mi4imtUtorltMit'm$mfmitif TAGR 8 1KNI HULLKTIN, HKNI), OHKOON, TIIUKMDAY, MAHOII 111, 11)11) .V OREGON'S LOSS NOW REALIZED (Conttnuod from rago Ono.) land nntl attend Iits veterinary nrnc tlco, which had broadened out to cover nearly tho whole Btnto. At tho end of thu 15 yoars ho breathed a bIrIi ot regret and left his farm tor lits practice which had grown to great dimensions. IIo beenmo Htnto votcrlnarlan, serving In that capacity for nine years. Ho becaino director ot tho Oregon Agricultural college experiment station, In which capacity ho served tor 17 years. Then ho bocamo governor, after ho hnd once been defeated In n rnco for guberna torial honors. IIo then secured honors novnjJhoforo granted to a Itepubllcaii In Oregon, and was re elected. Actlvo In War Work. JIo xv as re-elected becnuso ot his record. IIo made n record un equalled by any governor In the United Statos. As a war governor bo gained national promlnenco and ho was known from coast to coast. Ilia Btnto took tho lead In wnr activ ities because ot his efforts. Ho never faltered; bo never looked back; ho never had a craven thought. His was a heart ot unadulterated loyalty. Ho saw aboad tho breakers boforo the crowd on tho decks could sight them; nnd tho rocks ot possible disaster loomed before him when tho eyes of others woro blinded. Ho mado mistakes and admitted It. Ho rectified thorn whero he could, nnd when ho mado mistakes and know It and found ho could not rectify them, thoy left a scar upon his heart. Tho writer may say as ono who knew him well that fow moro kindly souls than Jamos Wlthycombo havo lived upon this earth, to his knowl edgo at least. IIo loved tho fields nnd trees and God's great outdoors with a deep and abiding love. Ho was closo to nature and" be cause ho was ho believed In a God ot naturo and creation with a whole- soma and a firm belief. "Was Kricnil of Children. Ho liked tho littlo children and tho patter of childish feot and tho prattlo of childish voices wero often heard in tho prlvato offices ot tho ezccutlvo chambers. Ho had that lovo for littlo children which made old and hardened men look upon him with confidence,, for It Is a maxim of tho heart that ho who loves little children has a simple and abid ing faith in all mankind. And James Wlthycombe believed In thoso who make up mankind. Ho believed in their goodness nnd in their honesty and in their truthful ness. Sometimes this belief led him far afield in public life. Sometimes, perhaps not often, that faith was abused. Sometimes there wero men who knew ot the faith and took ad vantage of It, but It Is safo to bellove that tho men who did will reap what they havo sown and the state will be no wise the loser. Homo Iilfo Ideal. His creed was tho creed of a man 'who has lived on tho hilltops, and In tho fertile valleys, and who had wit nessed the wonders ot the hilltops nnd of tho valleys nnd had seen a 'threat God behind it nil, nnd wor shipped that God In a Rlmplo nnd manly way. Thoso words niny sound oh fulsome praise, but thoy aro written In tho spirit ot ono who Iiiih hnd the oppor tunity ot nfton being close to u kindly, simple soul, and has felt that through It nil there woro olomonts ot greatness. For James Wlthycombo had chnracter, nml Is not thnt greatness In Itself? ill la homo life was Idealistic. In tho five years In which tho Wlthy combo family lived In Salem tho people of the capital city got to know n plain, mothorly little woman whose only ambition In life was to bo known ns Mrs. Wlthycombo nnd