The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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I -"mMtis,,-,
rAOK 4
The Bend Bulletin
(Wocklr Edition)
Published Uy
Established 1002.
An Independent nowspapor stand
ing for tho Bquaro deal, clean busi
aecs, clean politics and tho host In
terests of Dend nnd Contra! Oregon.
Ono Year. -. . 2.00
8lx Months -J0
Throo Months......................... "
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919.
'!i Every. ;nQ.Bndf then vo lienor; qt
somo real Rood that has come out of
the wAr.' iMoMfcal nnd surgical ad
vances -have been romarknble. Tho
art of flying nnd tho development of
tho neroplano nro scores of years
ahead of whoro they -would hovo
been had thoro been no war. Scien
tific discoveries and Inventions havo
been multiplied by tho needs of war
faro. Tho world is tailing a now
view of Itself and Its responsibilities.
In our llttlo community wo havo
seen nothing of tho big discoveries
and Inventions, but, as a result of tho
war wo arc developing through tho
Home Servlco section of tho Red
Cross, n social servlco activity of
real valuo, which should not be al
lowed to ond with tho ending of tho
Red Cross war work.
Originally designed to holp the
families of men who wcro serving
in tho army or navy, tho Homo Ser
vice section has been of great valuo
to tho discharged soldiers on their
return to civil life. It has taken up
tho anti-tuberculosis work suggested
for draftees, discharged because of
their tendencies to this disease. Slow
ly its work has broadened until many
in civil life, who had no direct con
nection with tho war, havo been
reached and benefited by It, and as
the war gets further Into the past
its l greatest work will bo of this
Tho Red Cross began in an efTort
to alleviate human suffering. It has
found a place In, every American com
munity becauso of tho war. Every
American community should see that
its work continues after tho war be
cause the peace time opportunity for
service will bo almost as great as
It was during tho war.
. In connection with the work in
Bend It is fitting that recognition be
given to tho whole hearted, consci
entons and sympathetic servlco
given by the secretary 61 tho Homo
.Service section here. Mrs. Forbes'
success with the work has shown
what can be dono and therefore the
Importance of continuing with It.
In nn effort to Improvo sanltnry
conditions in the city, the health
committco and tho city physician
havo recently investigated a number
of complaint and also made inspec
tions on their own initiative. Where
conditions havo been found - bad
changes havo been ordered, with tho
result that Improvements havo re
sulted. The ideal arrangement would be
frequent house to houso inspections,
assuring a visit to every residence In
tho city several times a year, pre
ferably In the summer. But', unfortu
nately, funds to provide such work
are lacking and tho best that can bo
dono is tho sort of thing now being
carried on.
Proceeding on tho theory that the
city health officials are remiss in
their duty and even that they can
be "bought" oft from doing their
work properly, a citizen has re
cently written tho state board of
health complnlnlng of conditions here
and naming a particular locality as
needing attention especially. Un
fortunately, howovor. tho place
named does not exist, tho writer ap
parently having street names mixed
so that It is impossible to locate it.
That, though, Is a minor detail. Tho
writer of tho letter, who refrained
,from signing It, can got the names
right and tho facts before tho. health
officials If she wants to do so. If
this' 1 done we are confident that
tho necessary steps to remedy tho
condition will bo taken.
Lacking funds for a health de
partment, the peoplo of tho city have
just one way to obtain lmprovod
conditions, nnd that is by coopera
tion with tho unpaid health officials.
They 'are not being bought by anyone
interested in keeping the city In bad
condition. Their own Interests'llo In
making Bond a good place to live In.
If someono has a complaint to
raako, let him make it. l he thlnkc
tho city officials aro not'dolng thplr
duty, let him complain to Tho Bulle
tin and wo guarantee a thorough In
vestigation and 'report. If desired,
names will bo withhold,
Let's cooperoto to mako Bend a
healthful clty '
ATjouf the most pleasing thing"'in
itjuijttptjrljli'i visit 'pOh -fl-Wi
at railroad officials here on Satur
day waa Director Atehton'a sincere
and warm hearted' appreciation of
tho Bconory nnd cllmato, tho flno nlr
nnd tho wonderful mountain vlow.
