DICNI) BULLETIN, IJKND, OREGON, TIIUKHDAY, APRIL- (I, 1010 FAGHA r TAe Essentials of Silo Construction (Continued from Lnnt Issue.) I lly It. A. Ward. Lost week wo dlncusnod a fow of tho mnln polntN to bo considered In liullillnfc ft nllo and flnlnliod up with 4n tnbln allowing tho size nllo required for tho vnrloun Blind herds. Thin wcok wo will ho raoro spec ific nnd mention cortuln polntn of construction which renulro special thouRht nnd nttantlon. FOUNDATION. It In n prstty good rulo to rIvo tho foundation of nny building apodal consideration, nnd the same rulo applied In bulldlnR h alio, slnco n larito part of tho bIIuko iib woll on tho weight of tho walla inuit ha supported by tho founda tion. Tho foundation nhould hnvo tin liana In firm noil and It nhould ex tend holow tho front lino. From 3 to i foot holow tho nurfaco of tho jwound In ndvlnublo In tho north Western stales. Tho dlinonnloiiM of tho foundation dopnnd chlofly upon tho character of tho noil and tho nlzn of tho nllo. In loono nolln tho bono of tho foundation taunt bo wldor than In clny nolln, no nn to provont tho walln from cracking nnd Rotting out of tilinpo. Tho width of tho bono varies from ton to 30 Inchon, dopond fiiK upon tho coudltlonn inuntlouod. KLOOH. Under clny noil coudl tolnn, .whero tho varth In oxcoptlon nlly firm, no npoclal floor "h needed, whore thoro In dungor of neopngo In to tho nllo, a concroto floor nhould bo put In. Thin nhould ntno bo dono of tho noil U Tory gravelly or loono. A cement floor makes tho nllo cantor to clean nnd will provont rodnntn from burrowing beneuth tho founda tion wall, thun gaining entrance to tho nllo. A tllu drain In tho contor of tho nllo, that enn bo ntopped with it wooden plug when tho nllo In filled .and kept open whou tho nllo In empty In ndvlnnblu. HOOK. In traveling through u nllo country ouo neon ninny nllon wirti out roofn. While n roof In not ossein tlal to tho keeping of ntlage, thoro nro navrnl reanonn why ovary nllo nhould hnvo ono. A root addn great ly to tho apponrnnco of a nllo; It snakes tho removnl of tho nllngo moro agreeable under ndvorno weather cou dltlonn, and It addn nubility to tho building. Thoro nhould bo a door In tho roof largo enough to ndmlt tho blower from Uiacuttor. BOOKS.- In tho pant a largo part of tho weakness In nllo conntructlon 1ms boon duo to tho doom. Poorly wmoeys rSGLEYS I 'VXIIW in its air -'tifiht I Ajljf sealed package. I 'if I A dy that te I jjL fl0. worthy of your I !fl- lasting regard I IE Uj because of its I tJ V lasting quality I Three flavors to I I suit all tastes. I Be SURE to get I I WRIGLEYS I ! I Sealed Tight MLbfa. wP$J I Flavor Lasts Jfe4ir tnndo doom hnvo nomotlmcn caunod tho nllo to crack opon and nprond. It In thorn faro noconnary to noo that tho ntructuro In woll roonforcod nonr tho doom. Tho doom nhould form a porfoctly airtight Joint with tho frnmo nnd nhould bo flunh with tho Inner wall of tho nllo no that nlr poo ketn will not form nn tho nllngo not lien, Doom nhould bo largo enough to permit tho oany ontranco of n man and nhould bo near enough together no that tho nllngo will not hnvo to bo lifted nny cunnldornblo height to romova It. Tho unual nlto In about 20 Inchon wldo nnd 30 Inchon high and tho npaca between tho doom In from ZVt to 3 foot. Tho lowent of tho doom nhould not bo moro than R feat nbovo tho bottom of tho nllo, Contlnuoun doom nro moro conven ient to tho removal of nllugo. OIIUTK. A chuto nhould bo built on nil nbovo ground nllon an without It there In a great wanto of nllngo Hllngo would bo ncattorod ovor con nlderablo npneo by throwing It down from tho top of a nllo without n chuto, especially during windy cou dltlonn. A ladder nhould bo attached to tho nllo at ono nldo of tho doom or In tho chuto, Sometimes tho re inforcing rodn of tho contlnuoun door or tho hoopn may bo uncd an a ladder. Concrete and lirlck nllon hnvo tho ndvantago over