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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1919)
IIKND nUMiKTItf, IIKND, OREGON, TlflRHDAV, APRIL 10, 11)10 TAGK 8 HARNESSa-BRIDLES, g gC I Ik I jT BIG LINE OF AU- COLLARiSWEAT ll TOMOBILETIRE PADS, WHIPS, BITS, B kvJi B iigisADDLERi " 'VWBI - ACCESSORIES & HARDWARE, PACK " 1 IT f SUPPLIES AT BIG TSf I II I I ' PRESENT DAY MAKERS' MACHIN- m W J eOoojXetc V- PRICE SACRIFICE Every Article Goes at Cost-Regardless of Present Cost Prices! HARNESS, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Etc. 7 Sets of Knrm Harness. 20 Horse Collars. 12 Dozen Uiikkj' Whips. 20 Dozen Sweat Pads. 7 Hiding llridles. Halters, Combs, Etc. 8 Cinches. 2 Dozen Heavy Horse Collars. 1 Dozen Light Halters. 8 Colt Halters. tt Cow Halters. 2 Dozen Curry Combs. 1 Dozen Horse Brushes. 2 Sets Bucking Kolls. 1 Ilorsct Blanket. Hossettcs. 2 Dozen Hat Bands. Complete Set of Sad dlers' Hardware, Rings Snaps, Loops, Sockets, Buckles, Etc. Several Sides of Good Quality Leather and Leather Scraps. Four Pack Saddles outfit complete with out bag. TIRES & TUBES MICHELIN W ttOxU and 84x4 nnd Intermediate Sires MICHELIN TIRES .40 ilOx.'i and HOtfi 1-2 and Intermediate SIzch MICHELIN TUBES Office Supplies One Victor Safe. One Roll Top Desk. One Swivel Chair. One Oliver Typewriter. One Check Writer. AUTO SUPPLIES. Foot Warmers Poison Blow Out Patches. 9 Auto Folding Water Buckets. Big Stock of Automo bile Supplies and Ac cessories, all at cost at time purchased. Many-pre-war cut prices. All Goods at Cost, re gardless oftiineof purchase. CW.THORNTHWAITE BEND, OREGON Stock All In Good AUTO Trimmings, Top Materials and Curtains. Two Cruisers' Pack Sacks. Three Sets of Ford Seat Covers. Riding and Driving Bits, California Spurs. One Store Awning 24 feet by 9 feet. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Monday' Daily.) Charles Pnrtln of Hummer Lnkc was n wook-nd rlirflor In thu ttty. (Mrs. W. C. Cooper hna bought the A. 0. Powell resldenco on Aubrey road. W. B. Deguu ntifl a. II. Dinning on In Hon today from their homos lit Ln Plnti, city School Suporlntondont R. W. Mooro has roturnull trom u tVJp to Spokane. AMHlHlnnt VorvHt .Supervisor Tin- cunt Ih confined lo hli liomu w'Uliu severe nlUoic ol nuirupn. tyorgo C. Dent nrrlvml In llond thlH morning from Hiinla Crtu.'Cal., anil will looutii liuru. Mr. mill .airs. Lowls Sooley of 'Clilco, CnU formerly of thin .city, u ro thu pamita of u buby boy, 'bwtn lA,sTBWook, J. 0. llRmpoal of IVnHti Wlln nrrlvoil In Bund yosttmluy to lok nftor properly intercuts In tlila iwc-lion. II, HckHtrmu mill I. Warrington t)f tliln city hate jiiirclinmill thu Internal .of Tom Carton In tlio Wurclrrotn: Mr. Eckstrom jtwontly htcumu Mr. ((Virion's purtawr tin 'tlio 'IiihiIiiohs. ' Mm, lluxat Xiw-clay returned Oil. niWrnlng from Situ Francisco, whore m)io ling boon vlrfitlng for tbo punt two wookn with ntlntlvoH. ;fcho Iiuh irHiimod Itor foraitr poultlim ut thu 'Cozy hotel, II, A. Oosnoy returned this miorn ntntcd that bin community will easily aupply itn quota of edible for tho much dinner to bo given on the second duy of thu contention. (From Friday's Dally.) John Hyan wait In last night tram IiIh rnncti nour Ilcnd. II. N. Aldrlch of Silver Uiku Is spending tbo week In llond. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnrod Mooro, tftllcd- niotnl, were visitors In illoiiQ lust nlKht. Mm. W, K. DnrauO -wim II n 3luml yesterday Iroaj Arlluutnn im :probuto business. Denton O. Rurdlck mill TMax Cun ning of Redmond upent yoKtitrduy In llond attending to luzul -mnttuni, F. Tnunclier, oTrttelloyHUuid OlrU Aid Koclotrof Portland U In llond to dny, looking upwaav of (huwurds of tbo society . Mr. an4 Mra. OrorRo iftny, Mru. William Stanton nnd Atra. Ouorfio Wlloy arrttod In Bend luatiiilitlit from l'rlnovlllo. Circuit Judg T. Tl, J. HDutfuy will bo In llond tomorrow to benr inntlons and domurrura, su9 to rniiC tthu idoo kot for tlio