IIKNI) BULLETIN, IIHNI), OREGON, TIIUIWDAY, MAY i, 11)10 PAOM 7 L 0. 0. F. MEMBERSHIP PASSES TWO MILLION (From Jaturdny'n Dally,) From mi Initial membership of llvo, tin) iiumbor Included In tlio llrttt I(kIk of Odd Folio wh ovor or- iinlrod In Atnorlcii, thu fraternity, In tlio first century of Its existence, rliloh Is tiding colahratod nil ovor tint United States today, ImH Increased Bo 2,330,231 inoii mid women, all landed toxuthor no inomliurH of onu miliihty orjfiinlKulloii, Tlio Independent Qrdar of Odd Follows lind ltd birth In Ainorlca In llaltlmoro, April 20, 1810. Itn founder und first advocates In llnltl moro worn Tnonmn Wlldoy, jonti Wolcli, John Duncan, John Cliealh- nun nnd Itlclntrd Runhwortli. Thcso linen had been nfllllntad prnvlouHly fwlth Odd Fellowship, boliiK formorly inimiboni of the ordor In England, rflioy mot to orgando tlm Urn I Amnrl- :nn lodRO ut the tavern of Wllllnm l.nptou, known as tho Huron Htnrit, In llnltlmoro. Tho nnnio chosan wan SVnahliiRton lodgo of Odd Follow, Thomas Wlldoy was tho Unit noblo ftrnnd. Tho following yonr n chnrtcr was obtained from tho Duke of York IoiIkq of tho Manchester Unity, Pros- ton, England, Thin chnrtor wan not :$colvod nnd formally ndoptod until Octabur 23, 1820; previous to this time Washington lodKa existed nn n social beneficent Independent body. On February 22, 1821, Washing- ton's blrthdny, Washington lodge sur rendered Hi English charter to Itn pant ffrniids, who then Immediately organized "Tho Grand Lodgo of Maryland and of tho Unltod States of Amorlcu." k ft kUfltf M !.... ....... !. t.1l..al. not only to satlftfy tho fancies of tho Inventors, but to Insure Its abbrevia tion at no distant day. Follow Ins tho organization of tho grand body, It rochnrtercd Washington lodgo, No, 1. The name of the grand lodge wan changed January 12, 182S, to "Tho Oram! Lodgo of tho United States of tho Independent Ordor of Odd Fellow," nnd again on Hoptom tier 18. 1870, to tho "Sovereign (J rand Lodgo of tho Independent Otder of Odd Fellow," by which It bun nlnco been known. Thonian Wlldoy wan tho first grand matter In 1821 and continued In that office for 12 yearn. In 182C thin title wan changed to that of grand Mlro. In 183S ho wan made traveling ngcut of tho grand lodgo of tho United Htatoa, and In thin capacity ho travoled north went and nouth, establishing nnd encouraging tho ordor wherever ho wont . WILL PREVENT : TIMBER LOSS mum policy op prosecuting INDIVIDUALS WILFULLY () II CARELESSLY H KIT I NO FIRKH H TO UK ENFORCED. (From Monday's Dally.) Any canon of timber flrea believed IP.Jinvo been Net, either through euro lennnonn or In wilful dlnregard of the law, will bu thoroughly Investigated, and prosecution of offenders will bu pushed to tho limit during tho com ing season, In tho declaration or Forent Supervisor N. (1. Jncobson, who returned to Ilond thin morning from Portland, whoro ho nttondod n mooting of foront supervisors and private tlmbor owners from the northwontorn nnd count ntntcH. An u result of tho convention, u most rigid policy of protecting tho forests from loss through flru will bo in ef fect, ho declared. Lnnt yonr, on tho Donchutcn na tional forest, flrea woro chlotly the result of lightning, although thero woro a number of conflagrations acci dentally not. In thin latter clunn, thu chief offenders nro smokers, who knock out tholr plpos or throw a lighted cigarette stub on tho ground without thinking of the probable conaoquoucos. Llttlo troll bio has boen'oxporloncod with campers, who Imvo lciirnud tlio need of cnrofully textligulnhliiK tholr flroa boforo DronKing camp, Cut Thin Out -It'M Worth Money. DON'T MISS TH 18. Cut out this