The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
. h.
i Wyt? to you,
savs Satidv io
Jock Macfiherson
N!X J'M. . ffa
w .-x ww r "w ' - w
SISTEUS. April 29. Mrs. Mere
dith Bailor nnd Mrs. II. K. Allen
were soliciting for the Victory Lib
erty loan and succoodod In Retting
tho following to subscrlbo for bonda:
n. Ii. Tono', $300; Moredlth Dalloy,
$300; Max Wurxwollor, $300;
Goorgo .E Attkon, $300; P. W.
Wobor. $150; J. P. Duckott, $100;
J. J. Wilt. $100; Perry A. South.
$100; John V. Dennis, $100; David
L. Miller, $100; Airs. David L. MU
lor, $100; Donnls (Hunt. $50; Ed II.
Spoo, $50; Anthony Roach, $50;
Alias Alice ICapphahn, $50; J-O. Mc
Klnnoy, $50; C. S. Woods, $50: W. E.
Graham, $50; Sam T. Arnold, $50;
Nancy Arnold, $50: Win. Combs. $50.
Tho Dry crook-Cash creek division
ot tho Slstors-Motollus Livestock as
sociation held a mooting In Forester
Perry A. South's offlco Saturday
afternoon. A man was hired to salt
and ride tho range, Riving his entire
time to tho work. Pinna were mado
for developing Three Creek springs
nnd to build a stock trail. Applica
tion was mado for tho lease of gov
ernment pasturo In tho Dry creek
and Cash crcok section. Tho follow
ing inembero woro present: Walter
Hlnrlchsaud Paul Velotis ot Geneva,
J3d D. Graham ot Grandvlew, Jesse
and Sandy Scott and Jerry Grosz
krucger of Lower Bridge and Burn
side brothors and I. E. Parborry ot
Fred McKlnncy and Martin Han
son killed a. hear near tho Metoltus
Honry CUott and Dorothy Taylor
Bocurcd tho honors at the spelling
contest Friday.
Mrs. E. Parks was on tho sick list
Ersklno Woods ot Portland passed
through Sisters Friday on his way
to tho Metollus.
Kewt Cobb was in from tho sheep
camp at Lowor "Bridge Sunday.
Mary McAdam is on tho sick list
with an attack ot appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Miller havo
moved to tho Ersklno Wood summer
resort on tho Metollus for the sum
mer. John W. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter May and Mrs. Ed Spoo were
at Bend Friday.
Curtis Balloy and wife are in Cali
fornia and will soon return to Sisters.
W. E. Young and O. K. Olsen of
Redmond, accompanied by Georgo B.
Heathman ot Portland, Mrs. C. iM.
Schmidt ot Mt. Vernon, Wash., and
Mrs. O, L. Madson, passed through
Sisters' on their way to Suttlo Lake
summer resort. Mr. Hoalhtnan Is ad
ministrator ot hla son's estnto nnd
Mr. Young and Mr, Olsen nro con
templating tho purchase ot tho Buttle
Lnko resort.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Gist and chil
dren woro down from Bond Saturday
evening to attend tho danco at Allen's
hall and returned Sunday.
Forest Supervisor Norman O.
Jacobson and party passed through
Sisters Sunday tor an outing on tho
Tho Sisters' Red Cross Initios havo
just completed making 50 garments
to Hit their quota assigned them by
tho Bend chapter ot tho Red Cross.
S1k dollars and nlno cents was col
lected for tho Y. W. C. A. ot Port
land tor tho relief ot girls who nro
out ot employment since the soldiers
havo returned from tho front.
John Bruns or the B. L. Tono
ranch was In town Sunday.
Herman Seaman. Ed Spoo, An
thony Roach and J. W. Dennis moved
tho off) co building from tho Duckott
mill to tho Tum-a-Ltim mill.
J. B. Minor, real estate dealer ot
Bend, and party passed through Sis
ters on their way to tho Metollus for
an outing.
A danco was given at Aliens hall
Saturday evening.
P. B. Davis went to Eugene Sun
Warren Farthing nnd J. P. Duckott
woro fishing on tho Metollus Sunday.,
W. E. Graham nnd family visited
with Frank Zumwnlt and family nt
tho Alllngham station Sunday.
