The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 20, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    mw huilktin, hbwi), oimwon, thuiwdav, friiruary 20, 1010
$100,000 JOB.
V j
Majority of IHO Mn to llo Kniployrd
on Hliovlln-lllxon Extension to
llo Rriuvn (nun Ilend
niul Vicinity.
(From Saturday' Dally.'
Returning from n tiunliiunn (rip to
Hpoknno, J. II. Mulntnr. IorkIwc
Mupnrltitoiidont for Tho Hhovlln
lllxon Company, nnnouncod this
tnornltiK thiil durlnu IiIh rttny In tho
Wnshlnxton city ho lot tho contract
for tins soron-mllo IokkIok railroad
oxtonalon plannod toy tho lumhar
company to tho firm of Almoin &
Carlson of ilpoknno. Tho prlco
n (treed upon for tho work la
Tho lotting of tho contract cryatnl
lino ptnim which Kir. Molntor mndo
public n llttlo moro tlinn a wook rro
for n substantial addition to tho
present railway aytttom of tho com
rfny to tap heavy plnn forests In
tho llonlinm falla section. Work In
to atnrt Iminodlutiily, tho IorrIhr
superintendent atntos.
Tho omploymont of ICO men for n
period extemllnn over ut leant alx
montha will ho nocesnltnlcd In con-
HtructtiiK tho railroad oxtonalon, tho
contractor entlnwile, and a largo
proportion of thu luhor aupply will
.o drawn from Ilond and tho Imme
diate vicinity. A fow men will ho
breuieht In from Hpoknno, hut tho
contractor plan to pick up moat of
tholr help nttor their arrival hero.
That thin plan of action will aid
materially In upholding Bond's repu
tation for ofTerlriK employment to all
returning aoldlora, aullora and ma
rl lies la tho bollcf of officials of tho
I'rtilt Htorti Proprietor I'nya 910 Kino
for HellliiK to Minor -'n
Ignorant of Inwr,
1 (From Saturday'a Dally
.'.W . . ....... .... , .. ...
T'T viliarKCU Willi nuiiinx ciKiiruiit'n iu
minors, Ooorfto A. Luton, proprietor
oO n fruit Moro on Oregon, near
"Wall, pleaded ijullty Inst yestorday
afternoon In Juatlco court and paid
n fine of $10. Lulos claimed that
ho thought ho waa allowed to well to
boys over 18.
Information Riven tho authorities
ly hoya under 18 rovcnl thu fact that
forged lottora, purporting to bo or
der from n father or oldor brother
for smoklnjr materials, huvo fre
quently buou used by minora In In
iluclnic dualura to rIvo thorn clgur
County In Asked to Rnlno ftltOO To-)
mini CoiiNtnirtlon of Llventork
Kxpotdtloii llulldliiKM.
I From Saturday'a Dally.)
In n tok'Kram rocolved thin morn
InK from O. M. I'lummor, Ronoral
innnaRor of tho Pacific Intarnntionnl
Livestock Exposition campaign, O. 8.
Hudson, prcaldont of tho First Na
tlonal Dank of llond, waa advised
that ho haa boon appointed chalrmnn
for Deschutes county and that tho
county'n quota to ko toward tho con-
utructlon of pormanent exposition
buildings haa boon act nt $0000. Tho
drivo for this amount la to bo hold
from March 24 to April 1.
Mr. Hudson wired hln nccoptnnco
of the appointment, promising that
tho county could bo rolled on to
jirnlsh tho sum npeclfled.
I (From Saturday'a Dally.)
In a clo8oly contested gumo with
tho Mndrua IiIrIi school team, thu
Ilond banket shooters woro defoatod
last night In Mudrua by u ucoro of
3 to 31.
That tho ability of tho Bond baa
kotball team la nttrnctlnK notlco out
wldo of tho Central Oregon leaguo la
fbrfi'doncod In tho nnnouncomont that
Wine quintet from Tho Dallcu haa
made nrrnnKoments for n amo with
tho local aggregation. Tho gamo
will bo playod Saturday ovonlne nt
the Dend Amntour Atlilotc club gym-uaslum.
