IIKM) IUMilTW, IlKNH, OIIKOON, TIIUIWHAV, MAIICII 27, 10JO IUOB 8 ' I ' !.. ' Hill! J Ask Us ) , 7 II 1 " ' YOUR DRUG STORE Housecleaning Helps Wo havo nit thu uHNCintlul ilrm;n mid iiiimlrloH that iiiulin Iioiimi clciinlm: innrti offlcluiil mill mm I or. Borux Ammonia Sal Soda SpongcH CiiamoiH PoHshoH Rubber Gloves for BuxKOfltluiiH CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES of lili'.liflHt Ntaiiilnnl uro iniulo of ituunuitiM'il Dclmcr WooletiH All Wool of Hiiitorlor Quality l'rlcim to Hull Your l'ockutlioolc DICK, THE TAILOR C loan I in: I 'refining AlldralloriH Jusl Remember Magill & Erskine O'KANH IIUIMMNO Our Vltui'tfilon DrptrtmtM U Coniltte In lUny Drltil. YOUR DRUGSTORE ru-t-zr3 .-ifi- -- M LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Dally.) (J. W. HuyuoIdH of Hllvor Uko Is tninnnctlnit uusliioim In Ihn city. linn Zlminoriimn of Crosoint In niKtiidlrtR tint day In lluml. Krank Wlmur cutno In from l'rlno vlllu thin lutrriilnR. Miss Dolly Hodge or Prlnovlllo. wan In Iloiul Innt nlttht vUltlui: with friend. . County CominlMslonor C. II. Miller of Hodninnd wan In llond today on official hiiilntiBH, Itnnitor Ilurton Onoy canto In from I.a Pino today to meet hi father, O. W. Onoy who arrived huro this morning from Uklah. 'Charles Thomas of Crescent, who hint licon In Portland during tho win tor waN In Ilonil today on his way homo. Mr. A. K. Kdwarda returned yo tqrday morning from Portland whom alio; lyiH hucu YlnlilriK for sovcnil wccVs, Mr. and Mm. M. Vaughn. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs, D. V. Btarr, dlwl ynntorday mornltu: at tho 'homo of tho parents on Franklin Htruot. Circuit Judpj T. K. J. JJuffy jvIII arrlvo In Iluuii twnqrmw inorulnsLto tako up jmnilliiK court matters with local nttnrnuys. - ' 1 Harvoy Moruland, auditor for tho Ntato fluh and giuno commission, ar rived In Horn! thin mornltiK and later loft to Inspect tho now Tumalo fluh hatchery. Itlchard Prultt and Miss Kmina TlinrnaH of this city wuro married Hunday at tho llaptlHt church by Itov. K. il. JohiiHoii. .Mr, and Mrs. Prultt will mako their homo In lluud. Tho ladles or tho Methodist Kpls copal church will hold tholr spring food Halo on Haiti relay, '.March 20, In tho building on Oregon street form nrly occupied by thu People' store. Tho nalo will begin at 10 o'clock W. I., llarmau, special agent for tho Hprlncfluld J'lro Insurance Co., wan In Ilund today on IiIh way to Hllvor I.ako to notllo a $2000 claim for hay loin. Mr. llarmnn succeeds Jno Wobor, woll known In Central Oregon, who died of Influenza In January. its (From Tuesday's Dally.) h. A. Hunt of I.owor HrldKQ was In tho city today on business. Fred N, Wallaco of Tumalo wan In llond thin morning. Miss Noll NowMomu of Prlucvlllo wan In Dond last night. W. If. Dolbru&go of Crescent la a business vlnltor In thu city today. A. 01. Prltifilo returned thin morn Ing from a business trip to Portland, C. If. Clow of I.a Pino arrived In Ilund lanl night and In romulnlnK over today. Ansol iM. Htawnrt nrrlvod In thu city thin morning from hlit honio at llrothora. H. 8. Itoyco of thu Pioneer Unrago roluruud thin mornlnn from a busi ness trip to Portland. A nlno and one-half pound boy 'btjy boy wiih born thin morning to (From Monday's Dally.) 0 rover 0. CerkliiK of Tumalo wan In Ilcud Hunday evening. Jon Kolley of Prlnovlllo wan n week-end visitor In llund. N. H. Wells ht Ih today from his homo at Hampton. 