The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No. 8
S . 1 OF
Oregon CoiigrcNiiinii Itcuons Pledge
to Fljilit for Reclamation of Arid
l'art of Hliilo IiilcrrttlnC
HubJi'Ct IHftCIIKMll.
(Krom Wednesday's Dally.)
IndlcatltiK Important legislation In
tho futuro In connection with ilia
Htock Industry, stabilization ot tho
livestock market, protection of the
cnttlo Interests, anil oven rocammon
tlntloiiH for nallonnl administrative
policy, resolution proposed by tho
committee appointed yentorday In tho
opening session of tho Oregon Cnttlo
nnd Uorao HnlMurn' convontlon liuro
'ware adopted thin afternoon In tho
cloning session ot lhi meeting. No
Moving that tho rnllroml transnorta
lion system can bo mora efficiently
and economically conducted under
prlvato ownonihlp, tho association
rocdinmondod early rnturn of tho
railroad to thnlr orlitliial owners,
with tho proviso that tho full Juris
diction of tho Interstate commorco
commission bo restored.
Another resolution of groat Im
portance to tho cattle mon of tho
statu seoks to prevent connection In
tho Portland stock yards by shipping
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, In
stead ot on Mondays as Is now tho
custom. To prcsorvo tho open range
from ultimate absorption by settlors
taking advantage of tho C40acro
homestead act, It was recommended
that congross bo memorialized to
enact n law or lawn for tho control
nnd development ns national range
ot sultabto nroas now remaining
within Dm unappropriated and un
classified public domain.
IlrolutloN Am Many.
Other resolutions endorsed" by tho
convention aro as follows:
For tho appointment ot a spoclal
m committee to Investigate charges of
larceny of cattle from membors of
tho association,
Indorsing tho work of tho bureau
of markets; Indorsing tho licensing
of sruckynrds, commission mon,
packers and buyers. v
A- Tn miiiionl lnelnlatlon creating tho
office of stoc and brand Inspector
In each county In tho stoto us n
means of preventing larcony of
iitock : to request legislation pro-
-)dJiig for tho compulsory Inspection
of all stock taken out of tho state;
to request tho department ot tho In
terior to permit tho grating ot cattle
nnd horses within tho boundaries of
Crater 'Luke national pnrkji to aid
the Klnnwilh County Stock association-
In presentation of certain peti
tions to congress; to ask tho Portland
Union stockyards to adopt n distinct
Ivo brand; endorsing Hounta bill No,
G305, bettor known as tho Kondrlck
bill; to roqucst tho proper depart
ment of tho fedoral (government to
carry on oxporlments having aa their
' objects tho reclamation of over
grazed range; to urgo tho Immediate
appropriation by cbngross or i4,ooo,-
000, as provided In the agricultural
.bill, nnd to Incroaso tho Item Tn tfio
f bill relatlvjo to extension work In tho
northwest; favoring organization of.
county associations to co-opornto with
tho stata association; ondorstng th6
Pacific International Livestock expo
sition; favoring Bpokuno for tho
noxt convention of tho American
Livestock association; oxtendlng
thanks to tho city of lloud, tho Bond
Commercial club and tho various or-.
' KnJzatIons, 'hUBlnoss firms and Indi
viduals who havo nldod In tho ontor
talnmont ot tho association during Kb
Tour of City Made
This morning's sobsIoj oponod
with evon a largor crowd In nttend
nnoo than yesterday, and It was bu
llovod that practically nil would re
main In Bend for tho raiiph dlnnor
nd the Brand ball tonight. A tout
iur was added to tho entertainment,
(Krom Thursday's Dally.)
