The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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F 4
Bio Pish
ute caught with
You iimy need
He prepared to go after
them with a new outfit
Bend Hardware Co.
fi accepted n pmiltloti In the offlco of
(ho county clorlt.
J, A, Tlioinpiioii wont to Tiimulo
llilii iifloriiuon lo iipouk ut llio nuliool
tliori) thin ovdiiIiii:,
Floyd llrowii returned to Hend
yesterday from Hun Dingo, whom liu
Iiiih linon In tlin navy iilnco liml Juno.
Ilov. W. 0 fltowurt, jiiiiilor of llio
Mothodlnt church, wan culled to
Portland hy tlio dentil of hht iiliUor-In-law.
J ml en II. (!. Ellin loft hint night
on a bunliioim trip to l'ouillotou mid
way pultitn. Ilo will roliiru tlio llrnt
of noxt wook.
Dr. J. II. Coiiniirn Injured IiIh hand
yontordity and will ho iinahlo to at
totid to pallontH at hht donlul ofllco
for Hovoral ilayH.
Mm, H. (3. Culdwoll, wlfo of Mayor
H. ('. Culdwoll, who died In Van
couver roeonlly, Iiiih humi puld $3000
hy tlio Wood moil of tho World, iih
John M. Itodgorn, Incomo tax ox
port, who Iiiih hoou Htntlouod In Ilond
for tho ItiNt fow duyn, loft thin morn
Iiik for lli'dmoiid to tako up IiIh work
In Hint noctlon,
Mr. mid Mrs. W. J. Hturdlvnn of
Itmlmond, who huvo boon vlnltlng lit
tho 1-3. I). Ullnon homo In Ilond, loft
yoNtordny for I'owoll Hutto, whoro
thulr ditUKhtor Cryntnl lit touching
Mr. Hturdlvnn rocoutly noli! IiIh 80-
aero Irrigated ranch for $10,000,
and on account of III health will
nook a lowor altitude.
Brownie Cameras
from $2.00 to$200.00
"In at One, at Floe They're Done."
(From Thursday' Dully.)
II. It. Jonnlngn of MndniH wan In
tho city Innt night.
M. II. Morton In confined to hU
homo hy lonnllltln.
J. B. Wnnior wan In Hund lant
night from hln homo at Itohert.
J. I.. (Jalther In nblo to leave tho
Iiouno after a nuvcro attack of ton
Frod N. Wnllaco mill Jonno Hurtor
t woro among Tumalo visitors In tho
city lant ulKht.
Momborn of tho Ilond Hod Cronn
chapter will moot ut 8 o'clock tonight
at tho county court room.
Jnrrd Monro, pontmiintor nt lied-
,-inond, won In .ljund, hut. nlj'.ht jo uj-
tend tlio Commercial club mooting.
Tho rioncor Unrugo In unloading
n car of model No, 90 Ovorlundn
todny. A nocoud car In on tho way
to Ilond.
I. W. Drown of Antorla. who turn
boon In Ilond for tho pant fow ilayn
lookliiK ovor proporty hero, loft lant
night for hln homo,
IlutiKor I'orry Houtli of Sinters wnn
u vlnltor nt tho headquarter of tho
Dcnchuton national foront In lluud
yontordny iittorunou.
Word wnn received todny that
Douglnn Johnnou, Chitrlim H, llalrd
unit Churlori J, Aynm huvo pannod
their oxnmluntloun tin fonwt nuiKorn
(1. W. Hhrlnor roturuod to Ilond
thin morning from Portland, whoro
ho wnn called hy tho critical condi
tion of hln wlfo. Ilo roporlit that
nho In much Improved.
Lieutenant and Mm. Frank I'rlnco
arrived In Hund thin morning from
Jht, tuint. Lieutenant I'rlnco wan with
tno zotli ouginooru ami returned to
thltt country a fow wookn ago from
Horvlco ovornoim,
A now buslnonn vonluru wan
launched In Ilond yoHtorduy whou tho
Contra! OroKon collection iiKoncy
oponod oHIcoh In tho O'Ktiuo build
ing. W. P. Myuro ami Mm. 0. B.
I'orkluu tiro tho uiomliom of tho firm.
