The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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I'AGR 7.
Vlgorou Prowntloit Advocnted hy
tJrorRti HiinnpII Market lliimiu
ANilufniit Chief Vrw In-
rronurd lU'rt Production.
Kudo ml iik tho policy purnucd liy
tliu udmlnlHtrntlon of (ho orcnnlta
(Ion ilurlnK iliu pnnt year, tlm mom
Jiom of tliu Ont;oit Cuttle untl Hotmo
ItnlHur' nnnocliitlon, In tliu hint hour
of tliu nfternoon ncimlon of thnlr nti
nunl coiivontlon hero yiurtluy,
evinced thulr approval of tho offl
clittn of tho orKatilxatlon by unnnl
inotuly rn-clitctltu: tho ntooknmn
choiwii InHt year to hnndlo tho affairs
of tliu aitHorlatlou. Walter M, I'lorco
of La Urn ii do Parted IIiIiirh v.'Iuin ho
nominated William Tollman of
linker, and In rapid order after Mr.
I'ollrnan'ft election, fluorico IIuhaoII
of Prlnnvlllo wati cIioroii vlco prel
dont, Wllllnm II. DniiKhlry of Port
land wan named wocond vlco prol
ilunt, William Duby of Ilnkur wii
elected trcanurur, and H. O. Corrcll,
from tho untiin city, wan picked to
mice tied hlmsuir an necrotory. Of
tho staff of officers, Mr. Pol I in tin, Mr.
Duby and Mr. Corroll hnvo filled thulr
prnsont poiiltlonM nlncn tho organisa
tion' wan formed In 1013.
. i:iMii(ln Doartl Nimicl.
Following tho election, Proildont
Pollitinn .appolnttid tho executive
rommlltco, tho followliiR bolnn on
dontcd without u dlMontliiR voto by
tho detonate: P. (1. Smith, Burn;
Herbert F. Letup, llolno; Tom Logan,
IlroKan; Wllllnm Jonci, Juntura;
Iko Mills, Paulina, K. A. Phillips,
linker; Kd I'owora, Durkco; Henry
lino, Enterprise; Orunl May, Port
land; Henry Wendt. linker; Henry
Jaluku, Uklnh; Thomas Mack,
linker; Holier! IVIIIInms, Josoph;
J. M. Hninll, Hummer Lako; Bernard
Daly, Lnkcrlow; I). P. Drown, Adol;
Kd fjtaufTfir, Jordan Valley; Frank
Lowdon, Jr., Wnlla Walla; Raymond
Cnlnvitn, Prluovlllo; James Nelson,
Nye; A. M. Smith. Lakovlowj W. A.
lovr, Halfway; E. W. Coles,
Haines; Albert Campboll, Now Mea
dows, Idaho; Waltor M. Pierce, La
Grande; F. A. FlUpatrlcfc, Paisley;
J. K. Hnow, Dnyvlllo.
HuMlrrs Am Warned.
That tho ruucheni of Central Oro
koii who am memburn of tho asso
"' tmrMUMlnriim'1 MWw -"'"I
X'ep.yr.Jo., lUy riJlly. WKMUJHNbuU M Li,. 1 1 P ,.11 i H
pound tin humiJo-,nJ- HdBFK 1 1 LI P'l ll' I OUi tr.V
thai tlativ. practical povpJ K,I M ... D ' iPHWlfliHk. Jbgci.
tpeng moiilinir tea that .'J::M.i V' H JMlfiWI
paiUtt tonJithn. tfgkMMSrlPv.HifiV??
flHHHHF """"Uiiillllllllllllli 1 1 I ilii
ciation will purBiio u rljfld policy of
pronucutliiK cattlo rustlem during tho
comliiK'year wan tho doolaratlon of
Vlco President Runnell In an nddrenH
following tho olucllon, Ho Minted
that Ihoro aro a number of limtniicea
of liomentundors wliu aro hoIIIiiii tho
meat of iitolen Mtoclc In tho lloiid
markets, unci evinced n wlllliiftuoRS
to o back to tho taction of tho old
vlssllanto dnyii In hrluftliu; wroiiK
doors tq Justice, "Oho of tho objec
tions that stockmun hnvo to Jolnliu;
tho ansoclntlon Is that mumborn nro
not allowed to nit on a Jury In a
cattlo rimtlliiK trial," ho said, "If
they don't let us on a Jury, I'm In
favor of holding a trial whenever
wo find tho Hi on t of a ntolen hoof,"
TlimwOnt Irftvy Made.
