The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 9, Image 17

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1IKNI) JJUMilCIlN, IIKNIJ, OltltfJO.V, THUIIHIMY, M'lllh 10, 1010
In liuly'u uopnntto nklrtu nlrtlclriK
combinations of ntrlpnn ami plaids
u ro tlm tiHtiiil rutlior tliini thu onll
l nnry tliU yuitr. They allow thu grout
mt Individuality fur patrons. Plout
Iih noum to lio mora popular than
ovur oltlior In panolM or around thu
(intlrn nklrt. Tim nplntl effect pro
diieod by cuttlni: thu inaturlal mi
tho blan and ttion pleated In onu of
tho orlKlnnl features of tlm now
nklrt. An uniiHal modal Ih produced
with a Btrlpd pattorn, foldod In thu
plonta with plain piuiul bolwcon, tho
panel than allowing only whon thu
Hktrt III In notion. Accordlan pleated
nklrU aro alioiit thu only onim that
(Wo inndo without pockolH, thuy ho
Iiir tho font urea of nil models.
Tho modols not ploatod aro orna
mented with pockoU and huttnua,
and nearly always with nuih or girdle
of varying width. Thuru aro iiIho
tunic skirts and draped nklrt, some
with thu drapery qulto oxtromo nt
tho hlpH or aide.
Ah to fabrics, both worsted and allk
aro In voguo. Sorgo In tho former Ih
tho lender. Bllka, tnffotna mid aatlu
dlvldo honor with n ntunbor of nov
, weave nuch n Fau-ta-al, wbllu tho
moougln and othor crepoM aro decided
favorites. ,
Tho aoparato aklrt la much loiiKur
thnn provloua aciifioua and of coiisld
ornbly leim width. Many inodeU urn
hIU In center, or nldo or tho back,
which being arraiiKed ao when unfaa
toned at thu hem will allow greater
walking freedom.
In sports wear, woll fabric aro In
doinahd and nro milted for hnrd
wear. All sports nklrt bnvo poc
kota mid ninny aro inndo with ornu
mental button nil tho wny down tho
IMBf'- H rr-iL
--- -
Ion Wnlat Linn to 1)0 1'opulnr.
Thoro sooma to bo n growing ten
dency to fnvor tho long wnlnt lino.
A number of tho aninrt now drcnac
of (JoorKletto cropo nro" made with
lone witlal linen In acini- fitted effects
accontuntcd by tho uno of n wldo rib
bon glrdlo .or anah which la drawn
tight ovar tho hips, forming loop In
tho back or on tho nldo. Oftentimes
tho anah la of n contracting color,
In n aoft harmonising tono, ono of tho
. attractive dronaoa of nggorhcad
brown allowing it wldo ribbon aaah of
of aoft French bluo.
Whllo tho Ioiir lino la well ad
apted for certain types of flgucrea,
It la not bvcotultiR to nil, and for that
rennon thoro nro Innumornblo othor
atyloa which nro qulto na fnahlonnblu
nnd correct In their modes.
Many drosses nro nindo with tho
normal wnlatlluo, mid qulto a nutn
bor of tho particularly aninrt droaaoa
nro showInK a blouocd offoct-wUh tho
waist lino Just n trlflo raised, or even
Unfile Aro (.'oiiNnlcuoiix.
Another nltrnctlvo foaturo of tho
'. spring dronaoa la tho ruffled offoct.
Aa tho season ndvanccs thla Idon
la becoming more conspicuous. Home
of tho cotton drcssea na woll na fancy
gingham effects In taffutn, nro shown
. .v4tl1 narrow rufflo trlmmliiRa on tho
overdress, with n narrow drop aklrt
bononth. HufllcH nlno srnamont tho
elbow or thrco-quartor sloovo,
OoorKctto Is Prominent,
(loorgotto cropo Is it vary proml
liont matorlnl for spring, mid tho
llRurod offecta In this material ure
becoming qulto popular. Taffeta, os
poclally In tho Htnallor eltloH Ih vory
much In demand, Trlcolloto la nlso
nhown to qulto nu extent, 'nnd la es
pecially nttrnctlvo In tho soft tnupos
whjch nro so much used In this ma
terial. Many of tho trlcolotto dross
es, na. woll as tho drosses of othor
matrolals, nro showliii; vcbIoob era
broldorod In n combination of soft
colors, many of thorn cxtondlnR bo-
low tho walstllno.
811 minor f rooks nro fashioned of
pastel shades In orgaud, small chock
od and plalded KliiKhams, mid linen
In It lull colors which differs little
from, last soosonbut n marked do
partiiro from tho stnplo summor cot
tons Is shown In tho wldo dtsplny of
vollos mid figured cotton cropes In
dull and sombro colors, Dnok
Krouuds of navy bluo, dull brown,
rods and greens prodomlnato In tho
last named frocks,
, Organdy ropular.
