The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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11KN1) HUMiKTIN, IlKNI), OHICdON, TIll'ltHDAY, MA11CII til, tlltl)
-- --- ----- -
Central Oregon
MILLICAN. March 10. Tho well
drillers expect to Btrlko wnter In n
-vory Bhort tlmo nt tho F. Tnuschor
plnce, nccordlns to present lndlca-
A. J. Shavor raado a business trip
to Bend Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary Jlosln'a well has gone
Mrs. M. C. IColler and children
spent sovoral days with Mrs. E.
Grlnstoad vthtlo Mr. Grlnstoatl made
n trip ntter n load of hay.
John Brooks visited nt tho Holland
homo Thursday.
Mrs. Guhl and son returned to
their homcatond after having spent
their leave of absence nt Seattle,
"Washington. Sho enmo out from
Bend with Mr. Gurney.
Mr. Gurney Is freighting through
hero. Ho wont to Bond Friday agnln.
Tho Spencer's mado a trip to Bond
this week.
E. Roy Koller celebrated his
eighth birthday recontly.
Leo Koller camo out from Bend
Sunday. Mrs. Llzzio Koller, who
had been visiting hero for several
days, returned to Bend with hlra,
from -which plnco sho loft for her
homo In Chchalis, Washington, Mon
dny morning.
Mary Holland was qulto sick tho
past week, but Is hotter again. Her
mother Is ill this week, but Is slowly
"VV. Ed Mooro is back on tho Job
again after his recent Illness.
George Jlobort of Lower Bridge
repaired tho gasoline cnglno for V.
Ed Mooro ono day this week.
Dennis Hunt received his dlschnrgo
from tho navy and arrived homo on
Monday. Ho has been stationed for
tho past flvo months at tho Harvard
radio school.
Thoso attending Lynch & Roberts
s fashion show In Redmond on Fri
day were Mrs. L. A. Hunt, Mrs. A. J.
Fuller. Mrs. Fred Walters. Mrs.
Russell Chapman. Mrs. A. S. Holmes
and Mrs. Frank Newbold.
C. F. Hosklns and Dennis Hunt
made a business trip to Bend on
A. F. Hausor and Mr. Jack wcro
Bend visitors on Tuesday.
Mr. Cleavenger was In Redmond
Tho Lower Bridge Farm bureau
held a meeting Saturday evening nt
the school liouso to tnko up tho
Armenian fund and also to transact
othor business.
Mr. and Mrs. Rny Kidder wore
shopping In Redmond Thursday
Frank Chapman hua been hauling
hay from Holmes'.
Threo truck loads of lumber camo
out Friday to build sheep sheds on
tho Hosklns ranch.
The school children nro to give
a program In tho near future, prob
ably Friday. March 14.
Mrs. Frank Newbold entortnlned
the children Saturday afternoon In
honor of Francis Nowbold's birth
day. Miss Marion Hosklns was a Red
mond visitor Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Holmes word
Prlnovlllo visitors on Friday.
L. A. Hunt attended tho Irrigation
school nt Redmond on Wednesday.
PLAINVIEW, March 11. An un
usually largo crowd including
friends from Tumnlo nnd Clovordnlo
enjoyed the dancing und cards nt
tho homo or J. B. Dawson last Sat
urday evening, given for tho benefit
of tho community hall. About $36
was raised from tho evening's enter
tainment. Much fun wns created
and n number of dollars was added to
tho funds by n stunt of fines pro
moted -by Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Wal
lace Jcsso Hartcr nnd Wllmn Ben
nett acting ns mascot. Fines wore
Imposed upon Individuals for var
ious offenses such ns being tho fattest
person present, being too good look
ing or for losing In tho basket ball
game. Tho ladlrs served a lunch
of sandwiches, catco and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hartley nnd
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elklns attended
the Abbey salo In Cloverdalo last
Frank Armstrong of Denver, Colo
rado, arrived In Plalnvlow Saturday
and is spending a Bhort tlmo visiting
his sister Mrs. J. A. w scoggm anu
his brother. A. W. Armstrong.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I Van Tassel. A. K.