"Familiarity broods contempt," nci m thn old savlntf. and al
though nono of us nro over llkoly to
look with any sort of contempt on
theso romarknblo features of our
country wo do tall, through our con
stant association, to npprocluto thorn
nt their truo worth. For this rea
son It Is worth whllo having someone
Ilka Mr. Alshton Jog us up and toll
us how really woll off wo are.
Wo nro well olt. NnUira has
favored us In every way. And thoro
lies our groat future In n uso of
tho gifts wo havo horo.
will irnnio ouo or our noots or
poetesses 'start something after tlb'
fashion of tho old, verso which tqht
. ... . , urn. '.. . rrM.I., ilti
01 IIIQ J.V JUMU mjuuv -lino niuw
let him. or her. make it about tho
flvo Httlo peace conferees who worked
behind closed doors. Tho Jup got
riled and then thoro woro tour. Four
little neaco kuvb dividing land and
sea, Italy couldn't havo Flumo and
then thoro woro throo. Throo llttlo
peace chaps started out anew. Franco
lost hor wish to hang old Dill, nnd
then thoro woro two. Two leading
statesmon fighting over tho mon';
Lloyd Georgo swallowed tho 14 points
and then thoro was only "Wilson,
that's all."
Tho chap in Scattlo who Is ready
to glvo a hat to tho ono who will
prove to him that Bend has not n
population of 10,000 will havo an
opportunity to buy a hat or say, "I
told you so," when tho Elks finish
tholr census.
A man in Salom has directed that
on his tombstono there bo carved the
fact that ho built tho first browery
In Ujat town. Tho cemetery prob
ably contains tombstones for a lot
of other men who kept It going.
Everyono In Bond should familiar;
Izo hlmsolf with tho exact location of
tho city camping ground' In order
that ho may easily direct tourists
to It.
Billy Sunday is hitting tho ball for
the Lord and Uncle Sam these days.
Terrebonne. Orecon.
Editor Bend Bulletin,
Bend, Oregon.
With ur kind nermlaslon. J will
accept your Invitation to express' my
views regaraing me issuance oi
hnndn for thn niirnofln of elvlnir tho
C. O. I. Co. a $200,000 present. I
agree with Ida C. Young as to tho
desirability of eliminating tho C. O.
I. Co. Also as to the uselessncss of
expecting any relief from tho desert
land boaru. uut l uo not agree wuu
linr nlnn nt nrnrnetlum. Thn C. O. I.
Co. has little or uo equity In the
things that our uismct nccas, anu
condemnation proceedings aro tho
proper steps to taKO to get possession
of the things wo require.
The following is what I havo al
ways considered tho proper things for
tho directors of the district to do,
nnil Ihnv nro llin nunnnllnl thlntrn flint
- r. v . v" ."-."""- ",-: i
li nnva to do uone, nnu some uay ,
tnoy win tie uone. ii me prcHum
boaru is unauio to see u, oiner m
rectors will take their plocea who
will see It. and furthermore they will
do it.
Tho first thing to bo dono Is to
discontinue tho services of tho pres
ent attorneys, then employ an attor-
nnv whonnvAr thnv nord one. and tell
him what to do Instead of paying nn
attorney to tell tho members of the
board what to do.
The second net should bo to start
condemnation proceedings against
tho company for possession of tho
ditches and their equity in a cortnln
contract to deliver water to contracts
Vni 1 nnrt 2
The third act would bo to restrain
the C, O. I. Co. and tho desert land
board from any and all things that
might be In tho remotest way detri
mental to tho settlers' interests until
tho condemnation suit has been de
Tlin fourth nrl wnillll tin to U1KO
Immediate steps to establish tho
,ii'v of wntnr nn tho nrofect as a
wholo and then secure an adjudlca;
. i . .. A .- aa. f ! T r ! fit AU
lion oi mo waiur oi iuo uothiuiw
Tliiwn nrn thn nrlmo and essential
stops to bo taken. ' Thoro is no othor
solution, ana tlioro never win uo
Wo are not going 10 como across 10
thn n n t. c.n. until the courts de
cide tho amount. Had theso. things
been started ,wnen mo uoaru iirsi
organized wo would have been a long
way on our road out of tho woods.