1 Although tho alfalfa seed orrior
placod recontly for tho benefit ot
Central Oregon farmers wan origin
ally limited to 27,000 pounds, so In
sistent has been tho dqmand for
moro certified Odium thctthn First
National bank Is now endeavoring
to secure enough to bring tho' total
up to 30,000, Of this, only C000
pounds Is yet to bo found,
County Agriculturist Koons, ac
companied by It. A. Ward, Is sam
pling each stick of seed as it cymes
In before tho seal Is broken, nnd 'tho
snmplcs aro being sent to flio Oregon
Agricultural collcgo for germination
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Continuing their campaign of De
schutes county In tho Interest of tho
Victory loan, Horgcants A. M. Fisher,
13, K. Hayes and K. C. Front, over
seas veterans, will speak Friday
night at a meeting to ho hold at, tho
Alfalfa school. Thoy will bo joined
by Prlvato Ferry, U. 8. 'Marines, nn
Alfalfa boy who was woundrd at tho
Argonne. A bayonet exhibition, gas
mask drill and good addresses aro
promised, and a good nttendanco
from tho resldonta ot the section Is
Yestorday evening tho army mon
wnro featured nt a big loan meeting
nt Terrobonne, and appeared yester
day afternoon nt Lower Rrldgo. For
tonight they woro listed as speakers
at tho ranch dlnnor planned for tho
visitors at tho Cattle and Ilorso
Raisers' convontlon.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
That Walkor D. 'Illnes, director
general of the railroads ot tho United
Htntes, will Include lloml In his Itin
erary wan tho announcement today
of F. K. 8tudebnkor. local freight
and pussongor agent for tho Oregon
Trunk. Director Gonoral Illnes and
his official party will reach hero
soma tlmo Saturday afternoon, travel
ing by special train from Portland.
Tho tour ot tho northwest is being
made with a view to looking over
transportation problems.
PORTLAND. April 23-Tho spo
clal train carrying Director General
Illnes and his official party arrived
from Pugot sound yeatorday. Local
railroad officials and a dologutlon
from tho Portland ChnmUor, ot Com
morco mat tho visitors at: tho Union
station shortly after 0 Vclock, for
conforonco, nnd at 10:30 visitors
wero taken for a trip of'lnsnactlon
through the Portland terminals,
Mcmbera ot Director de'neral
nines' official party lncludu Urlce
Clnggott, assistant to tho director
goiiarnl; Edward Chamhors, director
division ot traffic; Max Tludou, di
rector division ot public sorvlco; II.
D. Spencer, director ot division ot
purchases; T, C, Powoll, director di
vision ot capital expenditures; It. it.
Alshton, regional director northwest
district; J, a. Woodwortlw Traffic as
sistant northwest district;" l) K.
Dyrnm, prosldont Chicago, MUvfttukoa
& Bt. Paul railroad; L. $, Carroll,
regional purchasing ogeW, M J
Gormloy, assistant regional idlrootor
ot tho northwest district L?b, Oil
man, district dlrqctor Oregon and
Washington district.
Ilnlo Horton, regional director
central-westorn district, lfua urrlved
here trom tho south In hlB private
car to Join Director QonerAl 'jllnes
and procood with him, Accompany
ing Mr, Holden nro D, W Oreor,
opgrf.tlng assistant ot the c'entral-
wKrn district, at)u u, a. anuruu,
Nt: nwiBiaiu ip Mr, ijfcjUM.vv
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
White a dozen camp cooks gath
ered at tho ball grounds under tho
direction of Gcorgo Ilussoll ot Prlno
vlllo and B. P. Mahaffoy of Ilend
tolled In tha boat and tho smoka If
a hugo round-up flro early this morn
ing, hundreds of delegates to tho
stockmen's convontlon contentedly
munched Juicy bcofsteak and sour
dough brood, and wVishcd down the
moal with block coRoo. There wuro
other delicacies too, but those al
ready mentioned constituted the
greater part ot tho balanced ration
given out at tho cowboy breakfast
which has come to bo almost an In
stitution at tho convontlon of tho
Oregon Cajtlo and Ilorso Kaisers'
A buckaroo exhibition was hold at
tho closo of tho outdoor meal, many
prominent raiichoru appearing as
Tho breakfast was announced for
0:30 o'clock, and stockmon and tholr
wives and daughters, and a consid
erable sprinkling ot towns peoplo
wero coming and going from the tlmo
tho first steak was cooked until after
eight o'clock. For a short tlmo tho
supply of dishes hold out, but after
7 o'clock tho crowd Increased to such
an extent that plates which had just
dono duty wero pressed Into service
ngniii and again.