B. L. Tone went to Prlnoville Sun
Frank Bodyfclt brought a party ot
tourists out from Redmond Sunday.
Georgo E. Altken went to Prlno
villo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Duckott arrived
from Choh'alls, Wash., in tholr car.
Grandpa and Grandma Fryrcar
woro dinner guests at tho Farthing
home Tuesday.
L. A. Shaw was at Sisters Monday
on business.
Forester Porry South, Mrs. Blan
dlnla Scabcrry and Metola Allen
were at Bond Tuesday.
S. C. Miller and wife, formerly ot
Wyoming and California, and lately
ot Portland, havo leaned tho pobson
ranch on Squaw creek.
Sandy and Jesse Scott and Jerry
"If it's thick, heavy
sweetening you want
stick to your ordin
ary plug. But for
real tobacco satis
faction, you've got
to come to good old
Good taste, smaller
chc w,Iontf cr fife is what
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chow than
ordinary plug.
H'ritt .
Gbnuink GttAVBLY
far iotkUt thewlat plug.
The Owl Pharmacy
Peyton Brand
Plug packed irvpoucfv
Mrs. Georgo Oyrlw and son Alvlu
nro much Improved nftor nn utlnok
ot la grippe.
Viola Miller Ih working nl tho
llurnsldo homo.
Mrs. F. M, I. ii litis nil urn oil homo
on Saturday from lloml, whoro she.
has boon upending tho wook.
J, L. Parborry has purchased Iwo
100-ton silos front tho Miller Lumbar
company of .Bond nnd will begin
eroding thorn on or boforo May 25,
II. II. Kllgoro nnd family spent
Sunday afternoon nnd evening at
tholr rnnoh hero.
Goorgu Gyrus nnd family and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Arnold woro Ashing
on tho river on Sunday.
Lloyd Boughor camo from tho
high dosort one day thin week.
Qrosxkrucgor ot Lowor Brldgo woro
nt Sisters Saturday.
Bill McNary, Paul Vototls and
Walter Hlnrlchu woro In from Genova
Max Wurxwollor was In from Black
Butto Saturday.
AVnttnr Mnv nnil wlfn nf lion it sue-
cccdcd hi ascending tho top ot tho
lookout station uniuruay anu iook
soma fine vlowB-of tho Three Sisters.
Frank Zumwalt nnd daughter
Nellie, ot tho Alllngham station, uoro
at Sisters Saturday and will leavo
tnr Itnml Mnnrinv. whnm Nnllln will
undergo an operation for appendi
citis at mo uenu aurgicai nospmu.
Mi. nn.l Mm niln RrhmirU nf Til-
..... ...... - w- .... ...... .
rnmn nrn vlnltlnir at tho Nootnneclfl.
C. A. and G. W. Burnsldo of
Clovcrdalo wero at Sisters Saturday.
C. Hydo and C. E..Lowo of Port
land and R. C. Brlggs of tho U S.
govornmont sorvico registered ut tho
Sisters hotol.
T. E. Wilson ot Tho Dalles regis
tered at tho Sisters hotel Wednes
day. Mrs. Llbby Combs went to Port
land Monday to visit relatives for
several months.
Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur anu
children moved to Hunker, Wash.,
Mrs. W. U. Qrogan was ai uenu
from Sunday to Tuesday visiting her
Forester Perry South attended tho
livestock- association .mcotlng Tues
day .and Wednesday at Bend.
Fred McKInney was at uenu ana
Redmond Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earlo Updlko and
Mrs. Updlko's sister wero at Red
mond Friday. '
Mrs. T. M. Dennis and son Jerry,
M-i.h hnn (nut returned from tho
army, woro at Slstors Saturday.
Bend's Leading Clothing Store
Offers You Clothes of Distinction
No Wonder Young Men and Better
Dressers of All Ages Prefer This Store
1$ The man who buys his
clothes here doesn't follow
the styles he leads it
Why shouldn't he, with
such a stock os this to choose
1 Here you ll find awaiting,
you single and double breast
ed models, plain and Waist
seam styles, in handsome new
materials of fine quality.
