URN!) nUMiKTIN, BRNri, OREGON, TltUltyhAY, MARCH 0, I01B PAGR4 The Bend Bulletin (Weekly Kditlon) , Published By THE HKN'D IJUIiliKTIX (Incorporated) BFND, OREGON KstnbllMhetl 1003. ROBERT W. SAWYER IiiHtor-MnnnRcr. An independent nowspnpor stand lag tor tho square deal, clean bust Bess, clean politico: nnd tho host In terests of Bond nhd Control Oregon. Ono Year .... -.00 Six Months. , 1.00 Tbroo Months .60 THUK3DAY. MARCH 6. 1919. HARTWIG TELLS NO FEUD WITH LEGION SAYS LABOR CHIEF. SUBS COWARDLY UNION'S STAND SAYS C. 0. 1 MAN COUNTY ROAD BONDS. Although Klamath county has spent thousands ot dollars in road .work In tho past 10 years, It is ready now td)ondnlteclt-Up tothe consti tutional limit tor tho purposo ot co operating with tho Htato In new road construction, according to n Btato ment by Senator Georgo T. Baldwin. Senator Baldwin's statement Is ot especial interest In this county just at present when' n suggestion has boon undo that wo also vote bonds tor roads. Coming as It did trom Redmond, which may bo said to roprcscnt moro especially tho tann ing interests ot tho county, tho pro posal seems to start off without tho usual necessary preliminary, that Is, ot convincing tho farmers ot tho need ot a bond issue. That ono Is needed thcro can be llttlo doubt. Our roads aro becom ing moro important every day, not only for tho transaction ot our own business but for tho attraction ot tho money bringing tourist travel. Wo rightly expect much from the stato highway commission, but wo can expect and will receive moro If we show a disposition to co-operate by the expenditure ot our own funds. "Tho Lord helps those who help themselves.; Will not a county road bond issue be tho sort of help from which wo can expect big returns? Many of Foui-lj Doctrines Advanced for Years by A. V. of 1j., Ho De clares Tribute Paid to Mem ory of Oregon's Governor. JAMES W1THYCOMBE. It was tho ambition ot James Withycombe's life to bo governor of Oregon, and those who knew and loved him were glad that tho ambi tion was realized and then crowned by tho people's vote of confidence In a renomlnation and re-election. Yes terday those friends, and Indeed the whole state, were plunged Into grief at the news ot tho sudden death of the governor. - James Wlthycombe loved Oregon. Fow men know the stato from one end to the other any better than he, and few had any greater understand ing ot its possibilities. Such under standing can come only to one who travels over our wide areas and is competent to judgo of what he sees. And Mr. Wlthycombe was competent. For many years ho proved himself to bo an expert farmer, a judge ot flno stock and of good soil and later, when his duties took him about over the stato, his knowledge and experi ence told him what Oregon had and what Oregon could bo. Ills travels, too, and his service at tho Oregon Agricultural college gave him another invaluable thing the friendship of hundreds and hun dreds of his fellow citizens. He never forgot a faco or a name. So, when it came to his attempt to realize his ambition to be governor, although ho had little money to spend and no flowery speeches to mako, his quiet strength was in his friends and they gave him what he wanted. As governor Mr. Wlthycombe made no startling Innovations. Tho lime light had no attractions for him. Ho Blmply went Into tho job, gave it all be had In him, and, died in harness. He was Intensely partisan, and he -was intensely loyal. Nothing pained him more than to learn that a friend was not worthy. But once his mind was made up he was inexorable. Before the United States entered tbo war one might have said that Governor Withycombe's one interest was Oregon and Its betterment. But tbo prospect ot war brought out something moro; a virile American Ism which took its place along with his love for the state and found its expression in preparedness before the war and, during it, in the utmost effort that Oregon do its share and more, As ho camo into his second term he realized and spoko ot the fact that ho wus getting old. His ambi tion was realized, politically ho wanted nothing more. He looked forward only to tho satisfaction of Hiving tho stato a good administra tion, of eliminating friction and end ing factional strlfo. Perhaps in politics that is an unattainable ideal, but he was in the very best position to seek It and In some measure to realize It.' Now tho opportunity la gono and Oregon's Jqsij, la4grpat. ThBeKJsdaturji .camo t0 nn end with tho singing of "This is tho end dfj,a perfect day." ,Tp which we al say '"A'menV" -- (From Wodnesdny'8 Dally.) Those who