The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 8

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(Continued from Pago 1.)
i -
nnB potnah for crop uso. Exporl
montB woro conducted to test tho
! r1uo of potash as against gypsum.
Both sulphato and chlorite of pot
ash wcro used. At tho end of tho
Bcason results obtained strongly In
dicated that sulphur In land plaster
and potassium sulphato was most Im
portant In Increasing yields. This
explanation was suggested by Doctor
Jtotmer and Professor Tartar as n
.result of successful uso of other
tjtorms of sulphur In Southern Ore-
Jigbn tho samo scasou.
4lTTho uso of sulphur tho following
ycaV.nil .iiubseo,ttent years ha fur-
sulphur Is tho greatest limiting fac
tor in these soils where legumes such
as alfalfa are to bo grown.
Tho Deschutes Valley Investigations,
Pv 1018.
) Four fairly complete fcrtlllxcr ex
periments wcro conducted during tho
j past year and many additional fer
tilizer demonstrations wore carried
j ino
I' In theso trials sulphur caused the
Miaest marked gain in tho yield or
alfalfa. The average gain from all
representative trials was about IV
tons an acre. This was generally n
larger Increase than was obtained by
gypsum. The sulphur treatment may
bo expected to glvo more lasting re
sults. Since It is posslblo that sul
phur may have a stimulating effect
upon tho soil, il Is strongly urged
that In order to maintain the fertility
jtie crops produced bo fed out on
fho land or tho manure returned to
the soil.
, Sulphur is especially Important
for legumes such as alfalfa, clover,
vetch, peas and beans and tho cab
bago family. Redmond domonstra
Jftion farm soil contains 646 pounds
'rigt sulphur in the plowed surface
I$f Inches), or sufficient to meet
to requirements of heavy crops of
alfalfa for buU.20 years. The In
creased yields obtained from the ap
Implication of sulphur indicate that It
Ktij a limiting element for certain of
four soils in tho arid and semi-arid
'.Sections of the state for crops like
'Jilfaifa. Sulphur may be applied as
, powdered sulphur dr calcium sul
phate or gypsum. It is also present
' In superphosphate and in barnyard
' manure. Gypsum contains about 18
j pounds of sulphur to the hundred
". pounds and acts promptly, as sul- warmer.
phur must bo In sulphate form to bo
used by plants. Powdorod sulphur
acts moro slowly, but Its beneficial
effect has been obsorved tho fourth
yenr nftor Its application. Supor
phosphnto contains phosphorus, sul
phur and lime. Potassium sulphato
contains potassium and sulphur. It
appears to bo good practlco to apply
CO to SO pounds of sulphur an aero
to tho Deschutes valley soil onco In
tho rotation or onco In every four or
flro years. Tho application should
bo mado on alfalfa or other legume.
Ono hundred and fifty or 200 pounds
of land plaster onco In two or throo
years could bo substituted for sul
phur on legumes. Tho uso of sul
phur on sour soil or on crops other
than lagumes Is not past tho experi
mental stago In Oregon. 4
i Nltrogon Is often tho most Import
ant element for Deschutes soils 'and
crops. It is used in largo quantities
by most crops. Tho cheapest source
of nitrogen Is the legumes which
both securo their own nltrogon from
tho air and leave a largo amount In
tho soil for succeeding crops. Tho
uso of rotation and manure, with
legutno sod plowed under every tour
or Ave years, or with nlfnlta plowed
In after five or six years, should In
crease tho supply of this valuable
plant food.
Potash and phosphorus In tho Do
schutcs valley soils Is about average
Certain crops llko potatoes, clover
or root crops mako heavy domanda
upon potassium, and nt normal prices
this fertilizer has boon used with a
good margin of profit In Deschutes
valley experiments. Since war con
ditions havo mado, the prico of potash
prohibitive, the uso of wood ashes
and manure must, at present, bo do
pended upon to help maintain un
available supply of this clement.
Phosphorus is used by plants in
much smaller quantities than nitro
gen, but is often a very Important
limiting element in soils. Tho uso
of phoephorus has caused increased
yields in Deschutes county soils but
this may be partly duo to tho sulphur
contained In the superphosphate.