Clalmn allowed Docombor G, 1018,
term of court:
I.W. K. linker, chock 'writer,
troamirom ofllco $ ao.zo
M. A. Palmer,, work local
hoard 40.88
II. A. Kendall, supplies, C-Il
bridge guardit 1,00
J, L. Itmio, Riiard, CR bridge
(warrant to J, W, Urhor) 22.50
Lynch and Itohorta, supplleii
C-H bridge gunrds C.4D
llunhong & Co,, blanks for
offlco 1.C0
W. O. Matchett, auto hlro for
Deputy sheriff 1.00
W. O. Matchott, do 2.00
Miller Lumber Co., lumber
for oloctlnn booths 10,01
Frank filioffleld, nuto hlro
uloctlon day dollVerlng 4.00
II. A. Foster, transcribing do-
llnquout tax rolls 0S.00
Max A. Cunnlrig, annuitant to
district attorney...., 20.00
Dr. It. W. llendornhott health
officer ; 0,20
Goorga E, Altken, do 1.00
Dr. K. O. Hyde, do 0.25
15. L. Johnson, do ,, .75
I'. I). Johnson, do 75
V. fl, Fordhnrn, do 75
Elslo M. Olsln, stenographer
district attorney 35.00
Ilond Bulletin, local board
$1.00, clerk, $1.00 2.00
Hand Ilulletln, election 252,25
Ilond Ilullottn, nnnosnor $3,75
nchoola $7.25 11.00
Margaret Graham, recording
clerk's office 06.00
!:. II. Whitman), stonogrnhor
county court 15.00
I'. II. Whltinoro, expenses,
clerk'a offlco .. 10.61
A. A. Anderson, oxponncn
sheriff's offlco 10.00
Iluxnl Manlon, clerk sheriff's
offlco 75.00
Hemlngton Typewriter Co.
carbons and ribbons, local
hoard 4 12.00
C M. McKay, expenses, Irns-
urnr'n office , C2.50
II. II, Clow, Janitor's salary 06,00
II, K. llakor. registration of
olectom .. 00
Victoria Hhultz, reRlstratlon
of electors 40
YVcstorn Union Tetegrnh Co.
local board, $2,06, shorlfT
51 ..... 2.5C
Western Union Totugroh Co,,
clerk .30, county physician
$1.00 1.00
W. I Downing, meals for
prisoners, 100.00
8. 1'. Roberts, expenses aher
lffa offlco 20.00
Ilond Water Light nnd Power
Co., lights court house and
Jail - 10.00
H. II. Kills, water master, No
vember 8B.09
A. L. Bnyo, car hlro road
work 10.00
Marie Austin, transcribing tax
records 75.00
J. II. Ilnner, canvassing elec
tion returns... 12.00
J, A. Hastes, member board of
canvassers G.00
Ooorgo G. Sedgwick, do 10.20
Jack Tanney road work.......... 00.00
Win. Hunt, do 92.00
0. C. Snodgrnss, do i)1.00
J. J. Cunningham, do 05.00
llond Insurance agency, In
surance on sheriffs car.... 12.00
Mnglll & Krsklno, . sheriff,
$2.35; clerk, $12.05 15.00
Mnglll & Krsklno, jail, $2.36;
medical county physician,
13.50 15.86
Maglll & Krsklno, wnr board,
$9.60; election, X6.95 10.46
Lou Is Illladeaii, road work.... 16,00
8. It. Hagln, road viewer 8,00
A. II. Horn, road work 28.00
W. P. Dorn, do 40.00
A. II. Horn, dynamite for
rond work 22.00
L. A. Hunt, registration of
doctors 1.30
II. C. Hnrtrantt, food admin
istrator 30.00
J. Alton Thompson, oxponnea
school superintendent 11.74
Florenco K. Iterg, stenog
rapher achool superintend
ent 75.00
Kllhnm 8tn. & Ptg. Co..
