The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 20, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
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VOL. A'Vll
No. n
night lodges Will (iallier Hero In
April, MitrkliiK llumlrt-iltli
Jllrtliday of Ureal Order.
Injunction Bult Will Do Aimtvcr fo
JjW.OOO.OOO Donil Hlorllon In tho
North 1,'nU, Bn Attorney.
, i
t '
Inrrrnoo of 00 1'rr Out. In Vidua-
f -
lluiKI lllYOIIIIIICIMlMl Atwwsor
WiilttM ICwn More Action
on Report In Deferred.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
That assessed vnlilntloiin In Do
hcImiIch county on real estate tiullil
Iurs, morchnndlso and timber range
from 11 to 48 ior cunt, wan tho to
jiorl today of a committed appointed
liy tho Commercial club to Investigate
valuations. Livestock, according to
II. J. Qvorturf, member o( tho corn
liilttce, l itssctued nt n much higher
relative valuation than tho other
tlaimes of property which wore cov
ered In tlm ntutomont of It. W.
Tho coinmlttou'it recommendations,
Hindu to tho Commercial club In
regular swhiIoii nt tho Pilot Butto Inn
thli noon, udvlsvil that tho law pro
viding thai tho county tuny receive
u ftbnro of (axon on Mock from othor
routiUes, panturwl In DiHtohutus, bo
Inkon full ndvnntgtt of, thai tin of
fort bo mado to mmmm money, notes
mid accounts, of which only n small
jiroportlon uro now tuisd, and (tint
valuations bo Increased fC0 pttr cent.
ln,ruoh n manner that' tho propor
tlonnto discrepancy hulwocu tho on
tljunted vnluei of different classes of
property bo um nearly an possible
VJT. Olullnrltjf, county assessor,
tupriHiod his thank to tho commit
too for Itn ork, duel a red that It
would bo of considerable assistance
to him, but advocated an oven eroator
Incrcniio In valuatlomi than that
which had been recommunded.
L. A. Hunt of Lower Bridge, from
which auction tho request promptlnK
tho Investigation originally came,
thaiiki'd (ho club for tho Intercut
shown In tho assessment question.
The report of tho commlttoo was
laid over for innro definite net Ion tin.
til tho next mooting. . ,u
At tho opening of tho clubhunch
uou, tho Hawaiian troubadouraplay
lng ut tho Liberty theater, appeared
through courtesy of MnnaRor'Vnrtl
Coblo and gave several excellent
vocal and Inntrunientnl selections. A
voto of ttinnka was extended to Mr
Coblo by tho club.
Catllo Recently 1'iirchnsrd by Tiimalo
Former Draroinlrtl from Fn-
iiioiih llrllMi Herd.
(From Tuesday's-Daily.)
I'edlitreen of Shorthorn nnttto pur
chatted recently by tho farmer of tho
Tumulo section from tho Foster herd
nt Powoll Ilutto trac.0 buck to four
famous Knellrili and Scutch tttrulno.
doclnro II, A. Ward. On tho request
of V. P. Mahnffoy and tho now owners
of tho Htoclc, Mr. Want and Fred N.
Wallace of Tumnlo huvo branded mill
Jiumborcrt tho cattle. Mr. Ward also
tracliiK tho pedlnroos back through
10 generations,
Ho found thnt tho Footer Short
horns uro descended from thu Anion
Crookshnuka hord, tho fljrjjt and
BrcntcHt Btmln of Scotch Shorthorns,
and from tho lJnHllnh .hnrdH cjt iJo
Earl of Diltho, Robert GoUlntyfruul
Honlolc 6? Iloll, plonoor lirccdora.v,
Nl'ho blood of theao fu4,noiH herds
Ih Homowlmt iittiunmted In tho Foster
cattle, Mr. Word admltH, hut ho do
clareii thnt under propor hnndlluK
nnd caroful matin k "y of tho
clmrnctorlHtlca can bo dovolopod for
wlilch tho nneohtoiK of tho uowly
purohHBud BhorthoniH woro foimiUB.
(From WodneBday's Dally.)
Judno J. A, L'uBtoH touy dlsmlBBod
tho cnao of tho Btnto va, Van IIoIhIuk,
Motollun rancher, who, mler too
complaint brought by Dlatrlat Oumo
Vardon Qeorgo Tonkin, was ulloBod
tojliavo hod door moat In Kla poHaos
hIqm, Tho court hold that thoro wbh
jfiSufriout ovUloncu to warrant H
fatuto Ouimuifeo of Irrigation District
Hood nlnMt Vitally Concern
tho People of Out nil
(HcUI to Tti Ilull.lln.)