Word wnn rocolvod today by Oncur
Cnrlnon of thin city that Bd Lyonn,
who lion boon In tho norvlco for tho
luHt your nt Sun I'odro, California, In
J leaving for Hun Fniuclnco to ho din
'churgod within tho noxt wook. Ilo
will rolurn to Ilond to muku hln
Oru Vun TiihhoI, II. W. Onrd, A. W.
Hoyco, I. Chltwood, Martin Toiler-
non, Hownrd W. Tumor and W. E.
Johnnou of MtulriiH, C. C, Ilorkoloy
of .Hay Crook and John illondoraon
of Opal City woro inomborH of tho
Joffornon county doloKntlon to tho
Commorclul club mooting lant night.
(From Saturday's Dally.'
J. B. Ityiui In visiting In Head to
day from hln ranch at Tho Tullon.
William Koutliworth In hero from
Hoattlo vlnltliiK hln mother, Mm.
Chorion Koutliworth.
Mr. and Mrn. C. II. Hhovllu nr
rived In Ilond lant night from Port
land and will make their homo hero.
A. M. I. ara, pioneer merchant of
lloud, In vlnltliiK frlondn hero tiftor
an uhnouco of ovor two yearn.
Mr. and Mrn. William Sprout ro
turuod to lloud thin morning after u
ntay of novoral wookn In Portland.
Mm. N. tJ. Davln will lonvo to
morrow night for California for n
vlnlt of noveral moiithn with rolatlvcn
nod frlondn.
Mm. II. Forroll and children will
lonvo tomorrow nlKht for Pasadena
to join Dr. Forroll In that city. They
may iniiko thulr homo In tho nouth.
Major C, C. Cumpholl and MIhh
(Jertrudo Corbott of Portland aro
week-end guontn at thu homo of Mr.
and Mm. II. K. Ilrookn.
Judgo J. C. Thorpo of Tumalo wan
In town thin morning. Judge Thorpo
liun Junt returned from u novoral
monthn' trip through Colorado, Cali
fornia and other ntuton.
Mr. and Mm. Norvnl Springer re
turnod lo lloud thin morning to nmko
their home. Mr. Springer Iiiih boon
workltiR In Hoattlo for tho hint nluo
(I. I), llrown, miporvlnor of tho
Fremont national foront, wnn In tho
city today on hln way from head
quartern at Lukovlow to I'ortland,
whoro ho will report to tho dlntrlct
furontor'n office.
ntoro thin wook In tho WrlRht hotol
corner,, In tho location formerly
occupied by tho I'nlaco Market. Mr.
Hhuoy wan formerly n resident of
Ilond and returned to thin city nov
oral wookn nRO from Hartletnvlllo,
Oklahoma, where ho had boon In tho
grocery bunlnenn.
(From Tuenday'n Dally.)
Mervln Horton In out again after
an attack of tonnllltln.
Mr. and Mrn. W. M. Wllnon nro In
from I'owoll Hutto today.
C. B. Griffith wan In tho city IubI
nlKht from hln homo nt Slntorn.
W. O. Hndloy, deputy Rnrno
warden, In In from Tho Dnllon.
Mr. and Mm. Chentor Johnnon, ro
coutly of Walla Walla, lire In Houil
vIhIIIiik at tho homo of Mr. and Mm.
DourIuh Johnnon.
Mrn. W. O. Hhrlnor, who ban been
In I'ortland for tho hint fow weokn
for medical treatment, In reported
to have nuffored n relupso. Her con
dition In critical, accordliiR to word
received hero.
Clay Cogswell, who wan formerly
employed ut tho Hund depot, returned
thin tnornltiR from Hnn Dler.o, whero
ho wnn Motioned with tho marines.
Word ban been received Hint Lloyd
Kolloy, who In In tho IS. H. navy, ban
been promoted to chief yeoman. Thin
In thu hlKhent rank n non-commls-nloned
officer In tho navy can attain.
1'crry A. South of Slntorn wun In
Ilond todny on hln way homo after
vlnltliiK tho upper Willamette coun
try, whero ho ban ranch property.
Leo Doudlah, formerly of thin city,
who han been In Hoattlo for more
than a year pant, In expected to re
turn to Hcnd within tho next threo
weokn to accept a position In tho
American llakery.
wo hud "abandon boat" drill, which
meann putting on your lira prenerror
ut a buglo call and finding your way
onto deck C and to the llfo boat an
nlRticd. Hlnco tho flmt day wo havo
had no excitement or that kind, but
we've been very buny ntudylng Turk
Inh, Armenian or Arabic.
