The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 11

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hunt von Armii o.
(Prom Monday's Datljr.)
Approximately 1000 rabbits woro
killed yesterday In Deschutes county
in tho course ot two drives, one held
from Torrebonno and tho other from
tho Ghaso ranch on tho Redmond
road. Halt a thousand woro slaugh
tered by 60 huntors armed with
uhotguns at tho event In tho northern
part of tho county, whllo at least ns
many woro transformed Into coyote
feed at tho Chaso driro. Moro than
00 huntors attonded the latter drive.
Announcement was mndo this
morning that tho Deschutes commun
ity will stage a hunt next Sunday
morning, and a general Invitation to
Send sportsmen la extended. Hunt
ers will meet at tho hotel at Do
Bchutcs nt 9:30 o'clock In tho morn
ing, will drlvo -west and then north
to tho Peterson ranch, whero a
Swedish lunch will bo served free.
In tho aftrcnoon they will drive west
to tho river.
Ammunition will bo furnished at
cost. Sportsmen taking part In the
drlvo are requested not to bring
William A. Harwell of tho Eighth In.
f nntry Arrived at Brest Nov. 1 1
Regiment HUH Held Overseas.
(From Friday's Daily.)
Just In timo to hear tho announce
ment ot tho signing of tho armistice,
William A. Hunnell ot Bend arrived
in Franco with the Eighth infantry,
ho states in a letter written to Sheriff
S. E. Roborts. Hunnell went into
tho service lost September, and after
a briot period of training nt Camp
Lewis was sent to Fromont, whero
ho was assigned to an old lino regi
ment. It was on tho 9th day ot November
that tho transport steamed into the
liarbor nt Brest, so that tho regiment
had no opportunity of getting under
Are. Tho Eighth Is sttll retained in
France for iguard duty.
The letter made tho entire trip
from camp in Franco to Bend in 17
Four From Bead Will Have Import
ant Work at Central Oregon
Competition at Madras.
' (From Saturday's pally.'
Four Deschutes county Instructors
and district officials have been ap
pointed as judges and managers ot
tho Central Oregon School Day pro
gram, to bo held In Madras on May
17, County Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson" announced today.
The appointments made Include
the following:
Carl A. Johnson, timekeeper; Prin
cipal R. C. Johnson, Judge of high
school field events; City Superintend
ent S. W. Moore, Deschutes county
manager ot preliminaries for high
school declamation contest; Mrs. J.
D. Davidson, Deschutes county man
ager ot preliminaries tor grammar
school declamation contest.
, (From Thursday's Dally.)
Admitting tho truth of tho chargo
'against him 19 year old Sherman
Douglas waived preliminary exam
ination yesterday afternoon and was
bound over to tho grand jury under
91,000 bonds. Ho fa alleged to have
cashed checks for which he know
thero woro no funds In tho bank.
iiniiiimiiiiimminimmumunium b
I Depew I
JllbcTl&C cwa)
&-Cunir and CUi IVtty Pcr,
S-NaTT Mnbt el Hi Forl(
Ltftos el FVbik Captain Gun
turret, riww pwipnip - I
WkuMrol Is CroU JGutr 1
br RolUr and Brttlou On., Throvsa
TimaffBai niu wm uwn
vmw abuh cvnin.
Tho other two spoke (Jormnn ana
had been missing for at least three
days and, I think, had escaped by this
time. They wcro not returned whllo
I was at Brandenburg.
This was about 7 a.m. They drilled
ns down to tho. llttlo lake, whero tho
cold was much greater, and kept us
there until 5 p. in without food or
drink. At about eight that morning
they found Fontnlno In n French bar
racks and kicked him nil tho way to
tho lako where wo wcro.
All day long wo stood there, falling
ono by ono and getting kicked or beat
en each timo until wo dragged our
selves up again. Two or three died
I do not know tho exact number. But
wo had enough strength, when ordered
back to tho barracks, to kick Fon
tnlno ahead of us nil tho way. We
did not get anything to cat until soven
tho next morning twenty-four hours
without food and water, ten of which
wcro spent In tho snow without any
protection from tho cold and wind.