Eventually some phospate may have
to bo used to supplement or balance
manure In maintaining fertility.
Organic matter Is probably tho
greatest need of Deschutes soils. Tho
source of this material Is stable man
ure, straw and legume sod, or roots
and leaves of plants. This material
has many beneficial effects in the
soil. Decauso it Is spongy It in
creases the water capacity. It makes
the soil moro mellow and friable. It
darkens the soil and makes It
The decay of organic mat
tor Is nwk)olate't with fructtolty of
bonefiolnl BRctorlaanil tho liberation
of valuablo plant food from the or
ganic matter amf front thu mlnorul
parjtlclos of thu soil, "tilnco It l most
vnlunblo In tho active decaying form
organlo matter needs to bo often re
plenished. Irriffrttion KxperlnientM.
Tho main wntor variation trials
Indicate that for tho Benson ut hand
six to eight Inches 'depth of Irriga
tion on potatoes gnvo tho most profit
nblo returns. Fourtcon to 16 Inches
gnvo comparatively good returns on
grains and tho best rosulls weru ob
tained on the mondow with tho maxi
mum applications, Thu greatest
depth applied was two toot. It whs
a enso of mora wntor, moro hay. If
tho first cutting of nlflil&t om thai
William, place roqulreajijas' much,
frrfgalloa. as the .ecoiftfjjjthon SI)
incnes uepin or irrigation was ap
plied for tho Boason.
Kclntlon of fertility to Economic
Vmoh of Water,
In theso oxporlmonts wherever
tho fertilizer wbb effective, there was
a large Incroaso in the production of
dry mattor from tho name amount
of wator applied. This gave a do
cldodly bottor roturn per nrro foot
of wator. It Is entirely posslblo and
very desirable under Irrigation (o
build up tho water capacity uitd tho
avallablo fortuity of tho coll so as
to maintain a richer plant food sola-
The Sisters
Is Open
for Business
We Carry a Complete
Stock of Diamond
Tires aui Accessories
At Sam Wood's Ranch, 2 miles southwest of Redmond,
beginning at 1:30 P. M.
Black Percheron Hare, 10 years
Percheron Mare, 5 years old.
Percheron, 3 years old.
Percheron, 2 years old.
Percheron and Shire, 4 years old.
Yearling Colts.
pure bred Jersey Bulls.
Woodlawn Silky's Sultan, No.
158,429; 16 months old; a
splendid animal. Sired by
Adelaide's Sultan (123,005),
head of W. M. Ladd herd.
Dam, Chief Silky's Glow (341,
892). Sire, Melia Ann's King
7th (74,814). Dam Silky's Zo
loch (218,780), by Golden
Glow's Chief.
Woodlawn Silky Butterboy
(iq6,922), 9 months old. See
dam above. Sire, Annie's Sul
tan's Ladd (140,588), he by
Mermaid's Sultan Ladd (114,
737). Second prize winner,
senior yearling bull Washing
ton State Fair, 1913, and sec
ond prize winner, two-year-old
bull, same fair following year.
Dam, Chief's Annie by Golden
Glow Chief.
Woodlawn Penelope's Star, five
months old (registration ap
plied for), Dam by Penelope's
Second. Sired by Annie's Sul
tana's Ladd (140,558).
All the above bulls are extra fine
type and carry 25 per cent, of
Golden Glow's Chief's blood, who
is the sire of the world champion
Jersey cow Vive la France.
These fine young bulls were bred
arid owned by Sam M. Wood, Red
mond, Oregon.
All the above dams of these bulls
made over 400 pounds of fat at
two years old.
Sire and dams will be-on exhibit
at this sale.
An opportunity of- a lifetime to
buy a bull of the best blood strain
in the world.
The herd was recently tested for
tuberculosis by the state veterin
arian and found one of the clean
est herds in the state.
14-disk Superiotf.Drill, new.
new Dain Mowing Machine,
new John Deere Rake. 10-foot,
four-horse Disk, 18-inch, new.
Campbell Packer.
60-tooth steel Drag Harrpw and
riding attachment.
Walking Plows.
Sage Cutter. .
California Wagonu3xf,
Winona Wagon, good as new.
Hay Rake. ' .