Provisions for flunncluK Iho asso
ciation during tho coiiiIiik year wore
taken when a levy of threo cunts per
head on all cattlo owned by mom
born was puthorlzed. Tho action was
taken after a statement had been
niado by Secretary Corroll, In which
It was shown that tliu probable ex
pense of tho association for tho ear
would total 19725. Tho Income, on
tho three-cent lovy basis, will amount
to 110,803.
Tho clonlni: address of tho nftor
iinou was Riven by E, L. Hull of
Washington, I), O,, assistant chief of
tho bureau of markets, department
of nxrlculturo. Mr. Hall pointed out
tho Importance of tho cattlo Indus
try when ho stated that tho total
value of beef animals In tho United
States rauites between six and seven,
billions of dollars, thai tho meat
packing Industry Is tho greatest
manufacturing' buslncsn In tho coun
try, and thnt fully 80 per cent, of tho
feed raised on the farms and ranches
of America uventunlly Is transformed
Into beef,
Axks Orratrr Production.
Ho deplored tho fact that Increase
in production has not kopt paco with
demand, and expressed the belief
that lack of confidence on tho part of
cnttlo ralsem In tho buycrn In pack
ing centers Is responsible for this,
although ho omphuslxud thnt tho live
stock commission men ore more open
and above board than any other class
of dealers. Continued Investigations
and prosecutions of packers, ho
ntatod, was another reason why tho
Increase In beef production has been
relatively slow. Aa remedies which
tho market bureau believes will
better conditions nloty; these lines,
ho favored Information, which tho
department of ngrlculturo ban al
ready put Into effect by means of its
system of telegraphic market reports,
better supervision at packing centers
and more thorough co-operation be
tween producer and buyer.
071171 07(130
Not Coal LAiids.
Department of tho Interior, U. H.
Land Officii at Lnkovlew, Oregon,
April IS, 1010.
Notlco Is hereby given that Arthur
PUT it flush up to Princo Albert 10 produce more smoke
happiness than you ever before collected 1 P. A.'s built to
fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands! It has the
jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran
against I
Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want
to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put
it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without
tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process
cuts out bite and parch.
Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy
pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to
beat the cards I Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so
good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smokel
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston'Salem, N. C
W. Hill 'of Bond, Oregon, who on
'March 17, 1014 and Juno 10, 1014,
Hindu homestead and additional
homestead entries Nos, 07,171 and
07030, for Y.Vx MV HE, NW'.
HE4 BMi,Hto flM4 fJHVi.Hoc, 12;,
NKVi NKV4, Wft tiWVt NWV4, NK'i
HWU NH4, H BK'A NKVi, 8ec.
13, T. 22 H. H. 8 M. NWV AWi
NW, HWU NW'iNWH. cc, 18,
T, 22 H, It, 0 K. Wlllnmctto meridian,
ban lllud notice of Intention to mako
final thrco-year proof to establish
claim to tho land above described be
fore II, C, Kills, (. Ii. commissioner,
at llohd, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of
May, 1010,
Claimant names as wltncnnen:
Joseph C, Ilrown, of Ileud, Oregon.
Robert Galborgood, ltobort K.
Katon, (Jeorgo K. Graft, all of La
PI no, Oregon,
7-1 lc JAH, HimOKHH,
Not Coal liJimli, v
Department of the- Interior, U. H,
Laud Office at Lakuvlew, Oregon,
April in, 1010.
Notice Is hereby lven Hint Arthur
I). Olseji of Cnmp I.owIb, Washington,
who on Juno 11th, 1014 made homo
stead entry No, 07720. for northwest
uuarlor, Hectfon 1C, Township 21 S.
Itango 10 K. Willamette meridian,
has filed nntlco of Intention to make
final three-yenr proof to establish
claim to tho land above described
beforo his commanding officer pur
suant to tho Act of Oct. 0, 1017.
Claimant names as witnesses who
will glvo their testimony before II.
C. Kills, U. H. commissioner, at Ucnd,
Oregon, on May 23, 1010:
Wm, K. Ilogtio, John ,11. Butllof, J.
F. IJoKtie, C. 11. Clow, all of La Pino,
7-1 lo JA8, IlUItOKBS, .
, Register.
.Not Coal linils,
Dopnrtment of tho Interior, U. 8.
Lnnd Office at Lnkovlew, Oregon,
April 1C, 1010.
