The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 27, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAGK 8
C. U, Four, III Years lit U. S, Navy, to
, lio in Ghnrgo of Enlistment
Hero for Next Venn
To tnko enlistments for Iho U. S.
nnvy, C. 1 1. Fox, rated ns chlof water
.tender, with n record of 13 years in
,tho Borvlco, arrived in llond today
nnd will remain hero (or tlio next
year as recruiting ofllcer for this
district. Only four-year enlistments
will bo taken, but applicants having
the proper qualifications niav outer
nuy branch ot tho navy, Mr. Fox
Estates. I!o vrlll make his hondquar-
ters,'lntlteetfico of Mayor J, A.
.'Eastcs, InTtho' Doschhlca Investment
Co. building.
Tho establishment of a recruiting
offlco in Bond is mado nccossary by
reason ot tho policy ot augmenting
tho Amorican naval atrcngth, nnd
also to relievo men now in tho sorv-
ico, who cannot bo returned to
civilian lito until others have been
secured to tako their places.
bIkq for Jlond, iMr. Ward Htntoil,
would afford work for 110 employes
in tho daytlmo nnd CG at night,
handling approximately 3,000,000
pounds ot grenso wool in tho course
ot n year. Cheap electrical power,
ho Bald would bo Demi's chief ml
vantage la starting an Industry at
tho kind.
Put it la T1IK lJUIJiKTlN."
Farmer Goes Miles
to Tell of Relief
VlitMin Lived on Milk nnd Kggs Tor
Months Take Tnninc nnd
Gains in Pound.
"William Williams Is Chosen, nnd Ted
Sexton Will Coach Team Suc
cessful Season Foreseen.
' At a high school student body
meeting Tuesday, William Williams
was elected baseball manager for tho
coming season. With Ted Sexton as
coach, this season promises to bo
mora successful than that of last
year. The boys then lacked a, coach
nnd sufficient funds necessary for
tho competition with other schools.
Outfits have been sent for and will
arrive soon. Practicing will begin
next week on tho depot grounds.
Several of tho letter men of lost
year received bars for football, Les
ter Sanders, Loroy Coyner nnd Ed
ward Hrostcrhous each being entitled
to jOne. Lcttors wore awarded to
Ralph Hauck, Dovero Hcltrlch, Guer
don Dutt, Vance Coyner, Edwin
Dana, Earl Tucker, Frank Haner and
.Leo Wright.
"1 hnvo como twenty-six miles to
toll you what Tnnlac has donu for
mo," said Joo M. Vinson, u well
known farmer ot Love, Miss., Whllo
In Memphis recently.
"Thrco years ago," ho continued,
"my stomach got nil out ot order
and I couldn't digest u thing nnd for
eight months I lived on buttermilk
nnd tho white ot eggs. I was too
nervous to sleep well and tho gas
on jny stomach mado mo miserable.
I had spetls ot dlxzlncs, would almost
faint, and could hardly get my breath
I had splitting hpadaches and was so
bilous that I would often vomit.
"Slnco taking Taulac my health
is as good ns anybody's and I fool
llko a now man. I cat anything that
I want, sleep llko n rock, all tho
swelling und soreness la gone from
my stomach, nnd I have gained 1G
pounds and can do a hard day's
work. I wouldn't bo in tho mimo
shape I was boforu taking Tanlnc
for my farm and tho Btock thrown
Tanlnc is sold In llond by the Owl
Pharmacy, in Sisters by Ceo. F.
Altken nnd in llond by tho Ilorton
Drug Company.
We offer: you day in and day out. We give you 'ADVANTAGE OF EV
ERY DECLINE IN WHOLESALE PRICE. Look over this list carefully
und compare with others and you will sec that WE GIVE YOU THE REAL VALUES. Why do people
come from surrounding towns so far to trade with us? THERE'S A REASON. We slitijd hack of every
article that goes out of our store. An Institution That Has Grown From One Small Store in 1903 to
19? Busy Stores in 25 States in 1919, is the Proof that Wo Give Botter Values for the same money, or
the same value for less money. Make our store your headquarters.