Set of Double Harness.
150 Grain Sacks.
Various assorted small farm tools.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash on all sums of $10.00 and under, Over that amount
p. credit of 12 jmOnths will be .given on approved paper bearing 8 per cent interest
or a discount of 5 per cent for cash.
A. Ti FRAME & SAM M. WOOD, Owners
tlon nntl enable dry nmttor to bo pro
duced nt a moro economical wntor
cost. In otlior words, "tho rlolior tho
soup, tho loss rouulrod" by tho crop
per pound of food produced,
l'ut It lit 'TIIIO lIUMiKTIN."
istatIItllt (if th nwn.r.rtlll.
circulation, tie., required ly the Act nf Con
hiym in Aiimui hi, mi, or th nml iiullrtln
.weekly Kdiiiunl, jiulill.hrU weekly at lWit.l,
Orettuit, for Airll I, 10 1 P.
State uf Orrtton, County at Dwcliule. H.
llfor ni( n Nutnry l'ulll In mul fur th
tat ainl county afumald, Iwr.nnatlr iiparnl
Krol A. Woelllcn, who, IihvIiik been duly wnrn
cfonllnir tu law, ilcxxm and nya tint lie U
urn iiiuinw innimucr of tlio llcml llullctlii
(VrKly Klltlinl ami (hut tho following la.
to thi brat u( til. knowlnluu mul Mlrf, it
tru Utcm.nt ct th ownenhlp, mnK-
mviu (aim u iiauy wr. tn clrcuutlunl,
tc. ot the ftforrnftlil nubllAtLin fnp th il.i.
ihown In lh buv rniitlon. rrtulrl by tli
nci m nuini ii, inn. rmuMfeil In llon
441. IMII lJwihl)4lnmmion,'jirlnt.l on
th tvvrrwt vC tbV. tni. to-wlti ,i ,i
1. Tll U 4ntri n.l 'h'.Mitjm of lh
I'uoimw, imnnj manwiinK cunvr una bui
mi nunutti rt
iniUUhcr. The lUnd llulUtln. ll.nil. Ornon.
K.lltr. KoBrt W. wytr. lln.l. Ornron.
MsnaclAK Kdltor, KvWrt W. Hwyr. IknJ,
Orin. .
Hudnwi Mnrr. JthI A. VfnVn, IWnil,
1. That the own.r ri (aire nimn nl
tltlrrMMM of lnillvlilul ownf. or, If cor
(wrmtlon. nly lu nam and th namra and
atlitrtMrn of atacknoMrr ownlntf or holJIntf
1 prr fnt. or ntur of th total amount of
HoWrt W. Sawrr, lltwl, Ommn,
Krrd A. WmlAn. IUn.1, Omcon.
Hnrr N. KowUr, llnl. Urmon.
8. That th known UtmlholoVr. mrtMT
and other tccurlty liodlera owning or lioMlm
I HT rnt or more of total amount of linU,
moiliUN or Mhrr urltlc arei fit
re nonr. ao atate.)
4. That tha twn iaratfratirii nit atwiv.
tlvlnc th nam of Hi owners, tkh!dr
and curlty hodUn, It any, contain not only
inv iwi oi iiocanoMrra at tn annear utMin
thtf baoka of th rompany but aUo, In car
bcre the itockholdrr or acturltr holder a
rrara upon the Inoka of the company aa
Iriutre or In any other fiduciary relation, the
name of the iieraun or corporation for whom
uh U acllna-, U Klvent alto that the
aid two paraiuanh contain talrmenta etn
bracing amantrtull knowleda and teller
to the clrcumatancr and eondltlona under
whleh atoekholdera aiul MTtiflle lud.l. wlu.
do not appear upon th book, of the com.
pany aa trvutor. hold atock and eemrltln In
a. capacity other than that of a bona fid
owner I and thle alTanl haa no rrin to bv
lleve that any other twnon, ajmwlatlon or
Corporation haa anv inttrHi ill..! . In.
direct In the said atock, bond or other -curltla
than m atatrd by him.
ft. That th avwratf numlir of etuAma f
nth Imu ot thl publication ld or dU.
tributed throufh the nulla or otherwise, to
pakl aubMrlbera durln the alt month pre
cnllne the dat ikoon above I . (Thl.
ewf ,
Do It NowWour Spring
Khaki Pauls I mLJiM to $2.05- .