No wonder wo kicked Fontnlno for
bringing this punishment on us and en
dangering tho two who had escaped
ho had simply strolled over to tho
French barracks and forgot to return.
Now, tho food received wns just
about enough to keep us alive. I sup
pose, with true kultur, tho Huns had
figured out Just how much It would
tako to keep n man on this sldo ot
tho starvation line and gavo us that
much and no more. So wo wcro always
famished always hungrier than you
probably ever havo been. But some
times when wo wcro ravenously hun
gry and could not hold out any longer
wo would trade rations.
Ono man would trado his wholo ra
tion for tha next day far a half ration
One Man Would Trade His Whole Ra
tion for the-Next Day for Half a Ra
tion Today.
today. That is. If you wero so hungry
that you thought you could not last
out tho day on your regular share, you
would tell someone clso that if ho gavo
you half his share today you would
glvo him aJL EUJ5. !m!?!I2.wj. If J?u
was u gambler ho would take you up.
Tliut Is, ho would gnniblo on his being
altvo tomorrow, not on your keeping
your word. Ho know you would como
across with your ration -tho next day,
and llko ns not, If you tried to keep It
from him, ho would kill you, and no
body would bldmo hltn.
It certainly was hard, when the next
day came, to glvo up your wholo ration
and go without that day. But I never
saw a man hedge, or even speak of It
And wo did not havo uny food plrutes
nmong us cither: wo wcro not captains
ot Industry by uny means.
There wcro times when some of us
could not eat certain of our rations.
For instance, many and many n timo
I was as hungry as anybody could be,
and I wanted to eot.iny breml.Jiut jt
Rccmcdfls If I could not get It Into
my mouth. Then I would trade it witn
somcono clso for Ms "shadow soup" or
his barley coffee.
Wo wcro dying every day In Bran
denburg and utter each death tho
senior men of that bnrrncks would do
tal! twelvo of their number to go out
for halt an hour and dig tho grave,
whllo others uindo little crosses, on
which they wroto or carved tha man'n
name, when ho was captured, and his
regiment or ship. In tho inlddto ot
the cross wcro always the letters.
It, L P. Rest in Feace.
Ono timo wo wero ordered to report
to tho German doctors for a scrum
treatment of same kind to receive an
Injection, In othor words. There was
no cholco about It this time, as wo
wcro simply horded together to tho
hospital barracks. Now, I knew what
theso things were llko and how brutal
tho German doctors wcro !n glvlrfg an
Injection, so I wanted to bo tho very
first man and not havo to witness tho
othor men gottlng theirs.
So I pushed up to tho head of tho
line, with tho crew of 11. M. 8. Nomad,
who hnd been captured In tho Jutland
battle, and by tho timo wo got to tho
hospital was the very first man In line.
But the sentry threw mo back and
there wcro sorernl men nhend of roc.
Each of them bared his chest and tho
doctors slashed them across tho breast
with n very Uitn knife, so you can seo
that It was very paluful. When It
camo to my turn they slushed mo thrco
times In the shapo ot u trlanglo Just to
ono side of tho hrenst. And that was
nil thcro wns to It no Injection, noth
ing on tho kntfo that I could sec.
Now, I do not Know what the Idea
was. Every man of us wns dltzy for
the rest of the day and could not do
anything hut lay around the barracks.
And hardly any of us bled a drop,
Just another dcniwn trick that no ono
could exptaln.
Ono day n war correspondent nnracd
Bennett, from n ChtcnRo paper, camo
to tho camp and went through nil tho
barracks. When ho enmo to our bar
racks I told him I wns nn American
and asked for tho news. Instead of
answering ho began to nsk all sorts
of questions. Finally, after I hnd told
him I hnd been In tho French sen-Ice,
I asked him If ho could help mo In any
way. Ho nnswered thnt I had only my
self to blamo and thnt Jt served mn
right If I hnd been In one of tho allied
I did not llko his looks much nnd ho
seemed unfriendly, but when ho began
smoking a cigarette It almost drove mo
crazy nnd I could not help nuking for
one. Ho refused me nnd said I should
havo stnyed In my own country, whero
I could hnvo hnd p'enty of cigarettes.