Hoss and A. W. Armstrong nnd fam
ily woro callers at Bend for tho day
Nell o Vnn Tassel was tno guesi oi
Ida Hoss Wednesday night.
K. A. Powors. C. F. Chalfln. anil
A. E. Hoss attended tho Irrigation
school nt Redmond two dayB last
week. A. C. McAllister was in at
tendance four days.
The members of the O. D. O. club
spent a busy afternoon nt tho homo
of Mrs. Knickerbocker last Thursday
sewing on garments for Red Cross
Relict work. A dainty lunch watt
served by tho hostess.
Tho next mooting of tho O. 1). O.
club will bo hold at tho homo of Mm,
V. W, Lovorous, on Thursday after
noon, March 20.
Mrs. Ii. Pullliun, Mr. A, K. IIohh
nnd Mrn. Kutckorbouker, woro 111
several days of tho past week,
Mrs. J. 11. Elklns made u business
trip to Hmlmoml Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Hartley nnd
Ray Armstrong ntteuded tho banket
hall game nt Tutunlu Thursday evening.
Ralph Stnhll nt Portland, spent
tho week end with Mm parents, Mr.
ami Mm, John Stnhll.
Tho pupllR of tho l'lulnvlow school
enjoyed n big lion lire ami picnic
in tno woods south of tho school
house last Friday afternoon.
Tonco Knickerbocker of llend was
.visiting at tho Pluelawu ranch over
tho week end.
Jnmes Pulllnm watt in Sisters on
Saturday evening and Sunday.
Roy Armstrong went to Powell
Butte Saturday afternoon with the
directors of tho Pure Bred Livestock
association to look nt some short
horns tor sale there.
F. W. Leverenz, P. A. Scroggln,
Frank Armstrong and A. E. Hoss
woro callers In Bend last Saturday.
Many persona from Plalnvlow were
In attendance at the basket ball game
nt Sisters last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrx. A. W. Armstrong
and family, Miss Burgess and Mrs.
11. A. Scoggln were guests to dlluer
nt tho J. A. W. Scoggln homo last
Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Hoss nnd their
daughter Ida and Mrs. Patterson
were entertained nt tho Fred Wilson
homo near Tumnlo, Sunday.
Thoro will bo preaching services
at tho school house Sunday afternoon
under tho direction of the Rev.
Tho Plalnvlow Progressive club
will glvo n dance In Tumnlo hall,
next Friday evening, March 14. The
proceeds of tho dauco will bo applied
to tho fund for tho community hall
In Plalnvlow. A good lunch will be
Mr. and Jim, Ray tloldou and a
couple ot rrleudn from Bond spout
Sunday with Mrs. (loldou'H parents,
Mr. and Mm. P, II. Ileal,
Claudu Benson nnd his cousin,
Orlo Sutton, nnd drover II, Caldwell
went to Prlnglo Fulls on skies Sun
day. They expect to spend several
days visiting with Boh (lathorgood.
Tho stage company carrying mall
front Bend to Silver Lnko Ih having
lots of trouble gutting the mall In
on account of tho hud roads.
E. 11. Tomes nnd wife arrived here
from Nebraska last Sunday and ex
pect to help with tho work nt the
bank this summer.
Satisfaction for the
sweet tooth.
file to appetite and
digestion benefit
and enjoyment in
And oniv 5 cents
a package.
tin I
viJt gr$0$BS?
Np seated M SMSiffrLM
I Kept WSsTpssm
i lRM" MMi
V ( & U 4t?M
11 " IN UfjrJiw pi
111! ll (I I il WMIMWI t ITBf itfliy
mElSk. I
TSfsasnjrafe. i
CLOVERDALE. Mnrch 11 Tho
Council club hold Its regular meet
ing Inst Frldny night with J. B.
Hodson nctlng as president nnd Mr,
Kllno na secretary. Laud plaster,
community shipments und better
roads wcro tho topics discussed.