0. W. Cooluy of PaUley In a busi ness visitor In tho city. Mr. and Mm. C. H. .Hudson woru In Prlnovlllo yentorduy. Mr. and Mm. K. M. Thompson mo tored to .Itcdmond yesterday. Tom Crotilu and Ned Angland, Powell Dutto nhoepmon, are In the city today. W. (J. Hhrlner left Taturday night for Portland to visit hln wife, who Is under medical treatment. ', A marriage llcvuno wan Innuod from tho county clerk' offlcu Baturday to Hlchard Prultt aud Minn Htuma Tliomnn of thin city. Mm. Mary ICstcM of -Portland, formerly of Hunt, who ban boon visit liiK at tho homo or Dr. and Mm. J. II. Connarn for tho lant few dayn, leaves tonlcht for her home. A Message of Importance to men and young men w M v ' v'4m You'll find here a Nev', Bigger and Better Men's Clothing Department ' Ybq heed have no hesi- i tancy in buying your new- suit here. For you are sure to get .- m- FIRST QUALITY FABRICS HIGH GRADE TAILORING UP-TO-THE-MINUTE STYLES:; PERFECT FIT IN FACT VALUE FIRST CLOTHES ' are Good Clothes in every sense of the word. . Be the first one to get that Suit from Mannheimer Brothers QUALITY PIONEERS SINCE 1911 (From Saturday's Dally.) William Mackoy or Mllllcan in spending tho duy In llond. M. W. Knickerbocker of Gist wan In Demi today on buHlueim. Mr. and Mm. C. II. Durham of Madran are vUKIiik friends In tho city today. - ' H. h. I.ochrlo of llrothora waaj In Ilund today layliiK In suppllea for hln stock ranch. F. L. Shaw enmn In yeaturday from Portland to attend to buBlnesn mat torn. Mm. Hhnw will roiniilu In Port land for tho time being on account of her health. Word was received' today by friends In llond or tho death of Her bert II. Kdgar, Ilrothere homesteader, who enlisted In tho army from Tilla mook. Ifo was killed In action in October. Mm. James II. Hall leaves far nor homo In Hoattlo Sunday morning. 8ho has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mm. O. J. 8clk, in Ilcnd for thu past two weeks. Mm. Solk will accompany her on her return trip as far Us Portland. Friends of Mr. and Mm. Guy H. Wilson, formerly of Dend, havo re ceived cards announcing tho birth or u daughter on March 17. Shu has been named Mary Patricia. Mr. Wil son recently mado a short visit to Dead and at that tlmo said ho ex pected to return hero this spring. (From Friday's Dally.) J. 0. Wilson Is a visitor in tho city today from Sisters. Maurlco V, Cash man is In Port land on business. D, G. Huntor returned to Dond this morning alter a visit or moro than throe months In Los Angeles. William L. Grajiam or Portland is In Ilcnd looking after real cstato in terests. 11. A. Stover will leave tonight to locato In Seattle. A. M. Prlnglo will accompany him as far as Portland. Jay H. Upton is In nend today from Prlnovlllo on business connect ed with tho Forbes estate and to tako caro or other legal matters. 0. W. Shrlncr returned to Bend this morning from Portland, where ho was called by tho critical Illness or his' wUe. Ho reports her condi tion slightly hanged for tho better. Robert Junes of tho U. S. navy, son or Joseph Innes or this city, has reached Newport News, on board tho ship Kljndam, after an exciting raco across tho Atlantic with another or tho American fleet, a wire received by thu father states. - Mm. C. D. Urown, who has been spending tho last few monthB in Portland, arrived in Bend last night to join herhnsband. They are mov ing to Redmond, where Mr. Brown has been appointed mannger of tho new Trl-State Terminal store. W. A. Zcek and O. II. Mean, form erly of tho Albina Englno and Ma chine Works or Portland, arrived in Bend