The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 2

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'II' t ""
No. 6
Court Denlr Motion of Defcns
JP, JI. Dcnrcr Loscti Hull Agnlnxt
'X fT'ww ?770 Stricken from
" Gerirudo Jlnnkn Complaint.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Still working on schedule, tlmo,
tho Deschutes county circuit court
bogan till morn I nit tho second trial
orf Jnbo Warner, charged with lor-
cony ot n atoor from Tom Houston.
Tho Btcor In alleged to havo boon
stolon In December, 1017, und the
cano whh flnit tried In circuit court
1n tho April term a year ago, bolriff
roforrud buck for retrial by tho su
lroiua court on thn ground's thitt
a testimony In connoctlon with tho
brand found on tho ntcor's hldo had
been Improperly admitted,
4 Hocnusu of tho wide publicity given
tho affair during tho previous hear
ings, considerable tllffloulty was ex
perienced In securing n Jury, nud
when court adjourned nt noon 11
men hnd boon accepted and n special
vcnlru of tbrco hnd been ordorcd by
Judgo T. K. J. Duffy. Tho Htntc,
represented by Dlntrlct Attornoy A. J.
Mooro nnd N. G. Wallace of Prlne
vlllo, had excused ona on a poromp
tory chaltungo, tho defense, ropro
seated by Ross Farnhatn and W. P.
Miers, had retired nvo, vvhllo tho
court excused two who had nerved
recently nnd ono for cauio on motion
'of tho defense,
Acquittal Akrd.
' Tho Jury as finally completed con
slated of W. II. IL Williams; W. K,
lloguo, Walter Iluble, It. K. Grimes,
" A. M. McKlnloy, J. A. Marah, II. 0.
Fnrrls, W. I'. Gift, John Park, Oeorgo
McGregor, It. H. ranoni and Claudo
y. A. 'Howell; deputy sheriff ot
Crook county, who arretted jjhe da
fondant, was called as a will by
tho statu, and while ho was -$(111 on
tho stand Attornoy W. P. MyWe In
troduceU a motion asking tlrfjcourl
tj Instruct tho Jury for an aequlttnt.
5Jho motion was denied. "
I (Continual on Paga 8.)
i?s(5rom Monday! Dally.)
II.K. Koona ot Lakevlew bos' been
appointed county agricultural agent
for Deschutes county, to succeed It.
A. Ward, who resigned February 28,
und has reported for duty at the
farm bureau offico in Iledmond. Mr.
Koons has recently returned from
France,, where he ;fought y.llh tjio
OlsV division, nufforlnK a shnUorod
-leg in the ArKonno forest, in addition
,t being severely gassed, lloforo en
bring military service ho was super
intendent ot the Gooso Lake. Valloy
Irrigation company in J.ake-'county,
nnd in this capacity directed tho
lirpparatlon of largo tracts ot land
tor Irrigation, assisted in Inylng out
Irrigation aystems, construction of
hendKntoM, wiora and other devices.
Jfi !had porsoimi, Huporvlslon ot ex
perimental farms undor tho project
und did -some ot tho eorly vlnvestlga
tlonnl work In connoctlon with tho
uho ot sulphur on alfalfa.
Mr, Koons was rulsod on an Irrl
, jintod stock ranch In California, and
ucfod oh manager lor tho hom.o ranch
for uovoral hojihoiib before ontorlng
tho Oregon Agricultural college, from
wAlch Institution ho graduated in
91 G from tho courao in Irrigation
farming. Following graduation ho
passed ona uouboii In tho employ of
tho United States huroau of boIIh on
diity of water determinations in
northern California.
U iHHtatod by farm bureau ofnclula
that unusiinl attontlon will this year
bo given to determination ot water
ineasureuiorija fn Deaohutes county,
undjTMraugeBiants are being made
forTJta KfiX jo. jftwt immediately,
R. &( f-lYtt y
li'mnlc M. MorrfdoH ink Public Ao
'counting of CowimIlonV Hooka
letter Ono of Many IWnicIi
'. . fiifrC Governor Olcott.
(BpUI to Tht tlullttln.)
HAI.IOM, April 10. Challenging
tho Oregon Hportsmon's longuo for n
public accounting of tho books of
tho ntnto fish and gamo commission,
Frank M. Warren, who represents
tho commercial Ashing Interests on
tho commission, has written a letter
to Governor Olcott in which ho do
fends tho commission against charges
made in n recent public statement
ot tho sportsrnon'a league, flhould
tho chnllcngo bo accepted ho asks a
stipulation botweon himself and It.