Oilcloth all colors 39c Hind's Honey nnd Almond Crcmn '15c
White Outing heavy :. 25c 100-yd. Corticclli Silk Thread 10c
Colored Outing heavy :.-. 19c
Apron Gingham a real one IT'Sc
Colgate's Tooth Paste ...8c-19c
Pay Day Overalls bib $1.79
1 ..... i uii; ,u fVM,..u CI 70 BU u.iu , LW llITn,lnl,l,;
(Continued from Page 1.)
were called on for special addresses.
Mr. Johnson assured tho commercial
club of tho hearty co-oporatlon of
tho Astoria Chamber of Commerce
in any Central Oregon plans of state
wide interest, and declared that if
every city in tho United States had
ns lire an organization as the Dend
club thoro -would be no danger of
the spread of Bolshevism. ,
Mr. Gleason, who has been travel
ing over tho stato for soveral years
aa a part of his official duties, de
clared that Bend is ono ot three cities
in Oregon which have shown growth
and improvement during tho, past
R. A. "Ward gave suggestions as to
tho main things to bo considered Jn
tho establishment of a woolen mill
.here, basing his remarks on a, recent
conforenco with a representative of
the Portland Wool Warehouse Co.
.Second hand machinery was advised
ngainst, whllo the labor problem
-was declared to bo ono of tho great
est difficulties. A mill of the proper
In tho Circuit court of ot the stato of
1 Oregon, for Deschutes county.
S. S. Stearns, plaintiff, vs. Norman
eynnd, defendant.
To Norman Weyand, tho above
named defendant:
In tho name ot the stato ot Oregon
you nro horeby required to appear
and nnswer tho confplalnt ot tho
plaintiff, filed against you in the
abovo entitled suit, on or before
Saturday, tho 10th day of May,
1919, nnd If you fall to answer, tha
plaintiff will tnko Judgment ngalnsr
you for the sum of $1000, with In
terest thurcon at tho rate ot G per
cout per annum from December 21,
1910; for tho sum of $220.00 attor
ney's fees, together with tho costs
of this suit, and for an order fore
closing according to law, tho mort
gage which Is tho subject of this
suit and directing a salo ot tho In
terest of the dofendant in the prom
ises covered by said mortgage, salt!
premises being described as follows:
Tho northwest quarter of tho
northwest quarter of section 8, town
ship 18, south of range 13 cast, W.
M-, located and being In Deschutes
county. Oregon.
This summons Is ordered to bo
Borved upon you by publication there
of In tho Weekly Dend Bulletin, a
weekly nowspaper published In Des
chutes county, Oregon, by order of
tho Honornblo T. E. J. Duffy, Judge
ot said court, said ordor being mado
and entered on March 26, 1919, dato
of first publication Mnrch 27, 1919,
length ot publication, C successive
Dated this 27th day of March,
Attorney for tho Plaintiff.
4-9c. Bend, Oregon.
Dress Ginghamreal value 25c
32-inch Zephyr Gingham 9c
Bedspreads $l..l9-$1.98-$2.98-$3.08-$.I.98
Turkish Towels (pair) : 25c-39c-19c-G9c-98c
Hope Muslin '. .' 18c
Underbill Overalls .'. - - :...S1.79
Heavy Blue Waist Overalls .'. $1.09
KljakiBib Overalls . ... 1.19
Khaki Pants $1.69-$1.98
Moleskin Pants $2.79.$3..19-$3.98
Work Pants $1.79-$1.98$2.'19
Men's Dress Pants ... $2.98 to $5.90
"Rnrklnv flnmhrin '7l-n
Q,. . T ,. ,r J " All Wool Blue Serge Pants.,.- $l.98-$8.5()
3b-inch Indian Head 32c ,....,. P1...... b . ..