HALKM, March 20. Nino moan
urtm will bo voted upon by the
people at the special referendum
election scheduled for Juno 3, No
oilier measures may k on tho bal
lot at that time under tho wordliiK
of tho act providing for calling tho
special election, v
Among them aro measures of groat
moment to Central Orogon, Tho pro
vision for thu stato guaranteeing tho
payment of Interest on drnlungo and
Irrigation bonds Is one of those and
tho other Is tho reconstruction bond
moasuro which provldon for public
building Improvements na well as
f'J,000,000 for Irrigation and about
1760,000 for laud settlement. In tho
building program Is a provision for
a 37,C00 armory for Usnd.
HUN Aro I.UHil.
Tho bills which will bo voted on
at tho special election aro as
Senate Joint llesnlutlon. No. 25.
Amending article XI of thu consti
tution of thu state of Ordgou, by
adding section 7-u, providing for tho
Issuance of not oxceedlng 10,000.000
In reconstruction bonds of tho ntato
of Oregon.
Iloiiso Joint Resolution, No. 32.
For tho addition to tho constitution
of tho stato of Oregon of artlcto llb
providing funds for tho payment of
tho stato of Interest, for u period not
exceeding five years, on bonds Issued
by dralungo nnd Irrigation districts,
Senatn Joint Itcsoltitlon No. 11
Amending aectlon 10 of nrtlclo XI
of tho constitution of tho stato of
Oregon, Increasing thu limitation by
taxes by counties for roads.
IIouso Joint lloBolutlon No. 20.
Amending section 3. of article XIV
of tho constitution of tho stato of
Oregon mu totho location of public
Institutions of thii stato, and except
ing from the former constitutional
provisions, an Industrial and recon
struction hospital.
House Joint Itesolutlon, No. 31.
Amending sections 1 and 8 of artlclo
V of tho constitution of tho stato nt
Oregon, and providing for u lieuten
ant Rovornor.
Sonato Illtl No. 220. Authorizing
tho Issuance of reconstruction bonds
of tho atuto, conferring certain pow
ers on tho stato board of control, pro
viding for tho uso of funds dorlved
from tho rcconntructlon bonds In tho
construction of statu and public
buildings, tho supervision of euoh
work, promoting land settlement,
laud reclamation and providing em
ployment. .
Bonnto UIU No. 260. Providing
stato mianclnl ntd to honorably 'dis
charged soldiers, sallora or marlnoo,
enlisted or Inducted Into tho sorvlco
from tho stato of Oregon, who deslro
to pursue a con mo of study In tho
Institutions of higher learning In thu
stato of Oregon.
Senate UIU No. 283. Dolus an act
to levy annually a tax or one mill on
tho dollar on nil taxablo property in
tho sfato for market road purposed,
providing for ti distribution thuroof
and containing other provisions.
llopso Uil No, M7. Providing for
tho construction of a highway to bo
known n tho Housuvelt Const Mlll
tnry highway, appropriating $2,500,
000 contingent on' tho United Btntoa
appropriating n llko tuun for tho con
struction of said highway and pro
viding for tho IsHiiauco of bonds by
tho otnto of Oregon and containing
other provisions,
Irrigation Moiimiio lip.
Tho section of tho reconstruction
bond Issues which relate to Irrigation
and drainage, and which In ItBolt ma
terially effects Central Oregon, Is na
folio wh:
Section 0. At Buoh tlmo nftor tho
Inking offeot of this act tin such stato
board of control may doom ndvlsablo,
said board ahull lsauo and null not
to oxcocd $2,000,000 In amount of
aald reconstruction bonds, for uso In
tho reclamation of lauds In tho ntato
of Orcgou, by way of Irrigation,,
drainage or other Improvements, but
bnly liy cooperating with tho fod-
(Continued on rage t.)
