The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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PAdK 0
Ily It. A. Witnl
Central Oregon fanners urn ut
present taking tMiimldnriihlo Interest
In nlloM, inn! II In high tltuu thai (IiIm
deiilriiblo condition citiim to pni4 In
IhiHchutiHi county, Although sllim
could bo found mi American farms
Hourly four docndeii ago, tludr iihu In
('mitral Oregon dates back only a
fnw yours, Now that niinlluwiir
ullage Iiiih given such excellent re
sults In Montana and ovon In our
own district, Urn problem of u de-
Hlrntiln croii to put In tint hIIo seumii
fulrly wnll nolved,
Whllo tho advantage!! of it hIIo
urn fairly wnll Known to nil ntock
iiliiii, It mlKlit not bo umlnti to (tnutii-
jitn a fow of tlium herewith,
1, It In ii wall known fact that
fluid curing In n wiiHtuful method of
r frepnrlng tho foraK't cropn for live
ntock footing. Kxpurlmoutii show
Hint nt tho best only nbout CO per
cunt, of tho crop In ultimately saved.
TiiYough tho ntlo 00 pur cunt, can
ho saved, tho waste occurring In tho
nurfneo spoilage and fermentation
processes which takn placo In Hllngo
formation. With most of our farm
ers It In of vital Importance to nay)
all tho forngo possible, iih It In not
too plentiful.
2, In ensllago tho plant remain
In a form which In not only nutrl
HotlH, hut alno succulent ami there
foro palatable. Mont of our farm
anlmaln do hunt on i:nod gneti pas
tiiru, nud no tho moru nearly wh can
Imltato that comlltlou tlm hottr
nIioiiIiI ho tho results. Milage In alno
t eaten without waste.
3, Tho crop In stored In a con
voulunt ami compact form. About
four times nn much dry mutter In
forngo cropn can lio stored In it given
spneo In tho silo than by Held cur
ing and HlorltiK In tlm Mack or mow.
Tho hIIo can bo no located an to make
It vury convenient for feeding sllngo
to ntock. Thou, rognrdlfM of weather
conditions tho food In nt hand, lonv
In IC tho fluldn clear for other farm
i 4. Putting corn, nunflowoni, field
pens, rye, barley or sweet clover Into
tho nllo In tho rnont economical
muthod of harventlnit tho crop, unless
It bo hnrvested with livestock.
G, Tlm nIIo mnken It possible to
novo tho ahundatico of favorable
yearn to bo utilized during tlm yearn
of scarcity. Thin advantiiKo alone
justifies thu bulldliiK of nllon, an
every country In hound to have good
and had yearn. Hllngo can ho kupt
In properly constructed nllon for
nuvurnl year fit leaNl how long ban
never yet been demonstrated.
0. Ullage In thu bent Hupplement
for pnnturen. which In many canen
are entirely Inadequate, especially
or tho dairy cow. Kvon In nu Irri
wHPSJi i,
J I7 '
gated section pastures gel abort at
certain neanoun of tlm year.
7. Tlm coal of feeding livestock
In materially reduced by feeding
ensilage with all clannen of llventock.
t'oiiHlderlng tlm cont of tlm ullage,
Itn nutrient content and It h beneficial
effect upon tlm utlllratlou of the
halaucii of tho ration, cheap galun
are mado with beef cattle. With the
dairy cow nllagu lian long been recog
nized an practically it necessity for
prolltablo winter dairying. Lamb
and nhoop feodum are finding nllagu
a cheaper roughage for fattening
lambs, for owcii during lambing time,
and for wintering ntock sheep. Thu
writer visited it ranch In Union
county In February, where 0000
dvvcii wuro Jiinl communclng to lamb,
and whero tlm lambing ration con
sisted of silage fed from two huge
22G-ton nllon and alfalfa hay, On
tlm Hitmo ration last year, thin baud
of ewen lambed over 100 pur cunt.
A visit wan made to several ranches
whero steers were being fattened on
alfalfa buy and nllagu. Gains of two
pound and over nor day weru being
mado. W. J. Townloy, Khorthorn
breeder nt l.a (iraiido, who topped
the l'ortland market last spring with
hln silage fed .Shorthorn steers, made
the statement to the writer that he
and the stockmen of bin county, by
feeding silage, could profitably feed
and llulsli their own steers Instead
of selling them In tho market as
feeders. There Is no reason why thin
cannot bo done In thu Deschutes
valley. ,
!). Tho nllo will mako It possible
to put Central Oregon agriculture
on a sounder financial IiiisIm. It will
helt to solve tho feed problem and
lucreanu tho llventock currying capac
ity of our farms. What wo need Is
more llventock on thu farms, and thu
nllo will make thin condition possible.
(Next week J
'i:snutt(la1n of Kilo
fiitnleiiN Hwat I'NmmI IUIIn.