T. . . irurtt oniria oyc io yc
House Lining .". 9c
Curtain Scrims . W2 to 49c
36-inch Percales heavy...:. 25c
Cheviot Shirtings 25c
Black Sateens, 30 to 36 inch 39c-49c
36-inch Silk Poplins all colors 98c-$1.39
36-inch Black Taffeta Silk
Work Shirts "Double Knit" $l.19-$1.79
Men's Dress Shirts 79c-98c-$l.J9-$1.9S
Canvas Gloves a 10c
Canvas Gloves Boss No: S, heavy 15c
Muleskin Gloves knit wrist. 39c
Work Gloves l!)c to $2.19
$1.6.9-$1.98-$2.25 Kockford Sox, 2 for 25c
40-inch Georgette Crepe all colors $1.98. -Automatic Work Sox seamless heel and toe (real
40-inch Crepe do Chine all colors $1.79 one; 2 for 39c; 2"for : . ...45c
"Kiddie Cloth" all colors 4oc Boys' Muleskin Shoes ....... $1.98-$2.39-$2.69
27-inch Cotton Poplin :iy26 Boys' Elk Shoes . M $1.98-$2.39-$2.fi9
White Flaxom.'?.... 25c-29c-39c-49c Men's Muleskin Shoes ,. .$2.98
White Voile 25c-27'2c-39c-45c Men's Elk Shoes.... $3.25
India Linen .-. 12'2c-14c-19c-23c-25c Men's Muleskin Shoes (8-inch) ,$3.(59
Long Cloth .'..: ; 19c-23c-29c-35c-42c Men's Elk- Shoes (8-inch) $3.98
Nainsook 16'2c-23c-29c-39c-45c Men's Elk Shoes (welt sole) $1.50
Palmolive Soap.... : :...... 10c Men's Dress Shoes (all styles) $2.98 to $8.90
Bob White Soap.'. 5c Men's Work Shoes (for wear) $2.98 to $8.50
In tho county court of the stato ot
Oregon, for Deschutes county.
In tho matter ot tho estate ot Ma
tilda Ycomans, deceased.
The uuderslgncd having been ap
pointed administratrix of the abovo
entitled estate, notice Is horeby
glvon to ull porsons having claims
against the deceased or against said
estate to present same, duly verified
within six months of tho dato of this
notice to tho undersigned at tho
office of C. S. Ucnson, No. 859 Wall
street, Dend, Oregon.
Dated this 27th day of March,
Save your
Pennies they
Mnke Dollars
Jf. C. Penney Co. Inc.
Penny Snvcd
Is it Penny
Ah Administratrix of tho Estate of
Matilda Ycomans 4-7c
CUulfltd adrrrtlaing chars twr tuu 20
rrnU, for 20 word or Itm. Onn cent lr
won! for all over 20. All cUulfltd advcrtblng
trlctly rub In mlunc-
Mark Twain was once asked what book
he considered his best. He answered:
Have you one?
We would like to be of service to you in
snv vhr we can. 'l
1 Our Savings Department Pays 4 Interest. H
V The First National Bank I
FOIt SALIC. Ono team of horses, 4
and 9 years old each, weight tI000
pounds,' one sot of harness; ono
Clydesdulo colt, ugo 8 months;
ono 3-Inch Winona wagon, Jlko
now; ono good huck; ouo 11-Inch
Oliver plow. D. W. Deltrlcch.
Tumalo, Ore. 43-l-5p
rOK SAM:. First class saddle
horse, sultublo for lady. Inqulro
I.. S. W. Nixon, Ueud, Oregon.
FOIt SMiK. Soven passorucor Dorrcs
touring car. Practically now. Ex
ceptional bargain If taken at onco.
FOIl SAM-:. Ono fresh cow, Jorsoy
Ouornsoy. . Four yoant old Inquire
ICC Adams Plaeo 79-4p.
