I V V rAOM BRND BULLKT1N, BRND, ORRCJON, THURSDAY, Alllllj , lttt ?! f M n If! ! MAKING CITIZENS OF ALIENS Excellent Work Done Through Classes Conducted Under Auspices of Bu I reau of Naturalization. Many nllcus yvho enter I 1q nnlurnll juttlon courts as candidates for cttl zenshlp nro much better grounded In tho kuowledgo "ot American govern ment and Institutions than the average iintlve of this country. Indeed, some nllchi aro ablo to nnswer questions 'that tho Judges themselves nro not able to answer off-hand. The reason for their excellent knowl edge of tho American covcrninrnt lies In the enre token by tho citizenship classes, now -conducted In public schools throughout the country by tho bureau pf naturalization, department of labor, to Inculcate thorough famil iarity with tho Institutions of tho land of, their adoption. The courses given by these classes aro designed to raise the standard of clttscnshlp by Insur ing a preparation adequate to meet the requirements of tho most exacting state laws. Naturalization Is a somewhat com plicated process at best, for jot only must the alien satisfy tho "require ments of the state In which ho ex pects citizenship, but he must also met the demands of the naturaliza tion court, which has tho right to re ject Ms application, at Its own dis cretion. The citizenship classes aim to make the way to citizenship as easy as pos alblo for men and women who ore will ing to fit themselves for It Grit. SPRUCING UP UNDER FIRE Soldier In the Trenches Wielded Razor While Enemy Shells Were Past ing Above Him. The sailor who can shave himself In a storm has found his match In the soldier Walter Ehrmnn, n Kansas City man, saw at tho Argonno front. Ehr man was with a medical corps and as he passed Into No Man's Land with -ino su-cicner oearers, ne noticed a youth In khaki hiding In a shell hole, "lie had a mirror between his knees," writes Ehrman, "and he was Intermittently shaving himself. Which Is to say, that, between acts, ho'd mow n section of his face. Whenever a shell would come over he would fluck expertly, only to resume his Interrupt ed task In moments of what you might call peace. " 'Hey. buddle, do yotf need a shave that bad?' I asked him. "Aw, rey mug's so blame dirty, had to hnvo It.' was his reply. "And here's another: Ono of our medics found a pair of hair clippers on the Held, and while he was waiting In a shell hole with a doughboy until an enemy barrage should light up, he clipped that doughboy's hair as nice and stylish as yoa please, till they'd hardly let him In when he returned to the trench, he looked that different." WHO WILL TAKE -cr- OL'COTT'S JOB? (Continued from Fage Z.) candidate for secretary ofstate Is J Saba A. Kozer, who has serrcd as chief deputy for nearly 20 years, and who, perhaps, is more thoroughly ac quainted with tho duties of tho of fice than Mr. Olcott himself. If Governor Olcott should nacfio Mr. Kozer as his successor It might provo an even wiser political movo than If ho were to name some per son of known political strength. Mr. Kozer is not a politician, and his "worth to tho governor as a political asset would be almost negligible. SUII, it would be a (good brand of campaign material which tho gov ernor could put to uso four years hence when ho aspires to guber natorial honors. "Efficiency before politics" Is a mighty handy campaign slogan to hnvo on tap at political hendquartors whon tho four-year bnttlo for votes Impends. Ilowovor, Mr. ICozor has by no means tho instdn trnck, so fnr ns pre dictions go, tor another possible can dldnto which Bounds moro tenslblo to ninny who bollovo they knbw some thing of