BUND BULLETIN, UKND, OREGON, THUIIHDAY, APRIL ! 1010 PAOK7 '. 1 JJIJ, m Helps appctl( 'ftl 10x7 m and dilution. j I V Three flavors. J JUL I 5 not enough to make 8 pS 2 t& , O not enough to make WRIGLEYS good, we must KEEP it stood until you cet it. Hence the sealed package Impurity-proof guarding, preserving the delicious con tentsthe beneficial goody. The Flavor Lasts SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT iiYiiiilil'Ll illlllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllW Jf 25 i B. A. A. C. HOLDS OPEN HOUSE TO PUBLIC FOR ENTIRE WEEK (From Monday's Dally.) A jiroKrntn which fills (o tho limit tho nchcdulo at tho Bond Amotour Athletic club In announced for this week, nml 1m open not only to club member, but to tho general public tin well, In connection with tho mombornhlp campaign, which ntartcd thin morning. A general Invitation Ih ox f im (led to nil to attend In order to gain nu Idea of tho advantages offered by tho club. Hpeclal feature during tho week will bo tho boV and girls' claim drill thin evening, followed by an Indoor biiHitbull gnuiu between tho Hhovlln J llxon and tho Ilrookti-Hcanlon teaniM, ii lid n bowling match between tho llrookn-Scnnlou office iijcn nnd( tho Hliovllii-IIIxon box factory ton in, while on Thurndny evening "What Happened to Jonott," tho homo tnlent play ho Muccemifiilly given by tho I), A. A, C. dramatic department, will bo reproduced In atiHwer to popular demand. Fifty cents admission for tho lower floor and 25 conta for tho balcony aro tho prices announced. Friday night a doublo header, In which tho unmarried and tho married ladles will contest, and a gamo bo tweon tho Bhovlln-Hlxon and tho business men's team to decldo tho club championship, will bo played. A 2Gcont admission, Including war tux, will bo charged. Saturday night n dauco, at CO cents a couple, or 26 cents for each Individual, will bu open to alt, regardless of member ship. Other events of Interest will bo as follows: Tuosday Night. Ladlos' gym cIobs, followed by Indoor basuball bolwoon Indies' evening class and girls' class. Indlos aro especially Invited. Wednesday Night. Men'a gym class, followed by baseball gumo be tween professional men nnd llroohs-Scnulon. claim hovii.t overthrown. LONDON, April 7. Tho Budnpcot soviet has been overthrown, accord ing to Vienna dispatches, and Forolgn Minister llola Kuu Is said to havo boon killed, Put It In "THE BULLETIN." Ll?l' THE CHILDREN OHOW. Cough, colds, "Snuffles" that hang on tend to weaken tho Hystem nnd u Htifforlng neglected child sponds no much strength combatting u cold that tho llttla oiio cannot grow as fast and sound In body as when freo from affliction. Foley's Honey nnd Tar la Mplondld for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold overywhoro. Adv. Hyiinptls of tli Annual Btstrniont of Tho Hop Growers' Firo Relief Association of lluttovllli'. Ill tliu Uinta of Oregon, on Hit Hint (Uy of llecemlier, 1U18, maile to the In surance Cummlssluiier of lliu Htalu of Oregjn, pursuaut to liwi Income, Toll) premium liicuiun .,...,,$ 1,4QI.0B Intereil, dividends ml renls re reived tlurlnir tli year 1,011,01 Total Income , J? 3,143.110 Disbursements, l'IJ for lossee, endowments, en- nultlts mill surrender values. V 038,00 Ooiuroliiloni ami salaries lall . during tho year , . 717,34 Taies, licenses nml feci raid during tho year, ., 44.00 Amount of nil other eiiemllturei 1 I7.A3 Total eaiiendlturea 8 1,834.70 Aueti. Yaluo of red estate owned (market value) .,... 000,00 Value of itocki ami bonds owned (market er amorlltvd value) J5.8JH2 flesh in banks and on hand. . . , 30,490,70 Other anils (uet) -Interest o crurd 1120.34 Total aueti 3fl.fi03.A0 Total easels aJmltled In Oregon.! 30,303.00 UablUtlei. Total preralumi In force Keren)- ber.il. 1DIH 1.343.43 Huslnssi tn Oregon for tho Tear. Total Insurant written during the yrar S 344,040,00 Olota premiums recelrcd during Ihe year . . 