W. Price, A. K. Downs nnd II. I).
Van Duzor of tho sportsmen's leaguo
that ho pay tho accountant person
ally if tho expert docs not, aftor his
examination, churgo tho gama fund
a larger per cent, of cbnts than tho
commission has already approrod,
thu memburn ot tho sportsrnon'a
Inaguo to pay tho accountant it tho
decision goes ngalnst them. "I as-
Kiiro you I am taking no risks when
I mnko that proposition," adds Mr.
Mr. Warren declares that ho would
Ilka to sea tho commission reorgan
ized by law to camprlso two gamo
men, two commercial men and tho
governor, tho law to stato definitely
that tho commercial men should have
nothing' to do with gamo matters or
tho gamo members with commercial
matters, though in matters of Joint
Interest both should act and tho
governor to have tho dooldlng voto
In casa of a tio. "To stop unneces
sary bickering," ho adds, "I would
welcome tho legislature determining
tho exact ihlorest ot commercial and
gamo in each variety ot fish and tho
rotativo amount each should pay for
tho propagation nnd protection ot
each variety."
Kndontrmrnts Many.
A Mr. Warren's stutomonta nro mado
In a lengthy lottorswhlch is nupplo
tiontar1 to ' tho iormal statomont
Usucd by State Gamo Warden Carl
D, Shoomnker in reply to tho charges
ot tho longuo. Tho two statements
aro part of a baleNot letters and tele
grams that havo reachod tho govern
or, somo of them endorsing and somo
not endorsing tho commission, but
most ot thorn upholding tho commis
sion. Tho communications nro from
all parts of the state.
"Frankly, I fool that the com
plaints which havo been (lied nro
about as false foolish nnd untou
nblo a lot of accusations as a ra
tional bunch of men could well havo
assembled," writes Mr. Warren,
"particularly so when you consider
that tho tocordn of thu. commission
nro opon nt all times to tho public
and that tho complalnunta hnd but
to havo taken a llttlo tlnitjor In
vestigation and explanation, It such
woro wanted, which would, I am
sum, hnvo complotoly disabused their
Mr, Warron Intlmntcs his bollof
that tho complalnnntB .nro a tow
"soro heads" who do not represent a
majority ot thn -mombora ot tho
Division HmnnHicurieri.
"It tho commercial Ashing inter
ests woro to bo consulted," ho con
tinues, 'T am auro they would wol
como a segrogntlou of tho two de
partments. For many years commer
cial ilshlng was so handled, nnd ns
a distinct department, throshod out
tho vital probloms vhlch confronted
tho IniluBtry in tho days whon it had
to moot tho conditions that wore
brought about by tho destruction ot
tho natural spawning bods nnd tho
UQCOsulty ot shifting to a hatchoryl
basis, Tho foundations laid in thOBo
oarly tlmos whon commorelal In
terests woro working nlono und
largely with private subscriptions
woro tho basis for tho successful sub-
uoquont work which has brought this
great industry, a mighty asset to Dip
utato, back from its low wator mark
of soma ono or two million odd dol
lars pt gross valuu to over sovun
millions ot total and still growing.
Ab an Industry it has oroatod not
only many millions of t,axablo prop
erty In its own plants and products,
(Continued oa Page 6.)
Tho tork lierrin summarized Is n
part of (ho Oregon mII nnd soli
vrnfw Investigation carried on co
operatively iKJtMevti Hitf tJi do-
pnrtmrnt of nirrlrutturu HtA the
mlU department of tho OrptfeH -Aflrl-
culturnl college experiment station.
DcHC-hutr county nnd local IntorestN
Joined in maintaining n field agent
during tlia past season, as indicated
In tlto financial statement appended.
Ily W. L. Powers and John Tuck,
O, A. V, Experiment Htation, in
Co-oiMrtion with IL A. Ward,
Former County Agent, DcNchutcfl
Tho wealth of Oregon rests largely
In her soil nnd water resources, and
her permanent prosperity depends
Inrgoly upon their intelligent devel
opment, utilization and preservation.