Following n short recess tho follow
ing program wna renderered" "The
Kaiser Talks to Hell." Jenulo Boyd:
"Scolng Things nt Night," Raymond
Andrewa; Solo, Kntheriuo Illellng;
selcctlvo reading, Harold Kllno;
selections by quartet; recitation hy
Kenneth Long; monologue, Harold
Kllno; kangaroo court nt which Bert
Hodson and Harold Kllno were
tried for disorderly conduct and ac
quitted. Many pcoplo from hero attended
tho basket hall game nnd dance nt
Sisters Saturday evening when tho
Sisters and Tumnlo teams played a
return match. Sisters won the game
the final score being 17 to lfi.Tlioso
plavlng from Cloverdalo woro: Dean
Van Mntre. Ivan Miller, Harold
Kllno and Verne Skelton, with Rnyi
Armstrong of Plalnvlow and Van I
Wilson of Sinters completing the.
Marlon Van Mutro nnd Ladonnn
Cyrus camo In Irom Redmond lam
Saturday. I
R. O. Andrua wrh a caller at tliOj
D. II. Long home Monday. i
Madison Holton, Roxle Morris,
Mr. und Mrs. Harold Kline, Mr nnd
Mrs. Bert HodHon, Mr. Peck, Mr
nnd Mrs. Frank Arnold, Sterile nnd
Mao Fryonr nnd Gladys Parborry ,
atteudod tho dauco nt tho Dawson i
place after the dance at Sinters last
Saturday evening.
Mary Fryonr spout tho weok end"
at home.
Scotty Moaaor, Vnn and Linn
Wilson attended tho Council club
mooting Frldny night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Abbey went to
Redmond Friday propurlng to leave
for Washington. J. L. Parborry Is
routing tho Abbey place this year
Mrs. F. J. Burling was u visitor
nt tho Burnsldo homo Friday ntter
noon ot last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. E. Parberry spout
Sunday evening ut the Burling home.
J. B. Hodson and Mm. A. E. Potor
son wont to Bend on school mattoru
last weok.
R. J. Skolton, B. C. Kline and Bill
Fryrear wero appointed n committee
of three to go to Redmond as road
At tho mooting hold for tho pur
Pobo of organizing tho Farm bureau
In Cloverdalo tho following men woro
elected: Irrigation, Georgo Cyrus;
rodent control, J. B. Hodson; coop
erative shipments, E. M. Peck; soils
and fertilize, I). C. Kllno; bettor
crop varieties, J. L. Parborry; hot
ter stock, W. F, Fryonr.
Mrs. M. F. Luutz spent Wednesday
evening at tho Harrlsan homo.
Owing to u breakdown tho stugo
did not mako Its regular trip on
Mr. Barnes wont to Bend Frldny
whoro ho was called by I ho illness
of his wife.
Mr. Fobs and Mrs. Nlcholds of tho
First Natlonul Bunk of Bend woro
callers nt tho Kllgori ranch ono day
last weok.
J. L. Parborry and G. W. nnd Cal
Burnsldo, und B. C. Kllno liavo pur
chased u land plaster apreadcr.
SISTERS. March It.- Tho score
of the Tumalo-Slstera basket ball
game which wna played ut Farthing's
hall at Slstera Saturday evening was
10 to IS In favor ot Sisters. Moth
tenuis played u careful und skillful
game. A largo crowd was present
from Cloverdalo, Tumnlo and Plaln
vlow. Among those present from
Plalnvlow wero Mra. Howard Hartley,
Ray Armstrong, Jniuea Pulllnm,
Mrs. Vnn Tassel nnd children, Mrs.
Howard Hartley nnd Rnchnel nnd
Constance Knickerbocker. Those
present from Clovordnlo were Mr,
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hndxoii, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Arnold, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Peck, Sterile nnd Mary Fryrear, II,
C. Miller, Vern Skolton, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Van Matre, Mr. und Mrs. Ivan
iMIIler, Ladonnn Cyrus, Viola Miller,
-Mr. Burnsldo, und Gladys Parborry.
