The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 27, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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. wlilu JMTltflMi
I "-f '
The very latest
NE thing that resulted from the restoration
V- of peace among the fighting nations has
been the emphasis given to "style" in clothes.
Everybody seems to.want to show m,tc,qthA
the reaction f rorm the strict military sameness 'Offy
appearance; the irrflitafy' features are not' wholly
discarde4-good shoulders, slender waists, curv
ed hip lines; but a.side from these physical re
quirements, there's a call for special "smart
ness" of design.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes offer just these
things to you, in a way that you'll not find them
in any other clothes. Just look at the welt-seam-waist
tvoe we show: the Dockets, the laoels.
One look at that suit and you want it.
We'll fit you in it; many variations in fabrics
and colors; and prices.
M P. CASHMAN ClaMt"tti??Z
matt. They will mako tliolr homo
In llilfl city,
V; V. Ilarpham, nuporvinor of tho
Oclioco national forest, pont tlio
morninr; conferring with officials of
tho Deschutes national forest horn
Stetson Hats
Flersheim Shoes
I ,. '
' (From Wednesday' nally.)';1"
J. A. Ayrcn, Frutuont stockman,
In In Ilond on business today,
ailuliKi Dover of Tuitmlo wan n
(vlUfor In tlio city last night.
Tin, Kd Ilrostcrhous returned to
Ilond last night from I'ortlnnd.' '
.Commissioner Hntli .Stookoy and
C. If. 'JMIIIiif uru In Ilond today tit
tending n session of tlio rotinty court.
Jim Hnrtur nnd Fred N. Wnllnco
of Tuninlo woro builties visitors In
tlio clly today.
J)r, C. If. Boll arrived lioro thin
morning from Washington mid may
fanoii an office In Ilund.
Captnln Fred A. Woolflon returned
t'o Ilond lint night and linn rorttttnud
his diillim with Thu Bulletin.
' Harold (1. Tholstrop, formerly u
rancher In thin miction, In lna Ilond
today from hi homo at Ml. Vortjun,
WiuhliiKtoii, tmiiHiictliiK busmen
with tho lax collector, i
'Waller Ilutiul, (' II. Irwin, W. J
Iltickluy. 8. II. Doty. J. It Thnrntt
nnd Jnrt'il Mooro wero member of
tiin Itoduiond delegation who mo
with thn Ilond fomnierclul club thin
noon. ;
..Mr. and Mr. August llartch wcro
tendered a Htirprlaa oarly In thu
week nl tliolr homo In Ilond, thu oc
cSmJoii IioIiik tliolr fifth weddlngm
nTvornary. Aihoiik' thu guest woro
Mr. and Mm. Hlrnnnton, Mm. Main,
Mrs. Caldwall, Mr. and Mm. M.
Donahuu and Mr. end Mm. J. 'Ilrarp
(From Monday' Dally.)
Mr. and Mm. W. C. lllrdsall loft
Haturduy night for J'ortland.
Mr. nnd Mm. T. A. McCann havo
rot urn od from n trip to California.
F. K. Htudohakur and children
Hpont Bunday In Kcdinond.
Mm. Juinofl CJrcon In hack In Ilond
from WnitlilnKton.
W N. Huy of Tnnialo wan In tho
city today trnninictlnK IiiuIiiohm.
M. Drown of Torrubonno wan n
'wook-oii1 vlnltor In tho city.
Chorion Woavcr of I'rlncvlllo wan
n vlnltor In Ilond ovor Runday.
C. I). Ilrown madu n huitlncmi trip
to I'rinovlllo Htinday.
Mm. A. (1 1'owoll wat called to
Mcdford 8nturday nlcht by tho 111
npiw of her alator. - i
Mm. IF. K. Drooka has nonejito
I'ortlnnd to moot frlendir from 'tho
Uriah Oavl'i! of Turaalo has re
turned to this Bvcllon aftar 18
month' forolKii nervlco.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Manor returned
this morning from Portland, whero
Mr. Ilauor was calfcd last week on
war board work.
.Floyd Cleveland returned Bunday
mornliiR from Camp Lewis and is
Htaylnx with his. sister, Mrs. J. K.
MIhs Alice BpauldliiR -will lento
...... u.u.i.i.r. .w. uiiuiivilligil, I.unii.,
to vImIi hor sister for tho next twoJ
Mlss Lucllo Ileal and Itay Golden,
both of Iiond, woro united in mar-
riiiRO Saturday by Nov. II. C. Hart
, (From flaturdny'fl Dally.'
. 3 Vf, Uro wn nnd .Tcss Hartor aro
In toduy from Tumalo'
Joiioph Varco of Hrotliors Is in thu
city today on bunlncVn.
Ii, A, Hunt of Lower Ijrldgo Is
npendltiK tho day In Dcnd,
William Wilson, Powell Uulto
ranchor, was in tho city today,
B. W. Pratt was In tho city today
on nuMlnoHH from his homo In Itcd
mond. r Harry IlelflKold of 'the C-o'lden Kuloi
sioro hilii rctbi'nd'd tcr Hend"Uf ter be"
nijlscfjarjjed from tho navy. '
' Joiin Dokken, K. K. Petersen and
Oeorco Cyrus of ClovcrdalO woro in
IJcn4 this mornlriK attending to
business matters.
A. K. Ctronowald, C. Philips, E.
Kohlcr, C. ZlcKonhogen, 'William
Myers, I). W. Wilkinson and M.
Cochran, members of The Dalles
basketball team, arrived In Dcnd last
night to play this evening agajnst
mo Jienu nign team at tuo gymnasium.