The Oregon Farmer
Both for the Price of One
By a special arrangement with Th Oregon Farmer you can
toeare Tho Oregon Farmer with this paper at tho price of this
paper alone. In other words, when you subscribe or YOUR
XOMB PAPER, ax renew yomr preaent auhacriptios, you art
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Receive The Oregon Farmer
for the Asking
tn OUMOK TAMMXM b Onoa'. jr staU fam papv
immU racy muk wad 4rU4 to th Orageat faraa and the
taafw fana kaaaa, jaat m thk paper b eWo4ed U ti pepU
imi H law kaUwto ti iUm koi wn-mwtj.
ThU Opportunity May Not Lttt Lonj
$4; superintendent, $11,30 15,30
Kllhnm Mfi. fc Ptg. Co,
sheriff, $12,73; nnHoinor,
$0.83 . .. 13.60
Ilond Oarage, she riffs car 13,35
Ilond Gimme, supplleii Cun
ningham 183,83
Ilnnd Press, .food lulmluhi
tralor, $7.50; district at
torney, $18.00 , 25.60
Druid Presn, county treasurer,
$15,60; assessor, $4.76 20.25
Dr. It, W. Hondorshott, phys
Iciius foes, $25.00; nuppllcn
$0.50 .v.... 31,60
lleiitl II u 1 1 o 1 1 n, sheriff,
$69.40; printing, $30.00.... 89.40
Ilend Ilulletln, food adminis
trator, $14.25; treasurer,
$0.60 14.75
Ilond Ilulletln, superintendent
schools 35.60
J, A. Kantun, Justice fees 24,10
L. A. W, Nixon, constablo
fcea 9.60
F. O. Cutllp, witness juntlco
court 6.70
Harry Cayton, do 1.50
John Cnyton, do 1.50
Frunk Winter, do 1.50
Frank Sheffield, auto hlro
Juvenile court 3,60
C. H. Miller, expenses trip to
Portlnnd , 20.65
Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co., ns
nesnor, $2.25; nhorlff, $7.05 9.90
Pacific Tol, & Tol. Co,, coun
ty Judgo, $4.75; circuit
Judgo, $2.26 7.00
Claims allowed Docombor 23, 1018,
term of court:
K. K. Iltitlor. rant of Grango
hnll, election 5.00
P. H, Coffoy, registration of
doctors .80
Mrs. It. M. Banders, clerk
election, Kenwood , 8.00
tlon, Kenwood 8.00
H. A. Holmholtx, carrying
election roturna 4.00
Both Stookoy, expenses to
Portlnnd 34.00
C. II. Miller, expenses to Port
laud and tolophono calls.... 43.12
W. D. Ilarnon, expenses coun
ty Judgo 4.50
John Thyen, enro of county
patient 6.00
GlnsH ft Prudhommo Co., re
cording books, clork'n of
fice 72.50
atass & Prudhommo Co., sup
piles clerk'a offlco 7.83
Glass & Prudhommo Co., sup
piles county court 1.34
Oeorgo F. Hoovor, gua for
ahorlffa car - 1.45
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.,
road supplies 49.10
Control Orogon Irrlg. Co,,
rond work Deschutes nivor
road 112.40
K. M. Harrington, road work
nenr Hlstera 13.80
Good Itoads Mchy. Co., sup
plies road work - 80.30
II. It. Illley, work on county
truck 10.00
J. A. Kastes, witness fees,
F. H. Dlorkor 3.70
Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co., tele
phone county treasurer 2.25
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., super
intendent schools, $3.15;
clerk, $6.35 8.50
J. I. Smith, road work 4.00
J. O. Tremblay, do 8.87
C. II. Miller, flag for court
house .. 15.40
J. II. Carter, auto hlro for
sheriff 10.00
It. G. IllnckwcU, auo hlro
for ahorlff 2.00
It. Q. Illackwell, auto hlro
Judgo Harnes, Juvonllo
court .. 3.50
Maglll & Krsklno, supplies
county trennuror 7.00