ullp, enclose with Go to Foley & Co., 12835 Sheffield Ave,, Chicago, III., I writing your namo und nddross clearly. You will recolvo In return 4i trial packagu containing I'Oiey s Honey und Tnr Compound, for coughs, colds nnd croup, Foley Kid uoy Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold ovorywhoi'O, Adv. Tho general told this story hlmnelf i that ovonlni; ut tho stnfT mens und now his aids nnd the other staff ofll cera know that he Isn't such n "boat" they lind thought htm, Exchange. ON ANNIVERSARY Ilo died In Iliiltlinoro, October 10, 1801, nt tho ago of 70 yearn nnd wan burled In Oreenwood comolery with nil the pomp nnd honors boflttlng tho exulted ntntlou nnd tho uneqiialod norvlcoii of tho orlrllnntor of tho Odd Fellown In America, In llnltlmoro, n tall monument In a city Hanaro re cordn hln nchlovemont. Tho flritt official chnrtorn to bo granted by tho grand lodge of Mary land nnd of tho United fl(nten,other than to two lodgnn In .Baltimore, woro to MnnHiichuiNOln lodgo, No. 1, at Ilonton und to tho Grand lodgo of Mnnnnchuonottn, Tho flrnt official net of Grand Mnntor Wlldoy out nldu of the order In llnltlmoro, wan to pro ceed to Ilonton nnd Inntltuta Manna chuenottn' lodgo nnd the grand lodgo of MaNnacliuenottn. Ilo arrived In Uonton on Juno 0, 182.1, and pro nontod tho chnrtor to Mnnnachuenottn No. 1, Juno 0, 'nnd organized th grand Indjjo of Man&uCIiUtMuttn on Junu 11. It In n coincidence, nomowhat re markable that the ordor wan Intro duced Into Maryland and Massachu notlH at about tho namo porlod of time, 1818 or 1810, by Englishmen who Immigrated to tho country In 1817, Whether Mannachunottn can claim nenlorlty ovor Maryland In tho mooted question but from tho beni evldenco obtainable, hlntorlann are of that opinion. Thomas Wlldoy loft England In 1817 landing nt Daltlmoro on Sep tember 2 of that year. Jamcn II. Ilarnen alno left England In 1817, nnd lauded In Now York, but ho Im mediately proceeded to Donton, Ilotli wero prominent Odd Fellown In tho old country and both woro pant grandn. Knch landing In tho United Htaten without knowlodgo of tho oxlntonco of tho other wont about tho tank of Introducing tho ordor'lnto tho adopt ed country. Maisachuoaotts lodgo, No. 1, dates from March 26,1820, at which tlmo It adopted n code of by-lawn and bo gan to keep rocordn, but It In an on tabllnhod fact that brethren for a long tlmo prior to that dato hold In formal meeting. Tho lodgo wan nolf Inntltuted and had an much exist nnco after 1810 as It had after March 2G, 1820. Wanhlngton lodgo at Daltl moro, won nolf-lnntllutcd, April 20, 1810, tho rcqulnlto iiumbor, five, an nombllng for the flrnt tlmo on that dato. Had tho two' men. Wlldoy and Damon exchanged placen, Massachu- nottn would havu been tho acknowl edged paront of Amorlcau Odd Fol lownhlp. Uli i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Ol' Klli:itKrH HALE. Ily virtue of nn execution In fore closure, duly Issued by tho clerk of the circuit court of tho county of Deschutes, ntato of Oregon, dated the 22nd day of April, 1019, In n Cer tain action In -tho circuit court for snld county nnd ntato, wherein Frank L. Walt, guardian, an plaintiff, re covered judgment nnd decreo against W. 8. Hodman and Grace 11. Ilodmnn. hln wife; Marlon Chamberlain and Minn Chamberlain, his wlfo; George W. Carpenter and Ula Carpeutor. hln wlfo; John' M. Carpeutor and Golda Carpentor, his wife, nnd thu Hank of Doming, n corporation, defendants, for tho sum of Forty-Threo Hundred nnd tio1 00th Dolluni nnd contu and dlnburnomonta taxed nt Fifty-Nine nnd 201 00th Dollars, and attorney's fees In tho sum of Two Hundred Hovonty-Flvo and nnlOOth Dollars, and tho