WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN, V, d' ,... i it. VOI. A VI I mend, inwciwvm county, okhoon, tiiihhimy, .march a?, jji N't. I CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY FARM BUREAU MEETING IS SUCCESS LKS TO FORM LODGE IN BEND BLAMES GIRL FOR TROUBLE 60,000 SHEEP ADDED JURY FAILS TO EXPLAIN DEATH ' TO DESCHUTES FOREST ' TERM Order for Grinin Alfulfa Heed Taken and DIm'UmIoh of HIIon In llelil, Hiiporvlftor N. O. .larobioii Given Control of Animals RanKinf on Haiitlam nnd Owcndc. ,1 NEARING b: .a t). I , r fe fe, m 'i -f Mi CASES OF INTEREST TO BE TRIED. ; -District Attorney lo lv DIniiiImmiI .of UIuiiwh Agiilnxt ,Mr. ISIsIn Jlnllry I.lUIn Work Out A . Iliu'tl for Oritiiil Jury. iv (From Krltliiy'ti Dnlly.) ".Gases of unusual Interest will bo uu tint docket whun thu circuit court convenes In Huml April 7 In tho pru diction of District Attorney A. J. Mooro. On thu crl initial ilocxnt, 'tltq caTo of thu Hluto vs. Jnbo Warnor, ctJargod with theft of cuttle, In ox peeled to liu tlm II rut matter con nldorod, a retrial having beon ordorod lty tlm supremo court, Tho nult of 0. J. Btniilfer vh. Wllllnni W. Ilrpwn, wealthy stockman of Fife, In which $10,000 Ih asked for alleged ma licious prosecutfali, In iiIho expected to camu tmforn trte rourt. In thin cniiQ tint prosecution buses 'Us coiuplalnl on a charge of lurcony of slump, In which Htuiiffor was do fondiiut. In preliminary exumlnn Hon ho wiim hound ovor to tho grand jury, but tho Indicting trlhuiml found .ii not trim hill. . To Ak IIImiiImmI. A criminal matter which wna ono of tlTu sensation In Central Oregon court history ut thu llmonf tho orlg liiul hearing, thu cumo of tho Htutu fa. Mr. Elslo Ilalloy, churgod with tho '' theft of rnlunblo documents from I., J. Hnwllng of Urothom, will ho dismissed, It tho motion of thu dls jlrlct attorney Is granted. Accord Ing to tho U'Ntlinony given out In tho Vjirat lnrlwJrrMi.'tallrwnl:lrRed, Mvlth having forcibly detained Haw IIiirh In her cabin on thu high desert, lutor ramnokluK I'M homo, 8ho wun found guilty, but on appeal to tho uu promo court tho cano wun mm raid ed to tho circuit court for a retrial, hi the meant I mo, not only has tho defendant! minor son, chief wit ness for the ntatu In thu previous hearing, disappeared, but tho true hill of Indictment, loaned to it cout - reporter, has a I no vaiilihed Jnto thin . nlr, ho that Mr. Monro feels that It would b it wastu of tho county's money to endeavor to secure n con vlctlon, Grand .fur)' H Unlit Tank. A minor matter which wltl bo uih posed of Is tho appeal of M. J. Main, convicted In JuhIIco court of wlola tlon of tho slate gaino law by hnv lug In his poDiimlou thu hldo- of u deer killed out of season. I deer killed JL- ., Only tin it. cjMdunitl f vpci'wii Hi roe cases ho far iiro up for ration by tho grand Jury, 111 bo drawn Immediately after tho convenliiK of rourt. They .tiro thn Mittutory clinYgua oKiiliiHt J lurry Hlluy, Fred Lucas nnd Jnck Ilnyos, all of Mend. Asldo from routine Investigation of county uf fairs, prescribed by tho Htnlo law, tho firuud jury's task ut tho comliiK I or in will bo n lluht ouo. COMMERCIAL CLUB ADVOCATES 4 RAISING COUNTY VALUATIONS x (From Wednesday's Dally.) That tho Hend Commercial club stands behind tho movement to raise assessed valuations In Deschutes county was shown today when at tho woukly olttb luncheon this "uon ti unanimous voto-wus taken endors ing tho report iglvnn by tho special tax commltteo lust week, In which r rocommondntlon to this effect wna iniido, In tho discussion which pro ccde'd tho vote, County Assessor W. T. Mullnrky produced figures which, ho". argued, Indicated that tho work of.'tho commlttao was faulty In somo respects, , Uond Ih confronted with tho pos- Bible loss of 15 railroad omployos as tho roBUlt of a movomont to havo tho Oregon Trunk ohango Its lay- fovor' period from this city to Fall- brldge 'wn tUo Information glvon In sflTUor frrtm V. A. Smith, Orogon