A, , JUlWpMVIftVKiy, BKNP, OREGON, TIIUIWJMY, APRIL,?, 1010 t frO" o- r n i ,r- . " 1 : i Jl i w M JT! I i ii;l .1 .rtO! ft mm YOUR DRUG STORE Ouch! is wlmL all who liuve Hunions nay. We liuvc it guaranteed Bunion Cure IT'ft A l'LAHTKU ASIC A HO UT IT TRY IT . Just Remember Magill & Erskine .O'lCANU IIUILDING Our I'fmilption Df prtmnt U CotojJfte In Cvrry Detail. YOUR DRUGSTORE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Dally.) J. G. Wilson of Sisters nrrlvml In tho city thin morning. John W. Cook of Fort Hock Is spending tho day In Hand. , Mm. Uaorgu Itodmnu In In from . Culvor to spend n few dayn In Iloud. It. I.. Oruy and A. Gohhnrd of l.u Pino ora business visitor in thu city today, City Rchool Superintendent H. W. Mooro has lufl for a brief lnlt to Upoknno. Mr. and Mm. Carl A. Johmion wilt entortnln Frldny night with a the ater party at tho nthlutlo club. J. K. Warner of Roberta wan In today on business connected with thu coining; term of circuit court. P. I). Reedor and P. W. Jorioii of Silver I.nko aro transacting business In Ilcnd today. W. II, Daggett of Itcdmond wan In Ilund thin morning attending to legal .huslnnt.- lfa ruturned to III homo .this n'rtenioon. Harold Charlton of Powell Ilulto, who recantly wan discharged from tho army, has conio to llcnd and In employed In tho mills. Just Received by Express Separate Skirts Wool 1 Plaids, Silk Plaids, Fancy Silk Poplins Taf 3, in plain and draped models, Pussy 'Willow; fetas all distinctive, up-to-the-minute styles. $ X 9.50 Priced at 5.50 to v Skirls of all wool Serge and lilnek. Snlcndid Skirts foi: h service. Priced $3.98 to SILK HOSIERY THAT WEARS Good looking and good wearing Stockings of pure thread silk, in black white, brown, fc 1 f) A smoke grey. Priced specially, pair vrvr Lace striped Hose, highly mercerized, extremely j 1 ft ...fit. nlitmiMtn I l1tr I popular ior wear wiuh anppuia hu iuw jc shoes; black and white only.. Pair New Coats, Capris and Suits arc arriving on every express. R.&G. Mm' - . i i 4T' f'.i ,;Uii ' 'i 1 ) ,) V ' It t Pontiles , Store (From. Tuesday's Dally) ,, Wllllrtm Wl Brown of Vita k a' business vlHltor In thu city. J. 0. Perry In In today from IiIh liomn ut Iloylnt . Two of thu Wray punHongur stages loft for Hums thin morning. Maurice I. Cniihmnn rolurnoil to llond this morning from a trip to Portland. Mouthers of tlio Lndlim Presby trtrlan guild will moot with Mm. K. T. Parker at 2:30 o'clok on Wed nesdny afternoon. Friends of thu guild tiro cordially Invited to attend. Warrcii Ulrilnntl returned to llnnd thin mornliiK after a brlof visit In Portland. IIIh parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Illrdsnll, loft yesterday for a Hliort stay In Hnn 1'rnnclsco, Thu Ladles' Aid of .thu Christian church will mjot with Mrs. Fired Wc Cormilck, 1904' Wunl, Vint Mtroot, Wednesday afturnoon. Alj members and friends aro cordially Invltnd. Sergeant Karl IltiNton, A. K, V hail started on IiIh rot urn trip to tho United States and expect to reach Orognn nomo tlmo thin inonlli, according to a letter received by . Jl. Do Annond. GOOD GRAVEYARD AFTER THAT A Few Broadtldcs From American Batteries Cured It of It Dad Habit of Wandering. ThU l n story of fnllli mid what It accnmpllihcl. It wo brought In to ParlN by n dhtpstch-henror and found ltd way Into thu Ited Cm scrap book over a cup of ten. An American nrtlllTj detachment lay walling fur n report from the air cout. All at once a memiaco fell from the clouiU: "Flro on inovlnc graveyard." Whnt on rirtli did ho mean? Was he Joking? That particular airman wan a born wug. Did ho mean. per haps, some body of cutriny troop not yet vInIIiIu? Off