VI; PAGti 10 uuiii.irriN, nioNi), okkoon, thuuhday, aimui, io, nun April 9 to 14 Dress Up Week tosotsmkjejstc SH3I3IB.1 ody Join the Everybody Join the B. A. A. C. jH. jrit Is the Time Now to Begin to Turn to Spring and Easter and Dress Up llKM?jn0jajaiajsi?i5MfjraFjajaipja aarasiaraaa' ssaaarac ijiii i wmwm 11 wriWB r 4 9 ) fcytJJtJltJtipiftJBCJicJi 1 Eoerub I R 1 mm We will show you one of the Snappiest lines of Ready-to Wear Ever Shown in Bend A complete line of Capes, Dolmans, Dresses, Suits, Sports Suits, Coats and Sports skirts at prices not to be found else where. The styles are the very latest. Our New York buyers have selected us a wonderful assortment of these lines They are direct from America's Style Centers and from the Largest Manufacturers of Ladies Wearing Apparel B 1 !i i H i ? Sports Suits Ladies' Dresses Jersey Sports Suits in a big assortment of styles. Positively the largest assortment of Right-Up4o Have ihem in purple, pekin, white, tan, copen, the minute line of dresses ever shown in Rend, rose, cerise and grey, The very latest to be Don't fail to see the pretty models so reasonably shown in Sports Suits. See these wonderful priced. We have enjoyed a wonderful business values at in silk dresses. There is a reason. We make all the necessary alterations free of charge. $25.00 to $35.00. $14.75 to $45.00" Capes and Dolmans Ladies' Suits Have them in navy, copen, tan and green. Can give you any style you desire. Everyone repro Just UMpnckckl a large shipment of Capes and sents a real value and the style right up to the DoinmllS. These are some of the late numbers minute. Can fit the stout ladies as well as the being shown on Fifth Avenue, New York. This is no hot air. Come and see for yourself. We are smaller ones $19.75 to $39.75 Ladies' Coats If you dou't care for the.cape or Dolman, we can fit you out in a snappy coat in all of the leading styles '" $9.90 to $39.75 We make all necessary alterations free of charge. We have an experienced "Ready-to Wear Saleslady. Every garment must be a perfect fit before leaving the department -"- .... ncfyr; s. CS L i EN A iTV showing you the very latest to be had in the above lines. Prices speak for themselves $16.50 to $39.75 Sports Skirts Just the thing to complete your summer wardrobe. They are beauties. Showing them in white, pekin, tan apricot pink and copen. Materials are Manderin, Crepe, Bedford, Baronet, Khaki Kool and Fan-ta-sec. $8.90 to $25.00 &0SSS3midaAiidj, ALL ALTERATIONS FREE OP CILVRGE m3BB3Sm3S333S&333SBB333& J. C Penney Company, Inc. 107 HU8Y HTOIIHH RUHT ROOM IX CONNECTION fcgBiaaggjagiagEgggpj?FPK)TOjgaa I ! II a. ' m BBBBELgmgEE C) o( the Statement o( th Southern Surety Company f Dm Molnee, In th. Slat. of lore, oa the slit dr of December, 1018, mad to tba Ineurance Commlitlon.r o( tbe 8ut. of Ore ron. Dormant to law: Capital Anient of capital atnek paid np $1,000,000.00 Income. Net praalosii reeelred daring- the year .....(1,899,177.63 Interest, dlrideade and rente r- erlred dnrisc tba rear e3.830.74 Income from other eooreei re- eelred durioi th ytar 1,148,841,75 Total Income 93,111,030.32 Dlaburaemeats. Net loaeee paid during tba rear Including adjnatment expeniee.S 331,403.48 Dirldecda paid on capital atock during tba year O.00 Oommiitlona and talarlci paid durlor the year 010,433.83 Taxes, llctnici and Xci paid during tbe year 28,900.00 Amount of all othir expenditure! 381.192.34 Total tzpeadltorct f 1,457,947.91 AtMtl. All other aueti I 308,188.95 Valu. of real aetata owntd (market lalae) 310,630.71 Yalao cf itocki and bonds owned (market rata.) 713,343.43 Loans on mortgage! aad collat eral, etc. 671,860.38 Caih In lanki and oa band... 338,900.93 Premiums in conraa of collection written alneo Hept. 80. 1918. 373,035.33 Intereit and rente do and ac crued 43,608.03 Ttal aiaete 32,770.083.82 Total aitete admitted In Oreroa.3,770,0S3-82 UaMUUee. Oroee clalmi for Iviera unpaid. 9 Amount of unearned premium! on all outstanding risks, .... One for commlitlon and brok erage) .. ......... All other liebllltlea Sorplua orer all liabilities .. 339,420.80 816,200 15 93,900.39 148.303.12 482,007 30 Total liabilities, exelaalra of capital etctk of 91,000.000 32.770.0B3.83 Beiinaai la Oregon for the Year, Oron premium! recelred during ..,., tbe year 9 10,418.03 Premium returned during the year ?'"S'2I Losses paid durlnr the rear. . 0,034.23 SOUTHERN BUUKTY COMPANY. J. H. Huekleberrr, President. E. O, Parle. Secretary. Statutory realdent attorney for eerrlce: Geo. U, Bchalk. Portland. Tut It In THE BULLETIN." aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBflHgSal E m OPPORTUNITY Does not flow like a river, in a steady stream, but comes and goes in great tides. While the tide is coming in save all you can-and be ready for the ebb tide of old age. 4jb INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The First National Bank OP BEND WE BANK ON YOU, YOU BANK WITH UB m STATELY BLOUSE OF LACE rffPm rwATYJn J Ik & Fine lace and tbo sheerest t'eorgotte, together with embroidery, rnako tlilq k'ly bloujo or formal dress. Tha m of georgette have deep cuffa f The collar Qztcnda to tlio wnlit- .nd thero Is a vestco of ertbrold- ik-U t'corgetto and a