The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    ' VI
iikvd mJM.irnr, iiknd, omwon, nruiwDAY, MAncii a, tow
4l .
rfr '
i . -.
(Prom Wmliifliiday'd Dally.)' '
Ohitrloii ltuuoli In In from liln lionm
lit Dry I.itko today.
Juff Kolluy of Prlnovlllu In Hpoud
lug tlio (toy In Ilmiil.
Jloy 'Million of Crescent In trnnmict
Ini; IiuhIiiuim In tho city today,
, dun Miitiioti will louvo tomorrow
night for lllic Fulhi, Mliiumiotii.
A. I). Forrest ami Lentor J. Hull
worn In Ilnml hint night from JtoU
moml, County Judge W. I). Iliinii'ii linn
returned from a business trip to
Dr. Harry Monro luft IiinI night for
Portland mill will 1n noun for thu
remainder of the week.
J. Alton Thompson, county school
superintendent, will ko to Tumiilo
Friday iiIkIU to lucturo at thu Tumalo
' AIIhh Ilcssln Roberts of Uorvnlll
ttrrlvtul In Bond Inst night to asdot
Mux Orantlull In exporting thu city
anil county liookH,
Thu Baptist Ladles' Aid will meet
ifctforrow afternoon In tho Red Ctohh
rooms In tho Hplilor hulldliiK to mow
for tlm Hulglnii nil I of. Thin will bo
tho roKUl&r business moating and
members nru requested to bring their
(From Tucndoy'ii Dally)
D. II. Kphlur Ih reported to bo
seriously III.
Joo Uuskoll of Sink In spending
thu duy In Hond.
4 Wllllnm Klltrmlgo en inn In from
Silver I.uku lust night.
II. II. Novel was In lli'iid from li Ih
homo nt Prlnnvlllu hint night.
Mm. Hunry O'Neill In able to louvo
tho Intuitu after a serious IIIium.
Mr, and Mm. C. I!. Jones aro In
tho city from their homo In l.u Pino
y L. I'. Hooimy and Ernest K. Dyer
of Mllllntn aru business visitor In
Hand today.
Towels, largo slxo. n Q
honeycomb, each X J C
Hosu, lndlr' black Q
cotton . . JL 7 C
Komi, children's 1 A
black ribbed JL 7 C
ilWu,"men's black iq
or tan, cotton A, J C
Handkorchlofs, lndhV
puro "I Q
linen X J v
Hnndkurchlefs. men's iq
largo red or blue X X) C
(Jlovos, louther tip, 1Q
hunvy canvus 1C
(llovus, Jumoy, good i A
onus for men UC
Towollng, cotton 1 A
buck, special X X) C
Hath Towels. 25c 1 A
lino X cC
(llngham. thu sou- i A
sou's lender X J v
Vests, ladles' sloovu- 1 A
less vests JLZs
IIohii, Infants' wool 1 Q
hosu JL J
Safety Pins, all sixes, r
J, for XJ
Pins, standard of 1 A
valuo, C for XjC
Pearl Huttons, spuclnl values
In thu lot, 1Q
r cards X 7 K
Combs, a good ouu, i A
special X 7 i
Mon's Neckwear, u 1 A
special li v
Pipes, thoy aro 1Q
dandy X C
Some Other
Hoso, ladlus', black, white,
brown, COo lino, OA
special . OJv
MIhsch' and Hoys' Union Suits,
thu, wulght for A Q
now "vv
Swoatum, Plbro (tQ 1 A
HIk(lHpticlal PO X 7
llroo'ms, 4-sowod Corn Hroom,
UHpoclal KQr
viluo cJ'V-
Huttur 'Murgors, makes "
pounds out of fiQ r
ono 131 t
Tronch Hats, u lndluH' ovory
dayllut, AQr
BPUClul . .. . - TttyT.V
Lloyd Magi!! has jpurchased u
Dodgo car from tho Wnllhor-WllllauM
nguncy horo,
Mm. Ouy Shelby, who linn Itonn at
tho Iloud Surgical hoHpltal for no mo
tlmo, In convalescing.
