The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No. B
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KtkifHciiiiloii Mini Kail" Hour
Warning WliUtla r Cry from 1-VN
low Employe Iocomotlvo Not
,HceH w Ho Wntcliwi Motor.
(From Monday' Dully.)
Whllo trying out ft gasollno
speeder with which ho had been ex
frlmeutlng, Al (Jov, aged 30, filer
nt tho Rrooks-Scanlon mill, was in
Htnntlr killed when ho crashed Into
a logging locomollvo which had Just
entered tho mill yards yesterday
noon. HI' hnnd was crushed to A
pulp and Um Npttodor was shattered
to tilln.
4 Tho. ctiglnn whistled Into tho yards
Junl after Govu started on hi fatal
,rldo, hut tho nolso of hla motor ap
parently prevented hi hearing tho
-warning. Fred Frlsboy. nn omployo
of thu mill, passing alotiK tho track,
tthoutod to hlin, hut 11 hitch wind
drowned tho Round of his volco, Tho
locomotive whistled boforo rounding
tho curvo which hnd concealed It
frow-vlow, hut atlll Oovo apod on.
Englneor Frank Urown saw tho
MpoMlSAltho train, going at n alow
rnto.oTWxivd, cleared tho curvo, and
whMlwonemore, hut Oovo atlll
paid no attention.
U'.Milnl. ifullMxlNl.
Ilia head bent over hla machine
us he made adjustment In tho
motor, tho driver failed to aco tho
oncoming englno, and when tho' loco
motive whUtledoncft wore and cawe
" Uo an almost dead atop, ho apparently
neither aaw nor heard any Indica
tion that tho track waa blocked. Go
ing nt more than 20 miles an hour,
hu continued, bin apecd remaining
unchecked, and an Instant later wai
dashed to hla death,
Detail of tho tragedyjwer?,agred
on by H. A. niakely, legglnglsupsr
Intendent, Bnd E. T. Gorrlsh( woods
foreman of tho Drooks-Scanla Lum
ber Co., who worn In front' of tho
raachlno shop nt tho tlmo of thu nc
cldcnt, and by A. O. Myers, car re
pair foreman of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon
Company, tho only oyo witness from
tho other aide ot tho rlvor. In addi
tion to tho engineer, thu train crow
-was compound of Oalo'lllakory, flro"?
(pun, and Tom Murphy, conductor.
Wit Ioiir in Ilend.
Oovo In nurvlVPil by hla father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Oovo,
by a brothor, Goongo Oovo, Jr., and
by u wlfo nml threo daughters. Tho
fntholal Jiend' tfjltilflJirYfrfW0
Drookjjanlon plant, ; While Jlio
hrolliuVhT'nilll superintendent.' Tho
purunts had visited tholr non nt tho
innchlno hopshortly boforo noon,
nml had left only n fow minutes bo
foro ho ntartcd out on his last rldo.
A roaldunt of llond for tho Inst
Hoven ypars. Ho was formorly an
omployo of tho old llond company
mill, und has boon with tho Brooks
Scnnlon I.umbor Co. over nlnco Its
plant started oporatlon horo. Ho
whs a,, member ot tho Qdd Fellows,
tho Modern Woodmen and tho Art!
nana, und bolonged to tho I'reaby
torlan church.
8ALBM April 2.- Political proph
ots, during 'tho pust tow wuuks, hnvo
by common coiBont doolnrod nn opon
Benson on prognostications, and
m utlmulnted by' the uwoot broath of
1111 curly spring, thoy havo put oil
tholr "hunting tog," so to Bpoak,
to go n.gunnlng for Governor Ol
cott'a Ruccossor as uoorotary ot atnte.
"Whom will Govornor Olcott ap
point as Ills successor to this offlco
If the) Oregon supremo court decrees
that ho lino tho legal right to resign
and nnino u Nticccssor?"
Tills Is tho quostion of paramount
Intureat nt tlie capHol, and one which
la causing the prophotlo fraternity
.jiuo l(ttla ooiiMrn, GoveniOfyDlaw,
naturally ougk, la not tkijr the,
Mlntcr Target or Scathing Criticism
by VUy Executive Camp Ground
Appropriation Matin, awl Park
Committee Ik Named.