went to tho Hippo drome last night expecting to hear Otto Hartwlg, president of tho Stain, FcrhtlonJ'oCiil'auorJ niltfol caustlp comment in.r,egnxu 10 mo ncuvuico, and principles of tho Loyal Legion ot Loggers and Lumbormou were sadly disappointed. Mr. Hartwlg merely poured n small quantity ot oil on the slightly troubled waters ot union and Four-L competition. Ho declared that tho ideals of tho legion a square donl, better conditions and tho eight-hour day havo loug been fought for by the trades unions. A packed houso heard his address. "I am hero to clear up n mis understanding ns to tho relations of tho two organizations," ho said. "Personally I havo nothing against tho Loyal Legion. It did a wonder ful work during tho war. I hopo that it will be able to do what tho American federation has done. Square Deal Union Aim. "The A. F. ot L. stands for a square deal. Any other organization that has this for Its object, and Is trying to better tho conditions ot tho Workers, has our support. We aro not on tho defensive; neither aro we Indulging in criticism. I understand that soma criticism has been launched nt tho unions and that somo unkind things havo been said about us by some who were connected with the establishment ot another organi zation. This, however, Is not the policy underlying that organization, and I am assured that there will bo no moro of these attaks." Mr. Hartwlg asserted that organi zation ot labor Is an essential to progress, pointing out Russia, torn by civil strife, and falling behind when most needed by the allies, as the one nation In which organization was sternly repressed. Organization Won War. "Wo have just gone through a terrible conflict, and nothing but or ganization mado success in that con flict possible. It organization Is per mlssablo to prevent an autocratic nation from dominating tho world, why should -not labor organize against an industrial autocracy?" ho asked. Labor organizations are tho out growth ot conditions. Theynre not a luxury, but a necessity. Without them wo would have a revolution In America in 60 days. "Labor must organlzo to hold Its own with organized dollars. There aro still some employers, and, by tho way, I don't think you have any of them here, who say to labor, 'You must not organlzo.' That Is none of the employer's business. Labor must have an opportunity to function, to right Its wrongs, to express Itself. You can't keep on forever firing n boiler and forover sitting on the safety valve, you know. Other Movements Praised. "Often movements start which have a dgree of organization. These aro laudable; but often the full de gree of organization Is not attained. In regard to these, I wish to say that the A. F. of L. wants to see tho work ers get overy possible benefit, and that we are for any organization that will do this. We havo, however, in the A. F. ot L. nn organization that has already vastly improved the con dition of labor, and my advlco to you is to look things over before you make a change" Matt Mageo of the Central Labor council presided at tho meeting last night, and a brief address by G. H. Baker and songs by tho Bend Im perial Malo quartet, composed of Dr. Turner, Prince and Sylvester tSaats and O. A. Thorson wore given dur ing tho early part of the evening. In tribute to tho lato governor ot Oregon, the audlonco and labor lead ers stood for a moment with bowed heads after the playing of tho na tional anthem. LlKt'TKNANT UOHCOK HOWAKD, NOW IS PORTLAND, TKI.LS OK KXPKRlKNOKS AS COMMANDKU OF DKSTUOYRK FLOTILLA. (IV United TrcM to The Dml ltullrlln.) PORTLAND, March 6. That Gor man submarine commanders lucked the nerve to lako advantage of tholr opportunities for tho destruction at American shipping is tho statement of Lieutenant ltoseoo IIownrd, form erly of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co., now commander ot n llutllln -of) submarine chasers. During thb war Lieutenant 'How ard had experience with but one sub marine "It was off Capo Hnttonui about 2 o'clock In tho morning," ho said. "Wo woro running with lights, I having decided that wo were ex posed to less danger from submarines than from collision with othor ves sels. Tho lookouts reported tho path of n torpedo diagonally across the bow. I hurried on deck, but It was pitch dark hnd wo could sea nothing and did not have our listening de vices. Wo woro nlmost convinced that it was n porpoise which throw tho streak ot light, but n few days later n vessel was sunk by a sub marine In tho untuo vicinity, which led us to bellevo It really was a sub we saw that night." Tho sub chnsors, whilo