further sum of Forty-Threo and 7.11 00 th Dollars taxes, on thu 22nd day or April, 1910, Notlco In hereby given that I will on tho 24th day of May, 1919, at the front door of thu court house In Ilond, In nald comity, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of nald day, Bell nt public auction to tho highest blddor, tor ennh, tho following described properly, to-wlt: Tho north hair (NH) or Soctlon Fourteen (Sec. 14) In Townnhlp 1G, 8. or Ilango 10 E. W. M. In Deschutes county, taken and levied upon nn tho proporty of tho suld dofoiulnntn, or as much thereof as may ho necensiiry to satisfy tho said Judgment In favor or tho plain tiff against said defendants, with In tercut thornpn, together with all costs und (llHburnomontH that hnvo or may accrue. 8. E, IIOI1EHT8, Sheriff, Dated at Ilond, Oregon, April 23rd, 1919. 8-12e NOTICE TO CHKDITOIW TO PHK- HUNT CLAIMH. In tho County Court ot tho Stnto ot Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter ot the Kutato ot Surah L. I). Fonton, DoceiiHCd. Thu undurslgnod having boon up- nolntod uu ndmtulstrittor ot tha ubovo entitled estate, notlca Is hereby given to all persons Having claims uguiiiHt tho docuuHod und all clnlms ugulnst thu suld ustnto to prosent sumo duly verified within nix months from tho dale ot this notlco to tho undersigned nt thu office or II. C. Ellis In Ilond, Oregon. Dated this 1st day ot May, linn, (Signed) PETBIl G. RIOMPBL, Administrator ot tho Estate ot Bnrnh L. E, 'fonton, Deceased, II, C. ELLIS, 0-1 30 Attorney for too Administrator. CALL FOR ItKOIHTKRKD COUNTY WARRANTS. Nollco In hernby given that tho niKlntorod wnrrantn on tlio following fmiilH nrn hereby culled for payment on may z, miv, nnii uro puynmo nt tho county treituliror'n office, Dund, urogou: Itoud Fund. -Ileglntorcd warranto number 408 to 715, IiicIuhIvo, Central Oregon Irrigation Dlntrlct. Iteglnlorod warrants number 1 to G, IiicIuhIvo, Squaw Oreok Irrigation District. Heglntored wurruntn number 1 to 11, IiicIuhIvo. Intorcnt on theno wnrrantn ntopn on nnd nftor May 2, 1010, 0c CLYDE M. MclCAY, Tronnurer, Donchutcn County, OHI ,u NOTICE FOR I'ITmLICATION. Not Conl IhikIh, Department of tho Interior, U. 8, Lnnd Office nt Lakovlow, Oregon, April 24, 1010. Nntlco In hereby given that Charlcn Tlio man of La Pine, Oregon, who on October 14, 1014, made homoatcad entry No. 08122 for HKVt. Bectlon 1, Townnhlp 23 8. Ilnngo 10 K. Wll lamutte meridian, ban filed notice of Intention to mako final threo-year proof to entnbllnh claim to tho land abovo dencrlbed before K. L. Clark, U. 8. commlnnloner, at La Pino, Oro gon, on tho 30th day of May, 1010. Claimant namen an wltncsnca: , Frank M. Johnnon, Claudo II. Clow, Henry Cavnnuugh, all of La Pine, Oregon. 0-13c JA8. V, IIUIIOK88, Iteglntor. 07:i7f-07mn NOTICE IX)K I'UHLIOATION. Not tml Lnniln. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Lakevlew, Oregon, April 1G, 1010. Notlco In hereby given that Arthur W. Hill of Hcnd, Oregon, who oh March 17, 1014 nnd Juno 10. 1014. made horaentoad nnd additional homentcad eutrlcn Non. 07371 nnd 07630. for KM 8W4 8EV4. NWM 8EV4 815, 8 8BU8EU.8cc. u; NE4 NEK, EW NW' NEU, NE4 8W4 NHM. Ni4 8E',! NEW, Soc. 13, T. 22 8. It. 8 E.: NWVi 8WW NW,. 8WU NWUNWU, Sec. 18, T. 22 8. II. 0 E. Wlllamotto meridian. hnn filed notlco of Intention to mako final three-year proof to establish claim to tho land ubovo described be fore II, C. Ellin, U. 8. commlnnlonor. at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of May, 1010. Claimant naroon an witnesses: Joseph C. Drown, of Dcnd, Oregon, llobort Gathorgood, Ilobort E. Eaton, George E. Graft, all of La Pine, Oregon. 7-1 1c JA8. BURGESS. Iteglntor. 