It Is oxpoctod that tho domnnd
for organdy frocko will bo groater
this your than It was lust. Thoro Is
tho trook which roBombloa last yoar'a
stylo, with tho full ovorsklrt, tight
foundation, surpllco bodlco mid wldo
Holm' collar, but It Is rihich loss ruf
fled mid moro trimmed with tucks,
drawn work, or solf nyttorlal baudB,
Linen' Goat Drews,
Tho llnon dross has adopted tho
box coat 'for Its own, Tho straight
box coat as It nppoars in tho spring
suit and variations of that stylo nro
Nothing Is better accredited for tho
Huintiier wnrdroho than separate skirts
and they aro made of many different
material, IJculnnlni; with audi sheer
Ruods as georgette and orgnudlo they
progress through Rutins and heavy
allku to fabrics of wool nnd heavy
cottons for utility skirt. They often
nro narrowed toward the bottom nnd
they nil bnvo pockets real or Imltn
Hon designed with a cluvcrncHs never
equated. A fine example appear above
In 11 aklrt Hut Is iiuklo length nnd It
may bo inndo of any of tho heavier
fabrics mentioned, In weaves designed
especially for Depurate skirts or sport
Easter Fashions
much nhown In linen In pinks, greys,
blue, rod, lomon colors nnd grcona.
Thla typo of dross la frequently trim
mod with plquo white linen or
Organdy la nlao much In ovldonco
In trimming plain or chocked ging
ham nnd tho dress cut In Jacket
effect la prominent.
Tho dronalcr summer frock for din
ner or evening wear la frequently
shown In tucked or lnco trimmed not,
mado over n foundation of palo bluo
or pink georgette, rionh, ecru and
whllo aro tho colors used In tho not.
Figured taffeta or brocaded aatln
sashes add n dainty touch, of color
to moat of tho net frocks.
Hport Hull.
Tho designation "ultra-sports
suits," might bo aptly applied to tho
newest lino of suits, which aro mado
of coveret fin In hod trlcotluo, nnd H10
plaid volours, or entirely of tho flno
checked volours.
I'lalil Vi'lour noil TrlcolJue,
Ono attractive modol la mado with
hip length velvet Jacket In grnylsh
groon trlcotluo mid aklrt of largo gray
and green plaid which haa nu exceed
ingly wldo cuff horn of tho Jacket
material. A long scarf colar Is mado
or tho plal dsklrt material and lined
with tho trlcotluo.
A complete presentation here of Easter and Spring
time Apparel for Men, Women and Children. Trim
and smart are the newest suits for women braid
trimmed and vestee effects predominate. They are
all wool, too. Priced from $ 1 8.75 and up
Becoming Frocks An exquisite collection of new
spring frocks of taffeta, georgette satin and crepe de
chine. Priced from $ 1 3.50 and up.
Cape-Wraps A handsome cape or dolman is the
chief charm of the spring outfit; distinctive models.
Priced from $13.75 and up.
Separate Skirts The vogue of the cape has made the separate skirt
more important than ever this spring. Silk and woolen fabric skirts
are here in abundance. Priced from $6.50 and up.
EASTER SILK BLOUSESA most varied assortment, both in
styles and colors. Priced from $3.95 and up.
NECKLACES ARE VOGUE So popular have they become that
no costume is complete without its accompanying string of beads.
Many styles to choose from at $1.25.
HANDBAGS, too, Show Variations Many new styles in silk
moire await your choosing. Priced from $2.50 and up.
Neckwear and
to the charm
spring suit.
Ruffllngs add
of that new
Kayscr Silk and Chamoisctte
Gloves, 75c and up.
Phoenix Silk Hose, all desira
ble colors.
FOOTWEAR Famous Queen
Queen Shoes, the kind you'll
want for Easter.
Bend's Style Center and Store for Thrift
J. NT-"" w
MsbbbbV WbsbbbbbW ft
Waistcoats nro an Important factor
In sprliiR stylos and this suit bears
testimony in their favor. It Is plain
that tho coat needH tho smart llttlo
Kiirmcnt of heavy white silk that bears
It company and lends It additional
clmrni, Tho skirt Is of regulation anlilo
length nnd narrows toward tho hem.
It Is split nt tho sldo over a sot-In
pleco and has two buttons nnd two In
dlcntcd buttonholes by way of adorn
ment. Tho now wnlstconts or vostecs
nro mado of many different mntorlnU
and In ninny pnttorns. They will be
come sheer us summer ndvuuccs,
Auction House
nranoli Olllco ut
Carmody ltyos., Bend,
Wtte. Cll or Phono
Tho popular demand anions tho
ladles Ib (or tho drcssos, waists and
skirts, which Indicate that tho nop
arato coat Is In gonorul favor this
soasou. As tho warm weather ap
proaches, this foaturo promises to
bo moro prominent. Merchants Bay
that tho presont demand Is mostly
for capes, capo coats and dolmans.