Tho people of both country nud
city wore advised last year to plant
and tend homo vegetable gardens an
one means of Increasing the essential
to victory food. Thu war ban been
fought and peace seems near, but tho
problem of feeding millions of desti
tute people confront tho world. Tho
wolf ban been driven from our doom
only temporarily, nud bin whines of
hunger may be heard In tunny homes
For, with Princo Albert, you'vo cot n now listen on tho pipe question
that cuts you looso from old stung tonguo and dry throat worries!
Madu by our exclusive patented process, Princo Albert is scotfreo
from bito nnd parch and hands you about tho biggest lot of Bmokefun
that over was scheduled In your direction I
Princo Albert is a pippin of n plpo-pal; rolled into a cigarette it
beats tho band! Get tho slant that P. A. is simply everything any
man over longed for in tobacco ! You nover will bo willing to
figuro up tho sport you'vo slipped-on onco you get that Princo
Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem!
You'll talk kind words overy timo you get on tho firing linol
Toppy rJ tat; ttJy rid tint, Aaniiom pjanj and hatf.pounj tin humU
dort"and(hat clany, praclital pound trylal tlat$ humidor with
portf mohltntr (op that Atp thi (ooacco In tuth ptrfnt rendition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winiton-Salem, N. C
before thu gathering of tho cropn
of I Oil),
Homo vegetable gardens on farma,
In city back yards, on vacant Iota and
on Idlo lands about Industrial centers
aro Just iih necessary thin year an
they woro lant year. Tho imfo ns
sumption la that It will bo many it
day before thu cent of living reaches
the luvel of a few yearn ago, and tlm
best way to meet it part of tho high
cost of living la by producing u part
of thu living right at home,
Don't Tempi Votir I'lii-sulpH.
Do you want long, straight carrots
nud parsnips, or crooked, forked
ones? Auk your wife; nhu has to
peel them.
These roots have good Intentions;
they want to keep straight, but they
cannot stand adversity nor withstand
temptation. If they strike rocks or
clodn on thu way down, they become
forked or twisted, and If lumps of
stable are In thu soil, they
bend toward these or send out
branches In Hint direction. Dig
extra deep, making tho noil firm mid
mellow where these cropn nro to
grow, and see that nil manure In
finely pulverized and ull fertilizer
thoroughly mixed with tho noil.
mttm: joi:hni:vh
in tiik gardk.v
Garden dirt In thu bent pay dirt.
Don't be a quitter, but plant n
garden again thin year.
Why not shade your back porch
with a screen of Lima beans? The
crop may surprise you.
K you think tlm home garden
doesn't pay, Jusl try going to market
with less than f 5 In your pocket.
Thorn nro plenty of garden needs,
hut the" supply of extra good ones In
always small. Ordor early nnd get
thu bent.
Kvery member of tho family will
require nearly eleven hundred meals
thin year. How many of these are
coming from tho home garden 7
Agriculture linn made great ad
vances In modern times, but tho ad
vlco of l'llny tho Kldcr, who lived
nearly 20 centuries ago. In still good
for gardeners: "Dig deep, manure
well, work often."
Thu bean family In nn old friend of
man. Thu ancient llomnn family
name Fnblus In derived from n word
meaning bean. Adopt n Kablnn
policy and plant bennn. No other
vegetable In moru sure to glvo re
turns. Two cabbage heads are butter than
one, and 20 nro still bettor. A warm,
rich noil In needed for early cabbages.
They mature In tlmo to lonvo tho
round free for warm-wenther crops
like bennn, tomatoes nnd no on.
Less than 2 worth of seeds are re
quired to plant a small back yard or
vacant lot garden. Several of thu
need houses nro offering special col
lections of needs that nro adapted for
planting In their trade territory.
iut it in "Tin: nui.i.irriN."
H. i. Kt'rnoldj
Tutcg Co.
PLAY tho 8mokeRamo with a jimmy
pipe if you're hankering for n hand
out for what ails your smokeappetitet
Tlm eagerness with which (Jormnn
Holdlers dropped their rifles, cried
"Kamorndl" and culled for noup;
thu walls of hunger from tho former
empire of thu ex-kulser; walls of tho
same sort from Ilussla and else
where these and other Instanced
Indlcute thu part that food had in
forcing an end to tho fighting and
victory for thu allien and tho United
American farmers hnvo won un
ntlnted praise for tho way In which
they Increased their production;
homo gardeners In city nnd country
now are coming In for compllmentn
of tho namo character. Tho farmera
weru tho heavy artillery of Amcr
Ica'n food army, but tho homo gard
eners were thu auxiliary troops de
Ilverlng lighter Individual blown,
perhaps, but In total u huge- assault
and to tho home gardeners In given
credit for n definite part In throwing
thu food balance In favor of thu
forces of freedom,
Tho home garden specialists of tin
United States department of agricul
ture would be far from claiming that
tho homo gardens of America, num
erous nnd productive as they were,
"won tho wnr." Hut they do be
lieve Hint thu homo gardens sup
plied vegetables that decreased the
demands on meat and wheat nnd
other staples, produced food nt homo
without calling on tho railroads to
carry It, naved many n dollar that
wont Into Thrift stamps and Liberty
bonds, nnd In such ways contributed
beyond doubt to tho strength of
America mobilized.
