The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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rAflK 8
Vow Unit Ifnvo Clnno Over Urn Top
Mini 'J'humiiKli Chiivmim In Planned
to 1'nt Diwliutw County
on Honor Hull,
(From Monday's Dally.)
Although llio Victory lonti ilrlvo
linn boon on for an ontiro wook, unil
tivtiu longer tlinn tltnt whon tlio sub
scriptions (timed In hoforu April, 21
Aro considered, Doschulcn county in
Ht lit iipproxlmntuly f.10,000 short of
mukliiK up ltd iiuotit, C. H. Hudson,
county chn'lrmun of tlio Victory
1 drlvo, reported today, lloth Bond
and tlio r n nil districts nro behind,
mid Mr. lludHou diagnoses tlio
trouble an n gonoral upntliy.
' Ono of tlio country districts, Turn,
nlo, linn gono over tlio top In spluu
did stylo, raining fflOOO, coiuldornbly
inoro th an Iho nmount nuked from
that section, and promising that a
total of $7000 would bo roachod.
Aaldo from thin ono Instance, tliu
Inllla nro tlio only units which linvo
iiiado Rood to ditto, Tlio Brooks-
Hcanlou Lumber Co, wan first to fill
llo quota, nnd linn gono nuvoral
thousand dollnrN nbovo tlio amount
required, whllo Tho Shuvlln-Illxon
Company, second In Deschutes coun
ty, Ih continuing to record subscrip
tions. Htnnll In amount, hut rela
tively largo In consideration of tho
Hinnlt nunibtir of mon employed, wus
tho work dono at tho MclClnloy
Hampsuti mill, whuro 11 100 wan
pledged. Thja, Mr, Hudson con
siders ono of tho boat showings mndo
In tho ontiro county,
fiomo of tho rural dlalrlcta may
actually havo roachod thulr quotas,
but If they havo, reports aro no alow
In comliiK In that tho wrong impres
nlon In loft, and during this wook
Deadlines will sea put on tho mod
thorough campaign of tho drlvo to
brlig tho county ovar tho top and
out of tho Hit of 'Victory bond
slackor. '
In ovory district, olthor city or
rural, whuro local solicitor havo
failed to got results, a special party
of workers will bo sunt by tho county
committee, and tho 00 per cont. of
rofuuaht which In some sections havo
boon tho responsn when tho Victory
bond nubflcrlptlon lists woro brouRht
nut, will bo cut down until tho
amount nocdod to placo Deschutes
county on tho honor roll Is secured.
for oporntliiK railroads. It elimin
ates tho' olomonl of lnlllatlvo and
competition, nnd coniioquontly hln
dom Improvements nnd iIoch not ro
Hiilt In bolter nurvlco,
Official Visit MUM.
"Wo'ro horo to do our host to try
nnd find tho proper solution for
your problems, at tho lowest ponnlblu
cost, Wo aro alwayH open to suit
gentlonn, and If wo can't do what you
want mi to, wo'ro ready to toll you
llo mentioned that tho only point
on which tho govornmcnl In Inter
ostod In' regard to consolidation of
tho two Deschutes railroads la In
connection with tho question of a
poHHlblo chiiitKO of ront If Hi la action
wero tnlion.
District Director L. C. Oilman Ravo
a brief talk In which ho praised
Dond'it spirit of optimism, whllo
Federal Manager J, 1'. O'llrlon of
tho O.-W, declared that tho object
of tho officials Ih to run tho rail
roads lit tho boat ponulblo way in
coiiHlJoratlon of tho economic restric
tion placed upon litem.
T. A. McCann, or Tho Bliurllii
Hlxoii Company, muntlonod tho vlowa
hold by tho railroad officials In ro
Kard to tho Htrnhorn north and south
lino, but declined In favor of an cant
nnd wont road.
Kodcrnl MnnnRor A. J. Davidson,
of tho H I. &. H nnd M. J. norm-
loy, uaalstutit regional director, woro
called on for remarks, nnd. respond
ed brlnflyT
At tho oloso of tho luncheon, tho
momborn of tho party woro takon on
a 30-mlnuto auto trip turougu mo
city and to tho mills. Tliclr special
loft at 2 o'clock thin aftornoou.
T. A. McCntm unci C. 8. Hudson to
Hecuro Hlghl Other I lend Men to
Aid Theiii In Hhouldcrlns; Debt
Ovrrlurf to lleiiil Club.
