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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1919)
4 Md ntfl thmmHtiiWM&m, drflMMMIMM ni 't .MSWW-. umt -. RN1 nUMiKTIN, BRND.'ORKXJON, TUUItSDAY, FKllttUAIlY HO, IBID Central Oregon Neighborhood News - DANCE IS ENJOYED AT MILLICAN HOME i MILLICAN, Fob. 17. Somo of tho j neighbors enjoyed n dnnco nt tho William A. itahn hoinu Saturday night. Mr. Brooks called at tho Holland homo recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roonoy and little Bon Mitchell Edward arrlred hero to llvo on their homostcad. Mrs. J. J. Holland visited at the n. R. Kellor homo Wednesday. 'Mrs. Mary C. Rosin and Mr. Dyk stra and his father were out Wcdncs day. .Mrs. R. R. Kollor called at tho Holland homo Thursday. O. H. Graffonborgor called nt tho Holland homo Monday. William A. Rahn called at the Holland homestead tho past week. Mr. Holland spent several days at homo tho past wook, also Saturday night and Sunday. visited with Mrs. Streot'8 parents T)ver Sunday. Edwnrd Pouch returned from Camp Lewis Inst week. J. H. Parker is visiting nt Duck Crook. Mrs. J. M. Drlckoy spent several dnya with Mrs. Dert Mceks this wook. Charles Cochrano was a business visitor horo Tuesday. Miss Agnes Schroder took tho mall stngo for .Bond last Tuesday, where sho will have dental work dono. PROGRAM AND SOCIAL WILL BE GIVEN SOON SNOW LIES HEAVY BACK OF LA PINE LA PINE, Feb. 18. Fred Shln taffer rcturnod from East lako last Friday. Ho reports lots of snow in that vicinity. Carl Wise, C. II. Eaton and E. H. Honey wero business visitors from -Ltttlo rivor Monday. Robert Could was up from Dcnd Monday to look over what Is known as tho PIcrco road. Little Bllllo Catlow fell on some sharp glass whllo out playing Sun day and cut his wrist qulto badly. Mrs. llcincck, a trained nurse, dressed tho wound and tho llttlo fellow is gcttlng'along nicely. Mrs. Bortha Emblem of Paulina prairie was in La Pino last Thurs day. Her sister, Mrs. Fred Shln taffer, returnod homo with her for a few days' visit. Curs. C. J. Catlow returned from Bend Friday. Her son Bllllo had al most recovered from his spell of tonsllltis. E. L. Clark and family went to Fort Rock Friday to visit with the Raber families. They returned Sun day ovcnlng. Tom Ward of Bend was a business visitor at La Pino Monday. Mrs. E. G. Rourk of Crescent camo in with C. E. Street Saturday und went on to Bend. Sho returned to La Pine Monday. iMIss Cushlonbury, tho teacher at Crescent, was visiting In La Pine Saturday and Sunday. Airs. W. O. Fordham taught 'while Mrs. Catlow was at Bend. M. S. K. Clark and A. H. Howard wero in town Monday. MONTANA PEOPLE TO LIVE IN HAMPTON HAMPTON BUTTE, Feb. 17. Messrs. John Rummel and Willis Scott of Eureka, Montana, wero guests at tho hotel hero last week, being on their way to Butto to look at land for which thoy will trade Montana property. Agnes Schroder and Gladys Mceks took tho eighth grade examination last Thursday and Friday. S. L. Morgan of Portland and A. Card registered at tho Brookings hotel last night. Oscar Black visited at the Drlckoy home last Sunday. V. Schreder, who has been work ing in Bend several months, spent Bevcral days at homo before depart ing for California, whero he expects to locate Mr. and Mrs. Ed Street nnd family BEND R. F, D. No. 1, Fob. IS. Tho program which wilt bo given nt tho Grange hall Friday evening, February 21, by tho Juniper Covo school, In charge of Mrs. Daisy Has musscn, is as follows: "America," by tho audlenco: recitation, "Wel come," Vornon Millor; song, "It Is Not Always May," school: recitation, "WHHo's Confession," LeRoy Smith; song, "Twenty Frogglea," fourth grade boys; recitation, "Tho Boy Who Ran Away," Dennett Young; sang, "No, I Novcr Intend to Mnrry," by llvo girls; recitation, "Aunt Min erva," EllinTioth Reynolds; song, "Heroes." seven boys; recitation, "Tho Old Forsaken School Houso," Walter Richards; instrumental music by Dorothy Young; song, "Tho Old School Dell," school; recitation, "And So Was I," Ivan Dectold; motion song by fourth