Tho soonor tho C. O. I. Co., tho
district land board, tho attorneys for
the district, and .the directors ot tho
district realize that tho settlors will
never voto these bonds, and thereby
ratify tho contract, tho soonor they
can put their efforts to something
perhaps worth whllo. That bond Is
sue, that contract, the C. O. I Co.,
tho" desert land board, and the record
of our board of directors ot thp dis
trict and tholr attorneys aro a Joko.
However, It has been and still Is a
costly one for the settlers, Still a
Joko, nevertheless.
tors. P. Bennett, 7 YVuwuyanda
Place, Mlddlotown, N. Y., writes: "I
llaVd given Foley's Honey and Tar to
'my little boy, and cannot recommend
r., ..j i.ii.i.i.o T tlilnlr It (a tlin nnlv
....ii -o uninfiiu nnd poIiIh. contains
won o wo"" " -- : v'
no opiates, Sold everywhere. Adv.
11KN1) nUItt.KTIX, 11KN1),
BICHlMibl Sfta;
... .
lkwt Method of Trent InK Hofl I" 1'ro
nt DNiwo lit Potato Told
by County Agriculturist.
(By tho County Agriculturist),
Tho l)cflciUtP" vnllpy. potntotoa
Jinvo compiled with potatoes Mom
all over tho west on our largest mar
kets, nnd havo hot only mcimirod up
to tho ataudards of theso markets
but hnvo demanded n premium. This
high standnrd of quality nnd of ex
ceptional clean seed Is Jeopardized,
to a cortnln extent by tho spread of
tho dlsenso Khlr.octan.lnT)ils disease
In tho first stage ouly Injuries tho
seeding Quality ot tho potato. Its
first nppeurnucQ Is In tho form ot
rough russet colored area, which at
first glunco nppenrs to bo a spot ot
soil, but is easily rocogntzod when
tho tubor Irt washed.
Such tubers, when used tor seed
produce healthy, normal plants, but
about tho second month tho plants
turn yellow, or palo green. This Is
duo to the organisms attacking tho
main stom, nnd totally or partially
destroying It Just bolow tho surfneo
of tho soil.
In other cases tho young tubers aro
cut entiroly off the main stem and
a largo growth ot vino Is produced
but tho ylold Is practically nothing.
Tho Deschutes Valley Potato
Growers association, realizing the
seriousness of this problem is co
operating with tho county agent's
otflcu to secure a supply ot corrosive
subllmato at rcasonablo prices. In
accordnnco nrrnngomeuts have been
made with tho Butlor Drug company
at Redmond to hnndlo tho drug In
largo quantities. It will bo put up
In 4, 8 and lC-ounco packages, nt
a cost ot 20 cents per. ounce, which
is as reasonable a prlco ns can be
secured anywhoro.
Uso 4 ounces to each 30 callous ot
water. Immorso tho whole tuber for
ono nnd ono halt or two hours. Ab
tho solution deteriorates very rapid
ly never uso tho solution for more
than four dippings.
Remember corrosive sublimate Is
a deadly poison nnd potatoes which
havo 'been treated must not bo used
for feeding atockj
PLAINVlBWprll 28 -Thfarm
bureau of Plalnviow hold a mooting
at tho school houso Monday evening,
April 28, to dlcuss plans for u rab
bit drive, to bo held In tho Plalnviow
community on Sunday, May 4.
E. B. Andorson attended too big
bnnquet for tho organization of the
Elks lougo in Menu last Aionuay
evening. .
John McKiimoy and family ot Bis
ters havo moved to; homo,
purchased recently from W. Lev
erenz. Roy Iteartt ihas arrived at Camp
Merrltt, Now Jersoy, after spending
more than six months in Fr'ance, and
expects to receive hjs discharge from
tho service in a short tlmo.
O. C. McCalllstor was a business
caller in -Bend Saturday.
M W. Knickerbocker spent Friday
and Saturday In Redmond.
