BEND BULLETIN, BRNO, OBBflOrf, JIlUBHnAV, APRIL 8, 1010 PAGE 7 c l; '? r- t MAJORITY OF BEND TEACHERS ARE ELECTED FOR NEXT YEAR (From Monday' Dully.) Announcumunt of election of In structors (or tho coming your ly thu Doiid ncliool board was made tills morning by Hujiorlutoiidant H. W. Mooru, n total of 311 being Included on tlio lint. Or those, liowuvor, T, I). Moxton, MIhh lliuol lluzoltou, MIkij Ilnrol McOllvriiy nnd MIhh Mlldruil MorHilorr woro itlvon only honorary reduction, iih thu hoard whs ;lvin to understand Unit thoy would not rovi:i,i( iiuttk. (Continued from Toko Two.) ut UiIm uliico n r i) fos't proving them solves to liu tlioroiiKli shoopmun. Tlio lambing period Im JiihI unssuu mid tlioy will liuvo Iiwh tliun a doion tin productive owns out of moro tliun 2000. Thin Im not luck, II In good mnnitgoiiiout mid thu best of cam. Nick Itnclior, n wull known and respuctod resident of Powell Hullo died nt Mm homo hunt uf 1 o'clock Monday morning, March 31, Thu do cousml had hi'ou III slucu tlio uarly jitirt of January. II o leaven a wlfo mid four, children to mourn thu loss of a kind husband mid Indulgent fnthnr. KM. Ilarnnnlo mid family aro mov Iuk to thulr now humu on tlio Ochoco project. "Mother" Ilrown, who hns been spending Homo tlniu with hor dntiKh tor Mrn. (loorgo Hhohort, hint returned to lior homo with hur daughter Mrn. K. A. HllNMltt. Mr. mid Mrn. George Truesdnln mid daughter Oatlicrlim worn shopping In Ilcnd Friday. ho lioro for tlio next full torin. Minn lllmiclio 'Miliar, limguago Instructor In tlio high ncliool wus not u diindl ditto for ruolucllon, and thoro wore throo whono ntijillcatlomi woro In who woio rejected. TIiohu roolnctnd. who nro coutomp IntliiK rnturnliiK noxt your Includo: I'rlnclpntn It. C. Johnson, Minn Vor onlra C'hiio and MIhh Mary Mucluy; senior high ncliool Instructor!: MIhh Huluii Manny, MIhh Mnrgurol Hanson, Miss Harriott UmhatiKh,' MIhh Mahol l.oronco, MIhh Charicay; Junior high hcIiooI liintriictorH: MIhh Claro Pruclm MIhh (lertrudo Foley, MIhh Mnudo Orant, MIhh Norn Maclay nnd MIhh llortholdu Kiiudors; grado ncliool In Htructorn: MIhh Kvii May Harkor, Mrn, Ida Davidson, Minn draco Cano, MIhh Nolllo l'attlnon, MIhh Bertha Wllklns, MIhh ISIoIho Condon, MIhh llornlco Ohmmi, MIhh Klalno Short, MIhh Doris Fouler, MIhh JoiiiiIo V. Larson, MIhh Kvollno Crow, MIhh Mario llrontorhous, MIhh Iluth Slovens, MIhh Maybello Wner, MIhh Mlnnlo ThompHon and Mrn. Anna Curry, No coulrnctH havo boon signed an yot, mid Air. Mooru states that In Ktructora will ho expected to ronow their teaching certificates ho that tlioy will hu valid during tlio entire year before any contractu will ho entered Into. Tlio Instructor chosen no far aro subject to assignment, It Ih explained, Other selections to fill vacancies which will xlnt will ho made by thu hoard from tlmo to tlmo Its your ownfauliH ir Mnii Ti?t atiiticr TO savs ULonnor "Your own horsc sense ought to tell you what isHhe best value when a small chew of Real Grave ly tastes so good, and la.sts no much longer than a big chew of ordinary plug." Good tte, 'milter chew, longer life it what miket Gen uine Gravely coit leiitochnvr thin ordinary plug. Writ! lit GBNUINIt GRAVELY IMNVILLB, VA. for loolltt m chtwint Pint Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed inpoucfu Goorgn KUnlur mid Harold Charl- ton Hpunt HUTural dayn lnt wook In boforu ,ho 0,,0,K of thu fu (rm. hulldliiK a WAHto ditch mid othurwlHu . worklriK tlio road. EASTERN FINANCIAL BACKING IS PLEDGED FOR CENTRAL OREGON Mr. and Mm. 12. II. Ktowart and Mr. Jackeou vUltod with MY. and Mrn. H. K. Hall at J'rliicvlllo Kunduy. Tlioy iiIro mado a trip to thu Cchoco dnm tlio himiiu day. Mm. CluirN'H Ciutncr, ntnto pront dent of thu federated clubn of woiiien of Orer.on, Mpoku In thu community hull Monday night. Mrn. Mary Twout Iiiih purchased Wallaco Hinitli'H KiiniKo and Klnnlur llrothorH aro movliiK It onto her land wlloro nlio hnn recently located. 