(From WodnBsday'a Dally.)
After rovlvlng tho roport of the
rules commlttoo criticising tho mayor
nnd tho Commercial club, and which
has tho center of hostilities for tho
two previous mooting, It. I'. Mlntor
saw tho peatlforoun document dlo n
natural death at tho regular Kfislan
or tho city council last night. Coun
cilman Denson endeavored to havo
the report tabled, but there was no
second, tho council choosing rnthor
to Ignoro It entirely. Not ovon Mr.
Mlntor, who wroto tlAt roport, was
heard to tnovo Ita adoption.
Tho chnngo of n fow dntea In tho
early part of tho .report, having to
do with elections, was made tho ex
cuse for dragging In tho whole docu
ment for" nnothor reading beforo tho
council, and nlmost beforo tho city
recorder had finished, Mayor J. A.
Kaste roso to his feet, trumbling
with anger. "It Is not tho duty of
any committee to wind up ita roport
with such n slum na that against city
ofllcluls and such n respected and
progrosslyo organization na tho ItonJ
Commercial club," ho said. "Why
orgnuUcd labor did not como In for
criticism I enn't understand, for tho
question ot voting bonds or taxes
was' submitted to tho Central' Labor
council as well as to tho Commercial
Horo Mr. Mlntor declared that ho
had not intended to hurt anybody'a
feelings, but that ho objected to tho'
city's business being "peddled about"
from one Uee to another instead
ot being transacted In tho council
"As tho mayor or Ilend, 1 havo tho
right to go boforo tho Commercial
club whenever I damn plcaso for
tho discussion of public matters,"
Mr. Eaatea declared. "I've got tho
floor, Mr, Mlntor," as that council
Wan, heckling tho apoakor, Inter
f "ThJCowmorcial club Is a credit
to Ilend, and there can bo nothing
wrong In referring n question to them
na n moans ot securing popular
opinion. "As to this," Indicating tho
ruins commltteo'a report, "when n
man will get up and present n docu
ment ot this kind, ho la not n good
clthwn. and doos not deaorvo to
ropresont tha city of llond."
Mr. Mintor was aggrieved, main
tnlnlng that his civic patriotism and
tho purity of his motives woro un
Itrport U Killed.
Mayor fasten culled for action tin
tho roport, but resented an attompt
by Mr. Mlntor to preside. Council
man Ilonson moved to tnblo, but
(hero was ip noconil, and E. L. Pnyno,
tho third monihor ot tho rules com
mlttco, explained hlsttmd in tho
mattor, "I bollovo In securing an
expression ot public opinion, nnd In
having that public opinion back ot
you," ho Btntcd, "but I think that
discussion on any question should
first be hold In tho council rooms."
The mayor pointed out Hint this
was oxuetly what hnd taken pluco,
(Continued on pago C)
epuculutlvo publla Into his conudonco,
nor will ho mnko mi anuouncomont
ot nuy kind untU the question bus
boon passed upon by tho supremo
Thoro nro thoso nt tho capltol .who
stoutly maintain that politics will not
ontor into tho governor's appoint
ment of hla succoBftdr. During the
yoara Hint ho uorvod as secrotury ot
Htuto, Goyornor Olcott earned thu
distinction whether Justly or not
ot caring moro for tho Intoroels of
tho publio than tor his own political
Kozor Mentioned,
Thfs being so, his cjoua personal
frleildgt insist that the moi likely-
v " (Continued on Last rage,)
dragon Governor Will IlIeMnndiumMi
FrorocdJiigii in Supreme- Cuurt to
Determine Right o Appoint
Now State Secretary.
(BpkUI to TU Ilull.tln.)
BALBM, April 3. Thoro is a cer
tain state salary warrant, bearing
tho numerals $336. which lies tin
honored but not unsung In tbo
offlco ot Btnto Treasurer Hon". It
was tko warrant which was Issued
to Governor Olcott for his norvlces
its governor of Oregon for tho month
of March, beginning March 7.
In accordance with n pro-arranged
program agreed upon by Governor
Olcott nnd Treasurer Hotf, tho war
rant was preaonted for pnymont on
Tuesday of this wook, but was not
honored. To Deputy Treasurer J, O.