Miller Lunibor Co., lumber
for road work 48.90
Claims nllowcd December 20, 1918,
term of court:
Klslo M. Olsln, stenographer
district attorney 35.00
Fltyenco llerg, atonogrnpher
county Judgo G0.00
Helen M. Krsklno, stenog
rapher local board C.50
K. K. McVlckor, nsalntunt food
administrator . 2,41
Soth Stookoy, commlsslonur'a
fees nnd mllengo 30.00
W. O. Matchott, nuto hlro for
ahorlff 23.00
Anton Ahlstrom, road work.. 42.25
Clarence Whtttemoro, do...... 7.00
Frnnk Ilaughman, do.. 10.60
Claims allowed Janunry, 1919,
term of court,
Clyde M. McICay, county
IroiiBUrer oxpemio , 80.60
Western Union Tol, Co., local
board lelegrnniH 5.14
Western Union Tol. Co,, coun
ty tologramn ,73
Western Union Tol Co,, ahor
lff ' 4,19
llond Amateur Alhlojlc club,
armory rent 50.00
DonchutcH (Inrnge, repairs.... 12.00
Host ft Harris, do 10.60
Host & Harris, do 4,76
Frank Hhefflold, nuto hlro 1.00
Win. P, Downing, meals road
gang 2.36
(Ilium tc Prudhommo, circuit
court Hcnln 5,09
Win, Hunt, truck driver C0.00
Jack Tansy, rond labor. '.. 52.00
Joo Cray, do 22.00
J. J. Cunningham, road labor
foremnu . 80.00
J. T, Gray, road labor 10.00
J. T. Gray, do 19.00
J. J, Cunningham,, expense
advanced .. , 3,25
Win, P. Downing, board of
prisoners 96.00
H. H. Clow, Janitor 05.00
T. K. J. Duffy, postago circuit
court 10.00
Mario Auutln, transcribing
tux roll COO
Bam Kelson, keeping sheep.... 116.20
C. H. Hnggott 6.00
It, .II. Lovcn, ront of church,
eloctlou 5.00
It. H. Loven, gloves road
crow 2.00
Pilot Duttet Hotel, meals lo
cal hoard 9.00
Pilot Dutto Hotel, meals for .
Jurora 1 13.80
Central Oregon Irrlg. Co.,
work on road 321.76
Btato Library . 229.08
Miller Lumber Co., lumber
for bridges :. 10.95
Glass" & Prudhommo, supplies
for clerk - ... 1.71
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., sher
iff tolophono - 10.75
Gloss & Prudhommo, tux roll 56.90
Glass & Prudhommo, supplies
for sheriff 3.30
8. I)'. Kills, watcrmustcr sal
ary and expense 92.28
Bam Well)!, deputy water
master - 32.00
B. K. Itoborts, special nervlco 50.00
JIarel Manlon, clerk sheriff 'a
offlco 76.00
Glass & Prudhommo, Jury
chalra 247.20
Aug. A. Anderson, expense.... 2.00
B. K. Roberts, vxpenso ahorlff 149.30
K. J. Merrill, Juror October,
1917 6.00
Margaret Graham, clerk re
corder's office 65.00
K. II, Whltmore, stenograph
er county court 15.00
J. II. Honor, postngo nnd ex
press 9.04
Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co., aa-
acssor'a telephone 2.45
Pacific Tel. & Tel Co., county
Judgo tolophono 5.15
Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co., court
room phone 2.25
Standard Oil Co., Redmond
bills . 73.59
J. A. Kastes, premium tax
collector's bond 37.50
C. II. Miller, commissioner's
J. A. Knatcs, acting coroner.. 5.00
J. A. Kastes, Jury foo, cor
oner 3.00
J. A. Kantts, witness fees,
corornor .. 3.00
J. A. Kastes, utcnogrnphcr'a
fees, coroner 2.50
llond Water, Light & Power
Co., December lights nnd
water . .. 17.95
Ilend Hauling Co., local board
oxpenso .--.. 9.00
Robert II. Gould, offlco ex
pense and road work 10.00
Floyd Stookey, road work... 1710