In tho dUtmico the croMi-H of a military graveyard were to be neen, qolcuccut and Innocent un der the afternoon nun. lie could not IHinNlbly refer to that. "Yen, by heaven 1" wild the officer In command. "I believe In that fellow. That'll tho only graveyard In night. He miiMt mean that." He gave the order. The pins spoke. Great ninnies of smoke nroie from the quiet graveyard and n loud series of explosions ciiHiied. Shortly aftenwird the airman alighted. "Well, you did hare faith In me." he snld. "I wondered If you would think I wan Joking. I saw what looked like a military Krnveyard on the right of the rtiiul. A little later I looked down and It wart on the left of the rood. I couldn't bellevo my eye, but I did, mid llohcd you the word. Itather n new dodge to get munition up to the front I" Poplin in navy blue and real $7.bU CORSETS ( v i I i . ' , RETROSPkEQT -THAT IS VAINj Mournful Man Hat Come to Realize- That All Thlnge That Are to Be, Will Be, "I Honiotline think an I watch tho cfllclcnt worklngrt of a crcntn acpara tor," Raid the ntoop-filiouldered man, J'how much happier my llfo mlKlit hnvo been could I but havu had when I wn flrHt married n separator, operated Momewha) on tho nmu principle, Into which my wlfo'a relnUveu could have 'been Ihi-unt, tho crank turned and by centrifugal or centripetal force I con never remember which In which the two kind divided, like the sdiccp and the goat of Holy Writ. "Out of one xpout would have coma the undcfdrahlo onea tbon who con troverted my cherished theories dis agreed with moon vnrlOtm aubjecta, and Jeered at my lack of faculty the while thriy borrtiweij 'money from mo and' paid n6f''acnln, and wrjre, their e .pertaining, nuch'of my Sunday carmenta n lit ted fhein. And from the othor upout would have omereed (ho good oiieu thneo who tried to pay their way by being aympathetlc and tactful, who wcro diplomatic enough to agree with mo when It did not make liny particular difference, and occa slonully lent mo money and were not forever dogging me to get It back. IJut; of courao, nothing of tho kind was then or ever will bo Invented. Man was mado to mourn and Ida wife' kin wcro mado to nee that ho does mourn." ICnnaaa City Slur. SEEKING USES FOR LIGNITES Federal Bureau of Mlnee Will Make Inveitlgatlon of What May Be New Fuel Supply. Tho bureau of mlncji will make- nn Investigation to determine thu com mercial and economical value of lig nite and the practicability of their utilization In production of fuel jail, gniolltie Kubiitltulea, ammonia, tar, solid fuel, com for power and other pur pone, under thu terms of a aeuato bill which lha houne of representatives adopted. An appropriation of $100, 000 wni voted. It wun argued that the object of the Investigation Is to dem onMrnte the commercial value of lig nite, which Is one-third of tho coal de poslla of the nation. A vast volume of tho deposits la on government laud, and Texas has np- W I : mtasLL.rC- .aSslaHSdiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH i BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBfc' ARNER DKND'S KCONOMY CENTEIl Underwear For The Whole Family. Women's Union Suits, new, fresh garments for summer wear; lace knee or tight knee; Oc all sizes; garment : y, Athena. Union Suits. These famous garments are sold by us exclusively. They are the J O OC finest made; 98c, $1.29 P.4i.