other typon In per manency, ntablllty and fire proof qualltlcn. Tho principal objection to ho concroto nllo In Itn first cost. A woll conntructed concroto or brick nllo will hint many yonra, an thoro In no danger of Itn being blown down, rotting down, bo burned or attacked with vermin. l'"or tho mnn who wuntn n nllo to hint, for n number of yearn nnd who can got tho material thin kind of nllo wilt glvn nntlnfac lion becuuno tho cxpouso of repairs Isprnctlcally nothing nnd very llttto attention In required to cop It In good condition. Tho wooden hoop nllo require nomowhnt loin matorlal than other types of wooden nllon and In ono of tho bent of wooden ntructuro. Tho hoopn nro built up by novarnl thick nennen of Vt by 4 Inch board nailed together. Tho ntven nro nailed to each hoop with two nulln, thun form ing a rigid conntructlon. Flooring In uncd for ntavcfi and can bo bought lo cally In nnw mill towns. Thin In a choap durable nllo, with many good features. Stnvo nllon nro popular bocauno of tho oano, clioapuenH nnd quIckncHii with which they nro conHtructed, Manufacturing concurtui hnvo mndo a specialty of nlavo hIIoh nnd hnvo pushed their nolo, An n coiiHepuonco nuch nllon nro moro numoroun In tho United States today thnii othor types, Tho llfo of ntnvo hIIom incann from eight to fifteen yearn, dopondlnR up on tho kind and quality of lumber unod, tho caro takon In their con ntructlon and tho climate. Thoy aro usually regarded nn moro or lenn temporary structures. Tho modified Wisconsin typo, or tho wooden hoop nllo In a nubnlan tlal ntructuro that In not liable to blow down or to got out of rojmlr by drying. In thin typo ntuddlng fn net up and tho sheeting In bont around on tho Inside. Thin caunon tho nllo to havo tin unflnlnhod appoaranco. It In difficult to build a modified Win- cousin nllo lenn than H feet in diam eter, on account of tho bonding of tho sheeting. Othor typ.es of abovo ground nllon aro tho Uulor and tho hollow tllo. Tho conntructlon of tho Outer In nlmllnr to tho modified Wisconsin, tho main dlfforonco being that tho Inner lining of wood In tho Wiscon sin In replaced In tho Oulor h n coat lug of lath and cement planter. Tho hollow tllo nllo In conntructed of tllo blocks, re-enforced with nteol. It In apparently n durnblo and substan tia! ntructuro, nnd tho air npoco pro vides noma protection against freez ing, However It lias' only been In use a fow yearn and It In difficult to tell how It will compare with othor typen. Tho cost In tho pnnt ban been almost prohibitive to nil but tho well to do or wealthy farmers. TUMALO BOY IS TAKEN TO SALEM I'ourtcoti-Yonr-Old llnf.ll Hal ley Rc- lurniNl to Oregon Htato Training Hcliool. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Ills parolo rovoked by Juvenile Court Judge W. D. llarnes, H-yoar old llnsll Ilallcy of Tumalo, left yes terday for Salem In tho custody of no officer from tho State Training nchool for boys. Tom Collier, also of Tumalo, who with young Dnlloy hnd confessed to robbing tho general ntoro nt Tumalo, was paroled by J. M. Griffin, deputy ahorlff In that section. Tho Ilalley boy had provlounly been an Inmato of tho training nchool but bad boon nont back to bin homo under promise of good behavior. FORMER BEND MAN - CALLED BY DEATH M. NNwongor, Knrly Pom ill Huttc I'ontiiuuitcr, Panne at Homo In Tho Dalle Immoral Tomorrow. (From Monday's Dally.) C. P. Nlswongor of thin city was called to Tho Dalles Saturday night by nowa of tho death of his father, M. Nlswongor, formorly of Dend, who ban boon lit for several months past, Mr. Nlswongor was born in Ohio 70 yenrs ago, but had lived In the northwest for yean, leaving his homo In Michigan to resldo In Dixie, Wash ington, In J902. In 1004 ho moved to Oregon, and wan postmaster1 nnd proprlotor of tho Powol Dutto ntngo station for novornl years. After Bell ing out, ho moved to llond, and ro sldod hero until n year ago, when ho left to innko his homo in Tho Dnllos. Four yeilrn ago Mr. and Mm. Nlswongor eelobrated their golden wedding. Surviving him nro bis wife nnd a daughter nnd threo sons, Mm. Nettlo I.ninpa or Tho Dalles, Kliuer N. Nlswongor of Tho Dallos, Dan N. Nlswongor of Walln Walla, Washing ton, and 0. P. Nlswongor of this city. Funornl sorvlcos will bo held to morrow morning from tho Crnndoll undertaking parlors In tho Wasco county soat.