The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 10

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Vw '
(From Tuomlay'ii Dally.)
1' A. Hoard In it vlnltor In tlio oily
today from liln homo In Blntorii.
Frank V. Glii(iuiitu of Lower
IlrfilKo Ih hiioikIIiik tlio day In llond.
Oru Van TiihiioI of Madras arrived
In llond liiHt night and Ih nmialiiliu;
ovor today,
Mm, L. A. Hlntffor of Mlllcan wn
In llond today to purcliiiHu farm uun
pilau and hardwaro,
1'nttl 0. (JarrlMOii of I'rlnavlllo In
HpontllitK tliu 'day In llond on biiil
nuHii, I)r, 13. It. KorrU wan cnllod from
llond lnnt nlRlit ly u wlro from Oru
Kon City, which Htatnd tliiitniln fathur
In not expected to llvo.
(Conllnuod from Piifl;Q,l?v
hut It dlntrlhutus yearly frpm.IO to
00 por cunt, of Itn jjross output Valuo
for HUppllon, labor unit raw mnnrfnlii
to ronldantn and hiulnciin lnlltulfoiin
of tlio ntato, which further goon to
Incronno tlio bunlncioi and prosperity
of tlilit commonwealth."
Tim creation of a commlmilon -with
dun) authority to handlo hoth tlio
Knmo and tlio commercial depart
ments, Mr. Wnrrun nvoro, wim never
nt tlio solicitation of tho commercial
IntonmtN, hut rnthor at the nollcltn
Hon of pa mo proponent. "Hlnco tho
creation of a comiiilimloit tho com
morclnl flnhnrlvn havo novor hnd n
majority representation on that
body; on tho contrary, noyor even, I
think, more than ono momhor In
nvo. Tho.chnrgo that commercial
ism dominates tliu commlniilon Ih cur
talnly a ronoctloii on tho ability of
tho four Ramo reprcRcntatlvosi and
tho charRo that tho funds have been
juggled for tho benefit of tho com
nlorclnl Intorcntu Ih a further reflec
tion on their Intelligence and Integrity.
"Commorclal IntoroHtN nro willing
to ncn.ulcHca.ln any policy that In for
tliu Htato'n liiiiit Intercut, hut thoy will
undoiibtodly and rlishtfully object to
buliiK controlled by any commission
on which thoy aro represented by
not ovon ono inotnhor In five,
"Tho principal chnnxo ruoiiih to bo
clilolly tho Insidious Inltuenco of my
Holf, (ho lono commercial ropruiienln
tlvo, ovnr four kuiikj momhurn, or
rather throo and tho oxucutlvo head
of tho ntato. Tho nliNurdlty of that
contention I think I havo already
mado clear.
Mrs. Brown a Well
Woman Once More
, J"-
Wax Cmifliiril to Ilr JIM hnd Chair
for Over Two Vfiin licforo
TukliiK Tiinlnc,
"Homo strange things happen In
thin world and thu clinnao Tanliic
Iiiih brotiKht about In my wlfo'a con
dition Ih ono of thorn," nald J. L.
Drown, a resident of CoIIuko Park,
"For ovor two years," ho con
tlnund, "my wlfo had no much trouble
with hor ntomach that Mho could
hardly tuko any tiourlHhmont at nil
hut a milk diet, and nlio full on till
Alio wan little moro than a living
nkoleton, Bho got llttlo rent or uleop
nt nlKht, had no urior;y at all and
wiih no woak and run down that most
of her tlmo wun npuut In bed or In
hor chair. Her skin wan Hallow and
iinhoalthy looking and hIio didn't
Hoom to tako Interest In anything.
"In fact nho wan about an bad off
an Nho could bo to bo ullvu when
nho started taking Tanlac, and JiiHt
n fow bottles of thin wonderful modl
clno havo mado her n well woman
onco moro. She now oatn anything
hIio wantH, sleep like a child, Iiiih
Kalned twenty poundn unci la able to
do all hor housework an well an nho
uvor did."