Deschutes Gnrugo, repair
sheriff's car 11.30
Vllosco Stookoy, road work.. 7 65
W. W. Grlnstead. do 10.80
Notice la hereby given thnt pur
suant to an nrdor nindo by tho Justlco
of pence, liend district, Deschutes
county, Oregon, tho following cs.tray
cnttlo, to-wlt:
Ono yearling Joraey heifer, brand
ed, but which brand cannot bo deter
mined, and ono yearling steer, .red
and white color, not branded, will
bo sold at tho Kite Watson ranch, 0
miles northeast of Ilend, nt tho hour
of 2:00 o'clock p. m. on tho 21st
day of February, 1919, to pay tho
damnges and cxvonBcs of tho under
signed in tho keoplng of said cstraya
nnd tho costs Incurred In connection
with this .proceeding, including ad
vertising costs, said salo to bo a
public Hula to thu highest bidder for
Dated this 0th day of February,
Notlco Is hereby given that pur
suant to an ordor mado and ontorcd
by tho Justice of tho peuco for Ilend
district, Desphutca county. Orogon,
on tho 17th day of Fobrunry, 1919,
tho following described cstrays, to
wlt: Ono sorrel gelding, star in fore
head, both hind feet whlto, silver
mnno nnd tall, no distinguishable
brand; also ono sorrel horso colt,
coming two years old, star on foro
head, light mnno nnd tall, bad 'wire
out on loft front foot, and no dis
tinguishable brand, will bo sold nt
publlo salo to tho hlghost blddor for
cash at tho Depot Feed Yards, noar
tho railroad tracks on Greenwood
street, Rend, Deschutes county, Oro
gon, at tho hour of 2 o'clock in tho
afternoon or tno lutit uay of uMarcu,
1919, to pay thu damugos and ox
penaoa of tho undersigned in keop
lng unid estrnya, und of tho publica
tion of notlco und expenses of this
proceeding, Including advertising
costs nnd oxponsos of Bale.
Hated this lSUi day or Fouruary,
51-520 L. D. KENNEDY.
Ill tho County Court of tho Stato of
Orogon for Deschutes County.
In tho Mattor of tho Estuto of Hugh
Pocklinni, Doccascd,
Tho undersigned having boon ap
pointed administratrix of tho estuto
of Hugh Pockhnm, doceased, notlco
In horohy given to tho credltorn of
said cntato and to all other porsons
having clalmn ngnlnst said deceased
to present them duly verified as re
fill I red by law -within nix months
from thu date of thin notlco to tho
undersigned at tho offlco of C. B.
Dorison, No. 859 Wall strcot, Ilend,
An Administratrix of tho Kstato
of Hugh Pockhnm, Deceased.
Dated thin 0th day of February,
1919. 49-52c
Notlco In horoby given 1y tho un
dersigned thnt ho has mado and filed
with tho county clerk of Deschutes
county, Oregon, hla final account an
tho udmlnlntrator of tho cntato of
Loron D. Robb, deceased, nnd that
said court has net Monday, tho 3d
day of March, 1919, at 10 o'clock A.
M. of raid day, at tho county court
room in Ilond, Orogon, ns tho tlmo
nnd placo for tho hearing and settle
ment of said Final account, at which
timo and placo any person Interested
in said cntato may appear and object
to said settlement.
Dated this 30th day of January,
L. D. WIE8T,
As executor of tho cntato of Loron
U. Robb, deceased.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
January 9th, 1919.
