter again com Ins . up ror consideration it was ordered that tho plat or tho I. O. O. P. ceme tery nt Terrebonne, Oregon bo accepted. Georgo E. Altkcn or Sisters appear ing ilh tho request that tho road east or Sisters bo temporarily im proved. It was ordered that E. M. Harrington bo authorized to put samo in proper condition. Georgo E. Altkcn appearing Before tho court and representing that tho Indian Fort road needed Improve ment, and that It was expedient that Deschutes county co-operato with Jefferson count and tho forest sor vico in the improvement ot the sumo, it was ordered that the matter be taken up with tho Jefferson county- court with tho idea ot such coopera tion Bond or Justico or tho Pcacp George G. Sedgwick. And now Is presented the bond or Georgo G. Sedgwick or Redmond, Oregon, ns Justico or tho peaco Jfor Iledmond procinct, with Albort Mohlcr and D. A. Kendall as Burettes thorcon, and said bond appearing to the court to bo sufficient, it is ordered that tho Help Yourself PliKii HI HL m, By Helping the Government Buy Victory Bonds Jl Sound Inoulment MTlle First National Bank mi of bend m Tnm Hawk or Swmim Btmviem K said bond or Georgo G. Sedgwick, bo and tho samo Is heroby approved. Dond or Justico or tho Peace Earlo Benton. And now is prcsantcd tho bond or Earlo Denton or Iledmond, Oregon, as "justico or tho -peace ror Tethorow precinct, with W it. David son and E. M. Eby as sureties thoro oii, and said bond appearing to tho court to bo sufficient, it is ordered that said bond or George P. Sedgwick bo and tho samo la hereby approved. Tho court then adjourned to meet February 20, ror tho further con March 20, for tho further con sideration of county business. POISON PREPARED BY COUNTY AGENT Will Ho Ghcn to I)chcliu(r County Winner nt Coat to Use in Wnr Agaliutt Hugo I lata. (From Friday's Dally.) To moot tho needs or the farmers who aro setting out bait for Bago rats, tho agricultural agent's office at Rodmond bus a quantity ol poisoned oats prepared for distribu tion to tho farmers nt cost or in gredients. Tho poisoned onts can be had at any time by applying nt the offlco, and arrangements 'aro also raado so that tho farmers around Dcnd can get It at tho offlco hero on Wednesdays or each week, when tho agent will bo located In room 32 or tho First National Dank building. On these 'days the agonj, wjjl bring a quantity or tho bait mlxcq with the strychnlno procured through the county rodent funds, and this, of cours3, has boon catubllshcd ror the uso of the citizens to reduce the cost of tho poison. Considering the effectiveness ot tho poisoned oats In controlling tho sago rat situation, tho small cost ot applying tho halt Is negligible, Ono qunrt is enough ror 50 baita, and this, properly placed, moans tho death or CO rata. Y. W. C. A. DRIVE IS COMPLETE SUCCESS (From Tuesday's Dally,) Although reports from Deschutes and La Pno havo not yqt comp In, it was announced today that tho county's quota In tho Y, W. C, A. drlvo has been more than subscribed, The entire amount which the county was expected to lurnlsh was $90. Put it la "THE DULLKTIN." xotici: or contest. Department of tho Interior, United States Land office, Lukovlo?, Oregon, April 22, 1919. To William II. Chlpp or Dond, Ore gon, contcsteo: You aro hereby notified that Charles F. Whltmoro, whti gives Ilend, Oregon, ns Jiln postofflco ad dress, did on February 24, 1919, fllo In this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest und secure can cellation of your homestead entry, js'o, , serial No. 08545, mado April 5. 19 1C, ror tho 8W8EU. nee. 2; NEU. NEHNWU. NEtf, SEU, Sectional, township 22 south, rango 18 oast, Willamette meridian, and as lor grounds ror his content ho allows that I am Informed and bollevo and' therefore statu that tho said William It. Chlpp resided on said land only about three mouths and not longer than four months after ho Hied on It, und tlicn abandoned tho land and never returned; that ho never taado any Improvements or cultivation on snld land, except tho building or a houso which ho sold und had had re moved from tho land, when ho loft samo as above stated, and does not now over intend to return to the land.. That his abandonment or tho land was not, and Is not due to his employment or sorvlco In any ca pacity In tho United States, nor to his sorvlco with tho United States In any capacity on account or any war In which tho United States has been or may now bo ougnged In. You are therefore further notified that tho said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said entry will bo cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fall to file in this offlco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication or this notlco, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations o( con test, together with due proof that you have served a copy or your ans wer on tho said contestant olthor In person, or by registered mall. You should stuto in your nnnwor tho name or tho post offlco to which you desire futuro notices to bo bent to you. ' JAS. F. DURaESS, lloglstor. Date or first publication May 1. Date of second publication 'May 8, Date or third publication May 15, Date or fourth publication May 22. CUulAal ftdycrtUinir chsrire per luui 29 ernU for 20 wonl or !. Ono cent, Ittr won! for nil ovri 20. All clsulni wtvwtUlnif iitrlctly cuh in alynce.. I'OIt BALIS. FOR BALE Ono 5-yonr-.old Jersey, one 6-year-old Durham, three 3' year-old Durhnms, thrco yearlings. George T. Iluotll. 