Trunnt'N "WIcktHlncNn" In Playing
Phonograph on Hominy Heinle! to
Judge by Mr. Hrrlhu I'ltlpfxi.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
n att III Inngor debt for tho people of
America to pay off.
"Wo don't know what la raIiir to
bocomo of tho railroads," Mr. Alah
ton declared In his address to tho
s club, "but, personally, 1 will nay
that I do not bollovo that govern
munt ownership Ih tho proper plan
(From Friday's Dally.)
Uocauno Mm. llutli Haley, her
roomer, playud tho phonoKraph on
Sunday, Mra. Hortlia Phlppa, owner
of tho house, called down tho von
Rcniico of tho Lord upon tho offender
for her wlckvdtictui, Mra. Phlppa told
Police JudRo Peoples Thursday after
noon. Krom that time, uotn women
admitted, tho flRht wan on. At tho
end of tho hoarliiR each wan placed
under $25 bonds to keep tho peaco.
Mm. I'hlppB was arrested on tho
complaint of Mra, Haley, who alloRcd
that hor landlady had attacked hor
with n toaatliiR fork nn tho climax
of ono of their periodical altercations.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Ilcorgnnl?.atlon of tho Kmblom
club on a pound financial basin waa
nBsUred last night when T. A. Me
Cann, of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Com
pany, nnd C. 0. Hudson, of tho First
National bank, each promised to bo
euro four other Hcnd rcaldonta, the
10 to tako up tho $0300 Indebted
ness now outstanding against tho
club. Tho action, guaranteeing tho
continuance of an organization which
was closely associated with the
growth and progress of Hond, waa
takon lust night In tho course of a
short business, session during a din
ner danco glvm at tho Pilot Dutto
Klectlon of officers for the com
ing year waa hold, II. J. Ovcrturf
boltiK chosen as president to suc
cood H. A. Miller. Others recom
mended by tho nominating committee
nnd unanimously accopted by tho
momborn of tho club aro. II. A.
Ward, first vlco president; Dr. C. II.
Boll, second vlco president; Charles
W. Krsklno, secretary; It. D. Moore,
treasurer; J. P. Koyes, J. C. .Rhodes,
It. 8. Hamilton and Jack Herbert,
Tho club, In Its roorganlzcd form,
will bo purely a social organization,
with a limited membership. Tho
old Emblem club building on tho
banks of tho Deschutes will bo given
a thorough overhauling and placed
In readiness for club activities and
In tho moantimo Uio membership
will bo Mated along lines to bo
worked out by tho directors.
Central Or
hor caso In Itcdmond and on flntur
day wont to tho II, D. Could homo In
Uond to earn for tho sick.
Mrn. Louzoltn P.iilllain mado a trip
to Prlnovlllo hint Wednesday, return
ing Thursday by wny of Ilodmond.
Mr, ami Mrs. H, T. Hartley woro
cnllorn at tho Hlkliw homo last Wed
good crowd heard tho speaker at tho
hall Thursday night. Mr. Weir, who
was nn ovorseas Y. M. C. A. secre
tary, gavo an interesting address, '
Harold Charlton spent Sunday
afternoon visiting hln parents at
Powell Hullo, returning In tho even
ing to Ilcnd.
Miss Hpauldlng and Mr. Ulchnrds
of Bond woro -guests nt tho C. M.
Charlton homo Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Itoborts of Itcd
mond woro guests at tho K. II. Stew
art homo Thursday evening.
Miss Mablo Allen camo out for a
week-end visit to her homo nt Powell
Iiutte, as she ban resigned her school
at Cllno Falls and will Icavo soon
to spend tho summer with relatives
In Sioux City, Iowa.
Tho families of B A. Ilussctt and
Ross Dussett, with Miss Sturdovant,
Mm. Urown, Mr. and Mrs. Ilcavca
Wllcoxen. Joined several other fam
Hie at Ilodmond and spent Sunday
ut Lower Ilrldgo. plcnlo fashion.
Thoy fished and enjoyed tho day In
true outing stylo.
Mrs. J. A. Rlggs Joined hor aunt.
Mrs. Carllno of Redmond, and thoy
havo gono to Mrs. Rlggs' parents'
homo for n visit. Mrs. Rlggs' trip
at this time was on account of .tho
Illness of her nged grandfather, nnd
father of Mrs Carllno, whom she
found much Improved when they ar
rived. Mra. John Drlscoll has returned
from hor trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mra. I). Mauscau wero
uond visitors ono day last week.