state politics, Is Louis Ucan of Eugeno. Mr. Jlean was n ropro sontntlvo nt tho last session of tho legislature, and Is n brother of Fed ora) Judge Dean, Mr. Bean is a good politician. Llko wlso, ho enjoys a Btnto-wldo potltlcnl acquaintance which would provo n thing of valuo for Mr. Olcott whon ho goes botoro nn uncertain stnto constituency for retention as gov ernor. ' State Senator W. W. Danks of Portland Is tho third man who haa boon named ns tho possible appointee tor secrotary of stnto. It wns Sen ator Banks who lcdtho fight on the floor of the sonata against tho bill creating tho otflco of lieutenant governor. It Is well known legisla tive history that this bill was aimed only at Mr. Olcott, thon secretary of Btato. It was nn effort by politicians to keep him from ascending to tho gubernatorial chair, It possible. ,Mr. Olcott, naturally enough, feels kindly toward Senator Danks for his offorts, and It Is only natural to supposo that ho might reward this service with tho desired appointment. Ilowovor, tho cnpltol prophots must continue to predict for soveral wcoks at least. Tho fact that At torney-General Drown, In a recent opinion, held that Governor Olcott might resign as secretary of stato and appoint his successor does not put an end to tho question. Mr. Ol cott insists upon a moro definite understanding of his rights.'nnd ho has already arranged for tho ques tion to be taken beforo tho stato su preme court early In April. When the stato's highest tribunal passes upon this point, and not un til then, will Mr. Olcott mnko known his Intentions, but from nil that can bo gathered at this time it Is a fairly snfo bet that either Mr. Kozer, Repre sentative Dean or Senator Hanks will bo named as secretary bt stato. If Mr. Kozer is named it will mean that Governor Olcott domands effi ciency above all else, while tho ap pointment of either of tho others will mean that ho has a dcslro to strengthen his political fortress. Nor docs this mean that Mr. Dean and Mr. Banks will .not mako good of ficials. National liquor Interests suffered a declslvo cjetcat in their initial ef forts to circumvent tho will of tho people of Oregon with reforenco to prohibition. Efforts by the liquor crowd to secure a referendum on the legislative Joint resolution ratifying the national prohibition amendment wore defeated when Attorney-General Drown handed down an opinion to tho effect that such a question could not be submitted to the voters of this state. It Is more than possible that the liquor interests will carry their fight into tho supremo court as intimation that this will bo dono was mado by their representatives this week. The liquor Interests bring word to Salem that they aro going to exercise every possiblo legal right In an effort to ovade nation-nldo prohibition, but their ilrst movo in this stato cannot bo said to bo a wlso one. Even though a referendum should bo called on the national prohibition amend ment it would have no bearing on Oregon's prohibition status even Miough tho voters, through some mischance, should register approval of tho action ot tho liquor Interests. Thanks Lady Gave information Overhears Conversation that Leads To 1 1 Is Recovery. Gulni 18 round. "I hnvo nlrondy gotten back about 18 pounds ot tho weight I lost whllo I was sick, and now my health scorns to bo Just perfect," said Harry V. Ilorlochor, In n roctint conversation nt tho Matthowson Ilotol, 204 Colum bia Btroct, Portland, regarding tho bonoflts ho haa derived from thu uso ot Tanlac. Mr. Ilorlochor Is n well known contractor and Is employed b (no Hiaiuuior construction company ot Vancouvor, Washington. "On tho 