FOIl SALK. - On account of sickness
ull my holdings In Uond at original
price. Hippodrome, American
Hnkcry, 3 lots, house in I'ark addi
tion. Also 160 acres on tho Dim
chutcs river. Inaulru O. W.
Shrluer. ' 38-ttfc
FOIt SAI.K Two room houso and
ono ot best gardon lots In city of
Uond. Soil dfop nnd well fertil
ized. Worth $450 but will sacri
fice for 33G, $125 down, balance
terms. Add mm box 72C, llcnd, for
appointment. II
FOIt SALK Oeorgo Taylor, Uond,
Oregon, hns nil kfiuls of young Til
lamook calves. Call lied 1341 or
wrlto Ilox 113 for Information.
FOR SALK At n sncrluco. Law II
brary. Address Ilullotln,.23-3-4p.
FOIt SALK Spring ryo for Into seed
ing. I. A. Doveni & Son, Tumnlo,
Oregon. 16-3-tfc
FOIt SALK Tho La l'lno llvury
- barn. This Is a first clatw frumo
building with shluglo roof. 04x80
foot. Has 1CX24 addition. Ovorhuad
room 32x80 with drcsHod door.
Corner lot 100x100. Would muko
lino gurage. I'rlco nnd terms very
reasonable. J. S. Mastnu, La
IMno.'Orogon. 31-3-lc
FOR SALK Ono 7-year-old inure,
weight aboutl2C0; ono C-yoar-olcl
weight about 12B0; tono 5-year-old
9-month-old colt; ono sot doublo
Motor jCar Sale
Now being conducted at Vancouver Barracks,
Vancouver, Washington, by the
United States Spruce Production Corporation
Motor Trucks, 1 1-2 to 5 ton, $1,000 to $4,200.
Trailers, 2 1-2 to 5, ton, $400 to $1(000.
Fords, $1300 to $450.
Also a few passenger cars of other makes. AH cars'
carry prices plainly marked, Come and see and buy.
For further information address Automobile
Dcpt., Sales Board, United States Spruce Pro
duction Corporation', Yeon Bldtf,''. Portland, Or.
harness; ono nlugln hnrnosn; one
high hack Teum broken to work
single or double, luqulro K. A
Klldeo, Shovlln-lltxou Camp 8.
82-2 4p
FOIl BALK At Uond, Oregon, 1C0
acres. All Irrigated by tho Arnold
Farmers' co-operative Irrigation
ystom. No overhead expense.
All tho water ono needs. .Main
tenance fees around 45c per acre.
1C0 ucru paid up water right. 135
acres cultivated. Al) level, deep
' soil, no rocks, stumps or troes.
30 acres In timothy, clover and
alfalfa. 30 ucrcit In grain. Tho
rest to seed this spring. Fences
nnd Irrigation ditches inndo. 7
room liouau. very comfortable In
side, rough outside. Pnntry and
cellar. Separator room nnd wood
house. Wator piped to sink In
kitchen from houso cistern. Largo
old barn, stanchions for 14 cows,
stalls for ten horses, calf sheds,
corrals, blacksmith shop, chicken
house nnd scratching shed. Phone
lino, star mull route. Am physic
ally tumble to work ranch. Will
sell -40, 80 or 100 acres or ull.
Prlco $70 un aero. Terms given.
16 cows, six yearling heifers, four
heifer calviw last 'summon Five
miles from llond on tho Hums road
Will trade any 40 of tho abovo
tract for city Income property.
M. K. Knolls. 04-l-3p
FOR SALK-IInrred Plymouth Hock
eggs from it laying iitraln. 3 miles
north of Deschutes. F. 11, HuukIi
man. Itedmond, 70-2. On
VOK SALK Genuine spring ryo do-
itvorcu in uenu r. a. never und
Son, Tumalo, Oregon. 00-2K
FOIl SALK Full blooded black
Minorca and 0. A. 0, Harrod Hock
hatching eggs, Fifteen for $1,60.
