The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PACK 9
Central Oregon
J. W. Peterson, mother and brother
arrived from California Friday night
to mako an extended visit.
Leslie Houghtatlng nnd Wllford
Ilutchlns wont to Dond Saturday
Sovernl from this neighborhood at
tended .tho Eastor services nt the
Deschutes school houso Sunday morn
ing. W. II. Gray and Alfred Mlkkolscn
were In Redmond Saturday.
Olo IlntiBon of Deschutes is haul
ing hay from Mlkkolscn's placo.
Jlr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson woro
Ilend visitors Saturday.
Anton Ahlstrom vas In Itedmond
Wllford Ilutchlns was In Redmond
on business Thursday.
Anton Ahlstrom butchered two
hogs Tuesday, which ho Bold to Chas.
Boyd ot Qcnd.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson went
to Deschutes Tuesday und Thursday
nights to practlco some music for
Jako Peterson went to Redmond
Thursday after a load of land plaster.
Anton Ahlstrom purchased a holfer
from Don Slnughter of Deschutes.
Mrs. John Edwards was in Red
mond Wednesday afternoon.
W. II. Gray was in Bend on busi
ness Friday.
Anton Ahlstrom attended court In
Bend Monday as a witness.
Rasmus Peterson nnd Mrs. Cath
nrlno Johansen wero In 'Redmond
Chas. Boyd of Bend bought a cow
from Androw Nelson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson wero
In Bend on Tuesday on business.
Jake Peterson nnd brother wero
In Bend Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mlkkclsen, Al
fred Mlkkolsen, Mrs. Catharine Jo
hansen and Rasmus Peterson mo
tored to Madras Sunday and spent
the day visiting friends.
Gust Nelson camo down for a
short visit Sunday jifternffon nt tho
home of his cousin, Anton Ahlstrom.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray and Mr.
nnd 'Mrs. O.' E. Anderson attended tho
movies In Bend Sunday evening.
Mr. White preached at tho school
house at Deschutes Sunday morning.
Cut ThN Out It's Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
Blip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing" your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
TERREBONNE, April 22. Tho
Insurance adjuster from Portland
was here last Monday and Tuesday
to look over tho school houso. Tho
contract for the masonry has been
let to Mr. Ladd of Redmond, and Mr.
Iunker of Terrebonne has charge of
tho carpenter work. It Is expected
that tho reconstruction work will
begin soon.
A ball game was played last Fri
day afternoon between Madras and
Terrebonne. Tho score was 4 to 1
In favor ot Madras. Tho teams, how
ever, wero unevenly matched, as J.I10
Madras boys were larger and older
than tho Terrebonne boys. A finer
The Big Profit Maker
that Pays for Itself.
On more than CO, 000 farms tho Indiana Silo has al
' ready paid for Itself In crops saved, in fatter cattle', in
more milk, and Is returning big profits to every owner,
every year.
High meat, milk nnd butter prices mako it doubly
Important to preserve tho full food valuo of your crop
to keep it succulent, whole and tasty. These prices In
crease the profits from tho
09 year's saving with nn Indiana under present
conditions mora than pays back tho investment. And
tho silo can do tho saving beforo you pay for it.
Our largo purchasing power enables us to supply
better materials and batter workmanship than can bo
had in silos that cost moro. Ask tho owners of In
diana Silos In your neghborhood. Prove to yourself thut
thoro Is no sllago batter than that made in an Indiana.
It's a big profit makor for your farm, and lasts a life
time, Wrlto for our easy payment plan and descriptive
. catalog.
Wrlto or oeo
Oregon representative. C. K. Spauldlng Logging Co., at
set of studonts than tho Madras
young folks would bo hard to find.
Torrobonno Is glad to mako their
acquaintance and hopes to play a re
turn gnino In tho near future
Mr. nnd Mrs. A, J. Fuller of Lower
Brldgo spent Sunday with Mrs. Win
flold. W. O. Ralston ot Tcrrohonno depot
has moved to Prlnovlllo Junction.
Two returned soldiers from Franco
will speak nt tho L. P. C. hall In
Torrobonno Tuesday.
Mr. Trapmnu nnd son from Prlno
vlllo spent Sunday at tho Galbratth
T. W. Vandevort moved his cnttlo
last wcok from tho Snnpp plnco to
his ranch, south ot Bond.
Herbort Rommel returned homo
for Easter. Ho expects to bo hero n
tew days.
F. E. Tollett sold four hogs last
Raymond Elliott loft tor Scattlo
Wednesdny evening.
Tho following Torrobonno resi
dents, attended Eastor services at tho
Presbytorlan church In Redmond
Sunday evening: Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M.
Eby, Herbert Eby. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J.
Hnll, M88 Doltrlch, II. L. Elliott, Mrs.