20th day ot IbbI March," ho oxplalnod, "I wns tnkon down with an attack oC stomach poisoning ptomnino poisoning I oollovo they call It that almost carried mo away and since that time, until I got Tan lac. nothing I would eat would agree with mo. What little I did cat was sure to sour causing much gas and pain and misery. I lost my appotlto almost entirely, and sonio times Just tho smoll ot cooking would mako mo dreadfully sick at my stomach. My food evidently did mo no good, ns I fell from 180 pounds to ISO, I Just had to lay off from my work as I felt too weak and exhnustod for sov oral wcoks to ovon attompt to do anything. Just climbing up tho stair to my room wauld oxhaust mo and tnko nil ot my enorgy. I was consti pated all the time, had headaches and noticed that my nerves wore go ing to pieces, ns I could not got a good night's sleep. Nothing would do mo any good and I became worried about my condition. "Ono day wnllo I wns in tho Owl Drug Storo I happened to overhear n lady who was buying a bottlo of Tanlac tell tho man who whs waiting on her that she had been sufforlng form, stomach troublo for years, and that Tanlac was tho only medlclno she had over taken that did her nny good. Well, alio did not know It, but Just that llttlo romark ot hers sold mo n bottlo of Tanlac right then and (hero nnd If I only know her nnmo I would llko to thank her for putting me on to tho Uilng that put mo back to health and strength. My stomucu feels now llko It was In Just ns good shapo as It over was. And such an ap potlto as I do hnvo! I bollevo that I could cat flvo meats a day without sufforlng a partlclo afterwards. Ily using tho Tnnlns tablets In connec tion with Tanlac I hnvo bocn rcllovcd of constipation, nnd I am never both ered any more with hcadncho. I now feci ono hundred per cent strgm npd well nnd am now .putting' in full time at my work, and I certainly do think Tanlac Is a great medlclno. " Tanlac Is sold In Dend by tho Owl Pharmacy, in Sisters by George I-'. Altkcn and in Dend by tho Horjon Drug Company. '- Adv. FORTY HKAD OP PUUK UltKI) HEREFORD DULLS FOR HALK. n Six registered, balance bred and raised out ot Dell A herd. Ages two and one' year old. This herd Is too well known for Its superior quality and careful breeding to ncod furthor comment. They are ready for in spection and prices, and can ho seen at Doll A ranch. Those wilting to purchase aro solicited to mako selec tions early as first coroo will bo first served. Wlllfum Hanley Co., Burns, Oregon. Adv.C-8c CENTRAL OREGON EARNER VOLUME 1 BEND, OREGON. NO. 1 !H "HJJUI It PUBLISHED BY THE BEND HARDWARE COMPANY. PLANT A GARDEN, SAYS UNCLE SAM llcrnuso War In Over, No Kxcuso to Lay Down on MakliiK (Jimlonn. ''What's tho usor Tho war Is over nnd I can't boo why wo should go on trying to mako food llko wo did last year." Yea, tho war Is over, but tho fact that It la over don't ndd a pound of food or bushel ot grain to tho world's supply, nnd won't until all tho armies nro hack homo nnd hnvo n chnnco to put In n yonr's work to mako a crop, It will bo a year or moro botoro tho American army sont to Franco will ho back on this sldo of tbo ocean and working at their old Jobs. Tho ond of tho war means hun dreds xof millions moro hungry t mouths bidding In American markuts tor food than thoro wore dopondlng on us during tho war. As you rend this thoro nro millions ot people in Europe nctuully starving, hundreds of thoin dying every day becauio thoro Is no food available for them. Thosa nro absolute facts that wo must consider, no mutter If wu do consider thorn In a cold blooded manner. i SUCCESS - Is what we are all trying to at