Holt survoy that consist of mapping
thu different soil typos form a basis
for soil analyses, feasibility reports,
of reclamation projects, wutor varia
tion trials, fertilizer experiments
nnd tho development ot a system of
soil management tor Increasing or
maintaining tho fortuity whllo nt tho
snmo tlma securing tho greatest not
profits por unit ot land and water.
Tho production of largo-crops is
based upon several factors, ona be
ing an abundance of avallablo plant
(!!jr Unltc.1 Proa to The IWnd WolUtln.)
WASHINGTON', D. C, April 8.
Tho United States bureau of crop
estimates has forecasted for 1910 a
whoat crop of 837,000,000 bushels,
an lncreaso of moro than 018,000,000
bushels ovor last year. Tho ryo crop
Is estimated at lCl.OeO.OOebushelar
as compared with approximately
80,000,000 Inst year.
It Is estimated that tho wheat
crop will lio tho ftrouteul In Uiejjls
tory of tho country. At. tho guaran
teed prlco of 12.20 a bushol, 837,
000,000 bushols will yield tho farm
ers of tho nation not lew' thanrl,
891,620,000. Only fioodaSnd dr,Mith
can spoil tho crop now, the depart
ment of agriculture states.
Tho farmer has dono his part with
grain conditions tho highest on rec
ord by planting tho largest acreago
over seeded In this country.
CHICAGO, April 8. Tho (govern
ment's estimates of a bumper wheat
crop will havo no Immediato effect,
on tho prlco ot broad, according to
grain exports. Tho prlco ot wheat,
thoy pointed out, has been sot for tho
year ahead, and the grain adminis
tration alone can regulnto or effect
any change in prices.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Acting on Instructions given at a
special road mooting Saturday night
which continued well Into sWday
morning, a commltteo composud ot
I., A. Hunt ot Lower llrldgo, E. K.
Hutlor ot tho Oraugo Hall district
und H. J. Overturf ot Itend will eorv
for Wodnoadny with R. S. Hamilton,
(From Wednesday's Dally.) -
Reports from a numbor ot Control
OroRon farmers Indlcato that whllo
farm labor Is moro plentiful thaicTnsi
year, it is still considerably bolow
tho usual roqulremoutB, Notwith
standing tho fact that much unem
ployment Is reported from tho larger
cities, thoro is still u shortugo ot help
In tho farming and livestock indus
tries. Tho demand for farm labor nil
ovor tho stato is loss than usuul,
howoyor, according to ndvlce(, re
ceived here? and tho lncreaso In tho
use ot tractors Is hold to bo lorgoly
reapoualbla -tor this,
food In tho soil. All agricultural
plants require 10 elements namely,
potassium, nltrogon, phosphorus,
MlcTttjinjj-agnesiufa; sulpfouiv fro'tf;
earBim, hy'ogon rfiid oxygen, Car
Ws WWW frota the air and thoro is
always an abundance. Hydrogen
and oxygen como from tho water In
the soil and whenever thoro Is suf
ficient molsturo there la an abund
ance. Small quantities only of Iron,
magnesium and calcium aro used by
plants, and our soils contain an
abundance of theso elements. Llmo
Is oseaslonnlly needed to correct
acidity on sour soils ot humid sec
tions. Tho elements which aro de
ficient In our soils aro nitrogen,
phosphorus, sulphur and sometimes
potassium. Tho supply, crop require
ments, and effects of application to
maintain or Increase tho amount of
theso elenonts, form an Important
part of the soli studies In Deschutes
county Theso studies, so far as poe
nlblefaro conducted under field con
ditions. Kxpcrlmonts to dotcrmlno tho eco
nomic duty of water consist in di
viding, fields of representative soli
and crop Into threo or moro parts of
sereral.acrcs each. The farmer then
Irrigates ono portion, using tho
Is occasionally needed to correct
ployod. A duty of the water field
agent Is to measure tho amount
used and to assist in applying to a
Mccosd portion about 40 per cent,
moro and to a third portion 40 per
cent, less, in order to dctormlno
whether moro or less water is desir
able A fourth portion Is often
treated with somo fertilizer or a dif
ferent aclhod of Irrigation In order
to tne&suro tho value ot somo promis
ing Improvement in irrigation farm
practice. Where water, acreage and
yields are measured theso trials glvo
good evidence as to tho most profit
able amount of Irrigation, since
numerous trials aro carried out with
the tit soils and crops under field
conditions. Measurements oHaoil,
rain and Irrigation water, and ot tho
dry matter produced mako It possible
to calculato the water cost per
pound f'drj,'aftt(rifl each coso.