8. I). MiiHtard Ih nhlppliiR two car loadn of need potatocn thin week to Toppmilah, Wnnh, and will nlno nhlp ono airload of need and one car load of commercial potatocn to California. Heavy trucKn havo lieuu employed for no me weukn IiatillnK thorn to tho railroad. I. Klmoru, preacher, hanker and crntwhllu politician of llrowiu vllle, prencohed nt community hall lam Runday. Mr. ICImoro han lieuu a member of tho luKlnlaturu tho lust three nenloiiH. Tho rcRtiltir meotliiB of thu Powell Unite cluh will hu held Tliumday In thu community hall, 0. T. OFFICIALS INSPECT ROAD vi:m. im.i:.hi:d with condi am) i.ocaii .manaok .ii:xt iii:ati.v i.('iti:.HUi) tkai'I'io i'iti:iii(Ti:i). rut it in "Tin: nuM.irn.v." Cut ThN Out H'h Worlli Moupy. DONT MISS THIS., Cut rtut thin nllp. eiiclono with Cc to Foley & Co.. 2S3G Hheflleld Ave, CIiIcuko. III., wrltliiK your namo and addrunM cleorly. You will receive In return n trial ' packiiKO contnlnlilt; 1'oley'n Honey mid Tar Compound, for coukIih, coldn mid croup, Foley Kid- n6y IMIIh mid Foley Cathartic Tublctn Hold ovorywheru. -Adv. rut it in "Tin: uii.i.irn.v." PHONE YOUR j WANT AD ct TO THE BULLETIN EVERYBODY READS 'EM! The Hest Way ' To Buy nv flV,. G.Al To Exchange Call No. '561 (From 8nturday'fl Dally.' On their HKtnl-aonual trip of In npuctlon, officials of thu Oregon Trunk railroad arrived In llend yes terday afternoon by special train, mid left again for Portland last night. Tlioy wuro wull plenied with tho con dition of tho roadbed and with thu manner In which thu road's business In bolnr; handled at thin cud of the lino. Traffic Ih Increasing markedly, mid there Jh uvery prospect for mi uiiUmially busy year, they declare. Included In thu party wuro A. J. Davidson, federal manager; It. C. WoKticr. superintendent; II. W. Plck ard, uftslntmil gouoral freight agent; II. II. Crozler, asnlntant general pan Rongcr agent; marie whltlleld, Keiiernl roadmastur; A. J. Wltcholl, engineer; K. F. Kelly, foreman of curpontern; Harry Wlthycombe'rJiad master; J. J. Hardy, guucral frulght und passenger agent. (From Friday' Dally.) Most favorably Impressed with tho small part of Central Oregon's re source which ho had been nblo to see In thu course of two days spent In Descjiuten and Crook countlcn, JohtuM. Horbur, of tho City National bank of Now York city, left licnd thin morning declaring that his ro port to tho Inntltutlon ho rcprenentH would recommend substantial finan cial hacking for tho Industries of this secl(oii, through local hanks. "My ImprcsHlonn of this vast coun try, In tho limited tlmo I hnvo been here, aro, of courso, only super ficial," Mr, Ilarbur said, "but I am novortholeHH very well pleased wltli what I have neon. I llko your coun try and I like your people. Tho way thoy ahako hands and look you in tho eyo when they talk to you means that thoy havo something real to offer. Their cards aro faco up on thu tablo for auyono to sec.' "1 am particularly Interested In your livestock Industry and In your alfalfa and other crops which will ho tho moans of Increasing Hint in dustry The growth of .the livestock business cannot como all at once It must be a steady and healthy gain. When thin In tho caso, Micro will al ways bo money available to aid tho Industry. "With your livestock, 'your timber, your climate, your scenery, I believe that tho development of thin coun try Is only started. I shouldn't for got your fish, by tho way, and when I como out again this summer I In tend to maku tho acQualntanco of some of them." Mr. Ilarbur visited tho Ilcnd