07720 NOTICE KOIt I'UHLIOATION. Not Conl Innd. Department of tha Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Lakovlow, Oregon, April 1G, 1910. Notlca la hereby Given that Arthur D. Olson ot Camp Lowln, Wunhlngton, who on Juno 11th. 1914 mado homo stead entry No. 07720, for northwest quartor. Section 15, Townnhlp 21 8. Itango 10 E. Wlllamotto' meridian, has filed notlco ot Intention to mako final three-year proof to establish claim lo tho land abovo described boforo hln commanding officer pur suant to tho Act of Oct. G, 1917. Claimant names as wltnessos who will glvo their testimony boforo H. C. Ellin, U. 8, commlnnloner, nt Dend, Oregon, on May 23, 1919; Win. E. Doguo, John It. Sutllof. J. F. lloguo, C. II. Clow, all ot La'Pino, Oregon. 7-Ho JA8. 11URGE88. Iteglntor. OHO 18 NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. Not Conl LiiikN. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Lakovlow, Oregon, April 15, 1919. Notlco fh horoby given thnt James O. Hoffman ot La Pino, Oregon, who on August 28th, 1914. mado homo stead entry No. 08018 for Eft NEU, KH SEH, Section 19. Township 22 8. Range 10 B. Wlllamotto meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final threo-year proof to establish claim to tho land nbovu described bo forts II. C. Ellis, U. 8. commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 24th day of May, 1019. Claimant names as witnesses: William H. Holllnshead, William H. lloesloy, William E. Doguo, David II. Wood, nil of La Pine, Oregon. 7-110 JAS. DURQESS, Register. NOTICE OV BALK OF TIMBER LAND. Notlco is horoby given by tho un dersigned, tho admtulatrutor ot tho estate ot John J. McOrath, decoased, thnt pursuant to an ordor of thu county court of Crook county, Oro gon, mndo and entered on tho 6th day ot April, 1919, ho will sell at public auction to tho highest blddor nt tho front door ot tho county court houso iu lUond, Deschutes county, Oregon, on tho 19th day ot May, 1010, nt 2 o'clock p, m nil tho right, tltla and Interest ot John J. McGruth, deceased, or his cstuto In tho follow ing described promises, towit: 8W14 8EU, soctlon 1, 8j NEU, NWV4 NEVi of sootlon 12, township 20 south or rungo 13 oast or tho MEN WANTED For Pnpor Mill work. No experience neces sary. 8 .hours work 4l!a per hour. Oppor tunity tor advance ment. Single men pre ferred. Splendid now hotel, meals 3Go, rooms 85o. Apply Crown Willamette Paper Co., Camas, Wash. Wlllamotlrt meridian, In Dcnchulcn county, Oregon, Tormn ot naio, cnnli. 10 per cent ;to be paid on tho day of nalo nnd the bulunco upon the confirmation of naie y wio county court or crook county. Oregon. Dated this 17th day of April, 1010. M, it. KLLIOTT, Administrator of tho Kntnto of . John J. McOralh, Dccoaned, 7-1 lo . NOTICK TO ritKDITOIlH TO I'IIKHI-:.VJ'('LAI.MH. In tha. county court .of tho ntato of Oregon, for Dcnchulcn county In the manor of tho estate of John Kgloy, deceased: Tho underntxned having boon np polntod nn admlnlRtrntnr of tho abovo entitled -entate, notlca In hereby given to nil porsonn having clalmn ngalnnt tho deceancd nnd all clalmn agalnnt the nald entato to prcnont namo duly verified within nix monthn from tho dato of thin notice to tho undornlgnod nt tho offlco of W. P. Mycrn In Dcnd, Oregon. Dated thin 3rd day of April, 1010. (Signed) J. W. IX) WELL. Administrator for tho Entato of John Egloy. C-Oc W. P. MYEI18, Attorney for tho Administrator. HUMMONH. In tho Clfcult court ot or tho ntato or Oregon, for Deschutes county. 8. 8. 