The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Fifteen hundred dollars' worth ot
furniture, purchnsed with money
raised by popular subscription among
tho business men ot Dcnd some time
ngo, arrived hero yesterday nnd Is
to be installed at onco In tho loung
ing room and writing room ot tho
Bond Amateur Athletic club. Other
furnishings, Including curtains nnd
wall decorations, have been plnced In
charge ot tho ladles' committee ot the
Tho outfitting ot tho two balcony
rooms nt tho gymnasium will mnko
tho building complete, with the ex
ception ot tho installation ot lockers,
nnd this matter Is to bo taken up
in tho near tuturo by tho directors.
Two Cars of Milking Shorthorns to
IIo Drought Hero Farmers Unan
imous in Fnvor of tho Plan.
(From Tuesday's Datly.)
The movement for the Introduc
tion of pure bred stock among tho
farmers of Deschutes county, led by
E. P. Mahaffey of tho Central Ore
gon bank, Fred N. "Wallace, presi
dent of tho farm bureau, nnd County
Agent Ward, camo to a focus nt
Tumalo a few days ago. The plan
was started n year ogo and has been
favorably indorsed by tho dairymen
and stock raisers. A largo repre
sentation from over tho county was
present, and tho meeting showed
that the farmers of Deschutes county
nro unanimously in favor of better
nnd pure bred livo stock.
Over 30 members joined the as
sociation nt the Tumalo meeting,
nnd tho farmers at Terrebonne have
asked for a meeting which will be
held there March 4, when it is ex
pected many more will Join.
Of tho various breeds under con
sideration tho milking Shorthorn
was agreed upon as the ideal type
for this section, whero diversified
farming Is practiced. Tho milking
Shorthorn has made performances in
milk production that compare favor
ably with tho strictly dairy breeds,
whilo as a beef animal its records
aro well known. Plans wero laid for
tho importation ot two carloads of
registered cows and several high
priced bulls will also bo brought
into tho various communities.
Tho directors ot tho association
aro J. O. Sklrving, Ray Armstrong,
Frank V. Chapman, F. N. Wallace,
W. R. Oerklng, Olaf Anderson. E. P.
Mahaffey, R. A. Ward and John
Marsh. Tho officers are: President,
John Marsh of Tumalo, who Is live
stock leader on the executive com
mittee of tho Deschutes County Farm
bureau; vice president, Olaf Ander
son of Deschutes; secretary-treasurer,
F. N Wallace of Tumalo.
Jlcpreciitutivo of Kurcuu of Animal
Industry to Examine Herds for
Evidence of Tuberculosis.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Representing tho U. S. bureau of
animal industry, Dr. Arthur H.
Derntswiller, veterinarian, arrived
in Rend this morning and will re
main here for several days examin
ing herds in this section for evi
dences ot tuberculosis. All owners
of puro bred stock aro allowed the
aorvlces of tho government expert
free of chargo. Hereafter, Dr.
UerntswIUor will visit Central Oro-
gon every six mouths.
Ho is making his hej.dqu.iter.
whilo hero at tho Pilot Dutto Inn. J
!l?cYih BEND
Jllbcrt S Tkpeio
&i-Cunnr nj QiUf Pttr Officer,
.3. Ntt Member cl th Forln
Ltfion ot Franc Cptln Gun
Turrt, Frtnch IUOlrtMp ChkiJ
Winnu ol U Croli d Guat t
&pniit, uu. br 111117 and ittiiton a, Ttub
iuiuw.Aumi tunic.
"So the
i water runs into It, does It?"
"Well, my advice to you Is to
ho said,
get a knife, cut n hole in tho heel nud
let the wntcr out." All tho other
swine in the room laughed very loud
nt this, nnd I guess this Fritz thought
he was n great comedian. Rut some
how or other, It did not strike mo so
funny thnt I Just had to laugh, nnd I
was able, after Quito a struggle, to
keep from even snickering. It was n
harder strugglo than that to keep
from doing something else, thought
Our menls wero Just about tho samo
ns at Swlnemunde tho bread wns
Just ns muddy, the barley coffeo Just
as rank, and the soup Just ns cnb
bageless. The second morning nfter
wo had hnd our barley coffee, ono of
tho sentries came to our barracks,
which wns number 7-R, and gnvo each
of us an envelope nnd n sheet of writ
Ing paper. Then ho told us to wrlto
He Chalked en the Door.
to anybody we wanted to, after which
he chalked on tho door In big letters:
and told us It wus tho return address.