1.534.03 Losses paM during the year. . . 1)33.00 losses (ncurrtd during the year 033,00 Total amount nf insurenre out Undine In Oregon December 01, 10IS 3311,331.00 TIIK HOP (UtOWKIirV VlltK ItKMKK ASSOCIATION OP llUTTKVIl.t.K.OltKUON. Joint Murray, 1'resldent, h. I, Hlouer, Secretary, Syncptlt of the Annual Statement of Ilia Continental Life Insurauco Company of Salt Lake City, In the Slate of Utah, on the 3t ! day of lieeember, HUH. niailo to the Iniuranre Commissioner of the Slate of Ore gon, pursuant to law i Capital. Amount of capital clock paid lip. J 208,873.00 Income. Total premium Income $ 007,330.00 Intereil, dividends and renla re cetvvd during Ihe year 133,883,03 Inctfmo from other aourrce re eelved during the yeur 10,190.07 Total Income 830,083,30 Dlaburaementi. Paid for losses, vmlowiiientt, an- nuttlea ami aurrrnder values. 8 304,047.40 Dividend! paid to policyholder during tho year 01,087.10 Dividends paid on capital slock during Ihe year 0 Cominliilom and salaries paid durlug Ihe year .,,....,,.. 193,084.03 Taxes, llcemea and fcea paid during the year 10,7,18.51 Amount of all other expenditures 00,081,83 Total expenditure! 9978,738,03 Anita. Value of real entile owned (market value) ,... 148,304,18 Vnlue of atoeka and bonda owned (market or amorllied value) 08,830.87 Loani on uiorlgagea ,sud collat. U"7 s Uoureod & enough to know better, says no edliem ttggggggl ggggT . "Figure tho rcnl tobacco satisfaction you ijct out of a email chew of genu ine tobacco and the way it lusts and good old Gravely has got your or dinary plug backed off the map." Good taite, imaller chew, longer life lanluimakeiGen ulne Gravely coitlci to chew than ordinary plug, WriU Ui Ghnuinu Ghaveuy DANVIM.I!, VA. for lotHtl tit thtwlni plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch eral, etc . l,B00t375.01 I'rtinluni riolei and p'lllcy loana 331,073,37 rtt It) banka and on hand 13,I8I.41 Kl unrolleeted arid defrrred preinlume . 91,443.30 Oilier audi (net) ... . . H4.C27.81 Total aueta .I,79.fl01.OI Total aueti admlll'd In Oreon.S2,B70,01.01 UablUtlei. S'rl rreorrrs 11,003.730.00 Tnlil iMitlry rlilmi unpaid .... flS,37SJ0 All Other llablllllia 140,704.14 Total liabilities, escluilve of capital stock of f'i08,S73 .13,140,708.93 Telal imirsnrH In force Df- cemb-r 31, IBIS .. .. S30.flS0.700.00 linslcess la Oregon for the Year. Total Insurance written dorlng the yrar f 130,000,00 Oross premiums received during lhi year 44,030.19 Urn lld during the yrar... 14,330.34 lessee Incurred during the year 13,300.00 Tulal amount nf Iniuranre out slanding In Orrgvn December 31. IUIS 1,337103.00 CONTIXK.VTAI Ml'K INHtJItANCB COMPANY. P. J. Hstmbartb, Preildrnt. Y O. Prick. Hrcrrlary. Ulatutorr rrsldrnt altoruey for serrlre: II. J. llsher. Hynop.ls of Ihe Annual Statement of the Now Jersey Fidelity & Plato Glass Insurance Company of Newark, In the Htate of Kw Jrrser. on the Slit day of December, 101, made to tho Insurance Commlsiloner if Ihe Stale of Orrgort, parsusnt In law: Capital. Amoonl of capital stnrk paid up. 400,000.0p Income. Net premiums received daring Ihe year 11,334.079.70 Intrrril, dividends and rrnta re ceived during the year 96,903.33 Income) from other sources re- crlred during Ihe yrar. ..... 1,433.04 Ttial Income 1 1,383,031.17 Dlsbnraementa. Net lossrs paid during the year Including adlustmrnt rspenses.f 330,917.38 Dividends pslif on capital stock during Ih yesr . .... 13,000.00 Commissions and salarlea paid durlnr ! yeir. . 413,108.81 Taxes, licenses and free paid during the yrar 33,331.44 Amount of all other expenditures 3H,OS8.04 Total expenditures 11,023,800,10 Assets. . Vslae of real eilate owned (market value) ..I 0 Value of stocks and bonda owned (market value) 037,034.08 Loans on mortgages and collat eral, etc 703,000 00 Cash In hanks and on hand... 30,330.38 Premiums In coarse of collection written sine Sept. 30, 10IS. 108.SS0.41 Interest and rente due and ac crued 18.340 13 Total assets ll.0tfl.03S 40 Totsl asiets admitted In Oregon. 