tho mother ot tho Wlthycombe children, nnd who lived nnd played tho pnrt of u per fect wlto and mother. Ask nny woman In Salem as to whom thoy bellovo Is tho perfect typo ot wifehood and motherhood nnd thcro will bo no hesitancy In tho response. They will sny Mrs. Wlthy combo nnd In that, no doubt, hns grown up much ot tho secret of tho success ot James Wlthycombo. Oregon' Ion Groat. James Wlthycombo believed In nnd honored his wlto with tho samo kind ot a belief that ho tolt tor tho naturo that ho had grown up with, nnd for the God thnt ho know dwolt among tho Inward recesses. Whllo many tears woro shed at tho passing ot James Wlthycombo, ns deep and ns truo a sympathy lingers nbout tho stato capital tor tho pa tient, qulot littlo woman who Is deep ly beloved by all who havo been so fortunnto as to como within her presence. Oregon has lost something big, and strong, and virile, in tho passing of James Wlthycombe, nnd yet ns big and strong and virile as ho was ho was ns slmplo as a littlo child. "And except yo becomo as a little child." Clitfi nlvcrtUme chant twr Uiu 20 nli for SO worl or lew. On ent pr word for all orcr SO. All eluttflnl mJrtrtUlne trktlr c&th In advance FOR SALE. FOIt SALE CHEAP 160 acres In Cloverdale section; water for do mestic use on placo. Small cash payment, balanco terms. Address Box 208 Dcnd, Ore. S5-2-3p FOR SALE 11. I. Itcd eggs; excel lent color nnd laying qualities, 51.00 per 13. Mrs. W. P. Slmer, 1624 Lytlo St., Bend, Oro. S4-2-3p FOIt SALE Ono 7-year-old maro. weight aboutl2S0; ono S-year-old weight nbout 1250; ono 5-year-old 0-month-old colt; ono set double harness; ono single harness; one high hack. Team broken to work Binglo or double. Inquire E. A. Klldee, Shevlln-HIxon Camp 8. 82-2-4p FOB SALE Ono Red Poll cow, dry; one Durham nnd Guornsoy, milk ing, ono Jersey, frosh May 1, ono Durham nnd Guernsey heifor, two Durham steer calves. W. N Kay, Tumalo, Oregon. 76-2-3p FOB SALE At Bend, Oregon, 160 ncres. All Irrigated by the Arnold Farmers' co-operatlvo Irrigation system. No overhead expense All tho water ono needs Main tenance fees around 45c per acre. 160 acre paid up water right. 135 acres cultivated. All level, deep gj i itm Mrij . nj JJkj IJ I III Hi ., uui ..b- -i Financial Statement Of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND At the Close of Business March 4, 1919 . .. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $544,704.54 Bonds and Warrants 59,621.25 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 1,500.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 33,981.11 Other Real Estate Owned 8,396.97 Five Per Cent. Redemption Fund 625.00 Cash and Exchanges $206,887.08 Liberty Bonds Owned 84,750.00 U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness 45,000.00 336,637.08 $985,465.95 LIABILITIES. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 54,101.51 Circulation 12,500.00 Deposits 918,864.44 . $985,465.95 Deposits March 4, 1919 $918,864.44 Deposits March 4, 1918 690,894.86 Gain in One Year $227,969.58 mbwism fTnJT TjIT n pj wmm soil, no rocks, stumps or troos, 30 ncres In timothy, clover nnd alfalfa. 30 acres In grain. Tho rest to seed this spring. Fences and Irrigation ditches mado. 7 room hou.it'. very comfortable In side, rough outside. Pantry and collar. Sepnrutor room nml wooil Iiouhu. Water piped to sink In kitchen from Iiouhu cistern, Largo old barn, stanchions tor 14 cows, stnlls for ten homes, calf sheds, corrals, blacksmith shop, chicken house nnd scratching shed. Phono lino, star mall route. Am physic ally uniiblo to work ranch. Will Roll 40, SO or 100 ncres or nil. Price $70 nn ncro. Tonus given 15 cowh, six yearling hulfers, tour heifer calves Inst Hummer. Five miles from Bend on the Burns road Will trade nny 40 of the tibovo tract for city Income property M. E. Knott. 