grado; reci tation. "Gato Keeper's Story," Her-1 bort Nelson; song, "Village Dolls," school; recitation, "Fnrra Recollec tion." Clyde Smith; "Babies Mis take," Erllng Hclgcrson; Bong, "Whlp-Poor-WIU." by school: dia logue, "Joko," by Dennett Young and Vernon Miller; recitation. Swancago Day," Nccdra Toomoy: dialogue, "Tho Matrimonial Adver tisement, ' by two boys and threo girls; instrumental music by Nccdra Toomoy; drill, with organ, violin nnd mandolin music by tho school. Tho closing number Is a tableau by Ester Ericksen nnd Elizabeth Reynolds. After tho program thero will bo n pio social. Everyone Is cordially In vited to attend. Will Wornstaft returned from Portland Sunday morning. Mrs. Lee Young took dinner nt Mrs. R. H. Dcyardmond's of Dcnd Tuesday. W. L. Coffey and Ray Neff mado a trip to Lu Pino Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dedicnt wero callers at tho Neff homo Saturday evening. Courtney Pontlous camo out from Dcnd to sack potatoes Friday. There was a small attendanco at church Sunday .ori account of so much Illness in tho neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Stookoy will movo to Dend this week. Roy Cook, formerly of this neigh borhood, who hns been in training at Seattle, has returned home. mond Thursday. iMr. nnd Mrs, O. 10. Anderson, no compnnlud by Mr. nnd Mrs. Hans Mlkkolscu, wero shopping in Red mond Frldny, W. It Gray .was helping Anton Ahlstrom Thursday nnd Friday, Anton Ahlstrom, accompanied by Miss Iltlina Netson, Mrs. Catharine JohnusQii, W. II. Gray nnd Alfred Mtkkolson, was doing somo trading In Honil Saturday. Frank K. Dnhl of Rudiuoud was canvassing In this neighborhood Monday. Anton Ahlstrom butchered two hogs Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. X 1). Wood visited nt the Anderson homo Monday. u. k. Anderson sold threo head of cattlo to a Bend butcher this wook. Hans Mikkolscn hauled n load of potatoes to Deschutes Monday after noon. Anton, Ahlstrom was in Redmond on business Monday. Fred C. Seeling, who recently ro turned from n visit of a couple of months with his mothor nt dllalno, Wash., camo up from Bond Wednes day morning. Ho will ronialn in this neighborhood sovernl days. Marsh Aubrey of Bond was a visitor nt tho Gray homo Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. XI. T. iMIkkolson en tertained tho following guests Sun day afternoon: Miss Hllma Nolson, Mr. nnd Airs. O. E. Andoreon, Anton Ahlstrom and Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended the movies in Bond Saturday night Anton Ahlstrom nnd O. E. Andor- son repaired tho telophono lino, so wo hnvo a good sorvlco again. Rasmus Potorson nnd -Mrs. Cath nrlno Johnnscn visited nt tho Chase homo Sunday. Fred Seeling returned to his homo In Bend Saturday. It Is reported that J. W. Lowell of Bond has purchased tho Acton 40 and will movo onto it In tho spring. O. E. Anderson purchased n now wagon from B. A. Kendall of Red mond this week. Rasmus Peterson was pulling trees this wco on tho placo recently pur chased from him by Nets Nolson. Columbia rivor for sumo Unto, re turned to Sisters Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cobb nnd their daughter, Mrs. Aubrey Perry, hnvo gono to Pendleton for n visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde (lint, Vnn Wil son nnd lnos MoKlnney nttondod tho dnnco nt Tunmlo Saturday oven-lug. ANNUAL MEETING AT POWELL BUTTE Says It Is tho Ilcst in the World. Aro you looking for a sate, reliable remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough? A. H. McDanlol, Box 51, Llndslde. W. Va.. writes: "I am glad to tell you that Foloy's Honey and Tar Is tho best mcdlclno In this world. -I had a sovoro cough. Somcono recommended It nnd boforo I used halt a bottle I was better." Sold overywhoro. Adv. DEBATE SCHEDULED AT SISTERS SCHOOL DESCHUTES SOCIAL ATTRACTIVE TO MANY B PLEASANT RIDGE. Feb. 18. Thoso attending tho social at tho De schutes school house Wednesday evening frbm this neighborhood wero: Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed Swnllev. Mrs. Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T. Mlkolsen, AUrcd Mlkkelscn, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mrs. John Edwards and Mrs. Catharine Johansen. C. M. Rcdflold and Oeoreo Knnofr of Deschutes woro doing somo sur veying for tho Central Orceon irri. gatlon company in this neighborhood i-riaay. Mrs. John Edwards was in Red- ARE YOU ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS? liliSHi II IB iilHSHH 1 1 bbKHRbw" v5bBI !l "jttj JAMES J. HILL HAS SAID: "If you want to know whother, you aro destined to bo a success or a failuro in life, you can easily find out. The test Is aimplo and it is Infallible Aro you ablo to save monoy? If not drop out. You will Iobo. You may think not, but you will lose, as suro as you llvo. Tho seed of Success Js not In you." Start that SAVINGS' ACCOUNT Today The First National Bank OF BEND WE HANK ON YOU, YOU DANK AVITH US SISTERS, Fob. 18. A dobato in connection with tho program will tako placo at tho school houso on Washington's birthday. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho question to bo debated is "Was Washington or Lincoln tho Greater Man?" The afflrmativo speakers aro Vorn Kief, Henry Cllett and Gcorgo Davis, and tho ncgatlvo speakers nro Arnold Drndy, Allen Harrington and John Allen. Tho judges will -bo chosen from tho audlonce. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gist, iMr and Mrs. Lester Gist nnd Mr and Mrs. Thorson Douglas, nil of Bend, woro visiting at Slstors Sun day. Miss Ada Taylor, formerly of Sis ters, was married to Thorson Doug las of Dend by Mayor James A. Eastes Saturday at 5 o'clock. Tho corotnony was performed in Judge Eastes' court room at Dend. Miss Taylor was dressed In n beautiful white Japanese silk gown. Vino Stldham is sick with ear ache and tooth-ncho. Scotty Mcsser. who has been work ing at Bond, is visiting with his father, Gcorgo Meaner. William Dorry went to Arlington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Gist spent Sunday at Lower Drldgo visiting with Mrs. Gist's fathor and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo F. Scott. Tho Slsters-Motollus Livestock as sociation hold its annual meeting at Sisters In Allen's hall Saturday after noon. L. M. Foss of tho First Na tional bank of Dend addressed the members of tho association on tho alfalfa project that tho First National bank is offering to tho members of tho association. Ho complimented thom upon their wondorful organiza tion nnd 'pointed out what tho forest servlco has dono for tho mombers of tho stock association. H. J. JIartley, M. W. Knickerbock er, Jim Pulllam, Paul and II. A. Scoggln and Jako Dook, all from I'lainvlow, attended tho livestock meeting nt Sisters Saturday. Tho following persons from Lower Drldge wero present nt tho livestock mooting hold Saturday: Jerry Grosz krugor, A. 8. Holmes, Joo Howard, Jr., and wlfo, It. 8. Towno, L. A. and D. D. Hunt, Gcorgo F. and Sandy Scott and F. D. and Albert Chapman. A. J. West and Jesso B. Holt wero present nt tho livestock meeting from Terrebonne. F. R. Bauson of Odon Falls was prenent at tho livestock meeting. Thoso prcs6nt from Grand via w woro: R. II. Monacle, William Mc Nary, Ed B. Oraham, Paul Vellotls, Robert and L. C. Glover. Walter J. Hlnrlchs nnd wlfo woro in from Geneva to uttend tho live stock mcotlng. R. J. Skelton. II. C. 'Millor, J. L. Parborry, A. F. Potorson, C. A G. W. and J. F. Durnsldo and R O. Andrus woro present from Cloverdalo to at tond .tho livestock meeting. Thoso present from Sisters wore: D. L. Tone, II. Nootnagle, Mar Wurz woller, E. W. Harrington. Ellis Ede- Ington, Carl Woods, W. F. Fryrear, Sterling Fryrear, J. L. Davidson, John W. Dennis, Robort Krug, Jake Qulberg, W. 8. Fullorton, W. N. Cobb, J. O. McKlnney and Potor Mooro. Earl Updike was In from tho Mo tollus Friday and Saturday. J. L. Scarth of tho Pino Treo mill was at Sisters Saturday to attend tho llvostock meeting. Walter May, who has been on the POWELL HUTTH. Fob. 18.