tain. A Savings Account is a good stepping stone. . WFQy 4lo Interest. m W: The First National Bank I H WB BANK ON YOU, YOU BANK WITH US H A WELCOME POK HICKXKHH. Indigestion, clogged stomach and bowels Is more than an invitation to illness, it gives a cordial welcome Undigested food ferments and sends poison throughout tho system Foley cathartic tablets aro wholcsciGse, quick in action, no bad after effect Cleanse bowels, tono up liver, sweeten breath. Sold everywhere Adv. tfsJJsssWisW jfBf fy.' VffB bkSSB liPliliii IbUmJBjfI fl" i7l 1 TMrnlFm m CUulflrd nJrcrtUinr charge per Uau IV ccnu (or zo wonu or in, un. cnt iwr word for all over 20. All cIumIUccI advcrtUInK ttrlftly cub In advance.. POIl SALE. FOIt SALE WV4NWM, NE,NW4 Sec. 15. township 2G, rariKo 12 east, in Luko county. Estimated nearly 2 million feet ot timber. Wrlto owner, Warren Smith, Red mond, Oregon. H-Gtfc FOIt SALE Irrigated farm, 100 acres. 126 acres under cultivation; 100 -acres In crops. Oood water right. f 30 per aero with crop, $2G par ucro without crop. Long time on ?2G00. Phono F. G. Powers, " Tumalo, Ore, 08-G-Cp FOR SALE 8weet clovor seed. L. A. Drandonbung, Deschutes. Hunt! 82. 94G-Cpt FOIl SALE 8eed ryo, northwest f Dend, IS miles. 12 tons at G0 per ton sacked. ?G5 ior ton In smalt lots. F. W. Loveronz, Tumalo 98-G-Cp. FOIt SALE. Opo G-rooni, ono 4 room and four 3-room houses' in Mill addition on Gilchrist uvonue, John Stelnkump, IJox IDC, Dend, Oregon. 91-G-7p FOIl SALE Dlack team or marcs, weight 3000 pounds. Ono 4 years old, ono G years old. Inqulro of Georgo C. Trucudalo, Powell Hutto, Orogon. 02-G-8p FOR SALE 100 bushels ot sldo oats for seed. Nlsschl Drothors, Gist, Orogon. 80-4p FOR 8ALE Hutching oggs from our pure bred R. I and Drown Leghorn hoavy laying strain. 11.50 for 1G. iFlrst place w.est of Plulnvlow school. Nlsschl Drothors, Gist, Oregon. 80-Bp.. FOR SALE ,13lg load of oat hay, 1 V conts pound, Addroes Dox GOG. Dend. . .. So iiwiii HIHIIUMII Leaving out of consideration every feeling of humanity wo ot tho South must as a matter of common sense nnd solf-protectlon uso Just as much or moro effort to mako food, at Inast for our homo needs, as wo did In 10 IS. Why? Uecauso food nnd grain bf every kind in high and with tho increased demand for American food brought on by peace It Is going to stay high for it year or more. This is a direct hlt-your-pocketbook rea son. Undo Sam, seeing all theso things, wants you to make a good gardon In 1910. Ho knows, through tho Department ot Agrloultur. th&ttthttrhomo gardon Is tho quickest and cheapest source of food supply, that in 1018 three hun dred and. fifty ralllloa dollars worth or food came' from tho homo gardens of tho United 8tate. This was now vnluo In food, never produced before. Undo Sam wants you to have a nhara in this in 1919. Will you? Wo hvo tho seeds and tools. It Is up to your We Cannot Insure You A Crop. But our aim has always been to buy our Seedfrpm reliable seed houses. Western seed, grown under western conditions in a western climate for western trade, is our motto. You certainly would experience better results than from ah eastern seed. Again, Mr. Farmer : The same applies to you as to the mechanic. Good tools, coupled with a knowledge of the work, harvests better results. If it is a Plow, make it the Oliver. If it a Lawn Mower, we have it. We buy our. implements suitable to this territory and our prices are Compare them. 1 ess. BEND HARDWARE CO, Join B. A. A. C. April 744 and 9 years old each, weight 3000 pounds; ono set of harness; ono Clydesdale colt, ago 8 months; ono 3-lnch Winona wagon, Jlko now; ono good hack: ono 14-Inch Oliver plow. D, W. Doltrlech, .Tumalo, Oro. 43-4-Gp FOR SALE. On account of sickness nil my holdings In Dend at original prlco. Hlppddromo, American Dakery, 3 lots, house in I'nrk addi tion. Also ICO ucros on ino wen Mint rlvur. Innulro G. W. Hhrlnor. 