04-l-3p FOB SALE Barred Plymouth Bock eggs from a laying strain. 3 miles north of Deschutes. F. B. Baugh mini, Redmond. 70-2-5p FOR SALE. 'Registered Guernsey cow and bull, 3 miles north ot Deschutes. F. B. Baughmun, Red mond, Oregon. 60-2-3p. FOR SALE Genuine spring ryo de livered In Bend P. A. Dover nnd Son, Tumnlo, Oregon. 60-2tf FOR SALE Full blooded blnck Minorca and O. A. C. Bnrred Bock hatching eggs. Fifteen for $1.00. Agnes M. Sottoug. Phono Burnt 1118. 20-l-5p FOR SALE Eggs. S. C. Whlto Min or en bred to lay, hatching eggs, 51.50 per 15. Mrs. E. A. Griffin, Bond, Oro. Phono Burnl 1110. 17-l-4p FOR SALE Or trade for Ford car. work horses. J. J. Elllnger, Torro- bonno, Oro. 14-l-3p FOR SALE Ono Ayrshlro bull, com ing thrco years old. Roclstered, can show papers. Call 4F14 even ings. 09-l-2p FOR SALE .Whlto Leghorn eggs for hatching, Tancrcd strain. $8.00 por 100; O. A. C. strain Barred Bocks, jl.50 per sotting. Roan Hatch, Tumalo, Oro. 53-l-4p FOR SALE If you want tho highest price for your goods, write mo. Richard Richardson, nuctloneer, general dolUery, Bend, Oro. Farm sales a specialty. 69-52-09p FOR SALE S. C. Whlto Leghorn eggs for hntchlng, O. A. C. strain. Tho kind thnt lay. Eight dollars por 100, 11.25 per sotting. Mrs. M. E. Landcs, Redmond, Ore. 23-51-4p FOR SALE Everbearing strawborry plants. C. P. Becker, Tumulo, Ore. 36-4 8tfc. FOR SALE Good grain drill. 10 hoso Roderick Lean, 550. Frank Lemny, near Grango Hall, north east ot Bend. 84-49-53p A Few Reasons ! Why wc urc dniwing trade many miles IVom Heiitl, People realize thai wo mo Hiving them the most of the best merehandise obtainable for their dollar. Wo buy in largo quantities, anil buying for cash and selling for eash, enables us to undersell the other fellow, ami this includes All Mnil Order Houses. It will pay you to keep in touch with our prices at all times. FOR KENT. RANCH FOR RENT 160 ncres, southeast of Bend, Irrigated from Arnold system. 40 acres umlor cultivation, 120 acres fenced. To rent or sell on rcnsonnblo forms. Address Chan. D. Bowc, Bonnera Ferry, Ida. 14-50-3c WANTED. For The Housewife Oilcloth (all colors) 39c White Outing (heavy) ,.'ir.',7 1. ') Apron Gingham 17'$c Dress Gingham (a real one) 25c Zephyr Gingham (32-inch) 39c Bleached Muslin 14c-18c-21e-25c-29c-32c Turkish Towels (pair) 2oc-39c-iUc-(J9c-98c Bedspreads ...$1.69-$l.98-$2..19-$2.98-$3.98 Longcloth 19c-23c-29c.32c-a5c-39c-.l5c Nainsook....li2c-25c-35c-37'4c-12c India Linen. 122c-14c-162c-19c-23c-25c Calico, greys and lights Mc Sheets ....98c-$1.49-$T.69-$1.98-$2.19 100yds. Silk Thread.. 10c Bob White Soap 5c Palmolive Soap 10c Colgate's Tooth Paste 8c-l9c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c; 5c-10c; 2 for 25c Cotton Batts ... V-. lb., 15c; 1 lb., 25c; 3 lbs., 98c-$1.19 For The Men Canvas Gloves 10c-15c Canvas Gloves, leather face. . .35c Muleskin Gloves (wrist) 39c Work Gloves 79c to $2.49 Work Sox (Rockford) 15c Work Sox, seamless heel and toe . ... 2 for 39c; 2 for 45c Men's Dress Sox (all colors) Men's Silk Sox (all colors) ....19c-(S9c-79c Work Shirts (all sizes) 89c-98c Work Shirts, double shoulder and sleeve, a real one (bluo and grey . .. . $M9.