The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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nicsn nuMiKTiN, iiknd, oiikgon, thuhhday, maucii (i, into
Knforcement. or Law Peeve.. Violators
' of City Cod! Nlxnii Anxious
to Meet Writer.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Because ot his activity In enforc
ing the law In Ilond, Glilof of Police
L. A. W. Nixon yesterday received
nn ononlmous letter throatonlng his
life It ho docs not discontinue rank
ing arrests. The lottor boro tho In
itials "C. A."
Chlot Nixon was highly indignant
ovor tho affair, declaring that It was
tho second communication of tho
kind -which ho had rocolvod within
tho last month. "I'll glvo 1200 to
tho follow that wroto that lottor If
ho has courago enough to mako him
Bolt known," ho declared. "Tho ar
rests ot vagrants and 'tinhorns' Is
sol tig to contlnuo right along until
IlendMs" cleaned up, nud such letters
as I received yesterday will not mako
It any caslor for pooplo ot that class,
you may bo Buro."
(Contlnuod from Pago 1.)
ot Klamath, and declared that united
action Is tho only way by which tho
interested counties can bo assured of
having their port In tho comprehens
ive road program ot tho stato. Ills
resolution calling for tho support and
representation ot tho counties, offi
cially and through their various com
mercial anil industrial bodies, nt the
meeting hi Tho Dalles, -was unani
mously carriod.
Hunllck Optimistic.
Stato Kopresontatlva Denton O.
; Burdlck. Just returned from attend
ing tho session of the legislature at
Salem, explained tho policy, ot tho
' highway commission in desiring as
tho first work, to closo up gaps on
trunk highways already partially
hard surfaced. "Wo have tho assur
ance ot tho commission that tho
north and south road east ot the Cas
cades will co mo noxt In line," ho
, Ho approved the plan for tho meet
ing at Tho Dalles, and advised that
, delegates go armed with facts and
figures as to what their respective
counties are able and willing to do
in tho way of co-operation. "You
will get hard surfacing If you have
something definite to offer," he
- promised. "Two and a halt million
ot the $10,000,000 bond Issue Is still
IreApjIa. addition to great increases
in pbatlfoads and forest roads funds."
A special committee composed ot
Judge Rorlck, W. E. Johnson ot
Madras and II. II. Dc Armond drew
up resolutions seeking the endorse
ment of tho Oregon Stato Chamber
of Commerce. These were passed
without debate, and Judge Rorlck
and J. P. Koycs of this city, both
members ot tho directorate of the
state chamber, will do their utmost
to seo that this aid Is given.
Superintendent O. L. Dabcock of
the "Warm Springs Indian reservation
spoke on tho absolute need for road
improvement in his section.
Iloiid Finance Tabled.
Bend city finances camo up for
lively discussion in tho early part
ot the meeting, while awaiting the
arrival of delegations from out ot
town, Including many from Red-
mond and Tuinnlo. A motion by T.
A. McCann to instruct tho special
committee of tho club, appointed at
"Save young man, and become respectable
and respected; it's the quickest and safest
m way."
, Have you a savings
National Bank paying
and. perfect security?
The First National Bank
Wall and Oregon Street
Tho Parisian Is a dlstlnctlvo
shop of oxcluslvo and nuthorl
tatlvo styles for tho woman ot
discriminating tasto In dress.
Our first showing In tho New
Spring Models In Coots, Suits
and Tailored Mllllnory. Our
showing In Skirts comprise nil
tho now novelties In materials
and shades.
In our Dresses every detail
Is dlstlnctlvo and exclusive,
good mntorlals, well tailored
and finished, assure tho servlco
as well ns tho permanent stylo
of every garment.
Your Inspection Is Invited.
a previous meeting, to report to tho
city council In favor of a special tax
levy to wlpo out city Indebtedness
was superseded by a motion to post
pone nation, which was carried by a
majority of ono vote. C. S. Hud
son received tho permission of tho
club to Invito a bonding expert from
Portland to Rend to speak on the
Question ot putting tho city on a
cash basis.
The discussion was introduced by
a report by R. W. Sawyer of tho
special committee, In which ho asked
a voto as to tho club's prctorenco
for a special tax or a bond Issue.