Miss Lola Marlon, who has been
spending several weeks at tho Elklns
ranch, returned to her homo In Tum
alo Saturday.
The Plalnviow Progressive club
will glvo a danco at Tumalo hall on
Friday evening, May 2. An orches
tra from Bend will furnish music
und good cats will bo provided. A
largo crowd Is expected, as tho pro
ceeds are to go toward tho now
community hull fund.
TIiohq from Plalnviow attending
thn nllo mcetliiK in Tumalo Friday
evening woro Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Hods and daughter Ida, Edgar
Hcurtt und Mr. and Mrs. II A. nnd
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Scoggln.
A. W. Armstrong and Homer Con
lee ot a flno cutch of fish from
Suttlo luko Sunday.
Mrs. M. w. Knickerbocker nnci
Mrs, Patterson were callers at tho
Stahll homo Friday.
Mr. und Mrs. II, T. Hartley wero
callers at the Elklns homo anu lit
tho Pino Lawn ranch Saturday even
ing. . t
Ray Armstrong was a culler In
Sisters Saturday.
A. E. Hobs was In Redmond on
business Friday
Mr. uud Mrs. 11. T. Hurtlay nnd
family, Mr. and Mrs. John McKlnnuy
and Clnuda, Mr. and Mrs, C. F, ChaP
fan and Mr, and Mrs. II. A. Kcoggln
spent Sunday on tho Deschutes
Mrs. M. W. nnd Miss Rao Knicker
bocker called on Plalnviow residents
Saturday In tho Interest of the Vic
tory loan drive.
C. V. Chalfan has been assisting
.Alex. Loverenz tho past week In
building an addition to his houso,
G, C. McCalllstor, Edgnr Henrtt,
Ray Armstrong, tho Norshnll brothers
and Oeorgo Culvurloy attended tho
rabbit drlvo for Deschutes lust Sun
day. Mrs. Louzetta Pulllam mado a trip
to Sisters on Saturday,
Miss Connlo Knickerbocker of
Bend spent tho week-ond with her
homo folks.
Tho O. D, O. club will hold Its
regular meeting Thursday after
noon, May 1, with Mrs. F. O, Powers,
The ladles aro requested to bring
their scissors and thimbles,
Mrs. At D, aipson was In Bend on
business Saturduy.
Ida Hobs spent Sunday at the Col
felt home.
Extensive work wuu started on
The Biggest Production in
'A trcmendauM pic
tare." Tourn TpU
"One a f the mo$t stir
ring films ever pre
sented in New York. "
-Nt York Eftlw WatU
"Spectators thrilled
to it with enthusi
asm. "
-Vm Yrk UtaU
"Takes rank with the
great masterpieces of
the screen."
-EMklU'tort' TtaJt RtUm
This is the picture for your whole ftamHy
k j Grand Theater
Sunday Matinee
May 4 -
Monday morning to clean out tho
Plalnviow ditch.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker
woro Bend business callors Monday.
L. L Hooks Says His
Troubles Are Over
Tnnlac Built Him L'p mi Ho Im .Vow
Working Hani Hcry
"UMmn r u-nlirhci! thn other dnv 1
found 1 had galndd thlrty-fivo pounds,
and that's only n part of what Tnnlac
has donn for mc." snm u. u hookh
A Clever Corset for
Slender Figures
Women who havo slim, girlish
figures will ho delighted with
this Toploss R & Q. It Is de
signed to mould tho Ikturo bolow
tho hips Into slim Hues ot graco
at thn same tlmo leaving tho
uppor part of tho body free.
This corset Is made with olastlc
Hides and Inserts nt bnck. Lightly
boned throughout with tho short
front bones and freo hips that
uro so delightfully comfortable.
This model Is Just onu of a wldo
variety ot styles designed to suit
all types of figures, Evory R & O
Is fitted to a living modol that Ib
why thoy glvu such wondorful
satisfaction, .
Prices, $I.B5 to" 90.00 '
. '&& it
-- i
The Picture that
Tho picture you'll neyer forget stupendous in theme.
A veritable resolution of unendinK wonders. A romance of tho
great war, a story of the love that paaeth all understanding.