Gnlbralth, Mrs. Pecknnni, Mrs.
Pickett, Mrs. W. R. Davidson, Jlrs.
Iunker, Mrs. Relgol nnd Russell Gnl
bralth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mooro of
Lower Brldgo spent Sunday at their
homo here.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. B. Grant, who havo
boon spondtng tho post year with
their daughter In Texas, have re
turned to Terrebonne.
Mrs. C. M. Peckhnm was, n Bond
visitor last Tuesday.
Indigestion, clogged stomach nnd
bowels is mora than an invitation to
lllnras. It elves n cordial 'welcome.
Undigested food ferments and sends
poison throughout tho system. Foley
cathartic tablets aro wholesome,
quick In action, no bad after effect.
Clcanso bowols, tono up liver, sweeten
breath. Sold ovorywhero. Adv.
fine crowd attended tho danco at
Community hall last Friday. One
hundred and twenty numbers wore
sold, and everybody pronounced it
ono of tho best ever given. Tho
"Irish boys," who wero hosts, gave
their guests excellent entertainment.
Tho supper was served at tho close
ot tho danco.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young nnd
their llttlo daughter Tbelma camo In
from Vnncouver Monday In their car
and will spend a week or two visiting
relatives. Mrs. Young is n daughter
! Mrs. .Mary Brown, nnd also has
two sisters here, Mrt. E. A. Bussett
and Mrs. George Shobcrt.
Dan Hourlgan and Tom Cronln
wero called to Bond last week on ac
count ot ono of Cronin's men being
very badly Injured. Tho man was
taken to the hospital.
Dan Hourlgan mndo a flying trip
to Silver Lako last Saturday to look
after his sheep.
Will Arnold sold his small band ot
sheep to a Redmond party.
Tho ditch riders .for this section
this year aro to be John Huston and
Will Arnold.
Miko Daley is quite ill at the Uur
gcsH ranch hero. Tom Cronln Is
head nurse.
Domlnick Burgess was In Portlnnd
a few days last week. '
Miss Fay Dussett took hor school
for nn egg roast on Eastor Sunday.
Wise up on
"A lot of you fcl
I0W8 arc cheating
yourselves out of
rcnl tobneco satis
faction.' That's
what I get out of
good old Gravely."
Mm M
Plug packed in. pouch
Thoy found n fine picnic ground near
tho Chnrlcs PnrrlHh homo, and on
Joyed tho dny hugaly,
E. A. Bussott took his Sunday
school class ot little folks for n
picnic Easter Sundnx. Thoy went
Into tho woods on Mrs. Tweet's place.
Tho Eastor exorcises nt Community
hall wero well attonded Suudny after
noon. . .
School closes nt tho Wilson school
house this week.
Rol Powolt camo out from Prlno
vlllo Sundny In his new car nnd
visited nt tho Goorgo Trucsdalu homo.
Grandma Brown had her Eastor
dinner with hor daughter, Mrs.
Goorgo Shobcrt, and family. There
wore present Mr. and Mrs. George
Shobcrt, Mr. and Mrs. Molvln Foster
nnd two children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jess
Shobcrt nnd daughter Harriott,
Dowcy, Lota nnd Ethel Shobcrt nnd
Qrnndma Brown.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Charlton woro
Deschutes visitors Monday. Thoy
also went on Into Bend to visit their
son Harold for n few hours.
Henry Hanson employed a tractor
to plow for him last wcok.
J. F. Rico, C. L.' Morroll and
George Hobbs attended tho K. of P,
lodgo at Redmond Inst Week iml wit
nessed their neighbor, Henry Hanson,
rldo tho goat.
Mrs. John Driscoll was a passenger
on tho northbound train Tuesday to
Portlnnd, whoro sho will visit and
shop for a wcok or two.
C. L. Morrcll purchased a flno colt
from William Wilson last week.
Mrs. A. W. Bayno has boon qulto
ill for tho naat week, but nt nresont
seems to bo Improving.
Mrs. Martha Foster Is oulto seri
ously 111 at hor homo.
The "pie" social for tho 8hcpard
school was a grand success in every
way. and tho financial part of It In
particular. Special thanks nro ex
tended to tho "Irish boys," who
boosted tho prices of tho pics and
showed so much public spirit In help
ing to raiso tho amount needed for
tho purchase or a boll. Ono hundred
and twonty dollars wero cleared.
Henry Whltsott ot Bend has rented
tho Ned Angland ranch nnd will
movo his famUy there soon.
Mrs. L. Wavuo, 272C 3rd St., Ocean
Park, Calif., writes: "I am thnnk-
ful to say Foloy Kldnoy Pills rid mo
of all my pain. I udvlso anyone to
try them after tho good thoy did mo."