- REVENUE EXPERTS COMING TOMORROW John Mt Hooth, Deputy Collector, nnd E. O, ICiLsuiliiKcr, IiiHpcctor, to ISo In llond Four Days, (From Tucsdny'a Dally.) In n lottor rocolvod this morning from John M, Hooth, doputy collector of Internal rovouuo, Mr. Hooth states that hu will arrlvo In llond tomorrow morning, nccompnnlod by 10. C, Kno mtngor, internal rovouuo lnspoctor. From April 2 to G, inclusive, thoy will mnko their headquarters nt tho court houso for, tho purpose of as sisting corporations nud Individuals in making out Income tax rotums and giving such Information na may bb desired portalulug to lncomd nnd Bpoclal taxes, Something to eellT Advertlso In The Bulletin's classified opiums, WAR TROPHY TRAIN TO REACH BEND EARLY PORTLAND, March 31. Tho Northwest war trophy train, carry log 228 trophies of KQropoan battle fields during tho world war, will nr rivo In Dend at G:C0 o'clock Sunday morning, April 0, nnd will remain until ono hour before noon, giving ample tlmo for avery ono In Dend and tho surrounding country to viow tho exhibit. Other towns In Central Oregon at which tho special will atop on tho snnio day aro scheduled an follows: Kodmond, arrive 11:50 a. in., leave 12:10 p. m.; Culver, arrlvo 1:10 p. m-leavo 1:20 p. m.; Metollus, ar rlvo 1:35 p, m leavo 1:45 p, m.; Madras, arrlvo 2 p. m., leavo 2:30 p. m. Whorovcro tho U. 8. trophy ex hibits havo been shown tromendoun Interest has been aroused. Tho traJn is accompanied by llobcrt E. Smith, oxocutivo manngor of the Victory-liberty loan. Throughout tho entire stato trip, tho train will bo in charge of J. F. Daly, chairman, SCHOOL BONDS CARRY EASILY VOTK OK TO 7 CABT AT KK.V 1VOOI1 i:i,K(TION COXSTItUC- tio.v woitrc o.v ni:v uuii.dino wiiiii btaht soon. (From Monday's Dally.) Uy a voo of C9 to 7 tho election for tho floating of $28,000 school nchool district bonds carried easily Saturday evening nt tho Kenwood school. Practically all the voters woro from tho Kenwood sldo of tho river, nnd a number desired to vote Ju fnvor of the bonds, but wero not nllowcd to do so when It was found thoy were not taxpayers. Every effort will now bo mndo by tho school board to start construc tion work on tho now Kenwood school which tho bonds wero voted to flnanco with tho least possible delay. Tho old building Is still to bo removed, and as soon as plans and specifications for tho now school aro turned over to tho board by Architect Leo A. Thomas, a call for bids will bo made. Put It in THE IIULLETIX." CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES of highest standard aro mado of guaranteed Dctmcr Woolens . All Wool of Superior Quality Prices to Suit Your Pockctbook DICK, THE TAILOR Cleaning Pressing Alterations $2.00 By special nrrnngement we enn now ofler you n 1 Year' Subscription to The Bend Bulletin nnd n 1 Year Subscription to The Oregon Farmer for only $2.06 Thit ipccitl price (or both papcri it good only lot a ihoit lime. USE THIS ORDER HLANK The Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon. Enclosed find $2,00, foe which tend ma The Bend Bulletin and The Oiegon Farmer (or one year each. Name .................. ,....., Poiioffica ......................... State . SUNDAY, APRIL 6 and J. D, Whlpp, train auditor. It Is accompanied by JJort K. llanoy, U. B. district attornoy; Walter II. Evans, Judgo J. P. Kavannugh, O. W. Taylor, Arthur C. Sponcor and Frank Irvlno on tho first stage of Its Itin erary. Tho hoavy artlllory pieces included in tho