Tanlac In sold In llond by Owl
Pharmacy, In Hlntoni by Geo. K.
Altkon, and lu llond by Horton Drug
Co. -Adv.
"" 'ii ,'tii
DofondM IoliI))'.
"That I havo been uaraonnlly al
tondnnl at Balom fpr it number of
noHHlonn, olthor nlona or In company
with other commercial men, I plead
guilty, Many cniinorytriofi, my
fatlior among othorH, havo for years
Kono to Sulom to ndvlso with mom
boro -of thn legislature relallva to
tho nuodH of tho ureal Hiilmon IndUH
try. Anyono known that many c
flontlulH nro often ovorlooked but for
tho Ho-cnlled 'lobby.' Tho wisdom
or thin roproHdntntlon In certainly
vindicated by tho condition of tho
Induntry, I hopo to bo
spared to attend othor session of tho
loKlnlnturo and I hopo tho sugges
tlonn I mny havo to offor will, If fol
lowed, provo an productlvo of good
roHUltn an havo those of my prodo
cennoni, "Tho statement that J havo1 bar
tered gonjo, Interest f6r commercial
I nioHt ompiiatlcally dony, Tho game
coda was drawn by Mr. flhoemakor,
nsulHtod by Dr. MoForland, It em
bodied rccommondatlonn approved
by tho wholo commlRslon an well on
other dctallR agreed upon In confer
onco In Hnlom. An a matter of duty
J attended an many of theno confer
ences as possible. I tried to express
tho vlown of tho commlnnlon when
called upon and when tho bill was
finally agreed upon I did what I
could to uhhIhI itn paRHDizo, an did
alio McasrH. 0111, Mooro arid .McFar
Itind, mombcrfl of tho Icglal'aturo, and
all of -whom aro members of tho
sportsmen's leasue.
Fund Not Tmperel Willi.
Relative to charKcn that Warden
Shoemaker spoke In behalf of War
ren's candidacy for dclcgato to the
national Ilopubllcnn convention in
1910, Mr. Warren simply says If It
Is truo he appreciates Mr. Shoe
maker's Interest and thanks such
wardens as may havo voted for him,
although ho wan unable to continue
sorlouily as a candidate becauso he
was out of tho state. IIo declares
From now until Easter, wc will
'have a continuous Style Show,
featuring tho trend of 1919 fash
ions in Millinery and Ladies'
Easter this year may well be
called "the day of no excuses"for
the woman who is not becomingly
dressed. The old cry that there
is nothing becoming to me this
season falls on unsympathetic oars.
It is now, or never, that every type
may revel in being set off with dis
tinction. Many of the Coats shown this
season will serve two purposes, as .
they may be worn both for after
noon and evening, with equally
charming effect. Capes and Dol
mans, wliich persist in being the
favorite type of wraps, are shown
in such a wide range of colors and
materials that the most critical
buyers could not fttil to be pleased.
In garments for sports wear, there
is no longer any doubt regarding
the popularity of the Novelty Silk
Skirts and the smart short Velvet
Wc are showing a great variety
of these Novelty Skirts, in such
materials as Jacquard Kumsi
kumsa, Fantasi, Fuf-a-Nuff, Kit
tens' Ear, Pussy Willow, Tricolette.
all shades of Baronette Satin, and
in tho Velvet Jackets we are ex
pecting another shipment at an
early date.
The Suit, has been called the
American woman's favorite cos
tume, and" this Easter Milady- may
wear a Box Coat, or a Russian
Blouse, a k Strictly Man Tailored
Suit, on the new lines, or the smart
new Sport Suit, the coat of which
can be worn as a separate wrap.
The materials used in these new
models are Heavy Men's Wear
Serges, Poiret Twills, JDuyetyn,,
Wool Patriette, Tricotines, and the
always popular English Tweeds.
Dresses of Satin Taffeta, Print
ed Gdorgettes, Foulards and the
soft, clinging Crepe Meteor, are
immensely popular.
