) I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS , (From Wodtiumlny'n Daily.) l'mil Mnriih of Tiiiiutlo Id In tlio ,' city lodity, J. W. WrlKlll of tillnti KiiIIh 111 iipoiullnit Mm ility In Ilutul, Oliurlcri I'ltcliur, Hllvur Luko ntook man, in u iioihi vwuor today, W, it. lllluy of l,u l'lno In In city today ImiimiicIIiik IhihIiioiIh. John M. I'orry of Tdrruliomiti rived In tlio city UiIm inoriilni:. iir Mr. mill Mm. Oconto Holler;, wnro In llonil yoslonluy uftornoim from their ranch. County Clark J. II. Manor ntturnuil IiihI 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 from Portland, whuro lin underwent a minor ujiurallon, Mr. n ml Mrs. Orn Van TiihhoI aro ' HiondiiiK tlio day In Bond from tholr vliomu In Mnilnm. Dr. U, 0. Coo, formerly of Uoncl. -arrived In Mio city thin morning and In looking aftnr ImihIiiojm litturoHlH lioro, Atinmincomont wnn niado today of Mm niirclniHo liy Long Bros, from O. Von of IiIh gjrocory Htoru on flhanla JllllOO. Clarence L. Miinnliulmur wunt to Portland Inst night to moot Mm. Matinliolmur, who In returning from Now OrloaiiH, whuro ulin tiait boon visiting hor jinroiitn ior NOvortil month. Annoiincoinont wan niado today of Mio marrluKo of Martin llaUtnli and MIhh ISIUatintli Wulllior. botl of Hand, Tlio marrliiKu corumony wajj performed ly JunMco of Mm Pacu J. A. KaHtCH. m i (Krom Tuonday'8 Dally.) b Mliw Marlon Lawrence will leave th In evening for Portland, whuro nhc will vtnlt with frlumU, Mr. and Mm. At Edwards mid H. K. A Tdwimln liavo returned to Hand alter flvo months upon! In I'ortluilij. M, W. Ktilckorbockur wnn In Bend today troi) liln ranch,. ' V. l'oron of Ilurnn In business 'vis itor lit Mm city today. Joe Krumholx, chief yooinan, U, H navy; who hnn been stationed at,-Han Diego, Ii vImIMiik with Mr. and ,Mrn. If. "M. Morton in Hend boforo pro ceeding to liln homo In Burns.-tJlu oniered tho nnvy nearly two years MJ50. Tho ladles auxiliary of Mm .Mulho- dlit Episcopal church will hold a business mooting at Mm. Yonchum'n, . 245 JelTerson place, on Thursday, May 1. J. II, Minor report tho nalo of Mm Knlckcrbockor ranch, In tho Plain vluw section, to George 1. Orny of Broadview, Montana. Tho ranch I of ICO acres, all Improved, nmr largely plantnd to alfalfa, Tho now ownor will tnko possession at onco, Mr. Knickerbocker and family ex pect to movo to llond for Mm present. -Mr. and Mm. A. M. Prlnglo ru tu rnod thin mornlnil from Portland. Tlmy report Mm roadn In Rood con dition. Mm. P. It. Urookn arrived thin inoriilni; and In visiting at Mm II. K. Urookn homo. Itnlph Bpencor, M. A. Hamilton 1 and Margaret Cook, of Tho llullutln, are cotifinod to their hotnen by lllnons. Alfred Hnilth and Pat Angland aro In tho city today from I-akovlmv. J. V. Tnyldr arrived In llond lant nlRht from bin homo In Fort Hock, and In remaining over today. V ' I), U. llenlor of Mlllllan In trans nctliiK business In tho city loduy 1). A Moad In In thu city toTluy from bin liono In Uedmond. Annoiincomoiil wan made today of , Mm engagement or Minn Kleiinor "W!tinoro ami Hoy Van Vloot, both uTthls city. Tho date for tho mar- 'rlaKo ban not been net, Minn. Whit- in ore In ohlof deputy In Mm couijty clerk's of flee, and Mr. Van- Vloot. who returned recently from service In thu U, 8. army, Is employed by Tho Shovlln-lllxon Company. (From Monday's Dally.) Hnlph Ferry of Mllllcan In upend ing' tho day In llond. Jay IIukuo Ih a vlnitor lu Mm city today from hU homo lu Culver. W, II, Durham of Maupln .arrived t In llond lant nlKht nud Ih romntuliiK (ovor today. ' Mr. and Mm. Orovor 0. OorklnB of Tumalo worn vlnltom In llond ovor Mm wook-oud, Formor County Commlsklonar Alox .Mackintosh in lu llond today looklnn after btiHlucnu lutorentn. Clnudo Vandovert, who ban boon In tho U, B. army In tho aist In fantry, rotumod Saturday from Camp Loo, VlrKlnla, after rocolvlnK IiIh Uncharge. Ho will tnko chnrKO of Mm Caldwell ranch, which Mm Vnndo vortn recuntly purcIuiBod, Mr, Van ilovort wan roady