38-4tfO FOR SALE Two room houso tind one or best gardon lots In city or . . .Iw.n n.l Mfflll ff.rtll CUOnU. DO" UU"1 Hllll H .-...-.liodj. Worth $460 hut will sacrl- flr fnr I32G. J 125 iiown, iininncn terms. AddresH box 728, Uond, lor appointment. FOR SALE Goorgo Taylor, Dend, nrairan. has all kinds ot young Til lamook calves. Call Red 1341 or wrlto Dox 113 for Information. 29-3-Gp FOR SALE Spring ryo for lato seed ing, P. A, Uovors &. Son, Tumalo, Oregon. 16-3-tfc FOR SALE Dnrrod Plymouth Rock eggs from a laying strain. 3 miles north of Doschutoa. F.'D. Dnugh man. Redmond. 70-2-Gp IFOR SALE: Qonulno spring ryo de livered In Dend. I'. A. uovor aim " Son, Tumalo, Orogon. 00-2tf FOR BALE Full blooded black Minorca nnd O. A. O. Darrod Rock hatching eggs. Fifteen for fl.GO. Agnoa M. Sottong. Phono Rural ' 11J8. ' 20-1-GP FOR SALE If you wnnt tho highest price for your goods, wrlto mb, Richard Richardson, uuctlonoer, Konornl dollvory, Dend, Oro. Farm Bales a specialty, G9-G2-09p FOR SALE Oood grain drill, 10 hose Roderick Loan, 160. Frank Loamy, hour arango Hall, north east of Dendt 84-49-D3p will trado for laying hens. Young stock forsalci Dox 726, Dond. II I WANTED. l. TO TRADE OR BXCnANOH. TO TRADE 1917 Chovrolot, good 'condition and good tiros, tor good milch cows or hogs, Address Uul Jetln.' 21-G-70 TO TRADE 3-room house And large lot, clear, tor milch cows, Ad dress Dox GQG, Dend, 8e WANTED Netted Gem . potatoes. Anyono having from 20 to GOO sacks of U S. No. 1 potatoes, will do well to ku J, D. Minor bofora Tuesday or next week. 20-Go WANTED Muii and wirTi on 240 arm Irrigated ranch. Powell Matte Wrlto E. D, Williams, Powell Ilutto Oregon. 01-Gc WANTED 2 dor.cn young chlckons, will glvo now Incubator, novor boon usod In part payment. Call Rural. 118. G8-2-3p WANTED Wo will call nnywhoro. any place, any tlmo, to look tit your usod furniture. Let us know what you have". Wo pay cash. Tho Standard Furniture Co. 07-49tfo Jlonil and Prlnevlllo on tho Pownll Ilutto road, a Imi nf .... ..,. ... iUGr'rl0J,1Ull0,lM ofnco ""' ri & reward fi2-4Go LO.1T-AVl.lt. -i.... ..... .. i;i.i- .J """u "w iirown ears. " iiuhu pnonu Mr. 'im-ni, liurni 32. Shon- wiT.rn,rr ,,u"". ono red, ono ,w i V1,"! onuPomd ono. Ilrnnd, EniF. " TlK.hl ,,, Mnrked with' nolo in each ear. May )U torn out. Not fy It. f. Parsons. First National Dank. Redmond. 21..1.6p TAKKXW TAKEN UP Palo red steer. DrAiid, nndilclphornblo. Left our split; right car clipped: C. L. ainllli. . 7J-1-GC r " : KOK HUNT. FOR RENT 80 acres Irrigated farm 3 mlloa from Dond; 40 acres in cultivation, sonio In ulfalfu. Wrlto or see Otto Olson, 09 MclCay Ave., Dend, Pro. 11,98. Op LOST. LOBT. Saturday March 8 between Brand Directory " 'RANK I'KIlOIVAXiL " AIllllcAii, Oregon. adr,89p; A Hlght sldo; right ear crop, pod; wattlo right bind leg. II. Ii. TONM, Alitor, Ot.' aar.iooa A GROCERY STORE YOU WILL IUKV. EVERYTHING JSNEAT. CLfiAN AND FRESH I'reih lircam Deiehutci Gold Butter Frwh Milk Orerfon Cramrv Ri.tt-- T.n. . SEEDS-D. M. Ferry, Mlchitf.u.-C, C Morf Cil'ifcnii. TX7- G IJ TV i ...,. . e vrt,ii on wiamonu w IJrodusi.a i ' W Handle Only Union Made Qood.. 'fc Jf. I j ' ' "l'"M JBS33Ea BAriERs grdci:ky . . j . . x... .1-2r . .".j . ... . . . .. .. a TO TRAD Two thoroughbred bel gia .d0,-v'nd 0He-tffw4kV5aw FpgjfSALE. One team efh'eirst, 4 n r - r i t- "i tt iwrt M n ijiinr 4$ V.i u VI J- W K'.,' 'x ,. Vat