mills, and declared that of many lumber plants ho had seen there wcro none superior to Tho Shevlln-Hlxon and IlrookH-Scaulon mills either In equip ment or In efficiency of planning and management. Mr. Ilarbur will return to Now York In Juno and has virtually de cided that ha will, at that 1lmo. ac cept an offer madu him to represent he City National in tlio northwest. "In that case, I will be in llend sev eral times a year," ho said. "I am really looking forward to It." ELK BANQUET DATE IS SET INVITATIONS TO UK BUNT OUT. I'OH IHO AI'KAIIC TO II K fllVKN 0 ' IN III.NI) ON HVi: OF OATTl.i: AND lIOItSK ItAItiF.ltH' MKITT. CONFIDENCE IN BEND IS FELT - J STATU AGKXT OF PACIFIC IIUILD I NO AND LOAN SAVS ASSOCIA TION IS HKADV TO INVKST 9100,000 TO All) nitOWTII. CHILDREN ADMIT STORE ROBBERY. Fourteen Year Old Itunawuys Fit in Tiinmlo Section Dcclurt Hunger CuiiNtsI Them to Steal. CHICHESTER S FILL DIAMOND J2! BRAND ' 7..v -m m ,? w -.i- i ss1 - . .KAsnwi -r (From Saturday's Dally.' Dasll Ilalley and Tom Colllor, H year qld younrftera from tho Tumalo Boctlon, nftor edinlttlng that thoy had broken Into tho J. M. Qrlffln store ut Tumalo were broirglit to llend last night and turned over to Sheriff 8. . HohorlH, ponding n hearing In tho juvenile court, Tho boyH ran away from homo Monday night, hiding out In tho brush until Wednesday, avIioii urged by huivger thoy forcod an en trance Into tho storu, In addltl6u to food however, thoy took a number of art tlclca of clothing, "lloforo wo broko Into tho store, wo trlod to roimt a plno B(ulrrol," young Colllor ox plained, "but ho tasted llko a rat und wo had to got n meal uomowhoro olso," 'Doth youngfltors woro armed and tho Ilalley boy was ready to shoot whoa Mr. Orlfllu surprised thorn four mlloH out from Tumalo, " UJf J. Ml. ttk rr IruiM for CHI-CHK3. PIAMUND BRAND VIUIB II BOLD tBilallla boxM. lolrd MW Mmm (W VIHHi mw w HK9-TKi a A tJ with lu0 uk fcr CMI.CkM.TCKI. V RANI riLtH, for Iweatr-lM iMtt. Hafict. Alwaya Rdfabto, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS t&& EVERYWHERE lIAMBTf S years rtcanUd INDUSTRIAL CLUBS BEING ORGANIZED (From Saturday's Dally.) Organization of industrial clubs In tho rural districts of tho county Is .progressing rapidly, County School Suporlutondont J'. Alton Thompson roportad today, Cooking, potato oul turo, and bwIiiq nnd poultry aro bo Ing emphaslxed this year. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Within tho next few days Invito tlous to every Elk in Crook, Jeffer son, Deschutes and I.nko counties will bo Boat out by tho local mombors of tho lodge, commanding each ant lored ono to bo present In llend on tho evening of April SI. A banquet to bo given by tho members of tho lodgo In this city city, mid tho fact that tho affair will bo mado tho oc casion for putting over plans for n Contrnl Oregon F.Iks lodgo nro tho Inducements. Thu big liauquet will bo given at 8:30 o'clock, und It Is expected that in tho neighborhood of ICO will bo present. Tho fact that tho tgathorlng Is on tho ovo of tho Oregon Statu Cuttlo and Ilorso .Kaisers' convention will add to tho attendance, us many visiting Klks from other parts of thu stato will bo on hand. Mombors of tho local commltteo in charge of organization plans aro do Ing their utmost to apoud up prelim Inary work necessary lAiforo a char tor can bo secured, and It Is be lieved that communications now be (From Thursday's Dally.) Indications of tho probable growth of llend durlnx tho coming year ware plvon this morning by It. K. Chad wick of Portland, stato agent fpr tho Pacific IJulldliiK and Loan, who declared that tho association Is ready to Invest $100,000 In building Improvements here-during tho com ing season, Moro thn twlco this amount has already been