Just how many millions woro rep-,
redontcd In tho crowd nobody esti
mated, and apparently nobody cared,
for millionaire stockmon nnd assoc
iation mombors with only a tow head
of stock wero there on terms ot ab
solute equality, exchanging rem
iniscences ot tho range and discus
sing tho business that Is likely to
come up at tho final session ot tho
convention. '
));)) Jtlt)t44)f44)t jf4)44'lt4Jt
ExrcutUo Manager Orcgou, Victor)' Ixan
The world war through which wc have so re
cently passed is the greatest event in the world's
history since the beginning of the Christian era.
The part which Oregon has played in this world
war will he remembered long after we and our
children arc dead. Our heritage of this war will
be our record of patriotic achievement, and this
record will be made in two ways: It will be the
record of our boys who were in the service, and
the record of those of us who stayed at home and
tried to do our part by supporting our govern
ment and the boys.
Oregon's military record stands head and shoul
ders above that of any other state. Oregon was
first in the enlistment and had a larger percentage
of its population under arms than any other state
in the Union. The records of the old Third Oregon,
the Coast Artillery and the 91st Division arc records
which will never die and of wljich every Oregon
citizen may well be proud. The record of Lieut.
Burgard, who was five times "wounded and who led
250 Oregon boys over the top, of whom 218 were
left upon the battlefield after an hour and twenty
minutes of fighting, is only one of a number of in
stances of valor by Oregon men which will never
be forgotten. Lieut. Dorris made his way to
brigade headquarters after having his lower Jaw
shot away in order that another officer might be
detailed to his company, all of the other officers
having been killed. Although he was (Jecoratcd with
the croix de guerre for this act of heroism, the best
appreciation of this act will be fcfund in a never
dying recollection of it by the people of Oregon.
There is no instance of recordvwhere Oregon troops
faltered under fire, and the record of our boys in
service is 100 per cent, perfect.
So far the record of Oregon's citizenry in its
patriotic duty has been perfect. We have been
foremost in patriotic drives of every kind, having
twice led the nation in Liberty loan campaigns. It
is a distinct privilege for those of us who stayed
at home to be permitted to complete the wonderful
record of our boys by making a 100 per cent, record
in our duties of citizenship. ' Yet it is a tremendous
responsibility, as the people of the state would
never live down the disgrace of tainting our mili
tary record by failure to lead all other states in this
last great patriotic endeavor.
f t?m-Ki.
Subscriptions Well Oirr $100,000
JJrk--K.'iiiipalgn for Halo of Bo
curdle to Pay AmcrJca' Hills
Is Sow Scaring Clotc.
While action In securing tho coun
ty and city quota was temporarily
slowed down by tho stockmen's con
vention, tho work was taken up again
today with renewed Interest, and It
wan freely predicted that tho quota
would bo reached before tho end of
tho week. An approximate total of
subscriptions turned in to data was
close to, 1 1 0,000.
Deschutes county's total subscrip
tion for' tho Victory loan Jumped to
(80,260 Saturday, practically all of
tlfo amount being credited to Dcnd.
Tho Rrooks-Bcanlon Lumber Co. went
ovor tbo top at 20 minutes nnd 30
second past 0 this morning, but al
though tho quota of )20,000 was
reached, subscriptions wero continu
ing to come in all day. At The
Shevlln-Hlxon Company mill, $16,000
was reported, but It Is understood
that considerably more than this has
boon taken In, as several depart
ments, Including tho woods camps,
havo not been heard from.
Tho Central Oregon bank turned
In subscriptions totalling 11150,
and J2C50 was listed by tho First
National bank, In addition to the
amount reported Friday. Now sub
scriptions from all sources amounted
to 31,GQ0.