to nail for Franco at tho tlino tho nrmltitlco wan hIbiioiI. i,rora,Baturdny'fl Dally,' , IlarknoHB of Torreboni o,,w nonno nr- 1,'rlvoil, In (ho city laHt nlRlit. y Mra.,W. C, JHrdnnll hah roturnod ,i'to ho'nd from a visit of Hovdral 'wooks lu California, t Mrs, J. A. HodBoa nnd Mrs, doorrio fRodmanof Cqivor arolvlnltln In' 'IDond today. . i I s& i Clmrloa A. Shormnn nrrlvod In- tho iclty thla morning froin his homo nt intt Kelly, Irnppor ffom tlio l'rlno vlllo miction, In iipondlin;, tlio day in llond, Krod Blilntaffr( of Kant Lako In traimlictini; IiuhIiiohh, In tho city to day, (1, V. llrock, fodnrai land office appraiser, nriivod In Henil today from ilpoknno nud In at work In Mm vicinity of Tiunalo and llund. IC. J3, Hawyor nnd dauKhtor ro ttiriiud thin inoriilni; from Portland, wlioro Mrn. Hawyor han been for Mm lant two niontliH on account of tho Minolta of her mother. (From Kriday'H Dally.) W. C. Ilolllunhead of l.u Pino "In npendlui; tho day In llond, ''' ' V, V. Myora wan In Madraiywitor- day on bunlnonn. ' y " Mri.aml Mm. A. J.fMooro lefUyM? turdiiy'or PorUand, liy'iJUlo, Tlmy? will return curly In May. "Mr. iiud Mrn. AM. Prlnulo ntartod thin mornliiK on a motor trip to Port land. Mrn. M. II. Morton returned yen terday from n vlnlt of novornl wcokn' duration In Mod ford. N. (J. Jncobnon, aupervlnor of tho Denchuten national forent, In In Port land on official bunlnenn. Mr, nnd Mm. Mark Powell und Mr. nnd Mm. Oliver Powell of Prlnuvlllo aro In llond attending tho liuptlnt convention. Frank Porclvnl of Mllllcan loft for lila homo lant nlKht after attondlnK a tnoetliu: of tho doputy nsneMiiom of Denchuten county in llond. Ilov. V. II, IIIiihoii, one of tho npenkora at Mm Ilnptlst convention, en me In on tho monilni; train from Portland, (From Thurnday'n Dally.) B. 0, Douthlt of Priuovlllo in npoudliiK Mm day In llond, Mm. K. J, Btovunnon of La Pine In vliltliifC frloudn In tho city. John White catno in lant nlsht from Mm Pino Tree mill. Tyd Voruy of Bllvor , Lako wnn trnunnctliiK ' bilnlncnii lii"llcnt' yes terday. " M. J. Irvine and W. K. Irvine of Alfalfa aro bunlnenn vlnltom lu the city today. Mm. Everett Hughe of Portland, formorly Minn Charlotte Ward of thin city, In In llond vlxltlnt; her nlnter, Mm. Ovid lllloy. Hoprcficulatlvo N. J. Blnnott, who liny been Mm xuent at IIukIi O'Kann for Mm lant two dayn, loft thin morn lup for Prlnovllle, accompanied by Qrnnt Mayn. Minn Dolly Hodgcn of Prlnovllle, who hnn been attendltiR Mm ntock meu'ii roiiventlan, returned to her homo thin mornltu;. NEW FISH LADDER IS BEING BUILT (From Wodnenday'n Dally.) lu compliance with a requenl from Mm etuto flnh and kuiiio commUnlon, Mm llond Water, I.lht A Power Co. yesterday commenced work on a largo llnh ladder at their power dam lu thin city. Thu now work In necessi tated by Mm plan for mnkliiR tho river open to Hnlmon cointnn up from thu Columbia to spawn, and Mm flnhway already Inntnlled at tho dam wun Innufflcleut lu nlro to allow Mm pannaco of tho bl flnh. Tim lndder now under coiiHtructlon will cont In Mm neighborhood of ?500, MauiiKerT. II. Foley entimateu. MORE ALFALFA SEED IS NOW AVAILABLE (From Wednesday's Dnlly.) Aftor ncoiirliiR tho country for alfalfa seed bent' suited to Central Oregon needs, the First National Dank has secured 1800 pouuds moro of certified Orliuiil, und 2,000 pounds of CosHiick need, Tho latter variety Is comparatively nuw In Mm United Btates hnvliiK boon brought to this country 10 yoara ago from Siberia. It in vory hardy and produces an aliumant yield. llauchors who had boon unabln to socuru Mm full amount of soed ord ered, or who bad ordored too Into to bo Included lu prvloiiH shipments, may now obtain tho roqulrod amount by calling at tho bank. UK DOKH 1IKAVV WOHIC. "I do heavy work, and that Is n strain on a man's kidneys." writ oh Ilort DawHon, Canton, III., "My t rou bio utnrted with sovoro, sharp pnliiH over my back. I bought a bottlo of Foley Kidney Pills, ami bo foro It was