Mm. Kurt Iltirchnrd, who hail boon
In lliiiid for tho hint two montliH, luft
yesterday for Fromont.
Tho Presbyterian Ladles' guild
will moot WodnoHilay aftnriioou at
2: 30 nt tho homo of Mm. 0. C,
II. II. Do Armoiid returned to Hond
(IiIh morning from a trip to Thu
Dalles, whom ho Hpont Monday on
road IiiihIiiumm,
Tho Indies of tho Methodist church
aro roquciitod to bu present without
fall at tho Hod Cross rooum on
Wednesday, March fi,
Mrs. V. I. MyurM and daughtor
Virginia, who havo been vlHltlng tho
Huogll family at Culver, aru expected
to luliiru to lldinl tonight,
Tho Ladles' Aid society of th.t
Christian church, will moot wlU
Mr. Hicks, lVflV West Becontl street,
on Wednesday afturuoon. 'All aro
cordially Invited to attend.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Carl Mltcholl wan In yesterday
from Tumalo.
John Itaycn of Tumalo wan a week
end vlnltor In Hosd.
Mr. and Mm. II. J. Ovorturf wont
to Portland lunt nlKht.
Mm. K. O. Ilulclc of Hllver Lake
arrived In Iloud yenturday.
Joo Lyons him recently arrived In
Now York after ovurnuan service.
Mr. and Mm. 11. E. Allen aro buck
In Hum! after a visit of noveral days
Mrn. Charles W. Ersklnu left limt
j 1 1 K 1 1 1 for Tho Dallt'H and I'ortlaud.
Mr. and Mm. L. O. Morrln of
I'rlnevlllu aro spending thu day In
II. II. Do Armoud went to Tho
Duller lanl night on highway busi
ness, Tho flmt professional moti'H gym
niiNlum chtNH will meet at 730
Starts Saturday
March 8th and
Lasts for 7 Days
Again we bring this important
annual event to the thrifty people of
Bend and vicinity.
This year this salo includes a GREATER VA
GAIN PRICES than any held heretofore.
A few of our specials are listed here the many
you will find at the store.
o'clock thlH overling.
P, W. llrown of Antorla, formorly
of Hond, In In ilia city today looking
aftor proporty IntoroHtM,
Mr.' and Mm, Jcssu Hill of Wesloy,
Iowa, havo moved lo Hond and aro
making their homo huro.
Irvine II, Ilornor, U. H. army, han
returned to Hond from American
I.ako, whoro hu wan nunt aftor ovur
nuan Horvlco,
Ad Ounlavo loft lanl nlKht on a
trip to Hpokuno, llolno and Lit
Ornndu. Ilo oxpuctii to bo :ono for
thu next two or three wuukii.
William J, Tracy of Portland nr
rlved In Hond today to fllu on land
In thin Huotlou. Ho will movo to
Central OruKou In thu near future.
MIhh Marcaret (Iraham, ciHlHtant
In thu county clurk'n offlco, wan called
yenturday to Krazuo, Mlnncnota, by
iiuwh of her tnolhur'n IIIiiohh. HIio
will probably remain In thu cant.
'Mm. It. H, Kox ban just received
word from her brother, Anton Voli
tion, with tiq -Itti uiiKlnuurn, ntlll Op
ovurnuan Hurvlcu. Hu ban been in
ouvurnl batllun, but wan not injured.
(From Saturday'! Dally.)
William Drown, nlockman of Klfu,
In In Hem! today.
J. M. Jacobn wan In Hond I ant
nlKht from Prlnovlllu.
Ituth U. VuuKhn of Tnrrcbonno It
vlnltliiK frluudn In tho city today.
8. A. niakuly returned from a
bunlnenH trip to Portland this morn
Inc. Minn Gertrude Corbutt of Portland
will nrrlvo In Hund tomorrow to
vlnlt Mm. II. K. Hrookn.
C. M. Charlton and Harold M.
Charlton nru vlnltora In thu city to
day from thulr homo nt Powell 11 lit to.
Iluv. Dr. P. W. Camten, pantor of
tho Central HaptlNl church of Ho
nttle, In In Hund lookitiK after bunt
nenn ItiteroHtH In thin city.