Itlchardson fell tho task of telling
tho state's now executive that there
wom "nothing doing" so fnr as cash
ing tho warrant was concerned..
Unllko the nverngo run ot people.
Governor Olcott did not grow ex
cited. Ho smiled nnd accepted tho
edict as though ho enjoyed Jt. And,
as a matter ot fact, It was Just ex
actly wjiat Oovornor Olcott delred,
for It Is by this method, nnd this
alone, that ho hopes to determine his
right to resign as sccrotary nt stnta
and appoint hla successor to that
of (Tee.
Olrott to Force Ihhhc.
Public Interest about the'-capltol
this week Is centering upon Oovornor
Olcott'a next movo In his quest for
legal advlco. Following tho program
outlined by Attorney General ilrown,
no win next nio manuamus procceu
Ings lntho supremo court, to compel
tho stale treasurer to Ishuo tho salary
warrant. Through theso proceed
ings he" hopes to havo tho stato's
highest tribunal detcrtnlna whether
or not ho can resign as secretary ot
state without Impairing his right to
remain as governor. Whether or
not tho supremo court will pass upon
this phaso of tho mnttor is a mooted
question, becauso It is genorally,con
ceded that Mr. Olcott'a right to ac
cept tho salary of both secretary of
stato and govornor doesnot In any
way dotermluo his right to resign
tha former offlco.
Thoro nro somo constitutional
lawyers who maintain that boforo
this latter question can bo settled,
Mr. Olcott will havo to resign as sec
rotary of stato nnd then havo tha
question taken boforo tha supremo
court, but unless that courj passes
upon tho Icgnl point through the
present proceedings It Is almost n
certainty that &Ir. Olcott will retain
both offlccfl, for ho corlnlnly would
not bo expected to tnko a chanco on
losing both offices for tho mora snttsr
fncMon of flndlnig out how tha su
promo court Is going to construe tho
stato constitution.
(Cnntluued on Pago 4.)
Big Entertainment Program
Outlined For Stockmen At
Coming Convention In Bend
(From Monday's Dalty.)
A rousing good" tlmo for all dele
gates nml tholr futilities in attundauco
at tho Oregon Cuttlo and Horso
Rnlsora' association convention in
llond on April 21, wits forecasted to
day whou mombors ot tho Commer
cial -club commlttoo In churgo ot tho
ontortnlnmont ond of tho big stock
inon'a meeting completed tholr pro
gram, which will crowd to tho limit
ovory mtnuto not nctually taken up
with business ot tho association.
Not moroly Dond, but All Central
OroKon will bo host to tho cattla and
liorfio raisers.
Whllo tho convention docs not of
ficially commonco until April 22, tho
entertainment will really Login on
tho ovontiiK boforo. when dolosutos
arriving early will bo gjyon v warm
welcome by a special reception com
mittee, nnd thoso who nro so fortu
nate aa to belong to thu D. P, O. 13.
wjlLbatoaaprtad to tho HSlka banquet
schtfUuled for that evening.
Vote of Onimerrlal Club and I.hor
Couuejl for Tax Icry Disregarded
Wri to Do Aiikrcl from
"' Bonding Houses.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Disregarding the wishes of the
people of Dcnd, expressed through
the Commercial' club and tho labor
council. In favor of a special tax to
wlpu out ..warrant Indebtedness, tho
city council, In special session this
morning, reconsidered the provlous
decision to submit both bonds and
tax to the voto of the people, and
authorized nn election nt which a
bond Issue of $18,000, or whatever
part of this may bo needed, will bo
tho only financial mcasuro on tho
ballot. .
With tho exception of Councilman
D. G. Mcl'hurson, who held that
public opinion should guldo tho coun
cil ' nctlon, every member voted for
tho bond election. According to tho
plan favored, tho city's paper will
draw G per cent, interest and tho
bonds will bo retired at tha rato of
12000 for tho first, second, third,
fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years.