Bhoop shearers aro at tho Cronln
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Powoll called
on friends In tho Powell Butto dis
trict ounuay.
iMr. nnd Mrs. Frank .Foster hnvo
moved to their ranch nt Powell Dutto
this woek. Mr. Fostor Is Intending
to farm on a big: scale as ho has
broken up considerable now ground,
Long Hollow to put In sprfng crops,
A. F, Hnusor, It. S. Towno, L. A.
Hunt and Roy Kidder wero In. Rend
Wednesday to tho stockmen's con
vention. W. Jack loft Thursday for Fort
Rock to look aftor hln property
Mrs. Callahan nnd family spent
Thursday nnd Friday visiting Mm.
Paul Flnloy.
Mrs. Frank Nowliold was shopping
In Redmond Friday.
A, H. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. It, S.
Towno and daughter Eda, Mr, and
Mrs, A. J. Fuller and Mrs. Hummel
wont to Terrebonne Wednesday to
n booster meeting for tho Victory
Paul Flnley mada a business trip
to tho high desert.
Oeorgo Reels left with a team, on
Wednesday for tho high desert to
bring back part of his household
Mra. Rummol of Tcrrobonno has
been visiting tho past week at tho
A. J. Fuller homo.
Leslie Montleth has been working
fencing for C. F,
onto their homestead tho next wook,
T Tauschor Idat a valuablo 'horsa
tho past wcok.
Evorott Grlnstcnd mado a trip to
Rood ono day this wook. Ilia father
also was out horo onco this wook.
Tho "West End pupil will nttond
tho closing exorcises of tho Enst
End school today.
Miss Mao Casobcor was a Sunday
visitor at the F. Klger homo to mako
tho acquaintance of tho now baby.
Ah mum!, E. W. Ouorncy was busy
hnulltifc freight In his now Ford
truck this week.
LOWER nRIDfJE. April 2S.--Dar-wln
Walter returned Friday evening
from Walla Walla, Wash., where he
attended tho tractor nhow.
A. 8. Holmes, c. F. Hopkins nnd
L. A. Hunt woro soliciting on Fri
day for tho Victory loan.
Jako Koynmn. from tho hlcli
desert, camo down to his ranch at1 Ho Intends to move his family back
MILLICAN, April 28, Through
tho efforts of E. 'W. Ouorncy a
stretch of road about ono and a half
miles In length and about three
fourths of a mile from tho postofflce
Is being freed from rocks. R. R.
Keller Is doing tho work.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rooney and son
Mitchell woro Sunday guests at tho
J. J. Holland homo.
Tho children of Donzll Dyer aro
staying at tho Egbert Dyer home
during their mothors absence.
Mrs. Charles Graffenborgor has
returned from Prlnovllle, hor son
Hayniond having recovered from his
recent Illness.
William A. Rehn fixed tho roof on
W. Ed Mooro's storo this week.
Tho L. Schmorl family has moved
onto their own homestead, aftor a
short stay with Mra. Schmorl's par
ents. Mr. and Mra. 11 Spencer.
Tho Spencers bought 24 mor bead
of cattle recently. They took them
homo Saturday.
Bertha Spencer and Mervln
Honklo woro on tho sick list part of
this week.
William Ream made a business
trip to Bond this wcok.
Ouy Shaffer was a business visitor
at Bend Tuesday, returning Wednes
day. Leo Keller went to Bend Tuesday,
returning with his car Wednesday.
Mrs. L. A. Shaffer, accompanied
by Mrs. Owen and R. R. Keller, made
a trip to Bend Thursday, returning
tho samo day.
Mra. J. J. Holland has recovered
from her recent Illness,
Mr. Dykstra was out for several
days looking for his mare and colt.
PINEHURST, April 29. Mian
Anna F. Eldor returned Thursday
morning from tho funeral of hor
mother at Centralla, Wash., to finish
hor school work horo,
Mrs, Garner spent Thursday visit
ing with friends.
Mrs, Oeorgo Snyder was in Bond
Hosklns the past Saturday.
Mrs WImer, Miss Ella Cooper and
iiur iiiuiiii.T, mrs. uooper, wero visit
ing nt tho Howell homo Saturday
Mbur Ruth Bayley spent Sunday at
tho Bnydcr home.
O. M. Couch was In Bend Saturday.
Gerald Hicks spent Friday night
with Raymond WImer.