$1.79 Khaki Work Shirts $1.29-$1.19-$1.79 Heavy Blue Bib Overalls. $1.79 Heavy Khaki Bib Overalls $1.49 Khaki Pants .$1.69-$1.79 Moleskin Pants $2.79-$3.49-$3.98 Work Pants (assorted stripes) . .. Men's Dress Pants . $2.98 to $5.90 Men's all-wool Blue Serge Suits $19.75 to $ 12.50 Men's Novelty Suits$14.75 to $12.50 WE BUY FOR LESS J. C. PENNEY CO., he. WE SELL FOR LESS 197 DUSY STORI-S rlago ot Frank II. Bobnrgo lo Mlns Mnrgareth llartmanii at Jursey City, N. J. on February 13. Berry llano who Is employed In tho Bend mills spent Sunday at thu homo of his uncle, Albert SIiuBh. Tom Dl'fllt'V U'nii trnnnnrtlni? hnul. ncss In Bend Saturday, nnd brought a new Victor phonograph homo. C. II. IFnnlv nml U'llllnm Hnr.nl I attended a meeting at the community hull nt Powell Ilutto Friday evening Miss Ada Furry of I'rliinvlllu bus been visiting at the homo ot friends In Alfalfa during tho pant two wimlt. Frank Mollrooin was n Bend vis itor on Monday. Dan Anglnttd who hns bron In n hospital In Portland for Home time Is slowly Improving. Aits In Barber, Miss Vernii Shul's nnd Miss Voniu Forry hnvo hi en notified that they jmmtcd the ilghlli grade nxainlnntloiiH held recently. Miss Jennie llnrtlny was attending to business In Prlnovlllo Saturday. Pto Grnbblor nml family will leave noun with tholr cattle far their ranch on the high desert, They have purchased thu old Wlllnrd placu mar the pout office mid will return here to do farming WANTED 2 dozon young chickens, will glvo new Incubator, nover boon used In part payment. Call Rural 118. C8-2-3p, WANTED Wo will call nnywhoro. ' any placo, any tlmo, to look nt j )iiur uhvu lurimuru. i.ui un kiimw what you hnvo. Wo pay cash. Tho Standard Furniture Co. U7-40tfc LOST. LOST Six cowh, all 3-year-olds nnd mulloys, branded II In circle rlghi rib, half Inverted G right hip, small dulap upper brisket, split In right or crop und spilt right nnd i crop on lcit. suitable rowaru ror Information. Address J. H. Gray, Prlnovlllo, Ore. 71-52-03p LOST Female fox terrier dog, whlto with brown head, whlto streak In forehead; brown spot on back; stub tall, IMeasa notify A. Nelson, Box 1C5, Redmond, Oro. 68-2p LOST Saturday. March 8, between Bend and Prlnovlllo, on Powell Butto road, a bag ot laundry. Re turn to Bulletin office and recelvo 5 reward. 03-2c TAKEN UP TAKEN UP Bonn steor, past two years old, brand 21 on left hip, under slope on loft ear, small dulap. O. L. Mooro, 24 mllos cast of Bend, on Bend-Burns road. 88-2-3p TAKEN UP Followed tho J. C. Cook cattle from Pine mquntuln, ono rod bolter, whlto faced, under bit on left car. Dulap showed then Iron handle, but now Dulap, other torn out. No other brands to be floen. Owner may havo samo by paying feed bill and advertising. P. A, Grablor, " Al falfa, Oro. Phono 15F12. 27-Dl-4p Brand Directory FRANK PEUCIVAIili MlUIcan, Oregon. odv.89p c Right sldo; right ear crop- pod; wattle right hind leg. II. L. TONE, Sisters, Ore, adr.lOOo ALFALFA FRIENDS LEARN OF WEDDING ALFALFA, March 12. Charles Stoefflor of Astoria Is visiting with his sister, Miss Mlnnlo Stooffler, at tho Johnson ranch, Cards aro out announcing tho mar- 5QO-SUITS-500 We Are Opening a New Line of Men's and Boys9 Suits at Prices Unbelievably Low. PRICED FROM $6 to $18 for Strictly All-Wool Garments, Medium Weights. Sale Begins Saturday, March 8 'and Continues Until Stock is Disposed of. FULL VALUE GUARANTEED! i The Big Opportunity for Men and Boys to Get Full Value. On Sale at R. H. Loven's Shoe Store 1017 Bond St., 2 Doors North of Owl Pharmacy I tV i 1 4 '