Trunk. oiiKluaer, Tho proposed (from Boturday'N Dally.) Tlilrtyflvu rosldeuts of tho Cllno Kails section met last night with of ficers of thu County Kami bureau for tho discussion of silos and sllugo crops and other agricultural tnattors, A number of orders for (irlmm al falfa seed won) tukeu and thoso present voted to nffllluto with thu bureau. I.ou Heed was elected as thu district cliiilrmiin. Thu meeting w,iih conducted by Prosldent Fred N. Wnlluco of tho farm bureau, SAGE RAT POISON RECIPE IS GIVEN Hanrhers Urrtl to Hturt CninpalKn AKiilntl l)itilnir(lK) ItodeuU at Once, to Protect Cnipri. (Krotn Wodnosilny'i Dally.) With thu coming of sprlntc. Do schutes county ranchers are urged to start at oncu it campalKti for tho eradication or sno rats. I'olsonlnt has done much In thu past to rid tho laud of tho rodent pests, hut much Is still to ho done In eliminating tho rats, which, If left unchecked, would in like short work of tho crops It Is declared. Tho following rcclpo for preparing poison, given by 11. A. Wnrd of tho First National bank, has been round highly effectlvo: Mix ono tnhtespoonful of gloss starch In one-half teacup of cold water and stir Into one-half pint of boiling water to mako u thin, clear paste. Mix one ounco of powdered strychnine (alkaloid) with ono ounce of baking sodn (bicarbonate) and stir with tho starch to a smooth, creamy mass, freo of lumps. Stir In oiio-fourth pint of heavy corn syrup and ouo tnhlcspoonful of glycerine, nnd finally one scant tenspoonful of saccharine. Four tnblcspoonfuls of TWblo salt ndded to tho boiling- water before making tho starch Incrcnses thu erfoctlveiiess of tho poison dur ing tho growing season. Apply to 20 quarts of oats nnd mix thoroughly to coat each kernel, Kach quart of poisoned grain Is sufficient for 40 to 60 baits. This quantity, scattered (ono teaspoonful to a place) along sijulrrel trails, or on clean, bar dsurfacos near tho holes, will not endanger stock. BRITISH FIRM WANTS SAMPLES OF JUNIPER Kumit HuporvlMir Ake! to Provide Hninplc tiff Wood for ToMn by Penrll Manufacturer. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Thnt Control Oregon Junlpor la again attracting thu attention of pen cil manufacturers Is shown by a lot tor received this morning from J. Thorburn ltoss of Portland, repre senting n Ilrlllsh firm, In which tinmplOH of (ho wood nro asked from tho DCHCliulcs National forest ofllco. Tho letter also uskH Information us to tho amount of wood available. Humpies for proper testing Hhould ho 7j by 'lYi by 3 Inches, It Is stntod, change would mean a payroll loss to llend of approximately $30,000 n your, and on u voto of tho club, Prosldont T. II. Foley appointed E, P, Muhaffoy and J, A. Knstos to net on ti special commltteo to tuko up tho matter with tho proper railroad of ficials. IlOHolutlonH from tho Prlnovllle Commercial club urging co-operation In tho socurlng of Htnto hlghwny aid, nnd suggesting' a mooting of civlo organizations of Central Oro gon In regard to tills matter, woro roforred to tho roads commltteo, A big futuro for llend wua seen by Fred J. Johnson, ox-mnyor of As. torla, prosout grand chancellor of thn Knights of Pythias, and Walter O, Qloason grand koopor of records and souls, of tho same fraternal or ganlcatlon, llend visitors today, who (Continued on last page.) ' , OIUJAM.ATIO.V WO UK TO UK TAKKS UP AT POINT WfftiHK WAR INTKUIIOITKII 3IKI-rn.NO OALI,i:i J-X)R I'llIDAY NIGHT. (HYom Wednesday's Dally.) Their plans for u lodgo horn halt ed for a year by wur work, fiend Klka nro' preparing to pick up tho work where It was left off at that time raid will make every effort to gain n charter for a strong Ccnjral Oregon organization with headquarters In thu Deschutes county scat. W. C. Cooper and D. P. Mahuffey, among thoso who uro loading tho movement, announced today that a meeting of all Deschutes, Crook and Jofforson county Klks will bo held at 8 o'clock Friday night, tho local Masonic lodgo having offered Its