. Mrs. W. E, Searcy, whllo In Bond
Friday, was taken suddenly III. Last
heard from, she was better.
C. II. Spaugh was in Redmond
Davo Mlckels and his 'mother, Mra.
M. Mlckels, motored to Bend Satur
day aftcrnopn.
Charles A. Howell went to Red
mond Friday after a load of land
Little Viola Swisher, who has been
sick at tho Bend Surgical hospital
pneumonia, Is much improved and
was brought homo Saturday.
C. Peterson was In Redmond on
business Tuesday.
F. V. Swisher went to Bend Tues
day on business.
Mra. G. M. Couch, wbo waa takon
to Bend the first of tho week on ac
count of sickness, Is reported to be
about the same.
R. II. Bayley and C. H. Spaugh at
tented tho silo meeting at Tumalo
Saturday evening.
Mra. C. M. Phelps and friends spent
Sunday on the river.
Miss Ivy Snyder, wbo was homo
on account of sickness, returned to
Bond Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Snyder, who has Just
returned from Portland, spent Tues
day and Friday with Mra. Dovors.
Bcsslo Snyder, Etbel Saydcr and
Myrtle Spaugh spent Saturday even
ing with Ruth Bayley.
Mr. and Mra. Wimcr and son, Mrs.
Cooper and MIbs Ella Cooper mado
a trip to Prinevllle Sunday afternoon.
Father Whoso Kctrn-Ycnr-Oltl Child
In Taken Now Reported to Ho In
Critlrnl oudltlon.
As tho result of a sporadic out
break of Influenza In tho Brothers
iiecllon. Ell Wilson, rnnchor of, tho
high desert, in nt tho point of death,
following tho loss of his. seven-year-old
son from tho samo disease, It
was reported today,
Funornl servicer for tho child woro
conducted nt tho Nlswongor chapef
yesterday aftornoou by Roy. E. B.
Johnson of tho Baptist church.
(Continued from Page 2.)
'It blew into a 32-foot silo with case.
I to choke it down, but couldn't do i
wrote Mr. W. Sams. Skamania, Va$h.
There's no silo too hiuh for the Papcc Cutter
and it's a urcat power saver. With a Papec you
can cut your fodder at just the richt staec and
save all its nutriments.
Every mn who wanti to mtlca tlw blffs-nt profltt est
et Uiuo ii1 l'Po. You en runlt with your own
furin engine. Cut your illies slowly and Ut .H
you. iret mar la the tlio tben and It U Mltrtitag.
I'ipeo Cutttn built In all tliei-frora tbo8-toa
nrwiour inicmno, operant! wim a u.y.
ulna, to a
ailing, to SO'toii'in-bnur 1.
Wrllo for l'r CiiIiiioub
I'.mrn (luHrrn. Mllkliitf Miuliln
: "
Hum Kiiliinrlit, ririMiriitur, ICIc
IMIrr Mliilr livuiniuariira wr
Ilia Norllim-Kt.
AililrrM iirnrmt lioiur.
Dairy Machinery Co.
67 Wastorn Ava. Seatll
Menraa Crlsell
front I
Send no l'npoo Catalotrt, froe, without oblhratlea,
Name. , Addresn ,. ..
DAIR.Y MACHINERY CO., 007 Western Ave., Seattle
MONR.OE it CRISELL.91J Front St., Port Iin4
huuka of tho Clovurdalo ditch. Be
sides a flno dlnnor, tho llttlo children
enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and later
enjoyed to anting mnrshmallows
around a bonflro.
Everyone Is urged to- conio to tho
rabbit drlvo for IMalnrlow on Sun
day, Mny 4. A good dlnnor will bo
served aftur tho drlvo.
I. A. Scoggin was a Bend caller
Mrs. S. I.. Burgess and children
from tho I'lno Treo mill visited roln
lives In lMnltivlow soveral days tho
past weak.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith plan to
niovo to tho Crawford place in tho
near futuro.
Hay Armstrong, Homer Conlco, II.
A. ScokxIu and tho Norsholl boys
attended tho rabbit drlvo at Tumalo
A, E. Hoas roturncu nomo last
Monday evening aftor spending snmo
1 1 1110 In "Wyoming.
Thore was a good attendance at
tho school house on Sunday nfter
noon to hear tho Easter sermon given
by Hev. McVJcker of Itcdmond. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Gooding of Jtcdmond no'
compnnled Hev. .McVlckor.