Mm. Charlun W. Kmklno will Icavo
tomorrow for Thu Dallen and Port
land. HIio will vIhII with her mother,
Mm. Alnxandor Thonipiion,
Arthur IJ. 01lnon, recently din
chnrccd from tho U. H. navy, on of
Mr. nnd Mm. 12. D, (lllxon (it thl
city, hftH returned to Ilcnd,
Mm, Sarah Multhauf, who linn been
vlnltliiK at tho homes of Mr. and Mm.
J, A, Ranted and Mr. and Mm, N, II,
Gilbert for tho pant 10 days, rotumn
to Portland tonight,
Captain Alfrud Illckford, Llouten
ant It, W. Horfman and THiiJor C, C.
Campbell havo arrived In Hond from
Portland and aro ftuestH nt tho homo
of Mr. and Mm. II. K. Hrookn.
Max Crandnll returned to Ilend to
day from Prlnovlllu, where hu linn
boon detained for several days be
cauno of Injuries nuntnlnud when ho
was struck by an automobile.
Word wan received hero yesterday
of tho birth of a daughter to Mr.
and Mm. J. J. Hchwendknr of Wclls
vlllo, Missouri. Mm. Hchwendkur Is
tho duttKlitur of Mm. It. M. Smith of
Hend, i .
" (Prom Friday's Dally,)
Lcstor K. Pldur of Paisley Is trans
acting buslnens in tho city today.
II. K. Allen returned this morning
from a business trip to Portland.
Mm. H. K. Hrooks returned this
morning from a trip to Portland.
II. K. Hakur returned to Dcnd last
night from a business trip to Con
don. Mr. and Mm. Clifton Hllcy aro tho
parents of a 1 0-puund baby boy, born
Mr. und Mm. Jarcd Mooro and
Mrs, L. C. Marlon of Ilcdmond were
In town last night.
An eight-pound baby girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Honey of
Hund this morning.
Iluy P. Miner arrived in Hund last
night from Silver Lake and Is re
maining over today.
Lieut. H. A. Stover left last night
for Scuttle to visit with his brother,
T. II. Stover. Lieutenant Stover has
been In Hcnd for thu past three
weeks us tho guest of Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Prlnglo.
Jut Oil, big q
slxo , X C
Shears, all -m -v
sixes X y C
Ilutchcr i -v
Knlfo ll7C
Scrub i fv
Urushes X i C
Suit Hungers g-
3 for 19C
Asbestos Muts, -i f
wired X J C
2-Foot i -v
nuies i y C
Fruit -j r
Presses X J C
Itoyal Palm Soup - f
2 bum iyC
Tablets, for school, pen or pen
cil paper, - f
for 19 c
Crnyolns, 1C colore, f
2 for iyC
Fry Pans, r
special X 5 C
Flro IQp
Shovel X 7C
Knumeled - f
Dippers 1 tC
Punmeled Kettle, -
2-qt, sixu xy C
Knumeled Stow Pun, - f
2. (it. sixo xyc
Puamuled Fry - r
Pan iyC
Euunioled Cup, - v
i-it, sixo xyc
Knumeled Dairy Pun, - f
t.qt sixo xyc
Knumoled Pudding f
Pun, 3-qt. sixo X 7C
Knnmeled Wush
Hnsln iyC
Flour -I r
Sifter XyC
Tooth Picks, q
3 boxes :. ltC
Mop Q
Sticks ... X ZJ C
Tin Puns, G-qt. - r
sixu, 2 for Xy C
Plo Plntes, i f
2 for 19C
Ontmoul Dishes, f
2 for iyc
Soup Plates, -t r
2 for x y C
Cup and i fx
Saucer X J C
Salad i r
uowis x y C
Tumblers, g
4 for 19C
, Spring Draperies and
Home Furnishings
Everything to Bring Spring into the Home
Many a housekeeper will be surprised at
these values we are offering:
CURTAIN SCRIMS In white, cream and ecru
plain and barred 20 cents to 45 cents.
CRETONNESA varied selection of patterns
and colorings priced from 25 cents and up.