Although tho official opening for
tho Victory loan drive did not be
gin until Monday, voluntary subscrip
tions, up to 1;30 o'clock Friday after
noon, totalled $45,750. Of this
over 146,000 was In Ilend, the re-
(Continued on Pago 4.)
PLEDGE. IS iGVtm ibx
Jinwrnnt Prcllmlnaric for Securing
Charier Follow Hour of Entertain
ment at Itljc Banquet Cllvcn
by It. I'. O. E. of Ilend.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
That Central Oregon will within
CO days bo permitted, under a spo
clal dispensation, to organlzo an
Elks' lodgo, with headquarters in
Dcnd, was tbo promise last night of
Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Dr. H.
L. Tonoy of McMlnnvlllo In on ad
dress given In tbo closing hour of an
claborato banquet given at tbo Pilot
Ilutlo Inn by the local members of
tho antlered herd for tho Elks ot
Deschutes, Lako, Crook and Jeffer
son counties. Ono hundred and fifty
lodgo men, including many delegates
to tho Oregon Cattlo and Ilorso
Raisers' convention, which began to
day, wero prcsont at tho affair.
Dr.. Tonoy left this morning, tak
ing with him a chartor list ot 56
names, which will bo sent nt onco
with a special recommendation to the
grand exalted ruler. Whllo tho baby
lodgo of tho stato is expected to bo
In first class running order within
two months' tlmo, tho charter cannot
finally be granted until tho meeting
of tho grand lodgo in July.
Rosy Future Seen.
Visiting Elks -who attended tho
banquet wero enthusiastic over pros
pects for a lodgo here, declaring that
Dcnd already has tho "peppiest" ag
gregation ot lodge men In the stato,
and predicting that tho youngest
U. P. O. E. organization would soon
be tho leading ono of Oregon. E. P.
Mahaffoy and W. C. Cooper, who havo
been directing tho preliminary steps
toward tho gaining of a charter,
wero unanimously elected president
and secretary, respectively! to servo
until a dispensation is granted.
Stockmen Aro Guests.
Tho early hours ot tho banquet
wero devoted to a varied program,
consisting ot musical selections by
tho Bend Imperial Malo quartet,
piano and vocal numbers by Wilson
George, harp solos by Mrs. Max Cun
ning ot Redmond, and selections by,
tho Grand theater orchestra. A num
ber of Elks wero called on for re
marks, and at intervals special details
wero sent out by Chairman Mahaffoy
to bring In visiting stockmen who
had failed to appear. William Poll
man and S. O. Correll, president and
Cattlo ami Ilorso Raisers' associa
tion, Gconsa C. McMullen nnd F. R.
Hedrick of Kansas City and T. W.
Tomllson, secretary ot tho American
Livestock association, wero among
thoso who enjoyed tho Elks' hospi
tality. Quality to He Aim.
At 11 o'clock tho banquot room
was plunged In darkness, und C. C.
Bradloy of Portland gavo tho Elks'
toast, "To Our Absent Brothers." It
was after this that Dr. Tonoy ex
pressed his entire satisfaction for
tho material which Bond and Central
Oregon havo to offer in applying tor
a charter, and pledged his aid In se
curing tor members in this city tho
right to organfv. Mr. Bradloy ex
plained tho procecduro which Is n
nocossary preliminary ,to tho grant
ing ot a dispensation, and warned' tho
lodgo men to aim for quality rathor
than quantity In admitting- now mem
bers, Ilend Spirit Praised.
Ralph Wortman and W. O, Camp
bell, both ot McMlnnvlllo, praised tho
Bond .spirit which thoy saw exempli
fied at tho gathering, and Jay II. Upr
ton ot Prinovillo paid an eloquent
tribute to tho memory of Vernon A.
Forbea and Ralph Polndoxtor, who
at tho tlmo of their deaths last sum
mer had placed a charter for Bond
within easy reach. William Poll--man
ot Baker declarod that Bond
has tho material for a class A lodge.