Many of them bear the fa
mous Collegian label to assure
you satisfaction.
1H Splendid dark and medium
shades; fancy patterns, stripes
and solid colors.
Special models for men of unusual measures. Ex
tra values for the money in our entire
showing. Drop in today.
Newest Collegian Clothes, many with
waist-seams, form tracing, with the late
SSSi" .",pfl? and . . $25 to $45 -
Bend's Clothier
Home of Hart Schaflher & Marx, Stetson Hats, Florsheini Shoes
A rabbit drlvq was hold In this
neighborhood Sunday. A good many
rabhlta woro klllod. . Dlnnor was
served nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Gray by tho ladles.
A meeting wna hold nt tho Plons
ant Rldgo school houso Tuesday even
ing in tho Interests ot tho Victory
loan campaign.
Mrs. O. E. Andorson, accompanied
by Mrs. -II. T. Mlkkclson. Mrs. Cath
nrlno Johnnson and Mis Hllmn
.Nelson, was shopping In Redmond
J. W. Peterson wnnl in Itnml nn
buslneM Saturday,
Mrs. N: D. Wood and son Enrl
wore In Redmond Friday afternoon.
Wllford Hutchlns was In Redmond
on business Thursday afternoon,
Thoso who attended the stockmen's
banquot in Bend at tho Hlppodromo
Wednesday night wero: Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Andorson, Mrs. II. T.
Mlkkolscn, Mrs, Catharlno Johnnsen,
F. D. Baughman and Rasmus Peter
Mrs. Carrlo Johnson of Tumnlo
visited her alitor. Aim. J W. ltr.
son Thursday.
Lea Houghtallng and Wllford
Hutchlns went to Redmond Monday
W. II. Gray sawed wood with his
gasollno saw for O. E. Anderson
Bend visitors from this neighbor
hood on Wednesday wero: Mr. and
Mm. 'F. n. nauehmnn. Mr. nnil Mm.
J. A. Chase, Miss Etta Clinso. Mrs,
Catharlno Johanson, Rasmus Potor
son, Miss Mima Nelson, Anton Ahl
strotn. Mrs. W. II. Cm v. Mm. II. T.
Mlkkolson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E.
Wllford Hutchlns loft for Oregon
City Saturday morning to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hutchlns,
for a coupln of weoks.
II. T. Mlkkclnon went to Bond to
nttend tho big Odd Fellows mooting
held thoro on Saturday.
Mrs. John Edwards was In Red
mond on business Friday.
i o. I; Andorson wont to Redmond
Friday niter n load or land plaster
and lumber
Fred Seeling camo nut from Bond
Sunday to spend tho day.
Roy. and Mrs. J. 8cott of Terra
bonno visited Sunday at tho J. W.
Peterson homo.
Dr. nnd Mrs. A. Petty of Portland
woro hero Friday to look after tholr
Mario Helslcr, Freeport, III.,
writes: "I had more or less of n
cough for 10 years and I havo taken
quite a number of medicines. Nnno
of them takes hold and helps like
Foley's Honoy nnd Tar." This old,
rellablo cough syrup promptly helps
coughs, colds, croup nnd whooping
cough. Contains no opiates. Sold
evorywhoro Adv,
CLOVERDALE, April 29 -Work
has commenced on tho Squaw Crook
ditch. New weirs and hosdga'tcH aro
being built the entire length of tho
ditch, Georgo Cyrus, Frank Arnold,
Verne Skelton, J, U. Hodsou and
Harold Kline aro working on this
end ot tho ditch.
A dance was held in Allen's hall
in Sisters Saturday night. Quite a
few attended from hero.
Mary Fryrear spont the weok-ond
at homo.
J. L. Parborry find tho Burnsldo
brothers attended a mooting at Bis
ters, held Saturday, by tho Sisters
Metollus Livestock association.
Mr. Brock of Hood Klver has been
appraising land In Clovordale this
.last week, Whllo hero ho was a
guest at the A. is. retcrson rancn.