Church services will bo hold on
Sunday afternoon, May 4, and It la.
expected that there will bo a now
pastor In charge
M. V. Knickerbocker, Mrs, J. A.
nnd Mrs. 1L A. Scoggin woro busi
ness callers In Bond Saturday.
Mrs. I.ourotta Pulllam spout
Easter 8unday at the Hurtley homo,
A Jolly lawn party In tho naturu
of a mirprlso for Miss Lola Marlon
was given nt tho J. 11. Elklns homo
Inst Thursday ovonlng, Various
gamea woro played and a splendid
lunch was sorvod by the hostess. Be
aided a largo number of frlondB from
IMalnvlew there woro present Mr. anil
Mrs. Phil Smith, Mlsa Huby Marlon
uud Mr. Churchill or Tumalo.
Wllinu Bennett was tbo uest of
Ida llosa on Friday evening.
Thoro woro a number of. ladles
present ut tho regular mooting of tho
O. I). O. club, hold with Mra. John
McKlunoy on Thuraduy afternoon, In
snlto of tho sovoro windstorm. Mrs.
Sonroy of Sunnysldo became a new
mombor of tho club at this tlmo. Tho
next meeting of tho club will bo bold
with Mrs, F, A. Powers Thursday
aftornoou, May 1. Tho ladles nro
requested to bring their thlmblos
nnd sclsBoru, us thoro will bo sowing
to do for tho Hcd Cross,
A farowoll surprise party was
given Mr. and Mrs. F. W I.ovoront
oil Tuesday ovonlng nt tho A, E, lloaa
homo. Kvoryono roports n vory
good tlmo with lota of fun nnd do
llcloua cats.
JI. A. Scoggin and Homer Conloo
woro callora in Slaters Thursday
W. A, Jacobs of t.hp MUlor Lumbor
company of Bond was In I'lnlnylow
Qoorge Cnlverloy is staying nt tho
Elklim ranch and doing work on tho
Guy MoCallister made a business
I rln to nudnmnd Thnradnv.
Miss Luella Burgees returned from
NO. 5
A bent rim, according to V. E.
Harnett, manager of Motor Products,
Ltd., has ruined many tires under
S00 miles of service when tho tiro
would have run six or seven thou
sand miles If propor attention bad
been paid to. tho rim. Tho bend
cntiRCfl n break In tho tiro Just above
tho bead.
"Looso demountable rims also
causo a lot of tiro trouble, If not
watched carefully," ho adds. "When
ono of tho wodgos becomes loose, tho
rim starta working and gradually tho
othor wedges becomo loose. A creep
lug rim la tho result nnd the valve
stem boars tho wholo strain until it
Is dually pulled off. Furthermore
thoso wedges aro often tightened up
unovonly. This ends in what Is re
ferred to as a wobbly tiro nnd tho
tread in worn down prematurely.
Motorists sometimes pound both tho
rlm nnd tho tire with a hnmmor to
get the rlm off or on. Tho pounding
on tho rlm doesn't do any particular
harm, unless It bends tho rlm, but
every blow on tho tiro may cause n
fabric break and that la serious.
"Busty rims aro dangerous be
cause thoy corrodo tubes, mako It
hard to change tires and sometimes
result in tho freoxlng -on of tho tiro.
Rims should bo cloancd at least onco
every six months. Ordinary paint
sometimes placed on tho rlmn aftor
tho cleaning process is not goon prac
tice Inasmuch as tho boat generated
by tbo tlroa molts tho paint nnd tho
tiro stlcka to tho rlm. Uraphito la
far bettor,"
Reliable Service al
Reasonable Prices
Along on
ins vinsT wonns.
Tho nurse enmo In from n visit to
tho zoo, currying tho pride of tho
family n young gentleman somo 14
months old. It was ut once apparent
that something unusual had occurred.
"Oh. ma'am,' sho said, "George
spoke this afternoon for tho first
"ItBallyl What did ho onyT"
"Why. I was showing him tho ani
mals, and he made me stop botoro the
cage of monkeys, and ho clapped his
hands and said, 'Papal Papal' "
London Tit-Bits,
sold by us out of Bend were brought
in for replacement last year.
NOT ONE TIRE manufactured in
1918 has been replaced !
A notable record.
30x31 $22.15
Why pay more ? 3,500 mile
Portland Taxi Cab Co. tried other tire makes and
then returned to Diamonds.-
Better Service, More Mileage for
Less Money,