Thin Ymir'n Neoil Jutt nn Grcnt.
In 1919 tho need for food In
changed from Hint of Inst year, but
It Is Just an great. Thoro will bo
fewer American soldiers overseas to
supply with food, but there will bo
more hungry clvllluns of other na
tions. Tho railroads will stilt bo
ovorburdoncd and will have no moro
spneo than necessary for transport
ing food. Tho state, tho county or
the town that feeds Itself will bo
contributing to tho essentials for re
construction "over there" nnd re
adjustment at home. Tho homo that
foods Itself, at lenBt partially, will
bo helping the nation as well na it
self. Kvery American homo with a suit
able plot of ground will find It ad
vantageous to help feed Itself by a
garden. Tho gardon will reduce food
bills, Insure tho freshness and qual
ity of tho family's vegetable supply,
furnish healthful exercise and give
nn insight Into tho workings of na
ture It will bo converting unused
land nnd spare tlmo Into food,
(lovernmont Prepared to Help.
Tho department of ugrlcutturo has
mndo ready to glvo help to homo
gardcuora and carry out the sumo
slogan ns last year, "A productive
homo garden on every farm and a
backyard garden for every vlllago,
town and city home." It will work
In direct co-operation with tho ex-
thing for
The Baby
Just Remember
Magill & Erskine
Our Prescription Dt paitmtnt it Cotnplcln
in Iivcty Detail.
Has Returned!
I wish to announce to nil my former pa
trons nnd friends, nnd ull others, that I
have returned to Jiend, nnd have opened
a completely New Grocery Stock in the
rooms formerly occupied by the Palncc
Market, at the corner of Bond Street and
and Greenwood Avenue. I can assure
you all of the right prices on all merch
andise and the service on deliveries about
which many of you know.
My Phone Number will be
Call on us on and after Monday, March 17th.
tension forces of tho state agricul
tural colleges, ono of tho most ex
tensive organizations of this char
actor over formed in tho world. Tho
horticulturists of tho department
have tho campaign In charge, acting
for both tho buroau of plant Indus
try and thu states relations service.
In most states are home garden spe
cialists representing tho extension
service of the state colleges and tho
department, nnd in addition tho 2500
county agricultural agents and the
1700 homo demonstration agents in
tho United States will give active
aid ns a part of their duties In en
couraging food production and con
servation. State and local organiza
tions will receive tho active aid of
the federal agency, and boys' and
girls' agricultural clubs in all states
will enlist a huge army for product
ive work.
Tho gardening information to be
supplied tho public by tho depart
ment of agriculturo nnd tho co
operating organization represents
tho best thought resulting from years
of careful investigations by tho horti
cultural specialists employed by the
government for this purpose, and
who are responsible to tho govern
ment for the reliability of their con
clusions. Tho department of agri
culturo, the state agricultural col
logos and tho bureau of education
(which In enlisting tho Interest of
teachers and school children in gard
ening) are the only official sources
of Information on this subject.
Tho department is supplying In
We hereby give notice to all dancers
in this locality that the undersigned
The Three Star
Hawaiian Orchestra
Grand Ball
Redmond Gymnasium
Friday Eve'g, Mar. 28
There will be n reward ofiered for anyone not having
a good time.
Remember the Date.
formation to newspapers for publica
tion. It also has ready for distribu
tion thrco Important bulletins. They
will be sent free of ehargo to alt
Americans who ask for them. They
Farmers' Bulletin 93. "Homo
Gardening in tho South"; Formers'
Bulletin 936, "Tho City and Sub
urban Vegetable Garden"; Farmers'
Bulletin 937, "The Farm Garden in
tho North."
I.cttcr Ajskinf; Information Received
by Agricultural Expert Largo In-
croano in Acreage Kxpcctctl.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Calls for Information on alfalfa
aro being received from far-off Hono
lulu, according to R. A. Ward, agri
cultural expert for tho First National
bank. Such a keen Interests is be
ing taken in Central Oregon that al
ready 20,800 pounds of seed havo
been ordered by ranchers in this
section, and Mr. Ward believes that
moro than 3000 acres of land will bo
added to tho alfalfa producing tracts
near hero as a result of the campaign
recently started to show tho ad
vantage of raising the great forage
Four chairs at your servico at tho
Metropolitan, tto waiting. Adv.
Tell Your Friends.