thoy had little real excltomont, experienced moro discomforts and nctunl hard ships than any other lino of service except tho boys In the front lino trenches, according to Lieutenant Howard, who said tho boats woro uncomfortable and tho food consisted principally ot hardtack. OLCOH KNOWN WELL IN BEND NEW GOVERNOR HAS RANCH IN GRANGE HALL SECTION WAS EARLY SETTLER HAS VISIT ED CENTRAL OREGON OITEN. TUMALO LIVE STOCK GROWERS TO MEET (From Wednesday's Dally,) Members of the Tumulo Livestock association will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening at Tumalo with Supervisor N. G. Jacobson of the De schutes national forest. Mutters concerning rango maintenance will bo discussed. , ,TIy.a Bulletin Want Ad for quick fesnUsV t.. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Ben W. Olcott, secretary of stato, and by tho death of Governor Wlthy combe automatically ex-offlclo gov ernor, 'J?well known fn Bend and the surrounding -ountry. Mr. Olcott was onS ot tho' early settlers on the C. O.'l. Co. project, taking up land in tho Ilend section. In partnership with RubsoUa Cntlln and Jamen R. Linn, ho still ..main tains his property Interests hero, tho well known Pilot Butto rnn,ch In tho Grango Hall section being theirs. He has frequently visited hero in con nection with his ranch ownership and also us a member of tho desert land board. Mr. Olcott becama secretary of stato In 1911, when ho was appoint ed to tho offlco by Govornor Oswald West, his brother-in-law, on tho death of Secretary Frnnk W. Benson. He was elected In 1912 and ro-olcct-ed In 1910, his term to expire In 1920. Constitutional provisions make him Ineligible for ro-olection to tho office, nut ho will then un doubtedly scok tho gubernatorial nomination, for which ho was an un successful candidate In tho republic an, primaries In 1918. Mr. Olcott is ono ot tho most pop ular men In tho stato, making friends easily by his unusual personal charm and holding them as easily. As sec retary ot stato ho has conducted his office in a most efficient and busi ness like manner, winning pralso from all who havo come Into touch with his administration. Try a Want Ad. FOLK DANCING TO BE TAUGHT GIRLS Work Saturday Afternoon nt Gym to JJo In Charge of Mrs, Krskin Homo Talent Meeting Called. (From Thursday's Dally,) To meet the demand for moro time for women's work at tho uthlotlo club, It was announced today that legular gymnasium classes for girls will bo hold at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoons, in charge of Mrs. Charles W. Ersklne. Tho entire period will be devoted to Instruction In folk dancing. It is recommonded that all women purchasing new gym suits secure white middles with bluo collars, black bloomers, black stockings and 'white shoes. Those who already 2gMI ' R. & G. Corsets Make the Mature FigweYoinfun Age has nothing to do with slender, graceful lines. Your corset determines whether your figure will have the appearance of youth or age. There is as much difference in corsets as there is in people. R. & G. Corsets havo been de signed by experts to accentuate every youthful line and to suppress any suggestion of maturity in the figure. Yery moderately priced, $1.25 lo $6.00 Advance Showing of Spring Coats for Women All the smartest new styles for women and misses; a great. as sortment of Dolman's Capes and Coats of the latest modes are here for your inspection ; all priced very low. , Priced at $13.50 $17.50 Up to $39.50 New Dresses of taffeta, messaline, crone meteor and Georgette crenc, in all the latest creations direct irom New York's leading makers, are here. ' Priced at $17.50 to $32.50 Hosiery for Women and Girls Hosiery that wears well and looks well, whether you buy a stock ing at 2oe or $1.00 a pair. Armor Plate Hose are all dyed with Harms-Not dye, that does not rot the yarn. Just try a pair. You'll never wear any other. Cotton Hose, 25c to (58c Silk Hose, 78c to $2.25 CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS Navy blue denim, trimmed with Si ' fast color Turkey red; strictly washable.. THE PEOPLES STORE h havo suits, however, mny use them whether or not thoy conform to these regulations, tho women's committee stntes. In preparation for tho club's next amateur theatrical production, all Interested In home talent plays aro asked to meet at 7:30 o'clock at tho club tomorrow night. Bocauso ot the lyceum attraction, tho Schubert Soxtulte, scheduled for Saturday night at the gymnasium, th bowling allays will bu closed from 8:30 to 10 o'clock. Try a Butlotln get results. t Want Ad. Thoy Guard tho Children' llrnltli. Mrs. Kfnw. Box 