torm af circuit court to bogln next week. Mra. A. II. MvCallum urrlrod from Portland yesterday ra or nine to join l hor htiBbaud who recently purchtiaod Lctn Intoroat In tho Uolden lUilo.Htoro. Mlaa Flora Gutcbcll, who la em ployed In tho Warner aloro, 1u 'boon IH at hor homo for the last weak, Mlus Qutcholl's place la boluz tikun Iiik aitor HponilliiB tho hint two b' M8H Irono CoRawell. mouths In Portland, tul ,wlll .rniimo iHnddon Elliott, recently of tko ISh Hip, nuiBiiKoinont of tho barber tibop Jutho Ihilou club, Mm. Gosnoy timi lOhlldren will romnln In S'ortlund nn it 1 1 tho end of tbo HprliiR ncliool tw.w. (Frow Baturduy's Dally N, J, Morrison nnd Jnmea MclSwon fiio In Dond from llumptoa today. jr. 0. Tlionwfl of Lower UrlilKO Is In llond today lookliiK after bust jiohs mnttroH, )&4)ie JlnlBtOB or Torrobonno Is vltliiK with frlooda lu llond over tho week unci. Mr. and Mra. Loo Doudlah hnvo Konu to Portland, whoro thoy will spond tho next two weeks, Mr. and Mra. Pouglna 0. McCuJs ton nnd smnll son, Clifton, loavo to morrow for Memphis, Tonnessoo, to visit for aoveral months with rola 'tlyes. F. D. naughman of Doachutes waa In iDond yesterday conferring with the local commltoe In charga of tfto arrangements for tho atook fHUta' coarenttoa. Mr. BUSlJ Hold artillery, pnsHCd through llond yoatiday on bin way to his homo In llurni. Wbllo In Dond be vlsltoA Ir, nnd .Mra. H. M. Jlorton, JIUKh friiompBon, son of Mr. and Mra, B. ,M, ThompHon or thin city, will rot um to llond In tho near fu turo from Bugono, wboro ho has tHjen nttonilns tho Htnto university, nnd will uoQopt n position In tho of floa of Luu A. '.Tliomna, W. II, Salt, Mlnto ngont for tho Cali fornia Life IiiHiii'tinco compnuy, Is In llond conferring with tho local ropre- sontatlve of tho oojnpuny, J, II. An derson, During Ms stay horo Mr, Salt mentioned u uiilUou dollar pol icy recently taken out by Charlos B. Vlrdon of Sacramento an probably tho largost evor Issued on tho Pacific const. (From Thursday's Dally.) Miss .Murgarot Wlnnflehl of Torre- bouno Is a visitor In Bend today, 0, it. Johnson and O, V, Gray are Ih rogi PrlaeYllle today, W. M. Knickerbocker left last nlfiht for his homo In Gist uftcr spending ytiordny In Dond. Tho Owl IDtuk company Is open ing Its soda 'fountain for tho year'n business. Dr. Grunt Sklnnor of Hermlston, hna nrrired In Dond and oxpects to opon a I'dontal offlco In tho near future. Coualy Commissioners C. II. Mll lor ol 3tedmond, nnd 8otb Stookoy arc In Ulonil 'for tbo regular session of the county court. Tht following 'morchnnta nro hat ing ttrolr display windows roflnlshed: Mamftielmer Ilros., tho Dend Hard- wnnxompnny nnd M. P. Cashman. "Mra. Vernon Forbes reports that thu 3lond Chapter of tho Itcd Crow holpnl 100 soldlors, sailors and mar IiichUo obtain tho ?G0 bonus, 'C. P. Nlswonger has returned-to Dond 'from Tho Dulles, wboro ho nt tondetl tho funeral of his father, M. Nlswonger, Tuesday, iy .'AnUerson loft Tucsdny night for Bugcno to ontor tho University of Oregon. Ho has boon employed ut In Dend at Tbo Shevllu-IIIxou Com Jiuny tutlleo. Tho Noedlecraft club will moot on Krldny ml turuoon at tho homo of Mrs. B. D. Coyner. All mombors nro re questor to Ibo present nnd to bring thotr tltfkuta for tho quilt drawing. Forest .Supervisor N, O. Jacobsou, Aiid Jack Unrton, nccompaulod by tholr wivoa left this morning by nuto on a trip to Shnnlko, Antelope mid Muupln, to look up n numbor of sheep mon-wiio nro asking pormlts to uso tho nntlonnl torost run go. Mr. uaA Hn. WiUtor May woro In llond yesterday from Gist, Mr, May transacting business with tho county court. Ho was formerly In chnrgo of tho road work In this section nt the tlmo that II. C. 32111s was Judgo of old Crook county. W. 0. Ilndley, deputyUs(rlct gamo wnrdou, arrived In llond this morn ing from The Dalles. Ht inspected tho now Tumnlo Abu butchery this nftornoon nnd on hla departure will go to Portland on business conneotod with