Notice Is hereby given that James
O. Hoffman of La Pine, Oregon, who
on August 28th. 1914. madu homo
stead entry No. 08018 for KM NKtt.
N4 8K4, Section 10, Township 22
8. Itango 10 K. Wlllamolto morldlan,
has filed notice of Intention to mako
final threo-ycar proof to establish
claim to tho land above described bo
fore II. O. Kills, U. 8, commissioner,
at Ilcnd, Oregon, on tho 24th day
of Mny, 1010.
Claimant nnnioH an -witnesses:
William H. Holllnsbcnd, Wllllnm
K. Iloesley, William K. Doguo, David
II. Wood, all of La Pino. Orngon.
7-1 lc JAS. UUIIQK8S,
Notice" Is hereby given by thoun
dorslanod, tho administrator of tho
cstato of John J. McOrath, deceased,
that pursuant to an order of tho
county court of Crook county, Oro
gon, made and entered on tho Gtlj day
of April, 1010, ho will roll at public
auction to tho highest bidder at tho
front door of tho county court
hcniso In illond, Deschutes county,
Oregon, on tho 19th day of May,
1919, at 2 o'clock p. m., all tho right,
title and Interest of John J. McOrath,
deceased, or his cstato In tho follow
ing described premises, to wit:
8W4 8KU. section 1, 8V& NKtf.
NW4 NEW of section 12, township
20 south of rango 13 cast of tho
Wlllamolto morldlan, Ih Deschutes
county, Oregon,
Tormn of oalo, cash. 10 por cent
to bo paid on tho day of snlo and tho
balance upon tho confirmation of
nnlo by tho county court of Crook
county, Oregon.
Dated thin 17th day of April, 1010.
M. It. !!LMfTT.
Admlnlslrntor of tho Kstato of
Jolin J, McOrath, Deceased,
7-1 lc
In tho county court of tho utato of
Oregon, for Deschutes county
In the matter of tho entato of John
Kgloy, deceased:
Tho undorslgned having boon ap
pointed hh administrator oflho nbovo
entitled estate, notice Is hdVoby given
to all persons having claims against
tho deceased and all claims against
tho said ostntp to present name duly
verified within six months from tho
data of this notlco to tho undersigned
nt tho offlco of W. P, Myers in Ucnd,
Dated this 3rd day of April, 1910.
(Signed) J. W. LOWELL,
, Administrator for tho Estato
of John Kgloy. G-flc
W. P. MVEH8,
Attornoy for tho Administrator.
In tho Circuit court of of tho state, of
Oregon, for Deschutes county.
S. 8. atenrns, plaintiff, vs. Norman
Woyand, defendant.
, To Norman Woyand, tho above
named defendant:
In tho name of tho ntato of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear
and nnswer tho complaint of tho
plaintiff, filed against you In the
above entitled suit, on or beforo
Saturday, tho 10th day of May,
1010, und If you fall to answer, tho
plaintiff will tnko Judgment against
you for the sura of $1600, with In
terest thereon at tho rata of G per
cent por annum from December 21,
1010; for the sum of $220.00 attor
ney's fees, together with tho costs
of this nult, nnd for an order fore
closing nccordlng to law, tho mprt
ftagi which Is tho subject of this
suit nnd directing n sale of tho In
toret of tho dofendant In tho prem
ises covered by said mortgage said
promises being described as follows:1
Tho northwest quarter of the
northwiut quarter of section 8, town
ship 18, nouth of range 13 cast, W.
M., located and being in Deschutes
county, Oregon.
Thin summons la ordered to be
served upon you by publication there
of In tho Weekly Rend Bulletin, a
weekly nowspaper published In Den
chutes county, Oregon, by order of
tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo
of said court, said order being made
and entered on March 20, 1919, dato
of first publication March 27, 1019,
length of publication, G successive
Dated this 27th day of March,
C. 8..nEN80N.
Attornoy for tho Plaintiff.
4-9c. Ilcnd, Oregon.
0 10003
Department of tho Interior, United'
States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, March 28, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given tbat Jay
Hague, of Alfalfa. Oregon, who on
February 23, 1915, mndo homestead
entry No. 014514 und on January 5,
1917 mado additional No. 01G993,
for tho E.N'V!4 nnd SWU. sec. 29;
NH NWW, Sec 32, township 16,
south, rango 16 cast, Wlllametto me
ridian, has filed notlco of intention
to mako final threo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land nbovo des
cribed, boforo II. C. Kills, United
States Commissioner, nt Ucnd. Ore
gon on tho 12th day of May, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses Jos.