"Toduy wo hod nportn In honor of
Washington's birthday a throo-mllo
relay race, tug of war, 100-yard daub,
nack ruco, three-legged race and
wheelbarrow race on deck. Threo
times round the deck In n mile and
tho 100-yurd danh took Iohh than n
third of tho deck. Tho crew had tho
tlmo of their young liven.
"It wnn rumored that tho Antor
yacht wan at Hrent und to bo tuken
to Conntnntlnoplo by part of thin
crow and our pnrty to go with It.
Hlnco then we hear wo may go by
hospital train down through France.
"It ban been a very enthunlantlc
trip, or crowd, and very llttlo sea
nlckncnn. Thin gocn right back on
tho Levlnthan and will reach Ore
gon about tho tlmo wo hopo to get
to Constantinople."
(unril tho Chlldi-rn' Health.
Mm. Bfnw, Ilox 2G, Hennctt, Wis.,
wrltm: "Wo hnvo nlwnyn UBCd
Foley's Honey and Tar for colds nnd
find It great. Tho children all run
for It when they seo the bottlo and
ank for more." Contnlnn no oplnten,
nafo, and hnrmlcnn, but given prompt
relief to coughs, colds, croup nnd
whooping cough. Sold everywhere.
(From Friday's Dally.)
O. H. HudHon loft hint night for
Portland on btiBlncHH, ,
v V. O, Illrdnall Iiiih purcbiiHcd a
L now Packard rondntor.
Dr, ,Turnor loft this mronliiB on "
profoHflipnul trip to Prlnovlllo.
Mr. nnd Mm. Frod Kgll nro In
Irom tlfolr.liomo nt Silver Lnko.
, Mr.'rtnd Mm. D. II. Stnrt of Fifo
woroSlnltorii in tho city lant ovonlng.
WrTtind Mrs. Robert aiovor of
aromlvlow urtj epondlnK tho day n
'nomU' ' ' n '
' Ooorgo M. Holton und Jncksll()Ult
of DoBchutoB woro In JIoiuJP ,B
' morning.
It Mlua Mary Fryroar of Blatora has
(From Monday n Dally.)
Minn Nolle Italnton wan In from
TorrHhoniio Sunday.
Judge II. C. Bllln returned today
from a trip to Peudlotoii.
B. It. Kellur of Mllllcun In npendlng
the day In lloud.
II. Klmtnormuu of Croncoiit wan In
tho city ovor tho week-end,
Mr. und Mm. Chorion I.onz of
Tumulo npout Hiiudny In Houd.
I., L. nnd J. I). McDanicl of Culver
woro In tho city yenterduy,
Minn Myrtlo NofT hnn accepted a
ponltlon nt thu Warner ntoro.
Mr. and Mm. C. H. Hudson arrived
In Hund thin morning from Portland.
Tho musical program at tho Hap
tlm church last night wiih given by
tho Hend Imperial Mulu quartette.
Mm. H, Forroll nnd children loft
lam night for PuHudonn to inuko
their homo,
Mm. Churlea W, Brsklno returned
to Hend thin morning from a visit
to Portland und Tho Dnllon.
II. II. Duvlen returned lust night
from Lou Augolea, whero ho ban boon
Hpondlng tho winter.
Iluth Vaughn nnd Adollno Dietrich
of Turrohoiiuo, woro week end visi
tors In the city.
County Judgo W. D. Harnoa ro
turuod to Houd toduy after upending
tho punt wook in I'ortland on road
Mm. Ooorgo II, Stnplotou loft thin
morning for Donvor, utter vlnltlug
hero for the pimt two weeks with hor
innthor, Mrs. J. A. BuntoH,
B. Pourl will lonvo Hend Wednes
day morning for Portland whoro ho
will probably locate. Ho bus cloned
nut hlu luturcut In tho Ooldon llulo
11. A. Wuguor, general superin
tendent or tho 8, P. & 8., und Bmmott
Kolloy, superintendent of roudn und
bridges, urrlved Jin Bond this
O, W. Hood, wlo liOB boon visiting
nt tho homo of It. M. Smith, loft
yostorduy for his homo nt Wollsvlllo,
MlaBourl, Hoforo his doparturn Mr,
RooJ turned ovqr to Mr, Smith all
of his Central Oregon holdings.