8tcarnn, plulntlff, vn. Norman Woyand, defendant. To Norman Woyand, tho above named defendant: In the namo of .tho ntnto of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and nnnwer tho complaint of tho plaintiff, filed ngalnnt you In tho abovo entitled suit, on or before Saturday, tho 10th day of May, 1910, and ir you fall to answer, tho plaintiff will tako Judgment against you for Uio sum or f 1600, with In torcnt thereon at tho rato of 6 per cont per annum from 'December 21, 1910; for tho num of $220.00 attor ney's fees, together with the conts of this suit, nnd for nn ordor fore cloning according to law, tho mort agi which is the subject ot this suit and directing a nalo ot tho in terest ot tho defendant In 'tho prem ises covered by said mortgage, said promises being described as follows: Tha northwest quartor of tho northwtt t quarter of section 8, town ship 18, south of range 13 cast, W. M., located nnd being in Deschutes county, Oregon. This summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by publication the ro of In the Weekly Uend Bulletin, a wookly newspaper published In Des chutes county, Oregon, by ordor ot tho Honorablo T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said court, said order being mado and enterod on March 20. 1919. dato ot first publication March 27, 1919, lengtn of publication, G successive weeks. Dated this 27th day of March, 1919. C. 8. BENSON. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Dond, Oregon. 4-Oc. NOTICE Kill PUIILICATION. OI451-I OlOUIKt Department ot the Interior, United States Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 28, 1919. Notice Is horoby given that Jay Haguo of Alfalfa. Oregon, who on February 23. 1915. mado homestead entry No. 014514 und on January 5, iui7 mado additional No. 01G993. for the E14NWU and SWU. sec. 29: NW NWU. Sec. 32. townshln 16. south, rungo 15 enst, Wlllamotto me ridian, has filed notice ot Intention to mako final three your proof, to establish claim to the land abovo des cribed, boforo 11. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, nt Dond, Ore gon on tho 12th dny ot May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses Jas. T. .Moflltt of Prlnovlllo. Orecon: Nols Larson, of Prlnovlllo, Oregon, Austin t Harbor of Alfalfa. Oregon, anu u. v. uoou ot Alfaira. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 5-9p Register. 018177. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lnnd Office nt The Dallen. Oregon, AprU 4th, 1919. Notlco is horoby glvon that Leo Keller, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on May 11th, 1914. made Homestead Entry No. 013177, for Sft NEU. NEUSEU. Sec. 25. T. 19 8.. R. 16 E.. lots 2-3, BWU NEU. SEU NWU. NKU SWU. Section 30. Township 19 South, Rango 10 East Wlllamotto Meridian, bus filed no tlca of Intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, beforo II. C. Ellin, U. B. commissioner, nt Bend, Orogon, on the 15th dny ot May, 1919. Claimant names as wltnosses: Leo P Roouoy, John J. Holland, Reuben R. Keller, Arthur M. Mooro, ull ot Mllllcan, Oregon, C-lOp II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Roglstor. NOTICE. This Is to certify that tho undor nlgnod have, pursuant to tho provi sions ot tho statutes ot tho stato of Oregon, formed u limited partner ship. The namo assumed by said partnership and under whicU Its business Is to bo conducted Is Rod moud Garage, J. O, Houk, proprietor; and tha principal plnco ot buslnoss ot snld partnership shall bo nt Red mond, Orogon. Tho general nature ot thu buRtnbsa to bo transacted Is buying, selling, storing, renting, re pairing and dealing generally In automobiles and nutomobllo supplies, parts and nccessorios. That J. O. Houk, ot Rodmond, Oregon, Is tho gouornl partner" nnd Clnronco H. Oil bort of Portland, Orogon, Is' tho spoclnl partner; thnt said