"Our advice is, go
see 'The Heart of
Humanity. ' "
Nl Ylh TWtuft
"Oft the utmost in
tensity." -N.i York W.rtJ
"A distinct achieve
ment in motion pic
ture creation. "
Niw Ytk Tlm
"Is certain to touch
the heart of human
ity." -H,tYohRtUw
and Evening, Monday and Tuesday
5 - 6. Prices, 25c and 55c.
of North1 Roswull, (la., In minting
his oxporlonco with Tanlao.
"I suffered from such nn awful
caso ot stomach trouble," ho con
tinued, "thut I could hardly cat a
thing und nothing tasted right. Tho
llttlo I forced down didn't glvo mo
any strength and nt times I would
almost choko from, ttho flas that
formed In my stomach, 1 wu so
weak and miserable I just couldn't
do any work nt all and was Just about
all in.
"1 commenced to tnko Tnnlac be
causo I saw the good It was doing
others, and-1 could feel nlthu differ
ence In tho world right from thu
.in.H Ii afttmlv tnniln mn fmtl llkn a
(now man. My troublos uro now ovor,
It built mo up wonderfully and I am
working hard, uslngplck and shovel
nvory day, and never havo any more
Giving Worth-While Values Accounts for
This Store's Continued Growth.
By imunlnininp; u value standard, and particularly
in reference to desirable merchandise, this store lias
gained a reputation for valuergiving which undoubt
edly has aroused much interest among the women
of this city, and it accounts in a very large measure
for the continued growth of this store. Nor do we
confine our value-giving to any one particular line,
as youVill soon learn by a visit to the store.
f Girls' Tub Dresses
" $1.18 to $4.75
'''Mother as woll ns daughter
will bo delighted with thesu
garments that show tho now-
Wyquthful lines. Fashioned
'ofJchambray, gingham, perculo,
s poplin and othor fabrics, In
t plain colors, plaids, cheeks nnd
, Htrlpes und combination effects,
In smart now sport styles In one
nndtwo piece models. Surely,
tlfgra'ri ono horo for your
daughter como and booI
Children's Stockings
'' '' 25c Pair
Flno ribbed, heavy weight cot
ton stockings that will ittuud
iitnilii and wear better than
m'ost'ordlnnry kinds; reinforced
toes ami hopls; black, tun uud
wlilto. Sizes G lo I) Mi, Wiso
mothors will buy liumo by tho
dozen lot, as prices will por
haps never bo us low us this
5 People's,; "Stops
'1. Wy$f
will Live Forever
Ten Years
Pnnnmmnm ifnmv.
L.J- ";.
passed on the screen."
AlW Ymtk vnlvt Sun
"Its intense story will
hold you to the end. "
-AVw Yeik Evening TtUitmm
" Conceived with a
skill and intelligence
that lift it high above
its contemporaries. "
-Uu Yarn fiivnnff Mmlt
"Beats any story on
the screen. "
PKatoplajr SUfl
- Bring Tfieni I
' rsSL'1
trouble with my stomnch."
Tnnlac Is sold In Bend by O.wl
Drug Co., In Slaters by Oeorgo, H
Altkiiu. nnd In Bund by Hurton Drue
Co. Adv.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Members of tho Bond volunteer
flro department, In regulur meeting
last night, placed an order for their
uniforms and decided in favor of
holding another Dromon's ball In tho
near future. Tho dalo for tlio nlfalr
will be announced later,
Charming New Models
in Silk Dresses at
$12.50 to $39.50
You will bo pleased to sea theso
Drossos fashioned In, silks of
rnro bounty and design. Thoy
nro in taffetas, many combined
with Ooorgntto cropo, Snmu
uro equally divided between (hu
taffntu and cropo, Others Jit
cropo do chines, and satins, with
eolortultouclioa of Ooorgettu
Tailored In dressy effects, In n
number of styles featuring tho
new, slender sllhouotto with
the long tapering skirts, hut
tlioro aro others moro cquuurvn'
tlvo. Effective trim ml hub om
pluiHlio tho boauly of' inbsi
2 V