Thoso modols nro bolng shown In
such attractivo dcslons that tliolr
popularity for tho coming yoar Is
assured and ladles may bo perfectly
safo In tho solcctlon of this typo of
Among tho capes propor thoro aro
many Interesting variations. Thoro
nro long, plain ouos, and othor ono
sided effects secured by having only
ono short sleovo or yoko cut down to
tho waist lino on ono sldo and only
a llttlo bolow tho shoulder on tho
othor, Thoro nro also collarlcss capo
oftccts with round ncckllno with a
wldo ruflo of tho samo matortal of
tho capo but faocd with silk or satin.
Capo coats nro, as tho namo sug
gests, a garmont combining tho In
dividual features of a capo or a coat.
Tho front Is mado llko a coat, ox
tondlng a few Inches bolow tho waist
lino, and often mado with notch la
pols, Thoro Is a bolt around tho
waist lino nnd pockets on olthor sldo.
Tho back is a capo mado to hang in
ripples from tho collar or from a yoko
across tho shoulders.
Tho drspod coat otlho dolman typo
Is rocolvlng moro ami moro atten
tion. In fnct in somo soctlons of tho
country dolmans aro far outsolltug
ull othor coat types. Thoiyt coats
aro vory full and through tho short
slooves, or wldo urmholea, nro draped
at each sldo, making tho cout narrow
at tho bottom.
Thoso garments nro mndo with and
without collars, many of thorn olab
orutoly trimmed with braid ouuoat
Matoriald lncludo sorgo, polrot
twill, trlqotlno, volours, novelty mix
turoa, twoods and chocks, with navy
bluo bolng ono of tho most popular
of tho plain colors, Satin Is also a
favorod material for garmonts of this
Tho dyeing industries of tho United
States do not claim to have mado any
Improvement in tho making of dyes.
Dut they do claim that tLolr dyes,
typo for typo and quality for puallty,
aro tho equal of any mado in Ger
many. It took Germany 40 years to per
fect hor 700 dyes nt a cost of 500,
000,000, and It is a matter of great
Interest and intenso prido that Amer
ican scientists havo been ablo in 50
months ta porfect 180 dyes at an
oxpondituro of $25,000,000.
Amorican dyes havo boon tested
side by sldo with German dyes, and
havo stood the tests Just as reliably.
German dyos havo never been guar
anteed. They knew tho dye was fast
for what It was produced for, but
owing to tho incorrect use of dyes
thoy never havo boon guaranteed. At
tho presont timo tho Amorican manu
facturers aro not dopendant upon
Gormany for any of tho products that
go into tho dyea; they aro entirely in
dopondent of Gormany In ovary re
spect. It is said that Gormany has
for many years sold their dyo stuffs
In tho world's markets for less than
It cost to produco them, in order to
provent any competition. It is felt
that tho American dyo Industry will
bo protected In tho futuro from any
foreign competition.
For blouses, georgette, moro than
any other fabric, has endeared Itself
to women. A blouse la tlcsh color,
mado of georgette, having a small
vesteo is shown here. It is a slip-on,
style, fastening in tho back and is
trimmed with beads.
The Suit Vogue in Brief
No rulo about longth.
Length of Jackot waist to hip.
Looao box stylo Jackot, short and
Many buttonlcs coats, with ami
without vests.
Gay vost is decorative.
Trlmmlugs rows .of silk braid,
silk stitching, many buttons.
Slooves, wldo nnd usually throo-
qunrtors longth.
Sloovo with slush extending to tho
Somo suits nro collarlcss, others
narrow satin collar turned back at
each sldo, faced with satin, similar to
a mail's tuxodo.
For sport purposes, Jackets boltod,
medium loiigth, about linger tip
Patch pockets, ono on each sldo or
two breast pockets. Vost is tho extra
ordinary, SIooyos simple. Form fitting
llttlo fullness, with or without coffs,
Materials, sorgo, polrot, twill, trl
colot, light wolght volours, silver
tonoa With navy as tho most popular
Trv a Bulletin Want Ad for oulok
I results,
Gets All the Dirt, All
the Time. There is no
.periodical house-cleaning
timo, no dustlnir, or wip
ing up. The -Jlrt simply dis
appearsall of it. All the
housewifo doos Is push the
button and guldo thecleauer.
And it's dono in one-fifth tho
timo. TflORNaccum Clean
ers sold on easy terms.
Bend Water Light
& Power Co.
ltoughTDry nnd Finished Work
Eloctrlo Machine Used
Call 1G02 HIU St., or write
Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer
Box SO, Dend, Oregon
Work Callod For and Delivered
of highest standard are made
of guurantoed
Delmer Woolens
All Wool of Superior Quality
Prices to Suit Your Pockelboek
Cleaning Pressing