We were all surprised, nnd asked each
other where we were, because we had
thought wo were In Neustrelltz. After
u while, we learned thut it means
"Prlsoner-of-Wur-Cump." At first.
though, many of uh thought It was
the name of the town, und wo got to
calling It tho Urewery, becuuso the j
name ended in lager. Whatever beer !
was brewed there wus nut for us
I noticed thut nil the tlmo he wns
writing the word nnd giving us tho
stationery, the sentry wus laughing J
and having u great time with his own
little self, hut I figured he was Just
acting German, und thut nothing was
Important about it.
We were nil tickled to death to get
a chance to let our people know where
wo were, and each man thought a
long time about what he would say,
and who ho would wrlto to, before he
ever started to write. Each mun want
ed to say nil he could in tho fitnall
space ho hnd, nnd we wantl to let
our friends know how badly they were
treating us without saying It in so
many words, becuuse we knew tho
Huns would censor the letters, nnd it
would go hard with anyone who com
plained much. So most of tho men
said they wero having n great tlmo
nnd wero treated very well, and spread
It on so thick that their friends would
figure they were lying because they
had to.
Ono fellow had nn Idea thnt wbb
better than that, though. Ho had been
in Jail in Portsmouth, England, for
three months, for beating up a con
stable, and hoiad had a pretty rough
u7 had b , J M to tto a
time, fso ho wroto a pal of his that
I mans, but thnf t!vorythlngvns roTur
along pretty well. In fiict, ho tmlil,
tho only other trip ho had over been
S on, where ho had n bettor time, was
tho threo mouths' vacation ho lmd
spent In Portsmouth two years before,
which ho thought tho friend would re
is member, llo said thnt trip was bet-
' tor than this one, so tho friend could
figure out for himself how pleasant
this ono was. Everybody thought this
E was u great Idea, but unfortunately
5 not nil of us had been In Jail, ho wo
could not all uso It. Which was Just
5 ns well, wo thought, been uso tho Uor
5 mans would ho Biisplclous If all ot u
E compared this vacation with others.
E ' A few of tho men Old not have any
E body they could write to, nnd some did
E ot know their friends' addresses, so
E they would write letters to friends of
the other men. nnd sign It with tho
friend s nickname.
As soon ns u mnn had finished his
letter, ho had to gu out to tho center
j of,lh? cnm''' here they had built n
"'j01, II"tform. Ihero tho sentries
had built n
took the letters, nud the men formed
n round the square. Thoro wero offi
cers on the platform reading tho let
ters. Wo thought they read them
there In the open, before us, so that
wo would know they wero not tamper
ing with tho letters, and we thought
the heaven would fall if they wero
getting so unkultured us that.
Flnnlly, nil the men hnd finished
their letters and turned them over to
the olllcers, who rend them. And then
wo saw why the sentry laughed.
Tho otrirers toro up every ono of tho
letters. They were anxious thut wo
would seo them do it, so none of us
would hnvo any hopo that our friends
would get word.
Rut we said to ourselves thnt, if It
wns Information they wanted, they hnd
ns much ns wns good for them, which
was none nt nil, because I do not think
one letter In the bunch had n single
word of truth In it. Rut wo were nil
very nngry nnd pretty low nfter thnt.
because It showed tho Huns still hnd
plenty of kultur left, nfter nil, nnd we
knew there wus rough sledding nhend
of us. Also, some of the men wero
sore because they hnd wasted their
time thinking up different ways of tip
ping their friends off to the renl state
of affairs, and nil for nothing. Why
they should worry about time, I could
not ee. Time wns tho only thing wo
bad plenty of, nnd I for one, thought
wo were going; to hnvo still moro of It.
Going bnck to the barracks wo tried
to sing "Pack Up Your Troubles," but
tbcro was not much pep In It. Wo
were not downhearted, though; at
least, wo said wo wero not.
Kultur the Real Stuff.
Neustrelltz was mainly for Russian
prisoners, nnd there were neither Rrlt
lsh nor French soldiers Interned there
only sailors of the merchant murine
such ns tho men I wns with. Tho
Russians were given fur worso treat
ment thnn any other prisoners. This
wns for two reasons, as near us I could
make out. One wns that tho Russian
would stand most anything, whereas
the Rritlsh and French could only bo
goaded to a certain point, nnd beyond
thnt lay trouble. The other reason
wus that the Russians sent Germnn
prisoners to Siberia, or nt least, so tho
Iluns thought, nnd Fritz hates tho
cold. So, hntlng tho Russians, and
realizing that they were used to be-
Ing under-dogs. Irltz picked on them
nnd bullied them In n way thnt the
rest of us would not have stood. Wo
would have rushed them and gone
west with bayonets first.