Backache, soro muscles, stiff or
swollen Joints, rhoumntlc pains nro
indications ot kidney trouble Foley
Kidney- Pills aro sufe, reliable. Sold
ovorywhero. Adv.
SISTERS. April 23. A special
meeting ot tho advisory board of tho
Slstars-Metollus Livestock association
was held in Forester Porry Soulh's
offlco Saturday for gonoral purposes.
Those In attendance wore: Forest
Supervisor Normun G. Jucobson of
Ucnd, H. L. Tone of Sisters, Joe
Howurd, Jr., ot Lower liridgo, M, N.
Knickerbocker of Plalnvlew, Kd. Gra
ham ot Grandvlew, Mux Wurzwcllor
ot Sisters, Mr, Porter, government
timber estimator, of New York, ana
Forester Perry South ot Sisters.
Van and Lynn Wilson, Mrs, Herthu
Wilson, Inez McKlnney, Johnnie
Wilson, Vern Kief, George Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. II. K, Alton, Mrs. C L. Gist
attonded tho Council club muotlug ut
Cloverdalo Friday evening.
Tho Van Tassel family of Plain
view attended Sabbath school exer
cises at Sisters Saturday afternoon.
Tho uttendanco nt school for the
eighth month, which ended tho 18th
smTZmwwwMiai ymmk.
Yes this Is the
shoe that gives you
'Extra service
every step con.
fort every minute."
Why? Because
it is iuilt right to
start with) Our
first consideration
has always been
to put into every
Buckhecht Army
E&3&? $6.S0 to $8.50
At principal dealers on the I'iclfic .Coatt. If
your dealer Ii not supplied, order direct from
""b 1
Good taste, smaller
clicvy,loiiijcr life iswliat
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to ehow than
ordinary pint.
Write .
fr hflltt dewing pl-t'
ot April, was 9G per cent. Report
cards woro given out Monday morn
lug, containing Hliindlngn in nil the
subjects taken by pupils according
to tho course of study for elementary
schools ot Oregon. Elinor Graham
and Johnnie Wilson have completed
nil tho sixth grade work In spoiling.
Goorgo Davis and Henry Cllott havo
completed the first semester's work
ot tho ninth grade In American liter
ature. Forester Porry A. South nnd F. W.
Weber mndo n business trip to Ln
Pino Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mm. II. O. Wilson of
Clovordula were shopping at Bisters
Harold Kllnn was In from Clover
dale Saturday.
C. L. Gltt went to Bend Monday
and returned with Mr. Griffith.
Demits Hunt ot Cloverdalo bus
boon appointed wutormnstcr ot the
Squaw Creek Irrigation ditch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K Allen woro nt
Bond Tuesday on business.
C. L. Gist, Mrs. Dick King and
Mrs. J. II. Stidhnm wuro at Hand
Mrs. E. E. Parks was n dinner
guest nt tho Joe Howard residence
ut Lower IJrldgo Wednesday.
Mr. .and Mrs. H.'K. Allen nnd Mrs.
C. L. Gist woro nt Redmond Thurs
day. Mrs. Barthn Wilson nnd son Lynn
wore ut Prlnovlllo Tuesday.
Anthony Roach took Mr nnd Mrs.
J. P. Duckott to Redtnond Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Duckett loft tho
same evening for Chehnlls, Wash,
They will return In a few dnys by
road with their car.
C. L. Gist loft for Rochester,
Minn., Thursday evening to have nn
operation for cancer ot tho mouth
at tho -Mayo hospital.
Fred McKlnney wns at Camp Bhor
man to consult with Martin Hanson
Mrs. Dennlson and hor son Jerry
Winkle arrived In Ilend Thundny
from California.
Llttlo Victor Roach and Willis
Spoo stnrtrd for Redmond on fool
Wednesdny nnd succeeded In getting
as far as the Hurrlngton ranch, when
thoy woro apprehended nnd returned
to thoir pnronts.
D. McMIIIInn, Voluntoer Flromans
Home, Hudson, N. Y., writes: Foley
kidney pills nro like n stream of
water played on fire by flromen.They
hit tho spot, put nut the fire nnd
drown tho pain." Foley kldnoy pills
relievo rheumatism, backacho, sore
muscles and other symptoms ot the
kidney nnd blnddor trouble. Sold
ovorywhero. Adv.
PINBIIURST. April 23. Ml8
Anna Elder closed her school last
Friday an account of the death of
hor mother. Sho loft Friday evening
for Centralla, Washington, to uttond
tho funeral.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. E. Winter woro
in Bond 'Friday afternoon.
Quito a number from hero nttend
ed the rabbit drive Sunday and re
port that more than n thousund
rabbits woro killed,
Mrs Goorgo Snydor was an after
noon callor nt G. At. Couch's Tues
day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. flwisiior a lime
daughter Viola was taken to the
Dond hospital Friday.