--Thursday night wun tho rogulnr an nual moating of Powell lluttoo nsso elation tor election of officers and thu annual reports. Tho following woro oicctou orncors to sorvo I ho as sociation tor tho ensuing year: J, F. Rico, president; J. A. Rtsgs, vlco president; E. R. Agoo, secretary; 8. 1). Mustard, treasurer; A. W, llayno, director to sorvo tor threo years. Thero boing no opposition, all wero elected by ncclamntlon, At tho closo of tho business mooting nt thu asso ciation a flno program was rendered nnd dollcious refreshments wero sorvod In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wilson, who hnvo boon nctlvo In tho community life, and who havo now sold their holdings nnd nro leuv Ing tho Powell Dutto country. A pleasant evening was spent and nt n Into hour all repaired to tholr homes, wisning Mr. nnu .Mrs. Wilson God speed to their now homo. All of tho pupils of tho Wilson school who took tho recent examina tion passed In ono or all studies. Tho pupils of tho Wilson school ontortnlncd tholr parents on St. Valentino's day .with n flno program, after which tho valontlno box was opened nnd n ploaimnt tlmo waif spent with tho children opening nnd read ing Cupid's messages. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ross Ilussett enter tained a largo family party at dinner Sundny evening. Thero woro prea ont tho following tiAmcd people, nearly all mombors of tho Ilussett family: Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dussott, Miss Fay Dussott, Lloyd Ilussett, Mr. and Mrs. Dort Reynolds nnd Infunt son of Redmond. Miss Crystal Sturdo- vnni, Mr. nnu .Mrs. lions Ilussett nnd daughter Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall camo out from Prinevlllo Sunday and woro the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. H. Stownrt. miss .ray Dussott wont to Red mond Saturday, whero sho was tho guest of her cousin, "Plnklo" Rey nolds, nnd family. Mrs. Will Arnold was happily sur prised last Mondny evonlng by tho nrrlvnl of her slstor, who camo for a brief visit from Marshflold boforo moving to San Frnnclsco, whero sho will resldo In tho future. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. D. Mustard aro onjoylng n visit from Mr. Mustard's brother Harvey, who camo from n training camp In California. Ho was Joined horo by their mothor from Onkesdalo, Washington, who will spend somo tlmo with her sons. Tho song of thu wood saw Is heard In tho land. Albert Shultz of Alfalfa Is tho proprietor nnd onorator. Mrs. Elrod, who has been tho ef ficient cook nt tho Wilson ranch for nearly two years, and her littto daughter Mildred left Monday for their homo in Portland. Mrs. Elrod will bo much missed from tho Sunday school. Druco Llndnulst writes from Camp Leo, Virginia, that his dlxchargo from tho array will bo dolayud owing to tho fact that measles havo broken out and tho camp will bo quaran tined at least IB days. Miss Ebba Llndnulst will resume teaching, this week, as sho has re covered from her recent slego of In fluenza. Mrs. Nathan Reach nnd two chil dren woro all qulto III from Inlluenza, but are reported Improving. A movoment Is on foot to organize n Doy 8cout patrol In this commun ity. Clifford L. Morrell. who, by tho way, is n Spanlsh-Amorlcan war vot ernn, has consontcd to act as ono of tho aids for tho hoys, thus Insuring tho military spirit for tho camp, Mrs. Wnllaco Smith nnd Mrs. El rod visited with Mrs. E. A. .Dussott Sundny ovcnlng. Harold Chnrlton nttondod tho K. P. dnnco In Prinevlllo Friday night. Mrs. Arthur Wurzwollnr and Mrs. E. If. Stewart visited Mrs. Robert Mooro, near Redmond, ono day lust week. Residents of Powell Dutto aro vory much gratified to bo informed that tho road loading along by Community hall has boon Joined with tho stato highway system and much work will soon bo dono on this road, particu larly botween Powell Dutto and Prlnovillo. """m SHOES Serviceable J Guaranteed I jfL Black or Tan - nvl?vr,Q Button or Lace v V JL JlN O Union Made J Up-to-Date Shoe Repairing All Priced at Right Prices TANLAC FOR SALE DY The Owl Pharmacy HOLE AQKNTS tended tho baskutball gnmo nt Rod mond Inst Thursday. Miss Shirk, tho fifth