(From Tuesday's Dally)
Tho 100th anniversary of Odd
fellowship will ho celebrated In Dcnd
Saturday, April 20, by olght lodges
participating lledmond, Torrohonno,
Madras, Culver, Mnupln, Tumnlo and
I'rlnovlllu. In thu forenoon tho
visiting delegations, Including tho
llebekah lodge, will bo given an
auto rldo seeing Head. In tho after
noon public ritualistic ceremonies
will bo conducted by Oram! Secretary
15. 15. Sharon of Portland. A ban
quot and eluburato program begins
at (i o'clock, followed by degroo
work on a class of candidates. A
number of tho grand officers will bo
present, besides other distinguished
OVER $17,
AVim.i. of sumo A dAy cof-
IXO INTO Klli:itll'lfl OFl'ICtt
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Dwiohutos county taxes aro coming
In at an average rate of $1000 a day,
and up lo this morning $17,042.28
hod already been taken In, Chief
Deputy Slwrlft August Anderson ro
ported today. Tho total rocolpts yes
terday were $3000, Tho ontiro taxes
for tho year amounted to $291,432.88
and of this amount halt must be
paid in by April 5 if tnxpayors aro
to avoid adding Interest to . tho
amounts duo from them.
An unusually largo number of full
paymontM Is lclng made, Mr. Ander
son says, many property ownora In
Doschuton county apparently pre
ferring to dlschargo tholr obligations
nt ono tlmo rather than to tako ad
vantage of tho Kiw allowing liquida
tion of tax obligations in two Install
ments. That tho county Is onornlly
Increasing In prosperity Is evidenced,
ho says, liy tho fact that a much
mora rondy rosponso Is bolng made
by tnxpayers than was tho caso last
. Max Orandnll, export accountant,
who is going over tho county's books,
complimented tho ahorlff'tf office this
morning on tho efficiency of its book
kooplng. Ho declared that records
In this dopartmont of tho county ad
ministration uro in first class condi
tion and aro tho host of any books
ho haa gono over this your.
I'YtM Lucas, Held to (Jrand Jury, Is
llelrnsi'! on llouil Jnrk Hayes
to Plead Tomorrow.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
On an additional chargo, tlmt of
contributing to tho delinquency of n
minor, an well as on tho original
complaint alleging n statutory of-
ftniBO, Fred Lucua ploaded guilty In
Jusllco court yesturday ovunlug and
wiih held to tho grand Jury under
bopds totalling $2000. llondsmou
ware found this noon. Jack Hayes,
nrrostod yesterday on ti complulitt
Hwom to by Harry Itllay, naked for
further thno, nnd tho cuso was con
tinued by Judgo J. A, Kiutoa until
It la understood that a number of
other casos of a similar character
aro bolng Investigated by tho author-
ltles and that othor ehnrgoa may bo
preferred as n result.
HecniiBo or too uiuumai press
of work resulting from tho wool
growora' convontlon horo thla -t
wook, tho artlolo on alio con-
otrucllon planned for ths lsauo -
could not bo complotod by It. A.
Ward, who la writing tho series.
It will Hunonr In tho noxt Ibbuo
H- of Tho Weekly nullptln.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Th ranchers of the Haystack
District Improvement' Co, will In tho
near futuro file injunction proceed
ings to restrain tho North Unit Irri
gation district from Including tho
lands of tho company, about 2000
acres in nil, in tho assessment under
the new $6,000,000 bond issue was
tho declaration this morning of W. P.
Myers, attorney for tho company.
The bond election, which was held
Mondrfy, curried by a majority of
137, It was learned hero today. It
Is tho second election of tho kind
hold In tho district, tho first, which
carried, being Invalidated because of
defectlvo procedure. Tho district
comprises approximately 100,000
acres, all prlvatoly owned, nnd much
of It now under cultivation,
'r(Frora Wednoaday's Dally.)
'yifli an onvlnblo rocord of aiding
In tho development of livestock nnd
agricultural Interests In Cmtral Oro
gonjtho Dcnd First National bank
celebrated Its 10th birthday today.
During the time which has elapsed
since tho founding of tho institution
tho bank has been under tho sarao
managomont, and four of tho original
flvo directors C. S. Hudson, presl-
donr H. C. Kills, Dr. U. C. Coo and
15. A.vBather, vice president arc still
sorvlK 4n that capacity. Ouy Mc
Hoynolds. Just elected as tho fifth
member of tho board, camo to tho
bank six weeks aftor It started in
business and has worked up from
messenger to his present position of
At tho outset tho First National
had resources of $40,000, and from
this beginning it has increased to
more than $1,000,000. During Us
history it bos soon Uond advance
from a vlllago of C00 to a city of
over C00p population, la Its. policy
of sorvlco tho Institution lias recent
ly ndded to Its list of officers by
choosing It. A. Word, formerly
county agricultural agent, as vico
president! L. M. Fuss became a vico
prosldont approximately a year ago.