Tho barracks were mndo of spruce,
nnd were ubout ninety feet long und
twenty-five feet wide, nnd you can
take it from me thut as carpenters,
whoever made them were lino farm
ers. There were cracks In them that
you could drive an automobile through.
When wo were there, each burrocks
hnd u stove In tho center, n good stove
nnd n big one, but nt first It was of
no use to us, becuuse tho Germans
would not give us coal or wood for it.
Rut nfter chlverlng for u while, we be
gan ripping tho boards out of the bar
rucks, and taking tho dividing boards
from tho benches thut wo used for
Later, they gavo each of us n mat
tress filled with wood shavings, and a
blnnket thnt wuh about us warm us u
pane of gluss. The mattresses wero
pluccd on the ground in the barracks,
which wero very damp, nnd nfter threo
or four days, the shavings would be
gin to rot und the mattresses to smell.
In order to keep warm- wo slept as
closo together us wo could, which
caused our vurlous Ulseasen to spread
When wo wero receiving our rations,
the sentries would offer us tin extra
ration If wo would take u lush from
their, beltot. Wo wero. so Inmtfry that
many ntuT many n mnn would go up
and take n tovnt in any part of his
body from tho heavy leather bolts
with brass tongue and buckle, Just to
get n little morn "shadow" notip or
barley coffeo or mud bread.
One morning tho sentries picked out
ten men from our barracks, of which
I was one, nnd drilled uh over a field
near the ktteho. There was n largo
tank in the field ontl wo lmd to pump
water Into It. It was very cold, ond
wo wero weak and slclc, no wo would
fall ono after another, not caring
whether we ever got up or not, Fritz
would smash those who fell with his
rifle butt. Wo asked for gloves, ho
euuo our hands wero freeclug, but nil
wo got was "Nlchts."
After wo had been thoro for about
nn hour and it half, ono of our men
became very Nick, so that I thought
ho was going to die, nnd when ho fell
over, I reported It to u sentry. Tho
sentry eninu over, saw him lying In
tho snow, yelled, "Schwoln, nlcht
krank I" grabbed him by tho shoulder,
and pulled him all tho way across the
field to tho office of the camp com
mander. Then ho wns placed In tho
guard house, whore ho remained for
two days. Tho next thing wo knew,
the Russians had been ordered to
make n bor, nnd wero being marched
to tho guard house to put him In it
nnd bury him.
Another thing nt Keustrelltz, thnt
wns pretty linn! to stnnd, wns the pret
ty hnhlt tho Huns had of coming up
to tho barbed wire and tensmg us ns
though wo were wild nnlmals in n
cage. Sometimes there would bo
crowds of people lined along tho wire
throwing things nt us, and spitting,
nud having a groat time generally. It
was harder than over when n family
party would arrive, with vater and
mutter, und mnybo grosvator and
grosinuttor, and nil tho little Roche
kinder, because, us you probably
know, tho GermnnN take food with
them whenever they go on u party,
no mutter whnt kind, nnd they would
stnnd thoro nud stare nt us like tho
boobs they wore, outing nil the tlmo
and wo so hungry that wo could
have oaten ourselves, almost. After
they hnd stored n while, they would
begin to fool moro nt home, un.l then
would stnrt tho throwing nnd nplltlng
nnd the "sohwolnhund" unngerfesi, mul
they would have u grcnt tlmo general
ly. Probably, when they got home,
they would strike off n medal for
themselves in honor of the visit.
Then, too, then; were always Hun
soldiers on leave or off duty, who mndo
it u point to pay us a visit, nnd though
I do not think they were ns bad as tho
civvies, especially tho women, they
were bad enough.
We hnd one bucket In onch bnrrncks,
nnd ns these buckets were used for
both washing nnd drinking, they were
nlways dirty. We boiled tho water
when we washed the clothes, to get
rid of the cooties, and thnt left a
settling in It thnt looked Just like red
lead. We hnd to get the water from
n hydrant outsldo of the barracks, nnd
for n whilo wo drunk it. Rut nfter
several of the boys had gone west
and wo could not figure nut why, n
mnn told us ho thought tho wntcr was
poisoned, und n Itusslnn doctor, who
wns n prisoner, slipped us word about
It also. So, after that, very few of
us drank water from the hydrant. I
wns scared stiff at first, because I had
had some of the water, but nfter thnt ,
I did not touch hydrant water.
It was n good thing for us that
thoro was nlways plenty of snow in
Germany, nnd even luckier thnt tho
Huns did not shoot us for eating it.
It wns about the only thing they did
not deprive us of It wns not verhoten.