After a whllo ho throw nway a ciga
rette stub and not only I but thrco or
four others who wcro near made a dtvo
for It A man nnmed Kelley got li
ft crazy man who went around trying
to fat wood and cloth -and anything
he could find. . v
When my threo weeks wero up and
I had not heard from Mr. Gerard I was
Just about ready to go down to tho
lako and pick out a vacant spot and
lay down In It I realty do not think
I could havo lasted two weeks longer.
And Just about that time, as I waa
walking back to barracks ono day, a
Frenchman showed mo n German
newspaper, and thero In largo type on
tho top of tho first page It said that
Mr. Gerard hnd left tho country, or
was gelling ready to leave. They had
to dreg mo tho rest of tho way to tho
barracks and throw fnow on mo befuro
I came to.
tOunner Dejxjw'a lntervlw with Mr,
Gerard took place at tha Dulmen pvfeon
camp on or about February 1, 1917. On
February J. our state department demand
ed the releaie of sixty-two American
captured on British vesaela and held as
prtaonera In Clermany, On the lama day,
President Wilson severed diplomatic rela
tions with Oermany. Ambassador Gernrd
left Germany exactly one week later, Tho
newspaper that Ounner Depew saw must
have been Issued after February 1& It
waa not until March 9, HIT, however, that
Ounner Depew was actually released from
Brandenburg. Editor's Note.
I do not know what hnppencd daring
tho next few days.
But a week or so Inter tho Spanish
ambassador and four German officers
snd Swutts camo to our barracks and
tho ambassador told mo I would bo
released I It was all I could do to
keep from fainting again. Then Swntts'
naked yio In English If I hod anything
to say about tho treatment In tho
camp, and I began to think maybe
It was a frame-up of some kind, so all
I said was, "When will I get out of
hero?,r nnd ho said, "Why, you will be
released tomorrow."
I did pot wait to hear any more, but
rushed Into tho barracks again, singing
and- whistling and yelling ns loud us I
could. Tho boys told mo my face was
very red and I guess what llttlo blood,
I bad in my- body had rushed to my
head, because I could hardly walk for
a few talautea.
Then tho men began to think X was
crnsy, nnd none of them believed X
would really bo released, but that X
was going to bo sent to tho mines, nn
so mnny wero. Hut I believed It, nnd.
I just sat thero on my bunk und be
gan to drenni of tho food I would gut
nnd what I would cut first, nnd so an.
I did .nut sloop that night Just
walked from burrncks to bntruckn tin
till they chased mo nway, nnd then
walked up nnd down In tny own bur
racks tho rest of tho night When X
got to the Ilusslnn bnrrncks and told
the two doctors my news, they would
not believe me nt nil, although thoy
know thcro hnd been some Important
visitor at tho camp.
But when I walked out ot their door
I said, "Dobra vetshav," which moans
"Good night I" Then thoy must have
believed me, for they called mo back,
and all tho men gave mo addressed of
people to wrlto to In case I should get
They wero all talking nt once, nnd
ona ot tho doctors gut very excited nutl
got dowu on his knees wltlr- his hands
In tho air. "Albert," ho snld, "If you
havo tho God-gtvcu luck to gut out of
Germany not for nty suke, but for
tho nnko ot us who nro hero In this
hell-hole, promise tuo you will tell all
tho people wherever you go whnt they
aro doing to us hero. Tell thuui not to
scud mouey, for we cnu't cut money,
nnd not meat Just bread, bread,
And when I looked around all tho
men wcro sitting on their beds crying
and tearing their hnlr nnd saying,
"bread, bread, bread," over nnd orer
ngnln. Then each tried to glvo mo
somothlng, as If to say that oven If
they did not get out, perhaps tlulr but
ton or belt tr skull cup would gut back
to civilization. '
When I left their barracks I began
to cry, becauso It did not seem pos
sible that I wns going nway, and al
ready I could sco them stnrvlng slow
ly. Just ns I had been stnrvlng.
Tho next morning n sentry camo to
my barracks, called out my namo nnd
took mo to tho commander of tho
camp. They searched me, nnd then
drilled mo back to barracks again.