Tho bank will entortaln Its em
ployes tonight nt a dinner to bo given
at tho Pilot Butto Inn.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Contractors In chargo of tho seven
mile extension of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon
Company logging road havo arrived
In Iiend nnd expect to start work noxt
wook. Two carloads of machinery
to bo used on tho Job havo Just boon
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Charged with thu commission ot a
btatittory offense, Harry U. Ulloy of
this city was placed undor arrest to
day, waived preliminary examination
and wiih bound over to tho grand
Jury by Justice of tho Poaco J. A.
Hasten. Ills bond was aot nt $3000.
Tho complaint prompting tho arrost
was signed by Mrs. Kttu J. Hlntt nnd
mentions n 10-year-old 'girl ,ln con
nection with tho chargo.
'Ah a development of tho case, Frod
I,ucti8 and Jack Hayes ot Dond were
nrrostod on complaints signed by
Ulloy, In which ho alleges Improper
rotations with hla wife
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
A series ot specimens ot wool,
showing tho rcBitlts ot grading, Is bo
lng propured by It. A. Ward and will
soon bo placed on display nt tho First
National bank. Mr, Ward offora to
grado samples ot wool for any sheep
man Interested,
It. A. Wartl Chosen M Secretary
lUwolutions Kecking Upbuilding
of tho Industry Aro PhmciI
nt ltati(uct.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Reporting on tho election ot of
ficers for tho Central Oregon Wool
O rowers' association, directors elect
ed yesterday afternoon announced
tho selection of Ccorgo Jones of
Bond ns president, nnd It. A. Ward,
also ot this city, as secretary, nt tho
banquet given for the visiting shcep
mcu by tho Commercial club at tho
Pilot Butto Inn last night. Forty
flvo woro In n'ndanco nt the jjfj.
luot. In addition to tho offi
cers selected, tho board of directors
Includes Tom Cronln and Dennis
O'Callahnn of Bend, C. F. Hosklns
of Lower Urldgo, Goorgo Blakcly of
Condon and J. .W- Williamson of
Crystallizing tho policies of tho &a
sociatlon for tho coming year, reso
lutions Introduced by a committee
headed by Mr Jones wore adopted,
aiming at tho Introduction ot better
blood In Central Oregon flocks, seek
ing tho literal enforcomoni ot the
ostray law, deploring government
Interference hampering tho growth
of tho industry nnd seeking more
thorough co-operation with tho forest
service wo adopted. Tho association
went on record as endorsing tho Pa
cific International Livestock exposi
tion in Portland, and urged that
everything posslblo bo dono to aid
in Its development, commended tho
work of tho National Woolgrowers'
association and ot tho president and
secrotaryof thnt organtzadonrH. JV
HuRcnbarth and S. W. McCluro, and
advised tho attendance of alt Bheep
mon at tho annual Salt Lako ram
saio as a means of securing sires to
Improvo tho quality of stock in this
Itrnml Hook Wnntnl.
Tho forest service was asked to
compile n brand book, containing
wool marks ot all mombers of tho
Contra! Oregon association, a copy
to bo placed In tho hands ot each
member. Tho association also passed
a resolution roqueting 'that tho
servlco protect, tho wool growing
intorcsts by keeping cattlo and horses
off tho sheep rnuge. A matter which
tho forest officials have been agitat
ing tor somo tlmo nbsoluto enforce
ment ot tho ostray laws to prevent
loss to sheopmon was takon up and
endorsed. Heroaftor, nnyono retain
ing estrnys and"not following tho
lottor ot tho law In endeavoring to
rostoro thorn to tho ownor will bo
prosecuted vigorously by tho asso
ciation. To protect not only wool growers
but ovory individual purchasing tex
tiles, a resolution was passed urging
tho federal government, by act ot
congress, to roquiro tho stamping of
nil cloth with tho porcentogo ot wool
and shoddy contained.
Commercial Club Thanked.
A voto of thanks was extended to
the Bend Commercial club for tho
eutortnlumont extended tho members
ot tho association.
Speakers during tho evening woro
F. A. Clark of Portland, Roscoo
Howard of Deschutes, J. N. Burgoss
ot Pendleton, E. P. Mnhaffoy of tho
Contral Orogou bank, C. S. Hudson
of tho First National bank ot Bend
and J. II. Zimmerman ot Portland.