Numerous -representative trials
should detormlriP, lb a 'few years, a
rea&onablcj-ilutypt water.
. PrwiousInvcittijfHUoHM.
Irrigation and fertiliser trials woro
conducted fn 1912 by tho O. A. C.
experiment, station on a demonstra
tion farm near Redmond. Soil
analyses obtained early that season
showed that tho sell ot tho locality
was high in lime, averago in phos
phorus, fair In potassium and rather
low in nitrogen and organic mnttor.
This was verified by subsequent
analyses in connection with tho
reconnaissance soil Burvoys for tho
U. S. reclamation service.
uhu ui mnu pmsiur vy mrniurs was
thought, atthat tlmo, to bo liberal-
(Continued on pago 4.)
elected to draw up a potltlon for a
county $125,000 road bond Issue.
This will be presented to tho county
court nt the noxt regular session.
Saturday night's meoting, at which
delegates from Jlend, Redmond,
Tumalo, Grango Hall, Slaters, Lower
Urldgo nnd tho Arnold district were
presont, waa held tor the purpose of
deciding what sums should bo asked
tor improvement ot market roads,
and ot The Dalles-California high
way. According to tho potltlon as
authorized, $00,000 will bo sot aside
ln-tlio bond Issue for the trunk high
way, whllo among other improve
ment Itoms listed aro tho following:
Hand to arnnga Hall and tho P. J.
Young ranch, 910,000; Torrobonno
to Crooked rlvor, $1500; Slstors to
Rodmond, 10,Q00; Slstera to Dond,
$15,000; Lowtr Drldgo to Tumalo,
$5000; Rodmond to Powoll Rutto,
$2000; from Dond on tup Rums road,
$2000; Doud to Alfalfa, $2000;
Lower Drldgo to Torrobonno, $5000;
rond northwout from Redmond,
$2000; Tumalo to Deschutes, $900;
Doschutes to tho Van Allen much,
$1500; Alfalfa to tho Crook county
lli.o. $1500; Rodmond to Doschutes,
$1000; Dond to Deschutes, $1000;
northwest from Deschutes across the"
Doschutes river, $2300.
Topics of' Vital rnterest "Will lUt De
veloped at Annual Gathering
of Cattlo and I Torso
Jtalscrs In Hend.
(From Friday' Daily.)
Delegates to the annual conven
lion of the Oregon Cattle and Horse
Raisers' association, to be held In
Dond on April 22 and 23, are prom'
Iscd' a splendid program of addresses
on subjects of vital Interest to the
stockmen, It Is stated In a report
received from tho offlco of the sec
retary, 8. O. Correll, of Baker.
Among the subjects to bo diruss-
ed will be the following:
"The Beef Industry, Past, Present,
and future," by George C. McMullen
ot Kansas City, Mlssourl.-
Dlseases of Livestock, by Dr. W,
H. Lytlo ot Salem, Oregon.
Co-operation with tho Foroft' Ser
vice, by B. N. Kavcnaugh, United
States district forester, Portland,
Feeding sllago to beet cattle, by
Robert WIthycombo of the Eastern
Oregon Experiment station.
Poisonous plants on tho public
rango by Mr. Peterson ot tho U. S.
forest service.
Work of the American livestock
association, by T. W. Tomllson ot
Denver, Colorado, secretary of tho
Tho livestock industry during the
reconstruction period, by Walter M,
Piorco ot La Grande, Oregon.
An address by F. R. Hcdrlck ot
Kansas City, Missouri, for which the
subject has not yet been determined.
Address of Professor F. L. Potter
ot tho Oregon Agricultural college
Corvallls, Oregon, subject not yet
flnflnlf aIv ilntArmlnorl
-.....,., ,.w.. .......... . fTK( ,
John u, Kcaurick May; Speak.
It Js &iso expected that United
States Senator John D. Kcndrlck of
Wyoming, president ot tho American
Livestock Association, and M. K. Par
sons ot Salt Lake City, Utah, the first
vlco president ot tho said association
will bo present at tho meeting and
will each dollver an addross.
In addition to the aboro and other
numbers thoro will be the president's
annual address, tho annual financial
report and numerous discussions on
current livestock topics. .
Membership is Widespread.