What could be more attractive
for Easter than a frock of smart
Black Taffeta? We are showing
an exceptionally effective jnodel,
with a narrow skirt, over which
hangs a tunic heUvily embroiddred
with Henna" silk. Another is of
Black Taffeta with wide angora
insertion embroidered with navy
In Millinery, such a display of
flowers has not been in evidence
for many a season. There is also
a generous sprinkle of Fancy
Feathers and Quills, and always in
their company are found Ribbons.
A beautiful combination which
must grow more and more popular
as the season advances appears in
hats that have partly transparent
brims, or crowns of Malines, Jet
especially effective in the wide
Nets, and Hair Braids. These are
brimmed, picturesque millinery
which is in consequence of the new
long skirts, for hat shapes are af
fected by this feature of the style.
We have many more smart new
style features, but space will not
permit us to m6ntion any more.
It is our pleasure to show you
all these new models.
THE PARISIAN ,.: , Bend, Oregon
ecial Easter Showing
Of the many things necessary to complete your spring
and Easter wardrobe. Here you will find the many
wanted styles and colors. Here you will find prompt and
efficient service.
Easter Hosiery '. . '"' "? 7 " ' ' PreEastcr Display of '
New Brassieres
SILK Nine colon; a bij?
line and real good raluci
black and while, all m.
alto out fiiea
Silk Boot boe, title top in
Hack and white, all ilxet
COTTON and LISLE, a full rantfe
20c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c, 45c, 59c
Bandeau ityle, front or back
fattening, white' or flesh, in
all tizei
Open Front, made of fine cam
bric, embroidery trimmed, ex
tro well made
Pre-Easter Display of Wash Fabrics
LAWNS. BATISTES, FLAXONS, fine cloth with dainty flow
de,ia - 20c, 25c, 29c, 35c
VOILES, a 42-inch cloth, fine quality, fine mercerized, 8 colon, a yd
CREPE, half ailk, wa,h fabric, good looking dren cloth' 9 colon, a yd
Spring Undermuslins
WOMEN'S UNION SUITS-New. frh garmenta for aum
mer wear; lace knee or tight knee; all aizct, per garment
ATHENA UNION SUITS Thcie famoua garmenta are lold
by ua exclusively. They are the ftneit made
98c, $1.29, $2.25
ENVELOPE STYLE, knit unfona, all aizei at
75c, 65c
MISSES' UNION SUITS-Fjne ribbed bleached garment! in
all aizea
43c, 48c
BOYS UNIONS-knee length no leeve, the kind boya like
.rk.mmtM t
I S.MEhJ'S Unions, fine ribbed, well made, good wearing, all size
V3C, 31.I, Jli.JU
Undermuslins For All The Family
Snow White, Crisp, Clenn, Fresh Merchandise in all the styles
that are established favorites. High Quality Materials Dain
ty Trimmings Fine Needle Work Carefully finished.
Honest Merchandise Correctly Priced.
CORSET COVERS Fine nainsook, lace or embroidery trim. These
value are good.
SKIRTS Fine cambric and and fine nainsook, with deep embroidery flounce
or with Iaee and insertion trim, good wearing qualities
$1.1 9-$ 1.2 9-$ 1.39-$ 1.49-$ 1.69
NIGHT GOWNS Fine materials, well made, in a great variety of styles.
ENVELOPE CHEMISES New, dainty garments, certain to please.
& Jf
"4Ttf& i i ft -.
-itfitbar s
his bollof that Mr. Shoemaker speaks
thn truth when ho says ho did not
Bpqnd a cent or travel a mlln In his.
behalf as a candidate.
"Tho chargo that tho disposition
ot funds hna boon altered at tho In
stigation of coramerclul lobbyista Is
falso," continues air. Wurron. "Ever
slnco I havo been on tho commission,
and I think ovor slnco tho commis
sion form of control has boon In ex
istence, gnmo licenses havo boon de
posited In tho game protection fund
and commercial fishing licenses In
slthor hatchery funds No. 1 or No. 2
as tho cobo might bo, and tho mothods
ot disbursement havo been tho samo
as at preaont. I would BUggest that
a porusal of Iho Btatutea might hnvo
mudo tho (gontlomon who mado that
statement loss apparent disciples of
Ananias than thoy Boom to be."