Then tho men all thought they wero
Just playing a Joko on me, nud thoy
said so.
Tho snmo thing happened tho next
day, nnd whorl ono of tho men said
that probably I would bo slammed up
against a wall nnd shot, I began to feel
shaky, I can tell you.
But tho third morning, after they
hnd ncprched me, tho commander said,
"Well, you'll havo to havo it bath be
fore you leave tho country," and I
was so glad Mat I did not mind about
tho bnth, although I remembered tho
last ono I had, und It did not agrco
very well with mo. After tho bath,
they drilled mo out Into tho road.
Thero wcro four sentries with me,
but not Swntts, nor did I sco Mm
anywhero nround, for which I was sor
ry. But all tho boys came down to
the barbed wire, or to the gate, and
somo wcro crying, and others were
cheering, and all of them wero very
much excited. But after a mlnuto or
two they got together again and tho
last thing I heard was tha song about
packing up your old kit bag, and then,
"Are we downhearted? No I They
were certainly game lads.
They did not take me straight to
the station, but took me through all
the streets they could fliuL and as us
ual, tho women were thero with tho
brick and spit But I did not mind:
I was used to It and besides. It wan
the last time. So I Just grinned at
them, and thought that I was better
oft than they, bvcuuso they had to stuy
In tho hole- called Germany.
I was still linlf naked, but I did not
mind tho two-hour wait on tho station
platform. I noticed a llttlo slgu that
read, "Berlin !3 tnllca' north," and
that was tho first timo I had much of
an Ideu where Brandenburg wus.
(To- Be Continued.)
FnuceU la City Bun Dry When Flume
Tapped by II. W., I. & I Is
8lmt Off Without Wanting.
Ktnm Xf ri'ikVK Tintlv.t
Bend hydrants went suddonly do
this mornlna. and for-sovernl hours
only comparatively tow water mora
hud tholr customary supply, with
out tho knowledge of tho Bond
Wator, Light fb Power Co., tho wator
In tho G. O. I. ilumo, which Is tapped
by tho company's Intake, had' beon
shut off, It waa found on Investiga
tion, and tho troublo waa quickly
(From Friday's Dally,)
Word was robolved lust night by
Principal Johnson of tho Bond high
school that tha flip of a coin has
glvon tho Bend dobators tho nugatlvo
ot tho question, "Resolved, tliut tho
United States should advocata nn
International pollco for tho league of
nations." Tho dobnto, which Is with
Franklin high school of Portland,
will bo either on April 18 or 10, but
It has not yet boon decided whothor
tho contest is to bo stagod In Port
land or Bend.
Tho winners of tho dobato will
meet tho winners of tho Southorn
Oregon sorlcs to ducldo tho champion
ship of tho elate
(From Saturday's Dally.'
Thnt 13 doien Ghlnonn phennnnts
win bo sent to II nnd for distribution
In tho near ttttura won tho announce
ment mndo Inst night nt tho moot
Ing ot tho rod nnd gun section uf
tho llond Amntour Athlotlo club by
W. G. ItlrdtmU, Ho emphasised tha
need ot plnclng tho birds on farms
whoro thoy will bo properly lakon
caro ot until tho natural Incren-o
has stookod tho country. Any ranch
orn who nro ready to protect nnd
caro for tho phuusanta nro asked to
cummunlcatu with Mr. Ulrdimll.
Tho constitution commtttoo's re
port wns referred back for revision
before bolng panned noon by tho
club, Prenont mombors nt the or
gnnlintlon nro unxlous that member
ship In tho athlotlo club should not
bo mndo n roqulsltu for membership
in tho Itod and Gun club, and this
change In tho constitution was rec
ommended. CLUB PLAY TO BE
Cnst of "What Happened to June"
Itcudy to GUo Hxcellcnt Produc
tion uf Popular Kiirce.
(From Frldny's Dally.)
Tha presentation of tho farce-
comedy, "What Happened to Jones,"
will tnko placo next Friday evening
nt tho II. A. A. O , Instcud of tonight,
ns somo hnvo expected.
Tho cnst Is wull up In the hill nnd
u smooth but snappy performance Is
anticipated. This comedy cannot
full to ptunsn, ns It has had long
runs In oil or tho leading cities of
tho United States.