gone, my pains had en tirely loft mo," They banish rhou matio pa'lus, baekncho, soroncss, stiff nosa, Bold ovorywhoro. Adv. KOKTV 1IRAD OF 1UUR IIURI) JIKKKFOHI) J1ULLB 1-H)H HAIjR. Six registered, balance bred nud rnlsod out of Hell A herd. Ages two ami ono yoar old. This herd Is too well known tor its superior. Quality and careful brooding to need further cominunt. Tlmy nro ready for in spection and prlqos, nnd can bo soon at Hell A winch., ttrhosa willing to puvchnuo urf B0lcltod,to mttko soloo tlons early as 11 rat conio will bo first sorved, William Hunloy Co,, Uurna, IIKNI IJULLKTW, 1IKND, OIIKGOX, f ir ii I ii i if i T i - fcW - A . , STUDENTS EARN BETTER GRADES TWiaVK AT 1INI) HlOir MAKIJ OVKU 00 liV AMi HUIMKCTH l-J. V. AVKItllifi AND (). SI. rwftn MHIt HPIJAK AT AHHKytliUY. (From Frldnv'n Dnllr.) Last week ended Mio - first six wuokn of Mm second ncmcnler. Tlio scholastic standing of tho students as u whole hnn rcnultcd In n much hlghuc ay j ragw rib ;l y t souacntor, greater i(reiitiiinjgher grnden. Tho following students each received nt leant DO per cent. In ovory sub ject: Lorottn Cook, Ida Dnhlo, Harry Haydon, Jonnlo Korono. Lola Bluts man, lit lull Ilrlck, Oeorgo Cttrlln, Frnncln Hoyburn, Mildr6d Hoover, Murgarot Innbntf, Louisa Innbnlt and Wlnoiin Klelnfeldt. Fern Allen, Cora Dates, Hyolf Cornellusien, Janloco Blmpnon, I.oroy Coyner, Do vera Helfrich, Aibortn Landkarnmcr, Lydla Scherror, William Willlamn, Krrnel Scott, Dorothy Slilrcmnn, Allco Stockman, Lcitor Smith, Qeorglanuu Iloniion. Kllzabotli Vcltum, Elmer Johnnan nnd Irvln McNeal each re ceived nu average of 'JO per cent, in ncholantlc work. O. M. i'lummer, u incmbor of tho school board of Portland, nnd K. F. Avorlll, head of Mm U, B. predatory animal department, addressed tho Junjor nnd senior high school Wed nesday morning. Mr. I'lummer spoko in V decidedly humorous vein nnd was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. Avorlll gavo soma vnluablo Informa tion on tho habits of rabid coyotes and symptoms of Mm disease. Doth men nrp veil known In Orogon nnd have traveled extensively over tho United Stutos. ' It wnn announced that tho dato of tho. track meet nt Madras will bo Mm 17th of May, an formerly planned. Tho changing of tho dato to tho 10th of the same month was duo to mis information on tho part of the of ficial!. Put it in "THR MJIiIiKTIX." Put it In "TUB IIUIXKTI.V." We Have Opened A NEW STORE in Sather's Building We Will Call it The Fair Variety Store At the New Store we will carry Chinnwnrc, Glassware Tinware, Enameledware, Aluminumwnre, Kitchen wnre, Cooking Utensils, Home Hardware, Notions, y Stationery, School Supplies, Toys, Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Hosiery, Underwear, Toilet Articles, Candy, and all things usually carried in the larger Variety Stores, as well as all things usually carried in the Cc-10c-15c Stores. The Business Policy remains the same Cash- One Price Right Price as always heretofore. OUR OLD will be conducted as a First class, Popular Priced, Cash Dry Goods and Shoe Store The Big Opening Sale at The Fair Store Starts on Thursday, May 8th. Don't Forget tlie Date. See the Big Bills and remember THE FAIR STORE lA Big Variety Store WARNERS A First class Dry Goods, Store We Shall Slrloe to Pltate. TI1E WARNER COMPANY QVALITV " " MKKCHANWIJIK AT l'OCULAR ICKa THUftHDAY, MAY J, 1010 . rtr-rr SCHOOL BONDS ARE ABOVE PAR (From Wodncnday's Dally.) Dend school bonds voted recently for tho purpose of financing tho con struction of a new school building lu Kenwood brought n fancy price thin afternoon, when In special ses sion tho board of directors awarded Mm Issue of $211,000 to Clark, Ken dall & Co. of Portland for $30,180. Tho botidn aro for 20 years, will bear G per cent. Interest and are to bo re tired serially after 10 yearn. Fourteen other bids woro conoid cr6d by 'tlio board. NOVEL SOUVENIR IS RECEIVED IN BEND (From Friday's Dally.) Ono of Mm most novel war sou venirs scon in