special portuor haa contributed tho Hum ot Ftrtoon Hundred (?1500) Dollars as capital toward tha common stock; thnt said partnership is to conuuouco on tho 5th day ot April, 1919, nnd Is to tormltmto in ton (10) years from said date, Dated this 5th day ot April, 1919, in duplicate. J. O. HOUK, CLARENCE II, GILBERT, Wltnosses: FLORENCE SARGENT, WILSON T. HUMS. Stuto ot Oregon, County ot Mult- nomah, nn. On thin Glli day of April, 1010, pornonnlly appeared before mo tho undornlgnod, a notary public of the ntnto of Orogon, J. O. Houk nnd Clnr onco II. Gilbert, who aro known to mo to bo tlio Identical Individuals dencrlbod In and who executed tho foregoing Instrument and acknowl edged to mo that thoy executed tho name freoly and voluntarily. CLAIIA W. DACKU8, , Notary Public for Oregon. (Notarial Heal.) My comrnlnnlon cxplron January 24, 1022. , C-lOc HUMMONH. In tho Circuit court of the stato ot Oregon, for Deschutes county. Tho Miller Lumber Company, a cor poration, plaintiff, vn. Lea McForon nnd Orplila McFcron,' hln wlfo, defendants. To Lea McFcron and Orphla Mc Foron, defendants, abovo named: In tho name of tho ntato or Oregon you aro horoby required to appear and annwor tho complaint filed agalnnt you in tho abovo entitled case and cause on or before tho 15th day, of May, 1919, which la moro than nix weeks after tho 3rd day ot April, 1919, tho dato of tho first publi cation of this summons, and if you fall to so appearand answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho roller prayed for In tho complaint, towit: for Judg ment and decree agalnnt nald defend ants, and each of thorn, for tho sum of 1105.78, with interest thereon at tho rato ot eight per cent, per annum from and after May 10, 1918, until paid, for tho further sum ot 50.00 attorney's fees, and for costs and dis bursements of thin suit, and for a further decreo foreclosing the mort gage named in said complaint, and the nalo of tho property therein men tioned and described an lot 10. block 16, Boulevard addition to Bend, Des chutes county, Oregon, and tor such other and further relief as to the court may appear Just and equitable. Scrvico ot this summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof In tho Bend Bulletin for six consecu tive and successive weeks, under and by virtue of an order mado and en tered on tho 24th day or March. 1919. by tho Honorablo T. E. J. Dufley, Judgo of tho abovo entitled court. Tho dao of tho first publication of this summons Is tho 3rd day ot April, 1919, and the dato of tho last publi cation is the 8th day of May. 1919. 6-1 0c E. O. STADTER, Bend, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. 8UMMON8. In tho circuit court of tho state of .Oregon, for Deschutes county. Johana Willacy, plaintiff, vs. Charles Wlllscy, defendant: To Charles Wlllscy, defendant above named. In the namo ol tho stato ot Oregon, you aro hcroby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed ngalnnt you in the above entitled case Brooks-Scarvlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lnth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring und all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundud Sua. ' BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.. Business and Professional Cards R.S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1G First National Bank Bldg. Tol. Gil (Dr. Coo' Former X)fflc.) It. II. DiAnnond Ch. V. Kwklne DeArmond & Erskinc LA "WYE ns O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. 