Klnnnrlnl Statement Given.
&Mr. -Warren appends n financial
8tntomont of tho fish and game funds
Cor tho last four yoars.
In another communication to tho
gayornor Mr; Warren onfilosea n lot
tpr wrlttoh to governor Wlthycombo
and tho flBh and game commission
In January, 1917, Blgnoil by H. C,
MeFnrland us president or tho Ore
gon Sportsmen's league, W. P.
Backus as socrotary of tho Mult
nomah Anglors club and II. D. Van
Duzor as a mombcr of tho executive
aommlUea ot tho two organizations,
WwUjk reports that those organlza-
s .were no; in Bympainy wim unj
commission wore declared without
foundation and tho writers declared
thomsclves well satisfied with the
commission's work.
Slnco tho controversy over tho
management ot tho fish and gnmo
commission flared up several weeks
ago, Governor Olcott has received
nearly 200 letters from all parts ot
tho state commending tho work of
tho commission and ot Carl Shoe
mukor, ntato garao warden. Tho city
of Bend Is represented in several
potttlons to tho (governor asking that
tho present officials bo retained.
xotich van puhmcatio.v.
United States Land Office at Tho
Dulles. Oregon, April 4th, 1019.
Notico is hereby given thut Leo
Keller, ot Mllllcan, Orogon, who, on
May 11th, 1914, mado Homestead
Kntry No. 013177. for SVj NBH.
NEUSEtf . Sec. 25. T. 19 S It. 15J.
E lots 2-3, SWU NKJ;4. SBH
NWW, NEVl SWV4. Section 30.
Township 19 South, Range 1C East
WillumettQ Meridian, has tiled no
tico of intention to mako final threo
year proof, to establish claim to tho
land abovo described, before II. C.
Ellis, U, S. commissioner, at Uend,
Orogon,. on tho 15th day ot May,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Loo P. Itoonoy, John J. Holland,
Reuben R. Keller, Arthur MoMoaro,
nil of Mllllcun. OroKon.
This Is to certify that tho users'
signed have, purauaio ,thj proVl
slons ot tho statutes of tho stnto of
Oregon, formed a limited partner
ship. The namo assumed by said
partnership and under which it
business is to bo conducted Is Red
mond Garoo, J. O. Houk, proprietor;
and tho principal placo of business
of ealtl partnership shall bo at Red
mond, Oregon. Tho general naturo
of tho business to ba traiMacted la
buying, selling, storing, renting, re
pairing and dealing generally in
automobiles and automobile supplies,
parts and accessories. That J. O.
Houk, ot Redmond, Oregon, Is the
general partner and Clarence II. 011
bert of Portland, Oregon. Is the
special partner; that said spocial
partner has contributed the sum ot
Fifteen Hundred (J1G00) Dollara as
capital toward tho common stock;
that said partnership Is to commence
on tho 5th day of April, 1919, and la
to termlnato In ten (10) years from
said dato.
Dated this 6th day ot April, 1919,
In duplicate
State of Oregon, .County ot Mult
nomah, su.
On this 5th day of April, 1919,
personally appeared before me tho
undersigned, a notary public of tba
stato of Oregon, J. p. Houk and Clar
ence II, Gilbert, who are known to
mo to bexthe identical ludlvlduala
described In and who AKtwuted the
foregoing JmUrumiNit' and aeknowN
edged to BjTIUwt they executed thq
same freely and voluntarily.
Notary JPubllc, for Oregon,
(Notarial Seal.) r
Mvcomqtfiwlon ' expire January
.-,? .rjAVjr-ijirfsn - ' V- ' msj .y
imR jt
n" AZ4,&&mm sj, J
5. -' r
-wV"' SPJifc