R. S. Hamilton, J. P. Koycs, T. A.
McCann and Mr. Sawyer advocated
tho direct taxation mothod, pointing
out that because of constantly grow
ing expenses tho future necessity
for creating a sinking fund to rctlro
present bond Issues and Dend's
present prosperity, tho city debt
should be wiped out at once.
Practically all agreed that the
Idea ot Issuing bonds to tako enro ot
running expenses Is wrong, but Clydo
McKay, E. P. Mahaffey, Mayor J. A.
Hastes, H. H. Do Armond and D. G.
McPherson argued for this mothod
ot financing on tho grounds of ex
pediency. C. S. Hudson could soe
llttlo dlfferonco between tho two
plans, and A. Whlsnant urged tho
need ot bonds to provide for needed
street Improvements.
Kurty Huney Predicted.
Tho progress made by Central
Oregon in tho endeavor to sccuro
federal aid in developing tho De
schutes irrigation project was out
lined during tho latter part of tho
Benjamin Franklin.
accouut at The First
four per cent interest
meeting by A. D. Anderson ot
Madras, recently roturuod from
Washington, D. C, whoro ho repre
sented tho needs ot Central Oregon
to tho Oregon delegation, to Director
Davis of tho reclamation servlco and
to Secretary I.nno. llu told how tho
North unit hnd voluntarily pledged
40,000 ot Its 100,000-ncros for homos
for returned Hotdlors, mentioned tho
withdrawal ot tho Dunham Kails
segregation from entry as an Im
portant part ot tho program and pre
dicted that tho money for dovolop
ment of Irrigation would bo'lnndo
nvntlable In tho passago of a now
bill already drawn up by Representa
tive Stnuott In place ot tho measure
killed by tho dilatory action ot tho
Inst congress.
Secretary Lano, ho said, Is con
vinced that Central Oregon needs
Irrigation and needs It badly, and Is
desirous that a survey of tho Hon
hnm Falls storngo reservoir site bo
started at once. Several years ago,
lu company with Mr. Anderson, Sec
retary Lano made a trip through
Centrnl Oregon, and It Is becauso ho
has had such an opportunity to be
come acquainted with conditions In
this section that Mr. Anderson Is
confident ot his slncoro support.
(Continued trout Pago 1.)
seeking his first term Kay wanted
to tako n chanco as well, nnd nn ono
could convince him thnt ho wouldn't
hnvo boon elected hnd ho become u
candidate, and very likely ho would
have, ns ho was very populur In tho
stnto nt tho time. Hut ho dropped
out of tho race becauso Mr. Withy
combo asked him to. In 1916 It
looked to Kay as It It were too late,
as there had been nn appreciable
dropping off In his popularity, and
this was solt-ovident, even to him.
So ho let Wlthycorabo run again, al
though Kay felt nono too kindly
about It, us ho declared to his friends
that tho lato governor had told him
ho desired to bo In office but ono
term and would not bo a candidate
for re-election. However that might
bo, tho man who loves politics more
dearly than any othur man In Oro
gon found himself out ot n political
Job on tho first of tho year, nnd It Is
no deep, dark secret thnt ho would
like to bo back on one.
Consequently thoso who wero
familiar with tho situation decided
that Kay had his eye on tho lieutenant-governorship
when tho resolution
bobbed up. In tho first place, It
was sponsored by Kay's raoHt ardent
political frlonds and admirers. In
tho second placo, Kny threw his
heart and soul Into backing It. Ily
tho mathematical proposition of two
nnd two making four they put theso
things together nnd figured Kay was
training himself for tho placo.
Senator Dims Hopo.
Dut a stumbling block arose. Ono
man In tho senate, a well known
Eastern Oregon product, was wanted
for his vote on the resolution and
ho was angled for manfully. Ho was
kind of on tho fence until ho mndo
up his mind on two points.' Tho
first was that ho didn't want Kay
on the Job If It wob created, and the
second point was that he didn't want
tho uppolntment dictated by tho
Evening Telegram.
He went to thoso who wero closo
to tho governor nnd received assur
ances that neither of those things
would happen if tho resolution were
ndopted. As a result ho voted for
tho resolution. Dut It mado things
look dark for Kay.
Hunllck May Auk Tojjn.