1,010,920 49 Liabilities, flrtes clslms for lossrs unpaid.! 313,714 39 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks .... 013,08171 Due for commission and brok er are M.41f! 17 All oilier liabilities 38,04)5 77 Total liabilities, exclusive of espltal stock of 400,0(10 .SI.030.818 34 Bnilneis tn Oregon for the Year. (Iron pirmliims recelrcd during Ihe year f 53130 Premiums returned during the year ... 134 00 fanes paid during the year. . . 01 Hj Lossrs Incurred durinc Inn year 1! "5 nkw jEicsKY niiri.iTY 1'i.m- flLAKB INHl'tUNPK d Rsm'l ( lloaaland. President lisrry C lledden. Secretary LEGAL NOTICES hi: kscai-ko iNKiiUnNa. "Lust sprliKT I lintl a torrlblo cold mul grlppo nml was ufrulil I wns go ItiK to liuvo Influenza," writes A, A. Mo.Vceao. IIIrIi Point. On. "I took Foley's Uonoy nml Tar. It was it slRlit to hoo tho uliloKin I cnunliod up. I urn convinced Foley's Honey nnd Tar saved mo from lufluoiua." Con tains no oplntos. Ootid for.clilhlreu. Sold overywhoro. Adv. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of tho state of Oroirnn. for Dusclititoa cnuntv. Tho Miller Lumber Company, it cor- pnrntlon plnlntlff, ;h Lou McFeron nml Orulila McFeron, his wife, (Infonilunts, To Lea McFeron and Orphla Mc Foron, defendants, ubovo named: In tho name of tho state of Oregon you nro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho ubovo entitled caso and cause on or beforo tho 15th day or May, 101'J, which Is more than six weeks uftcr the 3rd day of April, 1919, tho dato of tho first publi cation of this summons, nnd If you full to so appear and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollof prayed for In tho complaint, towlt: for Judg ment and decreo against said defend ants, nnd each of them, for tho sum of J1CG.78, with Interest thereon nt tho rata of eight per cent, per annum from and after May 10, 1918, until paid, for the further sum of JG0.00 attorney's fees, and for costs and dis bursements of this suit, and for a further decreo foreclosing tho mort gage named In said complaint, and tho sala of tho property therein men tioned nnd described om lot 10, block 1, Boulevard addition to Dcnd, Des chutes county, Oregon, and for such other and further relief an to tho court may appear Just and cqultablo. Servlco of this summons is made upon you by publication thereof in tho Ilend Bulletin for six consecu tive and Buccesslvo weeks, under and by virtue of an order mndo and en tered on tho 24th day of March. 1919, by tho Honorable T. K. J. Duffey, Judgo of tho nbovo entitled court. Tho dato of the first publication of this summons Is tho 3rd day of April, 1919, and the dato of tho last publi cation Is tho Sth day of May. 1919. C-lOc E. O. STADTEIt, Ilend, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tho circuit court ot tho otato of Oroxon. for Deschutes county. Johnna Wlllsoy, plaintiff, vs. Charles Willscv. defendant: To Charles Wlllsoy, defendant nbovo named. In the namo ot the state of Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint mea ncainst you in tho nbovo entitled caso and causo, on or beforo tho ICth day of May, 1919, which Is more than six weeks after tho 3rd dny ot April, 1919, tho date of tho first publica tion of this summons anu u you tan so to appear ttnd answer, for want thereof, tho plnlntlff will apply to the court for tho roller prayeu lor in tho complaint, towlt: For n decreo of this court dissolving tho bonds ot matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between plaintiff ami uetonu ant, and for such other nnd further rollof ns to tho court may appear just nnd enultnblo. Servlco of this summons Is mndo upon you by publication thereof in tho Ilend Uullotln for six consecu- tlvo and successive weeks under nnd by tlrtuo of nu order mndo on tho 3 1st day of March. 