Hert Shuey will opon u grocory
(From Wednesdny's Daily.)
County Commlnntonor Seth Stookey
wun n vlnltor In Hcnd this morning.
John B. Hyan returned to Hcnd
thin morning from n trip to Portland.
F. S. HoiiHcn of Huron Ih u bust-
nenn vlnltor in tho city todny.
J. W. Llttlofleld bus purchased a
now cloned Dodgo car und han his
Htond nt tho Pioneer garage.
deorgo B. McCluro ot Tho Dalles
In vlnltlug lila brother, It. S. McCluro,
or thin city.
It. II. Could nnd Frank Mny ro
turuod lant night from surveying on
tho Hend-Hurnn road.
F. C. and W. A. Dlbblo of Hlley
urrlved in Hend lam night and nro
remaining over todny.
Thu Hod Crons Is again In need of
knitted work. All who can take yarn
for knitting nro requested to cull nt
tho Red Cronn rooms any day bo
tween 2 nnd o'clock.
(Continued from Pago .1.)
plcanantcr, so wo nro flvo in u largo
room, with prlvuto bath, for which
wo aro duly thankful.
"Tho first day out wo had tho cx
cltomont of n smart flro In tho hold.
Tho flro alarm sounded, for drill, as
wo thought till wo found tho corri
dors nil smoky nnd tho boats all
down In readiness. It was out, I sus
pect, hoforo wo round our positions
nt tho boatB to which wo woro as
signed. Soon after that uxcltumont
1. Prompt? attention to
customer's require
ments nt reasonable
2. Sincere advice.
D. To serve not argue.
t. Execute all ,work in
least possible time.
5. When wrong, we ad
mit it when custo-r-
nier is wrong we must
prove it.
By Using the Willard
Service Station you
Get All of These.
Look over your tires cave
fully before they are
worn out. We will do
the repairing on them.
Uo tie Eadles of cJBend and Vicinity
Ire (Extend a Gordial Unvitation
to Jnspect tie Oeason's fewest
(Creations in
fjie Warner Lt
Munsing Wear
for Men, Women, Children.
The Underwear that is Sensible,
Sevieeable, Satisfactory, Durable,
Inexpensive. Munsing Wear is
world famous for quality. Muns
ing Wear will please everybody.
We. can fit you correctly in the
style, weight and fabric you like
Slop and Shop at
Oldest and BettEttalliihed 1911
HjK-clal Coumc of Instruction In Ar
rangol fop Volunteers Mayor
Compliment Department.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
To accustom tho members of tho
Hcnd volunteer flro department to
tho use ol flro fighting apparatus and
equipment, Chief Tom Carlon has
formulated a special course of In
struction for members ot the Bend
force, and weekly meetings, held
overy Monday night, will bo chiefly
for tho purpose of schooling the vol
unteers. Tho flmt Instruction ot tho
kind was given last night.
Mayor J. A. Eastcs appeared be
fore the members ot the department
and in a brief address complimented
them on the progress they havo made
and In tho enthusiasm shown by the
new city organization.
J. N. Tohlll, clerk Lottlo Hotel,
Bvansvllle, Ind., writes: "For six
weeks I suffered constantly with
pains in tho muscles of my thigh.
Upon recommendation ot a friend, I
tried Foley Kidney Pills and began
to get relief nlmost Immediately."
They stop backache, rheumatic pains,
soreness nnd stiffness. Sold every
where Adv.
Spillway A bo to Plant to Ho Concreted
for Kntlrn Length Water
Will Not He Italicd.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Tho letting of a contract to M. J.
Danlclson to concrete the spillway
above the Hend Water. Light &
plant was announced this morning
by T. II. Foley, manager of tho power
company. Tho improvement Is to
start at once, and will be for tho
purpose ot strengthening tho spill
way without raising the height of the
water, Mr. Foley stated.
Mr. Danlelson has handled a num
ber ot contracts or tho kind in Bend
In tho last fow yearn.
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
As tho flmt to comply with the
provisions of the recently passed city
ordinance condemning cortnln fromo
buildings In tho business district as
flro hazards, Mayor J. A. Bastes
today ordered tho tearing down ot
a shack belonging to him, located
In tho alloy between Bond and Wall
THE BIG 1919
EmU Jolory
A lot of New Specials
will be placed on sale.
Saturday Only
Come Early
i T