Iloforo tho legislature prediction
was mado In theso columns thnt an
Eastern Oregon man could have had
tho speakership of tho houso If ho
wont after It. Ono nearly did. That
was Dontoh Durdlck. Rut ho prob
ably bad more fun In tho houso than
If he had been speaker. Ho had a
compact llttlo organization, so that
much of the tlmo during the session
ho got what ho wanted and killed
what ho didn't want. Ho didn't havo
a majority of tho houso, but ho had
enough so that on nearly every meas
ure ho could find Just enough addi
tional votes who wero Interested In
that particular mcasuro to put across
what he desired. It was un Interest
ing llttlo underground battle.
It Is barely posslblo that Hunllck
will bo Mt candidate for tho stato
Boniito two years from now.
Mrs. Bennett Had
Suffered 18 Years
Wus in Rod Week nt n Tlmo Unablo
to Move Now Docw Own
"For tho vast eighteen years my
wlfo was a sufferer from rlioumu
tlsm in one ot Its worst forms," said
William Dennett, who Is employed
by ono ot tho largo saw mills at Red
mond, Wash., recently.
"Wbenover theso attacks capio
on." ho continued, "sho would got
so weak and crippled up that she
Mr. Rancher -Mr. Workingman
We specialize in clothes for you. We have values for you
not to be found elsewhere. K 10 AI13A1 13 l3Kf we undersell ALL
MAIL ORDER HOUSES. Compare our evory-day values with
any mail order catalogue you may have and you will find wo
undersell them, and you see what you buy. Come in and be
"Pay Day," "Hie 3" and "Underbill Overalls, tho heavy kind
(union made), all sizes , $1.70
Khaki Bib Overalls (some value) $li19
Heavy Blue Waist Overalls (copper riveted) $1.09
One-piece Overall Suits, khaki and blue stripe $:M9-$!M9
Men's Khaki Pants (all sizes) $1,(9-$1.98
Men's Work Pants (assorted stripes) $1.79-$1.98-$2.-i9
Men's Dress Pants, plain and fancy
Men's Rockford Sox (seamless toe), G pairs for 90c
Men's "Automatic Sox," medium and heavy weight; a sock made
with seamless toe and heel; black and tan; 11 for 39c; 3 for 45c
Canvas Gloves (wrist) 10c-15c
Canvas Gloves, leather face,... 35c
The above are only a few of our every-day values. You get
tho advantage of any drop in the nuirket conditions.
J. C.
Wc Save
would havo to take to her bud, where
slut would Ho for two or three weeks
at n tlmo, suffering untold agonies
nud unable to move. Her left toot
wus drawn up and twisted so with
pain that shu seemed to bo perma
nently crippled, and nun finger on
her left hand was drawn all out ot
shape so -It was useless to her. Her
stomach, too, was all out of order,
she had no appetite, and although
sho was Just as careful as she could
bo about her dieting, hur food would
sour on her stomach nnd cause her
great distress afterward Ilor nerv
ous system seemed to bo "buttered,
and her rest wan so broken at night
that sho could hardly sloop. Her
arms and throat appeared to bo with
ered, tho skin soft nnd Hubby, and
sho was just about as mlsernblo us
anybody ovor etB to be. For years
sho had been too weak and alllnK
to do any of her housework, and
what tlmo sho wasn't In bed sho was
barely able to get around.
"I consulted specialists about her
case, but they could give me no hope,
and I took her to ono of tho most
celebrated health resorts In tho
country, hoping she would bo bono
fltoxl through drinking the water,
but It scorned to do her no good.
Then sho tried all kinds nt medi
cines, but not till sho started taking
Tanlac did sho find any rollof what
ever. After taking a few bottles of
this, wonderful tncdlclno wo are pre
pared to say that Tanlac Is tho only
thing wo hnvo any fnlth In. Her
last attack of rheumatism was all of
two months ago, and sho hasn't had
n twinge since. Her twisted foot Is
getting back into Its iiormnl posi
tion, and thnt bent flngor Is getting
straight and supplo like tho others.
Her stomach Is In such splendid con
dition that sho can out anything she
wnnts without suffering tiny bad
effect-, afterward. Her arms and
neck are filling out and nro plump
and firm, and sho sleeps like u child
ovory night. Sho Is now able to do
all her houHowork, and shu Is In
better condition than sho has boon
In mnny years."