10 L LI S Attorney-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank DullOIng BEND, OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawronco Bldg., Room 3 Phono Red 2251 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGH ADVERTISING BY THE nwwwriijww.wswiriJirGyTiiTi MAuHillt:iil3:hMttmLiUmtl GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Complete Abstract Plant In Contral Oregon. Special Attention Glvon to Federal Loan Abstracts. rirat National BanK Bldg,, DEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alley and cause, on or boforo tho 15th day of May, 1019, which In more than six weokn after tho 3rd day of April, 1910, tha dato of tho first publica tion of thin summons and It you fait so to appear and nnswor, for want thorcof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollof prnyod for In tho complaint, towit: For n decreo ot th(n court dissolving tho bonds ol matrimony iiorotoforo and now ex isting botwoon plaintiff nnd dofond nnt, and for such other and further rollof as to tho court may nppoar Just and equitable. Sorvlco of this summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof. In tho Bend Bulletin for six consecH tlvo and successive weokn under and by virtue of nn order mndo on tho 3It day ot March, 1919, by tho Honorablo T. B. J. Duffey, Judgo of tho abovo entitled court. Tho dato of tho first publication of thin summons Is tho 3rd day of April, 1919, and tho dato of tho last publi cation in tho 8th day of May, 1919. 5-lOc E. O. STADTER, Bond, Orogon, Attornoy for Plaintiff. NOTICK IXU PUIILICATION. Department ot tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Lakovlow, Orogon. March 24, 1919. ' Notlco is hcroby given thatTcter J. Olson on behalf of tho heirs ot Anton L. Olaon, deceased, of ML Angel, Orogon, who on April 12. 1916 mado homestead entry No. 08569, for the B NBt, SEt NW4. lot 2. section 4. township 23 south, ranga 9 cast.Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako flnttl three year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo dencrlbed, before V. C.Schafer, United States Commis sioner, Fort Rock, Oregon, on tha 3rd day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Wm. Bogue, Benjamin Scott, Thomas Lln vlllo and Arthur Olson, all ot La Pino Oregon. JAMES S. BURGESS, 5-9c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Not Coal Land.) Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, March 24, 1919. Notlco Is hereby given that Samuel S. Yoder of Camp Lewis, Washing ton, who on March 20, 1915, made homestead entry. No. 08506, for tha 8E4 of section 15, township 21 south, range 10, cast. Willamette meridian, has filed notlco' of Intea tlon to mako final three-year proof, fo establish claim to the land abovo de scribed, before his commanding of ficer, pursuant to the provisions ot tho act of October 0, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses who will give their testimony before H. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on the 9th day of May, 1919: William B. Bogue. J. F. Doguo. R. E. Eaton and C. II. Clow, all ot La Pine, Oregon. JAS. F. BURGESS, 5-9c Register. Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. LA. Architect 3-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. NISWONOER, Bend. Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Rmbaltner, Funeral Director. Phone Red 431. Lady Aut DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathlo I'liyslclaa Orer Logan Furniture Co. Wall Streot Hours 9 to 6 Phone Rod -18fl J DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with Now Equipment Prlvato Otllco in Thorson'a Jowelry Storo Dr. Turner will bo in Prine vllla every first nnd third Fri day; In Madras ovory second and fourth Friday, and in Red mond ovory first and third Thursdny of each month. Read the Classified Ads.