I thought I knew what tough cooties
were. In tho trenches, but they wero
regular mollycoddles compared to the
pets wo had In the prison camps. After
wo boiled our riot lies wo would bo
frco from them for not more thnn two
hours, nnd then they would comn
hack, with re-enforcements, thirsting
for vengeance.
Tho camp nt Neustrelltz wns sur
rounded by big dogs, which were kept
Just outside the barbed wire. Wo had
them going nil the time. Every onco
In it while, somo fellow would mnko
nn awful racket, and tho next thing
we knew, there was Fritz coming llko
u shot, with musket ut his hip, Just
an they carry them In a charge, und
blowing whistles ut each other until
they wero blue In tho face. When
ever they thought somo ono was es
caping, they run twlco us fast as I
We Had Our Choice of Standing Up
and Dying, or Falling Down and Be
ing Killed.
Foreign Legion wnii on tneir necis
nt Dlxmudo.
When Ihoy got up to tho dogs, they
would first talk to them and then kick
them, und after that, they would rest
their rltlus on tho wire and yell
"Zuruck I" nt us. Wo nil enjoyed this
Innocent pastlmo very much, and we
wore glad they had the dogs,
Thoro wero some things the Hints
did (hat you Just could not explain.
For Instance, one of tho Russians
walked out of tho kucho, uh wo wero
passing, nnd wo hoard u bang I und
tho Russian keeled over nud went
west. Now, wo had nut done anything
and tho other Russians said ho hud
behaved himself, worked hard mid hud
never hnd any trouble. They Just
killed him, and that Is all thoro wus to
It. Rut not one of us could figure
out v by.
(To Ro Continued.)
llodlos Found Floating In River
Docks Had Already Hturtctl NoM-
lug, Hays ex-Game Wnnlen.
(From Tuesday's Dally,)
That ducks hwIuuuIui: In tho river
Just above the Head Water, Light A
Power Co. dam hnvo been shot In
tho Inst two days by gumo law vio
lators was the complaint mndo today
by John Cunningham, formerly
deputy game warden In this section
Mr. Cunningham found tho bodies ot
several wild fowl flouting In tho
river close to shore yesterday.
"It's not an ordinary gumo law
violation, either," Mr. Cunningham
said, "for tho mating season has
started and tho ducks had started
nesting In the very heart of tho city
I have been watching them for (ho
hist week. It Is no exaggeration (o
say that tho killing of those row
ducks really menus ubout two doieu
less wild fowl for tho coming sea
Twenty-biio .Months Him-iiI In Hrrtlro
by T. M. Hlinr Haw Action at
Vlmy Ridge nud Other Itotlles.
(From Monday's Dally.)
After threo years' absence from
Rond, 21 months o( which wuro spent
in tho Canadian army, T. M. Sharp
returned to Rend thhc morning and
will mnko his homo In this vicinity,
Mr Sharp was formerly nn employe
of the Ilrooks-Scanlon company.
Practically nil of his service was
spent overseas, ami ho saw action
at Vlmy Rldgo und other big battles
in tho world war At tho tlmo of
his discharge ho was In tho Canadian
engineers. During all his sorvlcu ho
wns uninjured In action.
Prompt Service in
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Gray Iron, Brass, Bronze
and Semi-Steel Castings
Phone Black 741
Whim your battery Im Ihlmty, glvo
It a drink I Under tho most oxtromo
elrcutiiHtunoeii your battery can hard
ly ho called a heavy drlnluir; but II
does need to have Kit (hirst quouchod
ut regular liiturvulsovory wook In
HUininor and every two weeks lit
A long-time thirst Is Just us dis
astrous with a buttery uh with u man,
and will uh Inevitably bring on symp
toms that will result In ruin.
And u battery's health also do
ponds upon what It drlnkrt acid Ih
as hud for It iih alcohol Is (or u man.
I'uro water Is all It needs.
CirrimfKJ Ave.
Voire of .Vow I'li-e Hlron, Sent !
Rend on Trial, Is Heard Tliniugli-
out City This Afternoon.
(From Monday's Daily.)
It might havu been tho wnll ot n
lost soul. It might also hnvo bcoti
tho warning cry of tho banshee
only it wasn't. It was merely tho
volco of u uuw siren that tho nro
committee of tho Rend city council
tried out this afternoon.
Tho machine, electrically operated,
was Installed at Ihu top of tho old
Rend Wutor. Light & Power Co.
water tower this morning, nnd an
tho power wns turned on nn un
earthly shriek, varying In pitch nnd
volumu according to tho strength of
tho current, mndo Itself heard
throughout the city.
A decision In regard to tho pur
chase of tho apparatus will probably
bo made ut the meeting of thu city
council tomorrow night.
, . j
Bend, Oregon
aver saw them run, except when the