Tanlac Is sold In Horn! by Owl
Drug Co., In Sisters by Oeorgo F.
Altkcn, nnd In Rend by Horton Drug
Co. Adv.
a friend recommended tiikm.
J. N. Tohlll. clerk Lottlo Hotel,
Evnnsvlllo, Intl., writes: "For six
weeks I suffered constantly with
pains In tho muscles or my thigh.
Upon recommendation of a friend, I
trlml Polity Klilnnv Pills a 11(1 bognil
to get relief almost immediately,"
They stop backache, rheumutlc pains,
soreness and stiffness. Sold every
where. A a v.
Clutl'iil ad-trtliin charge per Uu 20
cent for 20 woriU or lra. On. cent per
word for all crtr 20. All clarified advertUlns
trWtljr cub In advance..
FOK'SALK Oil. TIlAnB -Two good
320-ucro tracts of land on High
Desert, togethor or separately; ono
tract has 80 acres cleared and
fenced with rabbit tight fence,
good houso and outbuildings, flno
74-foot driven well with 25 foot
of water. Iluildlngs enclosed with
rock fonco. Cull or wrlto Hullo
tln. 49-lp
FOll SALE 1918 Maxwell, In ex
cellent condition. Has been run
about 1C00 miles. Prlco $760.00.
Hoo tho Modorn Uaruge, 35-lc
FOR- SALE Eggs for hatching, $1
for 13, laying strain tho Ilurrod
Hooks from O. A. O. H. F. Mers
dorf.. Phono 4F12". 33-lp
FOIt SALE At Ilond, Oro., 160
acres, all Irrigated b Arnold farm
ers' co:oporatlvo Irrigation system,
No p'vorhead expenses, All water
onoi needs, iMalntonnnco foes
around 45 cents per aero. 100
aero paid up wator right. 135
acres cultivated. All luvol, doop
soil, no rocks, stumps or trees. 30
acres in timothy, clover and nl
fulfa. 30 acres In grain. Tho
rost to sood this spring, Fences
and irrigation ditches mndo. Un
limited stock range. 7-room houso,
yory comfortable Insldo, rough
outside-, Puntry, collar, soparntor
room and -wood houso, water piped
to sink lu kitchen from house cite
tern Largo old barn, slaurlilous
for 14 cows, stalls for 10 homes,
calf sheds, corrals, blacksmith
shop, chicken housu and scratching
shed. I'houo line, star mall
route. Am physically unable to
work ranch. Will sell 40, 0 or
100 acres, or all, prlco $70 an acre.
Tonus given. Fifteen cows, six
yearling heifers, four heifer calves
Inst summer. Five miles from
Hcnd on Hums road. M E.
Knotls. 04-l-3c
FOll rlALB Full blooded black
Minorca and O. A. ('. Marred (took
hatching eggs. Fifteen for $1 60.
Agnes M. Sottoug. I'houo llural
1118. 20-l-6p
FOll 8ALK-i:ggs, S. (' White Mln
orcas, bred to lay, hutching eggs,
$1.50 per 15. Mrs. B. A. Orlflln,
llond, Oro. Phone Itural 1110.
FOIt SALE Or trade for Ford car.
work horses. J, J. Ellluger, Terre
bonne, Oro. 14-1-ap
FOll SALE One Ayrshlro bull, com
ing three years old. Registered,
can show papain. Call 4F14 even
ings. 09-l-2p
FOll SALE Team of horses, weight
about 1100 each, 8 and 10 years
old, $125; also milch cows, II. W.
Kcrbov, I2C8 Newport Avo. 98-lc
FOll SALE White Leghorn eggs
for hatching, Tancred strain, $8.00
per 100; O. A. C. strain llarred
Hocks, $1.50 per setting. Ilosn
Hatch, Tumulo, Oro. 63-l-4p
FOll SALE Or to let on shares, 20
ewes. Illnck 2212. 99-52
FOll SALE- -If you want tho highest
prlco for your goods, wrlto me.