und sixth grade teacher nt Redmond, spent tho week-end with Miss Dietrich. Sovernl Redmond peoplo attended tho reception given for tho returned soldlonr last Wednesday light. PLAINVIEW SOCIAL TO BE FEBRUARY 22 HOW TO KEEP WELL. "Keep the bowels opon" Is ono rulo of health recommended by all schools of medlclno. Foley Cathartic Tablets cleanso tho bowels, sweoton tho stom ach and bonoflt tho liver. For Indi gestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas or constipation, no romody is moro highly recommended. Flno for stout persons. Sold overy whoro. Adv. TERREBONNE HONORS RETURNED SOLDIERS TERRHHONNE, Fob. 18. A do llglitful tlmo was reported by thoso who attended tho recoptlon given for tho returned soldlors ut tho L, P. 0. hall Wednesday, tho 12th. Loonard MoFadden of tho artillery In franco nnu a renro uianu of mo ma rines gavo somo Interesting demonstrations. Tho Falrvlow stock farm shipped somo cattlo to Portland Sunday. Chapman Rrothera shipped some cattlo to Portland Saturduy. L. P. Snapp Is shipping threo car loads of hay to Dend. Tho Forest threshing machlno is still In 'operation about Torrobonno. Miss Ralston Is back to hor work of teaching school again. Previous to this sho was sorlously 111 and was obliged to dlscontlnuo teaching. Mies Dietrich attended tho basket ball gamo at Redmond last Friday, staying oyer night with Miss Mc Vlckor, Robort and Harry Faucott and Russoll and Gordon Qalbraith at- PLAINVIEW, Fob. 19. Evuryono Is cordlnlly Invited to nu ontortntn ruout nnd ilo social at tho A. E. Unas home tho evening of Washington's birthday, Saturday, February 22. Tho club quilt will ho resold nt this time. Each lady of tho community Is requested to bring two pies. Tho proceeds from thu social will bo ap plied on tho pnstor's salary. Do suro and come, for a good tlmo Is fissured, A. E. lions, Mr. mid Mrs. C. L, Clialfan nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Chnlfan and family madu a trip to Redmond Inst Mondny, Wurren Chnlfan nnd family returned to their homo In Portland Monday evening nftorx visiting at tho C. F. Clialfan ranch for about two months. Mrs. P. Van Tnssol visited at thu A, K. lions homo Inst Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Scarth, from tho Pino Tree mill, nro upending tho week visiting at thu Hartley homo. a. w. Armstrong, A. E. lions nnd Prentlsn Vnn Tassel woro business callers In Dend Tuesday. Lloyd Anderson was registered ns a now pupil nt tho Plntnvlow school last week. Mr. und Mrs. 11. T. Hartley and pnrty enjoyed the valontlno party at tho Tunmlo hall last Thursduy even ing. Ida Hoss was thu guest or Nellie Van Tassel at hor homo Inst Thurs day ovcnlng. Tho teacher and pupils nro plan ning n program to ho given lu honor of Washington's hlrthduy nt tho school house next Friday afternoon. J no Deschutes County Farm bu reau will hold a mooting nt tho Plnlnvlew school houso on Tuesday evonlng, February 18. Tho meeting Is under tho direction of F. N. Wnl laco of Tumalo, Tho I'lainvlow Ditch company Is working on thu ditch, making re pairs, this week. II. T. Hartley has traded his Over land roadster to "Red" Couch. - Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Scoggln wero callers In Dend Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lovoronz, A. E. Hoss, Mrs. Patterson nnd '.Mrs. C F. Chnlfnn wuro In Redmond on busi ness Saturday. Mrs. Luvurcnz will remain In Redmond this week. Jim Pulllam, II, T. Hartley and P. A. 8coggln intended thu mooting of tho SIslots-'Molollus Livestock ns- soclatlon nt Hliters lust Saturday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Ilpss lias tho distinction of having tho first hatching of chicks this season, ns n hen camo off her nest Sunday morning with a brood of nine lively chicks, Tho I'lainvlow boys played In a lively gamo of buskutball against Tumalo uftho Tumalo hall Inst Sat urday ovcnlng. Thu Html score was 17 to 9 In favor of Tumalo. Wo bo llovo with n llttlo practice tho former boys could easily ruversu tho score, Thosd playing on thu I'lainvlow team wero