exhibit and tho ordnanco and paraphernalia of war included in tho small exhibit will bo explained to visitors by soldiers who gained their knowledge on tho battleflolds of Franco. Tho Fronch mosquito tank Included In tho exhibit is shown by C. Clarence Likens, a Portland man who served with (ho "Tom Cats" on this typo of war machine. In his own experience, tho tank in which ho and his "Ruddle" woro sorvlns became mired In a shell holo In tho thick of tho fray. The two soldiers removed tho machlno gun to a van logo nearby, from which they used it effectively in cleaning "snipers' nests," and hln mato was killed at that point. WOULD HASTEN RECLAMATION WIKE 18 HBXT TO DIItnCTOK OF HERVICE TO AKCKKTAI.V WHEV KXPKIIT WIMi AIIKIVK TO MAKE I1KNHAM KAfjLH SURVEY (From Thursday's Dally.) '. To ascertain when a representa tive of tho U. S. reclamation service may bo expected to arrive in J3cnd to .start a geological seurvey of the Dcnham Falls reservoir site, T. II. Foley, president of tho Bend Com mercial club wired today to Direc tor Davis of the reclamation service in Washington, D. C. In earlier communications it has been Intimated that an expert from Washington would come to this district about tho first of tho present month but later it was learned through tho delegate sent to the na tional capital that tho ago of tho expert Bolccted mado it impossible for him to start work during bad weather. Secretary Lano requested that a younger man bo picked for tho Job in order to hasten tho prelim inary work for tho development of tho Deschutes irrigation project, but tho fact that no U. 8. Oeologlcal sur vey man has appeared hero indi cates that till? advice has been disregarded. PYTHIANS PLANNING HUGE INITIATION Grant! Officers to Attend In Prlnc- Tllle, Wlica Central OrfRon Lodge Will Present Candidates. (From Thursday's Daily.) Pythian lodges of Central Oregon will comblno on May 7 to Initiate ono of tho biggest classes ever admitted into tho first rank of tho order, the ceremonies to bo held In Prinevilte, It was announced hero today follow ing tho departure of Fred J. John son, grand chancellor, and Walter Qloason, grand keeper of records and seals, Tho two grand officers of tho Knights of Pythias will bo in charge of tho Initiation. Mr. Johnson and 'Mr. Glcason wero honored guests last night at tho mooting of the Bend Pythian lodgo, and gavo Interesting addresses on different phases of fratornallsm ex emplified in their order. Othor speeches woro given Ty local mem bers, nud toward tho latter part of tho ovonlng light refreshments woro served. Tho two grand officers will visit tho Madras lodgo tonight. DURHAM SIRES TO BE SENT TO LAKE (From Thursday's Daily.) Just as -soon as conditions on tho high desert nro fuvorablo, a bunch of 18 DUrham .bulls purchased by tho Central Oregon bank for tho Btock mon of Lako county will bo driven to Silver Lake, E. P. Mahnffoy of tho bank stated this rooming. Lako county bulls, it Is expected, will bo brought back to add to tho horda in this section. RID HER OF ALL HER PAIN. Mrs. L. Wavuo. 2736 3rd St., Ocean Park, Calif., writes: "I am thank ful to say Foley Kldnoy Pills rid mo of all my pain. I advise nnyono to try them after tho good thoy did mo," Backache, soro muscles, stiff or swollen Joints, rheumatlo pains aro inulcutioiiB of Kluney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills are sato. reliable. Sold ovory whero. Adv, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Thursday's Dally.) If. K.JI rooks Is in Portland today on a short business visit. An addition to tfi'o II. K. DroOks houso is being built. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Hudson loft last night for Portland to spond tho week end . George Sedgewlck and Max Cun ning of Itcdmond wero visitors In Bond this afternoon. City School Superintendent S. W. Mooro has moved from tho Caldwell houso to Newport avenuo. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Day aro re ceiving congratulations ovor tho ar rival of a seven-pound baby boy at their homo in this city. Thomas W. Triplott left last nlgkt for Springfield, Oregon, whero ho wai called by the serious illness of his brother, Carlysle. J. D. Miner took tho train last night for Portland. Ho will remain in tho Wills motto valley for several days to handlo a number of farm land deals. (From Friday's Dally.) Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Horton loft lost night for Portland. OIo Slmonson of Brothers Is trans acting business In the city today. J. V. Taylor camo In from Cenneloy this morning. J. II. Napier and James McCarthy camo In last night from Lakeviow. Eph Miller and C. J. Taylor of Paisloy aro spending tho day in Bond. Mrs. M. E. Houghton, state man ager of tho Fraternal Brothorhood, Is In Bend today on ono of her reg ular visits to tho local organization. Ash Houston, formorly employed by Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company, and crack inflcldcr on tho ball team repre senting the mill, returned to Bend today from Mare Island, whoro ho has been stationed with the marines August Krug, brother of Rcobort H. Krug, who wa "burned to death at his homo near Sisters a fow days ago, arrived in Bend this morning on business connected with tho estate. v Tho Pioneer Garage reports tho folowlng sales of automobiles. To A. J. Moore, new model 90 Willys Overland; to Frank A. Livingstone of Tho Shevlln-IIixOn Company, a Willys-Overland country club road ster model. "" Dr. and Mrs. It. W. ,Hendorshott will leave tomorrow night on a three months' trip east. Mrs. Hcndersbott will stop at Kansas City to visit rela tives, while Dr. Hendersbott will mako Chicago, New York and the Mayo Institute, whero he intends to do somo graduato work. (From Saturday's Daily.) II. S. Hamilton left last night for Portland on legal business; Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Turner, of this city, aro tho parents of a baby toy, born this afternoon. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minor died last night aiter an Illness of several weeks. Miss Lucille Snyder has left for vorvuuis 10 auenu mo uregon Agri cultural collego during tho spring term. . Dr. C. A. Fowler arrived In Bend last night from Portland, and will open an office In tho O'Kane build ing In tho near future. F. L. Young, of Paisley, and J. H. Napier, of Lakeviow, havo arrived in Bend, and will open an office in the near future under tho firm nnmo of Napior & Young. Announcements wore received hero today by friends of the marriage of Ellsworth Young and Mrs. Cora Alico Jones, formerly of this city, in Los Angeles. They will mnko their homo In California. i Miss Padden, a member of , tho mu sical comedy company which will ap pear at tho Liberty theater next week, is a niece of Mrs. F. M. Gasbar, of this city, and will visit at tho Gas bar homo during hor stay hero. Miss Padden was formerly with tho Baker Stock Company, of Portland. Sale of reserved seats for tho Ath letic club homo talent play, "What Happoned to Jones," will bo at tho club until Wednesday of next week, and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at tho Horton Drug compauy storo. (From Monday's Dally,) Tho infant son of Dr. and Mrs. Turner died yefttorday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Gnnt camo homo from Portland Sunday morning, W. O. Blrdsall loft Saturdny night for Portland to Join his wife and sou. R, S. Hamilton has returned to Bend from u business trip ' to Portland. H. C, O'Neil leaves tonight for Salem whoro ho Is Interested in ronl ostnte, Fred N, AVallnco is in Bond on business today from his homo at Tumalo. J. K, lrby, stato ngent, for.tjia Velio motor products was,.at"tha Pioneer gurago Saturday making arrangements for the local, agency. He left for his homo nt Rest, Oreoa Saturdny night.