T. Moffltt of Prlncvlllo, Oregon;
Nols Larson, of Prinovillo, Oregon,
Austin C. Harbor of Alfalfu. Oregon,
nnd D. V. Good of Alfalfa, Oregon.
B-9P , Resistor.
United Stutea I.aud Offlco at The
Dalles. Orogon, April 4th, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Leo
Kollpr. of Mllllciin, Oregon, who, on
Mnv 11th, 1914. mado Homestead
Entry No. 013177. for S4 NEW.
NKi.SBW. Sec 25. T, 19 S., R. 15
E.. Iota 2-3. SWU NEU. SEU
NWW. NEW SWW. Section 30.
Township 10 South, Rnngo 1G East
WlllnraplCo. Meridian, has fllod no
tlco of Intention to mako final three
yoar proof, to establish claim to tho
land abov"a described, beforo H. C.
Kllld, U. S. .commissioner, nt Uond,
Oregon, on tho 10th dny of May,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Leo P. Roonoy, J,ohn J. Holland,
Reuben R. Keller. Arthur M. Mooro.
hill of Mllllcan. Oregon.
This Is to certify that tho undor
slgned hnvo, pursuant to tho provi
sions of tho Btntutea of tho Btnto of
Oregon, formed n limited partner
ship. Tho nn mo assumed by snld
partnership nnd under which Its
business Is to bo conducted Is Red
mond Garaeo. J. O. Honk, nronriotor'
nnd tho principal plnco of business
of said partnership shnll bo nt Red
mond, Oregon, Tho gonernl nature
of tho buslnosa to bo, transacted Is
buying, selling, storing, renting, re
pairing nnd dealing genorally In
automobiles and nutomobllo supplies,
parts and accessories. That J. O.
Honk, of Redmond, Orogon, Is tho
general partner nnd Clarence H. Gll
bort of Portland, Oregon, Is tho
spoclnl partnor; that said special
partner has contributed tho sum of
Flftoon Hundred ($1500) Dollars as
capital toward tho common stock;
that snld partnership Is to commence
on the 5th day of April, 1010. nnd is
to torminnto In ten (10) yours from
said date.
Dntod this, 5th day of April. 1919,
in duplicate.
Stnto of Oregon, County of Mult-
nomnh, fin.
On thin Glh day of Anrll. 1019.
personally appeared boforo mo the
unuorsigned, a notary nubile of tho
stato of Orogon, J. O. Houk nnd Clnr-
onco ii. uilhcrt, who nro known to
ma, to bo tho Idontlcal Individuals
described In and rho executed tho
forogolng Instrument and acknowl
edged to mo that they executed tho
satno freely and voluntarily.
Notary Public for Oregon.
(Notarial Seal.)
My commission expires January
24, 1922,
In tho Circuit court of tho ntato of
Orngon, for Deschutes county.
Tho. Miller Lumber Company, a cor
poration, plaintiff, vs. Lea McForon
nnd Orphla McFcron, his wife,
To Lea McFcron nnd Orphla Mc
Foron, dofondnnts, nbovo named:
In tho namo of tho ntato of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear
and answor tho complaint filed
against you In tho abovo entitled
caso and cause on or beforo the ICth
day of May, 1919, which In moro than
nix weeks after tho 3rd day of April,
1919, tho dato of tho first publi
cation of thin summons, and If you
fall to so appear and nnswer, for want
thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to
tho court for tho relief prayed for
In tho complaint, towlt: for Judg
ment nnd decree against said defend
ants, nnd each of them, for tho sum
of $165.78, with interest thereon at
tho rnto of eight per cent, per annum
from nnd after May 10, 1918, until
paid, for the further sum of $50.00
attorney's fees, and for costs and dis
bursements of this nult, und for a
further decree foreclosing tho mort
gage named In said complaint, and
tho salo of tho property therein men
tioned and described as lot 10, block
16, Boulevard nddltlon to Dcnd, Des
chutes county, Oregon, nnd for such
other and further relief as to the
court may appear Just and equitable
Servlco of this summons la made
upon you by publication thereof In
tho Ilcnd Uulletln for six consccu
tlvo and successive weeks, under and
by virtue of nn order made and en
tered on tho 24th day of March, 1919,
by tho Honoroblo T. E. J. Duffcy,
Judgo of tho above entitled court.