Ucnd Is In tho posses sion of John Bteidl of this city, nnd ropresonts tho work of his son Btovo, for two years in tho U. S. navy. It is an nub tray mado from tho butt of a three-Inch shell, with an tin exploded rlflo cartridge in tho cen ter supporting a match box holder mado from another piece of tho bras shell case. Dent Ilrltlslt pennies soldered on tho edge of Mm cylinder form con venient resting places for cigars, while tlio outsldo of tho ash tray is covered with Drltlsh coins and un cxploded pistol cartridges, alternat ing. 10-YEAR-OLD BOY IS VETERAN TRAVELER (From Tuesday's Dally.) An experienced traveler at the ago of '10, Donald Conwuy arrived in llond this morning from. San Fran cisco, accompanied only by two suit cases, and Introduced himself to his uncle, W. P. Downing. Tho young ster will visit through tho summer at tho Downing homo nnd with his grandmother, Mm. A. Orcutt, of this city. Tho Journey from California is by no means tho boy's first long distance trip, for two yearn ago ho travolled nlono from HemldJI to Portland, later golnjr to San Francisco. Our Ready- to-Wcsar Section Is Overflow ing With Styles of Individuality Modes that .reflect the spirit of the sss world of fashion, clever things you will not find elsewhere, specially 'selected garments of unusual style distinction these are the reasons why you should visit this store first New Baronet Satin Skirts Very spe cial prices are now being quoted; all the wanted shades $16.75 Dolmans Dresses Skirts Suits Reasonably Priced Ladies Smart Footwear Take ad vantage of this exclusive showing of new Oxfords and Pumps gp""' Si OP AND MANY BUILDING PERMITS GIVEN TIIIHTV ISSUED pUIMNG MONTH OP AlMHIi llKPUESKXT A TOTAL COXSTKUCTIO.V COST. OF MOKG THAN" $27,000. (From Wednesday's Dally.) In sijUq of predictions that high cost of materials would prevent ex tenslva building In liond this year, pormlts Issued during the mouth of April by City Recorder Peoples Indl cato that tho spur of necessity was sufficient to overcome this obstacle, for on an average of ono building a day has been authorized. Tho en tire 30 Improvements and now build lugs will, when'complotcd, represent a cost of' 127,385, the Items ranging from $3000 to ?G0. Tho heaviest business In ( tho re corder's oflico camo between April 15 and SO, when an" average of three permits a day were made out. Mr. Peoples believes that homo building in llond this year may establish a now record tor tho city. lut It In "THE BULLETIN." 'ARMY BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF the IiucKiiEciiT Army aman'j shoe! Worn by --at all time, In all climes. comfort and extra crylce. 1 Oldest asd Dost. Established 1011. H H I, - t I HI At principal driWn on the Paclc CmK. If Your dealer U nut JuppHcd, cdr direct from Manufacturer, BUCKINGHAM & HECHT.&w F PAOK a Ml SHOP AT SINNOH TELLS OF HARD TRIP HKPItKSEXTATIVE It 1 1) K S I.V FIIIST CAR TO MAKE DISTANCE KKTWKKX KLAMATH AX1) HEX!) THIS SEASON. (From Saturday's Dally.' The joys of tho. first auto stago rido between Klamath Falld and Bend wero experienced this week by Congressman N, J. SInnott, who ar rived in this city from the southern part of tho state Tuesday afternoon, and who spoke Wednesday before the Oregon Cattlo and Horse Kaisers' as sociation. Representative Sinnott was among tho first to grab a shovel whenever the car stalled in the snow, and per formed valuable work in extricating tho machine from mil dholes and snow-blocked trails. On tho com pletion of his trip ho declared that If ho had not been a good roads booster before, the Journoy frotn, Klamath Falls to Bend would have "been amply sufficient to convert him. The Klamath stage is now making trips on regular schedulo. Put It In "THE BULLETIN." :hi SHOE Pr irvKJi I2J $6.50 to $s:5( VS4 AT ALL DISALE1H f U From toe to hed- Shoe i every inch men in a!hv!ks of life A ibec built for ubumhI Get a pair today! , 0i SSfft Ormgon, rAdv,BT8o-- - . Vv fr - C tV . J- v r, "W jtwi