DRESSER SCARFS Lace trimmed and em
broideredpriced from 75 cents to $2.00.
inch at 75 cents and Sl.
or scalloped $2.75 to $4.25.
BEST QUALITY SHEETS-81x90, $1.65 72x
90, $1.40 and $1.65.
35 cents and 39 cents.
and up.
TURKISH TOWELS All sizes plain and
fancy, 39 cents to $1.00.
HUCK TOWELS Cotton and linen, 15 cents
to 75 cents.
It will be economy to furnish up your home at
OlJat and BcitEttalliihtd 19 II
Arthur U. Gllson, who enlisted In
tho navy last June, has received his
dlschargo and will return homo this
evening to remain in Hcnd. During
tho past few months ho has been on
the U. S. S. Princeton at Scuttle.
Threo thousand dollars, in pay
ment of tho Insurance policy carried
by the late Dr. C II. Francis in
Camp No. 31 C, Woodmen of the
World, has been received by E. D.
Gllson, clerk of the local fraternal
organization, and has been turned
over to tho beneficiaries.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Matt Raber and E. L. Clark of La
Pino aro in tho city.
Miss Lillian Guerard has accepted
n position with tho Elite studio.
Miss Gertrudo Hanks, formerly an
Instructor in tho Hond schools Is
visiting friends In Hond today.
J. V. McGahnn of Metollus is
transacting business in the city to
day. L. A. Booth, recolver at tho U. S.
land ofllca at Tho Dalles, Is In the
city today on official business.
J. H. Donnely, in chargo of con
struction work noar Prinoviilo for
Twohy Uros., wus In Hond today.
Mr. nnd Mm. A. F. Larson, who
havo been making a protracted stay
in Portlnnd, are expected to return
to Uend Saturday.
Miss Marjory Falrlamb of New
York and Lieutenant Maluney. U. S.
army, aro guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. II. K. Brooks.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Frank Prince
aro expected to nrrlvo In Bend from
St. Paul Tuesday. Lieutenant Prince
was in tho 20th engineers In Franco
nnd has recently been discharged
from tho hospital slnco returning to
tho United States.
Read Tho Bulletin Class Ads.
Does the Guarantee Mean
Anything to You ?
The General "Jumbo" Tire, made especially for
Fords, Chevrolets, Maxwells and Monroes, with the
80x31 -2 rim, having a capacity in air space of a
31x1, is guaranteed for 5000 miles.
Pioneer Garage
Highly trained mechanics on hand for repair work
at all times, Work Guaranteed,
French and Mechanical Drawing Is
Added to Curriculum Few Stu
dents Have Grades of Otct 00.
(From Saturday's Dally
Two now subjects are being offered
to the Bend high school students
this semester French and mechan
ical drawing. Tho French class is
not as largo as was anticipated, as
thcro has been u big desire for a
beginning class in Latin. The Span
lsh class, which was started last se
mester, has advanced far enough to
tako up advanced reading. Miss
Miller has subscribed for u Spanish
paper from Madrid, entitled tho "El
The reports of last semester show
a decreaso in tho average of standing
compared with tho first six weeks'
work. Thoso having abovo 90 in
every subject wero: Lcla Stutsman,
Hargarot Inabnlt, Marjorie Balrd
Louise Inabnlt, Darle Durton, Hilah
Hrlck, Alberta Landkammer, Ida
Dahle, Jennlo Xoren, Janlece Simp
son, Francis Heyburn, Lester Smith
and Mildred Hoover.
Tho first intor-dlstrlct debate will
tako place on Saturday, March 22.
Tho high school's opponent will be
tho winner of tho Umatilla district
debate, which has not yet been an
nounced. Tho question for tho com
ing debato is "Resolved, that tho
U. S. should advocate an Interna
tional police for the leaguo of na
tions." Bend will havo tho afflnna
tivo sldo of tho question.
Eyolf Cornellussen, a former stu
dent of Jamestown, N, Y., has en
tered the high school as a membor
of tho senior class. Paul Brookings
has again taken up his studies In
H. H. S. after three months at tho
Oregon Agricultural college as a
Phone 221
Open Evenings