1919, by tho Honorable T. K. J. Duffey, Judgo of tho nbovo entitled court. Tho dato ot tho first publication of this summons Is tho 3rd day of April, 1919, nnd tho dato of tho last publi cation is tho 8th day of May. 1919. 6-1 Oc E. O. STADTEIt, Ilciul, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE IX)K IHJHLICATION. (Not Coal ImmL) Department ot tho Interior, United States Lund Office at Lakuvlow, Oregon, March 24. 1919. Notice Is hereby glvon that Petor J. Olson on behalf of tho heirs ot Anton L. Olson, deceased, ot Mt. Angel, Oregon, who on April 12, 1915 mndo homestead entry No. 0S5C9, (or tho S'4 NEW. SEVi NWU.'lot 2. soctlon 4. township 23 south, range BUCKHECHT RHO. U.S. PAT. Off. ARMY SHOE Fok the man who is on his feet all day, a more comfortable (hoc was never made. Hence the widespread popularity of the xIuckiikcht Army Shoe among business and professional men, sportsmen, outdoor work ers, miners, -farmers, mechanics, etc. A good, practical Shoe for tvrryJav wear! lluilt for comfort and service built for you I Remember the name Huckiiecht stamped on every shoe for your protection. Get a pair today I At principal dealers on the Pacific CoU If your dealer U not iurpUcd, order direct from rfflllLUWsafh BUCKINGHAM Manufncturetre & HECHT Saat Franclsee BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHqGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF $6-50 to $8.50 P casLWIIIametto Meridian, lino filed notlco of Intention to mnko flnnl thrco year proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, hofaro F. C.Hclinfor, United States Commis sioner, Fort Itock. Oregon, on tho 3rd day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: win. Ilogue, licnjamtn Scott. Thomas Lin- vlllc nnd Arthur Olson, all ot La Pino Oregon. JAMES 8, IJUriOEBB. C-9c Ileglster. NOTICE FOIt I'UIJLICATION. (Not Coal Land.) Department of tho Intorlor, United State Land Office at Lakuvlow, Oregon, March 24, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Samuel 8. Yodor of Camp Lewis, Washing ton, who on March 20, 191C, mndo homestead entry, Nu. 08506, for the SE'i of soctlon 15, township 21 south, range 10, east, Wlllamolto meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final threo-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above de scribed, beforo his commanding of ficer, pursuant to the provisions of tho act of October C, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses who will give their testimony before II. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1919: William E, Hoguo. J. F. Iloguo, II, E. Eaton and C. 11. Clow, all ot La Pine, Oregon. JA8. F. DUUOESS, 5-9c Register. NOTICE TO ritEIHTOItS TO PltEHKNT CLAIMS. In tho county court of the state of Oregon, for Deschutes county In the matter of the estate of John Egloy, deceased: Tho undersigned having been ap pointed as administrator of the nbovo entitled estate, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against tho deceased and all claims against the said estate-, to present same duly verified within six months from tho dato of this notice to tho undersigned at the office of W. P. Myers in Bend, Oregon. Dated this 3rd day ot April. 1919. (Signed) J. W. LOWELL, Administrator for tho Estate ot John Eglcy. 5-9c W. P. MYEIIS, Attorney for tho Administrator. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of of the state of Oregon, for Deschutes county. 