Invested In Dcnd by tho association. Mr. Chadwlck was accompanied by O, V. Wood, special agent nnd spent thu morning conferring with 4. A. Kastes, local representative in ro gard to tho possibilities for city growth during 1919. "Wo uro confident that a largo amount of building will ba dono in llend this year," Mr. Chadwlck said. Ing mado by wire will bring matters to a point whora organization of u Central Oregon lodgo, with headquar ters in thts city, can bo effected as tho elilof business coming before members gathered at tho banquet. "nna wo think so highly of tho c ty's future that wo nro willing to put In from 175,000 to $160,000 In tho noxt few months to aid In this development." UK KHCAI'KI) I.NFM'KNZA. "Lant spring I had 11 torrlblo cold and grlppo and wan nfrald I "wan go ing to havo influenza," writes A. A. McNecso, High Point, Oa. "I tdok Foloy'n Honey and Tar. It was a night to sco the phlegm I coughed up. I am convinced Foloy's Honey and Tar saved mo from Influenza." Con tains no opiates. Good for children. Sold everywhere.- Adv. LEGAL NOTICES XOTICK TO TAXI-AYKKH. Taxes for tho current year will now shortly bo duo. In paying taxes look up tho de scription of tho property on which you wish to pay taxes. After you hnvo paid tho taxes vorlfy tho de scriptions on tho tax receipt with your deed records. Tho tax records go through many hands whllo in preparation and mistakes aro pos sible, April S Is tho last dato on which tho first half of tho 1919 taxes can be paid without Interest. October S is the last dato on which thu second half of tho 1919 taxes can bo paid without interest. Intorcst shall bo charged on any tax or half of a tax not paid when duo at tho rato of ono per cent, per month or fraction of a month until paid. All taxes not paid by tho Sth day of October become delinquent and on November C n penalty of 5 per cent. Is charged and collected In ad dition to tho Intorcst. Tho attention of taxpayers Is also called to tho provisions of tho law making It their duty to k'eep tho tax collector of tho county informed of their truo and correct address. wG2-4c S. E. IIOBEIIT8, dlwCt Tax Collector. Sl'.MMONS. In tho Circuit court of of tho stato of Oregon, for Deschutes county. S. 8. Stearns, plaintiff, vs. Norman Wcyond, dofendant. To Norman Weyand, the. above named defendant: In tho name of tho stato of Orcgo gnga which Is tho sublcct of this suit and directing n salo of tho lu torcst of tho defendant In the prem ises covorod by said mortgage, said promises being described an follows: Tho northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 8, town ship 18, south of range 13 east, W. M located nnd being In Deschutes county, Oregon, This summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by publication thoro of In tho Weekly Bond Bulletin, n weekly newspaper published In Don chutes county, Oregon, by order of tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said court, said ordor being mado nnd entered on Mnrch 2C, 1919, dnto of first publication Mnrch 27, 1919, length of publication, 6 nuccosslvo Dated this 27th 'day of March, 1919. C. 0. BENSON, Attorney for tho Plaintiff. 49c. Bend, Oregon. XOTICK TO CItKDITOItS TO J'HKSKNT CLAIMS. In tho county court of tho stato ot Oregon, for Deschutes county. In tho matter of tho cstnto of Ma tllda Ycomnns, deceased. Tho undersigned having been ap pointed administratrix ot tho above entitled estate, notlco Is hereby given to all persons having claims against the deceased or against said ctftato to present same, duly vorifled within six months of tho dato of this notlco to tho undersigned at tho office of C, 8. Benson, No. 8C9 Wall street, Bend, Oregon. Dated this 27th day of March, 1919. ANNA BOAIIDMAN, As Administratrix of tho Estato of Matilda Ycomans. 