Ono thousand dollars will bo paid off
ut tho and ot tho eighth yenr, $2000
at tho closo ot tho ninth year and
13000 .at tho end of tho 10-year
period." Tho last $5000 will consti
tute a revolving fund tor general ex
penses. City Itccordcr D. II. Peoples woa
authorized to communicate with the
principal bonding houses ot tho
northwest requesting bids on tho en-
tiro Issue ot $18,000 plus the costlnend Amateur Athletic club gymna
ot legal supervision ot election and Ulnm Friday might and find out. The
general Tyrocoduro, Including the
actual cost ot engraving tho bonds.
Until theso bids are received and
passed on, no date for tho election
V'ill be sot.
Only Two Dates n Month Can He Se
cured, nml Then No Conflict lth
Club Activities Is Permitted.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Definite policies regarding tho
reutlngef .the gymnasium ot tho
liond Amateur Athletic club were de
cided on last night by tho club direc
tors In regular session. Two nights
a month the gymnaalum may bo rent
ed for any organization, activity or
address tor which admlssipn is tree
to all, or id which tho gonernl public
Is admitted on receipt of tho admis
sion fee.'vNp dale may lio secured
moro' than two weeks In advnnco
nnd then It must not conflict with
tho club nctlvlty.
, It was decided to ralso tho rent
from f2C to $35 an evening.
Mnyor to Welcome GtteM.s.
On tho first morning ot tho con
vention the business session will
commonco at 10 o'clock with an ad
dress of wolcomo by Mayor J. A.
Bastes. Following tho response, tho
llond Imperial male, quartet will
glvo a solectiou, when tho regular
order of business will bo taken up.
Musical features will bo Introduced
from tlmo to tlmo, Including a vocal
solo by E. N. Strong, of tho Oregon
Llfo. ' Tho musical part of tho en
tertainment has heon dologatod to
Ashloy Forrest. During tho dlnnor
hour a special orchestra will furnish
music, and n band will bo rotalnod
during tha ontiro convention to lend
n Itttlo additional "pep" to tho oc
casion, Mlnstrol Show to Do Given.
.Following tho afternoon business,
11 mtnBtrol show will bo givon at tho
Bond Amateur Athletic club, and on
tho next, morning tho cowboy break
fast, which has become -un estab-
(Continued on Page 4.)
JN' ORdA.VKAfl6r5lt ATII-
Lirno CLun hatviway.
An opon meeting of interest to tho
general public In announced for Sat
urday night In tho athletic club gym
nasium, under Loyal Legion auspices.
The two speakers for the occasion
nro Major T. A. Milla ot tho head
quarters offlco In Portland and W. D.
Smith, an cmployo member of tbo
board of directors. Doth ot them
nro interesting and entertaining
speakers. Admission to tho mooting
wiU bo by ticket until 7;GG, when all
scats will be throVn open to the pub
lic. A limited number of these tic
kets can be secured for tho asking
as long as they laat at MagUl &
Brsklno's Drug Store.
,Whlto tho Loyal Legion is not
antagonistic to any other organize
tlons that jsiakii for tho welfaro of
good Americans, and does not enter
Into controversies, It Is announced
that at' the Saturday night meeting
the speakers will answer any and
all, questions concerning the alms
methods and plans of tho Legion. At
similar meetings In the larger cltlcn
of tho northwest, the asking and an
swering of questions has proved to
bo tbo best part of tho program.
(From Wednesday! Daily.) ,
"What Happened (o Jones" waa
plenty. It you don't believe that,
you'ro Invited to bo present at the
cast is ready to give the farce cen
tered about -Mr. Jones adventures la
a manner mat wouiu ao creuu 10 a
professional troupe.
(From Saturday's Daily.'
Tho transformation ot a flivver In
to a veritable Pullman berth In a
tew seconds lew than a halt n minute
might seem Impossible to some, but
it's tho easiest thing In tho world for
employes on tho Deschutes National
Every car which they will use this
year Is equipped with front seats so
arranged that the backs told toward
the rear ot tho car, whllo the rang
er's bed, neatly rolled, and strapped
to tho back scat, can bo spread over
the cushions. Ordinary camping par
aphernalia Is largely eliminated, and
Supervisor Jacobson believes that tho
now combination of bed and auto will
prove a great time savor during th
coming season.
That the women ot Demi will In
the near future organize an auxiliary
to the Commercial 'club with a policy
ot gonoral civic Improvement was
tho announcement this noon by Mrs.