In tho latter part ot tho afternoon
yostorday, C. 3. Hudson spoke on tho
subjact of "Flnnno'ug tho Sheep
man," declaring that thoro U no
longer any shortago at money for
financing tho wool growora, und
enumerating tho different olemonts
to bo taken Into consideration by a
banker In making n loan ot this kind.
Ho also appealed to tho sheopmon
to sook u return ot tho old wool sale
plan, maintaining that oven It tholr
wool is not disposed ot in this way
they still havo tho opportunity ot
taking advantage of warehouse facil
ities in Portlnud.
May Invito Htato Association.
J, N. Burgess ot Pondleton advised
an amalgamation with tho Orogou
Wool Growora' association, and aus
gcated that tho membora of that or-
(Contlnuod on Page 0.)
Guarantee of Interest for Irrigation.
Dondt and I'rotlslon for Aid?
on Tumnlo Project" of .
Or rat Interest. '
(S(we!! to TM Bulletin.)
SALEM, March 10. Never before
has tho legislature been Inclined to
look with such favor on reclamation
and reconstruction projects as tho
recent one, In tho opinion ot Stato
Engineer Percy A. Cupper who has
prepared a digest of tho Irrigation
and reclamation laws, Including tho
dralnago statutes enacted by tho
stato legislature.
With n sllnht introduction touch
ing upon tho road building program,
Mr. Cupper has digested tho irriga
tion and reclamation laws unacted
at tho session as follows:
Tho session ot tho Orogori logls
laturo which hafl Just cloied outlined
n big reconstruction program and
provided tho funds for carrying It
Into effect. A bill providing tor the
Ksliahco of $10,000,000 for xoad
construction an passed and an thitf
bill carried an bcldrgeucy ctauso it
Is not subject to referendum.
"Another statuto was enacted pro
viding for tho levying ot a one mill
stato tax on all taxablo property in
the stato for tho reconstruction ot
marct roads. Under this statuto tho
counties are required to provide a
substantial and equal amount for this
work and the expenditure ot the
funds Is under tho direction ot the
stato highway commission..
Roads only P.irt of rroRram.
In order to pay tho Interest oh the
bonds for road construction, and to
provldo additional funds for carrying
out- the road -"progniiB.fethe auto
llccnso fees were considerably in
creased and at tho same iimo they
woro exempt from general' taxation
in order that tho cntlro tax on auto
mobiles might bo utilized in road
Theso road measures wero con
sidered only Indirectly as a part ot
tho reconstruction program and tho
special constitutional amendment
and statuto aro submitted to tho pco
plo for their approval, providing for
tho Issuanco ot $5,000,000 ot recon
struction bonds and tho statuto which
Is also to bo approved by tho people
provides how funds arising from
theso bonds shall be expended.
Nearly two and ono-half million is
to bo expended In tho construction
of public buildings. Two millions Is
to bo expended on reclamation work
and tho remainder on land
Federal Aid Hxpectcd.
It Is probable that tho reclamation
fund will bo expended in cooperation
with tho federal government on a
dollar for dollar Imals.
"Of great Importanco to future
reclamation In this stato is tho consti
tutional amendment providing for
tho guaranty of interest on irriga
tion and dralnago bonds tho first
flvo years after their Issuanco. Qn
account of heavy discount on drain-
ago and irrigation bonds this class ot
reclamation bonds havo boon under
a sovero handicap, which It Is be-
lloved will bo largely removed, if
tho interest on bonds is guaranteed
for tho first tlvo years.
"A number of other statutes, very
important to reclamation, woro en
acted at tho last legislature. Among
theso ia tho statuto providing thnt
irrigation districts may nccopt a part
of tho land ot any taud owner with
in tho district as an ofT"t oga(ijst
tho reclamation charge on tho 're
mainder of his land. Thla will prob-
ably servo as a very convenient
method of cooperating with the fed
eral government, as It will mako it
posslblo to put largo areas of land
in tho hands of an Irrlgatloon dis
trict without direct cost by tha
district, which tho district muy turn
over to thu federal government (or
land settlement or othor similar
Bond Cvrtltlcatlon Important.
"Anothor Btntuto was enacted pro
viding for tho cortlilcntlon of drain-,
ago district uonds in tho oamo man
nor na irrigation district bonds itr
now cortlflod,
"The provision ot (he irrltta
SnnnHn,.iAil nn t.oa 1 .tfK
wvm,.mwi vt fj ".,