An attractive feature of the play
will bo an ontlroly now sot at scenery,
which Is being painted by Ktfgnr
Abbott, who has been connected
with soma, ot tho loading somlc.
studios ot tho country. An olnliec-
ato sotting U bolng" arranged, hlca
will add materially to tho enjoy
ment of tho bill.
Kusorred scats may bo secured at
tho athletic club during tho rest of
tho wcok.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Monday Wednesday and Friday
nights of each week, beginning Mon
day, March 31, standard ntoopora will
bo In operation again from llond to
Portland In addition to tho rogular
dally tourist.
Is All We Ask for these
Fine All Wool Suits
Made to Order
Two-Piece Suite 121.30
Three-Piece Suits.$24.50
A big; variety of splondld wool-,
on to pick from. Kumo fabrics
other usk 9.'J0 to 935 for.
Wo gunrontoo to lit you pur
fcotly und ploaso you In ovory
Our lljr vurloty of mu- ( 1 50
turlnls tailored to J) I fWa.
measure ut. .......... .t
NCI CAN One Deer SeutkV
NCLOUN Bend Hardware.
(From Frldny's Dully,) 4
Announcement ot tho letting of
tho contrnct tor tho completion ot
the Morsoit Irrigation project above
I,a Pino, .at nn estimated cost ot
125,000 for tho went unit of, 20,000
acres and 1200,000 for tho east unit
of 17,600 ncrcn, wus mndo yesterday
nftariioon by W, G, Fordhntu, who,
with George W. McUughlln, hits
flioon awarded tho contract.
Work on tho smnllor unit, Mr.
Fordhnm stated, will bo started with
In tho nuxt 10 days. Tim necessary
tnonoy Is already nvnllnblo for this,
and bonds Issued with tho first unit
ns Hocurlty will nunnco tho oncond
division ot thu project. Tho oast
unit will probubly bo stnrtod about
tho first or August.
Special machinery for tho work
has boon ordorod from thu on, nnd
should arrive hero In tho near fu
ture, Mr. Fordhnm states.
ItnitrlirrM AiUHcd to Inoruliita Holt nt
Hiimn Timet Thnt Acrcn '
Hntwi to Alfnlfn.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Tho biggest order for cultures of
nitrogen forming bacteria over placed
with tho Oregon Agricultural colfr.Ro
has Just been sent In from Ilcud, It.
A. Ward, of the First National bank,
stated this morning. Tho ordor Is
based on tho acreage pmslded for III
tho bank's recent order of 2A.000
pounds ot Grimm alfalfa seed for
203 Central Oregon farmers.
Mr.' Ward nd vises Hint ranchnm
sowing alfalfa Inoculate tho sol
with bacteria nt tho miiuo time, to
fnsuro good stands ot thv forage
plnttt. Tho bacterid will bo fur
nished at cost by tho ngrfoultural
college, so that tho oxpenscr ot In
oculation per aero will bo uUout i
There will ft su (Helen t
supply to take care of the waaU ot
othor farmers than those wnu or
dorod need, and nil desiring, bar.-
btrla are requested to commuaicate
.Uh Mr. Ward.
ZTflOO I'ouhiN of Heed Ordered,, Kif
llrlrnt fur lEKWI Acre KlaiUMtb
KeqamtM Aro Turned Doum.
(From Monday's Dally.)
A final footing up ot tho alfnlfu
soed ordor placed by tho First Na
tional Hank of Bend for tho farmers
of Central Oregon, showed todtiy a
total of 27,000 pounds, 20,000 pounds
of which Is certified Grimm, th
largest amount of Grimm seed, by .
tllir way, which Iwim over beon brought
Into any county In tho stntc, and will
result In tho sowing nt 3,2R0 acro
of new land to alfalfa, making Des
chutes thu lending alfalfa county ot
tho state,
Huiiioh(s for seed which camo In
from Klamath Falls had to In turned
down, n, A. Wnrd, who is handling
the order, stated this morning.
rut it in "Tin: mJiiij.TiN."
Four chairs at your service at tha
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv,
ChII and see
J kkmWmkWS