Jabot of laco. Aluminum Coin. Africa has adopted the aluminum coin. Nearly 82,000,000 coins of that metal havo been struck from tho Brit ish mint for circulation In Uganda und the Nigerian protectorates. Each coin bears tho value either of 1 cent or of 2 mill. They are perforated In the center llko Chlneso coins, In order that the natives may string them together. Bronze coins are In wide circulation on the west coast of Africa. In tho Intcrfor smnll shells known as cowries are used as fractional cur rency. It Is to replaco tho cowries that the now colna Imyp b.flgn struck. ' Thoughtless Reconstruction. Senator Watson, tho head of tho committee on reconstruction, said In an Interview; "Hasty reconstruction Is apt to be thoughtless and bad. It Is like the! young drug salesman. "A lady approached this young salesman, reddened .and said: I '"My hair Is falling out. Can you I give me anything for It?' i '"You bet I Sure!' said thp sales-1 man, heartily. 'How about this hand-' painted hair receiver at one forty nine?' " ' AT APEX OF SPRING STYLES m TteaWftraaaBeaV aaaaHEk tLW-aV eaVTa iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHeiiiieaiiiii The roturn to favor of ostrich plumes, handsome feather ornnmontf, and masses of rich flowers, with much elaboration In millinery, places hats for matrons at tho apox of spring ntylci. Tho threo hats shown above Includo a dress hat with rich ostrich plumes, a smart streot hat with a velvet bow, and semi-dress hut In black, with s wonderful feather. Tny Navy Uue. Tho bluo color so prominent in tbo uniforms of almost all marines Is of hoary origin. Vegotlns, In his fifth book on tho military affairs of tho Ro mans, traces tho origin of this color to tho Yeuotl, an ancient pcoplo dwell ing near tho coast of Biscay and well versed In seamanship, It was custom ary among them to paint their outgo ing ships as well as tho masts and sails with a bluo color; also their soldiers and sailors woro bluo uniforms. Ac cording to our author, tho Latin word "Venetus," which was both tho naino of tho color und that of tho people, points to Its origin. From tho Ven etl the custom was adopted by tho no mans. Thus tho son of Pouipolus, af ter defeating Caosar's fleet In a naval battle, woro tho navy bluo, although entitled to the purplo. The Vcnetl woro subdued by Caesar after a se vere maritime war n B B, .0. RBMEBERTHE DAYS WHEN YOUR MOTHER SELECTED YOUR CLOTHES AT THE STORE. Whon you woro n boy about 13 you remombor how mothor or fnthor want -with you to n clothing storo Io buy you n suit. You romombor you thought Johnny Jones noxt door had about tho best looking suit you over tavr, and you wanted somo clothes llko Johnny. Hut mothor or fnthor had somo pronounced Ideas about clothes. Mother thought of tho be coming sldo of clothes und father the wearing possibilities, because you a roul boy woro hard on clothoH, You romombor, too, thut fooling of chagrin, whon mothor picked out ono of those hard, fast greys, whon you had your eyo on n salt and pop per .Norfolk. You did not daro to bulk. Klso, no clothes. You were listless to ezpross dlssatlsfuctlon with mother's moro conventional tastes, Now that reminds you of Mr. Brlggs, "Whon n Foliar needs n friend." Now, as you nro oldor you romom bor what a fooling of Joy and satis faction camo over you with tho pick ing out of u suit of clothes. Tho suit of your own cholco, purchased with tho inonoy you havo earned sawing wood or picking fruit or borrlos, That was a happy day whon you strutted homo with tho now togs under your arm. You well romombor tho conversa tion between mothor und tho sales-' man, whllo you stood hyo, anxiously hoping tho salesman would win out bocauso ho had your Ideas exactly. How J ho salesman would say, " I dou't blamo him at all madam, nat urally ho wants something of tho latost stylo, nnd If It does get out of dato quickly becauto It Is so ox tromo, why, (with a shrug of his ihoudors nnd an uxprcsslvo gesture of his hands) thero nro more clothes and smnrt dressers oxpoct to buy suits oftou." Mother's face turned rod with In dignation and If her took could have been (uturpselod In words It would havo boon; "Young man, you nro about ni norvy as thoy mako thorn. Whon my son pays for his own clothes and la nblo to afford a now suit vorv ofion. or to discard n conspicuous style If no is urea of it, then It will bo time ouough for him to do so. At tho prOSOIlt tlmO I nrODOSO thnt lm 1iflll dress according to my Idoas and my menus. You will romombur thnt mothor won out nnd you will romombor that you hud very llttlo use for that suit. Dut so far ns wearing well It woro far too woll to suit you. It was a huppy day whon you so looted your own hat, your own loud box, your own shirt, ''"t U In 'THE BULLETIN." HELP BUILD UP YOUR COMMUNITY Community life in Amer ica, is the very life blood of our democracy. Every citizen owes allegienee to his home town. The factories, mills and shops of your town provide the payrolls and comforts needed for health and prosperity. Patronize jmd support loyally every business man in your community. By doing so you will be working most effectively for yourself and buildingup your home town. THE SHEVUN-HIXON COMPANY