The, dato of the first publication of
thjs summons Is tho 3rd day of April,
1919, and tho dato of tho last publi
cation In tho 8th day of May, 1919.
5-1 0c K. O. STADTER,
Dend, Oregon,
Attornoy for Plulntlff.
In tho circuit court of tho stato of
Oregon, for Deschutes county.
Jobana Willscy. plaintiff, vs. Charles
Wlllsoy, defendant:
To Charles Willsey, defendant
abovo named.
In tho name of the stato of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho abovo entitled caso
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Company .
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds f Finish
Local Sales Agent, S11LLER LUMBER CO.
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-16 First National
Bank Bldg. Tel. 611
(Dr. Coc't Former Office.)
It. H. DtArraond Chu. W. Enklna
DcArmond & Erskinc
O'Kano Building, Ilcnd, ofegou
H. O. Jfl L L I 8
Ualted State Commissioner
First National Bank Building
Lawrenco Bldg., Room 3
Phouo Red 2251
Deschutes County Abstract Company
D. H. PEOPLES, Priaont
Most Comploto Abstract Plant In Contral Oregou. Special Attention
Given to Federal Loan Abstracts,
rirat National BanK Uldg., BUND, ORE.. Cop. next, tavMley
and causa, on or beforo tho ICth day
of May, 1910, which Is mora than six
wookn aftor tho 3rd day of April,
1010, tho dato of tho first publloa
tlon of this summonn and If you fall
so to appear and answer, for want
thereof, tho plaintiff will npply to
tho court for tho roller prayed for In
tho complaint, towlt: For n decree
of this court dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony heretofore nnd now ex
isting botweon plnlntlff nnd dofond
nnt, and for such other and further
rollof as to tho court may appoar Just
and opultablo.
8orvlco of this summons Is made
upon you by publication tboreof In
tho Uond Ilullotln for six consecu
tive nnd nucccsslvo weeks under and
by vlrtuo of nn ordor mndo on tho
31st day of March, 1910, by tho
Honorable T. K. J. Duffoy, Judgo of
tho abovo entitled court.
Tho dato of tho first publication of
this summonn In tho 3rd day of April,
1919, and tho dato of tho last nuhlL
cation Is tho 8th dny of May, 1919.
Ilcnd, Oregon,
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Lakevlow,
Oregon, March 24, 1019.
Notlco is hereby given thnt Potor
J. Olson on behalf of tho holra of
Anton L. Olson, deceased, of Sit.
Angel, Oregon, who on April 12. 1915
mado homestead entry No. 085G9,
for tho 8 NEW. SEW NWW, lot 2.
section 4, township 23 nouth, rango
9 east.Wlllametto Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to mako final
threo year proof to establish claim
to tho land nbovo described, boforo F.
C.8chafer, United 8tatcs Commis
sioner, Fort Rock, Oregon, on tho
3rd day of Slay, 1919.
Claimant names ns witnesses: Wm,
Rogue, Denjamln Scott, Thomas Lin
tUIo and Arthur Olson, all of La Pino
5-9o Register.
(Not Coal Land.)
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Office nt Lakevlew,
Oregon, March 24, 1919.
Notlco Is hereby given that Samuel
8. Yoder of Camp Lowls. Washing
ton, who on March 20, 1915, mado
homestead entry, No. 08506, for tho
SEW of section 15. township 21
south, range 10, cast, Willamette
meridian, has filed notlco of Inten
tion to mako final three-year proof, to
establish claim to tbo land abovo de
scribed, beforo bis commanding of
ficer, pursuant to tho provisions ot
tho act of October G, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses who
will glvo their testimony beforo II. C.
Ellis. United States Commissioner at
Ucnd, Oregon, on the 9th day of May,
1919: William E. uoguo. J. F.
Bogue, R. E. Eaton and C. H. Clow,
all of La Pine, Oregon.
5-9c Register.
Phone-Black 1291
2-4 O'Kano Building
O. P. NISWONOER, Bend, Ore.
Llceafrod Embalmer, Funeral
Phono Red 421. Lady Aut.
Naprapathlc Physician
Over Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to E
Phono Red -18a
Pormnnently Located In Bond
with New Equipment
Prlvato Offlcd In Thorson'B
Jewelry Store
Dr. Turner will bo In Prlne
vlllo ovory first and third Fri
day; In Madras ovory second
.nnd fourth Friday, nnd In Red
mond ovory llrst nnd third
Thursday ot each month.
Read the Classified Ads.