Jesso Scott of Lower Bridge. Thoso
present from Tumnlo wero Mr. and
Mra. Fred N. Wallace and son Frank,
Grovor Gerklng und wife, Mr nnd
Mra. Dickinson, Ruby Marlon, lluth
nnd Edith Bales, Ray Gerklng and
Jesso Hnrter. The Slaters team was
composed ot Vnn Wilson, Harold
Kline, Vorn Skelton, Ian Miller
and Bonn Van Matre. A dance wns
given In Allen's hall after tho game.
John W. Dennis nnd wife and Mrs.
Anthony Roache und sou were ut
Bend Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Merldlth Bailey nnd
John Allen wero nt Bend Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mra. Newton Cobb nnd
Mlsa Molllo Fnrthlng wero nt Bend
Thursdny to visit with Mra. J. II.
Stldham who Is u patient ut the
Bend Surgical hospital.
Grandma Fryrear was visiting with
tho Farthings for n few dnys.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick King were din
ner guests at tho Farthing homo on
William Lang und wife have to
turned to Sisters. Mr. Lang was
ono of tho first to enlist uhon the
United Stntea entered tho war.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilohert Gannon, Mr
nnd Mra. J W. Denula and Mr. und
Mrs. Anthony Itoacho were dinner
guests nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs
y, L. Duvldson on Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. J. J, Wilt, who have
been residing ut Portland since they
sold out their stock In their store at
Sisters last May have returned to
Sisters They spent Sunday at the
homo ot Mr, ami Mrs, .1, L, Davidson,
iLoslor dial ot Bund was ut Hlutom
W, E. (Iruhntn ami family have re
turned In HlHtetn. Mr. Graham linti
Just completed tho coiiHtniclloii of
a dwelling house nt (Inimlvlew for
his brother Edward.
Mra. S. T. MoAtlum und daughter
Mary visited tho school Friday.
A very delightful ami enlerlalu
lug party was given ut tho homo of
C. V. Itohblua In honor of It Ih daugh
ter Cecil, Those present wero Doro
thy Taylor. Atiulu Cllett, Irol llar-J-lngton,
Ituby South, Darleno Winkle,
Metol.i Ail u, Florls Soreniien, ami
Margaret Qullierg.
Mr. ami Mrs. Meredith Bailey are
Vn mi extended visit with frlendn ami
rolatlves ut Spoknne, Washington.
Annie Cllett won tho honors ut
the spelling contest Saturday. Arn
old Davis, George llrady, Margaret
Qulborg. Annie Cllett, Irel Harring
ton ami Dorothy Taylor received a
passing grade In spoiling In the ,Hlh
grade examinations. George Davis,
Arnold llrady, Irel Harrington, An
ulo Cllett and John Allen lecelved
a pnaslng grade In agriculture John
Allen and Alvlu llrady received a
passing grade In phslology. Georgo
Davis ami Arnold llrady after com
pleting tho eighth grade work In
live montlia received a passing grade
In nil of tho subjects except arith
metic, which they will review ami
tae tho examination In May at the
school. John Allen has u passing
grade In ttpollliig, agriculture ami
physiology after six mouths nttend
"ico nt school with no previous
school attendance. Vern Kief has
completed nil ot tho high school wgrk
In algebra ami received 100 In tho
final examinations. Arnold Brady
and Vern Kief aro now studying
bookkeeping In addition to their
other high school work.
A debate will be held at the school
house. Friday evening. March 28.