Many othora, Including visitors, and
local mombors, woro 'called jn by
tho chairman for remarks. .r
Tho slnglag of "Aula Lang yjijV
formally brought tho 'ovonlng 6 k
Excellent Program of Music and Ad-
drcmc Is Followed by IUg
Dance nt Ilend Amateur
Athletic Club.
Burns will bo tho next meeting
place of the Oregon Cattlo and Ilorso
Raisers' association. This was the
decision reached hero yesterday
afternoon at tbo end of tho closing
session ot the stockmen's convention.
Pendleton was first placed in nomina
tion as tho 1920 convention city,
Henry Lazinka advocating tho selec
tion ot tho round-up town, but such
a strong bid was made by William
Hanloy and by C.,11. Leonard, mayor
ot Burns, that Mr. Lazinka withdrew
his request, and tho Harney county
scat received tho unanimous approval
ot tho association membors.
Closiug speeches of tha afternoon
wero given by Farmer Smith, of tho
O.-W. R. & N., who, after declaring
that corn can be profitably grown In
Central Oregon for sllago, offered to
furnish seed to any rancher who
would make tho attempt, and by Ad
dison Bennett, special writer for the
Orcgonian. Mr. Bennett told stories
of the cajly days in Bend, spoke ot
Its growth from a hamlet in the
sagebrush to a bustling, busy little
city, and asserted that In, all tho
stockmen's conventions ho has at
tended, none was superior to tho ono
held here. Immediately alter ad
journment, the new cxecutlvo cona
mltteo held Its first session
Many at Banquet.
More than 500 stockmen and their
families, with a number of Bend resi
dents included In tho number, gath
ered at C o'clock at the 'Hippodrome,
whero a homo cooked banquot was
served by the ladles of tho Altar so
ciety. An augmented orchestra fur
nished music at Intervals, and other
entertainment features wero several
selections by tho Bend Imperial Male
quartet, a cornet solo by Ashloy
Forrest, and vocal solos by Mrs.
Roscoo Howard and E. N. Strong ot
tho Oregon Life Insurance Co.
Secret of Success Told.
Introduced as toastmaster by O. M.
Plummer of tho Portland stockyards,
C. 8. Hudson launched tho evening's
program ot addresses by calling on
William Hanley of Harney county
Mr. Hanloy waa followed by William
Pollman, president of the stockmen's
association, who extended tho thanks
ot the organization to Bend tor the
city's hospitality. Mr. Tollman gave
what he.raalntalncd was an unfailing
roclpo for success "Spend oil you
want, but bo sure you havo some
loft." C. M. McAllstor of Portland
asserted that Bend's entertainment
ot tho Btockmen was tho best that he
had seen at any convention in 30
years' tlmo. Ho paid a glowing trib
ute to the toastmastor, itemizing
various movements undertaken by
Mr. Hudson, through tho First Na
tional bank, for tho boneflt of the
livestock Industry. Ho congratulate
tho bank on tho securing of R. A,
Ward aa one ot Its officers.
Keys, of City Returned.
A patriotic address was given by
Walter M. Pierce ot La Grande, and
was followed by n talk by M. R. Biggs
ot Prlnovllle, who praised tho work
dono by tho. Central Oregon bank
and tho First National ot Bend la
fostering agrlcuRuro and livestock,
F. R. Hedrlok of tho Kansas City
stockyards, P. B. Marls of Corvallls
and S. O. Correll, socrotufy of the
Cattlo and Horse Raisers' association,
also responded with short addresses,
Goorgo Russell of Prinevllle, vice
president of tho stockmen's assocta
tlon, appointed acting mayor ot Bend
for the period of tho convention,
publicly abdicated, leturnlng to
Mayor J, A. Eastca tha hugo key
which had; been given him two dayd
before as a token that the cltywsw
at the disposal of tho visitors 'Mr,
Russell reported that Berid hadhSM
well governed during his adMpk-
tration, and that tho ueat w ;j
'(Continued as Page1
(Continued- on. Pago 4.)