rooms for tho gathering of tho anllorcd herd. Kvory Klk who has been soen Is heartily In favor of putting tho order on a firm foundation In Central Oro gon, and an Tho Dalles lodgo somo tlmo ago released Its members In favor of an organization nearly com pleted here, local lodge men bollavo that this can readily bo accomplished. A similar sontlmont prevails among members of tho order In other local ities In thu three counties. At tho tlmo that tho mutter of se curing a lodge for Hend was dropped, considerable headway had been made, tho grand lodgo having vir tually promised a charter. More than 100 charter mombors woro signed up, besides a Inrgo number of candidates for admission into tho lodge. If tho organization campaign can be picked up where It was laid down months ago It Is declared by tho Klkft that tho charter list will bo fully ns great, while prospective mombors to bo Initiated will total at least a hundred. LUMBER MILL ENTIRE LOSS FIRi: IN TRASH NKAR IHTIINKR DKSTROYH .MrKI.NI.KV PIjAXT I.UMItKR IN YARD HAVKD mh.Ij not ixsimi:i. (From Tuesday's' Dally.) Flro staring in tho trash near tho burner at about IM30 o'clock last night, destroyed tho McICIuluy mill near tho brickyard Causing a loss of 16,000. Tho mill was not in sured. Lumber In tho yurd, however, was saved. Tho mill had been running steadily since Juno with tho exception of a j throo wookB' shut down for ropulrs. j Tho output was bolng purchased byi Tho Shovllu-lllxon Company. NOTED WRITER WILL SEEK MATERIAL FOR STORY HERE Froin Thursday's Dally.) Potor I). Kyno, well known writer of Saturday Evening Post stories, creator of tho character "Cappy Ricks," and rocontly a captain with tho Amorlcan forces In Franco, will visit Upnd this summer. A letter announcing his intention ot coming hero bus recently boon rocolvod by Tho Dullotin. Mr, Kyno was rocontly In Port land looking tor u sawmill town In which to lay tho scones ot moro storlos, A telegram was uont him with an Invitation to visit Roud and detailing somo ot tho opportunities to bo found horp, nnd now comes his letter rogrottlng his Inability to mako tho 'trip whon In Portland, but prom Istivg to bo horo In July, Mr. Kyno's lottor was written from his California homo and la us fol lows: "Editor Tho Hend nullottu, "Ilond, Oregon. "My dear sir: ' 'I rocolvod your telegram ot ninktkk.n.yi:ar-om hiikhmax DOUOf jAH A R It K H T K I) ON OHAROK OK (J I VI NO WORTH IjKHH CHIX'KH. (From Wednesday's Dally.) "It's all ovor a girl," moaned 19 year old Sherman Douglas as ho peered through tho bars of thu county jail this morning. Thoughts of a youi lady at Mllllcan, with whom ho'wKs smitten Induced him Monday to purchase u horse, chaps, two re volvers and a Pendleton round-up hat in order to woo hor In truo wild west fashion. Tho only troublo with his plans, according to C. M. Knotts, wltlr whom tho boy had made his homo, was that tho checks Issued to cover the purchases were no good. Mr. Knotts filed a complaint last night in which It Is alleged that a worthless $40 check was given him In payment for part of the' boy's equipment. Sheriff Roberts Immed iately sent out word to Mllllcan with tho result that young Douglas was arrested by Deputy Kd Mooro within an hour's time. The hearing, on a charge of obtain ing money under false pretenses, was scheduled to bo held In Justice court this afternoon. Bi A. A. C. TO START SOON COMMITTKKii OF 31 KN AND WO.M KN 3IK3HIKRH TO COMMKNCK WORK ON APRHj 7 3IK3IR1:R. .SHIP WILL 111: OPEN TO AM srxzr (From Tuesday's Daily.) Ileglnnlng April 7 and lasting through April 14, a membership campaign for the Horn! Amateur Ath latlc club will bo hold, directors of tho organization in meeting last night decjded. A thorough canvas of tho ontlro city will bo made and an effort mado to Interest every man, woman and child in tho work of the club. Whllo tho Incrcaso n momborshlp will bo sought, this Is not tho main oblcct of tho camnalgn. It is ex plained, Tho directors wish