The subject to be debated la "Re
solved that tho government should
own and operate t, railroads "
Throe npimkois from lllnloni will
take tho afllrmatlvo nlilo ami threo
from (Moveidulo will lnko tho
Elmer, Volinii ami Ivy Giuliiiui are
enrolled In achool again uflor attend
ing the Graham school In Jefferson
county for tho past three moiithn,
Htnpped Cough After Inlliicnn,
"Koley'ii Honey uml Tar la tho heat
I'liuiili tiiiiillidnii I nvnf li'liwl." ivrllmi
E. II. MoDowol, It. F. D. 1, Box 111), jf
Arlington, Teiiu. "My son had luV,
II,,,,,,.,. n.. i,,,, i ii... .........1 i.i.i.i .. .. t"
iiiii;iif.(. ill., ii.ii, tun i.wini nulla !, It
cough. I tried everything hut noth
ing did iiuy good. God until tno a '
friend with Foley's Honey ami Tar,
and In two days hla cough waa gone."
Hold every whoro, -Adv.
POWELL BUTTE, Mutch II.--There
waa a largo attendance nt tho
meeting of the Powell llutto anaoel
ntlou hint Thursday night. Tho ex
tension of tho rural free delivery
waa discussed and u petition nlgned
to extend tho Hue ua far aa the John
Luckey ranch, taking In a Inrlvi 'y
tiuiuher of new patrons nnd poasIw(J)
annexing u lino through tho Alfalfa
country also.
Mra, Wesley Huyder ami lulnifcl
ot Portland are vlnltlng at tho homo
of Mra. Siiyder'n ulster, Mra. E. II.
Mr. uml Mra. E. II. Williams ami
Mra Wesley Kuyder visited ut Bond
Sunday, Mra. Suder remaining over
for a few dayn' visit with friends,
Mrs. Burke ami son Frank of
I'rluevllle wero guests at the E, A.
Bursot homo recently,
Harold Charlton, Fred McCnffey
and Lloyd ami Fay Ilussett, Crystal
Sliirdnvaul attended the dance nt
Trrebotiue Thursday night.
Many of the ranchers who run
(Continued on Pago 7.)
We Fit the Feet
of the Fickle Public
In workmanship, In leather, lit tyle, our shoe- nro at lino
iih can be innde. They are the ln-t word In nhno-tnnklng'
when you consider the quality, workiuunnlilp and wearing
The Owl Pharmacy j
LA PINE, March 11. A. II. Dona
huo, Harry Hill nnd It, E. Eaton
wont to Wot Weathor springs last
Thursday uftor hay which had boon
shipped In from Redmond. They re
turned to La Pino on Sunday night.
Tho hay question is becoming a ser
ious problem with many of tho stock
Mr. nnd Mrs. U, C. HollliiHliead
spent Sunday with Georgo uid Mrs,
M. C. Boguo. They have both had
a slogo with tho influenza nnd this la
thlr first trip away from homo for
Winter Is Gone!
The bright sunshine of these first spring days is sure to
show up the worn places in furniture, rugs and linoleum,
Those things that did very well during the long, dark
winter months, are beginning to look shabby. Now is the
time to freshen up the home with a New Rocker, attract
ive Rug or clean, fresh Wall Paper. Do your buying
now while stocks are new and complete.
Comfortable Chairs iiikP
Rockers, in frosted urns
reed, upholstered in tapestry, arc ninon the new arrivals. These come in a vari
ety of shapes and styles, hut all are built for real comfort. Just one of these added
to your living room will brighten CjJOIfc G0 "I-- JJCI f4
it up wonderfully. Prices range from P-O.OI TO tyOVJ.KJKJ
New Rugs are arriving
almost daily, and if you
are going to buy a Rug this spring you will do well to buy now. Many of the
large mills are not running and there is a great scarcity of gootl Rugs. Linoleum
is more plentiful, und in our new stock of Armstrong's Inlaid are same very at
tractive patterns. PRINTED LINOLEUM AS LOW AS $ 1 .00 A SQUARE
friRD;..,N.L.A'DS: $1.95 to $2.40
10c per Roll WALL PAPER 10c per Rol
New Wall Paper Slock is coming, and all the old stocks must go. Some of
this is paper that sold up to per roll, and none for less than '20 v. About
twenty patterns from which to make select- fT -ftjeva f?Vll
ions. Your choice J. L JJJ"C;a. aVUIa
:nd furnitu
eovorul weekfj,