26, Bennett, Wis., writes: "Wo have always used Foley's Honey and Tnr for colds nnd find It grent. Tho children all run for it when thoy see tho bottlo and ask for more." Contains no ophites, safe, and hnrmlosH. but kIvom prompt rollef to coughs, coMh, croup and! whooping cough. Sold evorywliqnj Adv. FARMERS SHOW INTEREST IN THE IRRIGATION SCIIOL (Continued from Pago 1.) can bo grown In Central Oregon. Every 40-ncro tract In this county should have on It a few registered sheep. By all means food tho stock you rnlHO what It wants. Tho best food Is tho cheupost. Tho Shorthorn beef Is tho cheapest and most profit able to raise on Irrigated land. It costs no more to raise a pure bred Shorthorn, and a Shorthorn will produce from 100 to 1C0 pounds moro ot beef than uny othor breed of cattle. In advising you about tho purchuse of pura bred bulls, I say pay no less than $1000 for a bull." J. M. Griffin of Tumalo, being In 111 health, was unable to glvo u de tailed talk yestorduy afternoon on his subject of "Materials and Struc tures for Distributaries." In brief, Mr. Griffin advised tho construction of distributaries of concrete as tho most satisfactory muterlal for ull general purposes, During tho week Prof. W. L. Powers of tho Oregon Agricultural collogo has boon giving lectures nnd demonstrations on subjects dealing with tho soils, which havo provoked considerable discussion and Interest by tho inon present. Tho romulndor of tho wook will bo taken up with tulks by Mr. Cupper on "Irrigation District Procouduro," Prof. Powors on "Crop Rotation and Permanent Irrigation," Dr. J. F. Iloach on "Improvement of Living Conditions on tho Farm," Halph Schucoloch, of Clarko, Kemlull & Co, of Portland, on "Irrigation Flnanco," J. II. Upton of Prlnovlllo, president ot tho Oregon Irrigation congress, on "''Extension of fltuto und Fodorul Aid In Reclamation," af,A, Ward on "Fertilizer Practice,"' Jolitf- Tuck on "Co-operation In Irrigation Investigations," C. S. lliitlMon on "Account Systems." The farmers present at the session Wcdncsduy were: It, U. Fllcklngur, Tumalo; A. J. Hurler, Tumalo; J. M. Fish, Tumnlo; W. L. Powers, Red mond; Georgo W. Wallace, It. F. I)., Bend; W. T. Nelson, Frank Wallace, Tumalo; O. W. Klddur, Madras; M. U. Biggs, Prlnovlllo; R. W. Una, project engineer of tho Ochoco Irri gation district, Prlnovlllo; S. II. Kills, Prlnuvlllo; F. P. Luce, Red mond; II. G. Kennnrd, Prlnuvlllo; Guy C. McAlllstur, Tumulo; Fred N, Wallaco, Tumalo; J. M. Griffin, Tumulo; J, II, Dm, Redmond; II-A. Ward, Ilend; A. E. Homh, Tumulo; F. O. Powers, Tumalo; J. 8. Rising, Redmond; C. F, Chulfun, II. Solhurg, Tumalo; J. H. Ilurmuutor, Redmond; Fred A. Rico, Redmond; Everett Parr, Terrebonne; J W Livingston, Redmond; T V Norrln, Tumalo; C. P. thicker, Tumulo; J, A. Wright. Redmond ; J. L. Gibson, Powell Butto; M. M. Foster, Redmond; Mrs. M. II. Wkkh, Prlnuvlllo: G. L. Draxeo, Powell Ilultu; J. K. Ti-lherow, Red idoikI; L. A. Hunt, Lower Ilrldga; J. F. Hendricks, Powell llutto; J. E. Fortner, Powell llutto; J. E. Aldrlch,' Sisters; Georgo F. Cyrus, Sinters; William Fryrear, Sisters; A. E. Peterson, Sinters; Van M. Morse, Redmond; William Luwson, Rod mum!. SPRING ('LIMNING TIME IH HERE. If n houmi needs spring clonnlnx, liow.ubout Jhu Jiuinau body after u winter ot indoor life und heavy food? Don't suffer from Indigestion, bilious ihjhh, bad breath, bloating, gas or coiiHtlputlon, when relief can bo sn easily had. Foley Cuthiirtle Tablet clwui stomach and bowels and tone up tho liver. Sold everywhere Adv . A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY! So mnny favorable comments linvc been made regard ing the quality of Olympic and Snowdrift Flours that we nave decided to give every housewife in oiVii around Ik'nd an opportunity of trying this Hour at our 'jpk our risk. We money back guarantee the quality of these flours and only ask that you give them a fair trial. The couponjbelow is worth lOecash on the purchase price of a 40.1b. sack of either brand, and with $'2.80 will buy a sack of the best flour ever sold in this territory. We guarantee all our flours to be strictly high patent grade, backed by the largest Hour millers in the Northwest. ia THIS OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 15 In order to get this price of $2.80 we must have one coupon with each sack. AufatulUMunq r tM.vni-ir , ... Name "FW" Address This Coupon, tojfothor with 2.80, Is h'ood for ono sack of either OLYMPIC- or SNOWDRIFT FLOUR. BENNETT-COOPER CO. UNION GROCERY IFIOUR Mt"H.J tl " r'U '-y, . ... .'44H. mk. --jgaa&wttfr & ! i r'' V l