Theresa M. Castner, president of the
Stato Federation of Women's Clubs,
who udilressed tho Bend business
men nt tholr weekly meeting at tho
Pilot Butte Inn this noon. A largo
femlnlna delegation was present at
tho gathoring.
Mrs. Castner spoko on tho general
subject ot "Reconstruction and Good
Roads," declaring that tho debt ot
tho Btato to tho mon who aro return
ing from tho war can only bo paid
by n (general Improvement ot tho
stato-and Its Institutions. Sha em
phasized tho Importanco ot tho road
bond issuo which will como up for
a popular voto In Juno, and declured
that tho women's clubs of tho. state
aro solidly bohind tha movement toe
road Improvement, "Thoro Is only
ono difficulty in our way," she said,
"and'thut lies In the fact that alany
aro unable to see why trunk high
ways should be built first." , .
Mrs. Castner made a trip ot in
300,000,000 FEET OF PINE
Privnto Opcrntow Known to Do Do
nlrous of Hccvriiig Vwil Trncto of .
Valuable Tlno No Deals (
doted, Hay StJpcrvljior
(From Saturday's Daily.)
That a government cruising party
ot 10 members will arrivo in Bend
within tho near future and commence
work on an estimate ot timber on the
national foreat lying between Turaalo
and Fall river, was the statment this
morning of Forest Supervisor N. G.
Jacobson. Approximately 300,000,
000 feet of white plno timber will bo
cruised beforo tho tract is finished,
Mr. Jacobson says. As much moro
has already been gono over by gov
ernment men, the acreage previously
cruised lying for tho most part south
of Fall river.
Extcnsivo ealcs of national forest
timber aro forecasted by the pro
posed estimate, and several private
operators aro known to bo seeking to
secure valuable logging rights on the
forests already estimated, as well as
on tbo vast acreage which will soon
bo started. No deals havo as yet been
closed by the overnsient, however,
Mr. Jacobson states.
In addition to tho estimating
work, the cruisers will at the same
tlmo .secure data for a topographical
map, checking up on old government
surveys through the forest. These
were made years age, the ly.lMtru
menta which ' were 'used being com
paratively Inaeeurate, with the result
that tho forest service employes have
been hampered to some extent In lo
cating fires by the aid or the old
mays. Supplementing the data se
cured by the cruisers will be triangu
latlon notes takes by William Sproat,
ot the Deschutes Foreat office, during
the last three years.
Following out tho policy of throw
ing the natlonat foret open to camp
ers diiring tha summer season, the
Deschutes forest officials have se
lected 44 camp sites, each to" "bo
equipped with camp tables, fire;
places, chairs, and an ax, rako and
shovel. Signs prepared during the
winter will nark tha forest resorts,
and point the way to them. '
. 1
William Pattorson, omployo ot Tho
ShevllnvHixon Company, this vreek
purchased a now five passenger Moon
automobile through tho Deschutes
Garage, local agents. Mr. Patterson's
pew ear ! completely equipped with
Pll th modern, 'appliances, ;
spection to tho mills this morning
and was enthusiastic over the won
dorful efficiency alio found there.
"Everything but tho sound is
utillzod." aho asserted.
A. Whlsnant spoko on tho pluns
for entertaining the dolegates to tho
Cattlo and Horso Raisers' association
convention, -announcing that ?300
was needed for this, and that ot tho
totul amount $200 had been sub
scribed by C. S. Hudson and a Ilka
amount by E. P. Mnhaffey, leaving
$400 to bo ralsod by popular sub
scription. Frank R. Prince nnd Fred A. Woel
flen spoke on the coming member
ship drive ot tho Bend Amateur Ath
letic club, pointing out that the club
deslrea to be ot and for thu entire
community and that this, rather than
the securing of membership lew, M
the object pf the drive.
T, 3.1. Foley read n letter from'M
reetor Davis of tho reclamation jgm
le, Washington, D, 0., in wit!'
was esplalaed (feat it Watild Iwjf
poMlbla, for. a tofotfuamrripmi
jta'UNHle of the BnkM Iralki rmr
vo'lr she for a mpnth at least,