Lynn Wilson was a visitor at tho
Harold Kllno homo on Monday even
ing. Gladys Parborry was u visitor in
Sisters on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Burling mndo
a trip to the headgates of tho Clovcr
dalo ditch on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Peck, J B.
Hodson and Mrs. Dick King woro
Bend business visitors on Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Fryroar of
Squaw Creok wero callers at tho
BurnBlde homo on Sunday,
J. J, Dolkln was a Bend visitor one
day last week.
Prlvato Robert Burling ot tho
42nd (Rainbow) division will soon
be In Cloverdalo, as he is expected
to arrive In New York this weok.
Andrew Settre helped John Dol
kln butcher on Tuesday.
Oitl., wrltt'st "I umihI to lmvn pains
In my right hip. I could hardly turn
In hod. Now I find I mn much bettor
by using Foloy Kidney Pills. Llko
wIhq, pains In my buck left." Hold
everywhere,- Adv.
TERREBONNE. April 20. Tho
monthly Pnrent-Toaohora' association
meeting was hold at tho school hounn
Friday afternoon. Mr. Kuans, tho
county agriculturist, npoku on tho
subject of "Boys' nnd Girls' Indus
trial Clubs." Ho also spoko to the
school on club work. lust year
thoro woro eight winners of achieve
ment plus in tho school, nnd thin
year they oxpoct to beat that record.
Mr. Mauderschlod was called to
Portland' a few days ago by tho III
liens ot his wlfo.
Torrobonno has not gono over tho
top In tho Victory loan so far, but
expects to do so shortly.
Thosu from Terrebonne to attend
tho Odd Follows' convention in Bond
were: .Mesdnmos Nichols, Perry,
Gates, Parr, lunker, Graves, Snnpp,
Hayes, Echler and Foster, and
Messrs. Nichols. Porry. Gates. Parr,
lunker, Graven, Snapp, Hit yes, Mc
Elfresh, Doru. Lowo and McPaddon.
Tho delognlos from Torrobonno
speak In tho highest terms of the
hospitality of tho Bend people.
Mrs. Wray ot Bend spent Sunday
at tho McFadden homo.
Angollno Rommel spont Sunday
.with her mothor at Terrebonne.
Wuunltn Wester entertained a fow
of hor little friends at her homo Inst
Saturday in honor of her seventh
birthday. Thoso present worn Misses
Helen Whltols, Clarabel Numbors,
Irma Galbrallh, Juanlta Rolgnl. Ruby
Motcalf and Frances Galbrnlth.
Ilruco MacGrogor of Bond visited
tho school Friday.
Mr, Cathro, ono of tho officials ot
the dlatomlto plant, arrived hero
from .Portland last Sunday.
Mr. Johnston, with his family, ar
rived horo Tuesday to take posses
sion of his place, which ho recently
purchased from II. O, Fnucett.
PLAINVIEW. April 28. Thu
Plnluvlow Progressive club will glvo
n dnuco nl tho Tumnlo hull un thu
ovonlng ot May 1.
0, C. MoCnlllstor nnd A, E. lions
woro In Bond vu litiHlnonH Tuesday,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Louis Bennett and
(nnillv nf Nllvnr t.llWll tirrlviul tit tllll
J, A. W, Scoggln rnnoh on Monday
to muko n Hliort visit.
Thu Plnliivtnw Hchool Celebrated
thu closing iay by n picnic on tho
(Contlnuxd ou Page 3.)
Hho Find Hrmrlf Much Better.
Lamo back, rheumatic pains, stiff
ness and soreness In muscles nnd
Joints can bo quickly relieved, Mrs.
L. Wnvuo. 2720 3rd St . Ocuan Park.
Wht le Se Tkte Week
Dorothy Gish
"The Hope Chest"
Mack Konnetl Comedy
"Never Too Old
Outing Heel
Out Wyoming Way
News Weekly
Elsie Ferguson
'His Parisian Wife'
Come Io The Llbctly
when In Bend.
A Flavor for
every taste
WILL sealed alr-tteht and
Impurity-proof. In the wan
wrapped safety packages.
Be sure to get
because If Is supreme
In quality.
The Flavor Lasts
Mrs. Jr. J, Burling was a Sisters
visitor on Saturday,