Illchurd ItlchardMou, auctioneer,
general delivery, 1 1 end, Oro. Farm
sales a specialty. C0-52-09p
FOll SALE Oil TltAOi: -Two 320
ucro tracts of land on high desert,
together or separate; 1 tract has
80 acres cleared and fenced with
rabbit light wire, good house, with
wood house, enclosed with Inch
fence; other tract has no acres
cleared and fenced with good
homo and barn, wagon shed, wood
house and stone chicken house,
also good 74-foot driven well that
runs 26 feel wntor, buildings en
closed In Inch fence. Call or wrlto
Ilullotln. 72-62-le
ucres highly Improved In Clnrk
county, Washington, 17 miles rrom
center of Portland, 10 miles from
Vancouver, on level rock road, 3'j
miles from Sirton, near electric
station, ono mile from school,
church and store. Soil A-l, no
sand or gravel. 1C acres in culti
vation, some meadows, creek and
springs. Well at barn and houso.
All fenced and cross fenced, most
-woven wire. Convenient house, 5
rooms and bathroom, milk houso
nnd good largo barn, hog houso, 2
chicken houses, root collar, wood
shed, tool shed, ubout 2 acres of
flno orchards, with nil kinds ot
fruit. This plnco Is a real homo.
Trice $6500,00, Will tako placo
(irrigated) near Uond from
$2500.00 to $3500.00, bulanco at
0 terms. It desired will sell
place fully equipped. Apply
owner, J. M. Janssen, Route 1,
Orchards, Wash. 3 8-5 1-4 p
FOll SALE S. C. Whlto Leghorn
oggs for hatching, O, A, C. strain.
Tho kind that lay. Eight dollars
par 100, $1.25 per setting. Mrs.
M, 10. Lundes, Itedmond, Oro.
FOll SALE Everbearing Htrawborry
plants. C. F. Decker, Tumulo, Oro.
30-4 8 tfc.
FOll SALE Oood grain drill, 10
hose Roderick Lean, $0 Frank
Lomay, near Grange Hall, north
oast of Uond. 84-49-53p
IIANCH FOll HE-NT 160 acres,
southeast ot Ilond, Irrigated from
Arnold systom. 40 acres undor
cultivation, 120 ncros fenced. To
rent or sell on rouHonnblo terms,
Address Qhas, D, Howe, Ilonnors
Forry, Idu. 14-50-3o
WANTED Oood second hand, 3i.
$2.98 to $5.90
. -$c
--;s -r-
Wc Give
You Real
. low wheel, wldn Urn wagon, II. F.
Mersdorf Phone 4F12. 3Mp
WANTED Two men deslro ranch
work for the season. C. C. Holla-
day, Cottage drove, Oro. 1 3-1 p
WANTED -Ily muu und wife, po-
lions on ranch. Write L. W. Hu
bert, Ilond, Ore., or call Fred Fish,
transfer man, for housu address.
WANTED Wo will call anywhere,
any place, any tlmo, to look at
your used furniture. Let un know
what you have. We pay cash. Tho
Standard Furniture Co. 9749tfo
LOST Six cows, nil 3-yenr-olds und
iuullos, branded II In circle right
rib, half Inverted O right hit),
small dulnp upper brisket, split
lu right or crop and split right and
crop off left. Suitable reward for
Information. Address J. II. Gray,
I'rlnovllle, Ore. 71-52-03p
TAKEN UP Hoan steor, past two '
years old, brand .I on left hip,
under slope on left ear, small
dulap. (). L. Moore, 24 miles
east ot Ilond, on llend-Ilurns road.
TAKEN UP Followed tho J. O.
Cook cuttle from Pino mountuln.
one red heifer, whlto faced, under
bit on left ear. Dulap showed
then Iron hnndle, but now Dulnp,
other lorn out. No other brands
to ha seen. Owner may liuvoi
mime by paying feed bill und
advertising. P. A. Orabler, Al-V
fulfa. Oro. Phono 16F12.
275 1-4 p
Brand Directory
Mllllcnii, Oregon,
AHIght tldo; right
pod; wnttlo right
II. h. TONE, Hist
jugm siuo; rigiit ear crMFl.-.
hind log,
Sisters, Oro.
adv.lOOo I
They're Taken Under
a Skylight
We have added new and
hotter equipment, and
can give service even bet
ter and quicker than in
the past.
Experience Ldy '
High GhmW Artktic
Work GuarantMd.
"Call on us at Corner of
Oregon and Wall Street,
Second Floor,
U J"fiE--