Agnes M. Sottong. Phono llurul
1118. 20-l-5p
FOK SALK Ekbh, H. 0. Whllo Mln
orcai, brud to lay, hatching eggs,
$1.60 per 15. Mrs. K. A. Orlflln,
llond, Ore. Phone Itural 1110.
FOR SALK -Whlto Leghorn, oggs
for hatching, Tuncrod strain, $8,00
por 100; O. A- C, strain llnrrod
Hocks, $1.50 per Hotting. Hosa
Hutch, Tumalo, Ore, f3-l-4p
FOH SALK If you want tho highest
prlco for your goods, write mo.
Hichnrd Hlcliardsou, auctioneer,
gonoral delivery, JJond, Ore. Farm
sales u specialty. 00-52-OOp
FOH SALE 8. 0. Whllo Leghorn
oggs for hatching, O, A, C. strain.
Tho kind that lay, Klght dollars
por lqo, $1,25 por sotting, Mrs.
M. K. Landes, lludmond, Ore.
FOH SALK Oood grain drill, 10-
Jioho Hoderlck Lpou, $60, Frank
'Lemur, nonr Qruneo Hall, north.
east ot llond. 84-4D-D3p
WILL THAIJi: 120 noro of Umber
and near Currnlloti, Washington
ca properly. P. M. Megan.
"ox 00. 47-lp'-
TO THADB Tho thoroughbred bol-
glan does, and one Flemish doe
will trade for laying bans. Young
"w'r snm. iiox 730, Mend. II
WANTED Man and wlfo to work on
ranch. Woman to cook and mot
to help with ranch work. PII5I
llutlo ranch, Uond, Oregon. 04.4p
WANTED -2 dozen youuj; chickens,
will glvo new Incubator, never
been used in part payment, full
Hural 118. 08-2-30 .
WANTED Wo will call nnyffnorii.
nuy phiro, any time, to look al
your used furnlttiro. Lot us know
whnt you hnvo. Wo pay cash. Tho
Standard Furniture Co. 07-40lfc
' -4B-J .
LOST. Saturday March 8 boinnen
Ilami nnd Prlnevlllo on Iho I'owoll
JIutto rond, u bag of laundry. Ho-
itirn to iiuiletlu ofllco and receive A K
$5 reward. 02-4 Bo J I
LOUT -WllltO COlllO dou. Ilrown nnr f .
Finder please phono Mr. Shon-
quest, Hural 32.
STHAYED Four head of cattlo. 3
coming two-year-old holfors, one
hlnck, ono whlto fnco and ono rid
nnd white spotted. Ilranded i
Ing 3 on right shotildor; wattle on
r ghl log, hotwoon kneo and tho
Hliouldor., Ono poor red cow with
black nose brundod largo 13 on a
left side and Plying 3 on, right
miouldor. Llbornl reward for In
formation, F. II. Wilson, Tumalo,
Oregon., 1 2-3-4 p
LOST Throo holfors, ono red, ono
whlto and ono spotted ono. llrnnd.
od B and Lnssy S on side with blotch
or iV on right hip. Marked with
nolo In each ear. Mny ho torn
out. Notify It. ii. Parsons, First
National Hank, Hedmond. 21-3-6p
TAKEN UP Palo rod steer. Ilrimil
undeclphcrablo. Loft oar split,
right oar clipped. O. L. Smith.
TAKEN UP Followed n.n t n.
Cook cattle from Pino mountnln,
hu .(l ,0AfflP WHI' 'aoa. untlor
ht on left oar, Dulap showod
.then Iron handlo, but now Dulap,
other torn out. No other brands
i?,J.)a i011' ..Owner may hnvo
' SJIhV ,mylnK feed- ,," ft'"1
if rnif'n" . V' Al rabler, Al-
'S'.talftt, Oro. Phono 16K12. '
s , 27-liMnr