today, accompanied by their' families, and will open tho General Acetylene Welding Works, estab lishing their plant In the Pioneer garage. Both Mr. Zcek and Mr. Mean aro expert mechanics,' with spe cial experience in this line. (From Thursday's Dally.) J. A, Smith of Mllllcan is spending the day in Bend. Charles J. Dugan Is spending a row days in Portland on business. Mm. M. H. llbrton left this morn ing on n trip to Mcdford. A. B. Ciertson or Summer Lake arrived In Bend last night and Is remaining over today . WATCH! I I Next Week's Paper for-the Announcement, II I Grand Spring Opening II I MILLINERY I 1 COATS U.r- ' ;- I J SUITS. '.;,., I 1 DRESSES- '""".:'.'. l SKIRTS '. . I WAISTS - ,''':,. SILK UNDERWEAR. t .'' and NEGLIGEES III Tfie Parisian V 111 LADIES' OUTFITTERS I . PRINGLE DUILplNOl x' jj, $ mm OREGON II UIIH X'w v. "tK v Ji j X fifi n,, il 01 1 ' PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS W ARNER HKND'S ECONOMY CENTER s JUSTR1TE CORSETS Under muslins ! Snow White, Crisp, Clean, Fresh Merchandise in ajl the styles that are established favorites. High Quality, Materi alsDainty Trimmings Fine Needle Work Carefully Finished. Honest Merchandise Correctly Priced. Corset Covers Fine nainsook, lace or embroid ery trim. These values are good ' 39c-55c-59c-65c-75c-89c Skirts Fine camrbic and fine nainsook, with deep embroidery flounce or with lace and in sertion trim, good wearing qualities $U9-$1.29-$1.39-$1.49-$l:69 Night Gowns Fine materials, well made, in a great variety of styles $U9-$1.69-$1.89-$1.98-$2.4S Envelope Chemises New, dainty garments, certain to please 69c-$1.19-$1.29-$U9-$1.59 YOU WILL FIND YHAT YOU WANT IN UNDERMUSLINS AT WARNER'S E. O. Stacker will loare Saturday night for Portland to-pend-a few days on legal' business, W. P. Myers will loaro Sunday for Portland and Oregon city to take caro of court matters. ' C. P. .Nlswongor left last sight for Tho Dalles, wbero he was called by tbo serious illness of his father. Miss Lucllo Pypcr of Salt Lake City Is hero visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Krank Inablt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred lluoy departed last night for Seattle after spending several days in Dend visiting with friends and relatives. II. II. DeArmoud received, word to day that he had been appointed the county chairman of the League to Enforco Peace. C. D. Springer of Crescent was in Dend today returning from Tennes see, where ho was called "by the boo ious Ulnes of his father. Nils Hagcn will go to Portland Sunday to confer with street railway officials in regard to his newly pat ented rail greasing device. Word has beorl received by Miss Helen Manny that her Bister, Miss Catherine Manny, has recovered from a severe attack of influenza at Hoi Hater, Idaho. H. J. OVERTURF BUYS McCUISTON HOUSES (From Wednesday's Dally.) Announcement was raade today of the purchase by II. J. Overturt of four bouses on Jefferson Place, In Park addition, from D. C. McCuleton. at a consideration of 116,200.'' Mr. Overturt'a new property is adjacent to the McCulston residence, jf DRAFT RECORDS SENT FROM BEND (From Wednesday's Daily.) Selectivo sorvico troubles are now entirely a thing of tho past, declared County Clerk J. II. Honor. Yester day evening ho uompletod tho ship ping of tho alst of tho war board's drjift records. Brand Directory FUANK PKRCIVALIi MUllcaa, Oregon. cdv.89f A Right side; rht ear ores pad; wattle rtgfctltal !, 8. L. XONB,kfMs4MW, Of. 'I r- ' t "-