Tho Orogon Cattlo and Horse
Raisers' association was organized on
tho 13th day ot May, 1913, and now
has a membership ot approximately
700, extending throughout tho states
ot tho northwest. Its offlcors are all
practical cattlo men and with tho ex
ception ot tho secretary, who re
ceives a nominal salary, work with
out remuneration and pay their own
traveling expenses. Its principal ob
jects aro tho protection ot cattlo and
horses und the betterment of tho In
dustry. Tho association has main
taincd nn Inspection In tho Portland
Union stockyards, since January 1st,
1914, and for several months In tho
Scattlo Union stockyards and all ot
tho principal markets ot the mlddlo
This association fathered tho state
branding law, tho stato brand inspec
tion law, the pure bred bull law and
numerous other legislation for the
benefit of tho livestock growers and
too ono ot them can afford to bo with
out its protection.
(From Wodnosday'a Dally.)
A realty doal ot some magnitude,
which has boon ponding elnco last
summor, was closed yestorday after
noon when C, A. Warner purchased
tho P. W. Drown building, noxt to
his own store, on Wall stroot. Tho
consideration was not given.
Mr. Warnor'a now proporty Is now
occupied by. Rotugold & McCallum,
who hold their business location
under two-year leaso. Their pres-
out status Is not affected by the purr
chase. Nolther does the deal in 'W
way affect iMr, Warner's leasV et
storo rooms In tho Bather bullttttgt
where ho will open a second 'are
In tho near futuro,
jjeij l-
Tremendous Sacrifice Represented In
Tralnload of Tropldca Hpcakcnt
Emphasize Need of Support-
- Ing Victory Loan. V
(From Monday's Daily.)
Thousands trudged through mud
and slush Sunday morning to see
trophies of battle carried on tho
Victory loan special, and to hear from
tho lips of men who had fought and
Buffered In France and Flanders
tales typical ot the world war. Many
mado a second and even a third trip
through the baggago car, full ot
small exhibits, and alongside the
flat cars, laden with field pieces,
howitzers, tanks and other engines
ot destruction. The wall of siren,
punctuated by machine gun fire,
sounded as tho train whistled into
tho yards, and was tho last sound
to bo heard as the special departed
for Redmond. The trophies carried
on board tho train are said to have
cost 50,000 lives. n"
Living examples of tho Inferno
through which tho American soldiers
passed wore Lieutenants Clark Bur
sa rd and Ben Dorrls, former Uni
versity of Oregon men, arid perM
ally known to many in this elty.
Lieutenant Durgard, while tesdtjiic
his men In the last drive In Flanders,
was hit by a fragment from a high
explosive shell, sustaining a com
pound fracture of the spine, and on
attempting to rise was struck In the
brest. From the first Injury be baa
SGl-yet recovoreoV "'" " '
Wears Artificial Jaw. w
Lieutenant Dorrls, next In com
mand ot the company, was struck
three hours later In the same day, a
shell fragment shattering ills jaW.
For weeks he was usable to Speak,
regaining his power of 'articulation
only after he had been given an
artificial Jaw.
The baby tank, which was the sole
burden ot ono flat car, was tho cen
ter of interest for an hour, when
Private C, C. Likens, formerly a
Portland .newspaper man, explained
tho uses and possibilities of thtTar
morcd tractors. In six months' time.
Private Likens went through a series
ot trials wblch few would care to ex-
(Continued on Pago 8.)
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Fivo truo bills ot Indictment and
two not true bills were brought In
by tho grand Jury yesterday after
noon, when that body concluded its
sessious and made final report to
Circuit Jude T. E." J. Duffy. The
members ot the grand Jury were
praised by the court tor their quick
work In disposing ot the matters sub
mitted to them tor investigation.
Thoy had been in session only two .
Indictments, found were all against
Shorman Douglas, 19-year-old Rend
boy charged with fraudulently issu
ing five checks during the past
month. Complaining witnesses are
(Continued on Pago S,)
ijjiijn a auiuu io .
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
Showing tho high igrado ot alfalfa
seed which la being furnished at cost
to tho farmers of Descbutee county,
a display consisting of the first 2000
pounds ot tne Bliipment reettuyfier-
dfireu nan been placed la tMJJ
ot tne first national whk. mt
city, one or tne saexs ;
permit inspection of Ike
Anothar exhibit whi
nuafriitttwslft ar'thtoti
play' ef ' graded woote, a
It. A, Ward
H rWTj