, . ii 1 1 w "''
' t
(From Friday's Dally.)
Carl Wodcckl mado a business trip
to Tumalo yesterday.
J. L. Oalthcr Is confined to his
homo with a severe attack of ton
sllltls. It. Ij. Oogburn nnd W. II. Duko of
Lakoviow uro in tho city today on
Mm. Uortlia Stoffcns was vlBltlng
In tho city lust night from her home
Mr. and Mm. J. M. Murphy ar
rived In Dcnd last night from their
homo In Paisley.
J. D. Donovan returned to Dend
this morning after spending the last
few days In Portland.
Uyron C. Gallagher and R. W. Ma
son of Madras are looking after
busltirso matters In Dcnd today.
J. H. Manor left last night for
Portland, to be gono for soveral days
on business connected with war board
Mr. and Mm. A. W. Modoll, formor
residents of Dend, havo arrived In
the city from Seattle and may again
locato here.
N. G. Jocobson, supervisor of the
Deschutes national forest, and
Hanger Hoy Mitchell went to Fort
;pornwnonlly Located In IllTnd
with Now Kqulpmonl .
Prlvnlo Ofnco In Thomon'ij
Juwulry Ktoru
Dr, Tumor will ho In Prfno-
f'vlllo uvury first and third FrN
' day; in Madras ovury second
" mid fourth Friday, and In Hed-
nioiid uvtiry first and third
Thursday of uuch month.
Si P&i' tB- H
Spring Waists
are here!
New styles, beautiful materials, excellent
workmanship, are the very noticeable features
in our now Waists.
Georgette Crepe, the popular fabric for waists;
colors white, flesh, Nile, light blue, tan, green,
brown, navy. Priced at $6.95, $6.48, d o QO
$5.48, $4.98 ,. iPO.O
Crepe do Chine one of, the most serviceable
silks mffdc white, flesh. Priced d QO
$3.48, $3.98, $4.48 MiwO
White Voile and Organdie Waists a popular,
inexpensive line of wash waists. J XtC
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 P.UU
WHEN ITS WAISTS you'll find
what you want at WARNER'S!
. v . - , ,
Butterfly Tints
and n complete assortment of
to maku old hats
llko now
Juit Remember
Magill & Erskine
Our PrtKiiftion Drpirtmrat u Complete
in Every DcU'il.
f 'i v
The Tailored
Separate Skirt
favors Navy Serge or Poplin
introducing new models, priced
JMtpi'$&M1JQ to $1650;
The practical, trim-looking tailored Skirt
so delightfully comfortable and depend
able for so many springtime purposes
finds expression in newly received models
with gathered waistlines, arrowhead stitch
ing, novelty side pockets; some butttfti
in our Silk Section just in, a new silk
Jersey fabric, priced at $2.25 yd.
A durable wash fabric; to be had in lav
ender, pink and blue and fancy stripes; a
splendid fabric for dresses, children's
wear, men's shirts and pajamas. Priced
at . 45c and 60c
The far-sighted buyer with quality, service
and economy in mind will invest in a pair
of these new Oxfords, just received. They
come in patent, mahogany calf and black
kid, military or French heels. Priced
-from $5.50 and up
New Spats to harmonize, in all the wanted $2.00
Black Satin Spats at .-...$2.50
Stop and Shop at
Oldest and Beit.-Ettcllithed 1911
Rock tills morning to attend a meet
ing of tho Northern Lake County
Livestock association.
Meat Market
tit the Best Prices
according to
Palace Meat Market
W. II. nOVDl, Proprietor.
Phono lllaok 001 135 Oregon St.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Jay HaRuo Is In tho city today
from IiIa homo in Culver.
Dan Hclslng is Jn tho city, today
from his home on tho Metolius.
Mr. and Mm. L. L. Fox will leave
tonight for a few days' visit In As
toria. Qcorgo K. Hoover and Mcrlo
Hoover havo gono to Seattle -on
Charles Carroll has returned to
Ucnd after an absenco of several
Dick Lucas, who has recently been
discharged from tho navy, returned
to Ucnd this 'morning.
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. rar berry and
T. J. Burling of Clovcrdalo were
visitors in tho city last night..
Bob Llewellyn returned to Lava
Lako this morning after spending tho
last three days in Bend on bunlness.
D. W. Dleterlch will hold a public
sale on the I. E. Wlmer ranch, Tum
alo, Friday, March 7, 13 ID. Freo
lunch. Adv.C2p.
Cut Thh Out It Is Worth Money.
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foloy & Co.,
2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your namo and address clear
ly. You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley'H Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup, Foloy Kidney Pills and
Foloy Cathartic Tablet). Sold every
where. Adv. j,
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. No waiting, Adr.
HTHERE is an un-
mistakable air
about a woman who
wears one of these
new R & G Models.
She hus the appearance of
being correctly dressed under
all circumstances.
Among these new models there
is one designed especially for
Prices $t. 25 to $6.00
I 'fin LiLY t it Bl !f
Wushublo Satin and Crepe do
Chlno Camlaolea In white and
lledli, lace trimmed mid plain.
$1.50 $1.78 $2.48
Corded Silk, Satin and Crepo do
Chine and soft finished cotton
fubricd, flesh colorod and whlto,
very attractive assortment of
98c $1.38 $1.98 $2.75
New Spring Dresses New Shipment Just Unpacked
Sumo lovely new modes In Crepo Meteor, QeorgotteOrepo and com
blnatloiiH of Silk and Crepo. Very modorately priced at
, . $17.50 to $32.50 ' S.
Fotj iSnk,by..Owl-FURrmney
' ! f.