P. I). Ileal of Lu Pine was trans
acting husiness In this neighborhood
tho first ot the wcok. .
I. E. Wlmor was hauling land pins
tor from Redmond Wednesday,
Miss Ivy Snyder, who has bcon In
It is significant
that the llucx
HECiir Army Shoe
is worn by thous
ands of men nall
walks oflife. They
have come to ap
preciate its yield
ing comfort, lis
velvety feel, its
qualities. And so
will you once
you treat your feet
Army Shoes,
San Franeisco
tv r
Hand for novnral woukn, relumed
homo on nccount of a bad cold,
Mrs. Snyder wan In Tumulo from
horo Wednesdny,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Sonroy attend
ed the show In lluud Tluirsdny even
ln. F. V, Rwlnhor was In Ilond on busi
ness Thursday,
Andy MeAlltslur nt IttiHohurg spent
last week visiting his uncle, Albert
(1 rutin in.
John Ilollmnn and family moved
down from tho Pino Tree mill Thurs
day to their ranch,
Ml mi A. F. Elder went to Titmnlo
Monday evening on business.
Miss Villa Uolluiuii was visiting
Mrs. Roy Wells Wednesday,
The Pluuhurst hcIiooI has grown
noticeably In tho Inst two wooks,
with eight now scholar. They are
Leu, Roy, Edwin and Mlrou Mlckals,
Ernest and Kenneth Wolls.
Urml Huldtcr Returned to Camp Mrr-
rltt TU.h How Men Wero Injured
on Itounl Troop Ship.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
After service ovorsms, II. F. Grin
stead of Bond has arrived In Camp
Morrltt, N. J nnd will probably
soon be discharged from tho army,
according to n letter received horo
by rolntlren-In this city,
"Wo had pretty bad weather coin
ing ncross," he writes. "The sixth
dny Out wo had a 00-tulto gale, und
the ship would pitch first to one side
nnd then to tho othor. tipping over
ns much as CO degrees. Sometimes
tho wnves would flood tho docks. I
was pretty lucky coming iicrosn, for
I wasn't oven seasick, although some
of tho boys havo broken nrms nnd
legs as a result ot being banged
nrouud during the storm."
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
E. L. Wontover of tho dnlry hus
bandry department of Oregon Arl
cultural college will spend n week
In this county, boglnnlng April 23,
discussing silo prnhloms. Mr. West
over has made n specialty of silos
and knows tho business from the
ground up. As many meetings ns
posslbla will be held among tho local
farm bureaus, und a duflnltu plan for
n sltn campaign will be adopted dur
ing Mr-Westovor's visit.
WWImilSaife I &r
The Greatest Name
In Goody-land
Iff,' jMumiuiit 111 111 hi iiT7iniQCTffiMnlllM .
W T "chewing "tWiT m3 '"
f Scaled Tight Kept Right 27 " '
e Flavor Lasts .
The Owl Pharmacy
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Twonty-sovon years ngo 0, B.
Slants, brother of W. 11. Htaatit ot
Ilend, lived near La Plnu und occa- f
slonally took In travelers. To his
placo one night camu E. M., Ilrnttnu
on his way from tho Willamette
valley to tho Hummer Luke ncctlou.
Mr. Ilrallnn spent tho night, and In
tho morning offered a $20 bill In pay
111 e nt ot Mr. Stunts' charges ot fS,
Mr. Htnats could not mako change
and Mr. Ilrnttnu went on his way.
The yours passed, Mr, Stunts loft
Ln Pino nnd made his homo lu
Yakima. . Mr. Ilrnttnu been 1110 11
prosperous farmer nnd stockman of
Summer l.nke. Thoy novor mot.
Hut Mr. Ilrnttnu did not forget that
ho owed $2 for a night's lodging.
Last week Mr, Slants camu In Rend
to buy seed potatoes In ship to
Yakima, and yestordny Mr, llrattan
came lu to attend the stockmen's
convention, air. Ilrnttnu know that
u man named Slants lived lu Ilend
und at once hunted him tip to pay f
tho bill. Ho found W. H. Slant,'
learned from him that his brother
wns still here, saw him nnd paid
thp $2.
After having that 12 debt on his
mind for 27 yearn, Mr. llrnttau will .
now sleep mora easily.
Four chairs nt your service at tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
Lirr the children grow.
Cough, colds. "SnufllcV that hang
on tend to weaken tho system nnd a
suffering nogloctcd child spends sn
much strength combatting u cold that
tho llttl onn cannot grow ns fast
nnd sound In body ns when free from
affliction. Foley's Honey and Tar Is
splendid tor coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough. Sold everywhere.
Tut It In "THE liULLKTIN."