8. S. Stearns, plaintiff, vs. Norman Weyund, defendant. To Norman Wcyand, tho above named defendant: In tho namo ot tho stato of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint ot the plaintiff, filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or beforo Saturday, tho 10th day ot May, 1919, and If you fall to answer, tho plaintiff will tako Judgment against you for the sum ot 11600, with in terest thereon at tho rato ot G per cent per annum from Decembor 21, 1910; for tho sum of 1220.00 attor ney's fees, togothor with tho costs of this suit, nnd for an order fore cloning according to law, tho mort gago which Is tho subject of thin suit nml directing n snlo of tho In terest of tho dofondnnt In tho prom ises covered by said mortgage said promises being dcscrlbod ns follows: Tho northwest nunrtor of tho northwest quarter of section fl, town- snip 18, south of rnngn 13 cast, W. M., located and being in Deschutes county, Oregon. Thin summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by publication thoro- of In tho weekly nond uullotln, a weekly nowspaper published In Des chutes county, Orogon, by order of tho Honorable T E. J. Duffy. Judge of said court, snld order being mndo and entered on March 20, 1019, data of first publication March 27, 1919, length of publication, G successlvo WCf?l(H Dated this 27th day of March, 1919. C. 8. DENSON, Attornoy for tho Plaintiff. -9c. Dend, Orogon. NOTICE TO rilKDITOIlH TO WtKSBNT CLAIMS. In tho county court of tho stato ot Oregon, for Deschutes county. In the matter of tho estato of Ma tilda Ycomans, docenscd. The undersigned having been ap pointed administratrix ot tho above entitled estnte, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against the deceased or against said estato to present samo, duly verified within six months of tho dnto of thin notlco to, tho undersigned at tho office of C. S. Dcnson, No, 859 Wall street, Bend, Oregon. Dated this 27th day ot March, 1919. ANNA BOARDMAK, As Administratrix of tho Estato of Matilda Yeomans. 4 -7c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 011514 0101)0.'! Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 23, 1919. Notlco Is hereby given that Jay Hague of Alfalfa, Oregon, who on February 23, 1915, mado homestead entry No. 014514 and on January 5, 1917 mado additional No, 01G993, for tho E35NWHSWH. sec 29; N NWU. Sec 32, township 1G. south, range 15 east, Wlllamctto me ridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo des cribed, beforo H. C. Ellis. United States Commissioner, at Bend, Oro gon on tho 12th day ot May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses Jag. T. Moffltt of Prinevlllo, Oregon; Neks Larson, of Prinevllle, Oregon, Austin C. Barber ot Alfalfa, Oregon, and D. V. Good of Alfalfa, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 5-9p Register. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suadard Sixes. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent; MILLER LUMBER CO. Business and Professional 'Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. Coe'e Former OfHea.) II. H. Do ArrnonJ Cbaa. W. Ersklne De Armond & Erskine LA IVY KIIS O'Kano Building, Bend. Oregon H. O. L L I B Attorneynt-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawrenco Bldg., Room 3 Phono Red 2251 MM ) IH15 fAfEK KtfKtStNItU run rvm..wii ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IM AtX THE PRINCIPAL CITIE Pkono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND - - - OREQON O. P. NI8WONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Awt. DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathlo Physician Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 6 Phono Rel 18Q DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located in Bond with Now Equipment Private Offlco In Thoraou'H Jowolry Storo Dr. Turner will bo In Prlno vlllo ovory first and third Frl day; in Madras ovory second and fourth Friday, and iu Red mond overy first and third Thur8tluy ot each month. Read the Classified Ads Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, Pre.Blde.nt Most Complete Abstraot Plant In Central Oregon. Special Attontlott Given to Federal Loan Abstract. Flrat National BanK Bldg., DEND, ORE.. Cor. next o Alley