II, T. Hurtloy. P. A. Scoggln, Ellis Edglugtnn, liny Armstrong, Phil Smith. Jim Pulllam, George Calvorley, Frank Bcolt nnd Vorno Skolton. Mrs. C. F. Chnlfan loft Saturday ovonlng for Portland, whoru sho will visit with relatives for a couplo of weoks. Mrs. Chalfun nttondod thu couforonco for tho peuco league whllo lu Portland. Guy McCnlllstor was a caller at tho Ilox A ranch Sundny. Miss Nolllo Scoggln Is visiting In Dend this wook. Tho O. D. O. club will hold Its rogulnr meeting with Mrs. A. E. IIoss on Thursday afternoon, February 20, Ray Armstrong wan a guest ut tho J. A. W. Scoggln homo Saturday evening nnd Sundny. Mrs. J, A. W. Scoggln wont to Redmond Sunday, whero sho will spond tho week with hor husband nt tho Mooro Urotliom' placo, north of Redmond, Fed Wilson und Mrs. Howard woro guests at thu A. E. Hoss homo on Sunduy. RECORDS GOOD AT ' CLOVERDALE SCHOOL Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. II, O. Wil son, on Fobruury 6, n hoy, Henry Oscar, Jr. Stnrllo and Mary Fryrear, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Arnold, Mr. und Mrs. Irvln I'arburry and Gladys nnd Madi son Ilolton nttondod thu dnnco ut Tumalo Thurndny ovonlng, Mm. J. II. Hudson, who litis boon III for the pnsl week with tho In fluouzn, lb reported ns very much Im proved. Alethit nnd Junnlln Hudson nro staying nt the Kllno hutnn nnd at tending school during thu Illness of their mother. A number of peoplo gathered nt tho II. 0. Kline homo Monday even ing lu observance of tho National Sung wuek, Thu evening was pleas antly spent In enjoying muslo. Jesso Kcott wan railing on frlonds In Clovordnlo Monday uvnnlujc. Jin hns Just returned to Central Oregon after serving nlmost u year In tho army. St, Valeiitlnn's day was observed In thu school Friday by thu ustinl valentine box. Thomns llnrrUon made tho box und many of tho valen tines woro manufactured by thu children. Mrs. Peterson and son Hobby, Minn Gladys I'nrhnrry, II. O. Wilson and Mr. llodnon woro visitors wt school last week. I.orcnn Long was excused from school Weducsdny on account of slcknoss. Tho stngu broke down by tho Frank Arnold place on Wednesday, but ns n car rushed from Redmond with repairs, It was nblo to mnku Its regular trip. Ivan Millor was sick Inst wook and Dr. lloich of Redmond was called mid pronounced tho nine n sovoro nttnek of tonsllltis. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I,. Parherry and daughter Gladys Hindu n trip to Dend today, F- J. Hurling mudu n trip to Dend on UYducsdity. J. L. I'arburry butchered hogs nu Tuesday. . Mrs. Lewis and mother, Mrs, Corn Cutler, left for thu east and Phila delphia on Sundny. Tho Council club will hold another meeting on Saturduy evening. J. Alton Thompson nt Dend Is expected out to talk about schools. School has discontinued for thu present tilts plan of holding sessions on Saturdays. Mr. Hlllenry returned lioiuu last week from tho high desurt, whore ho has been trapping. Mr nnd Mrs. Hurling nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurnsldu und family weru din ner guests nt tho Abbey homo on Sundny. A dance will bu hold at Dokklns hall on the 28th of February. All nro Invited. 44XXTttt4MX OLOVERDALE. Fob. 19. Thoso on tho roll of honor nt tho school this month are: Schublo Potorson, Jon nlo Iloyd, Alvln Cyrus, Jonnutto Durnsldo, Cloyce Durnsldo, Tornly Long, Snrnh Long, Ruth Long, Ken neth Long, Walter Lnptz, Dudley Long, Lovono Long', Runnel Long und Dyron Pock. Mr, Lovott of Portland was visiting at tho Fryrear homo this wook. Ho Is contemplating taking up a homo stead In this country, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Abbey mado a trip to Redmond on Monday. Messrs. Long, Potorson and Peck woro visitors at tho Abboy homo during tho wook. Sharpless Cream Separator Call nnd sec the NEW MODEL SHARPLESS F. DEMENT &CO. WALL ST, Kr nm RJJSSELL TRACTOR, ItUiUI m AU. SKU ENGINES BOILERS SAWMILLS THRESHER TR ACTORS BEAN AND PEA THRESHERS, CLOVER HULLERS CALL Oft VRITK rOR PARTICULARS rnflmrnmflfriiiiHitflMfl UUILTIM ALUOIIti Hi I I I I I I SHIM r XT ' st