Notlco is hereby given that, as di
rected by tho Commissioner of tho
General Land Office, under provi
sions of Sec. 2456, R. B pursuant to
tho application of Beth Stookoy,
Serial No. 019117, wo will offer at
public salo, to tho highest bidder, but
at not less than 13.00 per aero, at
11 o'clock a. m., on tho 18th day of
March, next, at this offlco, tho fol
lowing tract of land: NE'.i, Section
18, Township 19 South Range 14,
Kant W. M. (containing 160 acres).
Tho salo -will not, bo kept open,
but will bo declared closed when
thoso present at the hour named
havo ceased bidding. Tho person
making tho highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to tho
Receiver tho amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
tho above-described land aro ad
vised to fllo their claims, or objec-
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Mater inl, Kiln
Dried Flooring nnd all kinds ef Finish
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Catting for
Power Trammiiion Machinery; "Wood" Pipe Fitting, Grate
Bars, Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-16 First National
Bank Bldg. Tol. 511
(Dr. CWi Former Offlc.)
O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon
H. O. M L L I S
United State Commissioner
First National Bank Building
Lawrenco Bldg., Room 3
Fhono Red 2251
Read the Classified Ads.
Deaclvutes County Abstract Company
D. H. PEOPLES. President
Most Complete Abstract Plant in, Contral Oregon. Special Attention
Given to. Federal Loan Abstracts.
First Notional DanK Bldg., DEND. ORE,, Cor. next to Alley
lions, on or boforo tho tlmo doelg
natcd for salo.
L. A, DOOTH, Rocolvor.
Hy virtue of nn execution of foro
clonuro duly Issued by tho clerk of
tho circuit court of tho county of
Deschutes, ntata of Oregon, dated
tho 20th day of Janunry, 1919, In a
cortaln action in thu circuit court
for said county and ntnto, wherein
Crook County Dank, n corporation
nn plaintiff, recovered Judgment
against J. E. Myers, Katlo E, Myors,
nnd A. O. Mycin, defendants, for the
num of eleven hundred and fifty
dollars, and costs and dinbursomentn
taxed at soventy-flva dollars, 'on tho
13th day of December, 1918.
Notlco in horoby given thnt I will,
on tho 24th day of Fobrunry, 1910,
at tho front door of tho county court
houno In Dend, Oregon In said
county, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon
of said day, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder, for cash, tho
.following described property, to-wlt:
Lot eighteen in block twonty-flvo
In tho town of Redmond, Orogon..
Taken and levied upon an tho prop
erty of the. said J. E. Myors, Katie
E. Myers, and A. O. Myors, or as
much thereof aa may bo necessary to
satisfy tho said Judgment in favor of
Crook County Rank against said J.
E. Myers, Katlo E. Myers nnd A. O.
Myers, with interest thereon, to
gether with all costs and disburse
ments that havo or may accrue. ,
Dated at Bend, Oregon, January
20, 1919. 47-510
(Not Coal Land)
Department of tho Interior; United
States Land office, at Lnkevlew,
Oregon, January 15, 1919.
Notlco l horoby given that
BenJIman C. Scott of La Pine, Ore
gon, -who on April 12, 1915, made
homestead entry No. 08568, for
WHSEVi nnd EtfSWU, Section 4,
Township 23 south, Rnngo 9 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco
of intention to make final thrco year
proof to establish claim to tho land
above described, beforo F. C. Schafcr,
United States Commissioner, at Fort
Rock, Oregon, on tho 28th day of
February, 1919.
Claimant names na -witnesca:
Kathryn M. Zlerolf, Cecil Holllns
head, J. N. Maatcn, all of La Pino,
47-51c Reglstor.
Phono Black 1291
1-4 O'Kano Building
O. P. NI8WONGER, Bend, Ore.
Licensed Embalmer, Faaeral
Phone Red 431. Lady Asst
Naprapathlo Physician
Orer Logan Furnlturo Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to S
I'bouo Red -lift
Now Located In Bend
Prlvato Offlc in Thorson's
Jowolry Store.
Glasses Fitted ?3 aud Up