every Individual In Dcnd to reallzo that tho club Is an organization for the whole city, and to understand what oppor tunities nro offered by the club. It is belloved that this end can bo moro readily obtained through a mem bership drive, than In any other way. Tho commltteo In churgo of tho drive will consist of 30, Including spectlvely by Carl A. Johnson and 20 mon nnd 10 women, headed re Mrs. Clyde M. McKay. Four mon's teams nnd -two women's teums will tnko tho field, when tho campaign starts and appointment of captainn will bo nunqunccd Inter this week. March 3. It almost Inspired mo to go over to llend. It wub raining so In Portland, In fact' tho wholo north west, that I could scarcoly lcava tho hotel .and somebody told mo I would probably run Into a heap ot snow near Bond, nnd snow and I foil out n long tlmo ago, I havo just gotten ovor tho Inllueuzu and am Inclined to bo good to myself for a llttlo whllo. Finding thnt I could not go into tho woods until later, I returned to my homo horo. "In July I plan to motor up to Klamath nnd tho Crator Lnko coun try, and inasmuch as I am going that far, I shall contiuno on to Dead, Somolhliig about your tolegrum makes ma bollovo thnt'ovon It your city didn't ylold a lino of copy I would havo a rattling good tlmo. "Is tho llshlng on tho Deschutes good In July? "With many thanks for tho cour tesy and kindness which prompted your telegram, bollovo mo to bo, "Cordially and sincerely yours, "PETER 1). KYNE." DRIVE (From Saturday's Dally.) That tho Deschutes National forest has been given control of all sheep from this side of ho mountains on tho Bantlarn and Cascade National Forests was tho report this morning of Supervisor N. O, Jacobson, on his return to Dcnd from a buslnes trip to Portland. Tho now ruling will mean somo 60,000 head of sheep added lo thu number already under Deschutes forest administration or a total of about 100,000. AGED MAN WEEPS AS HE PAYS FINE John Krnsniy'M Flno for Killing' Roll ins Lowered to 925 Through I ii flu en ca of Tears. (From Saturday's Dally. Weeping real tears nnd still main taining his Innocence. John Eras my, aged defendant convicted In justice court Thursday ot killing robins, ap peared beforo Judge Eastcs this morning to receive sentence It con sisted of a $50 fine and $57. GO costs. W. P. Myers, attorney for flio defendant, protested against , tho penalty Imposed and declared that ho would appeal tho case. Tho $500 ball fixed by tho court, however, looked too big for Erasray, who de clared that ho would' not ask a hear Ing In circuit court. Moved by tho old man's weeping, Judge Eastes reduced tho flno to $25, making a total penalty of $83.70. DOCTOR NAMED IN BAD CHECK CHARGE 11. K. IUIcyp.Rclcaic(l nt Tho Dalles After Alleged I.osi Is 31ado Coodiby Friends In Rend. AJk (From Wednesday's Dally.) Charged with passing a worthless check ot the apparent valuo ot $100 at the Munnhelmor store. Dr. R. S. Riloy ot this city was taken in cus tody yesterday by officials at Tho Dalles, who acted on Instructions re ceived from tho sheriff's office here. Friends in Dcnd mado good tho al leged loss, tho prosecution was dropped and Dr. Riley was released. According to Edwin Rogers ot Dond, by whom the check was signed, the paper had been given In pay ment for professional services, with tho understanding that It was not to bo cashed until later In tho year. To mako suro ot this agreement be ing carried out, Rogers had left In structions at a local bank, with the result that when tho check was pre sented at that institution payment was refused. Tho complaint and ar rest followed. McKINLEY MILL TO BE REBUILT (From Wednesday's Daily.) Tho McKlnloy mill, which was de stroyed by fire night beforo last, will bo robullt at onco, It was announced today. CAMPING GROUND IN BEND IS ASSURED AUTO PARTIES (From Wednesday's Dally.) Practically all necessary plans are now complete for giving auto tour ists who como through Dond a freo camping ground on ono, of