3C-9p FOR 8ALK Dlack Swiss heifer, Just fresh. C. II. Dlshop. Red 1771. , 27-Uc FOR SALE Choice Noltod Oom Heed potatoes; also ono Jorsoyj Guernsey cow, fresh two wooks. C. II. Hatch, Tumalo, Ore, 30-9-11 p WILL bo sold May 6, 1919, nt tho Caldwell ranch, C miles cast of Dond, to cover feed bill, one bay inaro and yenrllng. to tho highest bidder for cash. T, C. Merchant. 17-00 FOR SALE 8ood rye. cloancd; do live red In Dond. Write or phono r A. Dover & Sent Tumalo, Ore. GI-Htfo FOR SALE Tho host buy In Central Oregon. 120 acres, nillo from heart of city ot Dond. A. D. Morrill, Gaston, Ore. 51-8-1 lp FOR SALE Ono 19-month'Old Dur hm hull. Fine animal, Price 1C0. F. A. Shonqucut, Dend, Oro. 33-Q-Oe FOR SALE Irrigated farm, 1C0 nrriw 12f. nrrm nndnr cultivation! 100 acres In crops, Good wutejf right. 130 per acre with crop, taf per ncro witiioui crop, i,ong uwo on $2600. Phono F, G. Powers, Tumalo, Oro. 08-5-Cp FOR SALE Sweot clovor seed. L. A. Drandonburff, DcuchutoH. Rural 82, 04-5-Cp. FOR HALE Socd fye, northwest ot Dend, 15 miles. 12 tons at 50 por ton sucked. $56 per ton In small lots, F. W, Lovercnx, Tumalo 08-5-Cp. FOR SALE. Ono 5-rooin, ono 4 room and four 3-room housos In Mill addition on Gilchrist avenue, John Stelnkamp, Dox 190, Dond, Oregon. 91-5-7P FOR SALE Dlack team of mures, weight 3000 pounds. Ono 4 years old, ono 0 years old. Inquire of Goorgo G. Truosdalo, Powoll Dutte, Oregon. 92-5-8p FOR SALE-r-Two room houso and ono of best gurdon lots in city or Dend, Soil deep and woll fertil ized. Worth $460 but will sacri fice for $325, $125 down, halanco torms, Address box 720, Dond, for appointment. II FOR SALE George Taylor, Dond, Oregon, has nil kinds ot young Til lamook culvea. Call Red 1341 or write Dox 113 for Information, 29-3-Gp FOR SALE If you want tho highest price for your goods, write mo, Richard Richardson, auctioneer, goneral delivery, Dend, Ore. Farm solos n specialty. fjp-r3-00p FOR SALE Good grain drill, 10 Iiobo Roderick Loan, $50. 'Frank Lemuy, near Grange Hull, north east or Dend. 84-40-BSp TO TRADE Oil EXCHANGE. TO TRADE 1917 Chovrolot, good condition mid good tires, lor good milch cows or hogs. Address Ilul lotln. 21-5-70 TO TRADE Two thoroughbred bol glan doos, and one Flemish doe, will trade for laying lions. Young stock for sale. Dox 720, Dond. 11 WANTED. WANTED Incubator Will buy or rent a good ono. Inquire Dullntln. 91-8p WANTED Man to work on ranch. $00 per month with board. Tele phone 4-F-26 mornings or even ings. C77tfo WANTED Wo will call nnywhoro, any place nny time, to look nt your used furniture. !ot us know what you havo. Wo pay cash. The 'Standard Furulturo Co. 97-49tfc, ...... imr. I'OIt RUNT. . PA8TURE FOR HORSES Wo havo 320 acri'U of hunch grass pasture, Running water. Can accomndnto 20 head. Write Llvesay Druthers, Gist, Oregon. 04-7-8p FOR RENT HO acres Irrigated farm .1 miles from Dond; 40 acrcVl cultivation, some In alfalfa. Write or see Otto Olson, CO McKay Ave, Dond, Oro, ll,08-9p LOST. LOST lletwoun Madras and Rcndl Monday night, a huRciisu contain In wearing apparel and Jowelry, deposit bonk of tho United Ware houso on tho First National bank. Findor plousu notify United Ware houso Co, Reward, 34-9o LOST Ono bay horso brandod O on loft Jaw, eight years old, weight about twelve hundred, heavy mane lays on both sides of nock, Is heavy boned, shows somu Clydo. I.nwt heard of north or Sisters. Ono brown mare about nine yearsj. old and weight about 900 lbs,, nun short tall; last heard or near Dend. Reward paid for roturn of thesa horses to H. T.. Hartley, Tumalo. Phono 104, 32-0-lfty STRAYED to Cnldwoll's, 0 miles enst or Dend, 1 long 2-year-old black stallion; 1 Muck yearling filly, 1 brown two-year-old mnro. Owner may have sumo by paying dam-, ages and costs, T. C, Merchant. r l8-9tfa IX)8T Rod cow, brandod J lazy B on loft hip, crop In right ear and under slopo In right. Taken in to feed Nov. 1st, 1018, Owner notify II, A, Scoggln, Tumalo, 11-ft-llp STRAYED OR STOLEN Drown i thare, branded bar CI on each shoulder; sorrel colt, white fore head, year. old, bruudud sumo, $10 rowurd. V. Dykstrn, Demi. f STRAYED Ono coal blnolt 2-your- old colt, Ally, branded crescent re vorsi'd E K. Finder pleuso notify M. C, Kuntts, Dend, Oro. 57-8p LOST White eellle dog. Drown oars. Finder ploasu phono Mr. Hhoit quest, Rurnl 82. TAKEN W TAKEN UP Two yearling steers, vpbluolf nnd whltoj ono 2 whIU.foot 3nd whlio full; 1 branded jiy lower M"iilt In right oar; no othor lirumlH. vlfilblo, J, F, Doan, llend!' Ore. 078-1 QPf