-J lll " ' ' i""' '""'"' ' i il I Envelope style Knit Unions iri'all Q C n . sizes; 75c OJL Misses' Union Suits; fine ribbed, bleached AQC garments; all sizes; 43c ; OV .1 M I II PI .HI I II -.. Boys' Unions, knee length, no sleeves; the fQp kind tho boy likes; garment Uv Men's Unions, fine ribbed, well made, good wear ing garments; all sizes; t1 CO 95c, $1.19 v L ,uv When It's Underwear, You Will . Find What You Want at WARNER'S Our Ory Goods Section is overflowing with new materials. On the Quality Basis alone these Dress Fabrics appeal strongly. At the Low, Prices quoted they compel purchasing 32-Inch Itompor Cloth, nultahlo for nhlrtn, rompcrx, drcssex, aprons; good, durablo og. quality; yard iSSC Printed Voiles, 3C inch; now colorlniiB and pattornn; "!&,, yard JD 32-luch Dark Porcalea; a nj a special purchase; yard u y All Linen Crash Toweling at less than whole- 5 TXTDr' salo cost; yard.. SJiJ ty All wool Whlto Serge, 44 and yCa0rr,:$H.95$2.75 proximately 23,000,000,000 Ions. The official report says there Is bituminous coal In Texas, but not sufllclent to sup ply the railroads, and In urging the passage of the bill Representative Win go of Arkansas told the house that proper development of lignite In Texas with Its full uses demonstrated would save an annual fuel bill to the people -NATIONAL METAL WEATHER STRIP Keeps Out Cold Keep's Out Dust " Keeps In Heat Saves 25 to 400 Fuel T. L. COLLIER Authorized Sale Agent for Oregon BEND, OREGON s r HIppellottCB, whlto and colored stripes; require no ijp Ironing; yard e&iUC Plaid Silk Stripo Olrvxiinms, very deslrablo for street dresses; 32-Inch; yard 75c Pillow Tubings, best quality, all widths 1)S- ani1 Up yard 5C 3C-lncli Cretonnes, suitable for curtalnn and comfort coverings; yard ,25c Kew Hair Jtlbbons, largo as sortment of patterns end rd'?.!9.: ..30c 35c FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE Slop and Shop at PffifJPE Oldest arid Best. Established of that statu of si5.OOO.00d. Houston Post Found Platinum Beds. Dr. Ilcrschel C. I'orker of Columbia university, while on an exploring ex pedltlon to Alaska last summer, dis covered extenslvo platinum beds In the Susltann and Yentna valleys In the Cook Inlet country. He brought out a large number of ore samples on his return to the Stntcs, and Is now engaged In exhaustive tests of tho metal. He expects to establish a plant for handling the ore when he cocs back to Alaska next spring. "The Alaska platinum ore Is low Brade," said Doctor I'arkcr. "but It Is there In abundance. It will have to be bandied In largo quantities and under scientific methods of economy to make It pay. The question of Its commercial value Is simply ono of engineering. With the end of the war and the con sequent wide use of platinum for Jew elry. I believe tho Alaska beds will prove a vuluable source of world sup- ply." , XOTICK. Ranchers desiring federal farm loanB should apply at once. The government appraiser will visit Bend about Saturday, April G. Therefore, Immediate action can be had In all cases whero loans aro desired. Cc I10SC0B M. SANDERS, Tres. II. C. ELLIS, Scc-Treas. T1IKV HIT TIIK SPOT. D. McMllllan, Volunteer Klremans Home. Hudson. N. Y., writes: Foley kiduoy pills aro like a stream of water played on flro by tlremen.They hit tho spat, put out the fire and drown tho pain." Foley kidney pills rollovo rheumatism, unckacno, sore muscles and other symptoms of tho kidney and bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. Adv. l'KIWOXS COMPLAINING. Anyone complaining of places In unsanitary condition pleaso report samo to Dr. J. C. vanuevert, city health officer, or E. L. Payne, chair man health committee. Adv. 9S-7c Put it id "TIIK BULLETIN."