Worlc PantK :--$2.40 and $2,75
Dress Pants !-- $4.7ff
Work Shirts .- -85o and $1,110
Fibre Silk Wash Tics --50c
,vr:.- CAPS
In Checks, Khaki and Seines ...$1.00, $1.50, $1.75
Outdoor Riding Suits'for Men. Riding Habits for
for Ladies. Material of Khaki $0.50 '
Men's and Boys' Suits, $6.00 to $18.00
Men's Light Wigkt.CrviMt To Cotti, $12.00
Cotton Sox, in Mucks and browns 15c
Lisle Hosiery 25c
Loven & Chinlund
Information U nqulrrd from dally pullka. day of March, III. "
liona only.) t (Ural,) J. A. V.AHTKfl
r'KKn A. WOKI.KI.KN. I Notary Public for Urraon.
Wwnrn In and uhefH I tfof m thl th ly nnnnS etplrr J.mi.rr toih, I HO.
NO. 2
&&&1& JLJx: cr
.!- J
Ono of tho odora of uprltu: Ih llmt
ot froah paint, Hh rook porvadaH
Wuithlnuton. To nomo porHons It Ih
an odor of tio appaallni; fruKrnnco,
but tho itcont carrlcn with It tho
whin of proKreus. Tho Hprlnt; Cloun
Up and I'ulnt Up campulKn lit In full
hwIiib. An onthuslantlo dialor lu
paint and ullled tlilncs In quoted In
tho nows colunuiH tin HaylnR that
tho peoplo ot WuHliltiKton hociji to bo
on u rcKular uprco ot pulutliir and
decorutns." A chronlclor of tho
nown.Hnys that "novor boforo haa bo
much palntlnK bcon In progrona ul
ono tlmo an at tho prcnont, and
pttlntara im well uh doators In pulnt
Ituqr mntorlala and nuppllcs say that u
moro Konoral effort Is bolni mudo
this fa-prlng to mako tho national
capital u HpotloHs town than over
JIoii havo not nocded to bo told
that a frcHh drcHs of paint may mako
an old hoiiHO look now and that a
now liouno with n worn and shabby
coat of paint may look old. It Ih
also truo that tho propor application
of paint may koop a now Iiouho from
Rotting old. All mou know thin, but
not all mon kIvo practical application
to the knowledge.
It la to bo notod that whon a man
becomes enough Intoreated In n Iiouho
to treat (t to a ood painting his In
terest will probably oxtond to'
straightening up tho porch, stopping
tho leaks In tho roof, pointing up tho
chimneys, renowlng worn-out shut
ters, doors mid windows, putting In
a now bourd where tho flooring has
become too old, nnd porhaps ho may
glvo Joy to hlH wlfo by ordering In
tho paperhnuger to help j-ostom tho
bouse to ItH former stato ot coolness
and comfort.
With fhoso germs of household
betterment stirring within him, he
will also probably got busy with tho
gurdou. Itoofgod gross will bo
cropped and tho bare places Mn tho
luwu will turn groon. Flowors will
begin to bloom, and tho trout fence
and gato wljl bo mended, Tho homo
will bo happier and moro valuablo.
Neighbors will become Infected with
the suggestion and will go to work,
Tho whnla nalEhborllOod will take
onVan uspeptiBttthrUt.'aud, Pi'WW
Get after that marred floor with, a
can of r
? ffiflnNi
i mmSmm Ii
and those ceilings need a coat of
Kalsomine. ''''
i- 4
We have an Acme Qyality Guide
Book which tells you the required
amount and- how;to .use Acme
Quality Paints.
v MMJ H.4 th"w, y-wty A
4- NrMiV k m, '
Two U. S. Cream 5partor--.Chj,.
$ One $1)7.50 Sepnrotor. slinlitlv u.nnrl. imrfmin
' " ' "'"ti U
$ wr cash $40.00
$ " " Jl ' a
One Separator, new $10ofoo machine, late moil- I
$ e1' fort;ush :......?5.oo
iimmMM co