4-7c ,. POUND NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho City of Bend has taken up tho fol lowing described livestock, to-wlt: 1 sorrel gelding, white faco, yearling past, brand undecipherable; 1 Iron gray, branded heart on left front shoulder, gelding, 2. years; 1 black gelding, branded M bar on left hind quarter. 2 year; 1 sorrel maro with bell, whlto face, branded left hind quarter, undecipherable; 1 Iron gray gelding, branded M bar left hind quarter; 1 buckskin goldlng, branded M bar left hind quarter; 1 sorrel goldlng, branded M bar loft hind quarter; 1 sorrel gelding, branded M bar left hind Huartcr;,! black maro wtin botn hind Xcct whlto. jum uiu iivicuj icuuiicu lu uuuuar 1 Draniloil AT hn Inf. hln.l ...- i"J" wfe,r, J1'0 complaint of tho Tho cost of redeeming said livestock plaintiff, filed against you In the ! win bo 11.00 per day in addition to S-J?.T?inv,l.iCd fU ' ." r- br0 1 aclunI "Pcnses of keeping and cost Saturday, he 10th day of May, of advertising. In case of failure lfl;,aSiu 01-! f,,1tonn!wcr.,tho to redeem on part of owner, said plaintiff will tako Judgment against livestock will bo sold as provided you for the sum of I1C00, with In by tho charter of tho City of Bend tcrcst thereon at the rate of C per on tho 5th of April at 3 p. m. at tho cent per annum from December 21, Icitr pound on Orc-mrnn.! ,.,,, .,,.1 1910: for the sum ot $220.00 attor ney's fees, together with the costs of this suit, and for an order fore closing according to law, tho mort- Flrst street. L. A. W. NIXON. Chief ot Police and oxOfflclo Poundmastcr. S2d w Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Mnterinl, Kiln Dried Flooring and nil kinds of Finish SASH AND DtORS . COMPLETE STOCK of Siarukrd Size. - BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales At'ent, MILLER LUMBER CO. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 1316 First National Bank Bldg. Tol. 611 (Dr. Co's Former Office) Jt. It. D AnnonJ Chu. W. K-jkin De Armond & Erskine l a w Y e r s O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon 1 ' BUCKHECHT II. O. JO L L I S AttorBeynt-Lam Halted States Commissioner First National Bonk Building BEND, OREGON Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. LL. Architect 24 O'Ktne Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. NISWONQER, Bead, Ore. UNDERTAKER Liceased Etabalmer, PmiermJ Director. Phoe Red 42L Ldy AmL DR. R. D. STOWELL Npmpthlc rhvsJclM Over Logaa Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to E Phone Red -KM 'ARM"" BLACK'GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF m w rj 6HOE $6.50 to 8.50 AT ALL DEALERS KJ Frt it ta "THE BULLETIN.' V f s r From toe to heel - the Quckhscht Army Shoe is every Inch man' j hoel Worn by men In all walk of life at all tlmei. In all clunej. A .hoc built for uniuual comfort and extra lervlce. Get a pair today! At principal dealer on the Piclfc Com. if your dealer U not supplied, order direct from MWfm. BUCKINGHAM MECHT sh FrW-c MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawronco Bldg., Room 3 Phono Red 2251 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE uuM!tTf!71ffVJviUivvTniyiYii'Kii GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with Now Eijulpmont Prlvato Office In Thorson's Jowqlry Storo Dr. Turner will bo In Prlno vlllo ovory first and third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, and in Red mond ovory first nnd third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads. Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, ProslcUnt Most Complete Abstract Plant in Central Oregon, Special AUeatioa Given to Federal, Loan Abstract.. First Notion. B.rK Bid., END, OKI.. Cer. et t Alley