tho roost beautiful locations on tho Deschutes within tho city limits. E, L. Payno, chairman ot tho special commltteo of tho city council, uppolnted several weeks ago to mako arrangements tor a camp ground, announced this morning that ho has secured u tract of approximately two acres- Juat northeast ot tho east end ot tho county bridge, tho uso of tho land having been donated by tho Bend Co. Tho Millor Lumber Co. has promised to furnish freo wood for campers, and at tho next meoting of tho council Mr. Payno will ask for a $150 appropriation to UiitiHca a few necessary improvomonta on tho grounds. Tho camp site is Ideally located, CHARRED BODY GIVES NO CLUE. Absence of 3foncy In Ashed of Kraff Homo HugffcntM Robbery nnd Mur der May Ifavo Huffocatoil Whllo In Faint, AImo Theory. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Whether Robert II. Krug, wealthy hermit rancher living near Sisters, was murdered for his money and his homo fired to obliterate evidence ot tho crime, or whother ho was burned to death while In ono of tho fainting spells to. which ha was known to be subject, remained an open question after tho coroner's jury, summoned by C. P. Nlswongor, finished investi gating tho case at Sisters yesterday afternoon. A verdict ot death from unknown causes was returned. An other theory advanced was that smoke from an open grata had suf focated him as ho slept, tho house later catching from a defective flue. Dors Shared SIn'.ter'H Fate. Tho flro, which started about 8 o'clock Monday night, reduced the houso to ruins, and the charred trunk was all that was left by which to' identify the body ot tho rancher. Ills two dogs had also met their death In tho conflagration. When Sheriff S. E. Roberts, accompanied by Dis trict Attorney A. J. Mooro and Mr. Niswongcr, arrived at tho scone of tho tragedy yesterday so many people had visited tho place that It wm im possible to tell from tracks near the houso whether or not anyone bad como to the cabin tho night before. Robbery Suggc'stcd. A careful search of tho ruins was mado, but only one bit of evidence, and that negative,! was found In the abwBce.jf,axayi-jt.tii.ifeSItr-' ashes of tho lyncher's clothes. This is taken by District Attorney Moore as Indicating a posslblo robbery as tho solution ot the mystory. Testimony revealed (he fact that Krug, an inveterate smoker, suffered from sudden attacks ot unconscious ness, and from this It was suggested that whllo fainting ho might have knocked over tho koroseuo lamp which ho was known to keop on a tabio near tho bed on which his body was found. He bad apparently bceu fully clothed when death came. Tho coroner's Jury was composed of -D. L. Miller, foreman, and W. E. Graham, Jesso Graham, J. H. Burns, A. J. Weston nnd W. N. Cobb.' FOREST EMPLOYE CLEARED BY COURT (From Thursday's Dally.) Word was received from Portland today by tho Deschutes National For est headquarters hero of tho ncqultal of C. G. Dowers, for several years an employe of tho forest, whp was tried In tho United Stntcs district court on a charge of larceny ot government property .Tho acquittal was based on tho fact that tho evldenco ngatnst Dowers was largely clrcumstautlal. sloping (gradually down to tho river, with many pines and largo junipers, but no underbrush. A shack now on tho property will bo moved away, sowor connections made, and cov ered cans provldod to recolvo rofuso, Mr. Payno estimates that 50 auto parties could bo accommodated, and will endeavor to hnvo tha placa ready by tho latter part ot April so that dologutes to tho Cattle, and Ilorso Raisers' association conven tion, com(ng by auto, will have out door accommodation It hotel room aro all pra-omptcd. The grounds at tho present tlaaa nro enclosed on two sides by a.jte wall, on the third side by thve,r and a fence te be coustruetLw!U cut off the location, making HPil able tor aampers oBly, Daily .fiifjfMW tien to Insure. prfet iwnlttUltr",l cle&nltneM will be moniennipl by Mr. Payne.