- COUNCIL BACKS MAYOR'S WORK (Continued from Page 1.) and Mr. Payne ndmlttcd that he had not given tho report much considera tion when ho signed it. iMoro re marks by Mr. Mlnter followed, after which tho roport wqs allowed to sink gracefully into oblivion. $230 for Camping Ground. Tho council took' quick action on tho muttor of tho free camping grounds, and' wasted no time in vot ing E. L. Pnyno, chairman of tho special committee in charge, $250. Mr. Pnyno explained that ho would omlcavor to havo all arraugomonts complotod before tho Cuttlo and Horso Raisers' convention April 22. City Engineer dould spoko of tho needs of chunging plumbing inspec tion laws, and tho matter was re ferred to him and to Councilman STEVENS Auction House Branch OIUco at Carmody Bros., Be,nd, Wfie.aUw.Phww xjjLaVijWBr Now Whlto Onlmrdlno Skirt- i"Bi5.Tri9Sc$l.25 27-Inch light color Percales; n vnluo you cannot match i g olsowhcre; yard ...... Uo5C Largo assortment of now Cur tain Scrims, below market value; yard .25c Half Linen Tnblo Damasks; 72 Inches wide; r & r yard $1.95 3C-lnch Shepherd Check, very desirable for chlldrcn'u dresses and coats; yard ........ ..:.. ..75c 1911 Sutherland for a report at tho next meeting. Representing Keclor Bros., bond ing house, Russell F. Hall, until a few weeks ago an aviator pilot in tho U. S. army, told tho council that ho was ready to sign a contract to take the city's bonds at par, should bonds bo selected by tho pcoplo in the coming special election. He also said that a ballot on which the al ternative Issues of special tax and bond issue appeared would be per fectly legal, although tho attorneys of the bonding house considered that it might lead to some confusion. Mr. Hall offered par for C per cent. bonds, but action was postponed un til this morning. City Recorder Peoples pointed out that tho county turnover will allow tho city to recall $10,000 worth of warrants -within tho next 30 days. Park Cbmmlttrq Named. That Ilcnd should provide for city parks before the growing slzo-of tho city, makes tho expense of purchas ing park sites prohibitive was tho declaration of Councilman Mlnter. Ho moved that a special committee bo appointed to select park grounds and mako arrangements for their purchase, and Mayor Eostes, declar ing that for once he agreed with tho councilman, put the question, receiv ing a unanimous vote, and appointed E. L. Payne, D. G. McPherson and J. C. Rhodes, with City Attorney Ben son as an ex-offlclo member. Ordinances Paixcd. . Two ordlnuuces wero passed under an emergency clause, ono an amend ment making It a misdemeanor to scatter wasto in streets and alleys, the other an amendment to the ordl nane prohibiting certain domestic animals from running at large. A personal liability clause is Intro duced, and chickens amla ducks are added to tho list of animals which tuny be impounded. Tho following bills were nudltcd by the wuys and means -committee, nnd ordered paid: S. Stutsman J 1.00 L. A. W. Nixon, horso rent.... 15.00 L. A. W. Nixon, Bnlary .- 142.50 Frank L. Kulp.'sulary .... 120,00 R. J. McCann 1.25 Library board 25.00 A. A. Anderson , 10,00 II. E. Jones 6,00 Robort B. Gould 34.60 II. J. 0vorturf..v ... 40.00 J. A. Eastes 2.50 Robert B. Gould 19.50 E. F. Logan 66.00 James 'Hays 62.00 Jay Salzmnn - N 2.2C Georgo W. Stokoo 3,00 Bend Insurance Agency... . 25.00 W. B. Crawford . 94.2C Mike Connolly . 50.00 C. V. SilVIs 10.QO Anton Auno 132.00 W. O. Matchett . 4.00 T. M. Carlon 100.00 Cf S. Benson.. ...,.....'........... 20.00 M. E. Coloraun... T,. 26.50 Bond Press ...,..!., .......... 69.75 D. H. Peoples-............'. ;. 38.80 Miss Nell Markel .;.-.. 15,00 Baker's Sxpresq ....,., 6.00 City Fire. Truck..-. ....,..,. 45,30 Put It Jr "TUB BUriLstTIN."! Try, k Bulletia ast Ad fer uMc rwHlic' , ' ' ' ' M'fi' r-- ; T? Mi t ' e ' i' . !) M .;' ,i. n nO S n. uuijtfiumi I