tho proposed Deschutes river flshways. CUuW.ftt drMliine chars. Prr blue 10 crnU for SO wonU or Iru. On crnt per word far nil nrrr SO- All rluilAnl iJvrrtUlnir trksty 4h In 'Jrnc TO TRADE OR SXCHAKGK. FOR 8ALB. T11KV HIT TUB SPOT, D. MoMlllInu, Volunteer Flremans Homo, Hudson, N. Y writes: Foley kldnoy pills nro Uko n stream of water playod on flro by flronion.Thoy hit tho spot, put out tho tiro nnd drown the pain," Foley kldnoy pills rolleve rheumatism, backache, sore muscles and other symptoms of the kldnoy and bladder trouble, Sold yfrywfaere. Adv. FOR SA1JE One 19-month-oId Dur- hra bull. FIno animal. Prlco ?1G0. F. A. Shonquost, Dond, Ore. 33-C-9C FOR SALE W NW U . NE U NW U Sec. 16. township 25, rttngo 12 cast, lu TaKo county. Estimated nearly 2 million feot of timber "Write owner, Warren Smith, Red- siuud, Oregon, 14-6tfc FOR SALE Irrigated farm, 1G0 acres. 125 ncres undor cultivation; 100' ncroa In crops. Good water right. 30 per ncro with crop, S2C per ncro without crop. Long tlmo on 2C0O. Phono F. G. Powors, Tnnmlo, 'Oro. 08-5-Cp FOR SALE Swcot clover soed. L. A. 3lntndonburtg, Deschutes. Rural S2. 94-5-6p. FOR SALE Seed rye, northwest ol Ueud, 15 miles, 12 tons at $50 per ton sacked. S55 nor ton In small Jots. F. W. Levorenz. Tumnlo as-tHi'ji. FOR SAlIiE. One 6-room, ono -room jnd tour 3 -room houses In Mill addition on Gilchrist avenue. John -Stelnkanii), Dox 19G, Dend, OregBii. 91-5-7p FOR SALE Rlack team or mares, weight 3000 pounds. Ono 4 vours old, ono G years old. Inquire of uoorKe c. 'rruesuale, Powell Dutte, Oregon, 92-5-Sn FOR SALE. ,On account of bIcIuicbs nil my holdings in Dond nt original price. Hippodrome. American Dnkory, 3 lota, hduso In Park addi tion. Also 1G0 ncres on tho Des chutes rlrer. Inqulro 0. "W. Shrlnor. 3S.4tr FOR SALE Two room house nnd ono of best garden lots In city of llond. Soil deon nnd wull fori II. Izod. Worth $450 but will sacri fice for $326, ?126 down, balance terms. Address box 720, Dond, tor nppotutmont. it FOR SALE aeorgo Taylor, Dond, Oregon, hna all kinds ot young Til lamook calves. Call Red 1341 or wnto uox us ror Information. 29-3-6p FOR SALE Snrlnir rvo for Into hoi1. lug. P. A, Dovora & Son, Tumnlo, Orogon. 15-3-tfo FOR SALE Genulno spring rye de livered In Dond. P. A. Ilnvnr mwl Son, Tumnlo, Orogon. 60-2tr i'uu HAUKn you wnnt tho highest prlco for your goods, write mo. Rlchnrd Richardson, auctioneer, goneral delivery, Dond, Oro. Farm sales a specialty. G9-52-09p FOR SALB Good grain drill, 10 hosa Roderick Leau, 50. Frank Lemay, near Orange Hall, norths ast of Betid, 84-49-t3p TO TRADE 1917 Chevrolet, good condition and good tires, for good milch cows or hogs. Address Bul letin. 21-5-7c TO TRADE Two thoroughbred bel glan does, and one FlemUh doe. will trade for laying hens. Young stock for sale. Dox 72G, Dend. H WANTED. WANTED Young girl or woman for iigui Housework. No- washing. Phono or write Mrs. P. A. Devers, Tumnlo, Ore. 4G-6tfc WANTED Wo wUI call anywhere, ntlv nlni.n n.. .1 v. . t .. ,..uwu, .u IIU1V, IU IUOK Ul your used furniture. Let as know what you hnvo. We pay cash. Tho Standard Furnlturo Co. 97-49tfc FOR RENT. FOR RENT SO acres Irrigated form. 3 miles from Dend; 40 acres In, cultivation, some in alfalfa. Wrlto or see Otto Olson, 69 McKay Ave., Dend, Ore. ll,98-9p LOST. I LOST Whlto colllo dog. Drown ears. rinuer pieaso pnono Mr. Shon quest. Rural 32. Put it In "THE RULLKTIN." Tut it in "THE BULLETIN." ELKS, ATTENTION! All Elks in Central Oregon, especially those lo cated in DESCHUTES, CROOK and JEFFERSON counties, are hereby summoned to appear in BEND, Oregon APRIL 21 ; to attend a special meeting: and banquet given for.' the purpose of perfecting plans for the organiza tion of a lodge of Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks IN BEND 1 FILL IN THE SPACES BELOW AND MAIL COUPON TO ADDRESS BELOW if you cariJme. K Name .:...:' - f' Address !V.. .".L'...! .'. Mail this coupon to W- C. COOPER, Bend, Oregon